East Indies: February 1625

Pages 20-38

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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February 1625

Feb. 2. 36. [Sir Humphrey Handford ?] to [Sir Thomas Smythe ?] Has considered his discourse on Saturday last concerning the Persian trade [see consultation at Sir Thos. Smythe's house, antc No. 26], and foresees therein much glory and profit likely to redound to the country. Advantages of diverting the silk trade from the Levant by the Cape of Good Hope, and placing the sole mart thereof in England. The merchants of the East India Company the fittest to undertake this great business. Will reveal a secret of the East India Company because he intends their good. When first Ormuz was taken there was a great debate in the Company whether thoroughly to embrace this Persian trade or quite abandon it, which was referred by a General Court to a great Committee. Endeavours of the Turkey merchants who bear absolute sway in that Company by various devices to overthrow the Persian trade, by wearying those that strove to uphold it. The arguments on both sides remain yet in the Company's books, if not defaced or wilfully lost. His reasons for believing the General Court of the East India Company would resolve to embrace the trade in a brave and large manner if reformation in the Company's Government in reference to the dominant power and arbitrary government of the Turkey merchants were first assured them. The bads ends which the courses taken by these Governors tend to as seen in the Greenland and Muscovia businesses. To permit so great a trade as this of Persia to be embraced would quite frustrate those hidden and private purposes, in making the Indian trade by that means too great to be griped at by such a private Company and a few though very rich men. All manner of content must first be given to the adventurers to induce them to increase their stock. Of which and other matters, if this taste relish well, the rest shall be dished and served in at a due time. 3½ pp. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 65.]
Feb. 2. 37. Thos. Aylesbury to Nicholas. Requests directions what he shall do with the letter signed by the Duke in his coach for the East India Company. Has done all he can to satisfy them, but they are so distrustful that he fears they have sent to the Downs already. [Domestic Corresp., Vol. CLXXXIII., No. 12, Cal. p. 466.]
Feb. 3.
[The Hague.]
38. Sir D. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Will readily obey the King's commands upon such advice as his honor saith the Lords of the Council were framing upon the East India business, meanwhile has communicated the Merchants' Remonstrance upon the States letter to his Majesty touching Amboyna, and their answer to Carleton's proposition to his Excellency and the States, and has also made known the objections against Coen, and finds them desirous and resolved to give his Majesty all contentment. Finds to be differently understood by the English and the Dutch merchants a, declaration made by his Majesty in January 1623 touching sovereignty in places possessed by either Company, which Mons. Aerssens says was not only never consented to by the States, but was never even communicated to him and his colleagues. The reprisals granted by his Majesty on these two occasions the States are much troubled about, and say how could they safely put forty sail under power of a Prince who might use them for reprisal of their own subjects. [Extract from Corresp, Holland.]
Feb. 4.
39. "Bartholomew Churchman, master's mate of the Hart, his release of wages from the day of the fleets' setting sail for England." Whereas he was desirous to leave the Company's service for his own ends, the President and Council condescend to his departure, upon condition that he should return as a passenger, without any claim to wages. ½ p. [O.C., Vol. X., No. 1176.]
Feb. 4. 40. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report that a Dutch ship of 800 tons bound for the Indies is cast away, but the men. money, and letters saved. Concerning Mr. Barlow, the Court not satisfied of his clear dealing, ordered Mr. Ellam to write for an account, and meantime to inform the Court what his debt is. Business between the Company and Mrs. Salmon, late wife of Capt. Bonner deceased. Report of the Committee that attended the Lord President that he had with great care overlooked the articles to be sent to be subscribed by the States, and altered them in some particulars very material for this Company, also that a packet is come over from the States to be sent into the Indies if the Company likes, but the matter therein contained gives no content, and therefore is sent back again with signification that the State accepts it not. Mr. Ellam to send into the Downs to the factors, also to the President in the Indies, copies of the articles offered and refused, and what this Company requires. The propositions as amended by the Lord President read and approved, and his Lordship's personal pains therein thankfully acknowledged. Letters read from Sir Dudley Carleton and Misselden, and answers orders to be framed. Business of John Lamprey in the Court of Requests. Some of the runaways committed to the Marshalsea to be discharged. The coral, to the value of 4,600l. not to be insured. Business of Greete. Three rubies of Sir Thos. Hoe to be valued. Models in lead to be left of all jewels sent into the Indies, and an exact note kept of bargains made. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 325–328.]
Feb. 5. 41. "The East Indian Company's reformation of the States answers to their three demands come with their letters of 5 Feb. 1624–5" [see ante No. 15.] The first article is approved. To the second agreed that all controversies of what nature soever between the two nations, or any particular members of them, shall be ordered by the Common Council of Defence in the Indies, and if not agreed on there, referred to the two Companies in Europe, and thence to his Majesty, and their Lordships if need be; but under the administration of politic government, criminal or civil, the persons, goods, ships, traffic, and lands of the English nation shall not be dealt withal otherwise than by the Council of Defence. Their Lordships will forbid their Governor-General in the Indies to give any hindrance to the English Company from building forts, storehouses, or retreats, so that it be not within 30 miles of any fort of the Dutch, who likewise shall not build within the like distance of places where the English shall fortify; but in conformity with the 23rd and 24th articles of the Treaty of 1619, there shall be reserved to the English such right has doth or may appertain to them for building forts in the Moluccas, Banda, and Amboyna. Also the States answer of the 19/29th Dec. 1624 to the three articles, calendared in previous volume No. 717 I. p. 471. Endorsed by Carleton as above. 2 pp. [Corresp. Holland.]
Feb. 5. 42. French translation of the above. Endorsed by Carleton,—Translat of ye 3 points as they are required by ye Eng. Est. Indian Merchants, Feb. 1624(–5). [Corresp. Holland.]
Feb. 7. 43. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Salter offered a crystal glass set in gold for 200l.; but thought not fit to be sent to the Indies. Dr. Worrall desired to know whether it were the desire of the Company to have a "printed piece of the several tortures in effigy of our men at Amboyna" printed; and the Archbishop of Canterbury desired to speak with Mr. Governor concerning the same; the Court left it to "those to whom it doth appertain to licence or not licence it." 50 dollars or ryals "upon a slight occasion" mulcted from Thomas Dawkes by the Dutch, to be allowed to him. Mr. Woodall to receive 100l. on account of surgeons' chests. Report of the Governor that it appeared that the Lord Admiral's last letter for stay of the Dutch East India .ships was not delivered [see No. 53], and that Sir Richard Bingley is come up with certain Hamburghers; also that Mr. Aylesbury "confessed ingeniously" that the letter rested still with him, but said "he could easily wash his own hands of any error" in that particular [see ante No. 37]. It was also reported that the Lord President and other Lords wondered the letter was not gone, and resolved that Sir Richard should go down and do the service; here-upon the Governor and Deputy Governor attended Mr. Secretary, and "put it home" to him that in case there be no purpose to repair the Company, it had been fair to have warned them to forbear trading; for the quarrels of the two Companies were severed from the States, so there need be no breach. Mr. Secretary then demanded if the ships must fight, and the answer was that this Company hath not to do with that, being a State business, but only desired protection and right. Mr. Style was confident that neither His Majesty, the Lord Admiral, nor the Lords knew of the stay of that letter, and that in case he be well authorized there is no question of Sir Richard Bingley's fair and honest execution. Resolved that Mr. Cappur be employed to Newmarket with letters to Mr. Packer, as well as to acquaint the Lord Admiral with what had passed, as also to procure the sending Capt. Love to the command of his ship on the narrow seas. Information of a great parcel of coral to be had out of the Straits. Petition of John Fuller, to go and return in the same ship granted; he showed that Capt. Greene had made his will and was not so poor as he pretended to be. Henry Bate to pay in his money when the Court will consider his request. 160 hhds. of beef and pork at Blackwall; 40 oxen more to be killed before the hot weather. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 328–331.]
Feb. 8.
44. Abstract of abuses of the Dutch in Jacatra in 1624, as advised by the President and Council from Lagundy, in their General Letter, dated 8 Feb. 1624–5, received by the ships Moon, Discovery, and Ruby in 1625. The Pengran will not admit any treaty with the Dutch, unless they demolish their fort of Batavia, said that the English might trade; but the Dutch would not suffer them. The Dutch demands pretending to attempt something against Bantam. They question the English trading at Anjar, but themselves trade there secretly. The Dutch hope to make their Batavia the receptacle of trade, and will never permit a peaceable trade in Bantam. Their doings at the Isle of Bessee. In the scarcity of rice they threatened the Javas with the bastinadoe if they sold us more than their officers limited them to. They forced upon us goods brought from Amboyna, and put the goods into our house by violence. No hope ever to free us from "this perfidious people" but by separation. Most parts of the Indies have erected tolls and exactions, the Dutch having set the example. How the Dutch break the 6th and 9th articles of the treaty and inforce payments from us in ready money, but from the inhabitants in wares; which stocks the country, and deprives us of all vent of wares. Of all the fruits they alone must be dividers. All this but a flea bite in respect of what they infer upon the 12th article, touching the maintenance of forts and garrisons. By their own manifold injuries they have brought the King of Macassar to be their professed enemy, and accuse us to be instigators thereof, because we will not break friendship with him. Whatsoever is referred into Europe will not be reformed by the Dutch here, "it is one of their maxims, that although restitution may be obtained in Europe, yet. something will stick to the fingers." They send ships after every one of ours, and "have always their eyes upon us." Reports of one of their own Council, that some of their body were very vehement to hinder our proceedings utterly; and that if upon any affront we should strike the first stroke, it would be the occasion of rooting us wholly out of all India. Thro' their exactions we pay double worth or more of everything we buy. They impose 10 per cent, poll money for every inhabitant, and licenses for every thing, and for the Chinese to play at dice and cards, and petty haglers, nothing so petty that is free from their exactions. "They will write into Europe (no doubt) of their conformity unto the article, whereas their whole work is but juggling and deceit." A sailor of ours was murdered by the Dutch at Masulipatam. They searched our ships for Lagundy, and took away some of our servants, the blacks; sent a pinnace after the Rose, and intercepted all boats that came off from the shore to her; and send ships to lie constantly in our road to deter all people from trading with us. If reformation is not obtained, "it will be no trading for us in India, nor living by these ill neighbours in Europe." 5¼ pp. [O.C., Vol. X., No. 1177.]
Feb. 9. 45. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The pilot and masters to provide that on this day week the outward bound ships be carried down to the Hope. Capt. Hawkeridge's bond to be delivered up, but not Mr. Guy's (purser of the London) until he has accounted with Lanman. Purchase of 20 tons of tin for Surat. The Commissioners of the Navy to have "a parcel of oars," but to be put in mind to clear with the Company for monies formerly owing. Mr. Offley's son and other factors to have the great cabin of the Dolphin. On the demur to John Lamprey's bill, Thos. Mills and Wm. Walker's business to be heard on Friday, Walker (the porter) being charged with furnishing money to those that go to the Indies at unreasonable rates. Bill of charges of John Keeling for his journey to the Downs. Bill of Treasurer Bateman to Mary Harrison, widow, and Geoffrey Kerby to be cancelled. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 331–334.]
Feb. 9. 46. Sir William Russell to Sec. Conway. Finds that in the paper delivered to his honor there is a mistake in casting up the sum that 5,000 bales of silk will amount unto, which is not to cost in Persia above 500,000l., and will make here double the money above all charges in case all other passages into Europe be stopped. But is since informed by some that trade to Turkey that the silk imported into Europe by way of Turkey is not altogether Persia silk, but comes from other places that the Persian cannot prohibit; in such case such a proportion from the Persian will not vent in Christendom. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 66.]
Feb. 9.
47. Sec. Conway to Buckingham. The resultat touching the Persian trade is sent, with observations upon it, see ante, No. 30 Minute. [Domestic Corresp., Conway's Letter Bk., p. 192. Cal., p. 470.]
Feb. 9. 48. Order to the Clerk of the Signet. To engross a bill for the King's signature for payment of 5,421l., for setting forth the Seven Stars, Charles, Moon, and Desire, manned with 90 men and victualled for ten months for a voyage to Persia. [Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXIII., No. 35, Cal, p. 470.]
Feb. 10.
49. The King to Lord Keeper Lincoln. To prepare letters patent authorising the Lord Admiral to grant letters of marque and reprisal to such of the King's subjects as have sustained losses and damages at sea from the Spanish Netherlander and Hollanders and from whom no satisfaction or restitution can be obtained. [Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXIII., No. 36, Cal., p. 470.]
Feb. 11.
The Hague.
50. Carleton to Sec. Conway. "In the mean time I roll my tun of complaints (like Diogenes when the Corinthians were arming against Philip) about our East Indian and Greenland businesses, endeavouring as much as in me is passible to get their Ambassador Joachimi speedily despatched and that with satisfaction." [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
Feb. 11. 51. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Resolved not to send any tin as hitherto it has yielded but even money in the Indies. Capt. Blythe to have as many servants as Capt. Shilling had. Denton's cause dismissed by the Lord Keeper with 5l. costs. Debt of Henry Bate remitted on his petition in respect of his poverty, service, and submission. About the release of a boy, pressed for the King's service. Emme Chidley, to have four months of her son's wages. Report to be made to the Court of Requests concerning the business of John Lamprey. The mariners to be sent up a few at a time from Tilbury to receive their imprest. Robert Hunt, recommended for steward's mate, to go a "common man" as hired. Dispute between Hopton and Page, the master of Thos. Joyce about a loan. About Mr. Barlow's debt for indigo. Ordered that Wm. Walker, the porter, deliver back the bond, money, &c. which he had exacted from Thomas Mills. John Keeling having been arrested by the keeper of the prison of St. Katharine's for fees of mariners committed at the suit of the Company, to be bailed, and counsel taken how far the Company is liable. 4 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII., 335–338.]
Feb. 12.
52. Sir John Coke to Buckingham. Copies of the Duke's warrant have been sent to the [East India] merchants and by them to Sir Rich. Bingley into the Downs with earnest solicitation and promise of reward if he would seize the Holland ships before the Duke's warrant came to his hands. Has found it necessary to give directions for the delivery of the warrant to Sir Rich. Bingley with advice for his careful proceeding. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXIII., No. 48, Cal, p. 473.]
Feb. 12.
53. Sir John Coke to Edward Nicholas, Secretary to the Duke of Buckingham. Is glad to understand that his Grace has obtained commission for letters of reprisal, which it will much import his Grace to have drawn with good advice. The Duke's profit will depend upon the tenths of goods taken, and he must have, especially at Plymouth, an honest collector. James Bagg will be the first to offer his service, but his dealing will forthwith be laid open by a man of quality in a matter of great importance concerning the Duke's warrant to stay the Holland ships trading to the East Indies, which he was required to keep in his hands, but has given out copies which were published on the Exchange and sent to the Narrow Seas, and the execution of the warrant pressed before it was delivered. It imports his Grace in honour and safety not to have the trust he reposes in his servants trafficked in this manner. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXIIL, No. 47, Cal, p. 473.]
Feb. 12.
54. Tho. Barker to John Banggam. Has laden aboard the Royal James, for his own account, a pair of very fine carpets of "Kirman," intreats him to make sale of them to the best advantage, and return the produce in sugar, sugar candy, steel, tin, or indigo. Cose 40 tomans in Spahan, and hopes they will yield at least 60. "In case of mortality" the proceeds to be delivered to Kerridge. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. X., No. 1178.]
Feb. 14. 55. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Wm. Walker, in conformity to the order of the last Court, discharged Thomas Mills of his debt. That John Lamprey's cause be dismissed out of the Court of Requests. A servant of the Earl of Warwick attended with a letter from the King, dated the 5th inst., importing his Majesty's pleasure that the differences between the Earl and Company should be referred to arbitration, under bond of 30,000l. a piece, to be ended this month: the business to be taken into consideration on Wednesday next. The pirate business again "called upon," and some of the Company required to appear at Sir Thomas Smythe's house: ordered that Mr. Markham set down the state of that business. Capt. Love to be treated with, to have copy of the Lord Admiral's last letter, and to desire him to repair forthwith to his charge, with a promise of the Company's "acknowledgment if any service was effected." Letter read certifying the return of the London to the Downs; also two letters from Mr. Misselden of the 7th and 22nd January to be kept secret. Woodcott's (Woodcock's) petition concerning his cause in the Admiralty. Mrs. Salbanke to be demanded of whom she heard "that the Whale was cast away at an anchor, her sails standing, and the master and merchants being at supper and rioting in the cabin" 3 pp [Ct. Min. Bk., VII., 339–341.]
Feb. 14.
Aboard the William, Swally Road.
56. Tho. Rastell, Giles James, and Rich. Lancaster to the East India Company. Gave large advice of all occurrences by the Dolphin, 10th January 1624 [wanting], since which have received letters of 15th March 1624, by the Jonas. At the Dolphin's departure the Reformation remained alone in port, with the greatest part of the Guzerat's treasure; but she was dispeeded the 27 Jan. following, with 80,000 Ryals for Acheen and Jacatra, and eight chests of coral taken out of the Guzerat junks. Might have compassed full lading of indigo for the Blessing and William, had not a perfidious combination ("even of those who had but lately taken their accursed oaths to the contrary") prevailed upon the Mogul for firmans for apprehending their persons, restitution, and expulsion out of his country. They were all imprisoned in irons, "to be the shameful subjects of daily threats, revilings, scorns, and disdainful derisions of whole rabbles of people"; their warehouses and private chests were ransacked, and all that was gold or silver disposed of towards satisfaction of the merchants' pretences. Their miserable usage. Appeals to the King not listened to, when Abdallah Hussein, their "ancient inveterate enemy for the actions of Sir Hen. Middleton," sole director of the kingdom, the main supporter of these troubles. Mr. Young not at Court, and "the Hackeem our friend" disgraced, our business was at a dangerous stand and our monsoon hazarded, but were not to land a piece of money out of the Blessing and William. "Our false hearted friends the Dutch" prevented the taking of three junks by advancing in each junk their Prince's colours. Demand of certain Turks, interested in the junk of Choul, of 85,000 Ryals of 8, which they hotly pursued, by virtue of a pass given by the factor at Mocha, with a promised bribe to Seif Chan of one half for recovery; and had doubtless prevailed but for a costly bribe of their own of 70,000 Mahmonds. Mr. Young's complaint and solicitings at Court utterly rejected. Were refused license to lade their indigo, so the ships departed empty, the William for Batavia and the Blessing towards Arabia, "leaving us distressed still in prison and irons as they found us, howbeit not many days after were freed of our fetters." The Turks were allowed appeal to the King, who since by means of Seif Chan and Aseph Chan our old friend has repulsed them. Gave commission to the Blessing, &c. for the seizing of all Guzerat junks. After seven months' wretched imprisonment they came on 7 Sept. to a final agreement, which by copy of the articles [ante No. 1] show were "most reasonably favorable," and not much differing from the former (the renting of Customs excepted) Remarks on the losses sustained. If the Company can digest and pass over these dishonours they may enjoy the trade as before; for by command from the Court they have recovered 6,800 M, exacted to defend their bodies from torture, and have lately received the King's firman commanding their re-establishment in their trade and restoration of whatsoever has been wrongfully extorted from them. Seif Chan is too powerful to be dealt with. The dangers and damages that are to be considered and feared by taking revenge or restitution of the Guzerats. They must not be dealt with slightly or once only, but for four years together, "for they are too well fleshed in our late disgracing to be tenderly and slightly dealt withal, and will, notwithstanding all oaths and writings (even from the King to the beggar), make breach again upon the first occasion of advantage." In breaking league with them the dissolution of the trade will follow for three or four years together. The state of the Dutch trade at Surat and the danger to which the Company's servants are exposed, viz., to captivity, the fury of a multitude, or may be hazard of their lives. Doubtful whether the project of seizing their small vessels take effect. The Blessing and William had safe wintering, one on the coast of Arabia, the other at Batavia, and both returned safely in September last. After came the James and her fleet, the Eagle sent off in quest of the distressed Anne, but returned "successless," and to this day no news of her. The Eagle surprised two Portugals, one a good ship and fit for their service, and in the other 37 Arabian horses, dates, and Rohannas, which were landed, but the vessel was run aground and perished in the river, through the negligence of these country mariners. The James and her fleet departed for Persia, and the Blessing and William to seaward, to spend time until the Portugal armada of eight galleons was clear of the coast. Have not only established the former course of business since the coming of this fleet, but have supplied all former residences with factors, and besides paying debts, have invested 10,000l. for Acheen and Batavia in Indian clothing, and for England in pepper, indigo, and calicoes 19,500l. more. Concerning the goods and jewels sent to Court and Agra by Robert Young, for the most part sold to Aseph Chan to preserve his favour in their heat of troubles, at cheap rates and scarce prime cost; the prices. Three emeralds, belonging to Morris Abbott, sold at 3,000 rupees, which after brokerage, &c. will at 6s. a dollar amount to 398l. 11s. 3d. The great damage by wet to some of the Ahmedabad linens. Wonder at the mariners' impudence in taxing them with a want of sufficient guard to defend the goods from filchers; there hath been always a court of guard of their own selecting, who indeed were not those only who ripped up the bales of linen, but even contrived the stealing of 178 bars of lead, by the assistance of some thieving Banian merchants. Know not whom to accuse of the sailors, as the guard was weekly changed, which now is continued under one captain. Have made known to the factors in Baroach, Ahmedabad, Agra, and the coast their several complaints about the linens, who have promised to take especial regard for the future. Concerning the sorts and quantities of Indian commodities required by the Company:—Have attained to about 280 tons of pepper, and doubt not to make this place a mart for the lading of more than double that quantity yearly; will follow their instructions about cotton wool, assortments of cloth and stuffs, gumlac, bloodstones, and the rest. White calico, lawns, and sashes of Mocha may be annually supplied from hence, gumlac and aloes soccatrina from Ahmedabad, Agra, and this place. Remarks upon the purchase and trade of indigo and the trade to Mocha, where the Dutch have these four years been detained prisoners and their whole estate confiscated. Conceive the trade unsafe without some powerful and peculiar firman from the Grand Signor to protect them; it were a business worth renewing in security. The low-priced sorts of coral most profitable for this market. Forty or fifty pieces of broadcloth yearly the most they would wish the Company to send. Have sold all the elephants' teeth, and a like quantity or more may be annually sent. The sorts of cloth of gold and satins brocaded with gold most esteemed; some few may be sent every year for preservation of friends at Court, where there is required a continual Resident, "for the awing of griping Governors" and to answer complaints in times of disturbance. Part of the gold lace is sold and produced reasonable profit. One bale of tapestry sent with [Thos.] Keridge to Persia. The rich ones of Sir Fran. Crane will get the start and are highly commended, but how their value may by the King or his great ones be apprehended somewhat to be doubted. Copper and iron ware unprofitable in these parts. Have sold all the lead; tis grown a very vendible commodity. Have found the same quick despatch for their quicksilver, which must be one of their staple commodities; but better care should be had in making up that sent out of Holland, in which there is a loss of 1,207 lbs. weight. The sale of amber beads to the value of 500l. or 1,000l. yearly may be depended on. Were led by the seamen's opinions in the Discovery's disposure years past for Batavia (not touching at Sumatra). Cotton yarn, when want of better lading shall require it, may be gotten plain or cross reeled. Are still backward in their accounts by reason of their late troubles, and can only now send copies of the journal unbalanced from the surrender of Giles James to Joseph Hopkinson. Have ever consulted and will advise with the seamen concerning the ships' and people's employments. Reasons for the non-return of the Company's ships, which the Company instance as a neglect; hereafter will endeavour their utmost satisfaction. The people of Dabul earnest suitors to be reconciled for what hath passed, and to trade with them in peace for the future. Believe were it not for the Dutch, "who are ever ominous to your affairs," there might be safety for their estate and people's residence. Touching the Company's desires for the renewing of trade in Persia and the settling of a factory in Ormuz, refer to the discretion of Mr. Kerridge, though from their agents' advices there is little encouragement; yet as the Dutch have now leapt into their room, and the Persian (beleaguered by the Portugals) has most need of their assistance, have sent thither Thos. Kerridge with Capt. Weddell's fleet, with power as well for the disposure of those ships as for absolute treating or settling in any of those parts. As Thos. Rastell has a most fit opportunity of passage for England, and Kerridge is daily expected, he has made bold to leave the charge of their estate (during Kerridge's absence) to the care of Edward Heynes and five other factors. The Blessing and William forced to sea again by the approach of eight Portugal galleons, which about 25 days since left this coast for the Persian Gulf, as they suppose to prosecute the recovery of Ormuz. Take notice of the Star's design for Batavia, but as there is indigo and pepper sufficient to lade her, would rather she should go (in company of the Dutch) immediately for England on Kerridge's return, when also the Eagle may be ordained for Sumatra, and Batavia be supplied by the James and Jonas. The project of settling a residence at Tanjore has been attempted by Capt. Bickley in the Hart, and "made frustrate by the secret practices of the Danes there residing." About the several entertainments and employments of the factors, &c. now sent, especially George Page, who is to have 100l. a year after three years, and David Gelly, purser's mate of the Jonas. In the use of the commission under the broad seal of England, "for the more awful government of your people, we shall implore the All Director of men's hearts and intentions to infuse mercy with justice, that before Him and man our proceedings may appear to be justifiable." In the lavish expense of fresh victuals the sea commanders pretend a kind of husbandry or good providence, for by sparing their salt victuals they shall be better able to sustain themselves and supply other shipping either at sea or barren places where they may fail of other provisions. Their superfluity in wine (if any) is too likely amongst themselves to transfer the blame on the factors, who so seldom come amongst them. Something in both may be reformed, but not much, not with standing their strict endeavours to effect it. Refer to the invoice of goods in the Blessing and William. Thos. Rastell will deliver a file of tests of gold, to give them light of the great benefit (not less than 4 or 5 per cent.) that would yearly arise by sending in lieu of silver ryals a good part of their supplies in the better sorts of gold. Postscript signed Tho. Rastell only.—Besides Tho. Rastell, Giles James, and Richard Lancaster, the Company's ancient servants, there goes in these ships also William Gibson, a young man trained in their service these five years, whom they recommend to the Company's favour. Concerning the estate of Henry Darrell, deceased in Persia. Endorsed:—Received by the Blessing. 22 pp. [O.C., Vol. X., No. 1180.]
[Feb. 15.]
At Sea.
57. Thomas Rastell to the East India Company. Left Surat on 15th Feb. on their voyage. Some things omitted from his last letter of the 14th Feb. The wages of Edward Heynes increased to 12l., Jeremy Suger to 35l., and Jno. Hodges to 30l. Thomas Vincent and Walter Waight deceased, the one at Ahmedabad almost suddenly, the other by drowning. Pretences of the King of Golconda to silk and ryals taken by the Blessing out of the Choul junk, who procured the Governor of Masulipatam to arrest the Company's goods there, and considering how roughly the Dutch had been lately handled by them agreed to a composition of 25,000 mah., though there were but seven bales of silk sent in the Dolphin. As to the purloining by the sailors, John Chester and Kenelm Buttler, in the ships come home, acknowledge to have taken to about 40l. The Dutch now in action for revenge. Had license before leaving Surat for the sale of their coral, but find the colour is much disliked, which much prejudices the sale. Complaint of overpricing both the coral and jewels. Have been offered 500 tons of pepper, and to take coral in part payment, the pepper to be ready by November; This bargain referred to be concluded by Kerridge, then hourly expected from Persia. 4 pp. Endorsed, General letter from Surat of 14 February 1624(–5), with an addition of 15 ditto received by the William and Blessing, 1625. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 67.]
Feb. 14–15.
58. Extracts out of the general letter from Surat by the William and Blessing, dated 14 and 15 Feb. 1624–5. Ante Nos. 56, 57. 5 pp. [O.C., Vol. X., No. 1181.]
Feb. 16–18. 59. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ordered after debate that in reference to a suit against Woodcock for loss of the Whale, that a commission be gotten to examine witnesses in the Indies. Petition of Capt. Greene that he may put in juratory caution, that is two men common bail and his own oath to appear upon summons: resolved to hinder it if they may, but if the course be legal there is no remedy but to submit. Richard Craishawe to be admitted a free brother on payment of a fine of 30l. Dr. Meryall presented an epistle prefixed to a sermon preached before his Majesty by Dr. Wilkinson and now published, "in which preface he doth set forth with much detestation the ever to be abhored cruelties of the Dutch executed upon the English at Amboyna, in 24 several printed books fair bound." Resolved to make some further expression of their thankfulness afterwards. After search of what had been done in the Earl of Warwick's business, that they were once agreed upon abitrament, but differing, the Earl of Warwick resolved to fly to a Parliament, whereto the Company consented as being confident in the justice of the cause on their part, and now being pressed by his Majesty's letter to a course arbitrary, it was thought fit by an humble petition to acquaint his Majesty with the Company's desire to be judged by a Parliament. Letter read from Capt. Blythe to take with him Vincent Harris to Surat; ordered already that he be allowed the same proportion of servants as Capt.. Shilling had. Letters also read from the Mayors of the Holland East India Company, about security for pepper; resolved that the Dutch must accept of like security as they offer. Report of the Governor that he understood at my Lord Archbishop's house that certain printed models of the tormented English in Amboyna had been brought over hither by the porter of the Archduchess' Ambassador's house, and printed on the other side.
Feb. 18.—Report of the Governor that Capt. Love has written to his Lieutenant to give all assistance for staying the Dutch ships; a messenger to be sent with Capt. Love's letter, also with another to John Yonge to supply the London in the Downs with men and victuals. "A gentleman that is secretary to a great person, advised that they haste up their powder mills for fear of prevention." Resolved to take counsel whether a commission procured to their own servants and in tbeir own cause would not weaken any evidence so taken against Woodcock. Dr. Merriell [sic] having presented the Court with 24 small books cleanly bound in vellum, wherein was contained a sermon in which he conceived the present cruelty of the Dutch is reproved, and deciphered divers years since, though not in their persons, or the particular case of Amboyna, together with a declamation of his own upon that fact, which because it had a loving dedication to the Company it was ordered by way of thankfullness to give him 10l. Mr. Greenbury, the workman that had done the picture of Amboyna, called into Court and ordered not too much to hasten the finishing of it, as also to put out the petition therein inserted, being that delivered by the Nertherlanders to Queen Elizabeth to succour them in their distress. Mr. Governor, Mr. Deputy, and others to attend the Lords at the Council table in the afternoon. Richard Reignardson entertained steward's mate in the Palsgrave. John Shute, student of the Inner Temple, recommended by Sir Thomas Coventry, Sir Robert Heath, Sir John Walter, Sir Thos. Trevor and others of that house, as a fit man to go to the Indies in the quality of a judge in criminal causes. Letters to be written to the searcher at Gravesend for release of the Company's ships without molestation; and to Lord Gorges for stay of any of the Holland East India ships that shall seek succour at the Isle of Wight. Request of John Slany that the adventure turned over to him by James Travers may be transported to the Company of Merchant Tailors; but none being capable of adventure, that is not free of the Company, the Court wished his name to stand in the books. Thomas Rilston entertained as a writer at 20l. a year. 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII., 342–347.]
Feb, 18.
The Hague.
60. Sir D. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Has attended his Majesty's commandment on the business of the East Indies, and to the end the States should not rest secure as if all were well, this morning gave the President of their Assembly to make known to them a translate in Dutch of our men's exceptions against Coen, a sworn enemy to our nation, whose sending back with authority to the Indies, and the walking of Mareschalk at liberty, made our men jealous of the intention of theirs in things left to the liberty of interpretation, as were two of the points of our men's demands, and that it would be expected they should take better order with Mareschalk and Coen and before the latter should be further engaged in the voyage preparing for April next. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
Feb. 19.
61. Morris Abbott, Governor, Alderman Edm. Allen, Nic. Leatt, Robert Bell, Wm. Garway, George Strode, Tho. Style, Jeffery Kerby, Ant. Abdi, and Gyles Martyn, Committees of the East India Company to Carleton. Yesterday they were called before the Lords upon the complaint of the Dutch here, who suggested four things to concur together, begetting great fear that upon Shrove Tuesday now approaching, they may be greatly endangered by the fury of the people. The first was, a book lately set forth by a minister with dedication to the Company (one sent herewith); the second, a pamphlet printed beyond the seas, expressing in effigy the several tortures inflicted upon the English at Amboyna and Lantar; the third, a play which yesterday should have been publicly acted, setting forth not only the tragedy of Amboyna, but also such other wrongs as the English suffer by the Dutch, in England, Greenland, New England, and elsewhere; the fourth, a very large picture, wherein is "lively, largely, and artificially" set forth those several bloody tortures and executions inflicted upon our people at Amboyna. To all which they answered; to the first, that it was not by any direction of theirs, although they see nothing in that book worthy of reprehension; to the second and third, that they knew nothing thereof; but for the fourth they confessed "ingeniously" to be their act, not with intent to stir up the people to tumult, but thereby to keep in their own house, "a perpetual memory of that most bloody and treacherous villany." Hereupon much dispute was raised, and they spared not to rip up again their grievances, in the presence of the complainers, whom they accused to have publicly defended the bloody actions of their countrymen, and that their preachers had not in their pulpits reprehended those unheard of outrages by their countrymen. Their answer was some of them had done it in general terms, but the Lords told the Dutch, that books, pictures, and plays are not the revenge that his Majesty intends, if he be not otherwise righted, wishing them to thank God that they live in a country where they need not fear any such measure as they pretended, and that they should forbear to defend that which hath appeared most true, upon due examination, unto his Majesty and the State; and for themselves, admonished them so to use their picture as it should not beget any such danger. And concerning "that bloody judge Maerschalke and that perfidious Coen," their Lordships made "answer that they would take especial care that your Lordship shall be excited to a full prosecution of that business," wherein they shall "not want our continual solicitation." The true cause of this fear in the Dutch is that this large picture is prepared for the view of the approaching Parliament, and the rather that they well perceive that our nobility, gentry, and commons have already expressed a deep detestation of all the aforesaid outrages. Further informed their Lordships that although they could have wished that his Majesty and their Lordships had been presented with the view of that horrid spectacle, "yet upon hope of justice from the Dutch we have foreborne both that and other things, wherein wee are able yet further to aggravate their actions, and greatly to alienate all good affections from them, wherein we shall not be sparing if wee shall not now at length receive due satisfaction." Send copy of the pamphlet within-mentioned by accident come to their hands. 2 pp. [Corresp. Holland.]
Feb. 20.
62. Sec. Conway to Carleton. Foresees one of the greatest difficulties (in his Majesty joining the league against the Emperor), is the lack of correspondency with the States in the Amboyna and Greenland businesses, wherein his Majesty will have satisfaction, whatever it cost. And the opinion of the whole Council is that he must take his satisfaction, for that State intends not to give it in any real manner. Sends herewith two articles from the East India Company, being of those three sent from that State, desired to be qualified, not that this will satisfy the merchants to pass over "the horrible acts of Amboyna," but peradventure may moderate their sharpness and allay their fears, for which they have ground. The satisfaction his Majesty stands upon is the same propounded at first, in defect of which he limited a time for the staying of the ships, which hath been drawn out to this length, no more to be continued. Therefore that State must resolve either presently to give satisfaction, to connive that some of their ships may be taken, and so come to a legal hearing, or fight and embroil all. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Feb. 20.
63. Sec. Lord Conway to his son Lieut.-Col. Sir Edw. Conway. If the States' obstinacy in refusing to give the King contentment in the business of Amboyna and Greenland do not stop or turn our preparations upon them, is confident that a brave army will be seen this year in the field besides Mansfeldt's for the recovery of the Palatinate. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac I., Vol. CLXXXIV., No. 11, Cal p. 479.]
Feb. 21. 64. Thos. Locke to Sir Dudley Carleton. The Persian business, so long in hand, is now likely to go on. A painter called Greenebury set at work by the East India Company "to set forth in a table the whole manner of torturing the English at Amboyna." The matter, with all circumstances, was to have been acted in a play, but through the representations of the Dutch ministers to the Council, and fearing some tumult at Shrovetide, it was stopped, "and the merchants and the painter were checked for their labours." [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXIV., No. 22, Cal. p. 481.]
Feb. 21–23. 65. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Petition of John Johnson concerning an adventure of Ralph Preston deceased. "The Amboyna men" to be warned to attend Mr. Style. The Commissioners of the Navy to be attended for release of two men pressed into the King's ships. Woodall being afraid to bring the surgeon's chests into the hall lest the glasses should break with the frost, they are to be viewed and sealed at his house. The landsmen now shipped for Surat to be sent to Jacatra for the intended fort there. The money to be thus laden:—in the Palsgrave five chests, in the Dolphin four, and in the Lion three. The cloth, biscuit, and satins to be presently sent abroad. Some fair pearls to be sent to Persia, where they are well sold. Report of Mr. Governor that himself and a committee had attended at the Council table, where they were told of four things, 1st, that a picture was set out in the quality of a libel, wherein is described in effigy the tortures executed upon the English at Amboyna, together with a writing casting the fault generally upon the Dutch nation; 2nd, that there is a representation intended in a play of the same things; 3rd, that there is an epistle published in print by Dr. Meriell on the same subject; 4th, that the Company hath in a particular picture caused an expression to the life of all those cruelties, and that the Dutch conceived these things do concur in a season fit to stir up the people against them now at Shrovetide: for the first two the Company cleared themselves; the 3rd they had not yet read; and for the 4th, they had such a picture, which is done with much art and is for their own private use. The Lords gently admonished them not to publish that picture at least till Shrove Tuesday be passed; and accordingly the Court now gave order for locking up the door of the room in the Company's house where it stands. The Company were advised by Lord Carew at same time not to set up a powder mill, for Mr. Evelyn will work out their saltpetre; but they answered that if they might not work out their own saltpetre into powder they will bring none. A fit place for setting up a mill had been found, and if Lord Carew give not way, then to petition the King.
Feb. 23.—Mr. Woodall being remanded to prison by the Lord Steward, to the hazard of his utter undoing, Sir H. Handford requested the Company to labour for his deliverance. It was conceived that this last commitment was through some private enemies of Woodall, and though the Court desired his release they willed he should use his own best means first, and if that succeed not they will move the Lord Steward for his release. Demand of the woman who serves the Company with lemon water for 12d. a gallon above the wonted price, pretending the scarcity of lemons; the Court perceiving this new demand now upon the going of the ships to be a mere trick, resolved to send none, and hereafter to provide it out of Spain, where it is much better than here. The Company's mariners that were pressed into the King's service readily discharged by Mr. Pexall, sergeant to the Admiralty, who desired from henceforth a list of the Company's men. The question between the Company and the Farmers of Customs concerning the customs for coral and elephants' teeth to be referred to the Lord Treasurer. 3l. paid to Blyth, the powder maker. John Johnson to be allowed dividends on what has been paid of Ralph Preston's adventure. Report of the committee on the powder business: that two cwt. of saltpetre, with some small coal and brimstone will make 300 lbs. of powder, and if Blyth, a very honest and approved workman, be allowed four men the Company will have their powder at a reasonable rate. As to a powder mill, if Lord Carew refuse to give way, then to move at the Council table; but first to take a view of the proclamations and patents extant concerning that particular, either from Mr. Dyson or out of Guildhall. The sessment on the Company's land at Black wall by the Commission of Sewers to be paid by Mr. Fotherly. Petition of John Lamprey not to tie him to the common law, but to give way to a proceeding between himself and the Company in the Court of Requests. Allowance desired by Mr. Sheeres of letters of administration to the right heir of Henry Covert deceased in the Indies; ordered that a former administration be annulled, and that what appears due be paid. 7½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII., 343–355.]
Feb. 24. 66. Sir Robert Sherley to Sec. Conway. The Commissioners of the Navy, expect order from my Lord Duke for setting forward the business, and Mr. Galle, master of the Signet Office, requires his honor's warrant for security before the privy seal be dispatched. Earnestly desires that these small stops, which steal away the time, endangering greatly the overthrow of their brave design, may be removed by this bearer. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 68.]
Feb. ? 67. Sir Robert Sherley's request. 1st. If the pinnaces cannot be spared at present, then he desires a present favourable despatch. 2nd. To know the King's mind, if in case the King of Persia send money to buy vessels of war and "yrne ordinance," and to hire mariners, he may be assured of such a design. 3rdly. Concerning an Ambassador to be sent to the King of Persia, he remits it to the consideration of the wiser sort whether it be convenient or honourable, since the pinnaces go not, neither any present, the ordinary customs of the eastern Princes; and if it be alleged that he brought none hither, answer is he came not directly hither. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 69.]
Feb. 24.
Chesterford Park.
68. Sec. Conway to Sir Robert Sherley. Sends a warrant to the Clerk of the Signet to draw a privy seal for preparing the pinnaces for Persia. [Conway's Letter Bk. p. 196, Dom., Jac., I. Cal. p. 483.]
Feb. 25. 69. Courts Minutes of the East India Company. The custom on coral to be settled at the Custom House. Discourse concerning powder: the King by his prerogative royal hath power and there is a kind of necessity that the gross of that commodity be in the disposing of the State, but if the Company for their particular use bring [salt] petre from beyond the seas to be made into powder here, there is no reason but they be cherished in that course; if their workmen be taken from them then will be fit time to complain. John Fanshaw and John Warren to be sent to the Indies at 13s. 4d. per month. Committee to examine the wants of the several ships bound for Surat. Letter from John Yong that the Dutch ships are not yet come off from the Rammekins; to stay in the Downs to see the issue of that business. Report of Sir John Wolstenholme that Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Capt. of Plymouth Fort, says if any Dutch ships by accident put in there they must come within reach of his ordnance, he therefore wished that effectual letters might be procured, one letter had been delivered to him. The Dutch give out that all their ships outward bound are for the West Indies. Letter from the Lord Mayor concerning the gate of Leadenhall which is a safety to the Company's goods, and should be at their charge for a watchman. Petition read from George Ball, penned a little before his death, wherein he justifies himself and desires the remainder of his wages and goods may be delivered to his wife who also brought a petition; was told that there remained many thousands of pounds due to the Company from her husband, and therefore a very unfit time to come with a request. Report of Keightley of his survey of timber at Blackwall. The Earl of Warwick's business to be considered on Monday. 3½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 355–358.
Feb. 26.
70. Morris Abbott, Governor, Gyles Martyn, Ant. Abdi, George Strode, Thomas Westrow, and Nic. Leatt, Committees of the East India Company to Sir D. Carleton. The Dutch East India ships were at Flushing on the 22nd, and think they are there still. Understand from the Downs that the King's ships crossed the seas, and met with a fleet of 30 sail of Hollanders, which after some shot struck sail, but finding no East India ships, returned into the Downs, and still keep a small vessel or two to give warning to meet the East India ships. Are in despatch of four great ships for the Indies, which will be in the Downs with ten days; on the 18th present the London departed towards Jacatra. According to admonition given to the Dutch ministers by the Lords of the Privy Council one of them on Sunday last did in his pulpit reprehend the bloody fact of Amboyna. The Dutch here seem still in fear of the people's fury on Shrove Tuesday; for prevention whereof a good guard will be kept. For their parts have denied to show their picture to divers knights and people of worth because it should not provoke them as it hath many who heretofore have taken view thereof. 1 p. [Corresp. Holland.]
Feb. 26.
71. John Chamberlain to Sir D. Carleton. Laments the state of the nation "when the baseet of people in matter of courage dare brave and trample upon us." Has known the time when they [the Hollanders] durst not have offered the least of those indignities we have swallowed and endured. The Hollanders presume upon our patience, and somewhat else, otherwise they would have shown some resentment or given some sign of their dislike of such barbarous cruelties, and not suffer the chief instrument, the Fiscal, to walk up and down Amsterdam untouched; but they are every way too cunning for us and know that chi ha tempo ha vita. Letters of marque are given against the [Dutch] East India Company, but doubts not our ships will see them and not see them, and on far fetched considerations forbear, but fiat justitia et ruat mundus. Is the more earnest in this business for more reasons than one, especially that Carleton is taxed to be somewhat tepido in the business. The Council informed last week of divers ill presages, amongst others of a sermon by one Wilkinson newly printed, the epistle or preface of which is bitter English, of a play or representation of all the business of Amboyna ready to be acted, and of a large picture made for our East India Company describing the whole action; the Council ordered the picture to be suppressed, the play forbidden, and the book to be called in, and withal a strong watch of 800 men extraordinary against Shrove Tuesday to see the city be kept quiet. Extract [Dom., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXIV., No. 47., Cal, p. 485.]
Feb. 27.
72. [Sec. Conway] to Buckingham. Thinks Sir Dudley Carleton should not have leave to return until the Amboyna business and other negotiations are settled. Extract [Dom., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXXIV., No. 49, Cal, p. 486.]
Feb. 28. 73. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report of the Governor that divers gentlemen of quality from the Duke of Buckingham had been with him, particularly Mr. Grymes, and that it was the Duke's pleasure that the picture of the tortures at Amboyna, done to the life, in the Company's house be forthwith sent to the Duke, and that Mr. Governor had desired respite till this morning when it was to be sent before 11 o'clock, the Duke having to attend his Majesty at Theobalds. It was resolved to send it and the painter, who with Committee were entreated to attend the Duke. That the violence of the tide "had flowed so far above the ordinary proportion," that it had borne away one of the gates of the dock at Blackwall, and there is some fear for their powder at Deptford. Committee appointed to see to the powder. The business of the custom on coral put off till Wednesday. Young Fanshawe cannot so much as write, and therefore Sir John Wolstenholme that recommended was the means to stay him at home. Report that the Dutch fleet is gone, but John Youge is gone with letters to the Captains, "who are resolved to stay the Holland East India fleet whatsoever their other occasions be." Mr. Governor and a Committee to attend the King with an answer to his Majesty's letter concerning the Earl of Warwick. 2 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 359–360].
74. Names of all the factors under the command of the President at Lagundy. Henry Hawley, Jno. Gonninge and Rich. Hasellwood, at Lagundy; Geo. Bruen, at Jacatra; Geo. Willoughby, Edw. Traiford, Jno. Cooper, Jno. Cartwright, Tho. Johnson, Tho. Robinson, and Henry Ducie, at Acheen; Tho. Mills and Robt. Randall, at Masulipatam; Jonas Colbach, at Lagundy, Clerk of the Stores; David Owen, Henry Woolman, Ric. Allen, Jno. Kaywood (? Hayward), Andrew Coggins, Jno. Dent, Henry Short, Phillip Harrison, Andrew Weekes, Henry Sill, Joseph Cochram, Willm. Webb, Rich. Robinson, Robt. Hayes, Ric. Bickes, Anthony Vernworthy, in the Swallow; Tho. Thornborrough, Tho. Harris, and Nic. Bickes, in the London. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. X., No. 1182.]