June 1.
Charles Island.
304. Attestation of Wm. Quick, Dru. Drury, and Robert Chappell,
concerning the King of Barra and the Dutch. Forasmuch as
the King of Barra, deceased, made war against the English here in
Gambia, the war was procured by Peter Justobaque, a Dutch merchant,
as has been declared by several of his subjects when they
came to conclude peace. Whereupon it was thought convenient to
visit the King now reigning ; which they did, taking with them
two Portuguese, called Antonio Vas and Jasper Martius, and desired
him to declare the truth. He said he did not see Peter Justobaque,
but that the Duke of this country, called Tambo, told him that
Justobaque came to Barcaren, where the King lay very sick, and
delivered this message to Tambo ; that he had come to Cape Verd
with all sorts of goods, and that the English have no goods and but
small force, so that if the King would make war against the English
by land, he would do the same by sea, and afterwards trade as
formerly, without any disturbance from the English. These words
spake the King of Barra, and his Major Domo affirmed the same.
Signed by Jasper Martius, Antonio Vas, Wm. Quick, Dru. Drury,
Robert Chappell. Translated out of Spanish. Indorsed, The King
of Barra, his declaration. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 57.]
June 1.
Charles Island.
305. Another copy of the preceding. Indorsed by Williamson,
"Attestation of ye Dutch treachery in ye businesse of ye K. of Barra."
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 58.]
June 3.
306. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Ordered that writs
be issued to summon the Assembly to meet the President and
Council on Wednesday, the 11th inst., when the Treasurer is to
bring in his accounts by eight o'clock in the morning. ½ p. [Col.
Entry Bk., Vol. XI., pp. 64, 65.]
307. Petition of the planters and traders to Virginia to the
King. Duplicate of the petition dated 14th May [see ante, No. 301],
except that the last paragraph about Sir Wm. Berkeley is omitted.
Indorsed, "Received May 26, read June 26, and ordered June 29,
1662." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 59.]
308. Order of the Privy Council on petition of the planters and
traders to Virginia, for a cessation of planting tobacco, &c. Directing
that said petition be rejected, and that their Lordships would not
henceforth receive any petition of that nature. Indorsed, Read June
13, 1662. "This last clause vacated." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVI., No. 60.]
June 5.
309. Minutes of a Committee for Plantations. A patent to
be prepared by the Attorney-General constituting [Francis] Lord
Willoughby of Parham, Lieut.-Governor of Barbadoes and the
Caribbee Islands for seven years ; to execute that charge at his
own cost, for one half of the profits arising there, the other half to
go for satisfaction of the late Earl of Carlisle's creditors, who it is conceived
will take a third or at most one half of what is owing to them,
to be assured of such payment ; if all are paid within the seven years,
the moiety then to be accounted for to the King ; Lord Willoughby
to prepare his own instructions, and submit the draught to this
Concerning Surinam. The Lord Treasurer and Lord Ashley
of opinion that the owner of Surinam ought not to be Governor
of Barbadoes, as he might draw all the planters and labourers
from Barbadoes to Surinam, to improve his own interest there,
and so deprive Jamaica of those planters which otherwise would
go from Barbadoes thence. All the Lords of the Committee
think it best that Lord Willoughby should be made Governor of
Surinam only for life, that he have a grant of a large proportion of
land there, which may be erected into a county palatine ; and that
liberty of conscience be granted to all that shall plant in Surinam.
In Sir Edw. Nicholas' hand. 1¼ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI.,
No. 61.]
June 8.
310. Petition of Henry Adis to the King, in behalf of himself
and six families more that are willing to transport themselves to
Surinam. Whereas there is an Act of Parliament lately published,
nominally against that people called Quakers, which has plentifully
taken hold of persons of other persuasions, who are actually imprisoned,
the penalty for breach of which is banishment ; and forasmuch
as petitioners are, by the law of God, required to obey every
ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, and are willing to suffer the
penalty by a free banishing of themselves : crave his Majesty's free
pass, and his Royal protection whilst acting in order to their
passage ; that so they may gain in and pay their debts, "lest we
cause the name of God and that truth we do profess to be evil spoken
of, if we discharge not a good conscience to man." And that
petitioners may have a certain passage, when they have sold off
and bought and embarked what will be fitting for their voyage.
Signed by Henry Adis and Richard Afflett. Underwritten, Rich.
Adis, Mary his wife, Sarah and Timothy Adis his children, An. Ware,
Peter Sega and two more servants, Rich. Afflett, chandler, Ann his
wife, Susan his daughter, Geo. Nicklson, servant, Mary Hall, a young
child kinswoman. "Received June 8, read in Council July 22,
1662. That the petitioners underwrite their petitions." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 62.]
[June 13.]
311. Petition of merchants, owners of ships, planters, traders to
Virginia, and others to the King. Set forth in their reasons the
many inconveniences and mischiefs that will befall his Majesty and
his subjects if a petition against permitting any ship with tobacco
to depart from Virginia or Maryland before 1st May next be granted
[see ante, No. 301], and pray they may have a hearing before the
Privy Council concerning said petition. Indorsed, 1662, June 13.
The reasons referred to in above petition. Together, 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., Nos. 63, 64.]
June 13.
312. Order of the Privy Council on petition of the planters and
traders to Virginia for restraint of planting tobacco after June 1663
and allowing any ship to sail from Virginia with tobacco before 1st
May next. Refer to a previous Order in Council of 26th May in which
said petition was rejected and their Lordships then declared that
henceforth they would receive no petition of that nature. That on
review of said order their Lordships now declared that it was not
their intention to forbid or discourage the merchants and planters
from making their addresses to them, and it is hereby ordered that
the consideration of the whole matter should be resumed on 20th
inst., when said petitioners and Lord Baltimore are directed to
attend. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI. No. 65.]
June 16.
Inner Court
of Wards.
313. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Several
sums of money being due in order to the charges of this Council,
their secretary Mr. Froude is ordered to wait upon the Lord Treasurer
for his warrant for 150l. towards said charges ; also to desire some
of the Lords of the Privy Council who are likewise of this Council
to attend on Thursday next. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59,
p. 45.]
June 28.
Hampton Court.
314. The King to the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay.
Simon Bradstreet and Jo. Norton have presented to his Majesty an
address and petition from the General Court of Massachusetts which
has been very acceptable to him. Is well satisfied with their expressions
of loyalty, duty, and good affection, and will cherish them
with his best encouragement. Confirms the patent and charter
granted by his Royal father, which his Majesty is ready to renew
whenever they desire it, that they shall freely enjoy all their privileges
and liberties. And because the people may have swerved
from the rules prescribed and even from the Government instituted
by said charter, which the King imputes rather to the iniquity of
that time than to the evil intention of the hearts of those who
exercised the Government there, his Majesty hereby declares his
free pardon to all of that plantation for all offences committed against
him during the late troubles, excepting only such persons who stand
attainted by Parliament of high treason, if any such have transported
themselves into those parts, the apprehending of whom is expected
if they be found there. Provided that all laws and ordinances made
during the late troubles contrary and derogatory to the King's
Government be annulled and repealed, the oaths of allegiance duly
observed, and the administration of justice take place in the King's
name. And as the principal end of their charter was liberty of
conscience, his Majesty requires that those who desire to perform
their devotions according to the Book of Common Prayer be not
denied the exercise thereof nor undergo any prejudice thereby, and
that all persons of good and honest lives be admitted to the Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper according to the Book of Common Prayer,
and their children to Baptism. "We cannot be understood hereby
to direct or wish that any indulgence should be granted to those
persons commonly called Quakers, whose principles being inconsistent
with any kind of government we have found it necessary by the
advice of our Parliament here to make a sharp law against them,
and are well contented that you do the like there." If found by
experience that the number of assistants enjoined in the charter be
judged inexpedient, as the King is informed is the case, his Majesty
declares his pleasure that the number of said assistants shall not
exceed 18 nor be less than 10. All freeholders of competent estates
not vicious in conversation and orthodox in religion to have their
votes in the election of all officers, both civil and military. This
letter and his Majesty's declaration to be communicated to the next
General Court, and published that it may be known the King takes
the plantation into his protection and is ready to receive any application
or address from his subjects there and will advance their
trade by his utmost endeavour and countenance. 3 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 66.]
June 28.
315. Copies of the preceding. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 67 ;
also Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. VII., pp. 128-131.]
June 28.
316. Memorial of [Adolph Wolffratt], agent of the Duke of Courland,
to the King. Doubts not that his Majesty, from the
memorials submitted to him in the name of the Duke of Courland
and Semigallia, has understood how his Highness' forts, built
upon some islands in Africa, in March 1661, were invested by
certain English ships, and are retained to this day. Ten years and
more ago the Prince of Courland bought from the King of Barra the
Island of St. Andrews, and from others Julfro and Bajona, and constructed
forts there at immense expense, without opposition and by
consent of all the princes of Europe. Nor has he ever ceded the
forts, neither must the formula of contract with the West India
Company of Amsterdam, of 4 Feb. 1659 be so understood ; for
it was agreed that said company should restore to the Prince his
territories, isles, and forts, and afterwards the States General, in
July 1661, gave notice that the Company was prepared to carry
out their agreement. The Duke does not wish to relinquish his
possessions, but to receive and enjoy them himself. Hopes that
his Majesty will by no means permit the Duke of Courland
or his heirs to be disturbed in their lawful possession, much
less to be deprived of any part thereof ; and that his Majesty will
order that said islands and forts be restored to the Duke of
Courland, who has not any intention to close the river or hinder
his Majesty's subjects in their commerce, but declares they may
build houses and construct forts. Latin. 2¼ pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XVI., No. 68.]