Nov. 6.
1865. Sir Jas. Modyford to Williamson. Has received his of
20th July ; his collection of news is very acceptable in these parts.
Supposes he will have received full returns ere this, and hopes he
will receive such satisfaction as may encourage his being further
concerned with our island. Thanks him for his kindness to his
nephew Modyford. Indorsed, Rec. Feb. 12. ½ p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXIII., No. 74.]
Nov. 6.
1866. Duplicate of preceding. Indorsed, Rec. 1 April. ½ p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 75.]
Nov. 9.
Port Royal,
Jamai ca.
1867. Richard Browne to Williamson. Arrived in Jamaica the
14th Oct. with the Oxford frigate. Nothing of news since, only
Capt. Costing, a small privateer of this place, with two or three guns,
four days since brought in a Spanish vessel of 200 tons, eight guns,
and 12 "peturders," the cargo, as they report, worth 40,000l. or
50,000l. She came in a fleet of 14 sail, and this Spaniard bore up
and said he would hoist Costing in, but he was much deceived.
About the middle of August last the fleet of privateers returned from
taking Porto Bello : hears it thus, that six captains with 500 men
took the town and three castles and kept them 30 days, and redelivered
them for 100,000 pieces of eight, besides what they
plundered the town of, which was very rich. They are all gone out
again, on what design he cannot tell, but one Capt. Morgan is their
admiral. The Oxford is victualling for six months to cruise by herself
as a private ship of war on the Spanish coasts : what her further
design is he cannot say, but if he likes it not this bout he shall by
the first return. Has delivered Lord Arlington's "letter of recommendation"
to Sir Thos. Modyford, who has promised to do anything
that offers. Indorsed, Rec. Feb. 10, 1668-9. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXIII., No. 76.]
Nov. 9.
1868. [M. De Morillon Du Bourg] to the Western Company of
France. According to his commission from the King and the orders
of the King of England he has attended M. de Belle Isle all along
the coast of Acadie to see the places marked in his instructions, but
as he could not establish himself there without conferring with Sir
Thos. Temple, he has come to Boston to do so. Sir Thos. has received
the King of England's letter and the Articles of the Treaty very well,
but he makes a great difference between Acadie and Nova Scotia,
which he says belongs to him, and which he makes to lie from Mirliguesche
to Pentagoet, and Acadie from Mirliguesche along Cape
Breton to the river of Quebec, so that Pentagoet, St. Jean, Port
Royal, Cap de Sable, and La Heve, specified in his orders, are not in
Acadie, but in Nova Scotia ; besides, he says that M. de Belle Isle
ought not to remain in Port Royal, and complains of some violence
done by him to some of his people. And, turning to the Treaty,
he maintains that the French ought to have first surrendered
St. Christopher's, Antigua, and Montserrat, which is far from being
done, for there is certain news that the English Governor-General
having been twice to M. De la Barre to tell him what ought to be
done by the Treaty, he replied he would put to the sword all who
should come to re-establish themselves, without regard to age or sex ;
on which Sir Thos. wishes to be enlightened before concluding anything
with him. This is very vexatious, for the season is very
advanced, the country rough, and he has no place of security, but he
will not give in at the first obstacles. Indorsed, Copie de la lettre
écrite a Messrs. De la Compagnie d'Occident par le Sieur De Morillon
Du Bourg, Commissaire Deputé par le Roi de France pour l'execution
du Traité de Breda en l'Acadie. French, 3 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXIII., No. 77.]
Nov. 11.
1869. Lords of the Privy Council to Gov. Sir Wm. Berkeley. To
examine the business of the petition of Daniel Farvacks, of London,
merchant, claiming a debt of upwards of 700l. from Edmund Scarborough
for goods furnished to him for his plantation. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 78.]
Nov. 12.
Essex House.
1870. Order of the Council of Trade. That Sec. Lord Arlington
be desired to represent to his Majesty as the advice of this
Council,—that whereas both by the Treaty of Breda and the private
Articles granted to the inhabitants of Surinam the 24 Febry./6 March. 1667, by
the Dutch commander Abraham Crynsens, and afterwards confirmed
by him when he took possession of the place, the English
have liberty to depart thence at any time with their goods, servants,
&c. ; and that said privilege is denied them, and the late
Governor Serj.-Major Banister has been sent to Zealand prisoner for
having demanded the benefit of said Treaty and private Articles.
His Majesty may take order for the effectual execution of said
Treaty and Articles and for redress of the injuries done. Signed by
P. Du Moulin, Sec. Also, Mem. of the articles above mentioned.
Together 2 papers. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., Nos. 79,
Nov. 16?
1871. John Reid to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Refers to his last of
13th July by Mr. Walker. This goes by his Excellency, who he
questions not will acquit himself with honour of the aspersions
of his enemies, having been very active in his Majesty's service,
and very impartial in distribution of justice. "But, my Lord, we
here are generally fiery spirited, and a mean planter thinks himself
better than a good gentleman fellow in England, by which your
Honour may conjecture, it is not easy to please all, and I shall only
make bold to tell your Lordship in his favour, A adaxio Castellano,
no hagaris y no temeis, which will be verified in him." Lord Willoughby
carries account of the prize Golden Lyon ; makes bold to
mind the Lords Commissioners for prizes of the salary promised
him, and intreats his Honour to forward it. Indorsed, 16 Nov.
1668. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 81.]
Nov. 17.
1872. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Whereas his
Excellency intends a voyage to the Leeward Isles and thence to
England, and has occasion to take off his Majesty's Great Seal with
him ; ordered that the seal in the hands of George Thornburgh,
Chief Clerk of the Chancery, shall be used for all subpœnas, commismissions,
and writts whatsoever issuing from this Court till the
Broad Seal be returned. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI, p. 178.]
Nov. 18.
1873. Order of the King in Council. Present the King, Duke
of York, Prince Rupert, Archbishop of Canterbury, and 24 others.
On petition of the owners of the Pearl of Bristol, praying for
speedy payment of 1,475l. 8s. 8d., for the service of said ship at
Nevis and St. Christopher's, and the report of the Lords of the
Treasury of 10 June last on same. That the expense, damage, and
freight of said ship should be paid, but besides the want of money
in his Majesty Exchequer here, they conceive it should be paid out
of his Majesty's revenue in the Caribbee Islands ; and the rather
that the demands of petitioners may be more fully examined there,
and a better conclusion made than can be at so great a distance, it
is thought fit, that order be sent to the Governor of Barbadoes to
settle the accounts with the Council there as low as he can, and
cause order of payment to be entered in a register for debts of this
kind, to which any creditors may freely have recourse, and that a
register be also kept, to which creditors may also have access, of
all his Majesty's revenues, a proportion to be set apart for supporting
the charge of the Governor and the remainder for the creditors,
according to the order of the register. This their Lordships hope
may tend to the satisfaction of the creditors and make it their
interest to discover all frauds which are by some said to be practised.
Ordered that Sec. Lord Arlington cause a letter and instructions
according to the above-mentioned report to be sent to Lord
Willoughby and Council, to cause the same to be duly executed.
2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 82.]
1874. Report of the Council of Trade to the King. They have
received great complaints from the merchants and others trading to
his Majesty's Plantations, and more especially that of New York,
where they are altogether discouraged and withdrawing their
estates. Which complaints are grounded on an Order of Council
of 23rd October 1667, whereby three or more ships are authorised
to trade from Holland to New York for seven years ; which will
carry as much linen, shoes, stockings, clothes, and other commodities
as will not only supply New York, but Virginia, Barbadoes,
and New England in a great measure, which if suffered, not only
a great part of his Majesty's customs but the principal part of the
Plantation trade will be lost. Which order is said to be grounded
on the 6th and 7th articles for the rendition of New York, but
the Council do not find that his Majesty has any longer obligation
by said articles to grant freedom of trade to the Dutch or any
others beyond the first six months after said rendition, nor does the
petition of Peter Stuyvesant so much as desire it, but it appears
rather a mistake in drawing up said order, which only praying
trade for his Majesty's subjects of New York, gains an order for the
Dutch nation with three ships for seven years. Humbly advise
therefore that for the encouragement of English trade and manufactures,
His Majesty forthwith revoke said order of 23 Oct.
1667, and all passes thereupon granted, and if passes have been
granted for any ships already prepared in Holland for that trade,
yet if not dispatched before the 10th inst., such passes shall not
be of force after that day, and that if any presume to trade
with his Majesty's Plantations that they be dealt with as by the
Acts for Navigation and encouragement of trade is enacted and
declared. Signed by Lords Ashley and Carlisle and 15 others.
3 pp. Printed in New York Documents, III., 175, 176, where two
lines have been omitted from the original in the last paragraph but
one. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 83.]
Nov. 18.
1875. Order of the King in Council annulling a previous Order
of the King in Council of 23rd Oct. 1667. Whereas the Council of
Trade have represented that the merchants are withdrawing their
estates from New York by reason of an indulgence granted to the
Dutch by an Order in Council of 23rd Oct. 1667, to trade thither
with three ships for seven years ; and allege that it will prevent the
exportation of the manufactures of England ; and that his Majesty
is not bound thereto by the Articles for the surrender of New York ;
and do therefore desire that said Order and the passes thereupon
granted may be revoked. His Majesty approves the same, and
hereby orders that said Order in Council of 23rd Oct. 1667 and all
passes granted by virtue thereof to any Dutch ships to trade from
Holland to New York be annulled ; yet, lest his Majesty's subjects
there be in want of necessaries, and reflecting with clemency on
those who may have been put to charge in making ready their ships,
it is ordered that one of those now preparing in Holland for New
York shall have leave to make one voyage thither this year ; but no
other foreign ship whatsoever henceforth, otherwise than according
to said articles of surrender. The Governor of New York and all
others to cause the same to be duly observed. Immediate notice is
to be given to Sir Wm. Temple, his Majesty's Ambassador in Holland.
1½ pp. Printed in New York Documents, III., 177, 178.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 84.]
Nov. 23.
1876. Secretary Lord Arlington to Gov. Sir Wm. Berkeley.
Recommending to his just favour and protection Daniel Farvackes,
who has long had a considerable debt owing to him by one Scarborough,
an inhabitant of the colony. Refers him to the letter from
the Lords of the Council of 11th inst. [see ante, No. 1869], and particularly
recommends him to procure full and speedy satisfaction, as
is fit, and vindicate the justice of his Government, which would be
much reflected on should this debtor's insolence and oppression
pass without a severe correction. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
No. 85.]
Nov. 24.
1877. Sir Thos. Temple to the Lords of the Council. Received
his Majesty's letter of the 31st Dec. 1667, for the delivering up of
Acadia the 20th Oct. 1668, by M. De Morillon du Bourg, deputed by
the King of France to receive it, to whom Temple returned the
answer inclosed. The 10th inst. he received his Majesty's letter of
1st August commanding him not to deliver it up till further orders,
which he showed to Du Bourg. The ports and places named in his
first order were a part of New Plymouth, the surrender of which
may be of dangerous consequence to his Majesty's service, the Caribbee
Islands having most of their provisions from these parts, and the
more so as Mons. informs him the Most Christian King intended to
plant a colony at Pentagoet, and make a passage by land to Quebec,
his greatest town in Canada, being but three days' journey. "Acadia
is but a small part of Nova Scotia, being the first national patent
regularly bounded in all America, limited on the north by the great
river of Canada, and on the west with New England, containing
the two large Provinces of Alexandria and Caledonia, established
and confirmed by divers Acts of Parliament in Scotland and annexed
to the Crown, the records whereof are kept in the castle of Edinburgh
to this day :" a country abounding in good harbours, rivers,
land, mines, and timber, and the seas abounding with cod-fish.
The only revenue at present, it being unpeopled, is from furs and
elk skins to the value of 900l. per annum, whereof Mr. Elliott
receives 600l. Had begun to set up a fishing trade three years
since, as their Lordships may see by the few prints inclosed ; but
the war dashed it wholly, and the French, his neighbours, made
divers attempts upon the country under his command, which he
preserved at his own charge, and by his credit with some merchants,
to whom he stands indebted for the same 5,000l. Beseeches their
Lordships to consider his sad condition, in case his Majesty delivers
up this country, being in his old age reduced to the lowest poverty
and much in debt, unless his Majesty orders full satisfaction for the
great disbursements of himself and friends for their lands, a breviate
whereof he has also inclosed. Incloses,
Answer of Sir Thos. Temple to M. Du Bourg's demand of
Nova Scotia for the French King. That several places mentioned
in the King of Great Britain's order are in Nova Scotia,
and not in Acadia ; that he has not yet received from his
Majesty copies of the articles of Breda ; and that he finds that
the delivery of St. Christopher's ought to precede that of
Acadia, which is not yet done. Upon these reasons and other
considerations, and having just cause to suspect that hostilities
and depredations have been committed contrary to the Treaty
of Breda, Temple holds it his duty to respite the delivery of
said country till his Majesty's pleasure be further known.
With certificate in French, signed by De Morillon Du Bourg,
that this is copy of the answer given to him by Sir Thos.
Temple. Dated Boston, 6/16 Nov. 1668. Also,
Breviate of the purchase made by Sir Thomas Temple from
M. De Latour for his Majesty of all his lands in Acadia and
Nova Scotia, from Marliquesh on the east, to La Have,
Port De Latour, Port Royal, Mines Seganecto, St. John's,
St. Croix, and Pentagoet, bordering on New England on the
west, &c., amounting to 16,260l., including 5,460l. for seven
years' rent to Mr. Elliot, 700l. owing by the French at Port
Royal, and 2,600l. owing by the Indians. Of which there is
still due to several noblemen, gentlemen, and merchants to the
value of 7,000l. Together 5½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
Nos. 86, 86 I., II.]
Nov. [25.]
1878. The King to Sir Wm. Berkeley, Governor of Virginia.
Trusty and welbeloved. Wee greet you well. Wee have received
with much content the dutifull respects of that Our Colony in the present
lately made Us by you and the Councell there of the first product of
the new manufacture of silke, which as a marke of our princely acceptation
of your dutyes and of the particular encouragement Wee resolve
to give to your industry in the prosecution and improvement of that or
any other usefull manufacture, Wee have commanded to be wrought up for
the use of our owne person. And hereof Wee have thought good to give
you this knowledge from our owne Royall hand, and to assure you of our
more especiall care and protection in all occasions that may concerne [the
good of] that our ancient Colony and Plantation, whose laudable industry,
raised in good part and improved by the sobriety of the Government,
Wee esteeme much, and are desirous by this and any other seasonable
expression of our favour as farre as in Us lyes to encourage. And soe
Wee bid you farewell. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the [25th] day
of November, in the 20th yeare of Our Reigne, 1668.
By his Majestie's command.
[Addressed] To Our trusty and welbeloved Sir William Berkeley, Knt.,
Our Governour of Our Colony of Virginia, to be communicated to the
Councell of that Our Colony.
See ante, No. 1806. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 87. There is
a copy of this letter dated 25th Nov. in Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II.,
Vol. XXXI., p. 14.]
1879. Draft of the preceding letter, with corrections in Williamson's
hand. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 88.]
[Nov. 27.]
1880. Petition of Col. Jas. Russell, the Governor, the Council,
and the Assembly of Nevis, to the King. Relate how the ships of
war under Capt. John Berry and Sir John. Harman preserved them
from the cruel French and bloody Indian cannibals, whilst on all
their neighbouring fellow subjects were such outrages committed
"as cannot easily be rased out of the memory ;" during which time
the only refuge for 5,000 distressed men, women, and children was
their poor island, which had been long besieged, so that no provisions
came to their relief ; and at last their chiefest food was the herbs of
the field boiled with salt only, insomuch that had it not been for
the officers and soldiers, the commonalty would have rather yielded
to the sword than to famine. During which juncture of time Mons.
De la Barre sent them tidings of peace, whereupon they sent a boat
to his Excellency at Barbadoes, whose answer was that he knew it
not, and they must give no credence thereto ; but the French knowing
their wants allowed one of their own ships and two Hamburghers
to supply the island with provisions for payment, which at a council,
Major-General Sir Tobias Bridge present, was agreed to. Are informed
that some have endeavoured to bring them under his
Majesty's displeasure as breakers of the Act of Navigation. Petitioners
must implore his Majesty's pardon, since they are able to
prove by a cloud of testimonies that his Majesty's service and their
own groaning necessities compelled them rather to fly to his Majesty's
pardon than to perish and become murderers. Pray his Majesty to
afford petitioners a fair hearing, if it shall not seem meet to dismiss
the complaint of their opposites. Signed by Governor Jas. Russell,
R. M. Russell, Mich. Smith, Wm. Howard, Ant. Peterson, John Cade,
Robt. Overton, John Hughes, Wm. Freman, Roger Earle, Barth.
Harvy, John Smith, Walter Symonds, Ph. Payne, Fra. Morton, Dan.
Lanhather, and Rich. Waad. Indorsed, Received Nov. 27, 1668.
Read in Council Dec. 4. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 89.]
[Nov. 27.]
1881. Duplicate of the preceding. Indorsed, Read in Council
and granted, Dec. 11, 1668. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
No. 90.]
1882. Memorial of M. De Ruvigny to Sec. Lord Arlington. His
most Christian Majesty has sent in triplicate all the despatches
which the Treaty required him to furnish to the King of Great
Britain, for restitution of so much of St. Christopher's as he was in
possession of in January 1665-6, as well as the isles of Montserrat
and Antigua. The eighth article of the Treaty of Breda provides
that if any of the English have sold their goods in St. Christopher's
they shall not re-enter into possession without restoring the price
received : upon which his most Christian Majesty is informed that the
greater part of said goods sold by the English, that is, the houses and
lands, were in a very wretched condition, having been burnt or
greatly damaged during the war ; that the French who bought them,
not believing they should have to restore them, have rebuilt houses
and sugar mills and planted the lands, on which some have spent ten
times the price of the first purchase. The directors of the West
India Company have represented to his most Christian Majesty that
instead of giving orders for restitution, Commissioners should be
named on both sides for settling said sales and ameliorations, inasmuch
as the English being fully repossessed thereof, might refuse
to reimburse the French, treat them badly, and oblige them to
abandon their habitations. Nevertheless his most Christian Majesty
would not alter anything which was stipulated in the Treaty, but has
despatched orders pure and simple for the restitution of that part of
the island which belonged to the English. But he relies upon the
equity and affection of the King of England to take care, his Governor
and officers first being established, that as regards the ameliorations
of goods, Commissioners be appointed on both sides to liquidate
them according to justice. News has come that the English have
driven out of Cinamari, near Maroni [Marowyn], some French which
said Company had there established. The King of England will please
to command that orders be despatched to re-establish things as they
were, according to article nine of the Treaty. Indorsed, Memoire de
Mons. De Ruvigny pour M. le Count d'Arlington touchant la restitution
de St. Christoffle. French, 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
No. 91.]