Mar. 1.
1142. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle.
Will only add to this Narrative (annexed) that every action gives new
encouragement to attempt the Spaniard, finding them in all places
very weak and very wealthy. Two or three hundred privateers lately
on the coast of Cuba, being denied provisions for money, marched
42 miles into the country, took and fired the town of Santo Spirito,
routed a body of 200 horse, carried their prisoners to their ships, and
for their ransom had 300 fat beeves sent down. Many of their blacks
would not go back, but stay with our men, and are willingly kept
for guides. "They are since closed with the other part of the fleet
bound for Curaçoa." All this was done without order from hence,
under colour of Portugal commissions, under which if not reduced
they will prey upon the Spaniards, and in time be totally alienated
from this place, which we must prevent or perish, and no expedient
but commissions against the Spaniard can do it. Annexed,
1142. I. Examinations of Captains John Morris, Jackman, and
Morgan taken before Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of
Jamaica, 20 Sept. 1665, concerning an expedition against
the Spaniards in the Bay of Mexico, composed into a
Narrative and addressed to the Duke of Albemarle.
Having been out 22 months and hearing nothing of the
cessation betwixt the King and the Spaniard, they sailed
in January last according to their commission from Lord
Windsor to prey upon that nation, up the river Tabasco,
in the Bay of Mexico, and guided by Indians marched
with 107 men, 300 miles to avoid discovery to Vildemos,
which they took and plundered, capturing 300 prisoners ;
but on returning to the mouth of the river they found that
their ships had been taken by the Spaniards, who soon
after attacked them with ships and 300 men. Account of
the fight in which the Spaniards were beaten off without
loss of a man. They then fitted up two barques and
four canoes, took Rio Garta with 30 men and stormed a
breastwork there killing 15 and taking the rest prisoners,
crossed the Bay of Honduras, watering at the Isle of
Rattan, took the town of Truxillo and a vessel in the road,
and came to the Mosquitos, where the Indians are hostile
to the Spaniards, and nine of them willingly came with
them. They then anchored in Monkey Bay near Nicaragua
river, up which they went in canoes, passing three
falls, for a distance of 37 leagues, where began the entrance
to a fair laguna or lake, judged to be 50 leagues by 30, of
sweet water, full of excellent fish with its banks full of
brave pasturesand savannahs covered with horses and cattle,
where they had as good beef and mutton as any in England.
Riding by day under keys and islands and rowing all
night, on the fifth night by the advice of their Indian
guide, they landed near the city of Gran Granada, marched
undiscried into the centre of the city, fired a volley, overturned
18 great guns in the Parada Place, took the
sergeant-major's house, wherein were all their arms and
ammunition, secured in the Great Church 300 of the best
men prisoners, "abundance of which were churchmen,"
plundered for 16 hours, discharged the prisoners, sunk all
the boats, and so came away. This town is twice bigger
than Portsmouth with seven churches and a very fair
cathedral, besides divers colleges and monasteries, all built
of freestone, as also are most of their houses. They have
six companies of horse and foot besides Indians and slaves
in abundance. Above 1,000 of these Indians joined them
in plundering and would have killed the prisoners, especially
the churchmen, imagining that the English would
keep the place, but finding the English would return home,
requested them to come again, and in the meantime have
secured themselves in the mountains. A few of them came
away and are now in Martin's vessel, who fearing his entertainment,
being a Dutchman, has put into Tortugas. At
the end of the lagoon they took a vessel of 100 tons, and
an island as large as Barbadoes called Lida, with a fine
neat town which they plundered. The air here is very
cool and wholesome, producing as the inhabitants told
them all sorts of European grains, herbs, and fruits in
great plenty, that five leagues from the head of the lagoon
is a port town on the South Sea called Realleyo, where
the King (of Spain) has ships built for trading between
Panama and Peru, and that there is a better passage to
the lake by Bluefields river to the north-east, and another
to the south-east through Costa Rica, almost to Porto
Bello, a country inhabited by creolians, mulattos, and
Indians, whom the Spaniards dare not trust with arms.
The Indians are driven to rebellion by cruelty and there
is no reconciling them. They told them also of a city
called Legovia, where are many sheep with excellent fine
wool. By comparing this relation with maps and histories
it appears that this country is in the middle of the Spanish
dominions in America, dividing Peru from Mexico, both
lying very convenient to infest by sea, but being environed
with impassable hills, rocks, and mountains, very
difficult if not impossible to be attacked by land. The
wealth of the place is such that the first plunder will pay
the adventure, being well supplied with commodities and
food and free from vermin ; the assistance of the Indian
and negro slaves if well handled will be very considerable ;
the creolians will not be long obstinate, when they feel the
freedom and ease of his Majesty's Government ; 2,000 men
some say 500 may easily conquer all this quarter ; the
Spaniards in their large dominions being so far asunder
they are the easier subdued. This place can be reached
in eight or 10 days' sail ; the proper time to attempt is
between March and August, the rest being rainy months
when the rivers are high and the strength of their streams
not to be stemmed. Has represented this matter to his
Grace, being convinced that if ever the reason of state at
home require any attempt on the Spanish Indies, this is
the properest place and most probable to lay a foundation
for the conquest of the whole. 3½ pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XX., No. 21.]
Mar 1.
1143. Copy of preceding letter and also the inclosure, which is
imperfect, wanting a few lines at the end. Two Papers. 5 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 22, 23.]
March 1.
1144. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle.
Since the above a letter has arrived from his brother Sir James of
June 1 (1665), inclosing one from his Grace, giving the Governor
latitude to grant or not to grant commissions against the Spaniards.
Receiving advice that the French forces are very much increasing
at Tortuga and the south-west of Hispaniola, thought it high time
to send a declaration thither, importing his intentions to grant commissions
against the Spaniard, which the old privateers assure him
will undoubtedly bring back the English and most of the Dutch and
French to this port, where they have a better market for their goods.
To this end he assembled his Majesty's Council and put the question
with the result and reasons here enclosed ; and lest delay might
too firmly fix them to the French service, who daily threaten war,
has caused the enclosed declaration to be published at Port Royal
[wanting], which hath given infinite contentment to the inhabitants
here, and copies to be sent to Tortuga. Meantime is framing a new
form of commission and instructions for them whereby they will be
better commanded by their officers and more strictly obliged to his
Majesty's service, and his Government here ; which will be ready
against their coming in and the return of the fleet now beating up
with about 600 privateers for Curaçao. Incloses,
1144. I. The resolutions above referred to of a Council held at
St. Jago de la Vega, 22nd February 1666. Cal., see ante,
No. 1138.
1144. II. Form of commission from Governor Modyford to Privateers
at Jamaica. All prizes to be brought into Port Royal
and there to be proceeded against according to law. Dated
in the 18th year of Charles II., 1665-6. Together 3 papers.
5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 24, 24 I., II.]
March 1.
1145. Examination of Thos. Hilman, mariner, of Bristol, before
Sir John Ernle and Sir John Knight. Was lately taken in the
Nathaniel, of Bristol, by a Dutch caper of 30 guns and brought into
Rochelle : before being taken, cast overboard the letter to the
Governor of Barbadoes from his Majesty. There are at St. Martin's
and other places about 12 French men-of-war, five reported to be
bound for Madagascar, one of them carrying 56 guns, the rest from
40 to 50 ; they are making levies and preparation for war ; there
are 6,000 soldiers in St. Martin's and thereabouts. There are 14
Dutch capers, the greater part carrying from 22 to 34 guns, of which
eight are now at sea, and the rest ready to set sail to attend the
return of the English ships from Virginia and Barbadoes. 16 English
have lately been taken and brought into Rochelle by the Dutch
capers, and about 100 seamen, who were at first kept prisoners, but
afterwards released, and are in great distress, many entering the
service of the King of France to keep themselves from perishing ;
the gunners of most of the French ships are Englishmen ; more
soldiers are still raising in the island of Scilly. [Dom., Chas. II.,
Vol. CL., No. 2, Cal., p. 279.]
[March 2.]
1146. Petition of William Willoughby to the King in Council.
Whereas his Majesty has appointed Friday next the 9th inst. for
hearing the complaint of Lord Willoughby against Samuel Farmer ;
petitioner having very urgent occasions which require his absence
at that time, prays his Majesty to appoint some other day. Indorsed,
"Recd. 2nd March to be heard this day fortnight." ½ p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XX., No. 25.]
March 8.
1147. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington. Has received
his Majety's letters of 16th Nov. [see ante, No. 1082], and communicated
the latter part touching the reducement of Statia and Sabia,
to several who had been active in that service ; whom he found so
inflamed with those princely expressions that they will never think
any service too hazardous that his Majesty shall expect from them.
Acknowledges himself overpaid by his Majesty's gracious acceptance
of his endeavours. Will observe his Majesty's orders touching
the merchants that sail hence, hoping they may meet the convoy ;
but as to going in fleets, it will be rare from hence, for if a single
ship be ready once in three months, it is as much as usual. Our
privateers have chosen Capt. Edward Mansfield their Admiral, and
in the middle of January sailed from the South Keys of Cuba for
Curaçao, under the Governor's commission ; having meantime, without
his order, taken Sto Spirito, because the Spaniards would not
sell them victuals. They are wasted much in numbers, many being
gone to the French, where Portugal commissions are of force against
the Spaniard ; so that was fain to send one Capt. Beeston, a good
discreet person, to confirm them in their loyalty, and since has
received a letter signed by all their officers, professing much zeal
to his Majesty's service, and a firm resolution to attack Curaçao.
Supposes he has heard of the taking of Tobago from the Dutch
by two captains of this island, Searles and Stedman. Has at large
written the Duke of Albemarle what he has been necessitated to
do touching reducing the remaining privateers hither again, to
whom his Lordship was pleased to refer him for orders. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XX., No. 26.]
March 8.
1148. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Lord Arlington.
Copy of the preceding annexed to his letter of 16th Nov. 1665. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 127.]
March 15.
1149. Josiah Child to Navy Commissioners. In pursuance of
contract for New England masts, has freighted the Lady, Edm. Harrison
master, to sail for Piscataqua and return thence with masts for
his Majesty's service ; begs protection for the ship, master, and 16
mariners, and privilege for the ship's wearing the King's Jack, as
hath been customary for others on the like employment. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. CLI., No. 24, Cal., p. 301.]
March 16.
1150. (Sec. Lord Arlington) to Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of
Jamaica. Sir Thos. is not unacquainted with the great injustice
which the Spaniard Don Juan de Ximenes de Bohorques has suffered
in the taking of his ship the Sto. Christo by the captain and others
of the Hopeful Adventure of Jamaica, with circumstances of inhumanity
scarcely credible from Englishmen, and to the great scandal
of the nation. At which, and the shuffling delays used in making
reparation, his Majesty is infinitely offended, and requires him to
examine the allegations of Bohorques' petition, of which copy is
sent, and if true to use his utmost endeavours in procuring the ships
and goods to be forthwith restored ; and if not successful to the
petitioner's satisfaction, to return his opinion on the whole business
to his Majesty and the Board ; in which the Lords will be very
severe for the ill fame such notorious oppressions bring upon his
Majesty's Government, and that good correspondence his Majesty
has so much given him in charge to maintain with his Catholic
Majesty's subjects. In case a full and speedy reparation be not
made, his Majesty is resolved to give a very effectual one. Draft
with corrections in Williamson's hand. Incloses,
1150. I. Complaint of Don Juan Ximenes de Bohorques, cavalier
of the order of Callatrava, a Spanish subject, against the
executors of Sir Martin Noel. In September 1664 his
ship, the Santo Christo of Burgos, serving as "Patach" to
the galleons bound for Spain, parted company in a hurricane,
and was captured by a privateer and carried to
Jamaica. But before the capture Don Juan had consigned
his goods to an English merchant, Lytcott, who was on
board, nominally for the account of Sir Noel ; and the
Governor, Sir Thos. Modyford, having sent them to England
to Sir Noel, his executors refuse to give them up.
1150. II. The King's order of reference on petition of Don Juan
Ximenes de Bohorques concerning the capture of his ship
Santo Christo by Capt. William Maurice, of the Hopeful
Adventure. Directing Sec. Lord Arlington to write to Sir
Thos. Modyford, requiring him to examine the allegations
of the petition, and which if he find true to use his utmost
endeavours to procure restitution thereof, and if not successful
to report upon the whole business to the Privy
Council. Oxford, 1665, Nov. 10. Together 3 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XX., Nos. 27, 27 I., II.]
[March 16.]
1151. Samuel Farmer's answer to Lord Willoughby's accusation,
read by himself in Council, 16 March 1666 [see Lord Willoughby's
letter to the Privy Council, dated 5 July 1665, ante, No. 1018.] Is
accused of being an enemy to regal government, a seditious opposer
of his Majesty's authority, and a stirrer up of rebellion ; but will
endeavour to show that he has on all occasions with great hazard of
life and fortune been a bold asserter of his Majesty's rights. Was
for this cause charged by the rebels with high treason, imprisoned,
and had undoubtedly suffered death had not the Parliament authority
at that instant determined by the usurpation of Cromwell. When
the island was subdued by the Parliament forces under Sir George
Ayscue, Farmer was dismissed the Assembly, and made incapable of
holding public employment. His endeavours to deliver Bristol to
Prince Rupert miscarried, and Yeamans and Bowcher were hanged.
Lord Willoughby, 16 years since, was received as Governor on consenting
to proclaim his Majesty, and passed an Act to maintain
himself against any power whatsoever, without reservation of
allegiance to his Majesty. Farmer felt bound to acquaint Lord
Willoughby with the evil consequences that might follow, but the
Governor was very angry and would not forbear publishing said
Act. On arriving in Barbadoes in 1663 the Governor promised
Farmer (then Speaker of the Assembly) any favour he could show
him, and desired him to persuade the Assembly, for a confirmation of
their estates, to raise an imposition of 10 per cent. on commodities exported,
but Farmer replied it was as much as the clear profits of the
whole island, and he supposed the Assembly would give about half,
after which the Governor never showed him the least respect. By
the Act giving 4½ per cent. to his Majesty for ever Farmer pays
200l. per annum. The Assembly then offered Lord Willoughby
300,000 lbs. sugar yearly out of an excise on foreign liquors, but
the Governor refused to confirm the Act, the reason being that the
Governor received the sugar, yet never published the Act. The
Assembly was then dissolved and no other called for two years ;
during which time divers were imprisoned without any proof to this
day against them ; others were disseised of houses and lands and
exiled without any process of law, or the concurrence of the Council
or Assembly, and the Assembly were obliged to petition against an
Ordinance which subverted a statute law establishing the Courts.
Their reasons for doing so. Farmer does not conceive it an offence
to petition against the subversion of their laws, but he never excited
others to set their hands to said petition, nor has it anything of
sedition in it. It was never his intention to bring his Majesty's
Government into reproach, nor yet the Governor, nor did he ride to
and fro before the election to the ends alleged, but he knows no
offence in telling people what person he thought fit to be elected,
such being the usual practice in England. Has been chosen Speaker
in other Assemblies, not above three voices being given for any other.
Touching the supply demanded for fortifications, the Assembly could
not forget that they had given his Majesty 4½ per cent. on condition
that he would provide for the fortifications and all other public disbursements
whatsoever, and they knew that out of 20,000l. received
by Lord Willoughby, the Governor had not disbursed anything
worth naming for that purpose, or that his Majesty had had one
penny of it. Their great guns and powder were sent by Lord Willoughby
to Surinam, Sta. Lucia, and other places, so that when De
Ruyter came, all their ships had been taken if their own industry
and a scant wind had not miraculously preserved them. Under
other Governors they were never one month without an Assembly,
but had now been near two years without meeting, so felt it their
duty to present their petition [see ante, No. 1018, inclosure I.],
when they were immediately dissolved. Being a churchwarden of
St. Thomas', he was desired by the vestry to inform them why the
Assembly was dissolved ; he showed them a copy of the aforesaid
petition, and persuaded them that Lord Willoughby would doubtless
avoid such miscarriages in future, so that they departed contentedly
away ; but not one word was spoken that could be wrested to the
sense of raising a mutiny. The Governor immediately published a
Declaration, that whoever should enter any plea against the Courts
by him erected, or procure hands to any petitions for alteration of
anything by him settled, should be judged an enemy to the public
peace. He also proclaimed articles of war to the great amazement
and terror of the inhabitants, which drove many persons of most
eminency in that island to prepare for a speedy removal. Meantime
it was determined to send Farmer to let his Majesty know the condition
of his distressed subjects. Knows not whether the Governor
knew of his intentions, but the next day, on Sunday, he was seized
by a warrant from the Governor with three others of the Assembly ;
but finding no witnesses against them, the Council ordered their discharge,
whereupon two were released, and the other two might have
been if they would have entered into recognizances of 2,000l. to appear
at the next sessions, meantime to act nothing against the present
Government ; to this latter they refused, for should his Majesty
command any alteration in the Government their recognizances
might be forfeited. Was then hurried by a guard of soldiers aboard
the Governor's own ship without being allowed to make any provision
for the voyage ; and was constrained to lie for seven weeks
in the open air on the quarter deck, the very seamen wondering that
he could survive it. Thus he was banished from wife, children, and
estate, without any process at law, or crime meriting the same,
and also against the order of the Governor and Council. On the
ship touching at the Isle of Wight, he attended twelve days at
Salisbury his Majesty's return from Lord Ashley's, and was committed
to the custody of a sergeant-at-arms, who demands 60l. fees. These,
with other disbursements, lie very heavy upon him here, where he
has no means of supply ; besides the unimaginable damage he sustains
in the neglect of his plantations during his absence. Indorsed,
"Mr. Farmer's answer to the Lord Willoughby's accusation. Read by
himself in Council, subscribed and delivered, March 16th, 1665(-6)."
4 pp. closely written. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 28.]
1152. The case of Samuel Farmer, late Speaker of the Assembly
of Barbadoes, against Governor Lord Willoughby. This is a printed
summary of his case read at the Council March 16, 1666, with a few
particulars added. Lieut.-Col. Robert Sanford is the name of the
person banished by Lord Willoughby, who is accused of choosing his
own creatures for Judges of the new Courts, and allowing them
arbitrarily to condemn the inhabitants in great sums, utterly denying
them any legal trial by their peers. That the Gov. made an Ordinance
whereby he seized the goods of the inhabitants, and converted them
to his own use. After being in custody of the serjeant-at-arms,
Farmer was committed to the common gaol amongst felons at Oxford.
for six weeks. He so acquitted himself in his defence at the Council
Board that Lord Willoughby's brother and counsel had nothing to
reply, whereupon Farmer was ordered to give security in 2,000l. to
attend his Majesty in Council when summoned, not to depart the
kingdom without licence, and to discharge the fees to the sergeant.
It is now full 17 months since he has been imprisoned and under bail
not to return to wife, family, and estate, only for discharging his
duty as Speaker. Prays for discharge of his bonds, and reparation if
innocent or condemnation if guilty. "The Lord Willoughby (now
lately) disobliges the inhabitants of Barbadoes ; telling them they
have lost their freedoms and liberties as Englishmen, and obstructs
them in making their addresses to his Majesty for relief ; thereby
driving them (if it were possible) into rebellion. He doth the like
at Surinam ; where his own Council (joining with the Assembly)
have sent him 19 of their grievances ; signifying unto him that they
will quit the colony "if he speedily relieve them not." Printed, 4 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 29.]
[March 20.]
1153. Proposals of some Planters of interest in his Majesty's
Plantations in America, under five heads. That his Majesty's subjects
of St. Christopher's are in great danger, by reason the French are
possessed of one half thereof, and will doubtless beat off the English,
if they are not so served themselves. That the islands of Nevis,
Antigua, and Montserrat are in the like danger. It is offered that
a course be speedily taken for supplanting the French. That orders
be given for raising volunteers in Barbadoes, Nevis, &c. And that
for encouragement herein security be given for the payment of
50,000l. sterling for reducing St. Kitts, the undertakers to have the
enemy's land and stock to themselves, whereof a considerable part to
be freely given to the soldiers. Indorsed, 20th March 1665-6.
"Propositions for St. Christopher's, &c., per Captain March." 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 30.]
[March 20.]
1154. Similar proposals under 10 heads. That for effecting same
order be taken for raising 600 foot at least at Montserrat, 1,000 from
Nevis, and that the Governor of St. Christopher's and all bearing
arms there assist therein. That four or five men-of-war and some
merchantmen be appointed for transporting these men, and that
Commissioners be appointed to manage the whole affair, and one of
them be Commander-in-Chief, and afterwards Governor for three
years. That the commanders of ships observe the orders of said Commissioners
for four months after their arrival at Barbadoes ; and that
1,400 firelocks, 600 pikes, and 100 barrels of powder, with shot, be
sent hence. Indorsed, 20th March 1665-6, with an abstract. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XX., No. 31.]
[March 20.]
1155. Copy of the preceding proposals. Indorsed by Williamson,
St. Christopher's. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 32.]
1156. Proposals for an agreement between his Majesty and G[eorge]
M[arsh] for the reduction of St. Christopher's. 1. That command
be given to Lord Willoughby to raise or permit G. M. and (left blank)
to raise 1,000 men in Barbadoes, 600 in Montserrat, 300 in Antigua,
and 1,000 in Nevis, and all bearing arms in St. Christopher's ; and
to press ships for conveying the soldiers to St. Christopher's, which
ships as well as his Majesty's ships now going thither, shall observe
the orders of G. M. and — for four months. 2. That commission
be given to G. M. to command said forces for reducing that part of
St. Christopher's now in possession of the French, and to be Governor
for three years certain. 3. That commission issue to said G. M. and
— to make sale of all the lands, negroes, and chattels to his
Majesty's use. 4. That articles be drawn by which his Majesty sells
said lands, &c. to said G. M. and — ; in consideration whereof
they shall ship to the value of 50,000l. to England to his Majesty's
use, within 12 months after reducing said island. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XX., No. 33.]
1157. Memorandum by Joseph Williamson concerning an agreement
between the Duke of Albemarle, Lieut.-Gen. of his Majesty's
forces, and Sec. Lord Arlington [struck through and "the parties
to these presents" substituted] for the reduction of that part of
St. Christopher's now in possession of the French to his Majesty's
obedience. Draft with corrections. Indorsed, Articles upon the
subdueing of St. Christopher's. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX.,
No. 34.]
1158. Memorandum by Joseph Williamson, being the draft
with corrections of an agreement between his Majesty and George
Marsh for the reduction of the French part of St. Christopher's.
With secret article for payment to the King of 50,000l. sterling out
of the lands, negroes, and stock taken from the French, to be paid
by G. M. within twelve months after reduction of said island ; also
for a Commission of Governor of same to G. M. for three years, and
letter to Gov. Lord Willoughby to permit 1,000 men to be raised in
Barbadoes. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No. 35.]
1159. Articles of agreement made [sic.] day of March, 18 Car. II.
[1665-6], between the Duke of Albemarle, Lieut.-General of his
Majesty's forces, and Sec. Lord Arlington, on behalf of his Majesty,
and George Marsh, Squire of the Body to his said Majesty, in accordance
with the proposals of G. M. for the reduction of the French part
of St. Christopher's, Calendared, ante, No. 1156. Draft with corrections
in Williamson's handwriting. Indorsed, Articles Lieut.-General
Lord Arlington and Mr. Marsh. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XX., No. 36.]
1160. Fair copy of preceding. Also of Joseph Williamson's
mem. concerning the same [No. 1157], who has written in
margin, "Never concluded." 6½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX., No.
March 24.
1161. An Act for the raising a present sum of goods for the
needful public use of this island (Barbadoes). Read and passed this
24th March 1665-6. Ordered by the Governor and Council to be
laid aside, and not to be passed, April 14, 1666. 4¼ pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XX., No. 38.]
1162. Mem. in the handwriting of Joseph Williamson that
Tobago is an island belonging to the Dutch, and was taken from
them 1665-6 by Captains Searle and Stedman, set out from Jamaica
by virtue of a general commission against the French and Dutch.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. XCII., p. 341.]
1163. Mem. by Williamson that the isle of Providence is situate
near the main of America off the kingdom of Veraguas, almost in
the direct way between Porto Bello and the Havannah in the isle of
Cuba. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCII., p. 343.]
March 28.
1164. Petition of the Royal African Company to the King. Have
resolved, in order to the preservation of the trade of the Gold Coast,
to send thither present supply of men, ammunition, and merchandise,
notwithstanding their great losses. Can set out but two ships of
their own and two more licensed, to go as an united force offensive
and defensive to preserve what is now in their possession, and also
to attempt any forts or factories taken from them by the Dutch.
This force not being sufficient for the design, pray that they may
have the Golden Lion, as formerly, to be the admiral of their fleet.
[Dom. Chas. II., Vol. CLII., No. 34, Cal., p. 320.]