Cecil Papers: June 1599, 16-30

Pages 201-222

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 9, 1599. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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June 1599, 16–30

Henry Lello to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 16. The ambassador expected from the Prince of Transilvania is changed into a spy and proved to be a fiction. By the said Prince was sent a messenger with counterfeit letters to provide safe conduct and lodging for his great ambassador at Constantinople, who by the way met with the General, to whom he showed his commission, who finding thereby no likelihood of indirect proceedings, sent him in company of two “chawsses” to 105 (Gr : Sigr). On this side Adrinople he escaped one night out of the tent, so that his sudden departure maketh all these believe that the rumours of the new Prince and other entreaty of peace to be all but feigned. From the King of Persia is expected daily an ambassador touching the redelivery of the towns and fortresses he hath lately taken from 105 (Gr : Sigr), as also another from the Emperor of Muscovia for the concluding of a perpetual peace between 105 (Gr : Sig) and him (the time of their former being expired), which league the King of Poland seeketh by all means to hinder, and rather to bring it for term of 10 years. The General is on his way towards Hungary, who exerciseth great justice amongst his soldiers by hanging and quartering divers of them. The Christians hath of late given the Tartar a great overthrow, which maketñ these greatly to fear. Yesterday 105 (Gr : Sigr) returned from progress, expecting the arrival of the ship with present, for which cause he only came, his desire being so great to see her, notwithstanding we have no news as yet of her arrival in Soria.—16 June, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“From Constantinople.”
Seal. l p. (70. 97.
Captain Edward Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 16. I have not as yet had occasion to serve your Honour, nor wanted a will to do so. I hold it honour and happiness to spend my life for the honour of the house; accounting your Honour the house as the principalest part of it, and myself the unnecessaryest.—From the Leager at “Bumble,” 16 June, '99.
Holograph. 1 p. (179. 29.)
Richard Coningsby, “the Usher,” to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1599, June 17. The Feodary of Herefordshire is willing to resign his place to a kinsman of petitioner's, Thomas Coningsby. Prays allowance thereof.
Endorsed :—17 June, '99.
Note by Cecil, and certificate by Ric. Kyngesmill and Walter Tooke. l p. (1253.)
Luys De Laurentin to —.
1599, June 18/28. I have received your letters of the 15th and his Serene Highness's orders. Even if the stores are not for service on ship board, I do not think that either the carriages which are in Dunkirk, or the wheels which are in Anvers or Ghent, are fit for the field. We must have some made of seasoned material. There is plenty of such at Malines. De esta commodidad que con las condiciones y a dichas se supplica como V.S. bien conoscera no puede succeder inconveniente alguno al sero de su Mad y Ala serme pues tidolo que por nuestras manos se obra a ello va encaminado, autes que muy a certadamente se viene a proceder, pues que puerto en orden al trein estara siempre en poder del sermi Cardinal Valeitse de el en quelquiera occasion que se le offrera mas importante, que el effecto, a que se previene, a si como se deve tener cierto que S. A. consintiria las pieças, que tiene en campaña, si mas emportasse valerte de ellas en el dicho effecto que alla, por lo qual supplo V.S. a tratar con S. A. para que se sirva de mirar este negrero. Como echo aunque de nuestra mano por su orden y mando, pues en sustancia a si lo es, y que nos mande entre gar luego veynto tablones de los que son en Malinas para los afustes y otros materiales si las havran para las ruedas, luego de recebido el orden para el quartel partio el señor Jacome Ee hazca Bruxelas con el comno eligido, para la Junta de los Cavallos, a la buelta del qual podre abisai a V.S. poco mas o menos el tiempo quo devran estar levantados para que deste estonces pueda S.A. serma mandar le que mas sera servido que se aga. The Genoese carpenters and caulkers at Antwerp would be very useful in the works at Dunkirk. I beseech you to move for their transfer. Answer as soon as possible (for Señor Frederico in his letters of the 7th was very pressing) to the house of Francisco Marim at Anvers—De Amberes, a 28 de Junio, 1599.
Endorsed :—“Luys de Lauren tin. Intercepted in the Low Countries.” Copy. 2 pp. (67. 70.)
William, Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 18. I have sent my certificate of the forces of Devon. About a year since I signified to my lords that I had apprehended one James Dowdall, an Irishman, whose examinations I then sent, finding thereby that he had been reconciled to the church of Borne, for which he was committed to the common gaol. Now that our gaol delivery will be shortly, I pray you to direct me what shall be done with him. Not long since I gave you intelligence of one Francis Yorcke, a young man that hath been out of England for 6 years without licence, and during his absence hath been conversant with many English fugitives in Spain and Italy. I pray you to consider thereof and return me answer by this messenger. I have caused Mr. Waade to be more fully instructed than I think fit to trouble you withal. I must inform you of a great abuse and contempt offered me in the late service of training of the forces in this county, touching Sir Richard Champernowne and his men and officers. I hope their lordships will foresee the inconvenience that may ensue to the service hereby, if some example be not made.—Towstock, 18 June, 1599.
[P.S.]—I have moved my Lords in behalf of Sir William Strowde to make him my Deputy-Lieutenant.
Signed. 1 p. (70. 98.)
Paul de la Hay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 18. The 7th of this instant June Mr. Arnold's servants assaulted and hath dangerously wounded my brother-in-law Walter George and Catherine his wife, being great with child, and I enforced to prosecute the offenders, for that I could not attend your Honour to answer aught objected against me, as in justice to desire your favour for the wardship of Jo. Ja, which your father gave to my father-in-law, which one Jo. Wm. Harry without warrant retaineth from me, being the only thing I have to relieve me for what paid, as to be paid, for my father-in-law's debts. Wherein, if any means be made unto you on behalf of the said Jo. Wm. Harry for her Majesty's signed bill, I humbly desire you to stay the same till you understand the truth.—18 June, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (70. 99.)
Gerald, Earl of Kildare to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 18. Sir Edward Fitzgerald is a suitor to her Majesty for the obtaining of a grant unto him and his father's heirs in reversion after the death of Lady Mabel, Countess of Kildare, in such lands as he now holdeth in possession of the house of Kildare. I am to entreat your furtherance, in regard his father died in her Majesty's service under the conduct of my uncle, the Earl of Kildare.—From London, 18 June, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (70. 100.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 18. The wardship of his wife's son was given to Mr. Fardinando, of the Privy Chamber, and a lease of the land was granted to his wife. He has paid the Queen's fine and the rent, and this term he will have fully satisfied Fardinando of his due. Owing to Lord Burghley's sickness the Queen's hand was not obtained to his bill for passing the lease under the great seal. Prays Cecil to obtain the signature.—Holwall, 18 June, 1599.
1 p. (1938.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Privy Council.
1599, June 19. Immediately after my return to Pendennis Castle, I delivered your letters to Mr. Vivion's lieutenant (himself being still about the Court) touching the delivery of certain ordnances out of the Castle of St. Mawes; whereupon he desired some respite to satisfy me therein, which he drove off from day to day till after I had written my other letter to your Lordships. Now he tells me he will not deliver any till his captain cometh, or some order from him. I commend the consideration of the necessity of ordnance that this place hath to your wisdom.—From Pendennis Castle, 19 June, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (70. 101.)
Duchy of Lancaster.
1599, June 19. The charge of the General Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Dated :—June 19, 1599.
½ p. (139. 193.)
Thomas and Joan Chapman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 19. Asking for the wardship of the heir of William Shering, Joan's former husband.
Endorsed :—19 June, 1599.
Note by Cecil thereon. ¼ p. (1774.)
William Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 20. By a letter from Mr. Edward Gray (whereof I send you a copy) it doth appear how Crayford and his examination was taken by him and sent to my Lord your father, by whose direction Crayford was sent up hither. The examination was avowed by him before Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Bacon and myself, and he was committed to the Marshalsea by a warrant from my Lord of Essex. I refer it to your wisdom what course shall be taken with him, and crave pardon that I attend not on you, my face being so swollen with the toothache as I am not fit to come abroad, wherewith of late I have been miserably tormented.—20 June, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (70. 104.)
Florence McCarthy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 20. Because I cannot wait upon you there for the letters I requested yesterday, being busied with my departure, I am minded to put you in remembrance thereof. I have of late years found Sir Thomas Norreys my heavy friend, without any cause, having deserved no otherwise than well at his hands, but rather was more beneficial to him than any other of Ireland. I know he is able to undo or put out any man there, and I look for no favour at his hands, except for your sake, therefore whatsoever you write to him, it shall satisfy me. I crave a letter also in my behalf to Sir Robert Gardner, and a warrant for the delivery of Power upon my bond to deliver him to the Earl of Essex.—20 June, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (70. 106.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 21. I send you hereinclosed Sir William Wodhous' pardon, signed by her Majesty. If it should take the ordinary course of passing the seals, the term would be passed before it could possibly come to the great seal, and so he should lose the benefit of pleading his pardon this term in the King's Bench. Th erefore, I pray you it may pass by immediate warrant, so it should make a poor gentleman beholden unto you as much as his life is worth, especially if that be true that is bruited of Sir Robert Drury's death.—From my house in Blackfriars, 21 June, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (70. 107.)
Tho. Kery to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 21. Being unable, by reason of age and sickness, to serve in his office of the Privy Seal, prays to be allowed to exercise it by a deputy, and recommends the bearer, Edward Anthony, ten years servant to Mr. Lake, Clerk of the Signet, for that post.—London, 21 June, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Dr. Kerrey.” 1 p. (71. 1.)
E. Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 22. According to your directions, and Mr. Feme's advertisement, I sought to take knowledge of the two gentlemen of Gray's Inn that were lately dissuaded from religion, the one being Thomas Askwith, the other Christopher Harbarte, both aldermen's sons of York. Of Askwith I heard well, and understand that he came to church and lived in commons, and therefore would not stir him till I might be sure to find Harbart, who lived abroad. Of Harbart's lodging I could not certainly learn till yesterday : and this morning sent for him, who confesseth that these two months he neither hath been nor can come to the church with his conscience, wherewith I acquainted Mr. Attorney of the Wards, and to know whether your pleasure be to send your warrant to have him committed, or that you will have him first sent to my brother do[ctor] and, after examination, committed by him till you be made acquainted with his examination, and your further direction then known. I would have waited on you myself herein but that the infirmity of my legs will not yet permit me. And I am upon some special occasions to go this afternoon into Kent, and upon Monday towards York, to the sitting which beginneth in a week.—Gray's Inn, 22nd June, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 2.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 22. I am required by Sir John Harrington and Sir Andrew Noell to solicit you for the county of Rutland. There are many shires that two of their hundreds are as great as it, and so there ought to be a mitigation in proportion; and something if you do in it, I know it will be honourably taken by the whole county.—22 June, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (179. 32.)
W. Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 23. Protests his zeal in Cecil's service. It troubles him that Cecil should have any opinion of him, either to undertake wrong courses, or to be a suitor for furtherance therein. Beseeches Cecil not to let the friends of his adversary wrong him, which he finds very likely, unless Cecil assists him. His adversary's abuses are many and intolerable both to him and his friends, and those in the country much oppressed.—June 23, '99.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 4.)
Thomas Mulcloye to Henry Dillon.
1599, June 23. If you knew the great injury that you have done to me by putting me in trouble without any just cause, I do not doubt but your own conscience would procure you to pity my poor . estate, considering (as I am a true Christian) that I never dealt in any matter that might prejudice or hinder her Majesty's proceedings the value of a farthing, and if any man can directly prove that ever I dealt in any matter of state, I will neither crave favour nor mercy. I protest to God the only cause of my coming through the North of Ireland was to crave alms to go to my studies into France, as it is the custom that all poor scholars use in all that country when they go out of the realm, and because my own friends in the English pale, where I was born and brought up, were not able to give me any help, by means they were robbed and spoiled of all the goods they had by her Majesty's enemies, by whom my father was also slain in her Highness's service; in regard whereof and mine innocency together, by all good reason I should have some favour shown me, and not to keep here in prison where I have spent all that I had in the world. Therefore I pray you repair to Sir Robert Cecil and desire him to do so much for the tender mercy of God, and for the love he beareth to true justice, as to let me either go back to my country again, or else to banish me out of this country into France, whereinto I meant to have gone before I was wind driven in here against my will.—Brydwell, 23 June, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Tho. O'Mulckloy, the Irish Priest, to Mr. Dyllon.” 1 p. (71. 5.)
George Fane to Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Ports and Lord Lieutenant of Kent.
1599, June 23. I enclose a certain note or letter of Henry Collier, alias William Clarkson, an English priest, who landed here yesterday from Calais, whom Mr. Mayor of Dover, having occasion this day to ride to London, hath carried up with him to your Lordship. The note was left with the bailiff of Dover, where the said priest was prisoner, being directed, as appeareth, to an English woman in Brussels. In regard whereof I thought it my duty to send the same forthwith to you, and for that purpose have used Sir Thomas Fane's name on the outside of the packet, as it hath pleased him to appoint me in his absence. For that there was not any examination taken in writing or record before the Commissioners, neither of the said priest nor of Hughe Helme, the youth which came over with him, neither any advertisement thereof given to your Lordship before their coming up, according to your former direction in the like cases, I doubt not but Mr. Mayor will satisfy you therein, whose haste of his own business to London would not permit the same, being nevertheless very desirous to carry up the said prisoners with him.—Dover, 23 June, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (71. 6.)
The following appear to be enclosures :
(1.) The examination of William Clerksonn before the Commissioners, the 23 of June, 1599.
He saith he was born near Northallertonn in Yorkshire, a yeoman's son. His bringing up was most part there to school. He is about 62 years of age. He took shipping at London when he went out of England, and was landed at Sluse in Flanders, and so he went to Bruges, and from thence to Antwerp, and there he took the first order of priesthood, and there he tarried until they were expulsed; and then he went into Italy unto Myllen [?Milan] and tarried there five years, and then returned to Macklen, and so to Brussels, where he stayed unto this time, and so he hath been out of England some 30 years.
Signed :—Wylliam Clarson. 1 p. (71. 7.)
(2.) The examination of Hugh Helme.
He was born near Presson [Preston] in Amandernes [Amounderness] in Lancashire, the son of William Helme, a husbandman. He is of the age of 20 years. He went to school at Presson, and after he went to leant the occupation of a tailor. And about Christmas last he came up to London, where he stayed about 14 days : and then he came to Gravesend, where he took shipping in a Flemish boat, and he arrived at Camphier in Zeeland, and from thence he went to Middle-borough, and from thence to Flushing, where he stayed until within these 3 weeks. Then he came to Calais in France where he stayed 6 days, and so took shipping and came to Dover.
Signed :—Hugh Helme. 1 p. (71. 7.)
(3.) 1599, June 23. Henry Collier to Katherine Powell, at Brussels.—I am taken prisoner at Dover, and so must be conveyed to London; and hath confessed my faith, though that I did delay for a time lest that I had tempted God; therefore, I pray you pray for me, wishing you health of body and soul, the 23 of June, your Henry Collier, writ in haste, but heartily; with my commendations to all our friends, remembered at your pleasure.—1599.
A narrow slip of paper. (204. 112.)
Henry Lyndley to Edward Reynolds.
1599, June 23. I would write you the news but that I know my nephew Cuffe's Irish chronicler furnishes you to the full. He swaggereth out these toils very bravely and takes exceeding great pains. We are all well, yet lousy as beggars. In your first letter you said you perceived by me some conceipt taken of Mr. Fowlkes. Indeed, I told you that if Mr. Fowlkes loved not my master well, he was to blame; but I meant no evil unto him, nor will. We have had here an unprepared journey; for it was purposed for three weeks and seven are now passed, yet we made good shift and are come hither well. We have marched over the fairest country that I have ever seen, nor did I ever see so vile a people. I could not have thought any could have been so bad, as popish as in Spain and what not; but I leave them and us to our misery to be amongst them. My Lord was not well for a long while in this journey, but is now as well as ever.—Waterford, 23 June, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (179. 33.)
Thomas Dowse and Henry Hooper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 23. Pray for the wardship of the heir and lands of Virgil Parker alias Sneath, if they shall prove the Queen's title thereto. Endorsed :—23 June, 1599.
Notes by Cecil and Sir T. Hesketh thereon.
½ p. (1506.)
Count Maurice of Nassau to Sir William Browne, Lieutenant-Governor of Flushing.
1599, June 23. Ce jourdhuyme sont venu entre mains quelques lettres interceptes, l'une escripte de la main de L'archiduc Albert, l'aultre d'un Louis de Laurenti au Cardinal [Andreas] de Borgou; par lesquelles se voit bien clairement que l'ennemi a entre mains quelque entreprinse pu sur Vlissingen, le chasteau de Rammekens, ou sur quelque aultre place en Zeelande, comme j'en ay escript a Messieurs les Estatz dudit pays, et vous pouvez veoir par les copies desdites lettres cy joinctes. Et daultant que selon le contenu desdites lettres le temps de l'execution est devant la main, Je vous ay bien voulu prier par ceste, que vous ne laissiez de donner si bon ordre, tant dedans ladite ville de Vlissingen comme aussi dedans ledit chasteau de Kammekens, mettant telle guarde et guet, tant du nuict comme du jour, que lesdites places puissent estre preservees de dangier, comme je le vous confie.—Bommel, 23 Juin, 1599.
Signed, Endorsed :—“His Excy.” 1 p. (71. 3.)
[Count Maurice of Nassau] to Mr. Gilpin.
1599, June 24. Enclosing copies of the intercepted letters referred to above, for communication to the Queen at his discretion.—Bommel, 24 June, 1599.
Endorsed :—“Copy of the Co : Maurice his letter to me.” ½ p. (71. 9.)
Captain William Constable to Edward Reynolds.
1599, June 24. In this maritime journey, which begun the 9 May, many rebels are-come in, many castles are re-possessed. In the fight with Ony MacRowry O'Moore, Captain Boswell and Lieutenant Gardiner was killed. At the siege of the castle of Cahire, Captain Brett and Captain George Cary received the wounds they died of, both shot into the body. In the Desmond's country did Sir Henry Norice receive his shot which caused his leg to be cut off. Sir Thomas Norice, in a fight (with my Lord Burck his bro [ther] that was traitor) was hurt in the head with a pike; at another place Sir Henry Davers shot in the face, Captain Foliatt his arm broke with a shot, Captain Jenninges in the body, Sir Anto. Cooke extreme sick at Kilkenny, Sir Thomas Acton lying here on his deathbed with a “flix.” We have in all our fights beaten the rebels, yet those men that they have hit of ours proved of the best sort. The particularities of every accident were too tedious. Ned Bushell I omit, for that he is well again, but he received an honourable hurt with a pike in his breast, which after he had taken out, he killed one of the rebels, and the rest with him 6 more. Commend [me] to Ro. Picheforche and Jo. Newsome and the rest of our friends.—Waterford, 24 June, '99.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Constable.”
l p. (71. 8.)
Dkusilla Morehouse, widow of John Morehouse, to Sib Robert Cecil.
1599, June 24. Asking for the preferment of the wardship of her daughter, granted her by Lord Burghley.
Endorsed :—June 24, '99.
Note by Cecil :—“Let an office be found.”
1 p. (1610.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 25. He must appear in person to plead it, and so have divers noble personages done in time past, and I cannot learn of any one that ever did it otherwise, in which respect I purposed to have been there more early this morning to despatch it, if they prepare all things ready, wherein I doubt they are not so forward to follow it as should be fit, for the indictment is not yet returned, but I have given order for all the expedition that may be done therein.—Serjeants' Inn, 25 June, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. Chief Justice.”
l p. (71. 10.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 25. Seeing that the matter hath not been so effectually followed to hand in the record into her Majesty's Bench as had been fit, I have thought good to send to Sir William Woodhouse to stay until to-morrow in the morning, whereby in the mean season the record may be had in, without which it is not to be done. No man hath followed it to me yesterday all day nor this morning, and if the Coroner's, hand is not yet gotten to the certificate of the record, which must be done before it can be despatched, I have not known a matter more crossly followed, but I will do what I can to put it in a righter course.—25 June, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“L. Chief Justice.”
l p. (71. 11.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 25. By the lewd negligence of one of Mr. Parler's servants, Watson the priest escaped yesterday about 2 of the clock. His man left him alone in a garden, having had very precise charge to look well unto him. I doubt some of the keeper's servants are not so true to their master as they ought to be, for within this fortnight Dexter also escaped. I have used all the means I can devise to lay for him. He wrote a strange letter unto me on Friday, as though he had a great apprehension upon the last examination that was so strictly taken of him, and denied to go forward in writing out his book, alleging he could not have more firm promises and encouragements than he had before, and therefore doubted those were but baits to entrap him.
With your Honour's favour, Mr. Carey's lodging in Holborn would be sought and searched, which I have entreated Mr. Grange to do, but all such places have such secret conveyances as without extreme search no good can be done. A se'nnight since he wrote to me if I would let him go to such convenient place as he could find, he would write out his book fair and send it, and promised upon his salvation always to be forthcoming. I understand even now he was seen in St. James's Fields about three of the clock, and went towards St. Giles or Holborn. I knew nothing of his escape until it was very late in the night. I doubt not but to apprehend him that was seen in Watson's company in St. James's Fields. Even now Mr. Parler hath brought me this letter which Watson left behind him, wherein he promiseth I shall hear from him, as your Honour may perceive. Therefore I think it best for a time to forbear to search until I may have some intelligence where he is.—Charing Cross, 25 June, 1599.
Holograph. 2 pp. (71. 13.)
The Enclosure :
W. Watson to William Wade, Justice of the Peace and one of her Majesty's High Commissioners.
Having even now quite consumed myself with woe and want, I much urge your own good nature and the honourable minds of her Majesty's Council (for of her Highnesses mercy and pity of my case, if it were thoroughly and truly known to her sacred person, I make no doubt) of favourable allowance and connivance, without prosecuting or searching for me for my escape, as one whose dear love of his country and loyalty to his prince hath deprived him to all transmarine hopes or succours, and therefore must of necessity live and die in his country “incolished” within the great ocean, begging only three things for this life; (1) never to stain my only Catholic faction and religion in any one act, word or thought; (2) to be avowed enemy to my power to whosoever shall be an enemy to my prince or country; (3) to avoid ingratitude, not to hurt any of my Catholic friends or those that have steaded me in my need, even to death, adding hereunto that towards such as yourself in authority, so far as I ever have found favour, I will make known a difference from others of Topclyfe's stamp, that dishonour her Majesty, her Highness' Council, and defame all; and herein I presume so much of innocency in myself and esteem of honour on your parts, that if I might have a sure certificate from her Majesty or her honourable Council, by your good means, of safe repassage, without more vexation, pillage or imprisonment, I dare promise and will by these presents repair where and when you shall set down and signify to me by some of my friends. So as the causes of my now escape and departing without leave are briefly these : (1) guilty of no offence except my religion or priesthood, which you say you will not persecute; (2) deceitfully drawn into troubles whilst I loyally thought to deserve well at her Majesty's and my country's hands; (3) spoiled of all my money and goods, cast in prison like a malefactor, no hope of any restitution; (4) a continual watch set over me, my keeper to my discredit speaking it openly that he will not trust the Spanish captain nor me of our words further than he sees us; (5) not permitted to walk in the garden without bribes to his man, admonished 0by his master to take them; (6) not having any access to me, and therefore, now moneyless, must here pine away; (7) understanding all my brethren shall be sent to Wisbytche [Wisbech] or banished, and having nothing of myself I expected, “etc.” Hoping this to be the best for my credit and safety, and your content and liking, with her Majesty's gracious allowance, I end in haste for want of paper and time, intending very shortly to write more at large.
Undated. 1 p. (71. 12.)
[Anne], Lady WentwoRth to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 25. The wardship of her son Lord Wentworth was granted to her in the lifetime of Lord Burghley; prays Cecil to afford them the same friendship as his father would have done. Asks that Cecil and her uncle Sir John Fortescue may be joined with her in the grant.—Wroxton, 25 June [1599].
pp. (2469.)
M. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 25. Introducing his doctor of medicine, who has a book dedicated to the Queen, which a friend of his in Germany has sent to him.—London, 25 June, 1599.
Holograph. (179. 34.)
Sir Robert Cecil to John Coniers, Henry Girlington and Leonard Smelt, Committees of the Wardship of Tho. Smelt.
1599, June 26. The ward is the son and heir of John Smelt of Yorkshire. The grandmother desires to have the care of the child's education, and Cecil thinks it fit the committees shall take a reasonable composition for the wardship.—The Court, 26 June, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (71. 14.)
Sir Thomas Tasburgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 26. I most humbly thank your Honour in that it pleased you on Sunday last, as I have understood from Sir John Fortescue, to move her Majesty on my behalf, and to have some speech with her concerning the sum of money that I informed her Majesty should be due unto me and promised, wherein if her Majesty be not satisfied, may it please her to grant me now (after five weeks' imprisonment) liberty, in regard to my health, my law causes, and the better to approve that my information : whereof if I fail, let me lose my life, for I trust her Majesty will not keep me in prison and command me to deliver my proofs into the hands of the Lady Carie, mine adversary, for her and her counsel to object against them, and I not there present to answer : but as at the first I told you, and afterwards her Majesty, when I was sent for touching that £6,500, and commanded to show such writings as my son-in-law and I had concerning the same unto Sir John Fortescue and Mr. Attorney General, that I should procure me many enemies for performing her commandment, so now I find them, to my great prejudice, although then her Majesty promised me protection against all persons. It is no small heart's grief to me here thus to dwell in her Majesty's displeasure, therefore I beseech you give me leave once again to importune you to be a happy suitor to her Majesty for my liberty.—26 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599, Sir Thomas Tasborrough,” followed by a list of names, Sir Robert Wroth, Sir G. St. Pawle, and 19 others. 1 p. (71. 15.)
Richard Webster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 27. It may seem unfit to trouble you with private affairs, but the contents of the enclosed letters will excuse me, for in no other way can I perform the trust my Lord of. Chester reposed in me (he being a man of so great merit in our Church) for signifying his good affection and bounden duty towards your Honour.—June 27, 1599.
Holograph. (52. 70.)
Sir Alexander Clifford to the Earl of Nottingham.
1599, June 28. About 4 days past I spake with a bark of Newcastle which came from Middelborough, being thwart of Scarborough, who told us that he descried a fleet of 100 sail which lay east-southeast off Leistoff [Lowestoft] standing to the southward about 6 or 7 leagues 2 days before, and to his thinking they were Spaniards, whose opinion I could not dissuade to the contrary, notwithstanding I told him my opinion was that they were fishermen (whereof there is a great number), and that his early stirring in the morning, being, as he said, at 4 of the clock, dimmed his eyesight that he could not justly discern them, but he replied and said he durst not come nearer than he could reasonably well discover their hulls : moreover he said that some of them were of 4 or 500 tons. The next day after I met with another sail which came from the same place, who I asked of the same ships, who said he saw 100 sails off Leistoff, but they were all fishermen.
This much I have thought good to advertise your Lordship of these flying news, lest you should be otherwise misinformed by means of this man. Here we are as yet lying off and on betwixt Newcastle and Flamborough Head, where I mean to continue except I shall be drawn farther by good occasions, yet wishing that our ships were cleaner and that we were as high as the islands of Scotland where I would not doubt but to do her Majesty some good service by intercepting the recourse of the Easterlings, whereof many are gone into Spain that way this summer. News of the Dunkerkers I cannot hear any, but that they are all gone home, only there are 2 ships making ready at Callis, but what they are I cannot know; some reports they are making ready by the Dunkerkers : the one a Scotch ship built, the other a flyboat. I am ashamed to see how the Crane doth go : she is so foul and leaky : notwithstanding, because it is your Lordship's pleasure, I will make what shift I can with her this victualling.—At sea thwart off Tilmouth, this 28 June, 1599.
[P.S.]—It is most likeliest that the Dunkerkers will come out again the next dark moon, of whom I will have a vigilant care of.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Alex. Clifford.” 1 p. (71. 16.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 29. It hath pleased her most excellent Majesty to show her most gracious care of me in sending Sergeant Goodrous to me, which brought me more joy and comfort than all the world without her could afford me. It is the grace that floweth from thence that must be the strength of my life and sovereign remedy against all griefs. I find that her Majesty vouchsafeth it far beyond my merit, yet if. her Highness knew with what reverent love I do embrace and acknowledge it, with what true and loyal mind I have resolved to honour and serve her ever to the loss of my last blood, and how much I covet to make myself worthy of that grace, I make no doubt but her Majesty will think all well bestowed. Assure her Majesty on my behalf that no man can be more desirous to live in her princely favour than I, nor shall more joy in it nor adventure futher to deserve it. To yourself I am highly beholden as to a principal agent in this good work.—From my house, 29 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Earl of Rutland. '99.” 1 p. (71. 17.)
Captain G. Watson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 29. It was your pleasure that I should cause such persons of the Lion's Whelp's company as have heard William Love speak undutifully of the State, to prepare it in writing and come therewith to you. Therefore you may please herein to receive the same, and they attend to be called to testify it. Also, if you please to demand of them if they have seen Love daily conversant with friars and Romish priests at Corfu, and used to go to mass, these men and many others cannot deny it, and it will be probable that they and a Popish bishop there did exceedingly favour him.—29 June, 1599.
[P.S.]—John Warren and Humfrie Grube, two of them (whose reports are here-enclosed) are now in service in one of her Majesty's ships at Gravesend.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Watson, 29 July” (sic). 1 p. (71. 19.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 29. Having received your letter on Sunday last, I sent to the Mayor of Truro to send the party unto me, whose answer was that the man was not then in town, but would return within three or four days, within which time he came not; and fearing that the Mayor did not his endeavour, I went yesterday to seek him, whom I find to have no certain abiding there or anywhere, but goeth from place to place about his affairs for tin, and so I have laid such wait for him in those towns he useth that he shall not abide hereabouts but I will find him out, and so will bind him over to make his appearance before you, because I cannot charge him upon any particular points, if he should deny generally that he was never no practiser in any foreign parts, which is all that your letter prescribes me unto.—Pendenis Castle, 29 June, 1599. Signed. 1 p. (71. 20.)
Jeremy Garrett, Mayor, and William Leonard to Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
1599, June 30. Here arrived this day from Calais the bearer hereof, Sir Michael Balfour of Burley, a Scottish knight, who says he has been these fourteen months on the other side of the seas, arriving first at Denmark from Scotland, and from Denmark he travelled through Germany to Italy, and in his return he came through France to Calais, and this day landed here at Dover, intending to go from hence with all expedition to the Court, to procure a passport from her Majesty for him to go into Scotland. We thought it our duties to desire him to repair unto you, to the intent you might have conference with him concerning such news as he is able to advertise.—Dover, 30 June, 1599.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Dover.” 1 p. (71. 21.)
Henry Lello to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June 30. My last advised you how the Transilvanian ambassador was changed into a spy, and secretly escaped from his company, which sheweth that all the entreaty and parley concerning peace were “finctions” and stratagems : yet by the Chaus sent to 16 (K. of Poland), being new returned, he referreth that Andrea Bathory, Cardinal, who was elected and sent for Prince, wrote to 16 (K. of Poland) from the confines, that he durst not go in for fear of some treachery, having intelligence that the old Prince and Maximilian were together seducing the subjects to refuse him (although he were elected), and to continue Sigismundus their old Prince, so that we cannot tell what to judge, but expecting further, my futures shall advise you.
Mihal, Prince of Wallachia, by report, is twelve thousand strong, and daily cometh over the Danubium wasting and spoiling 105 (Gr : Sigr.) his countries.
Out of Hungary no news, but that the General hath made great haste, and is arrived at Bellograd.
Yesterday here arrived the Persian ambassador, who was received with great pomp, and what his embassage doth import as yet not certainly known, but thought (that now finding commodity by the wars, tumults, and rumours, of Hungaria, Transilvania, Wallachia, and rebellion lately begun, by one Torhanogly, in Caramama, being of an ancient family of Persia whose ancestors have been princes of Antochia, and descended of one of the four families of Mahomet their Prophet) cometh to demand those two great countries of Tauris and Shervan, otherwise called Medea, which were won from the Persian by 105 (Gr : Sigr.) his father, as also to excuse the Persian that the fortresses lately taken upon 105 his confines were by the Georgians and not by their consent. If this be true (whereof my futures shall advise you) it will greatly augment the courage of 10 and abate the pride of 105.
This week the Captain goeth out with some 18 or 20 galleys, only to guard the Arcipellago, for fear of further damage to be there done by the Christian galleys.
Our ship, with her Majesty's present, greatly here expected, and although I have advised of her coming into these parts, yet I can scarcely be believed by reason of her long tardance, and have excused it, as well as I can, by saying that other of our English ships coming for these parts were in danger of the galleys, the ship with the present was forced to “whafte” them to Soria, which have given good satisfaction, for daily 105 doth demand for her.—Last of June, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“From Constantinople.” 2 pp. (71. 22.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June. The Queen has of late, by Sir John Fortescue and the Lord Chief Justice, employed him for getting her money wherewith to supply a stock to buy the tin yearly in Cornwall and Devonshire. He has found sufficient merchants ready to lend money to the Queen without interest, to pay her this present year £10,000. This is a gain of £7,000, and hereafter £15,000 a year : for the quantity of tin being supposed 1,000,000 pound, and that the Queen shall buy it for 4 marks a hundred, that is, £26 and a mark a 1,000, selling the same for £4 4s. the 100, that is 2 and 40 pound a 1,000 weight of tin, her Majesty gains 15,000 a year, and the merchants have agreed with him thus to buy it of her. Complains strongly of Fortescue's and the Lord Chief Justice's treatment of him in the matter, reporting nothing of it to the Queen, but saying she has no money in her coffers for this purpose. Begs Cecil to favour him with the Queen in the matter. Let her call back this countermand which stops the pre-emption, and let it be declared as it was of her resolution to take it into her hands, and the money shall be presently supplied by the merchants, and his travail will not be lost. He has named Alderman Banning to the Queen as having been very prompt to bring on the rest of his companions to this service. Banning desires his name not to be made known. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed :—“June, 1599. Earl of Oxford.”
pp. (71. 23.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to the Queen.
1599, June. Proposed pre-emption of tin. To the same effect as the preceding letter. Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“June, 1599. Earl of Oxford.” 3 pp. (71. 26.)
Lord C. Mountjoy to Sir Gelly Merrick.
1599, [June]. Recommends the bearer, Captain Guest, whose services he details, to my Lord [? Essex] for employment. Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599.” 1 p. (71. 25.)
[The Earl of Essex] to Lord —.
1599, June. A.S., who has charge of the supplies which are presently to be sent into Ireland, being appointed to levy his own company in the county of Bedford; is a suitor to your Lordship to assist him with your favour, as well for the choice of able and sufficient men as also for the well setting of them forth. Commends him to his favour. Undated.
Draft, in hand of Essex's secretary, Reynolds, on the back of a letter which is endorsed 1599p. (71. 25.) .
Weight of Wheat.
1599, June. The difference in weight between a quarter of wheat and a ton of wheat.
First, the bushel of wheat weighs 561b. “of avourdepois weight.” Then 2 bushels of wheat weigh 1121b. avoirdupois, which by the law is reckoned for one hundredweight. After which account 8 bushels of wheat, being the quarter, weigh 400 weight avoirdupois. So that 5 quarters of wheat make the just weight of a ton, which is 20 hundredweight avoirdupois. Then the difference in weight between the ton and a quarter of wheat is 4 quarters of wheat in weight. Undated.
Endorsed :—“June, 1599.” ½ p. (71. 28.)
Mons. J. de Thumery, French Ambassador, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June. Recommending the bearer who has some skill in arms and wishes to teach, but is prevented by certain envious people.
French. Signed, Seal. ½ p. (179. 35.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, June. My cousin Wylmot, this bearer, hath desired me to write to you to obtain access for her to you. The Council appointed Mr. Recorder and Mr. Wade to deal with the creditors for surcease till Christmas, by which time she might procure the money due from her Majesty to her “soonne.” The time they agree to, but would tie her upon the condition to acknowledge the action by which, if she should not be paid, they would then be as advanced as they could be by ordinary course of law, and she tied to all sorts of extremities for non payment. All she asks is to have six months' protection without this inconvenience, that she may follow the Lord Treasurer's promise to favour her when the money comes in at Michaelmas.
Holograph. 2 pp. (179. 36.)
John Whytb to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1599, June. Praying for the wardship of Walter Roberts, of Wilford, Gloucester. Endorsed :—“June, '99.”
Note at foot :—“Thomas Roberts for the keeper of the fowle at Theobalds.” 1 p. (1507.)