East Indies: April 1629

Pages 647-662

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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April 1629

April 1.
818. President Richard Wylde and Factors in Surat to the East India Company. Concerning the mutinous and contentious courses of Richard Boothby. Beseech them not to look into the out ward appearance of his person, words, or writing, but the life of his actions; by the former they will take him for no less than a saint, by the latter he will appear a wolf in sheep's clothing, a mere hypocrite, masking all his actions under colour of religion and faithful service to the Company, who will easily discern his malicious purposes and vile and scandalous aspersions against their servants. At his first coming he was made of the Council and had the third best chamber, was employed about the Custom House and to keep the cash to ease George Page being sickly, but his conceit of being the better man fell into open and irreconcileable hatred of him. The President advised both to peace, and found Page very tractable, but nothing would appease the other, so it was resolved to send Boothby to Brodera to supply Mr. West's place, but he refused, and questioned the President's authority to dispose of him otherwise than to Surat. Complaints of his idleness "the devil's cushion whereon he takes his ease," and of his leaving his charge at Brodera and going to Ahmedabad, which proved greatly to the Company's prejudice, of his reviling the President, charging him with suborning false witnesses and plotting to take away his life. Relate how the President called down Messrs. Barker and Norris to assist in Council, that he resigned his own commission until he should be either convicted of the said conspiracy or cleared. Concerning Boothby's debts, which to avoid disgrace to the nation of his perpetual imprisonment as insolvent, were satisfied out of the Company's cash, in the hope that his goods sent to England in the Hart and in the Jonas to Bantam, and his security at home may make repayment. What they have done to prevent the like courses hereafter; better could not have been thought of to prevent the greater part of private trade, which, especially in the seamen, is for the most part upon credit. How Boothby attained so much credit was that he made the sheriffs and brokers believe he was one of the Company, had 1,000l. stock and license to trade for what he listed. He expects to be entertained a second time in the Company's service; if so, hope his employment will be in Amsterdam parlour amongst his dissentious brethren, where they are never at peace amongst themselves but when they are most at variance with others. Such is his condition, salamander like, never quiet but in the fire of contention, which the Company's action does not require; where is love, there is God. Our endeavours cannot prosper while we differ amongst ourselves, nor can that plough go forward where both oxen pull not one way. Have therefore thought it convenient to return him to the Company to be more severely chastised according to the gravity of his offence. Hope the Company will be persuaded they have done nothing of malice or envy to his person. Beseech the Company to send them a statute book the better to direct them to a legal course upon all occasions of contempt to the laws of the land, the Company's authority, or private differences, being in a manner ignorant how far they may proceed with justice and equity either in civil or criminal cases. At a consultation held 26th October, Mr. Boothby sent a letter to Capt. Weddell desiring the sea Commanders might be his judges, the whole process examined, and they declared his proceedings so worthy of chastisement that they could not so much as mediate in his behalf. Still he would not be made sensible of his errors, but like a madman still run himself into further distractions. His account of his means to pay his creditors, and boast of the cargazoon he expected from England. He was sent in the Jonas to Persia, where the factors refused in consultation to entertain him. His perverse disposition has so wearied even their almost as stubborn seamen that all entreat to be rid of him. A more troublesome evil minded man we have not met with in all the days of our lives; from the like God in His mercy deliver us and your action. Signed by Richard Wylde, President, and John Skibbowe, G. Page, Rich. Barbar, Gregory Clements, John Norris, Arthur Suffeylde, Henry Glascocke, Ralph Rand, Thos. Smith, Nich. Wolley, and Peter Mundye. Endorsed, A joint complaint of the President and all the factors in Surat of the misdemeanors of Mr. Richard Boothbie. Rec. by the ship Charles 1629. 14 closely written pages. A most characteristic letter of the times describing in minute detail all Boothby's "misdemeanors." Boothby's Protest against President Wylde and the Council, is dated April 1630. [O.C., Vol. XII., No. 1291.]
April 1–4. 819. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Demand of Lady Dale, according to an order in Chancery, for copies of Sir Thos. Dale's commissions of December and February 1618; to have copies of anything exhibited in the cause depending. Ordered to pay Edward Collins 50l. on account of mending the old powder, and to be allowed wages from Michaelmas last until he entered on his contract. Concerning Mr. Askew and his divisions of calicoes. Consideration of the money already sent abroad, also the gold in the house to go along with the Committees, and the gold and silver expected from the Low Countries, and the quicksilver, coral, lead, amber, &c., amounting to 7,000l. or 8,000l. Ordered to conclude for the old account about 82,000l., to make, with the goods, 90,000l., if 25,000l. expected from Middelburg come seasonably into the Downs; if otherwise, it was referred to the Committees going down to proportion so much as shall come between the two accounts, and fill up the letters and invoices accordingly. 50l. to be paid to the wife of Richard Bix, president at Bantam, according to agreement at his going out. Ordered that Mr. Alderman Garway's bargain of 400 barrels of indigo be transferred to Alderman Hodges and others, to whom he had sold the same. Submission presented by Thomas Smethwike, which he had signed before the Lords, in these words: "According to an order of the Lords of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, I do acknowledge that I have offended the Council Board and likewise the Government of the East India Company in printing and divulging certain propositions, for which I am heartily sorry and desire their favour to pass by my said offences, promising that I shall be careful never to offend in the like kind hereafter. 1 April 1629. Thomas Smethwike." Resolution of Sir Francis Crane to send some tapestries for Surat and Persia upon his own account; referred to him to draw directions for their sale to prevent the error that happened in the sale of his former tapestries.
April 4.—Petition of Mr. La Mott for leave to sell in town calicoes taken out on his 12th and 13th divisions, some wet, which had been sunk by foul weather in a lighter, granted. Mr. Treasurer presented the invoice of chests of gold and silver on board the ships; ordered that chests No. B. of foreign gold and ingots, containing about 9,000l., be transferred from the Reformation to the Charles to make up her complement, and that the entries of the foreign and English gold be carefully distinguished in case the Company be questioned as to the quantity transported by virtue of his Majesty's license to transport 60,000l. in English gold. Letter read from the Lords of the Council, requiring the Company to accommodate the Farmers of the Custom House, for his Majesty's service, in laying up the goods of such merchants as are refractory and deny to pay custom, with the Company's warehouses there, and sharply reprehending them for refusing to pleasure his Majesty herein on former letters; Mr. Dawes being content to accept their warehouses at Porter's Quay, ordered that the Secretary let the Lord Treasurer know how careful the Company have been to observe their Lordships' commands. Information of Mr. Cotton that Philip Bearden, purser of the Discovery, had promised the purser's mate's place of that ship to his brother-in-law, Adrian Juxton, from whose mother he had received 10l. for the favour, but desired the Court's favour towards his brother-in-law, and that they would not inflict any punishment on Bearden; the Court calling to mind his uncivil carriage against Capt. Bickley, and considering that if such be his insolencey here what may be expected in the Indies, ordered a letter to be written to Capt. Bickley to discharge Bearden forth with, and set him and his goods ashore, and that George Pettus, mate, succeed him; the choice of a mate left to the Committees entreated to go down to dispeed away the ships The conditions upon which Sir Francis Crane sends his tapestries now registered at his desire as an act of Court. 7 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 381–387.]
April 10. 820. [Secy. Lord Dorchester] to [Dudley Carleton]. Wishes with all his heart he could receive news of a good resolution in the Amboyna business, for he much apprehends the indulgence of those judges to their countrymen; but clemency in such a case will be cruelty in the end, for the English blood shed in the Indies will not be washed away by the subtlety of a process. The Deputies for the two East Indian Companies stick at the first entrance in what language they shall treat, our men finding themselves disadvantaged for want of French; but has this day proposed to M. Joachimi that they should all indifferently for discourse, use that language wherein they can best express themselves. Endorsed, 10th April 1629. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
April 10–13. 821. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that the Dolphin, the most defective, be first brought into dock at Blackwall, and the William lie at her stern, but neither to be wrought upon until their defects be viewed and estimate made. Note presented of Mr. Treasurer showing that the bills accepted for gold and other species bought in Holland, &c. payable, amount this month to 22,280l., and in May to 13,194l., towards which there is in cash only 6,865l.; resolved that a meeting of the new Adventurers be held on Monday afternoon next for raising moneys to uphold Mr. Treasurer's credit and enable him to pay the said sums. Committees to join with those of the warehouses to view Alderman Garway's defective silk and set a tare upon it. Ordered that two small ships be hired at freight and made ready with all expedition to carry 70 tons of saltpetre which his Majesty had given the Company leave to transport into Holland, the same being at present in special request. Resolved not to admit Mr. Smethwike an adventurer in the Persian voyage while he is a broker, that he be turned over to the Court of Aldermen to answer whether he will continue a broker or be a merchant, for to admit him to the sight of the Company's accounts and to be privy to their consultations can by no means be tolerated.
April 13.—Suit of Philip Bearden, late purser of the Discovery, to be re-established in his place, acknowledging his offence and promising never hereafter to give cause of discontent, not doubting to meet the ships before they reach the Isle of Wight; but the Court continued their resolution to displace him, yet in regard of the intreaty by letters of all the Commanders of the fleet and some of the Committees that he be restored, which was impossible, the ships being three days under sail, and that it would tend to his utter ruin to be absolutely cast off, the Court knowing him to be an able and witty young man were inclined to entertain him again hereafter, if meantime he carry himself civilly. The valuation of the rigging, sails, ordnance, and all the stores of the Discovery and Reformation to be made at once for the Masters of the Trinity House so that the new Adventurers make satisfaction to the old stock accordingly. Resolved at the meeting of the Adventurers in the afternoon to supply present occasions for the payment of bills of exchange for this Persian voyage, to do no more than persuade those who have not brought in their second payment to bring it in presently, and for the third payment that such as have money lying by would pay it in forthwith, at 8l. per cent. interest, or have the like forbearance of time in their fourth payment. Letter read from Mr. Barlow advising the intention of the Hollanders to send 18 ships into the Indies forthwith, conceived to be for the conquest of Bantam and to debar all men but themselves from trade there; it was thought fit after debate and some dispute that the King and State should be made acquainted therewith, that intimation be given to the States General, and that the trade of the English with the King of Bantam be not interrupted; Mr. Deputy of opinion that it is now a fit opportunity to press this business to the State, both in respect of the Deputies now come over to treat for an accommodation, and that otherwise men may be disheartened to come in on a new subscription which shortly is to be propounded; some would have had a petition framed to the King, and delivered by Mr. Governor and the whole Committees who should lay open the worth of the trade and the practice and danger of the Hollanders; but considering there was now a Treaty between them and the Dutch, it was resolved not to stir till this advertisement of Mr. Barlow's be better confirmed. Petition of the widow of John Johnson, late master of the Discovery, concerning his goods and wages; ordered that on payment of freight they be delivered to her without a fine for private trade. Complaint of Mr. De Beck and partners of defective silk, their bargain with the Company, some of it not worth 6s. per 1b., and therefore they desired a rebate of 1,000l.; they were advised to view the silk once more and truly and indifferently to value the same, and then the Committees would do the like and settle the business. Debate about the freighting their ships deferred until a new stock be raised. 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 388–393.]
April 13. 822. Minutes of a General Court of the Persian Adventurers. Mr. Governor made known the good success of the speedy dispatch of their ships, and timely getting aboard all their money, part whereof came so happily in a man-of-war from Holland into the Downs as cannot but be accounted a great blessing from God, and portend a prosperous voyage, a greater capital in quick stock having not at any time been sent into the Indies, viz., for the old stock 88,000l., and for the new 120,004l., besides the ships and provisions, of which the charge about 15,000l. or 16,000l. He further told them that by letters from one of their servants who landed at Dungeness they are advertised that the ships were under sail on Friday last (10th April) with a fair wind which continued till Sunday morning, so it is hoped they are now clear of the coast. He then imparted the causes of their meeting, viz., first to clear the mistake of divers that they have 20 days' liberty after Lady Day to bring in the second payments, whereas the order allows but 10, and he desired that any that are faulty will make speedy payment; secondly, that by reason of so great a quantity of gold and silver provided in Holland and now sent in these ships, Mr. Treasurer is much straitened for payment of bills of exchange, there being payable this month above 22,000l. besides 16,000l. in May next, and therefore, as they have received but 70,000l., and 20,000l. at most will serve their present turn, he desired their assistance at this pinch by bringing in presently their third payment, on allowance of discount of 8l. per cent., or forbearance for so long in their fourth payment. Howbeit this supply is desired upon this urgent occasion yet it is not intended to force any man thereto, but unless Mr. Treasurer be supplied moneys must be taken up at interest, which cannot be done upon the Company's seal; this concerning the new Adventurers only. Upon this declaration it was advised to see what moneys will voluntarily be brought in by the 20th of this month, and if by that time Mr. Treasurer's occasions be not supplied then to call the Company again together; and it was moved to present to the Court a list of those who have subscribed for this voyage but have not brought in their first payments to the end they be excluded from being adventurers.
April 15.—Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Collins to have a ton of saltpetre to keep his mills in work, and also the saltpetre which is in water to be again boiled and refined. Order concerning the delivery of goods to Dr. Hawley and his brother, executors of Henry Hawley deceased. Orders on petitions of Fotherby, and of Messrs. Hanson and Markham, Auditors, concerning their respective salaries. Directions to Mr. Treasurer for those who had sold the Company's cloth upon credit, as to payment. Payment to Mr. Cartwright, who came home in the Morris, on account of wages. Mr. Smethwike having made known his resolution to relinquish his brokership rather than to be debarred from being an adventurer, the Court, upon this declaration, promised him admittance for the 200l. he had underwritten in the Persian voyage to be paid in money, but for the 400l. since added, to be paid out of his 12th and 13th dividends they utterly reject it, yet until he should first relinquish his brokership, with the promise never to resume it again, and that he brought a certificate thereof from the Court of Aldermen, he was then to be accepted an adventurer for his 200l. 5 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 393–398.]
April 17—27. 823. Proposition of M. Joachimi, the States Ambassador, to his Majesty. The Deputies of the Netherlands East India Company have not been able to commence business because a question has arisen of the language in which the two Companies should treat, the London Company being unwilling to use French, at least in what is delivered in writing, which the others think very strange and contrary to the practice hitherto of the two Companies, for the accord of 1619 is in French. On this point Joachimi has requested an audience. The second has reference to the process of the judges of Amboyna. Though the process is ready for the Advocate Fiscal to conclude, it is desired that this cause should be be perfectly examined in all points, and the States again pray his Majesty to order the witnesses who deposed in England and accused the judges of Amboyna to be sent to Holland to be confronted with them. The judges are bound by certain laws, and think the witnesses ought to be heard and confronted in this criminal cause, and that it is hard for men of conscience to adjudge men to death simply on the report of others, and third hand [et d'un troisième], the Roman law, which rules most of the proceedings, says, aliam esse autoritatem proesentium testium, aliam testimoniorum quoe recitari solent; also that the judge, from the countenance, manner of speaking, and other circumstances, should be able to tell whether the witnesses are speaking the truth. Cites the opinion of the Emperor Adrian, and prays for a favourable answer. Endorsed by Sec. Lord Dorchester, "Mons. Joachimi's proposition to his Maty dated ye 17/27 of Ap., presented ye 21 to ye Llds Commissioners for Foreign Affairs. Received from the hands of my L. of Dorchester, in the presence of the L. President, L. Treasr, L. Steward, E. Marshall, E. of Dorset, and E. of Carlisle, the 25th of April 1629, at Whitehall." French, 2½ pp. [Holland Corresp.]
April ? 824. Memorial of the East India Company to the King. That there has been imparted to them a writing whereby the States' Ambassador seems to represent to his Majesty first, the state of the present Treaty between them and the Deputies of the Netherlands Company, and then the process of the Hague against the Amboyna judges. In the present conference no entry has yet been made on the first matter, by reason of a question of the language to be used, which the Netherlands Company desire to be in French, about which memorialists will not strive with them, but nevertheless urge that all writings delivered should be in the native language of the party exhibiting them, and that the "articles of conclusion" should be in Latin. As touching the process in Holland against the Amboyna judges, memorialists crave leave to put his Majesty in mind of what has passed in this business. The provision of the Treaty of 1619 is recited, referring differences in the Indies between the two Companies to be settled in Europe, and instances are cited where infringements of that article have been disallowed, and that all pretence of jurisdiction of one nation over the other should utterly cease, was received by the States without contradiction. How the arrest at Portsmouth of the three Dutch ships then came to pass and were afterwards released, "but by what means or upon what terms we are altogether ignorant." What happened concerning the States' Ambassador's desire for witnesses to be sent into Holland. Memorialists cannot conceive the examining of witnesses to be pertinent in this case, where there is no question of the fact, for the Dutch confess they put his Majesty's subjects to death; the question is whether they had jurisdiction, and this is not to be tried by witnesses but by the treaty and the law. Though the Ambassador writes for a conclusion to be taken by the Advocate in the process, it appears that the Judges and Advocate proceed not against the defendants as in a case of a capital crime, but that the defendants answer soluto pede, enjoying all the liberty permitted in an ordinary proceeding against a petty misdemeanor. 3 pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 71.]
April 17. 825. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Committees to treat with Sir Edward Randall, with whom the Company has a suit in Chancery for not sealing the lease with Baron Sotherton for their powder mills at Chilworth, to end the difference. Suit of John Wood, who went forth master of the Little James and was displaced by President Fursland at Jacatra, for satisfaction; the business to be examined. Gratuity to Mary Lawe, whose husband was killed by the fall of an anchor aboard the Discovery, which beat out his brains. Consideration of the business of Mr. Benthall for 20 bales of silk brought home in the William as his proper goods, the silk valued at above 3,000l.; his answers to his examination given in modest and discreet and manner, and that in respect of his long and faithful service he hoped to receive the same favour as others had. The Court considering whether to restore his silk and impose freight and a fine for breach of his bond or to take the silk, giving him what it cost in Persia, resolved upon the latter course and demanded what it cost him; but he could not tell, for he said he kept no private books, which the Court conceived to be false and cautelous; having freely submitted himself, it was concluded to give for his silk what it cost in Persia at 5s. 6d. the ryal, but with this he seemed discontented and desired till next Court to consider the offer. Agreement of Burlamachi to accept 200 bags of mouldy and 30 bags of wet pepper, abating 1d. per lb. on the former price. Gratuity to Joyce Candler, widow, whose husband was drowned in the Morris. 4 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 399–402.]
April 22. 826. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Skinner's wages as purser aboard the Charles to be paid up to the ship's departure from Gravesend. Understanding that contrary to the late order of Court, Smethwike had tendered money for his 400l. subscription, their resolution is confirmed not only to annihilate his 400l. subscription, but also not to allow him an Adventurer for the 200l. first underwritten until he bring a certificate that he had renounced his brokership from the Court of Aldermen. 12,000 ryals of 8 arrived out of Holland since the ships sailed, contracted for by Ald. Freeman at 4s. 7d. per ryal, to include the chests in which they are packed. Declaration of Mr. Benthall concerning the Court's proposition about his 20 bales of silk, which he found so mean an offer that he could not accept it; his propositions earnestly seconded by Sir Hugh Hammersley, who intimated he had gotten his estate fairly, and offering himself as security for anything the Company may object against him. The answer of the Court, who said that when Sir Hugh was a Committee no man showed more dislike against private trade, and they much admired to see him so changed in opinion and so earnestly pressing for a man that had exceeded all men before him both in the value and quality of the goods, and they told Benthall they would never dispossess themselves of the silk. He replied he was sorry he must be forced for recovery of his own to take a course against the Company most displeasing to him. On demand of his wages, 100l. ordered to be paid on account of his goods, with advice not to stand in his own light, but seriously to consider their offer. Ordered that 7l. 1s. 4d. be paid to the brother of Mr. Cramphorne, of Plymouth, for the relief and cure of Adrian Mooter, deceased, who was hurt in fight with the French. Robert Perry, late servant to Hugh Perry, admitted an adventurer in the Persia voyage on condition that on his return from sea he take his freedom. 3¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 403–406.]
April 24.
827. Barlow to Dudley Carleton. Perceives by his letter that those that gave attestations here have gone from what they attested; though they say not from material points, yet the Judges entangled them with many frivolous questions, seeking to blemish the truth and justify what is too palpably and notoriously bad. Has earnestly written that the English witnesses may come over, and likewise written to the Deputy (Misselden) to signify to the Company how much their coming would clear the cause, and so wishes the Judges would yet stay sentence until he has answer from the Company. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
April 24–26. 828. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Request of Morgan, the brewer, for his account for beer to be examined; answered that because of the badness of that beer they had intention to prosecute him, but upon his own entreaty and consent wholly to remit payment they forbore, therefore they would never give him penny for the same. Request of Sir Michael Gayre to give the Earl of Warwick an anchor in lieu of one of his, bent by one of the Company's ships going into dock. Petition of the widow of John Johnson, late master of the Discovery, to remit freight on her goods and redeliver her husband's bond. Petition of Philip Bearden, who was displaced purser of the Discovery, for allowance for his provisions carried to the Indies in that ship. Gratuity to Richard Atkinson, long since discharged from Blackwall. Request of Mr. Stairesmore, a minister, and his brother, an Englishman, dwelling at Amsterdam, for the estate of Richard Cocks, factor, deceased; the Court having many accusations against Cocks, offered to refer all differences to four arbitrators and to be bound in 2,000l. to stand to the award, but though willing to put the business to arbitration they seemed unwilling to be bound, and alleged that their uncle, Mr. Cocks, made four executors, of which their father, a gentleman in Gloucestershire, is the sole survivor, who has given them a letter of attorney, in which was inserted that for a sum of money given to his father by Mr. Stairesmore the minister should have what should be due; whereupon the Court told them their authority is only to receive, and not to pay, therefore the Court would confer no further with them, but said that when the executor demands the same they will give him a fitting answer. Ordered that a boat and cables be sent to Sandwich for the use of ships expected out of the Indies this year. Overture presented by an unknown person for a magazine to be made for the Company at Portsmouth declined. Report of the Committees appointed to value the defective silk. Request of Margery Gibbs to receive the estate of her brother, Anthony Gibbs, deceased; agreed to on security being given, and that she maintain the three daughters of the deceased. A barrel of powder and 13 minion shot borrowed by Walter Ambler of Capt. Guy at Falmouth to be restored.
April 26.—Relation by Mr. Deputy that Mr. Governor, himself, and others had on a summons attended the Lords Commissioners for trade on Saturday last, when Lord Dorchester made known that M. Joachimi, the States Ambassador General, had lately presented a paper to his Majesty, containing two points, the first concerning the language in which the Company and the Dutch Commissioners should treat, and the other their former request to send into Holland the Company's witnesses in the cause of Amboyna, a copy whereof their Lordships gave them that they might have time to consider it. To the first point Mr. Governor had given their Lordships so good satisfaction that they resolved to have the Treaty in Latin and not in French, but the matter of the witnesses being of so high consequence their Lordships wished might be considered and advised by counsel; whereupon ordered that Mr. Skinner, who is very well instructed in this cause, accompany Mr. Deputy and others this afternoon to Sir Henry Marten and Dr. Duck for their advice what answer to make. Ordered that tickets be left at the house of every Adventurer who has subscribed his 12th and 13th half capitals in the Persian voyage, with notice that unless he forthwith give and take receipts he shall be utterly excluded. The order of the last Court concerning Smethwike's subscriptions to the Persian voyage read, who nevertheless has left contrary thereto 300l. for- three payments on his 400l. subscription in the treasury; ordered that Mr. Massingberd presently return the 300l. to Smethwike's house, letting him know the Court will not accept it; which he did (sedente curid), and Smethwike coming back with him, first demanded by what authority the Court had disfranchised him, to whom answer was made that they had done no such thing, but had refused this subscription, and that until he shall perform his promise made in open Court to relinquish his brokership they will not admit him for his other subscription of 200l., but that done they will willingly receive him, having no spleen against him notwithstanding his strange and violent carriage against the Company. Hereupon he endeavoured to excuse what had formerly passed, protesting his integrity to all men, and especially his love and zeal to the Company, for proof whereof he made known that 2,400l. of his adventure in the second joint stock is moneys entrusted to him for charitable and pious uses, and he was persuaded that since he put into the stock God had blessed the same exceedingly, and therefore he deserved their favour; and for their power in making orders he had taken advice upon their patent, and is of opinion their authority extends not so far as they imagine, and that to make orders against any particular person ought to be the act of the General Court, and therefore he desired them to do him no wrong or injustice, but seriously to consider whether they have power to do as they have done. The Court answered they well understood the strength of their patent and the powers they have thereby, and advised him to declare what he intends to be and to relinquish his brokership, but he took his leave without declaring his intention either one way or the other. 7 pp. [Ct. Min. Bh. XI., 406–412.]
April 27.
829. President Richard Wylde, Jno. Skibbowe, and Geo. Page to the East India Company. The present occasion of conveyance of their letter to Ispahan has invited them to a brief relation of their affairs, though they largely amplified them in theirs of 21st December with postcript of the 26th by the Exchange, Blessing, and Star, and by the Hart, Expedition, and Hopewell of the 11th current with postcript of the 14th. The Exchange, Blessing, and Star, whose cargazoon amounted to 53,437l. 2s. 5d. sailed 27th December in company of the Persian fleet, and parted from them on the 30th; hope they are well on their way towards the Company. The report of their encounter two days after with four Portugal galleons was only a rumour raised by the Dutch, for they hear the enemy is not able to set his ships to sea this season for want of seamen. The Hart, Expedition, and Hopewell sailed for England on the l5th in company with the Jonas, Christopher, and Eagle for Bantam, their cargazoon amounting to 51,154l. 6s. This left 400 and odd bales of goods behind, on account of the inability of the Christopher for so long a voyage, and the non-arrival of the Agra goods in time, else had they chosen the Jonas and Hart only which would have taken all. Sent their accounts balanced to 20th February, whereby the Company will see their engagements at interest to be upwards of 70,000l., and before the next supply comes it will be little less than 100,000l., their credits remaining good, doubts not to keep all the factories in action (though not in so full measure) and have goods enough to relade the Jonas and another ship about the season the Exchange went this year. Have advertised their great trouble in putting off the gold sent in the Jonas, its great fall in price and the cause; entreat the Company not to send above one part gold to three parts silver until they again encourage them thereto. Silver will bear its value with the ryals of 8 in any part of Europe, and our English will yield 5 per cent. profit. The quicksilver came very well conditioned and sold at Ahmedabad and Surat at rupees 95 per maund; 600 maunds yearly will vend about that price, more will cloy the market. The coral all sold, the prices. The amber beads all sold at Ahmedabad, the price; such a parcel will yearly sell if of a better sort and unwrought. The lead all sold, part in Ahmedabad in truck for indigo and part here in truck for pepper. The stammell cloth, with other Venice reds and greens sold at Court at prices not known in these parts these many years; 100 cloths yearly will away at good rates if the seamen can be prevented from bringing any, 60 stammells of about 18l. or 20l., 20 reds and as many greens of 11l. or 12l.; so will 100 Devonshire kersies and as many perpetuanoes. Have no goods left except some old remains at Court, which they expect to sell at the last Novooz or Feast of New Year. Have laden this year 1,200 fardels of indigo, being more than ever sent, but very dear; that from Ahmedabad will prove more commodious for lading than from Agra, if it bear equal price and esteem in Europe. All sorts of cloth cheap in Ahmedabad, Brodera, Baroach, and Surat. Will do little in Ahmedabad this year except they neglect Brodera and Baroach, whither Messrs. Barber and Boothby are going in a day or two for investments in broad and narrow bastaes. Are also daily buying in Surat though sparingly to bring down the price, which in the time of rains will be better cheap. Have sent more saltpetre than ever in any year, and doubt not to have a fair proportion for the next shipping, notwithstanding the King has forbidden its buying in Agra, till he be supplied with 10,000 maunds powder. Sugar, of which on their last fleet they sent 304 fardels bought at Agra, is grown very scarce and dear; doubt they shall obtain any quantity except at very high prices for the next shipping. On 12th March ships arrived from Persia with 93 bales of silk and four horses, one belonging to Richard Preddis; the weight in every bale much shorter than usual, and in No. 120 full 1 cwt. wanting. Have advised the agent, whose unworthy proceedings in laying false imputations upon the President for excess in private trade, will be easily apprehended whence they come; to every particular Richd. Wylde has given reply, and doubts not their Worships will not credit such infamous reports sprung from envy and malice and brought forth by a devilish and evil spirit. Have received a firman from the King warranting the surprising of Portugal vessels or others under their jurisdiction, and had conference with Meirmoza the new Governor, who assured him the King intended after the rains to put in execution their former projects against the Portugal, and expected their assistance by sea, as proffered last year. See little hopes to perform this unless supplied with more than ordinary strength this year, for they have but the Jonas left, all the rest sent to England or to Bantam to be repaired. All the discontented Rajas and nobles have submitted to the King, whose favour is in larger manner extended to them than heretofore, so that there is no likelihood but of long continued peace. The Company's action and servants have also participated in his honours, and both sit at this time in India with more esteem than ever, Endorsed, "Sent to the Honble Compy by way of Persia. For the Jonah." 3½ pp. [O.C., Vol. XII., No. 1292.]
April 27.
830. President Richard Wylde, Ja. Skibbowe, and Geo. Page to agent Wm. Burt and factors at Ispahan. Have received theirs of the 20th February by the Jonas, &c., fuller of base caluminations flung upon this Council, especially upon the President, than of needful advices concerning the Company's affairs, transcript whereof they have sent to the Company, as also of Ric. Wylde's letter to Jno. Antill, whose slavish usage by Mr. Burt they doubt not will be seriously taken into consideration, and prove his infamous informations as false as he is dishonest. Meantime send this only for cover to the enclosed to the Company, which they are charged to dispeed overland by several conveyances upon forfeiture of a year's wages. The Company have ever enjoined the sending of letters open for the perusal of either factory, for their affairs ought not to be neglected through private differences, though Mr. Burt would have covered his last to the Company, whether out of scorn to this Presidency or shaming they should see his vile aspersions. The Company will easily discern whence this envy, spleen, and malice arise. Received 93 bales of silk and three horses by said ships for the Company's account, the want of weight in the former arguing small care in its receipt, and the horse added to the invoice sent to them more than to the Company, manifesting Mr. Burt's base proceedings with Mr. Predys. That Predys and the pursers of every ship had private trade of Ric. Wylde's, and that all the goods received in barter for silk belonging to him, is as false as they are shameless; the former he has cleared by Predys and the purser's attestatations. "He that shall say I had other goods is a villain and infamous rascal." Remarks upon the goods sent by Jno. Antill in return for moneys lent and to Williamson. The horses given to Dr. Gouch, Capt. Swanley, and Capt. Evans, and sent to Skibbowe might as well have come for the Company's account, their refusal to ship Meirza Mahmud and other friends' horses will be considered hereafter both by the Company and themselves. Had he sent account of whom he bought goods in truck for the Company's silk, they would doubtless have forced satisfaction for the overcharge as required, but could hardly divine whose they were. Have employed the Company's means in better commodities than silk; but why has he not brought to the Company's account all the cloth, indigo, &c., which he, Woder, and Loftus received by these ships. As Burt esteems it his best action to be an informer of private trade, so Wylde thinks it none of the least of his services to have begun to be a reformer thereof, first in himself and those about him and next in Burt and his associates. We do not send our masters the King's Favourite's firmans fuller of vain titles of vain glorious fools than really importing their benefit, but ships fully laden with goods. We do not tell the Company that if assured of supplies we could have credit for 100 bales of silk to the port, but we have credit for 10 times so much, even to England and back. We have not out of distrust of the Company's performance detained 7,000l. or 8,000l. of stock for our maintenance, but we have engaged ourselves in more than 70,000l. or 80,000l. at interest; these are real services and will deserve condign thanks, and confound all devilish plots of evil and base minded people whose actions will be but shadows. Require the sudden dispeed of the enclosed letter to the Company by an express to Aleppo or Constantinople, and transcripts by other conveyances, and enjoin him to let no private difference cause want of due advice of the Company's affairs, nor to let his contempt of their authority pass the limits of modesty as it has to Moors, Dutch, and English; if his grudge be to the person of the President let it rest until they meet, but let not the authority of his place be injured by vile detracting language. These our duties to the Company oblige us to require from you and we do and will expect them or you will suffer in your presumption. Endorsed, "Rec. in Spahan the 10th Nov. 1629. Sent out of Persia overland and received in London 6th Septr. 1630. A very tart or harsh letter." 2½ pp. [O.C., Vol. XII., No. 1293.]
April 27. 831. Barlow to Dudley Carleton. Recapitulates his previous letter [see ante No. 827], has written again and again to the Company urging them to send over the witnesses to attest before the judges what they have attested before the Admiralty. This Company are making a great fleet ready against the end of the summer. Sees they endeavour to make themselves very strong in the Indies in ships, men, and ammunition, and fears they intend something against them of Bantam and all other places where we are, to drive us from thence, which has been their former practice, and so weary us out of all trade except where themselves have jurisdiction, where they use us as they list and make us pay such intolerable tolls that no profit can be made. So if now at their Deputies being in England his Majesty do not assist the Company and cause the Dutch to give us better way than hitherto, it will be in vain to go forward with that trade, for these plot by main strength and with their great capitals to eat us out of trade at Surat, Persia, and Japan, whither they send such costly jewels and rare works of gold as the like have not been seen. They are making for the Great Mogul four feet for a bed, two great candlesticks, a basin and ewer, and another great basin, most curiously wrought, all of clean gold; besides many other jewels of great value, which he holds are all "skinckages" to be given to the great ones of several places. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
April 29. 832. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Information that an extract of an order is given out under their Secretary's hand, by which construction is made that the Court had disfranchised Mr. Smethwike, it was thought fit to declare their meaning and true intention which is only to suspend him from being an adventurer until he shall conform himself to their orders. Demand of Mr. Harbert, by letter of attorney, from——Davies, sister of Robert Davies, late master of the Little Richard, deceased, for her brother's estate. Request of Mr. Benthall concerning allowance for his bales of silk which were wet, and for 100l. more on account of his wages; answered that the silk was no way so defective as he pretended, and for the 100l. the Company would not pay it on account of his wages, because they had cause to suspect he purposed to take a course in law against them. After some discussion he was advised to write a letter expressing his submission with relation to his particular services, which he promised to do. Two things propounded by Mr. Governor, viz., the calling of a General Court, which he had promised to the Lords, to hold about the middle of the term, and the proposition formerly made for freighting ships, a business much desired by some; but so many difficulties were found that nothing was concluded, only ordered, that they might better understand what to give per ton, that the charge of the Discovery and Reformation with provisions and victuals sent to Persia be forthwith valued, to be ready against the General Court appointed on Friday the 8th of May. 3¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI., 413–416.]
April 30.
833. Barlow to Dudley Carleton. Has procured certificate from the Notary whereby he may perceive how constant the witnesses were to stand to what they had attested before they went to the Hague, where he holds they met with their bane in having conference with the Amboyna murderers with whom they drank, and by whom they were persuaded, for at their return they said the Amboyna murderers necks depended upon them; from which their guiltiness may be observed. If Carleton holds this certificate will work any good effect, it may be showed to the judges who may examine the Amboyna judges as to what conference they had with the witnesses. It was Jan Joosten Maskart (?) of Delft, and Craynanger who were with them. Has written earnestly again for the witnesses out of England, and shown that Carleton concurred with him, and that it was the opinion of some of the judges, so hopes they will be sent. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
April ? 834. Alee Bashaw, Bashaw of Balserra [Bassorah] to "the Worshipful, the friends of Christ the Chieftains of the English and Dutch nations resident at Surat." Have received by them infinite wrongs and molestations, their merchants sent for India having been taken by them and the traffic ruined. That although there is ancient friendship between their Sovereigns, and an English Ambassador resides at Constantinople, they have given aid to the King's enemies, having taken Ormuz and given it to the Persians, since which the traffic to Balserra and other parts has been entirely dissolved. Has certified the King, his master, by petition what difficulties the English and Dutch had brought upon them, whereupon the King summoned the English Ambassador and demanded the reason of such hostility, who answered that he was ignorant of any such passages, but that he would write and forbid his countrymen from further proceeding to Persia, and to remove their commerce thence to some other place. Sends their King's Ambassador's letters, and desires a speedy answer to convey to said Ambassador and his Majesty at Constantinople. Has formerly sent these presents to Gombroon, but now sends them by a trusty messenger, by whom they may immediately return answer. Endorsed, "Translation of Alee Bashaw, the Bashaw of Balserra, his letter. Received per the Harte, 1629." ½ p. [O.C., Vol. XII., No. 1290.]