Dec. 2.
593. Edward Bond, John Foster, and John Bayles to
The occasion of these lines is to signify to him a passage of some
Dutchmen in the late voyage of the writers. Having been invited
by the Raritane Indians to purchase their land, they went forth
about 20 from several towns, and purchased a tract to their liking.
But the Governor of Minadoes (Manhattan) sent forth a man-of-war
to take them, but getting the weather gauge of them, the Dutch
returned into the river. Next day the Dutch made after them
again, but running their vessel aground, landed their soldiers and
marched to them. The Dutch called them many base names,
charging them to depart, saying they should not purchase any
land of the Indians, but if they would submit to their Government
the Governor would purchase the land and give it to them. Told
them they would purchase the land, as they were Englishmen ; so
at that time the Dutch departed, but as soon as their vessel was
afloat pursued them again. So considering they were like to be
assaulted again, the Dutch having four guns and full of soldiers, and
not knowing who would bear them out if taken, for the Indians told
their interpreter the Dutch persuaded them to kill the English and
bury them in the sand, but the Indians received them very
courteously, and promised to maintain their purchase, so in the
night they got out of the river as quietly as they could. Now
understanding his expert knowledge in all affairs of this kind, and
tender affection towards his countrymen, they desire his counsel
how to act, esteeming their lives not dear for the defence of his
Majesty's just and real right, if called thereto. 2 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XVII., No. 97.]
Dec. 2.
594. Petition of officers and mariners late of H.M.S. Diamond.
On February 21st, petitioners seized a Flemish ship in Jamaica
harbour, which with her apparel and furniture, negroes, and other
goods and lading amounted to a good value, and was condemned as
prize by General D'Oyley ; pray that they may receive a proportion
thereof. Indorsed with an order recommending the Duke of York
to grant the petition. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LXXXV., No. 12,
Cal., p. 361.]
Dec. 4.
595. The Privy Council to the Mayor of Dartmouth. Require him
to enforce the King's order of January 26, 1661, prohibiting the transportation
to Newfoundland of any but such as are of ship's companies,
or are to plant and intend to settle there, see ante, No. 7.
[Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LXXXV., No. 30, Cal. p. 364.]
Dec. 7.
596. Secretary Sir Henry Bennet, to the Earl of Southampton,
Lord Treasurer. His Majesty having put all things relating to the
despatch for Jamaica into a way, commands him to signify his
Majesty's desire that 3,000l. be presently found according to the
assignations to that service, that the ship being ready, which his
Royal Highness promises shall be in its time, there may be no stay
for money. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 98.]
Dec. 7.
597. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. On complaint
of the Farmers of Customs of the great abuses practised by the
planters of and traders to Virginia, New England, Maryland, Long
Island, &c., in carrying great quantities of tobacco to the Dutch
plantations contiguous, the customs of which would amount to
10,000l. per annum ; ordered that letters be prepared to the several
Governors of those Plantations with instructions for the reformation
of those abuses. Printed in New York Documents, III., 47.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, pp. 53, 54.]
598. Petition of Col. Godfrey Ashbey, Major John Harrington,
and Capt. Tho. Gladstone to the King. In June last was 12 months
in the 14th year of his Majesty's reign, a Dutch merchant ship came
into Cagway Road, freighted with negroes, which Col. D'Oyley, then
Governor, bought contrary to the Act of Prohibition of Trade with
Foreigners, and when Capt. Whiting of H.M. ship Diamond seized
them for his Majesty's use, D'Oyley made retrival of them and
sold 40 of them to Major John Coape, and the rest to Spaniards.
Pray his Majesty to bestow these 40 negroes upon petitioners, who
have always served his Royal father and himself in the wars and
are now in want. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 99.]
Dec. 8.
599. The King to Edward D'Oyley. Whereas there was seizure
made in 1661 by H.M.S. Diamond of a Flemish vessel in the
harbour of Jamaica called the Martin Van Rosen, of Middleburgh,
whereof Leonard Johnson was master, which vessel and her lading
being condemned as lawful prize, one moiety thereof belonged by
virtue of a late Act of Parliament to the officers and mariners of the
Diamond who seized her, his Majesty requires him to give a speedy
satisfaction to them for said moiety. Signed by the King and
countersigned bg Sec. Bennet. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII.,
No. 100.]
Dec. 8.
600. Copy of preceding letter, wherein the Flemish vessel is
called the St. Peter, Peter Johnson, master. 1 p. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Chas. II., Vol. X., pp. 123, 124.]
601. Memorial of Mr. Morgan to Sec. Bennet. That a commission
be provided for the benefit of his Majesty's service and a
proportionable entertainment. Convenient ship room for train,
baggage, and provisions, with advance of monies for equipage
necessary for so great a voyage. That means be provided for the
transport of carpenters, masons, and other artificers, without whom no
fortifications can be made, with materials and ammunition of all sorts.
Also a secretary, a minister with his chaplain ; has one fit for that
service, being his son's tutor, and a good linguist. That time be allowed
for business after the receipt of monies before embarkation. That
scope be given in his instructions to do his Majesty the best service
for he has had 40 years' experience, and was commissioned for
Colonel General of South Wales by his Majesty in 1649, which he
hopes will secure him from having others put over his head, though
from respect to his Majesty's service, he submitted to go with Lord
Marlborough. That if he can spare monies, he should like something
more a year, and something to a substitute, to the major, and
all the business can be as well done as with three chief officers.
Knows a Brabanter who has Spanish, French, and some English,
and served eight years as major with Prince Maurice of Nassau in
Brazil, and since as Colonel in Danish and Venetian service, who
understands service in hot climates. That as his Majesty has promised
to speak to the Lord Treasurer about memoralist's pension
and arrears, amounting to 600l., he will draw up an order for the
same, and also pass by the infirmities of a rude and illiterate pen,
for his mind is right and just. Indorsed, Mr. Morgan's desires
going Lieut. Governor to Jamaica. Col. Morgan's Commission to
be Deputy Governor of Jamaica is dated 18th January 1664, see
No. 640. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 101.]
Dec. 11.
602. Warrant for Privy Seal of 3,000l. to be paid to Edw.
Morgan ... for his Majesty's service for Jamaica. ¼ p.
[Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XV., p. 275.]
Dec. 14.
New England.
603. Jo. Scott to Joseph Williamson. The English on the
west end of Long Island on the main adjacent, for many years
having been enslaved by the Dutch, their cruel and rapacious neighbours,
have at last asserted the King's interest to his just rights in
themselves, though to their utter ruin, had not the gentlemen of
Connecticut stept in and demonstrated themselves a people jealous
of his Majesty's concerns then lying at the stake. Knowing this
service may be blasted by wrong measure from the Dutch agent
or his emissaries without some care, he does in behalf of the gentlemen
relieving and persons in distress, beseech Williamson to caveat
any address being fully heard until some person commissioned from
New England be there to confront the Dutch or their complices.
Begs he will communicate this business to Sir George Cartwright,
with inclosed letter from a Committee of said relieved subjects of
his Majesty. His service to [Thos.] Chiffinch. Printed in New
York Documents, III., 47, 48. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII.,
No. 102.]
Dec. 15.
Point Cagua.
604. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica Ordered that rules
be drawn up for the Assembly, by Lt.-Coll. Lynch, Capt. John Man,
and Sec. Povey. That Capt. Man and Sec. Povey sell the lead, iron,
and other stores, for continuing the building of Fort Charles. That
Col. Barry bring in a list of his regiment, of how many Frenchmen
and their arms. That Mr. Johnson's petition for a debt be examined.
½ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 37, p. 23.]
Dec. 16.
605. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. On consideration
of the abuses complained of by the Farmers of the Customs,
touching the selling of tobacco to the Dutch Plantation and thereby
defrauding his Majesty's revenue, ordered that said farmers, who
propose to send officers to the Plantations complained of, for preventing
said abuses in future, be desired to draw up a model or form
of what they propose and how they would have the assistance of
the respective Governors. Printed in New York Documents, III.,
48, 49. ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 54.]
Dec. 18.
606. John Allen to [the Sec. of the Royal African Co.?] In Nov.
1662, Francis Selwyn and Thomas Allen went factors for the Royal
Company for Cormantin upon the coast of Guinea. Some members
of the Company have taken a prejudice against them through a
report that they are private traders. The Committee are now
ordering seven persons at Cormantin monthly to take turns to be
chief, but Thomas Allen, who went with the first, notwithstanding
there is nothing upon record against him, is left out. Begs that
he may have preferment, according to the time of his going over,
having been bred 10 years a merchant beyond sea, and very able
to do business. Indorsed, Octob. (sic) 18, 1663. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XVII., No. 103.]
Dec. 18.
607. Pass for Mr. Reid to transport 100 horses to Barbadoes.
¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XV., p. 279.]
Dec. 19.
608. Nath. Cale to Williamson. Imprisoned Wylde for complicity
in the plot to surprise Bristol, and drew a confession from him.
Wylde was prisoner six months, and is now gone to Virginia. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. LXXXVI., No. 20, Cal., p. 381.]
609. Mem. of Despatches necessary for the St. John Baptist,
Capt., viz., an order from the King to the Governors of
Jamaica, Barbadoes, and other places, of safe conduct for said ship
with her lading and negroes, and for Giles Lytcott or any other
merchants that shall go upon her ; also a similar order to commanders
of the King's ships, a pass from the Duke of York, and the
Company's orders to their factors for delivery of the negroes. Indorsed
by Williamson, "Sir Martin Noell." 1¼ pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XVII., No. 104.]
610. The King's warrant to the Governors of Barbadoes and
Jamaica, and all officers by sea and land, of safe conduct for the
St. Jean Baptist to carry negroes to the Spanish Indies and bring
back money and merchandise from thence to pay for same, the
Royal African Company having agreed to carry down a parcel of
negroes they have sold to Don Domingo Grillo and Don Ambrosio
Lomelin, of Madrid, upon which ship Giles Lytcott goes principal
factor on behalf of said Company. Draft with corrections by Williamson.
1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 105.]
Dec. 22.
611. The King to Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes, and
all his Majesty's officers by sea and land. Blank form of pass for a
ship to sail from a port in Spain to Tangiers and Barbadoes, there to
lade negroes delivered by factors of the Royal African Company, and
to sail to any port of the Spanish dominions in America. Signed by
the King and countersigned by Sir H. Bennet. Two copies. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., Nos. 106, 107.]
Dec. 22?
612. Copy of preceding, unsigned and undated. [Col. Papers
Vol. XVII., No. 108.]
Dec. 22.
613. Entry of the above. 1½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 93, pp.
47, 48.]
Dec. 22.
614. Warrant to pay 3,000l. to Edward Morgan, to be employed
for his Majesty's use in Jamaica. [Dom., Chas. II., Docquet.]
Dec. 24.
615. Warrant to Sir Ralph Freeman and Henry Slingsby, Master
and Worker of the Mint. To cause all gold and silver brought to
the Mint for the use of the Royal African Company to be coined
with a little elephant thereon, as a mark of distinction from the rest
of his Majesty's moneys, and an encouragement to the Company.
And to cause the pound troy of gold hereafter to be cut into 44
pieces and a half, the whole piece to pass for 20s. and the half for
10s., and so in proportion for other coins. 1 p. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Chas. II., Vol. XV., pp. 281, 282.]
Dec. 25.
616. An establishment allowed by his Majesty for the island of
Jamaica, beginning from 25 Dec. 1663. For the Governor, 1,000l. ;
Deputy Governor, 600l. ; Major, 400l. ; and for the officers and soldiers
who are to keep a fort for the security of ammunition, 500l.,
in all 2,500l. Signed by the King, Lord Treasurer Southampton,
Duke of Albemarle, and Sec. Lord Arlington. [Col. Entry Bk.,
No. XXVII., p. 35.]
Dec. 30.
617. Francis Lord Willoughby to Sec. Sir Henry Bennet. Requests
him to lay before the King certain papers concerning his
proceedings with the French Governor of Martinico, for his Majesty's
commands [see ante, Nos. 581, 582]. Has heard that the Duke of
York has granted to Col. Barwicke of Barbadoes his commission as
Vice-Admiral, which he can only conceive to be some mistake, or an
assumption on the part of Col. Barwicke, as the King's commission
created himself Vice-Admiral in those seas, with power to hold
courts of Admiralty. Will desist acting anything in relation thereunto
till he receive advice from Sir H. Bennet ; and has written to
the Duke of York praying for his commission and pardon for his
neglect in not asking for it before, in which and all other matters
he begs the Secretary's assistance. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII.,
No. 109.]
618. The Company of Royal Adventurers trading into Africa to
[the King]. Humbly represent that the trade of Africa is so necessary
to England that the very being of the Plantations depends
upon the supply of negro servants for their works. This trade was
at the time of his Majesty's restoration managed by particular
adventurers, who were so far from any possible design of having
forts or asserting the honour of the nation that they were a constant
prey to the Hollanders and were quite tired out of the trade by their
great and frequent losses, of which they brought in clear proofs to
the Court of Admiralty ; so if his Majesty had not established a
company the nation had probably by this time been quite driven
out of it. The Company under the special management of the Duke
of York sent out this last year above 160,000l. in cargoes, have
plentifully supplied the coast to the great satisfaction of the natives,
furnished all the Plantations with negro servants, set up new manufactures
at home and improved the old, vented a great many native
commodities, employed above 40 ships, and doubt not they shall
import very considerable quantities of gold and silver, as they have
already begun. They have built forts and factories in Africa and
repaired others, and have no European rivals but the Hollanders ;
but as to them, experience of the past gives just cause to apprehend
what is intended for the future. For as the annexed extracts of
letters prove, the Dutch have endeavoured to drive the English
Company from the coast, have followed their ships from port to port,
and hindered them coming nigh the shore to trade ; they have
persuaded the negroes to destroy their servants and to take their
forts, have seized their boats and goods, violently taken possession
of Cape Coast, and shot at his Majesty's Royal flag. To complete
the former indignities, one Valckenburgh, Director-General of the
West India Company in Africa, has sent a protest [see ante, No. 467]
to their factors, in which he challenges the whole trade of Guinea as
their propriety, by right of conquest from the Portuguese ; of which
having sought remedy by means of Sir George Downing [see No. 545]
the Company have received no satisfaction. In a word, notwithstanding
a stock so considerable, and the many good ships of force
and the land forces they have sent, had it not been for the countenance
of some of his Majesty's ships, to give the Company a respect
in the eyes of the natives and preserve their forts, the Company had
ere this been stripped of their possessions and interest in Africa ;
Cormantin Castle itself being in extreme danger when the Marmaduke
and Speedwell arrived there. The Dutch have sent a second
protest [see ante, No. 553], in which they say they will force the
English from their ports if they do not quit them. Indorsed, The
Royall Company, losse of whole trade in Affrica. Annexed,
618. I. Extracts of letters from Cormantin and other places in
Africa. Calendared ante, No. 507. Together 5 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVII., Nos. 110, 111.]
619. Acts passed in the island of Barbadoes during the year
1663, in continuation of those of 1662, entered ante, No. 400 :—
No. 34. An Act concerning ships and the duty of the master or
merchants upon their arrival, with the appointment of
the impost of powder and tunnage. 1st July 1663.
" 35. An additional Act to the Act of Highways.
No. 36. An Act for settling an impost on the commodities of the
growth of this island. 12th Sept. 1663.
N.B.—The Act next following, viz., No. 37, is dated 26 July 1667.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. 15, pp. 52-58.]
620. Description of Jamaica, surveyed by Sir James Modyford.
Size and situation of the island. Cagway the best navigable river.
Strength of the fort at entrance of harbour. Names of towns and
numbers of houses ; many fallen into decay since the first arrival
of Gen. Venables. Account of the country called Lygonee, with
about 600 inhabitants, where Col. Barrow's regiment is quartered ;
of the settlements of Yealoth and Morant, whither Col. Stoke came
from Nevis with 1,500 planters, but these are much lessened.
Harbours of Ports Moranto and Anthonis, where Lord Carlisle's
servants are. Soil, cattle, fish, and fowls. Sugar works ; the best
make between 20,000 and 30,000 of sugars a week, which sell beyond
the Barbadoes 50 per cent. ; and other manufactures. The island
formerly sickly because the woods were not opened, and also by
reason of the intemperance of the inhabitants. 5 pp. [Col. Entry
Bk., No. 92, pp. 253-258.]
621. Account of the private ships of war belonging to Jamaica
and Tortugas in 1663. 11 frigates and brigantines belonging to
Jamaica, carrying 740 men and 81 guns, under Sir Thos. Whetstone
and Captains Swart, Gaye, James, Cooper, Morris, Brenning,
Manfield, Goodler, Blewfield, and Herdre, manned with English,
Dutch, and Indians, besides four others. Also three small ships,
carrying 100 Jamaicans and 12 guns, under a Dutch captain,
Senolve, which have left the island. Four ships and boats belonging
to Tortuga, carrying 258 men, all Frenchmen, and 32 guns,
under Captains Davis, Buckell, and Colstree, and a Portuguese.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 112.]
622. — to —. Argues that that which gives a nation right
to countries undiscovered is a primary discovery, and that those
places we pretend to, in behalf of the King, were by his predecessors,
at a vast expense of treasure and of life, discovered and long after
hidden from those who now presume to possess them. Quotes the
discoveries of Sebastian Cabot, Clement Adam's map of same, Ramusius'
preface to third vol. of Navigation, the sixth chapter of the
third decade of Peter Martyr, and Fran. Lopez de Gomara in fourth
chapter of his history of the West Indies. The improvement of
these discoveries obstructed at first by the troubles in Scotland,
neglected by Edward VI. and Queen Mary, but prosecuted and improved
by Elizabeth. Names of persons of quality sent out to take
possession, the first Capt. White, most of whom perished in those
designs with the loss of at least 5,000 of her Majesty's good subjects.
Those lands between the east end of Long Island and Delaware Bay
perfectly discovered by Henry Hudson, an English gentleman, at the
proper charge of Sir John Popham, Quarles and Jackson, two merchants
of London, by King James' permission with three ships, well
equipped. Differences between the mariners and Hudson, his imprisonment,
but immediate release by the King's orders, and afterwards
going to Holland where he sold his maps and cards to the
Dutch ; their cruel conduct, committing him to sea in a small boat
after they had got what they could of him. Sending the year
following two ships to trade with the natives of Hudson's river,
which they continning, his Majesty, though naturally inclined to
peace, commissioned Sir Samuel Argoll to demand satisfaction of
said Dutch or any other strangers trading there, and to forewarn
them for the future upon confiscation of ships and goods, which was
accordingly effected. The religious differences in 1620, the reason
of many nonconformists removing to Holland for liberty of conscience,
where they hired a ship of 500 tons to transport them, to
the number of 460 persons, to Hudson's river or the west end
of Long Island, but the Dutch breaking faith landed them 140
leagues from the place N.E. in a barren country, since called Plymouth,
and themselves in 1621 settled a factory in said Hudson's
river through fraud and treachery, to the wearing out of our English
interest in that place, and contrary to their engagement to Argoll
that they would come thither no more ; so that in pursuance of said
engagement all the Dutch have there, both ships and goods, stand
liable to confiscation. Account of proceedings before the late King
in Council between 1632 and 1638 occasioned by Col. Powell, but by
the specious promises of the Dutch, the business of asserting the
King's interest so as to have possession thereof was obstructed, and
afterwards not minded by reason of the cruel and unnatural troubles.
Of the incredible and injurious insolence of the Dutch towards the
English and their treachery to the poor natives, will give but one
instance, that of Daniel How, who in 1638 purchased lands of the
natives of the west end of Long Island and settled the same, but
the Dutch Governor forcibly drove the planters away, imprisoning
some, whereupon the Sachem that sold the lands declared publicly
he had done so, for which assertion the Dutch cruelly murdered
him, staking him alive. Within these six years the Dutch forcibly
entered a town purchased of the native Prince for 500l. by one Bell,
who had peopled the same. Trade has been wrested from the English
merchants, as may be seen by the Dutch returns of last year, 1662.
This miserable state of English interests in that part of the world calls
aloud for remedy, that they may no longer sustain the intolerable disgrace
of submitting to the intrusion of such monsters and bold usurpers.
Two copies. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., Nos. 113, 114.]
623. Notes by Williamson concerning New England. They had
then a quarrel among themselves between the Rigid Independents,
who were the first colonists, and a larger opinion under one Stone,
who if let alone that year would have fallen in pieces. Mavericke
was of all men the worst to do it ; debauched (?), idle, and under
great prejudices. Cartwright persuaded himself to be a Jesuit by
old Bellingham, of the Society of Jesus. Sir R. Carre, a weak man.
The boundary of Connecticut is forfeited. Twenty-two seaport
towns would have been cut off. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII.,
No. 115.]
624. Notes by Williamson concerning New England. The
Narragansett Plantation, first framed by certain English, who
retiring for scruple of conscience about 1643, upon application
obtained a charter from the Committee for Foreign Plantations
under the Parliament, empowering them to choose their own officers
and to make laws to be as near as might be to the laws of England,
and upon these have framed a body of laws, yet all writs proceed
in the King's name. This charter was renewed by the King in
1661 or 1662. About 1620 the Dutch first encroached upon the
north parts of New England, but only in trade, not pretending to
make a colony there, much less any sole propriety. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 116.]
625. Notes by Williamson concerning the Plantations. These
relate chiefly to New England. Sir Ferd. Gorges about to be
sent Governor in 1634. Edw. Winthrop's papers. Settlement of
the first planters of New Plymouth because they would not
conform. Winthrop though a layman preached to them, and
even married them, of which he was accused in England in Sec.
Coke's time. They were called in question for being Brownists
while Coke was Sec. The Dutch plantation in New Netherlands
opposed by the English as an usurpation, 1639. No vessel with
passengers or victuals allowed to sail to New England without a
license from the [Council] board. Isle of Kent planted in 1631.
Names of the principal undertakers for the Massachusetts Bay in
1629. A great plague in 1622 or 1623, which swept away all the
natives for 60 miles in diameter, in that part where the Massachusetts
are since settled. Three years after Winthrop's arrival
there were 2,000 persons. The Government ; informations of Sir
Chr. Gardiner, Morton, Ratcliffe, Bull, Downing, and Wiggin. King
James's Letters Patent for establishing two colonies, &c. &c. 4 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 117.]
626. Henry Killigrew to Williamson. Desires him to prepare a
warrant for passing a grant for those shares of land in Bermudas
that were belonging to Cornelius Holland, Owen Rowe, and Sir John
Danvers, similar to a grant made long ago to the writer by the King
and Duke, see ante, No. 231. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LXXXVIII.,
No. 39, Cal., p. 403.]