East Indies, China and Japan: June 1618

Pages 168-173

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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June 1618

June 1. Succadana. 361. Wm. Raven to President Ball. Lewd and prodigal conduct of Geo.. Collins, whom Geo. Cokayne left chief in the factory ; he has spent in idle expenses 16 and 20 shillings a day, and the Queen and the Governor have often been disturbed in the night by his drunken rioting. Has been a long time in fear of his own life ; heard Collins say he had murdered an Englishman at Surat, and has no doubt he would also kill the writer so there be none to bear witness. [One page. Indorsed, "From Succadana, 24 June 1618." O. C., Vol. VI., No. 655.]
June 4. Bantam. 362. President Ball to Capt. Totten. Directions to seize the two Chinese junks on their return, take them to the coast of Sumatra, be sure that none of the Chinese escape, and say that the seizure is for satisfaction of the Company's debts and not for purchase. [One page. O. C., Vol. VI., No. 656.]
June 9. Aboard the Advice. 363. Capt. John Totten to President Ball. Requests his further pleasure. Mr. Byndall (John Bindon) has written they would anchor by the junk. The Hound will be here without delay, she was forced to anchor on the southern part of "Poola Babbee." [One page. O. C., Vol. VI., No. 657.]
June 9. Aboard the Advice. 364. John Bindon to President Ball. Has sent Mr. Smelt to know his determination in their affairs. Cannot be absent himself considering their enemies lye round about ready to make use of the least opportunity. [Half a page. O. C., Vol. VI., No. 658.]
June 10. Acheen. 365. Wm. Nicolls to President Ball. Arrival of the Gift from Surat, in April last, with commission and purpose to obtain yet longer trade at Tecoe, which the King will in no wise grant, he being fully resolved to bring the trade to Acheen, so that the price of pepper will be greatly increased. The Dabuls do the English more hurt in buying pepper than any other nation. Wishes the Hollanders and themselves were joined, that they might burn such ships as trade there. The King's base usage, notwithstanding the present Nicolls gave him. Sends copy of his journal, in which he will see the charges Gen. Keeling was at in obtaining trade for two years. Calls to mind, now too late, Solomon's saying "the heavens in height, the earth in depth, and the King's heart no man can search out." The King has promised his letters to Tecoe for the recovery of their debts, which [Rict.] Harris makes little doubt of recovering. Wishes greater supplies to enable them to buy larger quantities of pepper. Has been living even in purgatory under a brainsick King. Requests Ball would send for him to Bantam, to answer the false accusations of Millward and Patteson against him. Protestations of his desire to do the Company good service ; would sooner suffer his flesh to be torn from the bare bones than not effect it. Hopes to see him at the arrival of the next ships from Surat. [Four pages. O. C., Vol. VI., No. 659.]
June 12. Jacatra. 366. N. Ufflete to President Ball. The bearer has been surgeon of the Dutch house, in Jacatra, and has given Ufflete intelligence of their proceedings ; he was always very willing to do his endeavour towards the English sick people. [Half a page. O. C., Vol. VI., No. 660.]
June 12. 367. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Offer of a brother-in-law of Abraham Cartwright, residing at Antwerp, to deliver about 400l. at Seville, in Spanish money, at 4s. 6d. the piece of eight. Letter read from Henry Bacon, lately returned from Sir Walter Raleigh's voyage, stating that Don Diego de Mollena, who was prisoner in Virginia, incites the King of Spain to send forces to suppress Virginia, by the hopes of a silver mine there, from which he shows a piece to justify the truth thereof. The King's letters sent to the Emperor of Persia and Connok, one by Muscovy, another by Venice to the Ambassador of Constantinople, and a third to Aleppo by Mr. Treasurer's means. Letter read from Sir Robert Sherley, from Spain, professing his desire to do the Company all possible service, but complaining of having received no answer to his letter. Proposal that a ship be sent to Bantam every October, to furnish ships she may meet with at the Cape with provisions or men if required. Concerning the suit of George Scott against the Company. Terringham to provide ryals at Middleborough. Richard and Rowland Beresford to be proceeded against by Bateman the Company's solicitor on a bill due in August last. Wages of Andrew Burrell for building the ship at Blackwall. Unjust complaint of the "moneyers of the Tower," who pretend, in their petition to the King, that they are grown poor for want of silver to coin, which is carried away by the Company and request a larger allowance, from his Majesty, for their labour in coining "the two pences," which comes to a matter of 17l. [Two pages. Court Bk., IV., 177-178.]
June 13. 368. Certificate, of Sir Richard Wigmore and other Justices of Middlesex, that Ambrose Smithe, convicted of a felony on the goods of the Earl of Arundel and reprieved, is of able body to be employed in any service in Virginia or the East Indies. [Domestic, Jac. I., Vol. 97, No. 106, Cal. p. 545.]
June 14. Kasbin. 369. Articles propounded to the King of Persia, in the name of King James, by Thos. Barker, authorized by virtue of a commission from Sir Thomas Roe, Ambassador to the Great Mogul. That there be perpetual love, league, and amity between the two mighty Princes, and that "great or little ambassadors" should reside at the respective courts ; that the governors at all the Persian ports shall peaceably and quietly suffer the English to land their goods, and furnish the shipping with provisions at the accustomed prices ; that in case of shipwreck the English shall be allowed to use the best means they can to save their goods, the governors assisting and compelling the restitution of any such goods which may be found in the custody of the Sophy's subjects ; that the English shall freely exercise their own religion and not be forced to become Mussulmen, but should any Englishman voluntarily become a Mahometan, everything in his possession shall be given up to the ambassador, agent, consul, or English merchants ; that the English shall be allowed to carry arms for their defence, and lawfully to kill any who may assault them, whether thieves of their own or any other nation ; that the English ambassador shall have a house, not only in Ispahan but wherever else he shall reside within the Persian territory ; that any of the English nation transgressing the law be delivered up to the English ambassador, to be by him punished according to his offence ; that the English ambassador shall have power to appoint consuls in any of the Sophy's dominions, and his dragoman the same privilege with English subjects ; that the English have the privilege of employing any subjects of the King of Persia, or other strangers, as their servants ; that all English subjects taken prisoners of war, or by sale, gift, or otherwise in the custody of a Persian, shall be delivered up to the English ambassador, agent, or consul, upon paying the price cost, if slave or bought for money ; that the English shall have a place given them to bury their dead ; the property of the deceased shall be given up to the ambassador or consul, and the orphans, whether of Armenians or any other sect of Christians, placed at the disposal of the ambassador or consul ; that English goods shall pass in and out of Persia duty free ; that in case of highway robbery or goods stolen in transit, the governor of the country shall pay to the English their value ; that in any difference, whether between Moor, Armenian, Jew, or any other nation, and the English, justice shall be declared by the Cadi in presence of the Ambassador or Consul, but if it exceed a certain amount the Chief Justice of Persia is to decide ; that the English shall be at liberty to export any of their imported goods ; no Englishman to be imprisoned for debt, except under certain conditions ; that the English shall be permitted to attack and seize the ships and goods of the Portugals, if they continued to give impediment to the proceedings and quiet trade of the English ; that in any future treaty between Persia and Turkey, the treaty hereby made between England and Persia shall continue inviolable, and the conditions of the trade for silk be faithfully performed ; that the King of Persia shall erect a fort, at Jask, at his own expense, and furnish it with a garrison sufficiently strong to prevent any attempts or stratagems by the Portugals, the said fort to be given up to the English at any time, upon payment of all the charges incurred for building and fortification ; that should the Portugals, previous to the building of the said forts, seize any vessel or goods belonging to the English, the King of Persia shall use every means to force them to make restitution ; that the English shall be allowed to take such sums of money, as may be agreed on, for their protection of any foreign vessel, while, discharging her cargo or otherwise ; and that the governors throughout the Persian territories shall be required to furnish the English with horses, camels, mules, or other beasts of burden, for the transport of themselves and goods. [Signed by Thomas Barker. Bruce has quoted this proposed treaty in his Annals of the East India Company, I. pp. 207-8, as though it had been concluded, but from a minute made at the India Office there is abundant evidence (abstracted in the collection of Persian grants and treaties) that the Shah refused to sign it, and would only confirm a previous treaty made by Connok, the first agent in Persia. Six pages and a half. O. C., Vol. VI., No. 661.]
June 16. Succadana. 370. Geo. Cokayne to President Ball. Arrived at Succadana on the fourth, and found their people and factory in a strange confused fashion, that if the Governor himself had not related the ill carriage of their men, Cokayne had minded to have left both house and country and returned with all speed to Bantam, for he never saw a more disordered and shameful business. The trade is good and would maintain a factory to the Company's profit, if they had careful and honest servants. Conduct of the Flemings when they thought the English were going to give up their factory, they reported having taken English ships and bragged that they would force the English to leave both this and other places next year. Difficulty of settling Geo. Collins' accounts ; he has done nothing but filch, spend, and consume ; knows that one third of the debts will never be recovered. Large quantities of (precious) stones bought by the Flemings ; one of 81/8 carats, bought by Cokayne of the Queen, though the Flemings stayed five days longer with their ship for this stone ; other stones he has bought ; fees demanded for the sight of any over four carats whether they be purchased or no. Large stones expected from Landak, the largest of 16 carats of a fair water, another of 12½ carats, and a third of 10¾ carats ; haste of the Flemings to send off their ship to procure money and goods to purchase them ; the Governor has promised Cokayne the first sight, and refusal of all. Purchase and sale of goods ; the Sabundar has agreed to build them a fair and comely house for 96 ryals. Wishes an honest man to be sent by 1st October to remain [John] Hayward's second, for Cokayne would not lose his passage for England this year, especially as he fears Ball will go in the first ships himself and leave Cokayne behind till next year. Complains of John Italiano ; it is always the writer's misfortune to hail with one finger more than he can well put off with both hands. William Raven has endeavoured to have all things in good sort and fashion. Account of diamonds bought and their prices. Jackson very careful of his charge. [Indorsed, "Received 4 July 1618." Two pages and a half. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 662.]
June 16. Succadana. 371. John Haywarde to President Ball. Arrived from Jacatra on the fourth and found the English left by Cokayne in good health, but the factory in a strange and confused state. Perceives that with a little care and diligence this place may be well and orderly governed. The Company's business carried on in such a manner that all the country cries out Fie at it, and had not Cokayne come all had been given over and lost. Has been obliged to bring the accounts of that negligent fellow Geo. Collins to some head. Would have written to his brother Richard Ball, to his father and mother and others, but time would not permit. [Indorsed, "Rec. 4 July 1618." One page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 663.]
June 17. Mocha. 372. Capt. And. Shillinge, Joseph Salbancke, Ed. Heynes, and Rich. Barbar, to Sultan Mahomed, Pacha, Governor of Sana and the province thereunto belonging. Have come to Mocha to seek friendly trade and commerce, and to free the seas of pirates who rob and injure the traders of the port of Mocha, and wrong the subjects of the Great Mogul who are friends to the English. Desire a phirmaund for their good usage and leave to settle a factory at their discretion at Sana, Ties, Mocha, Aden, or any other place under the Sultan's dominion. Also a confirmation of the articles, freedoms, and liberties already granted to them by the Grand Signor and the Sultan's royal chop to procure the Grand Signor's phirmaund against their next coming to this port. Annexed,
372. I. "The translation of the Governor's phirmaund given us for trade in the town of Mocha verbatim as it is written in the Arab tongue. 14 May 1618. [Three quarters of a page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 648.]
June 23. Jacatra. 373. [N. Ufflete] to President Ball. Hears from John Coome that there has been a difference at Succadana between Cokayne and the Dutch there, also that the Flemings in their letters from the Moluccas boast of their conquest of two Sillie [Scilly] ships. Report that when the Bandanese perceived the English willing to yield, the former would have blown up the ship which the English prevented, and slew more of the Bandanese than the Flemings did ; thinks it a Machiavellian trick of the Flemings to bring the English nation into hatred with the Bandanese in Pooloroon. The Dutch have aboard their ships twenty Java men and ten Java women in irons, whom they took in the Moluccas and have made lawful prize of. [One page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 664.]
June 25. 374. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Ryals from the port of Spain to be delivered aboard free. About rating the commodities that are to be turned over from the old account to the new in the Muscovy business ; a mark to be allowed for each rouble for the ready money, about 2,200l. remaining in the country ; also that 2d. a pound be allowed for some 100 tons of whale fins in Greenland. [One page. Court Bk. IV., 178-179.]
June 30. 375. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read from John Burrell concerning the purchase of knees in Ireland. Prince Charles admitted a free brother on his own request and allowed to adventure, "although some doubted that it was a matter pressed by some of his followers who will seek to draw the benefit thereof unto themselves." [Three quarters of a page. Court Bk., IV., 179-180.]