899. Answer of the General Court of the Massachusetts Colony
to the petition of Ferdinando Gorges and several others of the Province
of Maine and Laconia, complaining of them for seizing their
lands and subverting their ancient government, they refusing to take
the engagement to be true to the Commonwealth without King and
House of Lords, whereas the petitioners had, in obedience to Acts
of Parliament, 1648, as they call them, taken it and advised the
honourable State of it. In the beginning of their great undertaking
the Massachusetts was hindered from laying claim to the utmost
extent of their limits, especially to the northward, yet they never set
up their bounds three miles east of Merrimack as the petition mentions,
but have always asserted the same limits they now claim.
Patents of tracts of land within the limits granted to the Massachusetts
procured by several persons. Action of the inhabitants of
Piscataqua and their desire to be governed by the Massachusetts,
which accordingly was done, and so have they continued in peace.
All just possessions and empowerments shall be confirmed to the
true Proprietors, as with the rest of the inhabitants that have
been under their government from the beginning. Several scattered
inhabitants who live more easterly have offered themselves to the
Massachusetts, who are slow to accept them, because without their
limits, Winthrop, Dudley, and others, long since before their limits
were exactly known, seemed to own those for distinctive governments,
which in truth were none, but included in the Massachusetts,
as on the running of their line appeared. It is desired that they
may have notice of any complaints relating to bounds before any
determination be made in the case. 3 pp. Two copies. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XIX., Nos. 1, 2.]
[Jan. 1.]
900. Petition of Sir Robert Yeamans, Knt., to the Committee of
the Privy Council for the affairs of the Admiralty and Navy. That
in the absence of the Duke of York, petitioner applied for license
and protection of the Great Charles, of Bristol, with 30 mariners,
bound to Barbadoes, which was granted. Said ship was thereupon
prepared for that voyage ; but before this could be perfected the
present embargo came out. Prays for license to proceed on his
voyage, and for protection for his mariners. Indorsed, 1 Jan. 1664-5.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 3.]
901. Petition of Christopher Cary and Company to same Committee.
Had prepared the Walsingham, Edward Gibbs, master, with
25 men, to carry commodities to Barbadoes much wanting there,
hoping to proceed notwithstanding the embargo. Prays for license
to proceed and for protection. Indorsed, Jany. 1664-5. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 4.]
Jan. 2.
902. Petition of the Royal African Company to the King. Having
been established two years ago, raised a joint stock of 120,000l., and
sent abroad 158,000l. worth of manufactures in English ships ; have
increased the stock and taken up money on credit ; present effects now
worth 273,807l. 2s. 6d. ; but the Dutch under De Ruyter have
already taken 50,000l., and further loss of 125,912l. now on the
coast of Africa is possible ; hence the Company's credit is falling.
Pray therefore that Major Holmes' Dutch prizes may be made over
to them, seeing that De Ruyter declares his acts have been done in
compensation for losses inflicted by Holmes ; also that some way or
means may be found to support this Royal Company, their trade
being of more public honour, interest, and advantage than any other
experimented in any part of the world, for they constantly employ
above 100 sail of good ships yearly, and return at least two to three
hundred thousand pounds in gold per annum to the Mint, in lieu of
English and naturalized East Indian commodities for the most part,
and moreover supply the American Plantations with negro servants ;
if the Company cannot continue to do this, the Plantations will either
be useless or must take their slaves from the Dutch, which will utterly
divert English shipping from those parts. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CX.,
No. 10, Cal., p. 159.]
903. Brief narrative of the trade and present condition of the
Royal African Company. Since their incorporation on 20 Jan. 1663
they have liberally supplied the whole coast from Gambia to Cape
Lopez with goods, value 158,000l., which was more than their predecessors
sent out in five years, and have procured so much respect
of all the negro kings and people, that notwithstanding the machinations
of the Hollanders, they have settled, by consent of the
natives, in one year these factories, and fortified most of them ; on
the north coast, at Poriadally, Goally, Trevisco, Gambia, Rio Nunes,
Rio Grande, Sierra Leon, Cerborow, Cestos, and other adjacent parts
on the Gold Coast, from whence they may expect a yearly return to
the value of 100,000l. in elephants' teeth, wax, hides, dyeing wood,
Guinea grain, and other very useful commodities ; and on the Gold
Coast and this side the Bight, at Anashan, Anta, Cantoucory,
Cormantin, Cape Corso, Wyamba, Acra, Ardra, and Benin, from
which they might have expected, if they had not been disturbed by
the Ruyter, to the value of 200,000l. in gold, and above 100,000l. in
servants for the Plantations. Besides a trade at Old and New
Calabar, which would have supplied a contract they have with the
Spaniards for 3,500 negroes yearly, that will bring into this kingdom
86,000l. in Spanish silver per annum. The whole trade would produce
greater profit than any other managed by his Majesty's subjects ;
which induced them to enlarge their stock from 17,000l. to
120,000l., and take up 100,000l. on credit ; which they might infallibly
have stood clear in had not the Ruyter gone in revenge of
what was done by Major Holmes, and found so easy a conquest
at Goree Island. But now their credit is extinct, their stock being
in Africa, and they throw themselves at his Majesty's feet, not
doubting he will provide for their support in asserting a commerce
so profitable and necessary for his dominions. Indorsed by Williamson,
Guinea Comp., 1664-5. 2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 5.
A copy is also in Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CX., No. 11, Cal., p. 160.]
Jan. 7.
904. Articles of agreement between the Lords Proprietors of
Carolina and Major William Yeamans of Barbadoes for and on
behalf of Sir John Yeamans, his father, Col. Edmund Reade, Symon
Lambert, Nicholas Edwards, Robert Gibbs, Samuel Tidcombe, Henry
Milles, Thos. Lake, Thos. Maycocke, John Somerhayes, Bartholomew
Rees, John Gibbs, Basil Gibbs, John Dickenson, Thos. Gibbs, Ben.
Rees, Miles Scottow, Nath. Meavericke, Barth. Rees, junr., John
Arthur, Sam. Smith, Thos. Partrige, John Walice, John Brent, John
Godfrey, Geo. Thompson, Robt. Williams, Law. Halsted, Wm. Burges,
John Tothill, James Thorpe, Robt. Tothill, Wm. Forster, Thos. Merricke,
John Merricke, Geo. Phillips, Edw. Jacob, Robt. Hackett, Benj.
Waddon, Robt. Johnston, Thos. Dickes, Thos. Clutterbooke, John
Forster, Wm. Sharpe, John Ham, John Start, Mathew Grey, John
Kerie, Richard Baily, Edward Thorneburgh, Thos. Liston, Anthony
Long, Thos. Norvill, Giles Hall, Jas. Norvill, Wm. Woodehouse,
Jacob Scantlebury, Sam. Lambart, John Forster, Wm. Byrdall, Rich.
Barrett, Edward Yeamans, John Killicott, Isaac Lovell, Thos. Clarke,
John Woodes, John Bellomy, John Greenesmith, Robt. Brevitir,
Thos. Dowden, Nic. Browne, John Wilson, Robt. Sinckler, Thos.
Perkins, Jas. Thorpe, Robt. Richardes, Benj. Hadlut, Christopher
Goupher, Jas. Walter, Jas. Hayden, senr., Wm. Birdall, Mordecai
Bouden, junr., George Nore, Hump. Waterman, and himself, adventurers
to and settlers of some part of the Province aforesaid, and
of all others that shall adventure, settle, and plant there. Whereas
Major William Yeamans is employed to the said Lords Proprietors
by the persons above mentioned as their agent to treat and agree
upon in relation to the settlement of Carolina. It is hereby agreed
that said Lords Proprietors, their heirs and assigns, perform all the
concessions and agreements hereto annexed, containing the manner of
government, with the immunities and privileges granted to all who shall
plant or are already planted in the respective counties or colonies in
the said Province of Carolina. Said Lords Proprietors further covenant
to have shipped before 1st Feb. next 12 pieces of ordnance, with
ammunition, &c., for arming and providing a fort to be erected
near Port Royal. Also to grant to every adventurer of Barbadoes
and their associates of England, New England, the Leeward Islands,
and Barmothos five hundred acres of land for every thousand pounds
of sugar subscribed and paid within forty days after notice of this
in Barbadoes and other places to the Treasurers appointed by said
adventurers, said grant of land to be taken up and settled within
five years after the date hereof, and payment to be made of ½d.
per acre yearly. Also to make further grants of one hundred and
fifty acres to every one that will sail with Col. John Yeamans in
the first fleet to Carolina. Maj. Wm. Yeamans covenants on behalf
of his father, Sir John Yeamans, and of Col. Edmund Reade and
all the adventurers before named, to perform all the particulars in
said concessions and agreement hereto annexed, and to provide
before 30th Sept. next two ships of 120 tons each, with ordnance,
&c. for the transportation of such persons as cannot pay their own
passage to the southward of Cape Romania, there to settle and
plant and erect a fort with the artillery sent by said Lords Proprietors
for the retreat and preservation of the first settlers and
of those that shall follow. In witness whereof, Major Wm. Yeamans
hath set his hand and seal [the seal wanting]. Annexed,
904. I. The Concessions and Agreement of the Lords Proprietors of
Carolina with the adventurers of Barbadoes and their associates
of England, New England, the Caribbee Islands, and
Bermudas to the Province of Carolina, and all that shall
plant there, in order to the settling and planting of the
county of Clarendon, the county of Albemarle, and the
county [blank], which latter is to be to the southward
or westward of Cape Romania, all within said Province.
These describe very fully the manner of government, the
powers of the Assembly, the law courts to be established,
and the officers, civil and military, to be appointed. Also
rules for the better security of the proprieties of all the
inhabitants, for the more speedily promoting the planting
of the counties aforesaid, and that the lands may be the
more regularly laid out and all persons the better ascertained
of their titles and possessions. Indorsed, "Sealed
and delivered in the presence of us, Jo. Peryn and Tho.
Walker." Together 4 skins of parchment. [Shaftesbury
Papers, Section IX., No. 3.]
Jan. 7.
905. Mem. of agreement between the Lords Proprietors of Carolina.
That the part about to be settled to the southward and westward
of Cape Romania be a distinct government from the county of
Clarendon, which is under the government of Sir John Yeamans,
and that there be a distinct Deputy Governor for the present ; that
it be called the county of Craven ; and that as soon as it shall be conveniently
settled there be a distinct Governor commissionated to
govern there. ¼ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX., p. 22.]
906. Mem, To speak to one of the Secretaries to procure the
King's warrant to the Commissioners of Ordnance for issuing 12 iron
guns, which his Majesty has granted to the Lord Chancellor, Lord
General, and others for Carolina. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX.,
No. 6.]
Jan. 7.
907. Order of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Sir Jno.
Colleton. To ship 12 pieces of ordnance given by the King, for Barbadoes ;
and to cause carriages, bullets, shot, ladles, sponges, matches, &c.
to be provided for said ordnance, with 20 barrels of powder and 200
muskets, with lead bullets, shot, match, and bandaliers. ½ p. [Col.
Entry Bk., No. XX., p. 20.]
Jan. 7.
908. The Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Mr. Drummond. Their
last was by Peter Carteret, accompanying his commission and instructions
for the Government of the county of Albemarle, which they
confined to 40 miles square or 40 square miles, which should have
been 1,600 square miles, of which he is to take notice and bound the
county accordingly. If it be not enough to comprehend all the
Plantations already under that Government, they can soon enlarge
the bounds if there be reason for it. ¼ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX.,
p. 22.]
Jan. 7.
909. Certificate by eight of the crew of the Mary Fortune of
Bristol. On December 6 three Quakers were brought to their ship
for transportation, but they durst not carry away innocent persons,
who walk in the fear of the Lord ; are persuaded the King does not
wish to make void the Act that Englishmen shall not be carried
abroad without their consents ; moreover, these men are bound by
no indenture or agreement for their passage ; and there is a law in
Barbadoes that whosoever brings thither any persons against their
wills, and not being bound by indenture, shall be liable to such
penalties as the law may inflict, and also shall be forced to bring
them back to their habitations ; have therefore put these men on
shore again. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CX., No. 42, Cal., p. 164.]
Jan. 9.
910. Warrant to the Attorney-General. [To prepare a bill to pass
the Great Seal] authorising the Duke of York, High Admiral of
England, Virginia, &c., to grant commissions to the Governors, Vice-Admirals,
and others of his Majesty's Foreign Plantations as to him
shall seem meet, empowering them to grant letters of marque for
apprehending and seizing ships and goods belonging to the States
General of the United Provinces or their subjects, and bring them to
judgment according to the laws of nations, and the same being condemned
to dispose of them as in such case has been accustomed.
With proviso for security as is usual in such cases. 1 p. [Dom. Entry
Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XVI., pp. 319, 320.]
Jan. 11.
911. The Lords Proprietors of Carolina Commission to Sir Jno.
Yeamans. Appointing him during pleasure Governor of their county
of Clarendon, near Cape Fair, and of all that tract southerly as far as
the river St. Matthias, and west as far as the South Seas, with
power to appoint 12 able men at most, and six at least, to be of his
Council, unless the Lords Proprietors have before made choice of all
or any of them ; he is also appointed Lieut.-General of all forces to
be raised in said county. ¾ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX., p. 18.]
Jan. 11.
912. The Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Sir Jno. Yeamans.
Having received a good character of his abilities and loyalty from
Sir Jno. Colleton, with an assurance that he will vigorously attempt
the settling of a colony to the southward of Cape Romania, they have
prevailed with his Majesty to confer the honour of a knight baronet
upon him and his heirs, and by their commission which goes by his
son, have made him their Lieut.-General and Governor of that part
of Carolina. In their agreement with his son they have endeavoured
to comprehend all interests, especially that of New England, whence
the greatest stock of people will in probability come ; wherefore they
advise him to contrive all means to get those people to join with
him, so keeping those in the King's dominions that either cannot or
will not submit to the Government of the Church of England. As
for the 6,000 acres by him desired, they oblige themselves to grant
the same, to be by him taken to the southward or westward of Cape
Romania, but to avoid coming too near the home lots, the whole to
be taken up and bounded within three years, and he paying one
halfpenny per acre yearly, from March 25, 1670 ; 1,500 acres is
likewise granted to his friend Capt. Will. Merricke, upon the same
terms. Wish him good success in his intended voyage and undertakings.
¾ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX., pp. 21, 22.]
913. Commission from the Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Sir
Jno. Yeamans, Governor of the County of Clarendon, &c., and his
Council. To convey lands with the same conditions and limitations
as the Lords Proprietors by their Concessions under their great seal,
are obliged to grant to the adventurers of Barbadoes and their
associates of England, New England, Carribia Islands, and Barmothos,
and as they shall be directed from time to time, reserving one halfpenny
per acre yearly, from 25th March 1670. With power to do
all acts which the Lords Proprietors themselves might do, relating
to the Government, provided no law be in force longer than one
year and a half, and be transmitted to the Lords Proprietors within
one year for their assent. Also with power to the Governor and
Council to appoint persons to supply their places until the Lords
Proprietors' pleasure be signified. 1½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX.,
pp. 19-20.]
Jan. 11.
914. The Lords Proprietors of Carolina to (the Barbadoes adventurers).
Have received their letters of August 29th and October 8th,
by Major Wm. Yeamans, who has made known their desires touching
their settlement in Carolina, and his own power to treat with the
Lords Proprietors concerning the same. By his ingenuity he has
prevailed with them to grant more than several people would have
accepted ; of which they no ways repent considering their forwardness
to settle near Cape Fair, and resolution to make another settlement
to the southward or westward of Cape Romania. There is
nothing that may be fit for the Lords Proprietors to grant, or to
obtain for them from his Majesty, but they will do the one and
endeavour the other as soon as they understand that the adventurers
have begum the southernmost settlement. ½ p. [Col. Entry Bk.,
No. XX., p. 21.]
[Jan. 11.]
915. Petition of Merchants and Owners of ships trading to
Virginia to the King. Many vessels having gone to Virginia with
goods and servants for supply of the Plantations, ill supplied with
seamen by reason of his Majesty's great occasion for seamen. Pray
that letters may be sent to the Governor of Virginia by the Elizabeth
and Mary to cause all ships within the capes of Virginia to come
thence in company for their better security from Dutch men-of-war.
Indorsed, "To be reported in Council, 11th January 1664 ; Ordered,
January 11th 1664 (5)." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX, No. 7.]
Jan. 12.
916. Capt. John Taylor to the Navy Commissioners. In obedience
to their instructions has written to New England and made inquiries
about the tar of that country ; tenders a sample of that tar, which
is offered for contract. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. CX., No. 67, Cal.,
p. 168.]
Jan. 16.
Capt. Breedon's
house in Boston.
917. George Cartwright to Sec. Sir Henry Bennet. Is heartily
sorry he cannot give a further account of the King's affairs here
than what Capt. Hugh Hyde has received from Col. Nicolls. Since
all the plantations of the Dutch and Swedes on the South river
were reduced in Oct. last to the King's obedience, Mavericke and
the writer have had nothing to do but visit the English colonies,
but they cannot act without a third man, though each single may
act with Col. Nicolls, but he is detained at New York with the
affairs of his Government, and Sir Robt. Carre cannot be persuaded
to leave Delaware as yet. If they should not be spared from their
Governments next spring (which he fears they cannot) they will be
in a great strait. They will soon have spent what little the King
allowed them, and the writer has neither credit in New England
to take up money nor an estate in England to pay it with. It is
more probable the Dutch will attempt to regain the places taken
from them in the spring rather than this winter. Their greatest
work lies in this jurisdiction, which is 300 miles from New York,
and Delaware above 100 miles beyond that. Printed in New York
Documents, III., 83. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 8.]
Jan. 25.
Capt. Breedon's
[house in
918. George Cartwright to [Col. Nicolls]. Has delivered his
letters to George Tyte, master of the Success, who is this day gone
to Nantasquet. Capt. Breedon has sent him letters brought by
Winder and Capt. Scarlet from England. None of the pilots who
went with them to the Manhatans are paid, but has paid 10l. to Coles,
who came from Piscataqua with Capt. Hill, having lately lost his
vessel in a storm. Hears Major-Gen. Leveret has received 34l. from
the country for his charges in entertaining Nicolls at Boston, and the
country is made to believe that they have been put to 300l. charges
already, and that the Commissioners intend to exact 12d. for every
acre of land and 3,000l. a year besides, and to abridge them of their
greatest privileges, as liberty of conscience and many such. They
have admitted for freemen three or four men who are not members
of their church, that by it they might evade the King's letter in that
point. Their underhand dealing to get petitions made to themselves
for maintaining the government as it is at present established and
their private soliciting for voices against the next election, give him
just cause to be jealous of their loyalty. But till Nicolls or Sir Robt.
Carre come here nothing can be done. Has written to Rhode
Island, on petition of Capt. Hudson and others, who lay claim to
land in the Narragansetts and have set up a house, which they of
Rhode Island pulled down ; if not determined by the spring it is
thought much blood might be spilt. Hopes he will come to Rhode
Island as early as the season will permit, that they dispatch their
business and be here in convenient time before the General Assembly,
when they may go to the Eastern parts to determine the limits of
those patents. Nicolls may be better spared from New York before
May than after, as any designs of the Dutch cannot be expected
before then. Certain news that the Indians upon Nantucket have
murdered and pillaged the sailors belonging to a bark driven by
a storm upon that island. Printed in New York Documents, III.,
84, 85. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 9.]
Jan. 27.
919. Robt. Southwell to Sec. Bennet. Commissioners for Prizes
want commissions for Mr. Read and Capt. Taylor for prize goods in
the Caribbee Islands, also blank commissions to be sent to Sir Thos.
Modyford, Sir Wm. Berkeley, the Commissioners of New England,
and Sir Thos. Temple, each to appoint a fit man for that work in
their respective places. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. III., No. 49, Cal.,
p. 180.]
Jan. 28.
920. The King to Col. Richard Nicolls and the rest of the Commissioners
for New England. Because of the indignities, spoils, and
affronts of the Dutch and their notorious proceedings on the coast of
Guinea, De Ruyter being sent thither with 12 ships of war to destroy
all the King's interest in those parts, and his Majesty having cause to
suspect, on his return to invade all the English shipping he can
meet with and assault his Plantations in New England and other
colonies, they are required to take care of the forts and defences,
and empowered to do what is necessary for the safety of the islands
and navigation of English merchants. They are to observe all
orders and directions from the Duke of York, Lord Admiral, who
has been commissioned to grant letters of marque and general
reprisal against the ships, goods, and subjects of the States of the
United Provinces. Copies of this letter to be sent to the Governors
of all the Foreign Plantation. Signed by the King and countersigned
by Sec. Bennet. Printed in New York Documents, III.,
85, 86. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 10.]
Jan. 30.
Capt. Breedon's
in Boston].
921. George Cartwright to Col. Nicolls. Has written to desire
him to meet them at Rhode Island as early as he can travel. Mr.
Archdale has been here with the King's letter requiring these
gentlemen to deliver up the Government of the Province of Maine
into Archdale's hands, or to show cause to the contrary ; they
have refused and he has protested against them and appealed to
the King's Commissioners ; they will not submit to their peculiar
patent, but will adhere to the government of this jurisdiction. A
messenger may be here from Rhode Island in two days. Maverick
is now at Char[lestown?]. "To-morrow is a court here at which
Mr. Winder hath a great trial, who pretends he and his partners
were palpably cheated by some churchwardens of 400l. five years
ago, which he undertakes to prove, and another man who lays an
action of 500l. against his father-in-law for detaining his wife from
him. The wife complained to her father that her husband was insufficient,
the father being a member, acquainted the church with it,
and they the magistrates, who sent three several doctors to make
inspection ; they all have carefully taken the dimensions, and are to
be witnesses to-morrow ; by the next I may tell you what justice
they have done against the church members, for this messenger will
not stay till the court be ended. It will be worth the knowing
what or how much is necessary for a holy sister." Hears Col. Serles
is to be made a member and a magistrate ; it is certain that they
have agreed that the members upon their admission must make no
more public confessions in their meeting houses but in private, and
they say the order was made in relation to him. A gentleman at
Piscataqua, Mr. Champernowne, passionately in love with Mrs.
Katharine, and desires to commit matrimony with her. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 11.]
922. Petition of several of the King's subjects in the city of
Bristol, trading to Virginia, to the King. Five rich and considerable
ships belonging to them laden with Virginia tobacco have been
taken by Dutch capers on their homeward voyage. Petitioners paid
a tax of 2s. 3d. per hogshead of tobacco imposed by the Governor of
Virginia for the fortification of the country, for which they have
given bills of exchange amounting to near 400l. sterling. Pray for
release of said bills, or leave to export the like quantity of tobacco
duty free, and further that said imposed tax may be employed to
the right use, for at present there is no port to preserve ships
against a single man-of-war of 30 guns. Names of the ships taken.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No. 12.]
923. Petition of Thos. Pittman, Thos. Grigge, Mark Jarvis, John
Lovicke and Company, owners of the Recovery, to the Duke of York
and Commissioners of the Admiralty. The Recovery has been
lying at Gravesend above five weeks ready to sail for Virginia, with
a special packet from the King and Council to Gov. Berkeley and
near 40 passengers, her sole outward freight "persons utterly useless
to this kingdom, but rather destructive in their idle course of
life, whereunto they would most willingly return upon any advantage
given them of escape." Pray for a special order for
taking off the embargo upon said ship. Signed by petitioners.
Indorsed, January 1664(-5). 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIX., No.