Feb. 1.
924. The Governor and Council of Connecticut to Col. Nicolls.
John Scott, according to his wonted course, is again making disturbance
amongst the people of Setawkett, by labouring to deprive
the people of that place of the land expedient for their subsistence,
seeing Col. Nicolls was pleased to determine (when our Governor
was last at New York) that what had been formerly settled and
determined by Connecticut upon Long Island was so to continue.
The land claimed by Scott (as Setawkett men informed Allyn and
Willys) by purchase of the Indians, if he should enjoy, would be
destructive to that plantation. By the established order of the
colony no land was to be purchased to the particular use of any
person without the consent of our General Court, and all such purchases
to be well in law. If such engrossing of land (to private
uses) from Indians be tolerated it would be found destructive to
whole townships. Doubts not of his favour that the people of
Setawkett be not molested or disturbed in the enjoyment of their
just rights. Signed by order, John Allyn, Secretary. Printed in
New York Documents, III., 86. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX.,
No. 14.]
Feb. 2.
From Mr.
Willet's house.
925. Sir Robt. Carr to Col. Nicolls. His letter sent ashore to
Milford by Capt. Bollen, who ordered the magistrates to send it
away with all expedition. Went to the Governor's house at Rhode
Island, who made him very welcome, Mr. Brenton, the Deputy
Governor, at his country house. Communicated his directions and
delivered their letters, "after perusal they did declare themselves so
much satisfied that their lives and fortunes was too little to give
satisfaction for that Royal favour they had received from his
Majesty and likewise from the Chancellor." The rich coats sent
by the King to some of the Sachems declared to be most unfitting
and improper ; Mr. Clarke of a contrary opinion. His voyage from
Rhode Island delayed by contrary winds. Discourse with Capt.
Willett about his going to New York ; his scruples, his wife not
being well, but is now resolved to go. Great murder committed by
Indians of Nantucket Island on English seamen driven ashore there,
not thought to have been the first committed ; is informed it is a
place under his Government. Mr. Willett will give a more particular
account, and his judgment of the best way to be revenged.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 15.]
Feb. 2.
926. Commission to the Duke of York, High Admiral of England,
&c. His Majesty having taken into consideration the injuries,
affronts, and spoils done by the East and West India Companies and
other subjects of the United Provinces upon his subjects, and that
notwithstanding frequent demands made by his Majesty to the States
General for redress and reparation, none could be obtained from
them, has thought fit that general reprisals be granted against the
ships, goods, and subjects of said States. These are therefore to
authorise him to grant commissions to the Governors, Vice-admirals,
or others of his Majesty's islands and foreign dominions, to empower
them to grant commissions to such as they shall think fit, for taking
the ships and goods of said States, their subjects or inhabitants, and
to bring the same to condemnation, and afterwards dispose thereof,
as by the course of Admiralty and usage in such cases has been
accustomed. Indorsed, Charles R. Our will and pleasure is that
this pass by immediate warrant. Entered at the Signet Office
4° February 1664(-5). John Nicholas. Entered at the Privy Seal
Office the sixth of February 1664(-5). J. Mathew. [Privy Seals, 16
Chas. II., No. 364, T. 26.]
Feb. 2?
927. The King to the Governor of Barbadoes. That De Ruyter
has gone to Guinea with 12 men-of-war and it is apprehended will
endeavour to destroy the shipping at Barbadoes, there being also a
design in Holland to send men-of-war there ; Lord Willoughby is
directed to use all possible means to secure the islands under his
government from those dangers. Draft with corrections by Sec. Sir
Henry Bennet. Undated but probably the letter referred to by the
Deputy Governor of Barbadoes, see No. 983. 3 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XIX., No. 16.]
928. Heads of the preceding letter which it was "proposed to write
to Lord Willoughby." In Sec. Bennet's hand. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XIX., No. 17.]
Feb. 3.
929. Benedict Arnold and William Brenton on behalf of the
colony [of Rhode Island] to Col. Nicolls and the rest of the Commissioners.
Have received by the hands of Sir Robert Carr the
King's letter of 23 April 1664 [see ante, No. 724], in which is expressed
"such great and wonderful favour as we believe can hardly be
equalled or paralleled from any other Prince unto the best of subjects,
much less to such unworthy and otherwise despised and
oppressed ones as we are." Beseech the Great God to pour
down his blessings upon the King and his affairs, and in particular
to bless, guide, and defend the Commissioners in their weighty concernments.
That they may be defended from oppressing one another
in civil or religious matters, in which most of the members of this
colony have suffered very much under strange pretences from the
neighbouring colonies and particularly from Massachusetts. They
forbore to insist on these either to Sir Robt. Carr, who lately was
with them, to Col. Cartwright, or to Maverick, and will forbear now
saving only to represent that they suffer with a patient expectation
of a full hearing between them that wrong them and themselves.
Complain of the petition presented at Boston against this colony,
setting forth strange outrages and violence, and praying they may
be prohibited from building, &c. Inclose copy of petition from
"persons who by violence intrude into the middle of this colony and
there procure and acquire lands contrary to the law in such cases
here established." It came to their hands the day after Sir Robt.
Carr left. Will endeavour to preserve the peace until their
cause may have an equal hearing before the Commissioners, which
they hopefully expect will be in these few weeks, for which they
request some 15 days notice. Thankfully acknowledge the high
favour of the Earl of Clarendon in his letter to them of 28th April
1664. For further information refer them to the report of the bearer
Capt. Bollen. Inclose,
929. I. Petition of Capt. Wm. Hudson, John Paine, and others
concerned in the Narragansett and Nayantick countries to
Col. Cartwright and Sam. Maverick, two of his Majesty's
Commissioners. Complain of the disturbance they have
met with in the pulling down of a house and such like by
the inhabitants of Rhode Island and such as pretend to
belong to the colony, and pray the Commissioners to require
that their proceedings be not further interrupted in planting
said country according to the King's letter and their just
rights. Together 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., Nos. 18,
18 I.]
Feb. 3.
930. John Darcy to George Cartwright and Company. Has
consigned the ship William Nicholas to them by order of Governor
Nicolls, who will be a sufferer, as she carries 100 hogsheads of tobacco
less than he thought. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 19.]
Feb. 4.
Capt. Breedon's
[house at
931. Col. George Cartwright to Col. Nicolls. Thanks for his
letter delivered by Sir Robt. Carre. They find a great probability
of obstruction. It is reported here that they have already cost the
country 300l. Is told that Maj.-Gen. Leveret has received 34l. for
entertaining Nicolls. It is also reported that they are to demand
12d. for each acre of ground improved, and 3,000l. a year besides ;
that they are to infringe the discipline of the church by compelling
children to be baptised, and to interrupt their form of government
by admitting appeals. Wagers are laid that they will never sit
here [at Boston] as Commissioners, and it is certain these people
have twice sent letters to my Lord Chancellor since August last.
Thinks, therefore, it will be better to begin at Connecticut and
dispatch the other three colonies before this, "for if we have good
success there, it will be a strong inducement to these to submit also
to his Majesty's Commission, and if these should any ways oppose us,
it would be an ill-precedent to the other." Hopes to have letters
and orders to refer the difference about Gorges to them before May.
This colony being both the richest, greatest, most populous, and
inclinable to a commonwealth, they ought to have the greatest
circumspection about it. Cannot conceive how it is possible for
them to get a good election for the next General Assembly, seeing
none can elect or be elected but church members. Hopes he shall
prevail with Sir Robt. Carre and Mavericke that they may be at
Rhode Island before the first of March at farthest. Has not yet
perused the papers he sent, but does not understand how they can
be both judges and solicitors in Duke Hamilton and Mason's cases,
but hopes when he has considered them that difficulty may be
resolved. A court now sitting at Boston and Winder has had a
great trial gone against him ; he had many substantial men and
merchants who gave evidence against him ; the other party had but
one witness, yet being a church member carried the cause hard born.
Is very glad that Willet intends to go immediately to him ; believes
him both a very honest and able gentleman who will serve both for
a mayor and a councillor. The fort not to be kept two hours longer ;
in his opinion a battery upon the Point would be of greater advantage
than the fort itself, if ever the town be fortified. Maj.-Gen. Leveret
is making such a work under the fort hill, and removes great stones
of 10 tons weight. The Dutch expect the English laws at their six
months end ; they will probably think themselves oppressed if they
are not allowed a while longer, "but your own convenience in this is
the greatest consideration." Wishes to receive the remainder of the
250l. Has not yet been to dinner with any townsman, suspecting
them all. "The saving of a little expense shall not be an occasion
in me of hindering his Majesty's service, so much have I considered
these people's temper, with his Majesty's caution. That all designs
of profit for the present seem unreasonable and may possibly obstruct
the more necessary design upon their obedience and loyalty." They
have altered the law for freemen, which he sends enclosed ; likes it
not, the reason is so visible, will not trouble him with it. With
note attached signed by Samuel Maverick and Sir Robert Carr.
They know all the above to be truth, and earnestly desire his
presence here if possible by 20 April, the day of election being
3 May ; in the meantime they will do what they can by way of
preparation. Printed in New York Documents, III., 87, 88. 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 20.]
Feb. 4.
932. Samuel Maverick to Col. Nicolls. Thanks for his good
advice. Perceives he has heard some false report. All concur in
what Col. Cartwright has written, and that he has been too retired.
Hopes he himself has not been over sociable. Has spent three
weeks in visiting his friends in several of the chiefest towns in this
Government, and is deceived if, in that journey, he did not undeceive
both magistrates, ministers, and other considerable persons.
It cost him unavoidably 10l. They intend to be at Rhode Island
about 1st of March, and much desire his presence. Printed in New
York Documents, III., 88, 89. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 21.]
Feb. 7.
Capt. Breedon's
house in Boston.
933. Col. George Cartwright to Sec. Sir Henry Bennet. By the
same justice he complained of Sir Robt. Carr's absence, he is bound
to give account of his being here. He came on the 4th, and two
days after they sent to Plymouth to desire a General Assembly to
be convened on the 20th, whither they intend presently to go.
Has not had conveniences yet to deliver the King's letters to them
and Rhode Island, wherefore we choose to visit them first, the
rather because we hope for a better compliance from them than
Boston, who by petitioning to beg hands of all sorts to maintain the
Government as now established, and reporting that they are to
demand 12d. for every acre of improved ground, and 5,000l. a year
besides for the King, and that they are to be straitened in the
exercise of their discipline and civil privileges, have given ground
for fear that the fancy of a commonwealth is yet in some of their
brains. Hopes to have finished all by Midsummer. Printed in New
York Documents, III., 89. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 22.]
Feb. 12.
934. Lieut.-Col. Thos. Lynch to Sec. Sir Henry Bennet. Is
grateful for his letter of Dec. 12, with recommendation from his
Majesty to the Governor, who, on his arrival, found all people industrious,
well satisfied, and ready to give him and all who came
with him what assistance they could. A new Assembly being
chosen, they met in October, but were much inferior to the other in
parts and estates, who had imposed upon them for Speaker a
malicious, beggarly, debauched fellow, and instead of correcting
what was amiss in the old laws, fell into question of Lord Windsor
and Sir Charles' power to call the late Assembly, and attempted by
violent discourses and contrivances to render the past Government
oppressive and illegal. Amidst these disputes the Governor discharged
him from his Council and office of Chief Justice, without
giving any public reason. Was it because the Governor would
betimes punish that uncourtly humour of speaking plain and true,
or else that he came prejudiced against Lynch by Col. D'Oyley, or
that he would have none to shine in this hemisphere but himself and
his son, especially such as had any influence over the old army. It
only constrains Lynch's return, and prevents the resolution he had
to marry, send for his relations, and make this his England. The
bearer, Capt. Fenne, will discourse on the Royal Company's affairs.
The island is healthy. Describes the regulations for administering
justice. Many of the people that came with the Governor are dead
and not one but himself has yet made any plantation—nor is it to
be wondered at. They came down very poor, and went into the
woods without provisions, and there fall sick before they have
houses or victuals, and then the country must be blamed for their
want and improvidence, people not remembering that air could not
have maintained Adam in Paradise if God had not planted for him
a garden. But whatever any say, this is an excellent island, and
will certainly become a considerable addition to his Majesty's
dominions. There has been little improvement this eight or ten
months. The want of negroes the grand obstruction ; without them
the Plantations will decline and the people be discouraged. If his
Majesty would make a great plantation here, it must be by more
apt and liberal disbursements than those with interests here have
yet made. Starts to-morrow towards New England, and on his
way will inquire at Havannah after the Griffin, whose loss is one of
their great misfortunes and disappointments, and makes him fear
they shall have no more people from Barbadoes but Lady Modyford,
who is expected. Intends for Spain and at Madrid to obtain permission
to purchase 1,000 or 2,000 head of cattle in Hispaniola and
Cuba. Begs the assistance of the Ambassador in the matter, and
offers one-third share in the adventure with himself and Governor
Modyford. It will be a vast advantage to this country, and a particular
profit to those concerned. Doubts they have not now 800 on the
island, though they are all English beefeaters, and the cattle will not
cost above 4s. each, and every 100 head of cows will be more than
300l. per annum, better rents than any in England. Fears it's against
the Spanish interest to permit a thing so profitable, and which will
make this island so absolutely English ; however will endeavour his
utmost, because of his duty to his Majesty and his affection to the
island. Though 10 years of sufferings and hazards have endeared
it to him, yet resolves never to return, though the Governor is sufficiently
obliging and kind to him. Hopes the Dutch war will
reduce and employ the privateers, who otherwise will be dangerous
rogues, of which they have already given too many wicked instances.
Wishes his Majesty had leisure to consider how numerous
and insolent the French are in the Indies. Doubts they may take
Dutch commissions, so that the taking of Curaçao would be a good
service. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 23.]
935. — to Sec. Sir H. Bennet. Hears by letters of Jan. 8th that
Sir Thomas Modyford sent his son Major-Gen. John Modiford in a
small frigate called the Griffin, of 14 or 16 guns, to fetch his lady
from Barbadoes, and any planters that would embark for Jamaica.
About the Leeward Islands the Griffin was attacked by a Dutch
man-of-war, and was so disabled as to be obliged to put into the
French island of Martinico for repairs. The fight is conjectured to
have been in November last, and the Griffin was daily expected at
Barbadoes. Draws his Lordship's attention to Sir Abraham Shipman's
letter and some Jamaica business. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XIX., No. 24.]
Feb. 15.
936. Order in Council referring to the Committee for the Admiralty
and Navy, the petition of gentlemen and merchants of Devon
trading to Newfoundland, praying for license to proceed in the fishing
there as the chief means of support for many poor. Annexed,
Order in Council granting license for one ship of Dartmouth
only to go to Newfoundland, and no more. Feb. 22. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. CXII., No. 110, Cal., p. 203.]
937. Description of the Island of Curaçao and convenience for
trade with the Spaniard. The commodities of the island by which
the Dutch West Indian Company maintains that garrison, viz., salt,
with which 50 good ships a year may be laden from thence, with
Brazil wood, horses, and negroes. Also proposals of Abrah. Langford
for the surprisal of it from the Hollander. Indorsed by Williamson.
Island of Curaçao. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 25.]
Feb. 16.
938. The King to Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor of Jamaica. The
bearer, Capt. Langford, has made several propositions to his Majesty
for taking and reducing certain parts of Hispaniola and other neighbouring
islands of great importance, especially Curaçao, but not
thinking fit to take any positive resolution in a matter of that consequence
without first receiving Sir Thos. Modyford's reflections upon
it, his Majesty recommends to his consideration any proposals of
Capt. Langford that relate to his Majesty's service and interest in
those parts, and to encourage said Capt. Langford as a good, smart,
active person well affected to his Majesty's interests, and one who
his Majesty believes may be of good use to Modyford by his long
experience and knowledge of those parts of the world. Draft with
corrections by Williamson. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 26.]
939. Petition of Abraham Langford to the King. Was appointed
by the King's Order in Council to proceed for Jamaica, concerning
the King's affairs in America ; for this purpose had provided two
ships of considerable value, one to stay there for the service of the
country, the other to return to give the King account ; coming to
embark at Plymouth was imprisoned for a pretended debt on purpose
to hinder his proceeding in the King's design ; prays that the
plaintiff's pretensions may be referred to the Deputy Governor and
Mayor of Plymouth, and that petitioner may be released to proceed in
the King's service, if they are not made good in four days. Annexed,
939. I. Sir Wm. Clarke to [Williamson?]. The King's pleasure
is that reference be made to Sir John Skelton, Deputy
Governor of Plymouth, the Mayor, and two others, as prayed
by the petitioner under the conditions named by him.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CXLII., No. 140, Cal., p. 154.]
Feb. 17.
940. Sir John Colleton to Sec. Bennet. Entreats the immediate
signing of the warrant for the 12 guns for Barbadoes, for the ship
that they are to be sent in stays for them to the great loss of the
owners. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CXII., No. 123, Cal., p. 205.]
Feb. 18.
941. Warrant to the Commissioners of Ordnance to deliver forthwith,
for the use of Barbadoes, 12 cannon, the greater part to be
whole culverin or upwards, and the rest demi-culverin at least, with
all necessaries and a convenient quantity of shot. ½ p. [Dom.
Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXII., p. 18.]
Feb. 20.
942. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to [Sec. Sir H. Bennet]. The
Spanish prizes have been inventoried and sold, but it is suspected
that those of Morrice and Bernard Nichols have been miserably
plundered, and the interested parties will find but a slender account
in the Admiralty. The Swallow was beaten down into Campeachy
Bay by a storm on August 18 last, in which it is feared that the
Griffin and Westergate have suffered, for they have not been heard
of since. Dispatched on 31st Jan. the Swallow under Capt. Ensome
to Cape Tuberon in Hispaniola, to capture the French pirate Moroe,
whose commission from Lord Windsor having expired, he has turned
pirate. The French Governor of Tortugas has given commissions to
English privateers, but will deal with him after we have tried our
success against the Dutch. On 6th inst. about fourteen pirates
were tried and condemned to death, under the statute of Henry 8.
Acknowledges his letter of July 11, intimating his Majesty's satisfaction
with his endeavours ; also that of Nov. 12, which gave him
much contentment. May say that the care of the noble lords has
laid the foundation of their flourishing condition, and finding so
moderate a sense touching privateers and the great occasions his
Majesty might have for them, and having shown the law and force,
he began to change his copy, pardoned all the pirates but three who
he reprieved, and declared publicly that he would grant commissions
against the Dutch. Before night two commissions were taken
out, and all the rovers are plodding how to take Curaçao, and are
applying for commissions. Thinks all the privateers will come in
and take commissions against the Dutch. This direction comes in
a most fortunate hour. Sir Jas. Modyford or the writer's brother
Kendall will present him with a record out of the Admiralty,
showing Giles Lydcott's pretences to Don Ximenes de Bohorque's
estate, and what care has been taken that the effects may go to the
right owner. Has sent an account of the settlement of the Government
to the Lord Chancellor ; perhaps has been too tender in lessening
the profits of some patents, which he "thought not fit to be too
saucy with." Has set the naval office to inquire into free trade, and
desires some persons appointed to administer to him the oath as
the Act appoints. Thanks him for procuring allowance of the
passages he was engaged for. Hopes the good success of those that
came with him will invite such as can pay, but there are abundance
that cannot, who are freemen newly out of their times and would
prosper here very well ; many sugar works going on where they
might be hired, which was not the case in Sir Charles' time, whereby
they perished through want. Will do Capt. Langford all good
offices, but does not think well of his designs, and holds it much
more prudential to bring all the English down to Jamaica, and
wholly supplant the French, who have plundered a sloop, a Hamptonman,
and a New England ketch, and killed a man in cold blood, the
rest being forced to beg their lives on their knees. The proposal of the
noble lords, for freedom from customs of goods exported to Jamaica
from England and Ireland, is the one most especially for the good of
the island. The ill-governed soldiers have made sad havoc of the
cattle, killing them for their hides alone, which they sell for a bottle
of brandy, so that there are but 2,000 head on this island, upon most
excellent pastures which would feed a million. Is attempting a
trade for cattle at the South Keys of Cuba, and Col. Lynch, "in a
youthful bravery," intends to apply for a licence at Madrid, to purchase
2,000 or 3,000 ; this is a main point which he hopes Sec.
Bennet will set his heart upon. Thanks him for the resolutions
of the Jamaica Committee of 10 August, but wishes some way
might be found, seeing that coining is not thought reasonable, for a
true measure of things amongst them. Incloses papers from St.
Jago, concerning a prize ship condemned before the orders of restitution,
claimed by Sebastian Crespo, a mulatto. Incloses what he
thinks the best design in these parts for Sec. Bennet's consideration.
942. I. Record of the Admiralty of St. Jago de Vega (above referred
to) in reference to Lydcott's pretences to certain goods, which
are ordered to be detained by Sir Jas. Modyford and Kendall
until the King's pleasure be signified. 1666 (? 1664), Dec.
23. Together 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., Nos. 27, 27 I.]
Feb. 20.
943. Governor Sir Thos. Modyford to Sec. Sir H. Bennet. Extract
of the above letter. Concerning the alteration in his conduct
towards privateers in consideration of the receipt of Sec. Bennet's
letter of 12th Nov. and the great occasion his Majesty might have
for them. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 28.]
944. [Sir Thos. Modyford's] Proposition of a design for rooting
the Dutch out of the West Indies and increasing the settlements at
Jamaica. Places possessed by the Dutch in the West Indies, viz.,
Berbice, near Surinam, Barowma, near the river Orinoco, and the
island of Tobago, where there is good booty of cattle and negroes,
may be attained by Surinam and Barbadoes, or if as it is feared
that those places are too partial to them, easily by two small
frigates with 200 men. Next are the ships at Backstar trading
with the French Curaçao and the Goat Islands of Oruba and Banari ;
on the former are many small fortifications and many negroes
and Indian slaves, and but 150 whites, in all about 500 men.
From thence they should visit Alta Vela, Cape Tiberon, and Tortuga,
where are many English settled amongst the Dutch and
French buccaneers, who ought to be questioned for depredations
on the English, and as many as can be taken supplanted, and
brought to Jamaica ; especially the Governor of Tortuga and Monte
Christo, who having received a commission from Gen. D'Oyley, has
now turned rebel and grants commissions against the English. A
small charge, which the booty would pay for with interest, would
do all this, and make a clear board, leaving none but the English
and Spaniards ; for the Dutch at Curaçao join with the buccaneers,
and in a short time will make the passage to and from Jamaica
very difficult. Jamaica is contributing what she can to this work,
but it is difficult and tedious beating so far to windward, and not
a ship of countenance to go through with it. Advises that it be
speedily done from England, for the sake of good correspondence
with the Spaniards and safe trade ; lest all the indebted and discontented
English run away in sloops to these places, increase their
numbers, and perhaps in time, if not seasonably checked, overpower
us. With marginal notes by Sec. Bennet, who has also indorsed
it, Sir Thos. Modyford's proposition. The best design in those parts.
1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 29.]
Feb. 25.
945. Sec. Sir Wm. Morrice's answer to the New England petition
[see ante, No. 832]. The King has heard this petition read to him, and
has well weighed the expressions therein and the temper and spirit
of those who framed it : he is not pleased with it, and looks upon
it as the contrivance of a few persons who have had too long
authority there. His Majesty's assurances to his good subjects
there are herein set forth, and that his Commissioners, so far from
having the least authority to infringe any clause in their charter,
are instructed to see that it be fully and punctually observed, for
which the King did expect thanks and acknowledgment. Arguments
against the unreasonable and groundless complaint contained
in their petition. "If all they allege be true, I say his Majesty
cannot comprehend how he could apply proper remedies to these
evils if they are real, or how he could satisfy himself whether they
are real or no by any other way or means than by sending Commissioners
thither to examine the truth," which when done his
Majesty will give his own final judgment. These Commissioners
have already removed their late inconvenient neighbours the Dutch,
"which would have been a more spreading and growing mischief
in a short time." Is commanded again to assure them of their
full and peaceable enjoyment of all their privileges and liberties
granted by charter, and that they may further promise themselves
all the protection, countenance, and encouragement that the best
subjects ever received from the most gracious Prince, in return for
which the King doth only expect that duty and cheerful obedience
which is due to him. Since his Majesty hath too much reason to
suspect that Mr. Endecott, who hath during all the late revolutions
continued the government there, is not a person well affected to his
Majesty's person or his Government, his Majesty will take it very
well if at the next election any other person of good reputation be
chosen in the place, and that he may no longer exercise that charge.
Printed in New York Documents, III., 90, 91. 2 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XIX., No. 30.]
Feb. 25.
946. Entry of the preceding. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II.,
Vol. XIV., p. 83.]
[Feb. 28.]
947. Report of the Farmers of his Majesty's Customs to the Committee
of Council for Foreign Plantations. Have considered their
order of 25th inst. and the petitions therein mentioned, and conceive
that the best expedient for carrying on the trade of this kingdom
during the war, in relation to the Act of Navigation, is as follows,
vizt., as to the trade of the English Plantations, several of the chief
traders concur with them, 1. That for Virginia there is no urgent
necessity as yet to bring it into this strict consideration, for there
will not be any occasion to send ships for next year's crop till
October, and for this year's there are ships already there ; 2. And as
for the other Plantations, the trade thereof may be reduced to an advantageous
certainty of times, as well as that of Virginia, wherein if
anything be proposed by his Majesty's authority, they perceive a great
readiness in the merchants to comply with the overture. However,
they are of opinion that the Act of Navigation ought not to be dispensed
withall to any of those plantation trades, for the reasons that
it will give the French and other foreigners too much inspection into
the English trade, who have already begun to inquire very busily,
and have lately imitated the English in planting tobacco in France,
besides the prosecution of their own Plantations in the West Indies.
2. The Plantations being weak, it may be unsafe to give the French
and other nations freedom thither, for upon any occasion of advantage
they may join with the Dutch (our declared enemy) to overpower
the English. 3. If it be supposed that this toleration of
strangers to trade to the Plantations will drive the trade with foreign
hands, and so leave his Majesty the use of his own mariners, they
are of opinion that it will rather tempt our mariners to shift themselves
into France, where they will be sooner entertained than others,
and receive greater encouragement. 4. It will be a dishonour to the
English that their own ships should lie by the walls and foreigners
employed. 5. That giving such liberty to foreigners will not
reach the end aimed at, namely, the security of English goods ; for
experience teaches us that the commodities being so universally
known, the Dutch have made seizure of them in any ships whatsoever.
As to the trade with Spain, Portugal, the Straits, Asia, and
Africa, they conceive that neither the French nor any other nation
are in any capacity to accommodate the English with ships, but it
must be secured by the merchants themselves. But as to the petition
of the merchants into France, Holland, Flanders, &c. for a dispensation
of the Act of Navigation during this war, who allege that they
cannot with security trade in English ships or in Englishmen's names,
but may very aptly be served with the vessels and correspondents of
neighbour nations, the Farmers of his Majesty's Customs think that
a dispensation may be given them and others trading to Germany and
the Baltic as to all parts of the Navigation Act, except that of aliens'
duties, wherein his Majesty ought not to be a loser. As to the petition
of Peter Barr, subscribed by several felt-makers and silk dyers, for
liberty to import a parcel of gum seneca ; are satisfied of its usefulness
in the manufacture of hats and dyeing, that it is the produce of
the French Plantations on the river Seneca, in Africa, and that it is
advanced to three times the former price, and conceive there may be
much equity in granting a dispensation common to others as well as
the petitioner. Touching the petition of Nic. Wilde, merchant, desiring
liberty to import certain Persia goats' hair, red wool, and hemp ;
conceive that hemp is so useful that it may well be dispensed with
to be brought from any parts, but for the hair and wool (being com
modities of America and the Straits) are not satisfied of any cause to
dispense with the Act. Signed, Sir Jo. Wolstenholme, Sir Jo. Jacob,
Sir Ni. Crisp, Sir J. Harrison, and Sir John Shaw. Indorsed Presented
to the Committee of Council at Somerset House, 28 Feby.,
1664-5." 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 31.]