East Indies, China and Japan: May 1618

Pages 163-168

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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May 1618

May l. Amsterdam. 344. Matthew Slade to Carleton. Doubts not but that he has been fully informed by the advocate Coen of the accidents in the East Indies last year. Has received a letter written at Bantam by a preacher in August 1617 ; he writes that negotiation is in those lands reasonable good, but mixed with much strife and war both with the inhabitants, who greatly fear the Hollanders, and also with the English who traffic there. The cause of the fight between the English and Hollanders before Pooloway in March [1617] was given by the English themselves, who sought perforce to hinder the Dutch at Pooloway from dealing for nutmegs and mace. "This revolt hath caused such hatred between them and us throughout all the Indies that well there may shortly arise from thence open war." Dutch ships arrived and expected from Banda, Ternate, the Moluccas, and Amboyna with nutmegs, mace, and cloves. Abundance of pepper growing in Bantam, more than has been seen for many years ; likely to have lading for three ships in one harvest. There will be sent home [to Holland] from India in this year more than the worth of ten millions that is 20 tons of gold, Spanish barks laden with silk wares from China, taken by the Hollanders, worth about two millions. A Portuguese carac taken by two English ships, with 2,300,000 ryals of eight, "which was the pay of all the soldiers in the East Indies." The above are the principal points of his letter ; the rest concern the nature and religion of the Indians, and the little regard which "our men" [the Dutch] have to piety. Two French ships waiting before Bantam for lading of pepper, which by reason of the plague are almost unmanned and very likely to be transported to the Hollanders there, "whereupon he addeth these words 'If godliness took place here as much as ungodliness doth, the Company might appearingly in few years become far mightier than many Kings are.'" [Holland Corresp.]
May 5. 345. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Petition of Isabel, widow of Benjamin Joseph, for a further consideration for the ryals and plate of her late husband ; forty pounds granted which her son Mr. Madox thankfully accepted, to conclude the business. Petition of John Wadsworth, coxswain of the Lion, for relief, having received a dangerous wound on each leg. Agreement with George Hall, anchor smith. Proceedings of the committees at Deptford and Blackwall. John Martyn to be displaced. Nailers to serve the Company with iron at 16s. a ton. [Three and a half pages. Court Bk., IV., 167-170.]
May 6. Jacatra. 346. Geo. Cokayne and John Hayward, to President Ball. Arrived three days past ; hope to sail this night. Three tons of nails eaten away with rust. Kindly welcomed by the King. Have desired Ufflete to go to Bantam to settle his accounts. [One page. O. C., Vol. VI., No. 648.]
May 8-15. 347. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Request of John Halloway to meet his bills by payment of 500l. stock, purchased by him of Sir John Wilde refused. Letter read from Thomas Mitford, desiring a reward for his long service and his extrordinary expenses in apparel in the Mogul's Court ; the Company finding some future use may be had of him, and that the complaints against him happened by the fury of his youth, granted him one hundred nobles. Permission to Geo. Thorpe and Sir Henry Neville to adventure 300l. each. John Martyn to be discharged from the Company's service and brought into the Star Chamber. May 12.-Request of Williams of Bristol, for some means for the maintenance of Aldworthe's children from his estate. Letter of thanks read from the Countess of Derby for accepting her adventure when in justice she was excluded. Sir James Cunningham to be concluded with, if 500l. will clear that business finally. Petition of Jeremy Sambrooke to adventure 200l., refused. May 14.-Letters read from Edward Connok, dated from Persia in April and June 1617, (see ante Nos. 56 and 91), and one of special import of 4 August 1617, (see ante No. 122,) all to be "abbreviated" by Mr. Ellam, who is to buy 500 cloths for Persia, and as many for Bantam and Surat. Advice read of Anthony Fugars, who has lived long in Persia and knows those coasts, (see ante No. 21.) Authority to be procured from the King to confirm Connok in his appointment as agent in Persia. Answer to be sent to his letters that he may find he is not neglected, and that seeing how late his letters came to the Company's hands, it was not their fault that he had not the things expected, and for safety some letters to be sent by the way of Muscovy, some by Marseilles to Aleppo, and others by Constantinople. May 15.-Letters from his Majesty to the King of Persia, and from the Company to Connok, to be dispatched immediately. Resolution to prosecute the trade in Persia with all possible means, being of opinion that it may yield 70 or 80 per cent. ; the fleet to go first to Surat and thence to send a convenient strength to Jask to countenance the business and oppose any attempts of the Portuguese. A ship of 500 tons to be built at Blackwall, to proceed with another at least to Jask to secure the trade and two pinnaces to be bought. Ellam ordered not to allow any letters or Journals to be carried out of the house without special permission, but those belonging to the Company to have leave to read them in the counting house. Complaint against Harlowe for having a book with the names of all the adventures and their amounts ; the Governor requested to try and get possession of it. Information of Carmychel, a Scotchman, that something has been enacted in the Low Countries against this Company ; all desired to endeavour to procure a copy of it. [Four pages and three quarters. Court Bk., IV., 170-4.]
May 15. Paris. 348. Wil. Becher, his Majesty's agent in France, to the Privy Council. His endeavours to obtain reparation for a depredation committed upon a ship belonging to the East India Company on the coast of Brittany. The French King has commanded the President of Brittany, who was formerly employed in the business, to be sent for, at the King's charge. Will do his best to obtain justice for the Company. [One page. East Indies Vol. I., No. 63.]
[May 15.] [Siam.] 349. [Richard Pitt, Chief at Siam,] to [Ric. Cocks at Japan.] Desires Wm. Eaton to come over next year to take the post of principal in this place or in case of his decease, John Osterwick ; wishes to return home. After John Johnson's death the writer was struck with a miserable sickness. A great junk may be built as large as the Hollanders' provided two or three English carpenters be sent ; the King will furnish them with two hundred men to cut timber or perform any other service for the English. Commodities that will sell, and the prices. [Draft fragment ; unsigned. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 649.]
May 15. Jacatra. 350. N. Ufflete to President Ball. Capt. John Totten arrived. Should there be any news worth mention will not delay sending it. [One page. So injured by damp as to be almost illegible. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 650.]
May 17. Amsterdam. 351. Matthew Slade to Carleton. The Netherland India Company earnestly desire accord with the English. Thinks they will very shortly also sue for Carleton's furtherance therein, having made a project of union which Slade thinks the English cannot with reason refuse. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
May 18/28. The Hague. 352. Carleton to Sec. Lake. Complaint of Mons. de Maurier, the French Ambassador, to the States, touching two French ships unmanned by the Hollanders at Java, referred to the Dutch East India Company. The Company within four years of the expiration of their octroi ; they are suitors to the States to have it renewed for 50, 40, or at least 30 years ; Holland and Zealand are only interested now, the other provinces now require to enter, so that a new grant will not be yielded to without alterations in the conditions. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
May 18. Sambopa in Macassar. 353. Thos. Staverton to President Ball. The Solomon and Thomas arrived in safety on 2nd February ; the Attendance with Cassarian David on 12 February ; all laden with rice and left under the command of David on 6 March. Nine men lost, including Capt. Handson, in the voyage from Bantam ; three died while at Sambopa, and five left behind sick, three of whom are since dead. Kellum Throgmorton accompanied David. Found with Kellum, Geo. Jackson, [John] West, Wm. Withers, Thos. Fowle, Daniell, and Hance, a German, who promised to go with David to Banda, but turned Moor and ran to the King of Gooa's protection who would not give him up, saying it was against his law which he must not violate ; Hance has since murdered a Moor and married his wife, which the King "now villain and Moor" tolerates ; Jackson, Fowle, and Daniell gone with David, so that only West and Withers remain. Found this factory without goods of any sort. The King uses them friendly and accepted their presents gratefully. No China junks have arrived this year. Concerning Hernandez, the Spaniard, who left secretly in a Spanish frigate, which is said to have robbed the Viceroy of Malacca of a large sum ; Richard Short, one of Mr. Hawkridge's mates supposed to have gone away with the Spanish vessel ; some think he has been secretly murdered by the Portugals. Jackson gone with his junk for Jambi and so for Bantam. Report from the Portugals who came from Ternate, with rotten cloves, that the Hollanders' in the Moluccas were in great want and had few ships there. Also, it is confidently reported, that the Hollanders intend this year to regain the King's grant for a factory here and it is thought the King is likely to entertain them "though to our appearance no such matter." Letter brought by a junk from Succadana, directed to Kellum Throgmorton and signed by Wm. Raven and Geo. Collins, state the factory there to be in great want which if not shortly supplied could not be continued. The Queen of Gooa accepts his good will as though she had received the gold twist mentioned in Ball's letter. The King of Gooa sends his love and recommendations ; Crayne Angillo, the King of Tollowe's [Tolo] eldest son, often asks if there is not something for him aboard the ships. Likely to be a plentiful year for rice. [Two pages and a half. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 651.]
May 19. Amsterdam. 354. Matthew Slade to Carleton. The Dutch East India Company complain much of injury done by the English at Banda and Bantam. [The English] to avenge themselves for what they had justly suffered at Banda, shortly after massacred five Netherlanders at Bantam, two being merchants, and drew their ordnance on land to batter the Netherlanders lodge. [Extract from Holland Correspondence.]
May 19. Paris. 355. W. Becher to Sec. Lake. Answer from the French Council concerning our traffic. They have agreed that the President of Nepthunières should be sent for to give an account of the "pursuit," of the East India Company (in reference to the loss of one of their ships wrecked among the rocks upon the coast of Brittany by the inhabitants of Audierne). Letters from the King and the Privy Council lately delivered to him on the subject. [Extract from Correspondence, France.]
May 19-23. 356. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Christopher Farewell's bonds for "true service" to be cancelled. There being many points unfit to be divulged in the letters from Persia which both the Spaniards and the Hollanders will be ready to take advantage of, the Committee only to be allowed to read them. Letter read from Aleppo, that the delay of Connok's previous letters was caused by his sending them by way of Marseilles ; also of the danger of sending the two Arabs according to Connok's advice. Discussion whether in the letter from his Majesty to the King of Persia, the King's kindness in offering to give credit to his Majesty's subjects for 2,000 or 3,000 bales of silk, should not be acknowledged. A pinnace of 130 or 140 tons, and not to draw more than 11 feet of water and of extraordinary length, to carry good ordnance "for offence," to be built for the coast of Persia. A Committee to appear before the Privy Council concerning Sir James Cunningham's business. Request of Mrs. Walthall to sell 100l. of her husband's adventure in the first joint stock, referred. Petition of Nathaniel Basse about brokerage. Petition of divers poor men of Blackwall, Ratcliffe, and Limehouse for employment and to be relieved from the opposition of the porters of London. Petition of Eliza, wife of John Noble and a prisoner with the Turks, for payment of certain debts. The lease of Leadenhall to be sealed by the Company. May 23.-Permission to Mary Walthall to pass over 100l. of her late husband's adventure in the first joint stock to the account of Humphrey Browne. [Two pages. Court Bk., IV., 175-177.]
[May 26.] Jacatra. 357. Ufflete to President Ball. The King and Prince, with their wives and women to the number of near 500, feasted at the Dutch house by John Coome and presents given to them to the value of 230 ryals, by which means Ufflete thinks the Dutch have renewed their trading. The recal of Laurence Ryall was to answer certain complaints made by the English against him for wrongs they suffered in the Moluccas. Is certified the Dutch will take the China junk because they will overthrow the Chinese trade for Bantam. Gourdayne has had a relapse. [One page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 652.]
May 29. Madrid. 358. Fras. Cottington to Sir Dudley Carleton. Sir Robert Sherley has as yet negotiated nothing. He is not pleased to understand that the English East India Company have an ambassador or a commissioner in Persia treating with his master for settling a a trade by a way which it seems Sir Robert never dreamed of. He has here well paid him 1,500 ducats a month for his diet, and 300 ducats monthly for his lodging and furniture. [Extract from Correspondence Spain.]
May 30. Jacatra. 359. Ufflete to President Ball. Twelve men gone to cut a tree for a flag staff. The Dutch are lading the Frenchmen's pepper and have landed part of her provisions. The apparel of the French General and others deceased garnishes every tailor's shop and all are employed in altering and turning both their form and and fashion. A junk arrived from Banjermassin with wax. Serious illness of Gourdayne ; "in the judgment of man he is past recovery" and has made his will. [Three quarters of a page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 653.]
May 31. Acheen. 360. Consultation at Acheen. Have already spent a month in soliciting from the King a grant of two years trade at Tecoe, that being declined, of one year and then of four months to recover their debts, for which grant they promised four pieces of ordnance, but are still denied and detained in the hope they will buy the King's pepper. Although they have followed the King six miles two days together, lying on the cold ground they cannot speak with him. They are therefore resolved to repair forthwith to Laxaman and to desire only the King's letter for recovery of their debts at Tecoe, which may incline the King to lower his rates for pepper. Signed by Wm. Nicolls, John Beaumont, Michael Holman, and Tanfield Evans. [Three quarters of a page. O.C., Vol. VI., No. 654.]