East Indies: March 1625

Pages 38-47

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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March 1625

March 2.
75. Lord Carew to Sir John Coke. Has willed Mr. Evelyn to attend the Commissioners of the Navy, besides the opening of a flood gate, if the East India Company erect powder mills the King will lose much profit as he receives a benefit upon every pound of powder made by Evelyn. [Dom. Corresp., Vol. CLXXXV., No. 6, Cal., p. 489.]
March 4. 76. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the custom to be paid on coral shipped by the Company. Report by Mr. Governer of his own and the Committee's audience of the King at Theobalds concerning the Earl of Warwick, and that his Majesty deferred the business till he had spoken with the Earl. "In cases of mortality" Mr. Addison to succeed Mr. Wills as General of this Fleet; Mr. Offley's son to be one of the Council in the voyage. Offer of Mr. Castleman of a pear pearl for 150l. Motion of Mr. Stevens for preparing the Exchange at a cost of 1,275l. and also for building a new ship of 600 tons deferred till a fuller Court; but to employ his men upon other necessary business that they disperse not. Ordered that Mr. Wills of the Dolphin have half as much meal and white biscuit as is allowed to Capt. Blythe. A place having been found commodious for making powder, a Committee appointed to deal with the Lords of the soil for "an interest of some good continuance therein." Ten tons of tin, the greater part in barrels the rest in blocks, to be sent in this fleet, Mr. Cartwright undertaking to make good the casking. A pair of pear pendant pearls, bought of Mr. Kerby for 120l., to be sent in this Fleet for Surat. 4 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 361–364.]
March 4.
77. Sec. Conway to Carleton. Before satisfaction be given in the business of Amboyna, cannot see by what ways they shall arrive to any manner of correspondency with that State; for the enormous cruelties have not only exasperated the East India Company, but sharpened the humours of the whole nation to revenge, the rather because the patient attention of His Majesty seems to be abused by the delays made by that State; and withal that a principal party in that sentence and execution enjoys his liberty in Holland without reproof; and that Coen, who was the whole cause of the first offences, after these facts of horror, when it should be expected that wise and mild instruments should be employed, to sweet and reform the actions, is designed to be sent again. There are but two ways to preserve the actions between us from precipitation. That the States give his Majesty satisfaction according to his first proposition, or else give order to their East India Company that they tight not with his ships. Assures him if satisfaction be not at this instant given they must and will be attempted; and if we make not our party good with the East Indians we must seek our advantage upon their fishermen and merchants. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
March 5.
The Hague.
78. Oarleton to Sec. Conway. Had with him on Wednesday last five deputies from the States, all new ones but Aerssens, about the East India business. They came with lamentation of his Majesty's still continuing his resolution for reprisal, but chiefly with complaint against certain pictures, and printings, with public preachings in England to the scandal of this whole State, upon occasion of a particular accident not justified by the States, but resolved to to be looked thoroughly into and severely punished, which seemed more strange because the English Company was not displeased with the course concluded, of transporting the Governor of Amboyna and the rest of that magistracy hither to answer their fact; which being distinct from the rest wherein the English Company remain satisfied should not be aggravated. He answered that those publications received their beginnings in these parts in Dutch; and though the bringing the Amboyna judges to judgment was not disliked, yet their intention was distrusted by reason Mareschalk remained at liberty, and Coen, a known enemy to the English, returned with chief authority to the Indies. Gave them a translate of the two points, to have them resolved and penned. Concluded with them thus, that before our men could go on with their trade the imprisonment of Mareschalk and the stay of Coen must be resolved on. Now the States of Holland are assembled, and some deputies of the East India Company here shall soon know what to trust to. The ships bound for the East Indies dare not venture in any of his Majesty's ports, though they were advanced as high as the Isle of Wight last easterly winds, are returned again into Zealand. [Extract from corresp. Holland.]
March 6.
79. Sec. Conway to Buckingham. The Persian Ambassador languishes for his despatch, but despairs of it if the Duke leave the work. [Conway's Letter Bk., p. 199, Dom. Jac. I., Cal., p. 493.]
March 7–9. 80. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Complaint of the armourer's mate in the Palsgrave that Capt. Blythe had threatened to displace him; letter to be forthwith written to Blythe that he be continued except there appear manifest reason to the contrary. Ordered that 100 marks be paid to Capt. Blythe to set him to sea, as had been given to Capt. Shilling. It was wished that order had not been given to send tin in blocks. Complaint of Mason, who has been used for providing mastiff dogs to be sent over for presents, that some of the principal dogs were seized by the "master of the Bear Garden" for the King. Mr. Bell to use means to the Lord Chamberlain for their release. Thomas De Waters to have 20 nobles for translating into Dutch the Company's answer to the Netherlander concerning the slaughter of the Company's servants at Amboyna; and Mr. Skinner to have 40 marks more to make up 40l. for the same business, which the Court thought he had well deserved for that he had performed the same both laboriously and learnedly. Ordered that the Exchange be repaired at a charge of 1,200l. or 1,300l., and a new ship be built of 600 tons at most, "long and floaty," so as to sail with few men. The repairing or breaking up of the Elizabeth left to further consideration. The Court wished that such provision be made that they may yearly build one good ship and a pinnace or two. Motion of Stevens to employ persons to provide and cut out well sized timber, not liked, the Court foreseeing that it would beget a multiplicity of officers. Concerning John Keeling sued by one Whalley for fees, &c. of runaways committed to St. Katharine's prison.
March 9.—Mr. Ducy's bill of charges for providing timber to be paid, he is appointed "to bestow his time abroad" in looking out 1,000 loads of oak timber and scantlings, for there is near 500 loads of elm in the yard, to be bought by square measure, but hewn in the yard, the waste to be used for boats, and workmen to be hired by the day for that service. 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII., 365–369.]
March 9.
The Hague.
81. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Our differences with this State are again put into negotiation, and letters are sent to the several Chambers of the East Indies, with the information he gave the States this last week of the desires of our English Company; and commandment to come speedily in full body of the 17 to determine the dispute. Some are here already, the rest expected by Monday next. Meanwhile the States have sent Aerssens to assure him of their resolution to give contentment. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 11–18. 82. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the sale and price of indigo. Mr. Governor and Mr. Abdy may have 200 barrels each at 3s. 4d. [? per lb.] to be shipped into the Straits The Court took knowledge that "the Netherlander send Lyon dollars into the Indies which they coin themselves, and do make spare of better money "; but as "at Surat they have an officer that examines by the touch," it was thought that an attempt may grow dangerous to adventure in that kind. Suit of Cartwright, purser of the Palsgrave, for gratification for his goods "which perished as they were going to be put aboard"; the Court would in no wise hearken to the motion but were contented he should receive six months' imprest. Offer of Mr. Castleman to sell his pear pearl for 120l., but the Court would give no more than 100l.
March 14.—Letter read from John Yonge of the 10th inst., concerning the remissness of the captains of the King's ships in the Downs in permitting the Netherlands East India Company's [ships] to pass without so much as putting out to meet them, not with standing intelligence from him and Mr. Hart of the precise time of their departure from the Rammekins; also was read a journal of Mr. Hart confirming same. The Court sent them to Sir John Coke, and resolved after his advice taken to make their grievances known by petition to my Lord Duke, "and put it home upon the captains." 60l. allowed to Mr. Hart for hire of his catch, his pains, and charges. Concerning the Commission to be sent into the Indies about [Nicholas] Woodcock [Master of the Whale]. The Court took it to heart that their secrets should be made known and published abroad, and they required every one to be silent and not to reveal what they should hear spoken or debated in Court. George Ball having made a will bequeathing 500l. to his wife with legacies to one Turner who married his sister, and to others, the suit against him to rest in suspense until his executors repair to the Company. Resolved that, in regard their great businesses were ended, Mr. Tichborne's yearly entertainments cease and to make use of him by the term as occasion shall require. Ellis Crispe, and partners to have 500 or 600 barrels of indigo at 4s. 2d. if they will. 30 or 40 "Lyons dollars" to be sent for trial to Surat. Demand of Abraham Jacob, in the name of the farmers of the Custom House, for "composition money for spices, being 400l. per ann., the Company being behind two years at our Lady Day next"; he was desired to procure a letter for their discharge when it should be paid.
March 16.—Mr. Governor reported that Sir John Coke promised to write effectually to the Duke about the Hollanders' ships passing through the narrow seas by the neglect and wilful default of the captains of the King's ships in the Downs; resolved to present the Duke with a petition laying open the contempt and neglect of said captains, and imploring his Grace's aid in this so weighty a business. Messrs. Ellis Crisp, and Carleton to have 400 barrels of indigo at 4s. 2d.
March 18.—Warrant delivered by Abraham Jacob, subscribed by Sir Thos. Edmondes, Treasurer, and Sir John Suckling, Comptroller, of his Majesty's household, with Sir Marmaduke Darrell, Sir Simon Harvy, and Sir Anthony Browne, to pay to him the composition due to his Majesty for spices. There being now no Lord Steward the Court ordered the arrears to be paid to Jacob, from whom they required a receipt. Motion to encourage the Consul at Aleppo to use all diligence in conveying the Company's letters out of Persia by gratifying him for those last received. Bills of charges presented by Mr. Kenn, a proctor, and the Registrar of the Admiralty to be audited. Ordered, that every servant of the Company to whom is committed the disbursing of moneys give account thereof within one month 9½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII., 369–378.]
Mar. 20.
83. Sir John Coke to Sec. Conway. The Duke of Buckingham has adventured in the discovery of the North-West Passage, the Lion's Whelp, which has been given to him by the King; requests a warrant to a clerk of the signet to prepare a grant thereof for the King's signature. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Vol. CLXXXV., No. 82, Cal. p. 504.]
Mar. 21. 84. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered, that all servants of the Company accountable for wares or money bring-in their accounts forthwith, and that the debts due to the Company be looked into. Mr. Palmer, who stands engaged for silk bought by Mr. Martin, to be let know that the Company expect their money within 14 days. Messrs. Job Harby and Keightly to be added to those named for the warehouses. The books to be looked up concerning the oils. Complaint of Isaac Bungard that his hoy, employed for bringing the Company's timber is pressed to serve the King; the secretary to move the Commissioners of the Navy for its discharge. Report of Mr. Deputy that the Duke had been attended with a petition which complained that the Dutch ships are gone by, not with standing his Grace's direction so often iterated for their stay, and the captains were named together with their frivolous excuses. The Duke asked whether they were assuredly gone, and then demanded how it can be helped. The answer was by attending the next opportunity, and employing more careful men. The Duke took it to heart, and said that something must be done. It was the opinion of this Court, grounded upon that of Sir Dudley Carleton, that without stay made of some of their ships this Company will get no right from the Dutch. Mr. Governor also implied his Grace's dislike that the ships are thus past, and a resolution to fall upon any of them either outward bound or homeward from the Indies. Sec. Conway having pressed again the Persian business, Mr. Governor made known to the Duke and the King that their factors being discouraged by the vastness of the imposition, charges of fetching commodities, and other incident encumbrances, had resolved to withdraw from thence, and had delivered to the King of Persia their grievances and received an answer (which he showed them) full of encouragement not to desert the trade ; in which Sir Robert Sherley is not so much as named. Inquiry to be made in their letters whether the King of Persia avows Sir Robert for his Ambassador or not. The Committee also called in to his Majesty, who took great contentment to hear any likelihood of a well-succeeding trade in Persia, especially the hope to vent English cloth, and encouraged the Company therein. The Court took knowledge that some that carried a busy hand "in a design for Persia, do now hang down the head," and rather believe what the Company reported than those whose private ends let them go "so far as to call the French to them, who were content to adventure to the value of 2 millions, provided that the staple should be at Marseilles." It was conceived that the charge of secrecy in the Persian business may now cease: whereupon grew a resolution to follow the trade; to send one ship more, after these ships now outward bound, laden with cloth, as is required by their late advice, and to the end they may not want stock to call a General Court on Wednesday senight that the state of the trade may be made known, with warning to pay in Our Lady and Midsummer payments, and see if feasible to send the Exchange in three or four months. 3¾ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 379–382.]
[Mar. 21.] 85. Petition of the East India Company to George Duke of Buckingham, Lord High Admiral of England. Are thankful for his Majesty's gracious care of the Company and for his Grace's favour for having with the consent of his Majesty and State granted and redoubled commissions to the captains of his Majesty's ships in the Narrow Seas for seizure of the ships of the Netherlands East India Company till justice were rendered for that bloody murder at Amboyna and losses sustained. That for the better effecting of this design the Company, to their great charge, employed a pinnace at sea, and gave the captains seasonable intelligence of the very instant wherein the Dutch ships would pass by; which ships passed by accordingly, yet the captains, contrary to their trust, did not so much as weigh anchor, but frivolously excused themselves; which omission, tending so much to the dishonour of his Majesty and kingdom, and the ruin of the Company's trade by the Dutch, who will now be more insolent than ever, enforces petitioners to pray that the captains may be called to account for this breach of commission. Endorsed by Ed. Nicholas, That the King's ships must have power to use any warlike means to stay the Dutch ships, and stand off between the Downs and Isle of Wight. That the East India Company must send three ships to reinforce the King's ships. That one of the King's ships must for this service be appointed Admiral. That if my Lord give such large commissions to the captains of the King's ships it must be under the King's hand or broad seal. That now the King's ships in the Narrow Seas are foul, and to come up to be rigged, and that if any be appointed it must be some others of good strength. R. 21° Martii, 1624(–5). 1½ pp. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 70.]
March 21. 86. Sec. Conway to Carleton. The King keeps his resolution to receive or take satisfaction for the Amboyna business; and now the East India merchants have a great complaint against four of his Majesty's captains, that lie in the Downs, for not executing their directions upon seven ships of the States, which have passed by, not with standing that some deputed from the merchants did call upon the captains, by showing them the time and the easiness of the work. How the captains will answer it, he knows not well; but if they should receive a reprimand for this they will be too forward upon the next occasion. That offence would be happily taken away by the wisdom and justice of that State. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
March 23. 87. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The ships having had very foul weather about the Downs lost their boats, besides other damage, it was thought there might be time to send 100 or 120 cloths down. Question whether to send "strained cloth" or not; it was conceived that a cloth of 32 may well be stretched to 36 but nothing was concluded. Concerning the payment of Mr. Martin's debt. Petition of Susan, widow of Edmund Withers, to sue Buckle in the Company's name at her own charge. 2¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 382–384.]
March 24.
The Hague.
88. Sir D. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Finding all his letters and Sir Will. St. Leger's instructions to insist upon the business of Amboyna as the "remora" to all his Majesty's resolutions; whereas whatsoever is demanded by way of satisfaction, "is either in fieri or in facto" so far are they from denial of justice. And as for delays they are not wilful but depending upon the constitution of this State, consisting of so many colleges and assemblies, and those so necessary to have causes of this nature pass through, that it is no more possible otherwise to proceed than to make a clock strike in due time without the motion of all the wheels. If due time be allowed doubts not but all will succeed to his Majesty's contentment. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
March 26. 89. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that the Duchess of Richmond and Aldermen Campbell and Ducy may have quilts at 6l. a piece. Report of Mr. Munnes concerning the ships in the Downs which had suffered in the late storms, that he had taken order to supply all defects, also that the army lately transported had left such an infection upon the coast of Dover and the Downs, that the masters are extraordinarily careful to keep their men aboard, and that there is complaint of want of men. As to whether a ship leaving England in July, and arriving at the Cape in October or November, can pass between Madagascar and the main for Surat or Persia; opinion of Capt. Blythe. The conclusion was that hereafter ships should go in January and touch (first) at Persia and then at Surat. The Court resolved to send as soon as they can 2,000 cloths and 40 or 50 tons of tin for Persia. Orders given for "some dozen of men sick of old and infectious diseases," to be removed out of the ships. Opinion that the Exchange will not carry 2,000 cloths, packed as usual in lead; discussion about the packing. Resolved that there be a going forward with the ship now upon the stocks of 600 tons and if needful another to be made ready. The Blessing, William, Anne, Moon, and Ruby expected out of the Indies, whereof the latter thought fittest for this service. Report of Mr. Governor that the Commissioners of the Navy say that in 14 days the King's work may spare the greater part of the men pressed out of the Company's Yard, also that Sir John Coke affirmed that the Duke, with the knowledge of the Prince, had taken order with the Commissioners of the Navy to examine through whose default the Dutch ships were let pass, whereupon Sir Richard Bingley and the rest had been sent for; but first the Company was called, and Mr. Governor related to the Commissioners what proceedings had been, and how though the captains had received all the three letters from the Lord Admiral, expressing his Grace's earnest purpose of having that service performed, and certain intelligence of the time of the ships coming, only one of the ships weighed, but forthwith came to anchor again. The Commissioners affirmed that the captains are worthy of blame, and accordingly resolved to report to the Lord Admiral. Mrs. Salmon to have the 40 marks ordered to her by the Lord's Committees. The Governor put the Company in mind that the Dutch East India Company solicit earnestly for money due to them, but do not at all take knowledge of that due from them. An answer to be framed to their letter lest by silence they take it for granted that all is true which they claim. Letter read from Messrs. Bladwell and Doggett, dated from Hamburgh the 26th February with a bill of exchange for 213l. 7s. 10d. Also letter read from one Nicholls complaining that he is not performed with according to promise concerning making the Company's powder. 5 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII., 385–389.]
March. 90. Capt. Thomas Wilbraham to [the Duke of Buckingham]. Has been summoned before the Commissioners of the Navy to answer the East India Company's objections for neglect of his Lordship's letters concerning stay of the Dutch East India ships, and fears he may be much wronged in their report finding them so much addicted to the East India merchants. They insisted on three things. To the first, that having had so many letters from his Lordship for this service he should go on another, answers that he saw two great ships, but found one to be an Englishman and the other bound for Brazil with 21 more in consort, which went by whilst he was perusing his commission, and with them the two East India ships; would have followed them but the tide was too strong against him, and having received a letter from his Lordship he went accordingly with all speed to Calais to attend the Duke of Brunswick. To the objection why he should leave his hip before the service was ended, answers he was assured the ships were gone by 10 days before. Lastly, he had letters from the Duke of Brunswick to his Grace, which might be of great importance. Did not receive a letter at Canterbury that the ships would pass next day, but a letter of thanks from the Company for his care and diligence. Endorsed, rec. March 29. 2pp. [Dom. Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXV., No. 125, Cal., p. 510.]
March 28–30. 91. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered that John Yong go back to the Downs and stay till the ships go, hire a storehouse at Sandwich, and take account of Rand for stores. Question moved whether on the death of the late King it will be needful to renew the Company's patent; but it is yet no time to speak of that, "His Majesty being in heaviness and retired for a time." Report of Mr. Treasurer Stone on the state of the Company's debts, the purpose to ship by Midsummer, and the call for a payment at Michaelmas. On the motion of Mr. Smethwike aboutfinesfor admission of freemen, aesolved that to show favour or no favour shall rest as formerly in the breast of the Court. Ordered that Lanman deliver up his accounts concerning "the making of boats by the great [which] doth trouble the accounts;" it is purposed to have them made "by the day." To write to Mr. Barlow to know in what forwardness the two Dutch ships are that are now preparing for the Indies. Demand of Yong, a vintner in Gravesend. Motion of the Governor how to proceed at the General Court to be held on Wednesday next. The Company to be encouraged with "general hopes" of the Persian trade, but to deliver no particulars. Cloths to be bought, but not so as to beget a raising of the price. Considering the great qraantity to be bought and "the advantage the Dutch have of the English by the better handling of their cloths," it was propounded that some man well skilled in drapery should overlook the dyeing and dressing, but nothing was settled, only a committee was named to assist and cany on the business as privately as they may. About provision of coral. Florence satins of greens and crimsons, and cloth of gold, made of Venice gold, for the gold thread made here will not twist well, to be sent in the next ships for Persia. About the sale of nutmegs in town. Quicksilver to be provided if it may be had in barter for indigo, also a parcel of elephant's teeth.
March 30.—Requests of Morewood and Westrow to reduce the mulct for liberty to sell nutmegs in town. Discussion about bringing in another payment either at Midsummer or Michaelmas; some of opinion the generality will scarce give way thereto, yet when it was remembered that a small stock was sent last year, that the prosecution of the Persian trade will require a great stock, that some ships may arrive before Midsummer, and that the Company is 60,000l. more in debt than last year, it was held necessary to call for one payment, but the time to be left indefinite. Mountney and Walker's accounts, also Fotherby's general account. Those having the keeping of the warehouses not to deal in any commodity they have in keeping. Alderman Moulson's Hamboro' satins to be bargained for, and 50 or 60 pieces less to be sent for from Italy. To write to Signor Guydania for coarse coral for next year to the value of 5,000l. Request of Mr. Martyn for longer time to pay his debt, alleging that if extremity were pursued he must go to prison; not granted. Mr. Lanman to charge interest at 9 per cent. as well for arrears of adventure as for debts. Request of a master bound for the Straits for some of "the stuff" in the Company's hands to trim his ship with. It was thought meet to give some account in the afternoon to the generality of the proceedings about seizure of the Dutch ships. Letter read from Sec. Conway earnestly recommending Mr. Steele for employment as a man desired by the Company; the Court declared they desired not his services, but if they might understand from Mr. Secretary that it was Steele's suit to serve the Company they would consider of it. Steele affirmed that he had been a suitor to serve them ever since 1613, and after pressing his former services said he would procure a new letter. Petition of Thomas Corne for 30l. to go to France to provide "stuff for the trimming of the Company's ships," now being the season; but the Court did not hold it safe to lend him so much. Whether a cloth worker or a draper be the fitter man to oversee the cloths now to be dyed and dressed. 8¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 390–398.]
March 30. 93. Minutes of a General Court of the East India Company. Those absent to be fined 12d per piece. Report of Mr. Governor of what had been done for stay of the Dutch East India ships, and how they were gone by, by the wilful error of those that had charge; but thai: if they had patience, "there is no doubt but the Company shall one way or other be righted." That the ships which had long been expected from Surat stayed longer at Persia than was expected whereby it was too late for them to return that year. That the Dutch gave out that they had saved one of our ships from burning: but it appears there was no such thing. And lastly that no reasonable course had been propounded by the delinquents as advised at the last General Court, and which the Company are ready to harken to. Concerning the Persian trade which was the principal business of this Court. That the Turkey merchants have been averse to that trade will appear quite otherwise, for by reason of the impositions the Persian laid upon them, and forced them to fetch their silks so far that their factors truly wrote they were more like carriers than merchants, it was resolved wholly to forbear that trade, and warning was given to Lullabeg, a principal Minister in those parts that they would be gone, whose "answer was slight that the King in that case kept no man prisoner." Notwithstanding the Company's factors delivered a petition to the King inserting their grievances, whereto they received an answer so satisfactory as there appears now reason to follow the trade by receiving the commodities of this kingdom as cloth, tin, and such like, together with the commodities of Surat. Advantages of their "resolute declaration" that better conditions must be had or the trade deserted, and now Ormuz is desolated the Persian like a wise prince has resolved that his commodities shall be fetched from some part of his own continent. So now it may easily be judged whether any of the Committees had a purpose (for any their private ends as hath been imagined) to give over that trade. Mr. Governor added that the commodities of Surat Vend here much better than in former times, for example, calicoes have "found such vent in foreign parts as if the Company had 100,000 or 200,000 pieces they would be uttered in short time." In reply to one of the Company that the injuries of the Dutch discourage all, Mr. Governor said that the Duke had done very honorably for the Captains of H.M. ships stand questioned before the Commissioners of the Navy for their neglect, and Mr. Deputy said that true the Dutch have been the main hindrance of this trade, and "that the Company had prayed his late Majesty to take the Dutch from off our neck," and his Majesty showed himself sensible of their grievances; and that he made no question, but his Majesty that now is, will do the like. Mr. Governor desired it to be understood that by the word Dutch is not meant the whole nation, but the East India Company only; for the States no way avow the fact committed, as may appear in that when the ships passed through the Narrow Seas, expecting to have been stayed, there was no man-of-war to convoy them. It was resolved to proceed with the Persian trade upon the conditions subscribed by the King of Persia. Remarks of Mr. Governor on the great stock which the Persian trade, which is a rich trade, will require "not to discourage the Company," but it may so fall out that they might be forced to call in a payment either at Midsummer or Michalmas, and must be guided by their occasions, "and if the dividends after the eighth capital come slowly, it shall be only to supply the Persian trade, which will be recompensed with the success of that trade" 4½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 398–403.]
March 31.
94. Henry Wheteley to John Banggam. Entreats him to employ the seven ryals he lent him in pure white beads, at Cambaya. ½ p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1184.]