May 3.
294. An additional instruction to Thos. Lord Windsor, Governor
of Jamaica. After he has received into his power and obedience
his Majesty's island of Jamaica and established [the government]
there, he may find it necessary in person to inform his Majesty
of the grounds and probabilities of future designs for the advancement
of his Majesty's dominions, to take directions thereon, and
procure supplies and necessaries ; license is hereby granted to him to
repair to his Majesty, leaving a deputy fit to govern in his absence.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. 27, p. 20.]
295. Petition of Sir Will. Davidson to the King. That the
Mary of London, laden with goods and assigned to the petitioner,
was about Feb. 1658 seized at Barbadoes. Prays for letters to the
Governors, Deputies, Judges, and Council there, that justice may
be done him. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 51.]
May 9.
296. The King to Lord Willoughby of Parham, Governor of
Barbadoes, and to his President and Council. Being desirous to
express his sense of the services of Sir William Davidson, his
Majesty's Agent and Commissioner at Amsterdam, he is recommended
to his Lordship's countenance, especially in a cause in which he
demands satisfaction for the Mary of London, unjustly seized, and
so adjudged in the Court of Admiralty in England, in pursuance of
which sentence his Majesty desires that he may find ready and full
satisfaction. ½ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. III., p. 45 ; also
Vol. IV., pp. 113, 114.]
May 12.
297. Francis Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes, to Colonel
Walrond, President of the Council of Barbadoes. The King has
laid his commands on his Lordship, as they will see from the letter
brought by Lord Windsor, to assist him upon all emergencies. Expects
his own coming to them will be very sudden, but till then
desires them to assist Lord Windsor in the carrying of men to
Jamaica, and with what victuals the island can afford. Indorsed,
This is a true copy of the original, attested the 19th August 1662,
per me, Edward Bowden, Depty Secry. 1¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVI., No. 52.]
298. Petition of John Walrond to the King. Petitioner and his
family served throughout the late wars with constant loyalty, but is
now dispossessed of an office which he held in Barbadoes by John
Dawes pretending a grant thereof from his Majesty. Prays for
leave to defend his claim by due course at law, and that the Governor
there be so instructed. Indorsed, "Letter to Barbadoes to Lord
Willoughby." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 53.]
299. Copy of the preceding. Indorsed, "To speak with Mr.
Ashburnham, to Willoughby Governor of the Barbadoes, or his
President and Council there." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No.
May 13.
300. The King to Lord Willoughby of Parham, Governor of Barbadoes.
John Walrond, gentleman, having represented by petition
that John Dawes has dispossessed him of an office in Barbadoes under
colour of a grant of said office, his Majesty commands that Walrond
be suffered to try his right at law against the pretensions of said
John Dawes in the ordinary courts of the island. ½ p. [Dom.
Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. III., p. 50 ; also Vol. IV., pp. 117, 118.]
[May 14.]
301. Petition of the planters and merchants of Virginia to the
King. Set forth the great evils of planting vast quantities of tobacco
in England as well as Virginia and other places, to remedy which
they have unanimously resolved upon two expedients which they
pray may be granted, viz., to prohibit the planting of any tobacco in
Virginia and Maryland after 1st June 1663, which will encourage the
more staple commodities of silk, flax, hemp, pitch, pot-ashes, and
that no ship depart from those colonies before 1st May next, except
only that which shall carry Sir William Berkeley there. Indorsed,
"May 14, 1662." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 55.]
May 26-8.
302. Correspondence between Major Daniel Denison, Major
William Hathorn, and Capt. Richard Walden on behalf of the
General Court of Massachusetts, and Henry Jocelyn, Nicholas Shapleigh,
and Robt. Jordan, Commissioners for Ferdinando Gorges, as to
the powers by which said Commissioners have summoned this present
Assembly at Wells and their exercise of authority over the
people of Yorkshire, who have acknowledged themselves subject to
said Government [of Massachusetts] by their subscriptions, and are
bound thereunto by their oath. Seven letters. Annexed,
Warrant of the Commissioners of the General Court of Massachusetts,
in his Majesty's name, summoning the inhabitants of
the county of York to appear before them at the house of
Francis Littlefield, in Wells, at 3 o'clock this 27th inst., to
receive such orders as shall then be communicated to them from
said General Court. Also, Warrant to Nathaniel Masterson,
Marshal of the county of York, to publish the above warrant.
Wells, 1662, May 27.
Commissioners of the Massachusetts to the Commissioners of
Ferdinando Gorges. Beseech them to remember their solemn
oaths to the authority of the Massachusetts immediately derived
from Charles I.'s charter of 1628. They are not affrighted by any
commissions from Gorges upon any pretence whatsoever, resting
confident in his Majesty's justice and favour against all pretenders.
If they still continue in their disorderly actings to the
disturbance of the King's peace, they will enforce the writers to
change their style, as they cannot own Gorges' commissioners.
May not play with them, but once again advise and require
them to put a period to their unjust violations of the right of
the Massachusetts, their own faith, and the peace of this people.
1662, May 27.
Resolution of the trustees of Ferdinando Gorges, Lord Proprietor
of the province of Maine, by authority derived from his
Majesty, that they neither do, nor may by any means, pass into
an Act "the motion and issue of this presence," as being destructive
and averse to the liberties of the freeholders of this
province, &c. Wells, 1662, May 27.
List of the names of the (11) trustees. Lieut. Wm. Phillips,
Speaker, George Munion, Edward Rishworth, Humphry Chadborn,
Richard Nayson, Wm. Symonds, John Sanders, Arthur
Auger, Christopher Lawson, Thos. Haynes, and Walter Mathews.
Wells, 1662, May 27.
Minute signed by the Commissioners of the Massachusetts.
That upon conference with the gentlemen who continued to
assert the interest of Ferdinando Gorges, in the county of York,
it was mutually agreed that Henry Jocelyn, Major Shapleigh,
Capt. Waldon, and Capt. Pike should keep a court at York on
the first Tuesday in July next for hearing and determining all
causes, civil and criminal, and that the records be transferred to
York and delivered to Mr. Rishworth, who shall return same to
said court into the hands of the recorder. Also that the clerks
of the writs shall issue forth all process in the King's name in
the style therein set forth. 1662, May 28. Copies certified by
Francis Neale, Secretary. Together 10 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVI., No. 56.]
303. The King's pass for Nehemiah Bourne, merchant, to transport
himself and family, together with their goods and necessaries,
to any of the plantations within the King's dominions or elsewhere
without let or hindrance. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LV., No. 27, Cal.,
p. 386.]