East Indies: June 1629

Pages 668-674

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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June 1629

June 3–5. 842. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that 30 or 40 tons of saltpetre and 100 barrels of powder be sold. Report of Mr. Secretary that he had delivered to Sir James Bagg a particular of cables, anchors, &c. sent to Plymouth for his Majesty's service, and that Sir James had promised to deliver an acknowledgment. Authority to Committees of the Warehouse to treat with the linendrapers or any others for the remaining calicoes and report to the Court. Ordered after long debate that the allowance set forth be made to Alderman Garway and partners for defective silk bought of the Company. Bill of Boatswain Ingram's for boat hire and other charges to be paid. Certificate of Reynolds, master gunner of England, that 127 barrels of powder lately sent by Mr. Collins to Blackwall is very good and serviceable; agreed that 50 barrels of old powder be delivered to him out of the stores at Blackwall to be new wrought. The valuation of the Company's banquetting house on the stone wharf at Deptford, of which the sale had been ordered, deferred. Petition of Mr. Howe, the chronicler, that he had in his labours past set down many things of importance concerning the affairs of the Company, which will remain upon record to posterity for their honour, so in his works not yet divulged he intends to make some further relation, and therefore he desired the Court to consider his zeal, and in regard he is now grown old and hath lost his sight that they would bestow upon him some gratuity. The Court although they remembered at present nothing in this kind in any work of his, yet were pleased in charity to confer upon him 5l., to be paid by Mr. Mountney in respect there was not so much in the poor box.
June 5.—Petition of Mr. Steevens for satisfaction for overseeing the repairing of the London, Discovery, and Reformation, besides work done upon the Charles more than contracted for; ordered, so he undertook the finishing of the James that he be paid 200 marks; but he pressed for 200l., so was left to accept or refuse the Company's offer. The demands and damages to be exhibited to the Dutch read and ordered to be presented to them at the meeting this afternoon. Petition of Morgan Gwilliams concerning his extraordinary charges expended in law against Wm. Hughes for recovery of a debt supposed to be in the Company's hands of the estate of Robert Hughes who died in the Indies; his debt remitted and a gratuity of 5l. granted. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 445–449.]
June 9–19.
843. Note of Alb. Joachimi, Ambassador from the States General. As requested by the Deputies of the Netherlands East India Company he promises that all that is agreed upon by them in the present conference with the Deputies of the English East India Company shall be ratified and approved by the Netherlands Company. Endorsed, "The Ambassador's note to procure commission for the Dutch Committees."French. ½ p. [Holland Corresp.]
June 10. 844. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that 100l. due for composition of spices for his Majesty's household for the quarter ended Lady Day last be paid to John Jacob. Suit of Mr. Bogan for the estate of his brother Christopher Bogan, deceased. Elias Sherbrooke, carpenter, on acknowledgment of his offence in mutinying and carrying the Discovery into Ireland, for which a suit in the Court of Admiralty was commenced against him, pardoned. Payment ordered to [Edw.] Charley, late surgeon of the Blessing, for so much laid out in recovering 280 pieces of gold from divers men who had stolen them from the Company. Part of freight lately imposed on Capt. Browne remitted, in regard of his care and pains in bringing in his ship in safety. Renewed suit of Mr. Steevens for an enlargement of the sum of 200 marks lately ordered, 20l. conferred upon him as a gratification. Request of Bence Johnson, master of the Sampson, for five or six loads of floor timber and foot-hooks, upon paying what they are worth. The Committees of the Warehouse to satisfy the clothworkers for dressing cloth. The Beadle to summon a General Court against Friday come sennight. Payment ordered to Richard Collins, bailiff of the manor of Deptford, for amerciaments for the Company's nonappearance at Court Leets, and for admitting one Hugh Crooks tenant to their house at Deptford without giving security to the parish according to the custom of said manor. 2½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 449–451.]
June 11.
The Hague.
845. Dudley Carleton, his Majesty's Resident at the Hague, to [Sec. Lord Dorchester]. Touching the Amboyna process, the States and the judges continue still in hope that the English witnesses will come over, and until they see what final answer Joachimi shall receive there will be no definitive sentence given. This sending over of the witnesses to be heard, examined, and confronted in presence of all the judges is most essential by the laws of this country, and a judge may not satisfy his conscience to condemn any man without it, unless there be a new law made by which the judges may be discharged from their oath to the old laws, which forbid them to rest upon testimonia in case of life and death, but credere testibus. Gives thanks for the communication of Joachimi's proposition, and the Company's remonstrance. Concludes that our men have no other end than to sweep stakes, and by confiscation of such Dutch ships as they can get help themselves and give over, having no mind to continue the association or indeed the trade itself. As for the three months' dispute about the language to treat in, wonders our men should be so much against French, for they speak it as well as the Dutch, and this amongst other things makes them say here they have no mind to agree. Remarks upon Mr. Misselden's advertisement that Carleton assured the judges the witnesses should come; he desired nothing at all of them, much less undertook that the witnesses should come. Has written to Misselden, who in his answer denies finding anything on his Register to be written by himself to the Company; belike he wrote it to somebody else. Misselden is of the same mind that the witnesses ought to come, and so is Barlow; and as his Majesty will have nothing omitted that can be reasonably demanded, so in case these witnesses do come Carleton may require to be present at the examination. But in case our Company care not to have these delinquents punished, nor to agree, but would have things wax old and inveterate by length of disputes, all the pains his Majesty and the Lords take to reconcile them are to no purpose. 3 pp. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
June 12–19. 846. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Request of Sir Wm. Courteen for leave to take home some calicoes he had taken out to transport to sort and pack in his own house; denied. Motion of Mr. Ducy whether he should provide the timber wanting in the yard; referred. Petition of James Nimmock concerning his bond for Alexander Willyamson returned as a runaway from the London. Suit of Robert Young, late factor at Surat, to receive 30 pieces of baftaes sent from Gregory Clement, factor at Surat, to his father, on payment of freight, custom, and other charges. Mr. Governor and others to write to "the Guydaignia" for 4,000l. or 5,000l. worth of coral for the next voyage, though it is not yet settled, as it has always been a profitable commodity. Impost on sugars brought from Surat to be paid, such sort of sugar being in the Book of Rates. Concerning Burlamachi's bargain for 200 bags of mouldy pepper, the 500 bags remaining undelivered and amounting to 14,000l., left to Mr. Ellam to treat with him for. Ordered that Mr. Colthurst pay the cloth workers for dressing the cloths in the last fleet. Ordered to bestow upon Mr. Misselden 100l. as a gratification for his care and pains about the business of Amboyna, the wrecked goods, &c., and to allow him on demand such charges as he has expended about the Company's business. Petition of Mr. Swanley, showing that his late brother had 150l. per annum, Mr. Hockett 120l., and an assistant, and himself at first 110l., now reduced to 100l., and desiring gratification for his past services and enlargement of his wages; also of Mr. Blunt, desiring consideration for his pains and the abatement in his wages; each gratified with 20l. Request of Mr. Jesson for a loan of 50l. to set him to sea, offering his bond to repay it at his return from St. Christopher's, if in the meantime the Company's suit with Warner be not ended, his account first to be made up. Request of Mr. Benthall to pay freight for his own goods; but the Court gave absolute answer they would deliver no silk.
June 17.—Edmond Wright to be paid interest for seven days on 1,400l. which he paid at Mr. Treasurer's request. The Court understanding that a principal cause why men forbear to underwrite in their new book is the excessive charge of managing the trade, a collection by the Auditors of the charge, as well in England as in the Indies, was read, and every particular examined; first, the charge of their officers and servants in England; secondly, of new year's gifts; thirdly, of gratifications; and, lastly, of their factors and servants in Persia and the Indies; all which amount to 9,147l. 13s. 4d., but, after long argument, and dispute, it was not thought fit to make any alteration or diminution of the said charges, but to leave it to the General Court, yet it was remembered that they had lately given special order for the recalling home of such factors as shall be found superfluous. And because this charge may be compared with what it would cost the Company to pay consolage or provision money as the merchants do to their factors in Turkey, the Auditors are required to make out a collection of all goods returned from the Indies during the last seven years, according to their cost there, and the like for goods sent from England, and charges of shipping, and to cast up a medium what they amount to at two per cent., that so comparing that charge with the present they may see the difference, it being verily believed it will amount to much more than the Company is now at. Ordered that the old stores at Blackwall be forthwith sold.
June 19.—Resolved not to propound anything to the Generality in the afternoon, seeing the meeting is at the instance of some of the Lords and old Adventurers, who doubtless will come with some new propositions, but that Mr. Governor intimate how slowly the subscription goes on, there being not above 37,000l. underwrit, and further to encourage them to impart the good news received from Persia by letters of 22nd October last [see ante No. 732]. The writing sealed by Sir Edward Randall and his lady for confirmation of the Company's lease of the powder mills at Chilworth, formerly made to them by Baron Southerton. Request of Baron Southerton that his difference with the Company be referred to the Lord Chief Baron and Baron Denham condescended to. 170 lbs. of pepper conferred upon Messrs. Burrell, Salmon, and others, as a recompense for their pains in "praising" and valuing the hulls, stores, and provisions of the Discovery and Reformation. Ordered that the executors of Thomas Barker, factor in Persia, deceased, be paid 200l., there being yet due 350l. Petition of Leonard Bell, administrator of Tho. Cranwell, who went out in 1623 in the Great James, and there died, for payment of wages due. 8½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 452–460.]
June 19. 847. Minutes of a General Court. Mr. Governor remarked that he had hope of a better assembly, and then gave account of the two ships, Discovery and Reformation, that their stores and provisions had been valued by able and indifferent men. He further declared that he had only two things to observe, viz., that which concerns the freighting of ships, about which 40l. per ton was propounded as a means to invite men to undertake it, yet he conceived it was not absolutely settled nor intended to be given but for voyages that could not be performed under 30 months. The second thing Mr. Governor observed was the act which restrains the setting out of ships or altering of anything that should be settled by a Quarter Court until the next Quarter Court, wherein he likewise conceived there is some mistaking, for if the Company receive letters of advice or have a return of their ships, which they shortly expect, and thereby have cause presently to send back to the Indies or Persia, shall they not do it until next Quarter Court ? for if so restrained it cannot but be an exceeding prejudice to the Company; moreover, this act is expressly against their charter, which gives the Governor and Committees full power to set out voyages when and as often as they shall think good. Hereupon divers gave their opinions as to whether said act shall stand, and the Court again confirmed the authority of the Court of Committees they formerly had, excepting only the alteration of laws, which, if any, shall be made at a Quarter Court, shall not be altered but at a Quarter Court. Mr. Governor next made known that the new book of subscription hath not taken the effect expected, for there is not above 37,000l. underwrit, which is far short of what must be raised if the trade be followed, and therefore he desired them to take this business into consideration, and to resolve either to enlarge the time for men to underwrite, letting them know that letters lately received from Persia give much encouragement to prosecute that trade, for such had been the care of their agent Burt, and such his reputation with the King and his great Lords, as he hath with a small cavidall done as much as can be expected from any man. The letters were then read, wherein, although complaint is made that he had not heard from the Company these 20 months, Mr. Governor answered that the Committees had written every six or eight weeks, and sent three several ways, viz., by Marseilles, Aleppo, and Constantinople, and whereas he also seems to be much grieved that they sent not a full stock last year, the cause is not unknown to the Court, being by reason of the Ambassadors, whose proceedings the Company had good cause to be jealous of; yet so well hath the Agent managed the little stock sent him, that he maintained the bargain with the King of Persia, and sent down to the waterside 108 bales of silk. And doubtless if such a stock could be raised as might follow the trade roundly but two years together the Company might have what conditions they would, and hereafter take up silk upon credit, which might much advance the trade by bringing it aforehand to the waterside. Mr. Deputy also intimated the healthfulness of the country, not any of their servants dying on the voyage; that it takes off and vents the commodities of this kingdom, wherein every man is interested, from the King to the meanest cottager, viz., cloth and tin, and that without stint; and that which comes from thence is a staple commodity which sets many hundreds on work in our own kingdom, yielding at least 50l. per cent. besides the advance it makes by the proceeds thereof in the Indies, and therefore Mr. Deputy advised the Court not to shrink, but like worthy merchants to go on with courage and alacrity, protesting he knew not where to pitch upon the like trade in all the world, which may well be observed by the greedy desire the Hollanders have after it, who labour per fas et nefas by large bribes and whatever other means they can devise to root us from thence. And again consideration is to be had of the benefit to the Company of the Customs of Ormus, which defray their whole charge in those factories. On being demanded what agreement was made with the Hollanders concerning the business of Amboyna, Mr. Governor answered that they had had many meetings with the Dutch Deputies, and a difference about the language wherein they should treat having been settled by the Lords, each party had delivered in their complaints in writing, but for the matter of Amboyna it is left wholly to the King and State, to whom it most properly belongs, and from whom the Company receive as many fair promises of justice as can be expected, and for the complaint of the Dutch, they cannot charge the Company with breaking of bones but only with breach of articles, which they doubt not to answer to the satisfaction of all who hear them. Propositions were then made that the old stock be again resumed, and that the Persia stock and this now to be underwritten be joined together in one to make a joint stock, but after debate this was rejected as impossible, and it was resolved and ordered that the book for subscription shall lie open until the 25th of July next, and that in regard the subscription for Persia will not be all paid in until Michaelmas next, therefore the times of payment shall be Christmas, Lady Day, and Midsummer following. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI., 460–464.]
June 26. 848. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that all the stores and provisions of the Discovery and Reformation, as already valued, be presently paid for and put to the account of the second joint stock from the particular voyage. Report of Steevens that damage may happen to the William if she be not presently repaired; Committees appointed to view the ship and give directions. Upon advice of Sir Wm. Russell that all the Company's ships be valued as they are, ordered that the appraisers of the former ships survey and value indifferently all the Company's ships now in the river and in their docks at Blackwall. Request of Mr. Nevill to take out nine bags of pepper to sell in town, without paying the 20s. per bag, denied. Letter read from Lord Carbery on behalf of Henry Middleton, son of Capt. David Middleton, an executor to Sir Henry Middleton, both deceased in the Indies; the latter called in and acquainted that an end had long since been made with his mother, of which the Company presumed he could not be ignorant, but commanded Mr. Cappur to show him all the orders and passages concerning the business. Ordered that the General Court for election be held on Friday afternoon next. Letter read from Sir John Hippisley desiring satisfaction for the stay of his three ships which were taken up by his Majesty's ships at Portsmouth in the seizure of the three Dutch Surat ships; the Court answered the messenger as formerly that the ships were stayed and released by warrant from the State, and in regard the Company had no benefit thereby, he was to expect satisfaction from his Majesty and not from them. Gratification of 100 marks bestowed upon Mr. Secretary Sherburne for his extraordinary pains and daily attendance at the Court and Council Table; 20l. on Richard Swinglehurst for extraordinary service in the Company's affairs in riding post within these two years; and 30l. on Mr. Cappur for extraordinary service in following suits in the Admiralty, valuing the Discovery and Reformation, and taking an inventory of stores at Blackwall, with admonition to be more careful to observe their directions concerning the payment of counsellor's fees, and that henceforth Mr. Acton disburse not any monies in this kind but with his privity and in his presence. Ordered on request of George Brewen, factor in the Indies, that his wife Margaret receive 40l. on account of his wages. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI., 465–467.]