East Indies: October 1627

Pages 403-419

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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October 1627

Oct. 1.
The Entrance, Stokes Bay.
517. Sir Henry Mervyn. to Nicholas. Two East India English ships came here to anchor late last night. They left Sir Francis Steward at Plymouth, and have on board the body of Sir John Burras [Burgh]. [Extract, Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 3, Cal. p. 366.]
Oct. 1.
518. William Towerson to Nicholas. The three Dutch East India ships are now in this harbour. The two English India ships from Plymouth now in Stokes Bay. The corpse of Sir (John) Burgh brought from Plymouth in the London, landed that evening. [Extract, Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 4, Cal. p. 366.]
Oct. 2.
519. Sec. Coke to Dudley Lord Carleton. You have heard by this time that the three Dutch East Indian ships which came lately into Stokes Bay are there arrested and brought into Portsmouth Road under the command of his Majesty's fort, and there safely kept. His Majesty hath given express commandment that their goods shall not be touched and that their people shall be well used, which accordingly is performed. They may blame themselves for giving your Lordship no better satisfaction and for sending away Coen contrary to their promise, and learn that princes must be observed with due respect and not forced by such pledges to seek right at their hands. I know your Lordship's wisdom will make use hereof to his Majesty's true end, which is to bring that stubborn Company of the Bewinthebbers to a correspondence with our men for the advancement of trade on both parts, and to keep the interests of the Companies divided from the interests of the States, that no occasion may go from hence of rupture in the League, and yet that both the States and the merchants may see that we are not to be wrought upon. In these ships we find some of those that were interested in the action of Amboyna whom we have put in safe keeping, and the Company will petition that they may here be examined and their examinations registered in a legal form. It may be hoped that the prejudice which the Company there suffereth by this detention of their ships will hasten their justice, and that by your wisdom it may be so provided that with the Ambassadors which now come over, some of that Company may be sent with full power and with the concurrence of the Ambassadors for the States to make a final end of these discords and to join both nations in a confederacy of trade for both the Indies as they are joined for war and peace. Whether it be not fit to draw such overtures to be made by them I leave to your better judgment. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Oct. 2.
At anchor under Cowes Castle.
520. Certificate of J. Carstenzoon, Commander, and nine other Officers of the three Dutch East India ships, the Golden Lion, the Orange, and Walcheren. Set forth a letter from Humphrey Pinne, John Johnson, John Esmare, Jonas Colbach, and Thos. Joyse, purser, officers of the London, requesting assistance from their ships, the London being in a very weak and desolate estate, which was furnished, as also the gift of a boat on the loss of their own at St. Helena. 3 pp. "Translated out of Dutch." [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 14, Cal. p. 368.] There is another copy in Holland Corresp inclosed in a letter from Carstenzoon to Sec. Conway, dated 3 Oct., 1627.
Oct. 2.
At anchor under Cowes Castle.
521. Similar certificate from the same persons. Set forth another letter by the Officers of the London and of the Reformation on 29th August last, requesting the loan of 30 men, which was granted. Both English ships had lost many men through death, and the Reformation was in a leaky condition. 3 pp. "Translated out of Dutch." [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX. No. 15, Cal. p. 368.] There is another copy in Holland Corresp. which was also enclosed by Carstenzoon to Sec. Conway, as above stated.
Oct. 3–4. 522. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read from the Commissioners of the Navy desiring allowance for a pretended damage to the Red Hart through an anchor of the Company's about Blackwall; Mr. Swanley and Boatswain Ingram were ordered to be warned to attend in the afternoon with witnesses. Divers letters read, brought home from the East Indies in the London and Reformation, from Henry Woolman and Capt. Moreton, with many complaints against George Willoughby, Eustace Man, Gabriel Hawley, Richard Steele, John Coward, and Henry Sill, concerning private trade and other offences, and from George Willoughby justifying himself and laying the blame on Woolman, all which complaints are ordered to be entered in the Black Book Offer of Richard Swanley, who came home master in the Royal James, to serve the Company in the Indies at 10l. per month, but was wished to bethink himself of a less demand. Election of pursers, purser's mates, and other officers for the ship and pinnace, deferred, as also the election of a home purser to keep exact account of all provisions and goods aboard, to keep the keys of the hold, lie aboard continually, and answer for any private trade in the ship. The pinnace appointed to go along with the Jonas, named the Dove; 70 tons of lead to be provided and sent in these ships. Relation of the damage to the Red Hart; the Commissioners of the Navy to appoint a day when this difference may be heard by the Masters of the Trinity House. Richard Swanley entertained at 100l. per annum.
Oct. 4.—Report of Mr. Governor that John Yonge is come from Portsmouth, where he heard that the Dutch men-of-war lay in wait to take the London and Reformation, with which he yesterday acquainted Sir John Coke, who procured letters to Sir Henry Mervyn that the King's ships should waft them into the river, with which letters Yonge had ridden to Hampton Court, but what will be done is as yet uncertain. Some of opinion to offer the Commanders of the King's ships 100l. to perform this service, but after debate resolved that Mr. Sherburne give 50l. to Sir Henry Mervyn for his former care, with a promise of further reward when the ships were come about. 5 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 90–94.]
Oct. 4. 523. Edward Nicholas to Dudley Lord Carleton. Sir Henry Mervyn has been employed in bringing three East India Dutch ships into Portsmouth harbour, though their Admiral was very obstinate, and they are there safe with special charge that nothing be pillaged. [Dom., Chas. I., Nicholas's Letter Book, p. 48, Cal. p. 372.]
Oct. 4.
Hampton Court.
524. Sec. Conway to Capt. Towerson. He will receive directions from the Lords of the Council, and his Majesty has given strict order that there be no purloining of the goods of the Dutch ships whilst under arrest and his protection. Thinks it might be a good course to put three or four very honest and trustworthy men aboard each ship. Information that some Dutch ships anchoring close by take aboard all their best and richest commodities; this would be a mere scorn to his Majesty and frustrate the endeavours used to avoid just discontent from the Dutch. If he wants any power must address Lord Conway as having a particular charge in that place. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 35, Cal. p. 371.]
Oct. 4.
525. Sec. Coke to Sec. Conway. Sir Henry Mervyn is come from Portsmouth, where he hears two Holland men-of-war are permitted to ride near the East India ships, which may convey out of them the most precious commodities. Has written to Sir John Jephson, and to Towerson to put some able Englishman aboard, and to forbid ships and boats to ride near them. Three more Holland men-of-war have come thither, and they expect a greater strength and purpose to convey their ships and goods by underhand means, or to assail our English East India ships now come to Stokes Bay. Has written to Sir Henry Mervyn requiring him to take care of their safe convoy, because the merchants tell him that some of "our Commanders" have professed that they have been offered 5,000l. to connive in this business; his Lordship may therefore acquaint his Majesty accordingly, and send such warrant to Sir Henry and the Lieut of Portsmouth, as shall seem good. 2 pp. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 38, Cal. p. 371.]
Oct. 5.
Hampton Court.
526. Sec. Conway to Dudley Lord Carleton. There are three East India ships of that country richly laden stayed here and do lie under the surety of his Majesty's protection within the command of Portsmouth. Of this doubts not his Lordship will have a furious alarm there, but he may assure the States or the particular Company of the East Indies that his Majesty hath made only a plain arrest of them with care and providence according to his just resolution that they shall be fairly used; nothing shall be pillaged nor bulk broken, but all things remain in the possession and safe keeping of their Admiral and the rest of the officers of those ships until such time as his Majesty and the States or that East India Company shall have "liquided" the accounts and questions between them. The manner of their arrests, the disputes with all other particulars concerning their bringing to Portsmouth he shall receive herewith, in a particular relation. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Oct. 5. 527. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the barrel of indigo refused by Messrs. Crispe, Woodward, and Wright, and attending the Masters of the Trinity House about the damage done to the Red Hart. Letter read from Mr. Misselden and on some words which Sir Henry Mervin heard spoken by the Dutch at Portsmouth, concerning the death of Harman Van Speult, Governor of Amboyna, and which he intended to acquaint the Lords of the Council with this afternoon; divers Committees entreated to attend there also. A former Order in December 1619, for Woodall, surgeon, to have two months' pay yearly of all his servant's wages in the Indies, confirmed. 1½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 94–95.]
Oct. 5.
528. Robt. Barlow to Dudley Lord Carleton. The town is now full of the report that six or eight men-of-war are gone with absolute commission to fetch away the three Surat ships by strong hand if possible it may be effected, so now the full intent of the Bewinthebbers is well to be seen that they intend not to make any recompense for wrongs done if by strong hand they can avoid the same. This course is very well liked by Papists, Armenians, and libertines, but others that are honest do utterly dislike the same, saying it will fall the worse for the Company. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Oct. 6.
529. William Towerson, Deputy Vice-Admiral, to Sec. Lord Conway. Gave notice to the Dutch Admiral of the directions received from his Lordship that there might be viligent care that no goods were purloined, and from Sec. Coke to have their sails put ashore, and three or four Englishmen put aboard each ship who was well contented to land their sails, but hoped his Majesty would permit them to keep their goods in their own charge, and engaged to give account to his Majesty or the States of every parcel of goods laden aboard those ships in the Indies. As for any goods put aboard the men-of-war he desired that search might be made, and any found confiscated. Whereupon men are appointed to search, and as watch and ward is held night and day doubts not to give a fair account. Finds the Dutch very conformable to his Majesty's stay, and fearing that putting Englishmen aboard would cause daily differences, forbears doing so until his Lordship's further directions. 1 p. [Dom Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 54, Cal., p. 374.]
Oct. 6. 530. Sir Henry Mervyn to Sec. Coke. One Newland, dwelling near Cowes Castle, when the Commanders of the Dutch East India ships had given a willing consent to come into Portsmouth harbour, went on board, giving forth speeches that they would be hanged, so that next morning they refused to go and were resolved rather to fight. He also conveyed on board both men and victuals, which so embroiled the service as the sequel hourly put in hazard the effusion of blood. If Sec. Coke think fit that Newland be questioned will send certificate of the fact. 1½ pp. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 56, Cat. p. 374.]
Oct 6.
531. Dudley Lord Carleton to Edw. Nicholas. It is said here some men-of-war are gone out of Zealand to seek out their East India ships under arrest, but my hope is you have them so sure they cannot be fetched away, otherwise all will turn to scorn, and they will say here we neither know how to take ships nor keep ships, but do all to the halves, and if those be delivered it is fit it should be freely by his Majesty's grant, but that I cannot advise till we are here in a better way of satisfaction, yet let this be to yourself, for whilst I am in this charge 1 am not to be a councillor. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
[Oct. 7.] 532. "Observations out of Lord Carleton's letters." The Lord Ambassador's despatch is well worthy of the consideration of the Committee. The East India Directors and the particulars interested are alike offended at the staying of their ships. It is true there might have been a more happy conjuncture for it, but the care now must be that they be not pillaged or otherwise abused and it were requisite to appoint two or three of the Lords to see to the sure guard of those ships and hear at all times the informations of the East India merchants and satisfy their just complaints. The East India Company have had a proof that his Majesty's ships intend no violence against them; and those East India ships carried themselves peaceably in that action. It seems the States are giving speedy satisfaction to the Ambassador in all his propositions, judges being appointed for the cause of Amboyna and the revocations of Coen on the point of resolution. Another copy is endorsed 7 Oct. 1627. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Oct. 9.
533. William Towerson, Deputy Vice-Admiral, to Sec. Conway. The sailors of the Dutch East India ships daily press for liberty to leave their ships and that they may be secured their wages. Their Commanders animate them in this clamonr, for at least 50 or 60 of them are at his door three or four times a day. On Saturday last their Admiral moved for permission to put aboard the men-of-war 30 men out of each of the ships, but Towerson answered he had no Commission for disposing of them. The [Dutch] men-of-war are all put to sea. Bequests speedy directions. 1½ pp. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXX., No. 76, Cal. p. 377.]
Oct. 10. 534. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Acton to examine the proofs against Grove, and to attend for consideration of David Bourne's replication, containing 21 sheets Satisfaction given to the Masters of the Trinity House concerning the damage done to the Red Hart. Order of the Court of Chancery concerning the adventure of the father of Jaspar Lucatella and Mr. Kirby to be registered. Relation of the refusal of the common men to bring about the London and Reformation from Portsmouth. Richard Swanley with 10 able men to be sent to Portsmouth by land to be put aboard said ships. On consideration that the apprehension of the Amboyna judges reported to be in the Dutch ships is of great consequence and not to be let slip, it was thought fit, howbeit the warrant signed by three of the Council had been recalled by Lord Conway, not to set down with a denial, but earnestly to press it again; and understanding from John Powell the favour shown to the Dutch by Sir Fulke Grevill and Mr. Read, resolved that Committees accompany Mr. Governor to Whitehall to importune their Lordships for the apprehension of said Amboyna judges. Mr. Cocks referred for a final answer concerning the wages of Giles Hobbes, who died in Persia. Report how necessary it is in these dangerous times to keep careful watch in the Company's yards against attempt by night on their powder or cordage, three men are appointed to watch every night with loaded muskets. Ordered that John Beck, clerk of the iron stores in the yard, be presently charged to remove thence with his family according to former order. Whether to cover the shed for preservation of their barge with Flanders tiles or deals. Discussion on the ill managing of the Company's affairs at Jacatra, the unfitness of President Hawley, his abuse in the Bull and Abigail, being charged to have half laden the Bull with commodities for others accounts, his indulgence to his kinsman, Gabriel Hawley, conniving at Thos. Mills, and admitting Richard Steele to be in commission and of one of the Council when it was the Company's order only to employ him as messenger with his Majesty's letters to the Kings of Bantam, Siam, and Macassar; ordered that the accounts be perused to discover these abuses and misdemeanors, and that Hawley be displaced, and his kinsman Gabriel Hawley, Mills, and Steele all recalled by their next ships; and because the abuse is great by the pursers, especially young Hawley, suffering so much money to be taken up in the Indies by mariners and others, to their particular gain and the great increase of private trade; ordered that all moneys so taken up be stopped, except on dead men's goods, or a third wages; and because the Company is exceedingly wronged by the quantities of goods put aboard their ships for private trade notwithstanding their strict commands, Nathaniel Cobb was appointed to attend aboard their ships outward and homeward bound as land purser, who with the purser or every ship is to keep each a key of the hold, and a particular account of all brought into or delivered out of each ship that the Company may not hereafter be defrauded both of their freight and the benefit of their trade; and ordered that Cobb have commission under the hands of the Governor, Deputy, and Committees, and the seal of the Company to perform this service without contradiction of any of their servants on pain of dismissal. Thomas Turner, who had done good service in the preservation of the-Anne, and David Jelly, in his Arabian voyage, elected pursers of the Jonas and Dove. Francis Carter, purser's mate in the Jonas. Lists of the names of the Committees with their several employments for the present year read and confirmed, and the secretary required to deliver to each Committee a copy, viz., for the warehouses, for beef, pork, butter, fish, cheese, and salt; for beer, wax, sugar, rice, soap, eyder, candles, spice, honey and lemon juice; for bread, biscuit, meal, flour, peas, French barley, and plates for the bread rooms; for wine, "vine eager," beer eager, sweet oil, rape oil, and aquavitæ; for cordage, pitch, tar, rosin, masts, deals, wainscot timber, treenails, planks, sheathing boards, pipe staves and hogshead staves; for iron, lead, sheet lead, copper, billets, iron hoops, apparel for mariners, and brass shivers; for elephants teeth, quicksilver, vermillion, tapestry, coral, silk stuffs, gold and silver lace; for powder, shot, ordnance, canvas for sails and pepper bags, flags, waste cloths, stores for gunners, cooks, armourers, boatswains, and stewards; for ryalls; for cloth; for cask; for the yards; for hiring mariners; for old stores at the return of ships; for boltropes; for making masts and carving work; for auditing Mr. Hurt's accounts and to oversee Sambrooke about mariners' accounts and firm the tickets. Suit of Mr. Williams, who went out minister in the Exchange, for his wages; as there are complaints out of the Indies against him, he was wished to attend on Friday. 9 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 96–104.]
Oct. 10.
The Hague.
535. Dudley Lord Carleton to Sec. Conway. There are gone five ships of war under Capt. Cluyter towards Portsmouth to seek out their East India ships, with instructions to supply all their wants and convoy them hither if free, but if under arrest not to meddle with them; but is glad to understand that they are in security, for if it were in the power of the States ships to bring them away, notwithstanding their instructions would not trust their discretion, and when delivered it should be by his Majesty's free grant, not by constraint. These Amboyna judges have their commission delivered them by the States, and the fiscal likewise, who has written to Misselden and Barlow for information. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Oct. 11. 536. Robert Barlow to Dudley Carleton. The two Amboyna men who escaped out of England are in this town [Amsterdam] and a friend of his had had long discourse with one named Vincent Cortehalse, who says he sat not as judge but was secretary and wrote what he was commanded; presumes much good matter might be wrought out of him. The other, named Renier Sercheurs, gives himself to be none of the Amboyna men does not find his name in the register of the judges, but his flight out of England makes it thought he knew his own guiltiness. It would have given great light to the cause if these men had been better looked to and kept in England. [Extract, Holland Corresp.
Oct. 12. 537. Sec. Conway to Capt. Towerson. The East India Company have made suit that the yards of the three Dutch ships may be brought on shore, but his Majesty would not have them troubled with any needless act which might give them offence and put a jealously in the States who are now in a course or giving satisfaction; and therefore if the ships be under sure command he may certify so much, but if any probability to get away to deal discreetly, that with their consent the yards may be taken down and if they will not yield then to certify their reasons with his his own opinion of its necessity or importance. 1 p. [Dom. Chas. I., Vol. LXXXI., No. 24, Cal. p. 384.]
Oct. 12–15. 538. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Committee to attend Sir Henry Marten to countenance the cause of Susan, widow of Capt. John Jourdain, against Jonas Viney. Request of Mr. Williams, preacher, for his wages; it appeared he was entertained at 50l., with a promise to make it up to 60l. if he returned with good commendations, but in regard he was sent home by the President and Council as a man no way qualified in regard of his function, neither any way fitting to do the Company service, he was allowed but 50l. per annum. Ordered that Mr. Yonge carry down to Portsmouth 300l. for the Company's occasions. Mary Tyce, mother of Daniel de Garden, to receive two months' pay yearly of her son's wages towards the maintenance and education of De Garden's child. Ordered that 50l. be imprested to Woodall to provide surgeon's chests for the Jonas and Dove.
Oct. 13.—Report of Mr. Deputy that in reply to their petition for leave to bring about the London and Reformation from Portsmouth into the river, Lord Conway advised them by no means to adventure forth, as well in respect of the Hollanders who may attempt to take them if they find the King's ships do not guard them, but chiefly in respect of the Dunkirkers, who have a fleet of 26 ships, manned with 4,000 land men, wishing them to attend the coming of his Majesty's ship St. Claude from Harwich, and the vietualling of the Mary Rose, and Charles, which should give them safe convoy, and Mr. Secretary Coke also advised them not to bring their ships about without leave from the State, which they should understand tomorrow afternoon; whereupon the Court was divided in opinion, some conceiving that the Dunkirkers being not yet put to sea, the wind that brought the ships from Portsmouth would keep them in, and that the Hollanders would not venture to assault them knowing them to be so well manned; nevertheless it was concluded to command the ships to be brought into the Camber there to attend the convoy of his Majesty's ships. Motion for unlading the greater ship at Southampton and bringing the lesser one about. Offer of Alderman Garway for 500 bags of pepper at 17d. per lb. to be transported, deferred. Motion on behalf of Sir Henry Mervyn for a loan of 200l. on Sir Sackvile Crowe's bond, to be repaid in two months, but the Court, though acknowledging themselves beholden for his forwardness in the stay of the three Dutch ships, could by no means condescend thereto, both in respect of the ill precedent and having lately denied his Majesty. Alderman Garway having 200l. of the King's moneys for prize goods offered to pay same to Sir John Wolstenholme within an hour if Sir Henry could procure an assignment, so Mr. Secretary Sherburne was requested to attend Sir Henry Mervyn to effect the same if possible.
Oct. 15.—Resolved that the Dove be launched tomorrow and made ready with all expedition, and dispeeded away whatever the resolution shall be concerning the Jonas. Order of Chancery in the cause between Robert and William Eyre, executors of Christopher Eyre, deceased, and Sir Francis Wortley and Dame Hester, his wife, for the testator's stock to remain in the Company's hands, to be registered. Offer of Mr. Hoare, who came home in the Jonas, to go again as factor, had served 14 years, and now demanded 150l. per annum; he was offered 100l., rising 10l. for four years, but refused. Suit of Edmond Chambers, the Company's bargeman, for the loan of the Company's chambers at Blackwall, for the service of the city on Lord Mayor's day, the Court wished the Wardens of the Haberdashers to come in person and desire this favour and they would grant it, but not otherwise. Gratuity of 40s. each to Joris Transonn and Garratt Sivertson, two of the Dutchmen that came into the Reformation two months since to assist her home, for defraying their charges to their own country. 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 105–110.]
Oct. 15.
539. Sir John Jephson to Sec. Conway. Though loth to distract the Dutch, yet not daring to leave his Lordship's directions to Capt. Towerson (see ante No. 537) wholly unperformed, told the Admiral he would do well to take his yards down, as being in accordance with the custom with ships under arrest. He protested that he had been embargoed in Spain, Italy, and Portugal, and more than his sails were never required, much less did he expect it here, so pressed him no further, for he has dismissed so many of his men, not knowing how long they may be detained, that it would be more than a difficulty for them to get free of the fort. If it be his Majesty's pleasure to have their yards taken down, doubts not to persuade them to it. At this instant the two English East India ships are come into harbour, which adds to their strength. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXXI No. 52, Cal. p. 389.]
Oct. 15.
540. Same to the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Steward and Captain of Portsmouth. To the same effect as the preceding. Assures him that if they take not the town, which he will not answer for against any attempt, they cannot go out of our hands but by some accident beyond human expectation. 1 p. [Dom., Chas I., Vol. LXXXI., No. 53, Cal. p. 389.]
Oct. 15. 541. "Speeches used by Forbis since his coming to London" concerning the Amboyna massacre. Mr. Thompson and John Clarke made no confession. Capt. Towerson left a Bible in Herman van Speult's hands protesting his innocency, and desired him to send it to his friends, and it was not (sent). Speult and the rest of the Council would have had Rowland, that translated the examination of the English, add to and take away some words to their advantage. At Jacatra they dispatched Speult to Surat as soon as they heard he was sent for to Holland, on pretence that none was so fit as he to go with a fleet. Forbis persuaded Raneer and Santen not to go away for Holland, saying it would make their cause worse, and they would find good justice in England, but they trembling replied they would go or else leap overboard, for if they went to London the people would tear them in pieces in the streets. ½ p. [Dom., Chas. I, Vol. LXXXI., No. 54, Cal. p. 389.]
Oct. 17. 542. Court Minutes of the East India Company." Representation of Mr. Offley about the custom for his pepper sold to Sir Joseph Hayes; was answered that the Company's order had been defrauded and the King wronged in the repayment of the impost, and it was resolved to exhibit a bill in Mr. Offley's name against the parties in Chancery or the Exchequer. Committees to attend the Council table to confer with the Lords about bringing in saltpetre for the use of this kingdom. The reading of the rejoinder to Mr. Bourne's replication referred, and Mr. Acton to advise with counsel concerning the proof against Grove. Mr. Sherburne ordered to attend the Lord Treasurer for a warrant to remit the impost on the Moon's pepper. Suit of the Burghers of Jacatra, who came home in the London and Reformation, for benevolence towards their charges into Holland, it was held meet first to examine them whether they were inveigled by the English or came of their own accord; and to write to the pursers of those ships to know what agreement was made with them. Demand of the Secretary to the Venetian Ambassador to receive the estate of an Italian, deceased, homeward bound from the Indies; answered that the Company knew of no such estate, but he could see the books of accounts, bills of lading, or anything else that concerned that particular. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 111–113.]
Oct. 17.
543. Capt. William Towerson to Sec. Conway. The servants of the East India Company finding aboard one of the Dutch ships one Forbishe, a Scotchman, who was interpreter betwixt the Dutch and English at the torture of Amboyna, who on voluntary confession before Lord Holland gives material relation of that cruelty, his Lordship has caused him to be sent up to the Lords of the Council. Has this instant received information of two Dutch ships outward bound for the East Indies, cast away near the Needles or on the shore of the main. 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXXII., No. 6, Cal. p. 392.]
Oct. 18.
544. Henry, Earl of Holland, to Nicholas. A Dutch East India fleet has been driven into the Needles, where two are wrecked. They have chests of silver and other things of value which may possibly be recovered. Advertised him that neither his Majesty nor the Lord Admiral may suffer in their rights. Has sent Capt. Towerson to survey the wrecks and prevent embezzlement. ' 1 p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXXII., No. 22, Cal. 397.]
Oct. 19. 545. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that no more work be done to the Great James and Charles. Mr. Robinson late the Company's servant and now a poor old man at Blackwall, to' be relieved with chips weekly out of the yard "to comfort him in cold weather." Consideration of the great charge of so many men aboard the Company's ships at Portsmouth, letter to be written to send back the 10 last dispeeded. Ordered that Mr. Governor be paid for postage of letters from Persia by way of Turkey. Mr. Poynett and his nephew not to attend the ships coming, because of the uncertain time when they would be wafted about. Edward Symecotts, some time ensign at Jacatra, returned in the London, to receive 10l. on account of his wages; and Thomas Matthews, quarter-master in the London, 5l. Gratuity of 10s. each towards the charge of travelling home, to certain Dutchmen who stole into the Company's ships without leave and came home in the Reformation. Letter read from the Bishop of London concerning the adventure of 800l. of Thomas Leech, who six years since became a felon of himself, whereby his adventure and estate, amounting to 1,200l. befell to his Lordship, his Majesty's almoner, but for which his widow compounded for 115l., and undertook to satisfy divers debts, yet now being married to a Frenchman leaves said creditors unsatisfied; the Court finding 450l. remained, ordered that stay be made thereof until his Lordship received satisfaction from the parties interested. Bill of charges presented by Richard Williamson, the Company's proctor, to be paid. 2½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 114–116.]
Oct. 21.
546. Sec. Conway to [his son-in-law] Sir Isaac Wake. The States have so long deferred his Majesty's statisfaction in that foul business of Amboyna, as three of the Dutch ships coming upon our coasts in their return from the East Indies are arrested, brought into Portsmouth, and kept there as pledges to hasten a real and just satisfaction, which the States are now about, and in the meantime such exact care is taken that the goods are kept in safety without breaking bulk or embezzling any part of them. [Extract, Savoy and Sardinia Corresp.] A copy is in East India, Vol. IV., No. 39.
Oct 22. 547. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Order for a reduction in the number of porters and coopers employed in the Company's cellars and warehouses, the porters to draw lots and work two one day and three another. James Dover, late steward of the Great James, appointed steward of the Jonas, and Edward Shemen, a joiner, and late steward's mate of the Anne, his mate, and Benjamin Owen, some time steward of the Ruby, and afterward purser's mate in the Anne, where he endured much misery, appointed steward of the Dove. Request of William Hoare to be employed as a factor, with 150l. yearly as factor, to have 100l. for the first year, and 150l. per annum afterwards. Renewed request of Richard Swinglehurst for some certain salary; Mr. Sherburne's allowance to be 120l. and Swinglehurst to have 40l. per annum, but still to be under Sherburne's directions. Complaint by Sir Henry Mervin against Newland, of the Isle of Wight, for furnishing the Dutch ships with men and victuals and encouraging them to disobey his Majesty's arrest, to be heard before the Lords of the Privy Council Thomas Fenn entertained purser's mate of the Dove at the request of his kinsman, Alderman Fenn, though there was no absolute necessity of a purser's mate in so small a ship. Letter read from Mr. Yonge at Portsmouth, desiring order for discharging unnecessary officers that he drinking ashore, and 200l. for expenses; ordered that unnecessary officers be discharged, and that Thomas Woolfry, collector for the Farmers at Southampton furnish the money desired. 3 pp [Ct. Mm. Bk. X., 117–119.]
Oct. 22.
548. Edward Misselden to Dudley Lord Carleton. Mr. Barlow writes that the 17 Bewinthebbers are met at Amsterdam by command of the States, and he hopes it is to depute some to go along with the Ambassadors to England. For the East India business has sent the Fiscal a little breviate to satisfy his importunity, digested into these heads, viz., that the Dutch ought to have no jurisdiction in the East Indies over the English; that there were no lawful judicia in their process of torture at Amboyna; that all the proceedings of that process are insufficient in law; that the Dutch are to be held to that process and to their acts of Court presented to the States in 1624; and therefore it follows that these Amboyna men be reputed for murderers, and so be proceeded against, and that therefore no advocate may be admitted to them for their defence. In proof has sent the Fiseal the Treaty and explanation in French; a learned consultation procured here four years past in point of jurisdiction; the printed book in refutation of the Bewinthebbers defence of the fact; the learned consultation newly procured on the Amboyna fact; the depositions taken in the Admiralty Court in England; a short tract in refutation of the said fact had from his Lordship; and the Acts of Court presented to the States by the Bewinthebbers had of his Lordship. Will . look up other things as he considers them pertinent, and if his Lordship has the late King's declaration on the point of jurisdiction in French or Dutch he may please send it, for that which Misselden has is in English. The point of proceeding against the Amboyna men in an extraordinary manner may require his Lordship's consideration, for the Fiscal told him such is the manner here if the cause be foul (as with Barnevelt and others); else if advocates are admitted the cause will be drawn out ad infinitum. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]
Oct. 23.
549. Sec. Conway to Henry, Earl of Manchestar, Lord President Sir Robt. Naunton, Master of the Wards, and Sec. Coke. To take particular examination of one Mr. Furbussher [Forbes], a Scotchman, found aboard the Dutch ships at Portsmouth, and known to have been at Amboyna during the inhuman proceedings against the English, concerning his knowledge thereof, and acquaint his Majesty therewith. ½ p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. LXXXII. No. 63, Cal. p. 403.]
Oct. 24–26. 550. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Suit of the brother of Nathaniel West, factor at Surat, for the price of a bale of indigo he had sent home; answered it would be detained until his brother's return. Mr. Acton's bill of charges to be paid. Examination of Richard Allen, who lived second factor in Acheen, concerning the carriage of George Willoughby, chief factor, who, he said, let out the Company's money to Chinamen at 6 ryals per month per 100 ryal, and took the interest himself, and that he had complained to the President but could not be believed; ordered to set down in writing all he could touching the misdemeanors of Willoughby and Woolman. Report of Mr. Governor of the examination before the Lords of the Privy Council of the Scotchman [Forbes] sent up by the Lord of Holland from Portsmouth, who was at Amboyna, servant to the Dutch, when the English were put to death; resolved not to meddle with interrogatories or speak with him, or disburse money for apparel furnished to him by Woodall, but that Mr. Skinner, who knows the whole process, draw out heads for the Commissioners in the examination to insist upon. Letter read from Sir Henry Vane, desiring the Company's resolution concerning the buying of his oxen, for which he demanded 21s. 6d. per cwt., but was offered 21s. per cwt.
Oct. 26.—Ordered that the son of Robert Pennington have a copy of his deceased father's account. Relation by Mr. Governor that he, with the Committees had attended the Lords to press for a warrant for the apprehension of the Amboyna judges in the three Dutch ships arrested at Portsmouth, which was vouchsafed, and a list of their names commanded to be given to the Clerk of the Council, and because the warrant had been once before granted, but at Lord Conway's instance recalled, Mr. Governor required Mr. Secretary Sherburne to attend Mr. Mewtis for said warrant, who answered that, notwithstanding the order of the Board, Lord Conway had required him to make stay thereof, and therefore he advised that Lord Conway should be attended, but though his Lordship did not deny the warrant yet could not their Secretary procure it until the Company had notice that both Reyneer and Courthalls had escaped and safely landed in Amsterdam, and then was the warrant proffered to Mr. Sherburne, but he refused it; ordered that this should be carefully registered. Draught of Nathaniel Cobb's commission approved. Gratuity of 20s. to the messenger that brought news from Sir James Bagg of the arrival of the London and Reformation. Mrs. Jourdain, having presented a particular how she had disbursed the 10l. granted her out of her late husband's estate, was accommodated with 10l. more. Suit of Elizabeth Piddock, sister and executrix of Andrew Michellson, who went out attendant on Capt Linnis [Lenmyes], for her brother's will; to enter a caveat against the same in the Prerogative Court, to induce her to accept reasonable composition, it being apparent that Michellson had much abused the Company by private trade. Resolved that a meeting of the generality be deferred until the ships are in the river and that the pinnace should be dispeeded with all haste. Richard Munck, who had been five voyages, and three of them mate to Capt. Weddell, entertained master of the Dove at 6l. 10s. per month. Petition of John Webb for some gratuity in respect of his long service and small entertainment, promising to satisfy 14l. due from him for marrow bones, he was gratified with 20 nobles out of his said debt, and it was ordered that henceforth he should receive no more marrow bones, but look only to his charge for salting. Consideration of the great abuse of factors in lending the Company's money at interest to their servants, who employ it for private trade; Steele, who went out in the Exchange, has now returned 300l. in the London, and all pursers, notwithstanding their orders to the contrary, suffer mariners to take up all or most part of their wages; ordered that some course be devised to cut off this disorder. Suit of Edward Collins, clerk of the powder mills, for a gratuity in consideration of his pains and danger in that service; 10l. was bestowed upon him and his salary enlarged to 30l. per annum. A second abuse discovered in Gilbert Morewood in selling 16 bags of pepper in town, which should have been transported; ordered that his account stand charged with 5l. per bag. Bill of Ephraim Ramsey for charges at Portsmouth referred. 8 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 120–127.]
Oct. 28.
551. Richard Bix, George Muschamp, and Richard Steele to the East India Company. Refer to their last of July 18th [see ante No. 461] by the Expedition, which sailed on the 20th. Arrival of the Speedwell, Richard Alnutt, master, on 19th August, with the Company's letters, but forbear to answer them until the end of the year, when the Morris, Christopher, and another if possible shall be dispeeded. Their earnest ordering of trade at Bantam should have been effected had they been sorted as the business requires. Arrival of the Morris, Thomas Waller, master, from Masulipatam, 14th October, with a good cargazoon and 80 men. The 18th went to the Dutch to make known their intent for Bantam, and were entertained by General Coen and Sir Jaques Spex, but the matter was ' referred to another meeting, when they had conference with Coen, the late General Carpentier, Spex, and Van Duenen, to whom the Company's order was made known and friendly courtesy at Bantam tendered. Told them it was not intended to derogate from the agreement of 1619, but to impart to them the moiety of the pepper. there was to sell, that it was hoped they would no longer keep any beleaguering ships before Bantam; to which was answered that they should hear, but they have not done so to this day. Perceive the Dutch intend still to keep their beleaguering ships before Bantam, but cannot say if they will offer hostility. Have used diligence to correspond with the King of Bantam, and may expect a kind welcome; but find that the King has all this while given liberty to Chinamen and others to carry away pepper, so that great ' quantities have been brought to Batavia, and General Coen, since his coming has given custom free, so are not like to find 1,000 tons left at Bantam. Acquainted the Dutch with his Majesty's letter to the Ambassador for our trading to Bantam, but Coen said he was there at the Hague and never heard of any such matter, and it was esteemed as nothing. Also that the ships Morris, Christopher, and Swallow would load at Bantam, and if hindered would be sent home empty, and would protest against the Dutch for damages. Are now dispeeding for Macassar the Roebuck, John Carter, master, with 50 men, and the Christopher, Alexander Ball, master, for Jambi, with convenient cargazoons; the Christopher is to return speedily to accompany the Morris to London at the end of the year. Have advised how last year they sent the Abigail for Masulipatam, where she sprung a great leak, and more costs were bestowed on her than approved; she stays to bring the remains of that factory, and Armagon, Eustace Mann is commander, and Thomas Mills is expected with her. President Hawley has been sick 20 days with a flux. Before closing this General Carpentier came to take leave of the President, who manifested their full intent for Bantam, whereto the General said it would breed trouble, but any provisions needed should be furnished. The President also alleged that the agreements of 1619 were national and ought seriously to be observed, which the General granted, but said their several interpretations made these differences, and with shows of much friendship they parted. 4 pp. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 12.58.]
Oct. 29. 552. Gregory Clement to John Banggam, at Agra. The conductor, Mr. Cletherow, has shown his performance in all committed to his charge; he drank so hard that they were fain to lend him coach to carry him "forth a town," and the horse fell dead under him. Is resolved that henceforward he shall not be trusted with ought that concerns their master's affairs, having had many warnings of his ill government. To use all diligence to get in moneys owing Goodwyn; will advise him of all bought since Banggam's departure, and will send Cletherow for Agra. Commends himself to Cartwright and begs his coach may be returned as soon as possible, with some candles and rack. 2 pp. Mutilated by damp. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1259.]
Oct.? 553. Fifteen "Articles whereupon to examine George Forbes, lately returned out of the East Indies in the ship called the Golden Lyon" as to his knowledge of the massacre at Amboyna; what is become of the Dutch Council at Amboyna, particularly of the Advocate Fiscal; where and how Harman Van Speult died, and whether there was any suspicion of his having been poisoned, and by whom. 2¼ pp. [Dom. Chas. I. Vol. LXXXIX., No. 47, Cal., p. 496.]
Oct. 30.
554. Examination before the Lord President and Sec. Coke of George Forbes, aged 46 years, born at Aberdeen. Served the Netherlands East India Company [torn away] till the late arrival of the three Dutch ships at Portsmouth; first as gentleman of a Company, then as reader of prayers and comforter of the sick, and afterwards, in 1621, as steward of the Dutch house at Amboyna, and was there when the Japanese and English were apprehended and executed in March 1623. The first Japanese was apprehended on this suspicion that being a young man newly entered into the service of the Castle, he sundry times inquired the number of soldiers there; and on his confession in the torture all the other Japanese were apprehended and tortured, and so confessed that the English and themselves had plotted the taking of the Castle; a thing utterly impossible, and unlikely ever to be thought upon. On their confession by torture the English were apprehended, and divers of them also tortured; has not heard of any other means of the discovery of the guilt of the English. Was present at the examination and torture of Emanuel Thompson and John Clarke, who (though tortured with fire and water most extremely) utterly denied any plot; and Emanuel Thompson lying by Forbes six or seven days after his tortures still denied the same. Was used as interpreter of the confession of Capt. Towerson, which tended wholly to the purging of himself and no confession of the crime; and also interpreted divers letters to the Government of Amboyna which Towerson had received from the English of other factories, in all which there was nothing of the said plot. Heard not of any rebellion of Indians against the Dutch; only at Lugho, in Ceram, the natives had taken a slave from one of the English there; never heard of any plotting between the English and Indians, or of the English against the Dutch. Was present at the sentence of the English, who all denied their guilt to the point of execution, as did also the Japanese. Towerson when in prison wrote in two void pages in his Bible the manner of the proceedings and protestation of his innocence, which he covered with other white paper pasted to them, and delivered the book to the Governor to be delivered to his friends in England; but the Governor discovering the leaves commanded Forbes to interpret them; knows not what became of the Bible. After the execution of the English, continued at Amboyna two years, but never heard of any treason discovered; but heard that between the apprehension and execution of the English the Dutch Governor intercepted letters from the President at Jacatra to Towerson, touching the removal of the factory; and has heard the people of Amboyna, the Dutch burghers and the natives, secretly lament and abhor the wrongs done to the English, whom they counted innocent. Harman Van Speult continued Governor of Amboyna till July . . [torn], whence he departed for Surat Commander of three ships, and Forbes went steward, whence he passed to Mocha to relieve the Dutch Factors imprisoned there; during all which time Speult was never handled as a prisoner. After news came from Europe that the Governor was to be sent home to answer his proceedings, his countenance much altered and his hair grew suddenly grey, and after his departure from Surat he was never well, but languished of a consumption, and at last, having kept his bed a month, died in the road before Mocha. Advised Raneere and Corthalls, secretary of Speult, not to fly from Portsmouth, but abide the justice of England; but they said they feared that if they went to London they should be torn in pieces. Rowland, a gunner, whom the Dutch used in translating the English confessions, told Forbes that the Governor and Fiscal made him put in a word or two, which he did not like. Endorsed by Secretary Coke, "The Examination of George Forbes on the behalf of the East India merchants." 2½ pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 40.]
Oct. 31. 555. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the sale of Christopher Eyre's adventure referred by order of Chancery to Sir Eubulus Thelwall; the utmost rate would be 79l. or 80l. per cent, 11 half capitals taken out, which Mr. Secretary Sherburne was ordered to certify. Request of Dawes, a Farmer of Customs, for allowance on the Company's ships, in regard but one entry is made though many merchants are interested, it appeared that on every ship returned 5l. was allowed to the King's waiters, and 40s. to the Farmers' Deputy, so it was conceived nothing was due to Mr. Dawes, and remembered that about three years past the like motion was made by Sir John Suckling; ordered that the Court books be searched for what then passed. Report of Mr. Sherburne that he had obtained a warrant from the Lords to the Master of the Ordnance for re-delivery of the 20 barrels of powder borrowed by the Lord of Holland out of the Company's ships at Portsmouth; and a promise from Secretary Coke that as soon as the leak in the ship Convertive at Ports mouth was stopped he would give directions for her to waft the Company's two ships into the river; letter to be written to Mr. Yonge accordingly. Report of Mr. Acton concerning the suit in Chancery of the executors of Sir Thomas Smythe on behalf of Parkes for the remainder of Richard Westby's estate; that, he was now ready to move, that Lady Dale forthwith procure a day of hearing, or that the Company be dismissed with costs; thereupon he was ordered to proceed. Letter read from Mr. Clark plainly demonstrating that the Proclamation for restraint of exportation of coin and bullion in no way impeaches the Company's grants, but that they might safely buy any foreign coin of any free brother and transport it. Bill in the Exchequer about Offley's pepper to be stayed. 5l. to be paid to Mr. Governor for postage for three or four years past, and 10l. to Sheriff Garway for seven years past. Ordered that James Halfehead receive a debt out of the wages of William Painter, mate of the London. Request of John Atkinson, lately dismissed from the iron store house at Blackwall to know the objections against him; was told the Company dismissed him and others only to ease their charge. Examination of the abuse of more men being at work at Blackwall than were necessary; also of the abuse to Mr. Cobb by the carpenters on the Jonas, throwing great chips on his head because he attended aboard according to the Company's direction, and particularly of one Waller, a ship-keeper, who threatened to throw him overboard. Gratuity of 40s. to William Ogle, a poor blind and friendless young scholar towards the charge of taking his degree of Bachelor of Arts. Concerning the warrant from the Lord Treasurer for Customs on the Moon's pepper, Committee to attend the Lord Chief Baron to settle this business. Petition of John Hemming for satisfaction for upwards of 9 cwt. of wax and 7 cwt. of cloves, the estate of Anthony Honey, late master of the Hart, deceased, referred to President Hawley at his return. Committees to provide biscuit and meal (for which Mr. Clifton demanded 12s. and 11s. 6d. per cwt.) and take order for brewing beer for the Dove. Resolved to send 30 or 40 cloths to Jacatra. Petition of Jonas Colbach to appoint a day to hear his cause; was told how exactly the President and Council had proceeded against him, but if he desired to publish his own shame his request should be granted, and Monday was apppointed. Motions for Edward Powell to be examined concerning the carriage of Thomas Mills, and on behalf of one who was desirous to buy or lease the Company's interest in the Bridgehouse land at Deptford, referred. 7 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. X. 128–135.]