Feb. 1.
1128. Speech of Governor Lord Willoughby on the meeting of the
Assembly on 1st February 1666. Stating his reasons for not being
doubtful of good success in their consultations and for having called
them together [see Journal, ante, No. 1121]. That the King has
granted him licence to return home, and which Lord Willoughby
shows the Assembly, lest some may doubt it is the order to send
him home, so much talked of to be brought by the new Governor.
Explains that he procured his license only to attend to his own particular
concerns, but that he will not budge from them so long as the
least show of danger threatens the island. 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XX., No. 9.]
1129. Minutes by Joseph Williamson. "Send for Champante."
Taking notice of the King's letter of 5th December to instruct Lord
Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes, forthwith to fall upon all the
French Plantations near him with the best face he can, and to begin
with St. Christopher's : preparations to be made with the greatest
secrecy, the Government only to be privy to it. The same to Jamaica
and to the Governors of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and to Sir T.
Temple. To apply themselves to root out the French or Dutch in
all the neighbouring Plantations. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX.,
No. 10.]
[Feb. 8.]
1130. The King to Fras. Lord Willoughby, Gov. of Barbadoes. His
Majesty warned him on 5th December last to be watchful of the
proceedings of the French, and to prepare to take all fitting opportunities
of beginning with them. Since then war has been openly
declared in France, with a more professed conjunction with the
Hollanders ; his Majesty warns him to begin by seizing any parts
held by the French, and has sent two frigates, the Hope and Coventry.
Thinks it best that he principally attempt the reducing the French
part of St. Christopher's, and recommends corresponding privately
with the English Governor, and taking measures with his concurrence
in reducing it. Draft with corrections by Williamson. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 11.]
Feb. 16.
1131. Grant from Cœcilius Lord Baltimore, absolute Lord and
Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon, to his son
Charles Calvert, of the office of Lieut.-General, Governor and Commander-in-Chief
and Admiral of the Province of Maryland. With
power to summon assemblies of freeholders to make laws, subject to
the assent of Lord Baltimore, his heirs and assigns, as near as may
be to those of England, and in no way repugnant to Lord Baltimore's
rights, or contrary to an Act of Assembly made in the 19th year of
his dominion in anno 1650, entitled "An Act concerning Religion ;"
also power to grant land to all such persons as Lord Baltimore shall
direct by warrant. All former Commissions granted to said Charles
Calvert or any other in relation to any of the offices or powers
hereby granted are revoked. Given in the four and thirtieth year of
our dominion over our said Province, Annoq[ue] Dom. 1665. 3 sheets.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 12.]
[Feb. 22.]
1132. The King to Sir Thomas Modyford, Governor of Jamaica,
and to Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes. His Majesty has
warned him to secure the island against the hostilities of the Dutch ;
and now having cause to apprehend that the French may break with
his Majesty, warns him to use the same circumspection towards
them ; and further authorises him to damnify them to the utmost of
his power in their adjacent Plantations, particularly in St. Christopher's,
where they are most strong, and likely to seize that part of
the island belonging to English subjects. Draft in the handwriting
of Williamson. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 13.]
1133. The King to the Governor and Council of the Colony of
the Massachusetts and the rest of the United Colonies of our good
subjects in New England. Has signified his pleasure to the Captain-General
of the Caribbee Islands that he keep a constant correspondence
with them ; and it is his Majesty's pleasure that they
likewise be in all things assisting to said Captain-General, with
victuals, arms, ammunition, &c., and with such number of men as
shall be agreed upon, either for defence of those colonies, or for
dispossessing the subjects of the French King or of the United
Provinces. Two copies. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 14, 15.]
Feb. 22.
1134. The King to the Governor and Council of Connecticut.
Has by former letters directed them to put themselves in the best
way of defence against the assaults of French and Dutch, and for
securing the coming of all ships to England. And because the
time is now more favourable than ever to deliver themselves from
their unquiet neighbours, the King authorises them to apply themselves
with all their force and skill to reducing the French and
Dutch islands and plantations, and especially Canada. Must leave
the effecting of this to their prudence, since it is impossible at this
distance to instruct them, and has required Sir Thomas Temple,
Governor of Nova Scotia, to be assisting therein. Directions for
publishing the inclosed declaration of war against France. Mutilated.
Extract of his Majesty's declaration against the French.
Together 2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 16.]
[Feb. 22.]
1135. Draft of the preceding letter in the handwriting of Williamson.
Indorsed, Letter to the Massachusetts and Connecticut.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 17.]
Feb. 22.
1136. The King to Sir Thos. Temple. Sends declaration of
war against the French King, which he is required to have so
lemnly published [in Nova Scotia]. Is commanded to apply himself
by all ways and means to annoy, damage, and destroy the
French as well as the Dutch, and to reduce their colonies and
Plantations near to him to his Majesty's obedience, and more espe
cially the French in Canada, about which the colonies of Massachusetts
and Connecticut have been enjoined to correspond with
him. Countersigned by Sec. Lord Arlington. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XX., No. 18.]
1137. The King to [Sir Thomas Temple, Governor of Nova
Scotia]. Refers to his Majesty's letter of 22nd February last, with
declaration of war against France, in which "Wee enjoined our
Colonies of the Mattachusetts and Connecticut in New England to
join and correspond with you." Has thought it not amiss to
quicken their resolves, that the French may not prevent them, as
his Majesty has reason to believe they will endeavour to do ; and
considering the more immediate danger to which Barbadoes and the
other Caribbee islands are exposed, and that his Majesty cannot yet
spare supplies from home,—his Majesty recommends it to him to
consider with his neighbour colonies of some fit number of forces to
be speedily sent to the relief and defence of said islands. Draft.
with corrections by Williamson. Indorsed, To New England,
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 19.]
Feb. 22.
St. Jago de la
1138. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Present : Gov. Sir
Thos. Modyford, Maj.-Gen. Thos. Modyford, Lieut.-Cols. John Coape,
Robt. Bindloss, Wm. Ivey, Robt. Freeman, and Thos. Ballard, Major
Thos. Fuller, and Col. Henry Archbold. Resolved that it is to the
interest of the island to have letters of marque granted against the
Spaniard. 1. Because it furnishes the island with many necessary
commodities at easy rates. 2. It replenishes the island with coin,
bullion, cocoa, logwood, hides, tallow, indigo, cochineal, and many
other commodities whereby the men of New England are invited
to bring their provisions, and many merchants to reside at Port
Royal. 3. It helps the poorer planters, by selling provisions to the
men-of-war. 4. It hath and will enable many to buy slaves and
settle plantations, as Harmenson, Guy, Brimacain, and many others
who have considerable plantations. 5. It draws down yearly from
the Windward Islands many an hundred of English, French, and
Dutch, many of whom turn planters. 6. It is the only means to
keep the buccaneers on Hispaniola, Tortugas, and the South and
North Quays of Cuba from being their enemies and infesting their
sea-side plantations. 7. It is a great security to the island, that
the men-of-war often intercept Spanish advices, and give intelligence
to the Governor ; which they often did in Col. D'Oyley's time and
since. 8. The said men-of-war bring no small benefit to his Majesty
and Royal Highness, by the 15ths and 10ths. 9. They keep many
able artificers at work in Port Royal and elsewhere, at extraordinary
wages. 10. Whatsoever they get the soberer part bestow in
strengthening their old ships, which in time will grow formidable.
11. They are of great reputation to this island and of terror to the
Spaniard, and keep up a high and military spirit in all the inhabitants.
12. It seems to be the only means to force the Spaniards in time
to a free trade, all ways of kindness producing nothing of good
neighbourhood, for though all old commissions have been called in,
and no new ones granted, and many of their ships restored, yet they
continue all acts of hostility, taking our ships and murdering our
people, making them work at their fortifications and then sending
them into Spain, and very lately they denied an English fleet bound
for the Dutch colonies wood, water, or provisions. For which
reasons it was unanimously concluded, that the granting of said
commissions did extraordinarily conduce to the strengthening, preservation,
enriching, and advancing the settlement of this island.
4 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., pp. 143-147.]
[Feb. 23.]
1139. Petition of Samuel Farmer to the King in Council. His
Majesty had appointed the 26th of this inst. Jan. for hearing the
complaints of Lord Willoughby against petitioner ; but his Majesty's
sudden removal from Oxford no way permitting it, prays the King
to prefix some other day ; notice being left at John Champante's
house, who is Lord Willoughby's agent, as petitioner has already
been at expense in summoning him and others. Indorsed, Recd.
23 Feb. 1666. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 20.]
1140. [Sec. Lord Arlington?] to Executors of Sir Martin Noel.
Asks their compliance with his request about the dispatch of Don
Juan Ximenes de Bohorques, whose business the King has so far
taken into his particular cognizance as to order the writer to see
it terminated ; they must contribute their assistance, as Mr. Litcott
cannot advance such a sum without first receiving what is due from
them. The impediment formerly alleged by them of not daring to
go into Sir Martin's house is now over, and it cannot be for their
advantage to let the King see slow compliance with what he has so
earnestly recommended. Their speedy compliance will bring them no
prejudice, and delay will in a great degree prove injustice to this
poor gentleman, whom the King desires to go with the Earl of
Sandwich, and his departure will be very speedily. Having told
them how much the King concerns himself therein, expects they
will see what it becomes them to do, not only in obedience but in
relation to some of their interests. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CXLIX.,
No. 84, Cal., p. 277.]
Feb. 23?
1141. Request that the Baronet's Warrant granted to Robert Carr,
and left by him when he went to Newfoundland in Lord —'s
hands may be filled in the name of John Nelthorpe. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. CXLIX., No. 2, Cal., p. 264.]