East Indies: March 1629

Pages 635-647

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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March 1629

March 2. 804. Court Minutes of the East India Company, Request of John Elsemore, master of the Charles, for 100l. of the debt due to him from Henry Sill, factor in the Indies; denied, but 30l. was ordered to be imprested to him on account of his wages to furnish him with necessaries for the voyage. Messrs. Hawley and Cartwright, merchants, and John Kingston, purser of the Morris, to be allowed wages, Hawley to the time of his death and Messrs. Cartwright and Kingston for the voyage homeward. Ordered that all the quicksilver at Sandwich be laden aboard the Charles. Request of Mr. Kerridge for 1,000l. on account of his wages, 500l. of which to supply his subscription for this voyage for Persia, granted, Account of their proceedings presented by Hanson and Markham, the Auditors, approved and ordered to be presented to the General Court in the afternoon. Richard Hall and Wm. Geere, who bought at the last Court of Sales 200 bales of silk. admitted to the freedom of the Company, paying 5l. apiece to the poor box. Ordered that Mr. Sherburne procure a letter from his Majesty to the King of Bantam, to take notice of the loss of the Morris and all her lading, with the King of Bantam's present, but the present to be sent to that King was left to further consideration. Ordered that Matthew Parrett, servant to Robert Poddy, shipwright, receive two months pay of his wages.2 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 335–6.]
March 2. 805. Minutes of a General Court. Present, Sir Morris Abbott, Governor, Alderman Clitheroe, Deputy, Earls of Warwick and Thanet, Lords Say and Sele and Lovelace, Mr. Treasurer Bateman with divers of the Committees, and a great assembly of the Generality. Report of Mr. Treasurer that 20,000 ryals of 8 are bought at Middelburg, and of the danger of the many Dunkirkers abroad. Ordered that the expenses of sending over all gold and silver from thence be borne one-half by the old stock and the other half by the new subscription. Motion for the two ships now at Gravesend to be valued; answered that it could not be done till the resolution of the Court be known, for if the Adventurers relinguish their divisions that so the voyage proceed upon the old stock, there will be no need of any valuation. Report of Mr. Governor that at the last General Court two propositions were made, of which that of Sir Edwin Sandys for a meeting of the old Adventurers to consult how the old stock might pursue the whole trade, was held to be an honest motion, and in consequence divers Lords and other old Adventurers not interested in the new subscription had met on Monday last and put in writing divers propositions which were debated in conference with the Standing Committees on Wednesday last, and were such as he liked well. Mr. Governor further showed that the Committees had not put down the old stock, for two divisions were concluded in the General Court contrary to their expectations, nor had they raised the new stock, for that motion came to them from the Exchange, and had they not hearkened they had done wrong to the King and kingdom, there being nothing at that time to maintain the trade upon the old stock until the arrival of the William; notwithstanding if the relinguishing of these two divisions would enable the old stock to undertake the whole trade, he, for his own part, would readily leave his divisions, may, if any had taken them out they would pay for them as the Court should appoint, and to determine this point was this Court called. Sir Edwin Sandys was then desired by the Lords and others to deliver the opinion of the old Adventurers that had met, he declared that nothing hath been or shall be done by them to lay any aspersion upon the Governor or government. First, therefore, they thought it better for the Company to proceed upon the old stock only; first, in the point of justice, seeing that the second joint stock had borne the brunt of the day, had acquired divers privileges and trades as in Persia, at Ormuz, Bantam, &c., and therefore it was held unjust that a new stock should be set up unless in case of necessity; the second reason was taken from the honour and strength of the Company, both of which must be much more advanced if the trade go on in a joint stock; the third reason was from the perpetuating of the trade for if the new subscribers at the going out of their ships sustain a loss, as the old stock did with the Moon and Morris, men will draw back their hands next year, and the trade will be lost; the fourth reason was taken from the reputation of the kingdom, which will be exceedingly eclipsed by this division of stocks, for the uniting of stocks will take away divers clamours and aspersions which have of late been raised concerning the proceeding of the Company. The next point enforced by Sir Edwin Sandys was the cause of this difference; he observed that necessity had caused this new subscription for the old stock was unable to undertake the whole trade, but the difficulty was removed for now 400,000l. is returned this year, and a good part thereof since the resolution for a new subscription, and though it is true order was made to divide the 12th and 13th half capitals, yet the orders of the Company are not like the laws of the Medes and Persians, but upon better reasons may be altered, and therefore since the old Adventurers are all (save one) content to waive their two divisions, he proposed that those divisions be relinguished, which amount to 190,000l., whereas the new subscription came to but 130,000l., and so add 200,000l. to the old adventure, whereby it may be able to undergo the whole work for recovery of part of its losses; professing that, as he was dying to the world and the world to him, he cared not which way it were concluded, yet for the honour of the trade and perpetuating it to posterity he should be glad to see it go forward. One of the Generality replied that it was not in the power of the Court to take from Adventurers the divisions already ordered, for though the first subscription for eight years was lengthened four years, yet widows and orphans cry out let there be an end of the stock, and executors cannot consent to its continuation but at their own peril, and therefore let those that desire to go out have an end, and those that are willing come in afresh by a new subscription. Hereupon a motion was made to put it to the question, but Lord Say answered, giving reasons why he could not conceive it justifiable to put it to the question before the Court had discussed the reasons and rightly understood them. Opinion of Mr. Smethwike that what is propounded may be effected without waiving the divisions if they will suffer those two half capitals to be employed, and that the two divisions in money might be made at the times prefixed, for howsoever in the paper there is mention made but of 90,000l. stock in the Indies to lade home 5,500 tons of shipping, yet he hoped better, and made overture that if the Company would but part with 2,000l. the two divisions would be assured at the times proposed, which will be some satisfaction to widows and orphans, these contentions being occasioned partly because they have not been fully or fairly heard, and partly by the low price of the stock, but which within six months has risen from 250,000l. to 300,000l., and will rise again. Mr. Treasurer agreed with Lord Say that the business should be debated before being put to the question, but demanded where money should be had to pay back the 45,000l. paid in by the new adventurers to pay the Company's great debt, at interest amounting to at least 300,000l., and to set out the ships by the last of March. Lord Say, resuming the question, divided it into three propositions: first, whether if the divisions were waived there will be stock sufficient to follow the trade; secondly, whether men will be willing to relinquish them; thirdly, if neither of these will take place then to consider how the old stock may be laid down with least disadvantage, and this will be found a knotty business considering the shipping both at home and in the Indies, and that the factors of the old stock are to manage the business. To this reply was made that there is no help unless the old Adventurers will bring in new money. But Sir Edwin Sandys said it cannot be denied that there is sufficient in valuation of goods, and 40,000l. over, but not in ready money, and the trade cannot be maintained with valuations, yet was it thought that the sales lately made would on rebate at 8 percent. have brought in sufficient to perform the work in hand. After further debate "this desired innovation must leap over three blocks," and also to induce the Committees as in former times when there was not enough in the land by 100,000l., to pay the Company's debts, so now when there is sufficient in the kingdom, to lend their credits for supply of the old stock by taking up money at interest. After causing the propositions for pursuing the trade upon the old stock to be read, Mr. Governor explained that the design of the voyage had been altered, and said that as for the taking up money at interest the Committees are to be changed within four months, and therefore no reason to desire their engagement; he also moved that the Court proceed upon Lord Say's propositions, and represented that the subscription for the new stock consisted of 125,000l., of which 44,000l. already paid in, that there would be present use of 80,000l., besides what is provided for the old stock. Then one of the Lords observed that the proposition for bringing in money upon rebate for the 200,000l. worth of goods lately sold was not fit to be let fall; but it was answered that that should have been proposed at the last General Court, and it was thought it would have hindered the Company at least 30,000l., and that unless the Lords and others would lay down a certainty how to get money for present occasions these discourses would be to little purpose. Lord Say answered that as the Company was over-ruled to proceed with the trade on interest when there was not sufficient in the kingdom to pay their debts, and now that there is sufficient, if others should reap the harvest of the old stock's labours, it must needs be a great cause of jealousy; yet was it generally desired that men might have their divisions, and pointed out that unless ability and will, go hand in hand nothing can be dome, that in the old stock there is neither will to relinquish the divisions, nor ability without that to proceed upon their account, so that now there is a necessity to proceed upon the old and new account as in former voyages, which may both be on foot at once without injustice or wrong, there being no other means unless men will discount upon the last sales, which is so uncertain that the Company cannot depend upon that. The Lords showed some discontent at "this inclination of the Court," one alleging that they come not to this Company for justice knowing the disparity of voices, but must appeal to another court, others resolved to protest against it, but Mr. Governor replied that the Company are governed by a charter, and meant not to contradict their Lordships, but when a business hath been so fully argued if they will not have it put to the question he would meddle no more, only he left it to their consideration that if the ships be not ready to sail by the last of March the voyage will be in danger to be lost. After some further observations by Sir Edwin Sandys it was ordered for the accomodation of the difference between the old and new Adventurers that those that are merely Adventurers in the second joint stock and will be content to waive receiving their 12th and 13th divisions in money shall be permitted to adventure them or one so as it exceed 100l. and what more they please, but not less in the said voyage, discounting from the times the payments in the new subscription shall be due, and time was given till the 12th inst. for men to declare their resolutions. The nomination of Masters of the Trinity House and ship Carpenters for valuing the Reformation and Discovery deferred, the Court rising suddenly. 10 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 337–346.]
Mar. 4.–6. 806. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Resolved to gratify the Dutch Deputies who are now come from Holland with a tun of French wine. The master gunner of England having proved most of the powder lately made by Mr. Blyth to be weak and defective, ordered at the request of Blyth that a new trial be made. Ordered on the motion of Capt. Styles, because of the remissness of the Commanders and chief Officers in giving attendance in their ships, that henceforth they be subject to prick and cheque as the common men are. Ten pounds bestowed upon Adrian Montgomery, late purser of the Palsgrave for his extraordinary services in coming out of Ireland with the Company's letters when that ship with others put into Port Vintry. Ordered that Robert Staunton, gunner of the Charles, receive three months pay by way of imprest. Half the freight of 4 cwt. of turmerick and aloes remitted to Richard Hopkins, late mate of the Dolphin, who had served the Company 17 years. Bill of Edmond Chambers to be paid.
March 6.—Nomination of Appraisers ordered to value the hulls of the Discovery and Reformation. Proposal of the linendrapers to take out some allotments in calicoes left to the Committees of the Warehouse. Ordered to provide 20 muskets and 20 pistols for a present to the king of Bantam, notwithstanding the loss of his pepper in the Morris. Payment ordered to the Lord of Cleveland's bailiff of a post fine of 20s. for the land bought of Mr. Dalton, if it be found agreeable to the custom of the Manor. Report of Mr. Governor that at a late meeting the old Adventurers demanded: (1) Quarterly Courts; (2) the balloting box at elections, and (3) an account from the Auditors at each Quarter Court of the state of the Company; after debate resolved to give answer that the government of this Company must proceed according to their patent, and as the General Court resolves, and not according to the views of private men, and Mr. Sherburne was entreated to let the Earl of Warwick and Lord Say know that the 10 days given for adventuring the two divisions in the Persian voyage was intended for those out of town, and not for those in London. Concerning Capt. Browne's private trade, he acknowledged that 20 hhds. of cloves and four bales of silk, besides Mr. Benthall's 20 bales, were landed out of the William in the Downs, and 8 hhds belonging to Mr. Kerridge. Half the fine of 5l. imposed upon Mr. Dobbins, late servant to Sir Hugh Hammersley, for not demanding his freedom in due time, remitted in regard he was in Muscovia. Payment ordered of Capt. Blyth's wages, no complaint being found against him either in the letters or the Black Book. Gratuity of 10s. to Widow Goodwyn, whose husband was cast away in the Morris. About William Golding's wages, who for fear of the boatswain went ashore in Persia, where he was employed by the factors. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 347–351.]
March 8.
807. Andrew Coggins to Samuel Reade at Japara. By all the writings of Francis Bluck, cannot perceive him indebted to Reade, but on his arrival at Japara will make Reade satisfaction. Is glad of the arrival of Noquoda, Bantam's son, who he hopes has given his father satisfaction for the goods sent to Macassar. Left order with Bluck at Japara for payment to an old woman for her slave sold in Macassar, but perceives it is not paid. By this ship, the Water-hound, sends a piece of Choul taffetie, the best Macassar at present affords, to make him a suit of apparel, and to the Shabander Molick, a Portugal "voyoll." Has received from the latter two brass timbas and three cocks and hens, but never a letter, and therefore knows not his desire. Entreats him to make sale of a bale of opium, exceeding good, and four jars of opium though at easy rates and buy gold, cannot send the weight, Thomys Wheatly, who weighed it, being not in the house. Endorsed, "Concerning opium." 1 p. [Q.C., Vol. XII., No. 1289.]
Mar. 9–13. 808. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Bill of charges for materials and workmanship for the Company's coach to be paid. Request of Mr. Franck, a physician, for a passage in one of the Company's ships, being desirous to present his service to the Great Mogul; denied, in regard the precedent would prove very prejudicial. Agreed to send one bale of Stammel cloth aboard the London for the King of Bantam over and above the 20 muskets and 20 pistols formerly ordered. Ordered that Elizabeth, wife of John Frizell, executor of Andrew Martyn, deceased, receive 50l. on Martyn's account. Advance of wages to be imprested to Walter Mountford, entertained lieutenant in the Charles at 30s. per month. Committees to compound and agree for the wet indigo returned this year. Thirty pounds bestowed upon the nephew of Mr. Ellam employed by him in the counting-house. Ordered that at the next meeting of the old Adventurers motion be made that when the ships arrive in the Indies the Charles go on the new stock's account instead of the Reformation, in regard the Charles would be of greater force to encounter the Portugals, and that it would be a great ease to the old stock to be so easily disburdened of 400 or 500 tons of shipping.
March 11.—Resolved to forbear the entry of their cloth and payment of the custom until Monday next, in regard it is reported that a declaration will come forth within a few days from his Majesty and the State, so that on sight thereof they may be the better directed how to carry themselves in a business of so great consequence. Complaint of John de Lucy that he had been lately traduced before the Lords by Mr. Smethwike, protesting no more than ordinary conference with him on the Exchange in the buying of adventures, and desired to justify as much to his face, with other matters, which he had never deserved by any underhand dealing against the State or Company, and that he purposed to complain against Smethwike to the Lords; which the Court left him to do as he thought meet, assuring him of their good opinion. Committees to go to Gravesend to-morrow and use their best endeavours for dispeeding away the ships there, and also to see 15 chests of silver, which two light horsemen were to carry down, safely put aboard the Charles. The three propositions delivered by the Lords and same of the old Adventurers read. It was conceived more safe to answer them by word of mouth than by writing, and the Committees were entreated to make a full appearance at the meeting this afternoon to hear what their Lordships and the rest shall propound. Ordered that Mary, wife of Wm. Woodall, receive two months' pay of John Gough's wages. Request of Messrs. Alderman Hodges and Bigby Carleton to contract for wet indigo, referred to Committees for the Warehouses. Burlamachi's security of 10,000l. for his bargain of pepper accepted, viz., Farmers of the Tin 5,000l., Henry Knollis 3,000l., and two others 1,000l. each, Burlamachi to join bond with Mr. Knollis, who was not so well known to the Court as the rest. Report of Mr. Governor that he with Committees had attended the Lord Treasurer and Lord Dorchester for direction how to proceed with the Dutch Mayors, when Lord Dorchester told them it was his Majesty's pleasure the Company should give them a meeting and endeavour according to Treaty to accommodate the differences of account, which if they cannot do, then to repair to their Lordships who will inform his Majesty that Commissioners may be appointed to examine and compose the differences or otherwise report to his Majesty. It was nevertheless thought very requisite first to show Sir Henry Marten their demands for his advice, which Mr. Governor promised to do in the afternoon. Mr. Governor, Mr. Deputy, Sir Wm. Russell, and Messrs. Ald. Garway, Mun, Styles, Job Harby, [Robt.] Bell, and Abraham Chamberlain were nominated to meet the Mayors. Committees appointed to treat with my Lord of Cleveland for enfranchising the house and land at Blackwall, which is conceived much more beneficial, though it cost dearer than to make new feoffment. Part of the wages of Mr. Hatch, the preacher, who came home in the William, to be paid. Copies of accounts of Tho. Barker, deceased in Persia, to be delivered to his executors. Petition of Mr. Waller, late master of the Morris, concerning his debt to Robert Banggam; Committees to endeavour to compose the difference between him and Banggam's father. Part of the wages of John Gardiner, surgeon's mate of the Discovery, ordered at his request to be paid to David Crapford in satisfaction of a debt. Ordered that the executors of Mr. Pemberton of Unger (Ongar ?), in Essex, D.D., underwrite for and take out their 12th and 13th half capitals in calicoes, in regard they had no notice of the time of subscription.
March 13.—Offer of Christopher Gardiner, who it seemed by his relation had travelled into the country of Cataya, and from information received from the natives and his own observation and skill in mathematics and navigation, presumed to be able to discover the North-West Passage, to make discovery of his knowledge and adventure his person in finding out the same, if the Company would make trial of him; the Court commended his good intentions, and gave thanks for his generous disposition to the Company, but as their occasions at present are such, their stock being now at an end, as they intend not to undertake new discoveries, they advised him to repair to Sir John Wolstenholme and Sir Wm. Russell, who have a great affection to find out this discovery, upon which they have bestowed some moneys. Richard Hull and Wm. Geare's security accepted for 200 bales of silk lately bought. Suit of Mrs. Manley for entertainment for her son Robert, servant and apprentice to Mr. Hurt, but who had so ill demeaned himself that he had been turned away, and was so given to his pleasure in hunting and fishing that he would absent himself for a week together; advised first to endeavour her son's reconciliation with his master. Motion of Capt. Weddell, who came to take leave, to take into consideration the 130l. he had paid for freight, and a debt of 80l. kept from him, also his presents given to my Lord of Lindsey and others that relieved the Great James with men and victuals. In respect of his former services and said presents, to be gratified with 50l., and the promise of 100l. if on his return he bring his ship into the Downs without touching elsewhere. Ordered also on his motion that the four ships have each a union flag and letters of marque. His wages of 20l. per month confirmed, with 100 marks gratuity to set him to sea. His request that the Court would settle some constant order amongst their Commanders who shall wear the flag in their main top in the Indies; the Court promised to declare in their letters to the President and Council their resolution, viz., that from henceforth the most ancient Commander shall always wear the flag in the Indies, and none other, and when he depart then the next Commander who has served next longest, and so on. Report of Mr. Governor that the Secretary of the Mayors had been with him to understand what time the Company will appoint for their meeting; whereupon the Court appointed Mr. Governor, Mr. Deputy, and Messrs. Alderman Garway, Styles, Abdi, and Mun, and Dr. Duck to treat with the Mayors, as also Mr. Bell, because he was in the last Treaty and had the French language, and Mr. Skinner for their secretary, in respect of his knowledge in this business as of his ability and understanding in civil law. Tuesday morning next, between 9 and 10, appointed to deliver the Company's demands, written in English, and at same time to receive theirs from the Mayors, if they have any, in Dutch or French. Upon this resolution Mr. Secretary was ordered to attend the Mayors, who agreed to same, and returned answer that they had their demands ready in writing to be exhibited as soon as they should receive the Company's. Upon discourse of the late proceeding of the Lords and some of the old Adventurers, Mr. Governor declared that he had promised a General Court some time next term, and that at the election the balloting box should be made ready, according to their desire, it being indifferent to him, so the generality approve it, whether the election be made by hands or the box; but for Quarter Courts and quarterly balances he conceived they were neither fit to be granted nor possibly to be done, and therefore he intended not during his time to assent unto any such orders, neither is it in the power of the Committees, but it must be the act of the generality. Hereupon the Court remembered the wrongs and injuries done them by Messrs. Mynn and Wither, which reflect upon the whole Court, and it was resolved to advise with counsel, and if a suit will hold to prefer a bill against them in the Star Chamber or in any other court, as may be prescribed, where they may come to a public trial and receive a just recompense for the intolerable wrongs and scandals cast upon the Court by the said persons. Consideration what to do concerning the entering of their cloths, in regard the ships are fallen down; it was conceived that the cases of the Company and other merchants are not alike, and that to contest with the King at this time was no way fit, from whom the Company cannot expect any favour if herein they should prove refractory. Mr. Mountney sent to the Custom House to demand a bill of sufferance, returned answer that it could not be obtained; resolution in so great and weighty a business is deferred. 12½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI., 351–363.]
Mar. 14. 809. Warrant for issuing letters of marque against Spain to Sir Morris Abbott, Governor of the East India Company, and others. To the Charles, of 700 tons, Jo. Weddell, captain; Discovery, 500, Jo. Bickley, captain; Reformation, 400; and London, 600, Jo. Pynn, captain. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. CXXX., p. 17, Cal. p. 153.]
Mar. 16–18. 810. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Langham discharged from his bargain of indigo lately bought of the Company, and Alderman Hodges accepted. Committees sent to the Custom House to procure a bill of sufferance for entry of 400 bales of cloth, upon these reasons, that if they be not forthwith shipped, it will endanger the loss of the voyage, and then the contract with the Persian being broken the trade will be lost, besides there is more money in the Farmers' hands of the Company's than the custom of this cloth can amount to, and the Company have more cloth to be shipped; which Committees returning, but could not prevail, therefore, after argument, resolved to defer the entry for a day or two on hope that some alteration might happen, otherwise in respect of the present state of the Company's affairs, with relation both to his Majesty and the State, and also the good of the voyage, there was conceived a necessity to enter and send away the cloth speedily. Ordered to lend to the Earl of Warwick the slaughter-house at Blackwall for three weeks, his Lordship paying ready money for such of their salt and wood as he shall use. Order, in accordance with the will of Captain Goodall, Commander of the Hart, deceased, concerning his estate. Edmond Chambers' bill of barge hires for carrying the Committees to Gravesend, and other services, to be paid.
March 18.—Mr. Governor gave notice of an unjust report of Richard Bishop against the Company, alleging that at a Court of Committees on Monday last the payment of custom was put to the balloting box and that the Court opposed and "repugned" the motion, that there-upon it was absolutely denied, desiring rather than consent to the payment of custom until it were confirmed by Parliament to lose this voyage and the trade of Persia and the Indies for ever; which as it was a false aspersion so he desired their resolutions that the voyage may proceed and not be utterly lost; whereupon Committees were once more sent to try and obtain a bill of sufferance from the Farmers, and after debate during their absence it was agreed and ordered that the entry of their goods be no longer delayed. The Committees returning reported that after some expostulation with Mr. Jacob and other of the Farmers, they had granted a bill of sufferance. Ordered, on advice from Capt. Styles, at Gravesend, to discharge Henry Smith, the harbour purser there, in regard the ships pursers are now attendant. Complaint against Clifton, the Company's baker, for unserviceable biscuit; payment ordered for the biscuit now delivered against which no exception is taken. Ald. Garway's sureties for his bargain of silk accepted. Committees to peruse the defective silk and set an indifferent rate by way of abatement and tare. Report of Mr. Governor that they had again met with the Dutch Commissioners, who still insist upon their former demands, refusing to accept our complaints in English, but pressing that they may be given in French as in former treaties, alleging they are tied by their commission, which they cannot infringe without further direction from Holland. It was also required that both the English and Dutch Commissioners should set their hands to an instrument tying both Companies in their now intended Treaty to the strict observation of the Treaty of 1619 and the explanation thereof, which Mr. Governor and the rest held altogether unfit, though in the questions and differences now to be disputed they must be regulated by that Treaty; whereupon Mr. Skinner is desired to entreat Sir Henry Marten's advice upon these demands, who brought word that Sir Henry advised them to stand upon the delivery of their complaints in English, and by no means to assent to the instrument desired. Concerning Nicholas Leatt's debt of 2,056l. for his bargain of benjamin. Ordered that warrants be given to Richard Leatt for his 12th and 13th divisions in calicoes stayed for his father's said debt. Freight for goods brought home by Tozier, master of the Reformation, remitted. Gratuity of 10s. apiece to Anne Sympson and Elizabeth Cade, whose husbands were cast away in the Morris. Adrian Mooter, hurt in the fight with the French, continuing very weak it was ordered to give up to 20l. to defray the charge of his diet and cure. John Jourdain cleared of a bond for discharge of a chest of 4,000 ryals of 8, received by him out of the Clove by order of Sir Thos. Dale, and pretended to be accounted for by him to Richard Harris, on certificate from Augustine Spalding though omitted to be entered in his book. 7 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 364–370.]
[March 20.] 811. Petition of the East India Company to the King. For license to transport for Persia and the Indies for this voyage only 60,000l. in foreign gold or silver, or in default of foreign coin in English gold, to enable them to make good their contract with the King of Persia to bring a fourth of the value of their commodities in ready money. With order to Mr. Attorney-General to prepare a bill for his Majesty's signature accordingly. Whitehall, 1629, March 20. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 68.]
March 20. 812. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Twenty-nine chests of silver allotted aboard the ships, 10 aboard the Charles in addition to the 15 formerly sent, and 19 aboard the Discovery and Reformation, the gold to be carried down by land. Committees to attend the Lord Treasurer for a warrant to export half of the 170 tons of saltpetre brought home in the last ships. Ordered that Capt. Weddell have his half pay after the rate of 20l. per month, as all other Commanders, but that for the time to come Commanders and all others be subject to prick and check and receive half pay only for the time they are aboard. As the ships cannot contain the quantity of cloth intended, resolved to propose to the Commanders of each ship whether 40 or 50 bales of cloth apiece cannot be stowed under the decks amongst the ordnance till by expense of provisions there be room to put them into hold, and in case they had to fight, those bales would be bulwarks to the men, so as they did not cloy the ordnance. Ordered after debate to send all the Persian stock in these ships, viz, as much in cloth and the rest in money as can possibly be made ready without endangering the loss of the voyage, and if money should be wanted Sir. Wm. Russell and the rest present were content to lend their credits to take up money at interest till the payments shall come in. Motion by Capt. Styles that henceforth the palleting of the ships may be taken out, observing that by it the ships break much in their bulk, and by the ballast under the pallet are drawn deep into the water, referred to further consideration when the ships are gone. 2 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 371–372]
March 21–31.
813. John Webster to the Earl of Carlisle at Court. This East India Company have Committees in England to treat of an union or mutual correspondence with the English Company, amongst whom is his worthy friend, M. Carpentier, late General in the Indies, for whom he desires his Lordship's honourable aid. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
March 23. 814. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Payment ordered to Walter Ambler for his service in the prize and his wages. Complaint of the negligence and absence of Commanders, masters, pursers, mariners, and others, even after the ships are entered into full pay, thinking it sufficient to meet the ships in the Downs; letters to be written to the pursers requiring them from the day the ships enter into whole pay to keep prick and check of the absence of every man from the Commander to the meanest. Report of Mr. Governor that he and others attended Lord Cleveland about enfranchising their copyhold at Blackwall, but found him much offended with the Company, and he took time to consider the business until next term. Petition of sailmakers for better allowance, because twine, which formerly cost but 5d. per 1b., now costs 9d. or 10d., referred to the Committees for Bolt Ropes. 2 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 373–374.]
[March ?] 815. Particular of the presents sent by the King of Bantam to his Majesty. One "crest" or dagger with a gold handle, one fair lance part plated with gold. The King has put aboard the Morris 500 pecull of pepper, consigning it to his Majesty, with desire to have returned to him 40 snaphance pieces from 5 to 7 feet long, with powder and shot for great ordnance; conceive that if he be returned to the value of his pepper or with some small advantage he will be content; have required him to send the height of the great shot and the bore of the pieces. These particulars being sent in the Morris which was cast away, his Majesty's letters to the King of Bantam are desired, taking notice of the wreck of said ship and of his intended present to his Majesty, that he may receive satisfaction in that return is not made of the things desired for his pepper, together with some intimation of his Majesty's thanks for his kind reception of the English and of the privileges and extraordinary respect they receive, which his Majesty desires may be continued and enlarged. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 69.]
Mar. 24.
816. King Charles I. to the King of Bantam. Has received very much contentment by his subjects' commemoration of the King of Bantam's friendly and respectful receiving of his Majesty's last letters, and good usage of their company and commerce, and requests him to continue his royal favour towards them, to the honour of his empire, the profit of both countries, and their defence against all that oppose their good intentions. Has also taken notice by letters from the President and Council residing at Bantam that he had sent his Majesty a memorial and a princely token of his goodwill; but the ship Morris being unfortunately cast away his Majesty has not enjoyed the fruit of his desires, yet returns no less hearty thanks, with assurance of readiness on all occasions to correspond in all offices of amity, as with a prince whom his Majesty values and esteems very much. Endorsed, "Drawn by Sir John Coke." 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 70.]
Mar. 25–30. 817. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Half a hundred of pepper bestowed on Mr. Charke, an old servant, in regard he had not taken out his 9th, 10th, and 11th half capitals as they grew due, but had let them remain in the Company's hands. A ship of 100 tons to be hired for taking 200 bales of cloth to the ships in the Downs, the Committees to hasten the packing up of other 300 bales that they may follow with as much expedition as may be; no more cloth to be bought, but that all be aboard by this day sennight. Bill of Mr. Williamson, the Company's Proctor in the Admiralty, for fees and charges, to be paid. Request of George Willoughby, late factor at Acheen, for leave to send a letter and a small diamond set in a ring to that King to express his thankfulness for many favours and privileges received from him, and that they may be consigned to the President and Council at Surat, to be sent in the next Guzerat junks going to Acheen, promising to show the Company a copy of his letter and the ring itself; his request was held very modest and his thankfulness much commended, and ordered that his desires be mentioned in the general letters, that the letter and ring be carefully conveyed. Ordered, upon request of Mr. Heynes, that his two months imprest be paid, and a copy of his contract with the Company delivered to him, and that the three fardells of East India tobacco sent by Mr. Kerridge, as a token to a friend of his, be delivered without freight or charges. Petition of Mr. Sambrooke that in regard there is taken from him the benefit of transports, as also 12d. for warrants allowed to his predecessor, and that his labour is much increased by the Persia accounts, the Company would revoke their order made in June last, which took from him 50l. per annum of his salary, granted, the Court acknowledging his pains to be increased and taking notice of his diligent attendance, his fair and quiet carriage, and the content he gives to all men.
March 28.—Committees to speak with Sir Henry Marten for leave to use their prize for taking lumber out of the three ships they being so deep laden the better to make way for the cloth and other goods not yet put aboard as advised by Capt. Weddell. Geo. Willoughby presented his ring and letter for the King of Jambi (Acheen in margin) which is ordered to be sent to the President at Surat to be conveyed by the Guzerat junks to that King. The rest of this Court spent in reading and amending the draught of Mr. Ellam's letters.
March 30.—Petition of John Cordoza de Suza, a Portugal, who hath served the King of Spain in the Indies 19 years, and was a captain in the fight against Capt. Shilling, but last year was accused by the Vice-Roy of Goa to be a friend to the English and Dutch, and upon false testimony sent prisoner for Portugal, but by the way was first taken by the Flemings, and after by the English about three months since, and is now desirous to return for Goa upon the Surat fleet; but the Court observing him to have been an enemy, conceived if his desire were granted that he might observe the proceedings of the Company, their times of going out and arrival upon the coast of India, their strength, and other secrets, the discovery whereof might prove exceeding prejudicial to the Company, therefore the Court directed Mr. Sherburne to certify Endymion Porter, from whom the Portugal came recommended, why they dare not condescend to his request. Request of Capt. Weddell and the rest of the Commanders for a small ship to go with them to the Islands to ease the ships of their lumber until by expense of provisions there be room to receive the cloth; ordered that Mr. Caseby be agreed with for a ship of his of 100 tons ready to set sail, for which he demanded 200l. and 50l. for freight to the Downs. Ordered that Walter Ambler receive his wages for the time requested. Committees to go to the Downs to dispeed away the ships. Motion of Sir Francis Crane, with relation as he professed, rather to the future trade and benefit of the Company than his own interest, that a piece of tapestry or two be sent for Persia to make experiment whether it will vend there, also a suit or two for Surat, encouraged thereto by Mr. Kerridge, who thought it would sell to good profit if kept at the water side until advice given to the Mogul's Court; Sir Francis offered either to sell such tapestries to the Company or to send them at his own adventure and receive the proceeds by exchange: the Court readily condescended that he should send them for his own account and be allowed 6s. 8d. the ryals of 8; but he expected 88. and so took time to consider. Advice to be sent to the Indies to withdraw the factory from the Mogul's Court and to forbear sending up goods thither until required by the Mogul or his nobles, or that they were agreed for. 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 375–380.]