East Indies: November 1627

Pages 420-427

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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November 1627

Nov. 2–9. 556. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Bill of charges disbursed by Capt. Towerson, of Portsmouth to be paid. Letter read from Mr. Barlow advising that those tortured at Amboyna be sent to Holland to confront their murderous judges; after serious debate the Court considering that it was the direction of the State not to stir therein, but to leave the cause and the justice to be done to the States, resolved not to send into Holland or to have any hand in that business, but to write to Messrs. Barlow and Misselden not to lay out any money in the prosecution of this cause, but leave it wholly to the ordering of that State. Report of Mr. Deputy that yesterday John Yonge came from Portsmouth to give knowledge that His Majesty's ship Convertive was ready to come into the river, and was returned with an order from Secretary Coke to Capt. Bond to give the Company's ships a safe conduct, and a letter in the Company's name promising Capt. Bond to be thankful for his pains; he had also written to the Poynetts to meet the ships before Dover, carrying all things necessary that the ships might come directly into the river; all which was well approved of. The Turkey Company accommodated with 30 barrels of powder at 5l. 10s. per barrel, and the 100 barrels borrowed of the City to be repaid whenever demanded. By reason of the plenty of apples, 200 butts of cider to be bespoken for next year and provision of wine made for the Dove. Suit of John Ellesmore, late master of the Coaster, for 50l. or 60l. on account of his wages rejected, he being one of those that occasioned the taking of the junk at Jambi, whereby the Company was endamaged a great sum of money, and had left his ship at Portsmouth without order. Edward Powell to be examined as to the passages and differences between Thomas Mills and Edward Trafford at Masulipatam.
Nov. 7.—Thomas Arnold and Thomas Waller of the Jonas discharged for mutinous carriage against Nathaniel Cobb aboard said ship. Motion about plating the bread rooms suspended. Contract for the Jonas and Dove for biscuit at 12s. 3d. per cwt. and 11s. 3d. for meal. Motion on behalf of Mr. Edgebury to buy the Company's interest in the lease holden of the Bridgehouse for land and houses at Deptford. Request of Sir Francis Crane for payment for three suits of rich tapestry which he had adventured to the Indies in 1623. Examination of a complaint in a letter from Baron Sotherton that he had lost 20l. worth of fish by a breach in the dam at the powder mills, and that a hop ground of 20 acres was from time to time overflowed by the water in the pond, and thereby chilled and made little worth; Committee to attend the Baron and divert him from these unjust demands. Request of Mr. Bancks, executor to Mr. Dalbie, deceased, concerning the payments due to make up his, Dalbie's, adventure of 2,000l.; ordered that Mr. Sambrooke cast up the interest and the Court will deal as favourably with Mr. Bancks as they can. The proportion of beer and wine for the Jonas and Dove. Directions to Mr. Ellam how to answer some special points abstracted out of the letters from the Indies in the letter now to be sent overland to Persia; first to make a plain narration of the arrest of the three Dutch ships now after the expiration of the 18 months granted by his Majesty to have justice for the Amboyna murder and restitution for injuries, and if the Dutchmen incensed should proceed to any violence in the Indies in such case the English to stand upon their guard and defend themselves as well as they may; next that the Company will in due time take consideration of Mr. Burt's service and extraordinary charges in Persia; and for his desire to have authority for suppressing private trade, some of opinion to send him a commission to seize all private men's goods landed, others remembering that the mariners have always had allowance of a chest, conceived this course too severe, but nothing was positively concluded on this point. Monday and Wednesday afternoons set apart for considering the supplying or desisting from the Persian trade, and when settled to write to Mr. Burt that the Company will send a fourth part money as he required. 40 cloths for Jacatra to be provided for the Dove.
Nov. 9.—Consideration of John Willoughby's petition to be employed again as iactor, but though he had acquitted himself of all objections and cleared his accounts yet as he was conceived a weak man the Court told him they had no cause at present to employ him. The former directions given for a Black Book to be kept wherein all complaints out of the Indies against the Company's factors or servants are to be inserted now again given to Mr. Cappur, and special charge to make the collections in said Black Book to be laid before Mr. Governor in Court from time to time. The wife of John Cartwright, factor at Jacatra, to receive 20l. out of his wages. Ordered forthwith to provide so much brass metal as would make a demi cannon to be cast and presented to the King of Macassar according to promise. Concerning the custom and impost upon the Moon's pepper. Request of the brother and executor of John Purifey, late factor, to receive eight dividends due on his brother's adventure of 400l. in the second joint stock, being 200l. and interest and the remain of his wages; answered that the dividends and interest would be paid so soon as he had proved the will, but the wages would be detained until advertised how his brother's accounts stand. Request of Mr. Hoare to have the great cabin on the Dove; Mr. Munck, the master, to be otherwise supplied according to his quality. Petition of Elizabeth Piddock, sister and executrix of Andrew Michelson, concerning her brother's estate; ordered that the caveat put in against the will be withdrawn. One month's pay extraordinary of her husband's wages granted to Alice, wife of John Mannering. Petition of John Lemprier for satisfaction for his interest in a piece of ground surrendered to the Company to enlarge their yard at Blackwall referred. Request of Thomas Tiggins, beadle, suddenly fallen ill, that Henry Ask with be appointed during his sickness, agreed to. 12 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 135–147.]
Nov. 12.
557. Sec. Conway to Dudley Lord Carleton. The Dutch East India ships continue under safe and fair usage. Conceives the States Ambassador has moved his Majesty for their release, whereupon the King will advise and give him an answer, a fair one if not satisfactory. "Let me have your advice." [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 12–19. 558. Court Minutes of the East India Company. This meeting appointed specially to confer about the trade to the Indies and Persia. Mr. Governor propounded whether, seeing the backwardness of the States to send over Ambassadors for the accommodation of differences, which is reported to proceed out of the confidence of the Dutch to obtain by help of their friends in England a speedy release of their three ships, it were not necessary to frame a petition acquainting his Majesty with contents of these letters and imploring him not to admit of any release of said ships until the Dutch give full satisfaction and reparation; but albeit they were persuaded the Dutch would leave no means unattempted for release of the ships, yet after debate and considering how greatly his Majesty and the State are engaged and that nothing more could be obtained but on conditions such as the Company cannot at present undergo, it was resolved to leave the business wholly to the care of the King and State. Concerning the former propositions for supporting the trade, Mr. Governor showed how at former meetings they had concluded to dispeed the Jonas and Dove for Bantam and Surat at a charge of 60,000l. or 70,000l., but that resolution cannot now be accomplished, firstly, in respect of the long stay of their ships at Portsmouth; secondly, for want of mariners; and thirdly, for that they were altogether disappointed of ryals from Holland by reason of the wars, so that to dispeed the pinnace by Christmas was as much as the Company could do, and seeing there is a full Court, and as the letters from Persia encouraged them to proceed in that trade, he desired them to deliver their opinions what was best to be done. It was the general opinion that if his Majesty release the Dutch ships it were much better for the Company to give over the trade now; but it was advised not to give that out, for it would much encourage the Hollanders yet to do something in Persia, though it be not to profit, but only to keep out the Hollanders, which might be clone by sending 1,000 cloths and 80 tons of tin, for to lose that trade after so much cost and labour in its discovery would be no small grief and disreputation to the Company and the whole nation; therefore it was the opinion of a Committee by no means to give it over, but to continue the same, and it was, alleged that there is hope to obtain certain privileges and immunities from his Majesty, which a "worthy knight" [Sir John Wolstenholme] then present promised to endeavour. Hereupon seeing that 200,000l. stock is required to manage the trade, which cannot be raised out of the old stock, the charge already increasing daily, so that in short time it will eat out itself, a proposition was made that the old stock might be wholly employed at Surat, and new subscriptions raised for the trade of Persia; but these propositions were not approved, as holding impossible to divide the trade of Persia from Surat, and it was advised to forbear building any more ships, but to have them on freight, which business having been debated in the Trinity House, and thought meet to freight ships for the Indies at 6d. the small pound; but this course was not held so profitable as for the Company to employ their own shipping. Another advised to take upon credit 1,000 cloths and 80 tons of tin, commending the overture to be suitors for privileges from his Majesty, and instancing the great benefit made by subjects of the French King, Henry IV., to whom he granted divers like immunities. It was also advised that liberty be given to any that would adventure 2,000 cloths or more and any quantity of tin for any part of the Indies this year, Surat excepted, and that a book be set out for a new subscription by the old adventurers, and those unwilling to write anew be dealt with to sell their adventures at 80 per cent., but it was considered that this course would not generally take, for to force any either to buy or to sell would be very distasteful to the nobility and gentry. After these and many other disputes, and no course yet found to raise said stock of 200,000l., it was resolved to send away the pinnace and for next year to attend what end the State would make with the Dutch, for if the King will protect the trade there is no doubt but the adventurers will be many and a good stock raised; this day week appointed to resume this weighty business, concluding generally without the protection of the King and State absolutely to give over the trade.
Nov. 14.—Suit of Mr. Ludlow for George Willoughby's wages. Divers complaints out of the Indies of Willoughby's abuses read, upon which the Company find just cause to detain Willoughby's wages until his return. Gratuity of 20s. out of the poor box to Thomas Tiggins, beadle, who lay very sick. Complaints out of the last letters from the Indies to be inserted in the Black Book. The Jonas to fall down to Erith to be moored for her better safety. Request of Mr. Myn for leave to sell within the kingdom the pepper which he took out in December 1625, answered that it was directly against the orders of the General Court. Two brass sakers to be put aboard the Dove. Report of Job Harby that the Lord Chief Baron will be ready to give the Company a hearing concerning the custom demanded for the Moon's pepper when they desire it. Thomas Corne's Bill of charges referred. Mrs. Piddock having proved her brother Andrew Michelson's will to attend on Friday. Gratuities out of the poor box to Katherine Allen, Margaret Perfect, Anne Dynn. Discussion on the request of Swanley, master of the Jonas, that the greater quantity of wine supplied may be canary, in regard that white wine soon grows tart and the mariners utterly dislike it. The determination deferred concerning the payments made to Mr. and Mrs. Viney out of Capt. Jourdain's estate, a note of which is to be produced in the Court of Delegates or Admiralty on the hearing of the cause between Mrs. Jourdain and Viney if required.
Nov. 16.—Report of Mr. Treasurer that ryals of 8 are not now to be had, that Barlow gave no hope of furnishing specie, and that Mr. Dyke hath a parcel of Barbary gold to the value of 6,000l. The Court considering the great inconvenience of sending English gold last year, directed Mr, Mountney to go to the "say master and say it" first, and then Mr. Treasurer to make price for it. The resolution to furnish the ships with one-third white wine confirmed, notwithstanding Mr. Swanley's desire to have one-quarter white and three-quarters canary. Ordered to buy 1 cwt. of Russian yarn and weave it out for a trial to make pepper bags; the Court desirous to further the work at Bridewell, but for this year they were provided, having 5,000 bags in readiness. Report of Mr. Sherburne that Baron Southerton seemed very inclinable to reason, and desired rather that his hop ground might not in future be overflown, than insisting on damage done; the Court remembered that the assurance for the lease of the powder mills was not yet perfected either by the Baron and his Lady, or Sir Edward Randall and his Lady, to whom the inheritance after the death of Lady Morgan, wife to the Baron, descends, and recommended it to the Remembranceer's care to follow this business, and first treat fairly with Sir Edward and end it, though something were given to his lady, otherwise to proceed against him by law upon his agreement. The remainder due upon the account of Henry Ducye, deceased, to be paid. Renewed request of Mr. Bancks concerning Mr. Dalbie's adventure; Committee to agree upon the case. Question about the Dove's cabin, the master content that the merchant, Mr. Hoare, make use of it by day. The four master's mates in the Dove, though by some deemed too many for so small a ship, to be continued, as there may be want of them in the Indies. Motion to make sale of the goods that were George Ball's, in regard they are perishable, referred. Concerning a bargain of timber bought of one Webb. Suit between the Company and Greene in the Admiralty ready for trial, Committee to go to Doctors' Commons to countenance the cause and give fees to the advocates. Ordered that one month's pay be defalked out of the wages of all who left the ships at Plymouth or Portsmouth. A month's pay detained from Samuel Jenkins for leaving the Great James at Portsmouth, to be paid on attestation from Capt. Weddell that he was sick and had leave to come away.
Nov. 19.—This day appointed to take again into serious consideration the condition and estate of the Company, and the safest course either for prosecution or desertion of the trade. It was advised to forbear for a time further consultations about this great business till it should appear what course the King and State would take concerning the three Dutch ships at Portsmouth, for whether the Company should find out a means to maintain the trade or resolve to give it over, the knowledge of either would be of ill consequence to the Company, for if the State understand that the Company will desert the trade, it will be a means to dull their edge in pressing the Hollanders for satisfaction, and procuring an accommodation of trade for the future, and if it be known they are resolved to continue the trade and raise a new stock, his Majesty may be persuaded to leave them to themselves, and without his protection it is vain to prosecute the trade. After further argument it was observed that the spring would be timely enough and much more convenient than now for making provisions of cloth, &c. both for Persia and the Indies; it was therefore agreed to defer this consultation, and first to see the issue of the business between the Company and the Dutch, and after more debate finally concurred to take the same again into consideration in February next Motion for sending forth a stock to Surat this year, otherwise that trade in danger to be utterly lost; it was answered the Company had desisted for one year, and the trade would be as well recovered after 2 years as one, nevertheless thought fit and so ordered that liberty be given to Freemen of the Company to adventure into Persia or the Indies this next spring any quantity of cloth or tin in their own ships, the Court first having notice thereof. Mr. Treasurer then desired to know how to raise money for setting forth the Dove and Jonas, advising that the generality be called together, and the rather that it was directly against the liking of many of the greatest adventurers to send any more quick stock; whereupon the Court Minutes of 21st September, wherein means were found by sale of the cloves out the London and Reformation, and out of their debts, was read and approved, and the former resolution confirmed to dispeed the pinnace and Jonas with all expedition, and the rather that if the pinnace had no other cause but to fetch home President Hawley and his associates Mills Steele, and young Hawley, it were in itself a very good service for besides many foul and intolerable abuses it had lately been discovered that Hawley had made it a very common custom to sell the Company's stores, goods, and ammunition to the Dutch, which hath hitherto been concealed by reason of the variety of pursers placed and displaced by him, who not knowing what was before delivered out of the Company's stores, were unable to charge the same in their books; and there was further remembered his unnecessary and extraordinary expenses in building at Jacatra in contradiction of the Company's orders, of which Mr. Muschamp had always complained, and therefore a motion was made that Mr. Muschamp, of whom the Company hath good opinion, might on Mr. Hawley's return be joined in Commission with Mr. Hoare, whom it is intended to send as his second. Suit of Mr. Knight Master of the Hercules, for a mast 27 yards long and 24 inches about, a late storm having split his mast by the board, and without this favour he was like to lose his voyage, there not being any masts to be found of that scantling; the Court, though they accounted their masts as jewels, yet as Messrs. Clement and Job Harby, Thomas Symonds, and Tho. Soame were the owners, were pleased to satisfy the request, on condition that Soame pay 40l., to be returned if before Midsummer next he deliver into their yard at Black wall the like mast as good in all respects. 17½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 147–161]
Nov. 24. 559. The Privy Council to the States Ambassador. On consideration of his demand to his Majesty given the 11/21 inst, for release of the three Dutch East India ships, he may remember with how great patience his Majesty hath required and expected justice for the violence committed upon his subjects at Amboyna and for restitution of their goods, and his Majesty foreseeing the prejudice and inconvenience to which he refers joined with that State in the Treaty of, Southampton, in a league defensive and offensive, and then, by way of protest, declared that if the States did him not justice within 18 months, he would then take right for himself and his subjects. In all that time his Majesty hath suffered the despaired importunities of his merchants, but being long run out he sought justice and reparation by his Ambassador, who was so slowly hearkened to that his Majesty was constrained to let pass no more opportunities for staying their ships, which was done with so great moderation as even in that may appear his Majesty's desire to conserve amity with the States and their subjects. If there be any grievance or offence in this act his Majesty protests it proceeds merely from the first act in Amboyna, and from the States long deferring of justice, which if they shall hasten by satisfaction to his merchants, the release of their ships will instantly follow, and as his Majesty believes the States really intend to do him justice, so he prays them to be confident in him that all his actions shall tend to the maintenance of amity with them, according to the alliance between them and the necessity to fortify that alliance for the good of these Crowns and that State. 24 Nov. 1627. 2½ pp. profit with corrections. There are also copies in French, dated at Whitehall, 3 Dec. 1627. [Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 24. 560. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered at the request of Wm. Priestley, executor to his father, Wm. Priestley, that a certificate be delivered to the Court of Wards of the true state of his fathers adventure of 3,000l. Resolved that John de Lucye. agent for the Dutch East India Company, be examined with others about the escape of the Amboyna judges from Portsmouth, under a warrant from the Lords. Committees to speak with Sir Edward Randall concerning abuses about the powder mills, and to take the opportunity to move him and his lady to seal the lease and perfect the assurance, and rather than fail to promise the lady something for her consent. Resolved to sell George Ball's goods without questioning his executors in Chancery. The Petition to the Barons of the Exchequer for discharge of the custom of the Moon's pepper, left to further consideration. Whether the merchant, Mr. Hoare, or the master to have the great cabin of the Dove, referred. Request of one Alcheyn, of the Isle of Wight, sent for to be examined before Sir Henry Marten about the escape of the Dutchmen, for payment of his charges. 3½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 165–168.]
Nov. 25.
561. See. Coke to Dudley Lord Carleton. Marvels very much that notwithstanding the detention of their ships, the Dutch make no haste to send Commissioners over, nor to discover their judgments for the matter of Amboyna, though some ministers of theirs returned in these ships have acknowledged that even their own people in the Indies esteemed it a wicked and abominable fact. Till the States express themselves more clearly in that business it will not be possible to conceive that they desire to continue their ancient affection and firmness unto us. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Nov. 27. 562. Consultation aboard the Expedition to examine John Samuel, purser, who had written in his table book against Randall Jesson, master. The master told Willoughby he was false hearted, whereupon Willoughby answered that he lied like a rascally knave, upon which the master boxed his ears, and Willoughby flew at him with a great china platter, struck him in the face and pulled off some of his beard. Being parted, he again struck Jesson with a candlestick, and took a knife to have stabbed him, and afterward seized a carpenter's axe and struck at him; finally, Willoughby was .condemned to be put into the bilboes till released by the master's clemency. Signed by Alexander Lord, surgeon, and several others. Mutilated 2 pp. [O.C., Vol. XL., No. 1260.]
Nov. 26./Dec. 6. 563. Protest of David Pieterson, Cornelis Jannsen, Jehan Swaen, P. Croon, Frans Buys, and Gerret Adriansen on behalf of the Netherlands East India Company, against the English going to Bantam. Dutch. 5 pp. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1261.]
Nov. 28–30. 564. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Committees to go aboard the London at Erith, and aboard the Reformation at Blackwall to break bulk. 147 lbs. of cassia ligna sold by John Headley, surgeon of the London, to Mr. Lovett, to be brought to the Company's house. Committees bound to the City for 4,000l. taken up for the use of the Company. Report of the Auditors on Banks's case concerning Dalbie's adventure; Banks requested to come again to another Court. Consideration of the difference between the merchant and master of the Dove about having the great cabin; Munke, the master, dismissed. 10s. per acre assessed by the Commissioners of Sewers for Middlesex and Essex upon the Company's 10 acres of marsh land at Blackwall for repairing and maintenance of the marsh wall to be paid. Report of Langford, master of the Reformation, that Gabriel Hawley for private trade borrowed of Eustace Man 1,000l., for which the President became surety, ordered to be recorded in the Black Book. Mr. Sherburne commanded to register that Mr. Governor and certain Committees having attended his Majesty on a message sent to the Company, on their return the officers of the Company were not admitted for an hour, and the Committees were required to keep secret what was imparted to them.
Nov. 30.—Information that Sir Henry Marten was willing to give sentence for the Company in the suit against Capt. Michael Greene, which had been depending the full time of three years, on the Company passing their words to allow Greene all his disbursements not yet brought to account, which was promised. To confer with Sir Edward Randall and his lady about their consent to farm to the Company their powder mills at Guildford. Report that the grocers are very earnest to buy some of the Company's cloves. Suit of Elizabeth Piddock, sister and executrix of Andrew Michelson, deceased, to receive her brother's estate; was answered he had much wronged the Company, not only by his great private trade, but that as steward of the house at Jacatra he had used their drugs and medicines and put the benefit in his own purse; but offered 500l. and her charges from Plymouth, which she thankfully accepted and promised to seal a general release. Ordered that the Secretary register that Mr. Governor, Sheriff Garway, and Mr. Mun again attended his Majesty last Wednesday, the success whereof being now to be imparted, all officers were willed to forbear the Court, and then the Committees were desired to keep secret what was delivered by Mr. Governor. 6½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 168–174.]