Nov. 1.
577. Renatus Enys to Sec. Sir Henry Bennet. After a prosperous
voyage of nine weeks they arrived in safety, 27th August.
Found the inhabitants generous and obliging ; the country healthy
and fruitful ; the air moderately hot ; the natives not numerous, and
at peace with the English. These parts exceedingly abound with
strange rarities, both of beasts, fish, reptiles, insects, and vegetables,
the which for shape and colour are wonderful. The colony in good
order, being nobly upheld by the power and prudence of those at
the helm, who though hitherto not commissioned by his Majesty,
suddenly expect the arrival of Lord Willoughby, and then to be
"bottomed" on Royal authority, the want of which has given encouragement
to incendiaries, who have been seasonably suppressed
and proscribed the country. The chief of these have given a liberty
to their tongues, pens, and press to sully this colony with variety of
lies ; but time and truth will wipe off those calumnies. About 4,000
inhabitants. The country begins to be populous, partly with supplies
which arrive weekly (within the last two months nine ships have
been consigned here), and partly with a succeeding generation, for
the women are very prolifical and have lusty children. Were the
English nation really informed of the goodness of this country there
would quickly be thousands of settlers. The chiefest commodity is
sugar, and better cannot be made. Some are for breeding of cattle,
and there are store of excellent fish. Were the planters supplied
with negroes, the strength and sinews of this western world, they
would advance their fortunes and his Majesty's customs. The sworn
enemies of the colony are the Dons of Barbadoes, whose interest is
to keep the planters in that island to balance the power of their
negroes ; therefore they use their utmost means to disparage the
country, but their hyprocrisies are discovered, and several families
are transporting thither. It is reported that some of the Royal
Company, who are eminent Barbadians, endeavour the diversion of
all supplies of negroes from this place, which will prove a detriment
to his Majesty, there being no colony more hopeful than this, especially
for any design against the Spaniard. The only time for settlers to
arrive is in April, May and June, and the only things to bring are
negroes, provisions, and tools. The greatest infelicity of this colony
is that his Majesty is not rightly informed of the goodness thereof,
that his subjects here may participate in his Royal favours as other
colonies. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 88.]
Nov. 4.
578. Lord Willoughby to the King. As the produce of the
island has been eaten up by strange and unusual caterpillars and
worms this year, which like the locusts of Egypt have come upon
the land, so that the poorer sort of people, who are very numerous,
have been very hard put to it, and must have perished if they had not
been supplied with victuals from New England, Lord Willoughby
hopes they may be relieved from the restrictions laid upon them by
the Act of Navigation, otherwise the colonies will all be ruined.
Some thousands have gone from Barbadoes and the other Leeward
Islands to the neighbouring French and Dutch colonies, where there
is allowed complete freedom of trade and liberty for all nations to come
and inhabit, which cause those colonies to grow populous and rich.
By enclosed letter received from the French Governor of Martinique
[see ante, No. 581] his Majesty can see how forward the Monsieur is
and how he takes upon him. If not curbed in time he will grow
troublesome ; but if the King pleases, Lord Willoughby will quickly
take order with my Monsieur and cool his courage by means of the
Indians in that island, who have been oppressed by the French, and
have invited Lord Willoughby to settle Sta. Lucia, which borders
close upon them. Intends going there with men to settle it before
Christmas. Prays the King not to make any grants interfering
with his, and that if the island of St. Vincent has been granted to
some Scotch his Majesty would retract it, lest it be the cause of
troubles with the Indians, who are a jealous people, and with whom
a league of friendship has been recently made, hoping thereby to gain
them against the French. As Barbadoes decays fast, the people
must be placed somewhere ; they will not go to Jamaica as it is
unhealthy and the land not good for planting ; indeed it is only
good as a garrison place for men-of-war, and as a curb upon the
Spaniards, for hitherto it has but robbed the other colonies of people.
The French are the only people who can compete with the English
there, for they are an encroaching nation ; but will warrant they
shall not grow great if the King will let him alone. Prays before
a grant is made by his Majesty it may be referred to him, that
he may send information about its value. Also that the King
would grace Barbadoes, the metropolis of his islands, with the allowance
of his Majesty's colours for a regiment of foot, to be called his
Majesty's regiment, which he would undertake to make a double
regiment of 2,000 or 2,400 men. Ten long-range cannon are wanted
for the bay, which is too wide for the present guns to command, but
these would do very well for any of the other Leeward Islands.
Indorsed by Williamson, "Rec. Jan. 9. Answd. 11 Jan." 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 89.]
Nov. 4.
579. Proclamation by Lord Willoughby. Col. Humphrey Walrond
rides from place to place with his servants armed, inciting
people to mutiny and rebellion, hoping thereby to evade rendering
an account of money by him due to the King. All officers and loyal
subjects are therefore required to arrest him, that such order may be
taken with him as is agreeable to law and justice, and they are forbidden
to entertain or hide him on pain of being considered accessory
to his seditious and rebellious intentions. Indorsed, "The third
warrant." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 90.]
Nov. 6.
Point Cagua.
580. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered that writs be
drawn up by the King's attorney for the election of 20 persons by
the precincts, eleven to be an authentic assembly. That contracts
made in money for liquors be paid in money, notwithstanding any
Act to the contrary. That Major Coape and Captains Fuller and
Pugh, consider and report speedily on such articles as may best tend
to the reducing of the wild negroes to obedience.
Proclamation of the Deputy Governor in accordance with the
above Order of Council concerning liquors. Published 8th Nov.
1½ pp. [Col. Entry Bks., No. 37, p. 23, and No. 34, p. 89.]
581. M. De Clermont Diel, Governor of Martinico, to Francis
Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes. Has been informed by
the officers of Martinico, since his arrival, of the design Lord Willoughby's
people have upon St. Alouziel [St. Lucia] according to the
notice given to M. de Laubiere. Sends an officer to inform him
precisely of the right of the French to possess it, and believes that
Lord Willoughby when fully informed, will not permit his people to
make a descent on lands belonging to the Crown of France ; but if
otherwise, will be obliged to repel them and inform the King his
master of it. Indorsed, "A letter from M. de Clermont Diel, Governor
of Martinique." French, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII.,
No. 91.]
Nov. 19.
582. Francis Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes, to M. de
Clermont Diel, Governor of Martinico. Has received an account of
the title by which he makes claim to Sta. Lucia. In return has sent
a brief abstract of the Letters Patent, granted by the King his
master's father ; and doubts not that he will receive abundant satisfaction
whereto the right belongs, and will not find any just grounds
to repulse any authorised by Lord Willoughby to settle upon Sta.
Lucia, lest such actings may occasion a further breach, which is no
way desired. Indorsed, "A copy of my letter to Mounsier Clearmon
Governor of Martinico." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 92.]
583. Petition of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England
trading in to Africa to the King. That petitioners in order to induce
the Spaniards to trade with the West Indies, had sent a ship with
160 negroes to the Spanish main, and that Lord Willoughby by the
mistaken advice of his Council had exacted 320l., on these negroes
from the Company's factors in Barbadoes. Pray his Majesty to command
Lord Willoughby to make immediate restitution of the 320l.,
and not to presume to take payment on any negroes shipped for the
Company's account from the islands under his government, but only
on such as shall be actually sold there to foreigners to be transported
out of your Majesty's obedience. Pray further that Lord Willoughby
may be commanded to grant them just favour and indifferent expedition
in the recovery of debts and all other legal proceedings.
Signed by Sir Richard Ford, Deputy Governor, by order. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 93.]
Nov. 19.
584. Sir Richd. Ford, Wm. Rider, George Cock, Martin Noel,
and John Buckworth, of the Guinea Company, to Williamson.
Request the King's signature to a letter to Lord Willoughby upon
the subject of the Company's late petition to his Majesty. [Dom.,
Chas. II., Vol. LXXXIV., No. 14, Cal., p. 344.]
Nov. 20.
585. The King to Lord Willoughby, of Parham Governor of
Barbadoes. To make immediate restitution to the Royal African
Company of the sum of 320l. levied as a custom upon 160 negroes
which were sent from Barbadoes to be sold for their own account in
the Spanish West Indies. The King conceives Lord Willoughby
has misinterpreted his Majesty's letter of 13th March last, wherein
he was directed to levy 10 pieces of eight for every negro slave the
Spaniards should transport, but the King's intention always was,
and is, that such duty should only be levied on negroes bought
upon the place by Spanish subjects or others, to be transported into
foreign dominions, and not otherwise. He is especially enjoined to
protect the interests of said Company in all things. 2 pp. [Col.
Entry Bk., Vol. XCIII., pp. 36, 37.]
Nov. 20.
586. Copy of the preceding letter. 1¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVII., No. 94.]
Nov. 23.
587. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Present : Gov.
Willoughby, Sir Robt. Harley, Colonels John Yeamans, Edmund
Reid, and Thos. Modyford, Henry Willoughby, Thos. Wardall, and
Wm. Kirton. Two Acts to be presented to the Assembly for declaring
the laws of England in force, so far as they concern the
public welfare ; and for recommending the christening of negro
children and instruction of all adult negroes, to the several ministers
of this place. ¾ p. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XI., p. 82.]
Nov. 26.
588. Dr. Wal. Walker to Sec. Bennet. Took time to look up,
transcribe, and examine his papers, which are long ; sends all he
has concerning l'Acadie ; cannot answer case propounded by Williamson
of a public minister arrested at the suit of one of his
master's officers. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LXXXIV., No. 60, Cal.,
p. 351.]
Nov. 27.
589. Petition of the mayors and merchants of Dartmouth,
Totness, Plymouth, and Barnstaple, trading to Newfoundland, to the
King and Council. Pray that the rule may be enforced prohibiting
the carrying to Newfoundland any other persons than such as properly
belong to the ship's company or owners' employment, or such
as go to inhabit there ; by reason of many violating this clause and
going out as passengers to Newfoundland and taking up the principal
fishing ports, the trade is so reduced that men can only be
found for a quarter of the ships formerly sent out, whereby both the
trade and his Majesty's service suffer great hurt. Annexing,
Reasons for granting the petition ; the number of ships and of
seamen fit for the King's service will thus greatly increase, handicraftsmen
be benefited, and the owners of ships will cease to suffer
great loss through keepers of private boats drawing away able
seamen. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LXXXIV., No. 71, Cal., p. 353.]
Nov. 28.
590. License for Mr. Willoughby to transport 100 horses to
Surinam or any of the Leeward Islands. ¼ p. [Dom. Entry Bk.,
Chas. II., Vol. XV., p. 253 ; also Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LXXXIV.,
No. 80, Cal., p. 355.]
Nov. 30.
591. Gov. Fras. Lord Willoughby to the King. Has made further
progress in settling his Majesty's revenue, and being in pursuit of
Col. Walrond, whom Lord Willoughby had appointed President of
the island by his former commission under the Earl of Carlisle's
patent, for having ingrossed several sums of money, did begin to
call him to account. But Walrond hath made his escape and run
off from the island, and intends going to England, having given out
that the King would not sanction such proceeding against him,
but would rather reward him for services done for his late and
present Majesty. Lord Bartlye [Berkeley], who commanded in the
west where those services are declared to have been done, can
inform his Majesty if these allegations are true. As there is neither
house nor ground belonging to his Majesty in the island, nor any fit
place for the Governor to dwell in ; prays his Majesty to grant him
Walrond's house, which has been paid for with pieces of eight
received on negroes bought by certain Spaniards, the money for
which he was being called to account. This will save the charge
of buying a house, and do a good piece of justice, whereby those who
are knaves and abuse his Majesty shall receive their just deserts,
and those who are faithful be encouraged to continue in doing their
duty. Indorsed by Williamson, Answered by Mr. Secry. 1st March
1664. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 95.]
592. Warrant to the Attorney-General to prepare a grant to
Edmund Waller, junior. Whereas his Majesty has lately granted
to Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, the island called St. Lucy,
alias St. Lucre, alias Santa Lucia, one of the Caribbee Islands, 12
hours sail from Barbadoes, and at present uninhabited save only
by Cannibals or Indians, for seven years from Christmas last,
rendering to the King one moiety of the profits thereof ; his
Majesty's pleasure is that the Attorney-General prepare a bill containing
a grant to Edmund Waller, junior, of Beaconsfield, Bucks,
of said moiety for said term, and a further grant of said island for
50 years from the end of said term of seven years, rendering to his
Majesty the sum of 3l. 6s. 8d. yearly ; with as large powers for the
governing and improving of the island, and for using indulgence in
matters relating to tho worship of God, as in any former precedents
have been allowed. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVII., No. 96.]