Cecil Papers: July 1594

Pages 556-575

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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July 1594

Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 2. “As to your information touching this friend I desire only to know what the man is to do when the actions are public and known to everyone. In every other case you would have some remedy : in this none, except determination not to let oneself be wronged, and hope that in different persons, of better nature and greater authority, will protect the oppressed. Therefore I intend to beg for a little larger room (qu. more freedom) in these commissions. Mr. Fortescue promises me an answer as soon as he has spoken with the Queen. The second payment [is] now due; but I should think it no little thing merely to be called to Court to treat of the business. The truth as to the information of Il Malines, is that an old Portuguese merchant of Antwerp, of great wealth and credit, called Filippo Georgio, commissioned him and me to buy the greater part of the merchandise of the carrack and advanced 3,150l.” Gives further particulars of the transaction and of the intention of Il Marines and Il Mucherron. Sends a letter from Il Mayorino which he will not answer without Cecil's permission; especially [asks] whether to assist him to pay his debt. “I think you will not understand it, it is so badly written.”—Badhurham, 2 July 1594.
Italian. Hol. 2 pp.
M. Chasteaumartin to Lord Burghley.
1594, July 3/13. Wrote very fully on the 28th ult. of Spanish affairs, of which this will serve for copy. The King of Spain was very ill, and by advice of his physicians had been carried to the Escurial; he is a little better but so weak and overcome with disease that his recovery is doubted. His son and the Cardinal transact all business. Levies of men continue throughout the country with incredible harshness, men being pitilessly taken by force, especially for the army of the Passage, which only wants men, both seamen and soldiers. They had intended to send 20 ships to Brittany, but for want of men have only sent eight little ships and two galleys, carrying about 500 men, a great quantity of building material and powder, some wines and 25,000 crowns in silver. The six great galleons are all ready and well armed but cannot get seamen to man them. They were to convoy the fleets from the Indies, but if those that have gone to Brittany see they can be of use on that coast, they will be sent there; if they are not fit for that they will be sent to Lisbon, for those who conduct the affairs of this state have resolved to maintain a large force there to guard Portugal and keep it in subjection and hinder any change in affairs there. The Spaniards have demolished some houses by Lisbon Castle, and are endeavouring to strengthen it. Seventeen galleys have arrived which are those that were at Port St. Marie, of which four ought to have come to go to Brittany; since they did not come they must have changed their mind. There is great fear of an attack in Spain. The happy success of the affairs of the King [of France] has much astonished them; they promise themselves nevertheless that the Pope will heal the differences between him and the King of Spain, and that by his means some marriage will be concluded. Has taken four journeys to the frontier to meet Ronius. but has not seen him yet. The Duke of Mayenne has written to the King of Spain assuring him of his fidelity that he would never be other than he promised him, and that he should soon see the effects of it. Fears he is planning some great treason against the person of the King, for he sees they have no other means. Heard of the said letter from the captain of whom he has spoken before.—From Bayonne, 13 July 1594.
French. Injured. 1½ p.
Matthew [Hutton], Bishop of Durham, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 4. In reply to a request for the wardship of Alderman Buckle's son. He hath a lordship in this county, called the He, holden of the Bishop of Durham in capite, which draweth the wardship (at the least of that land). Whatsoever doth fall unto me I do most willingly and with all my heart grant.—Auckland, 4 July, 1594.
Signed. 1 p.
Henry Child, Richard Wolf, Thomas Hall and others to the Queen.
1594, July 5. For leases in reversion of their lands in Kildsbie, Northamptonshire, and Abbotts Langley, Herts. Undated.
Note by J. Herbert that the Queen grants the petition.— Court at Greenwich, 5 July, 1594.
The Above to the Lord Treasurer.
The Queen having granted their petition, pray for reasonable fine, in view of their great cost in building, and other charges. Undated.
2 pp.
Alderman Henry Billingsley to Lord Burghley.
1594, July 8. In reply to letter of 7 July enquiring as to the course taken in the port of London with French merchants bringing in wines, touching employments. Before delivering any warrant for landing their wines, we take bond of them according to the statute to employ the value of the said wines (which although they be rated in the book of rates but at 3l. the tun, as also all other wines except sweet wines which are rated at 6l. the tun, yet for that the freight and impost amounteth to more than the rate, we have used to rate all kinds of wines as touching their bond at 4l. the tun) or put the said value, rated as before, in due payment within the realm within; 6 months after which rate, if any merchant stranger refuse to enter into bond for employments, he forfeiteth the value of the wines.—London, 8 July, 1594.
Holograph. ½ p.
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 8. Because it is your pleasure I should particularise the matter I sent you word of, I will do it even as he reported unto me and as near as I can in the same words and fashion. This morning about 8 of the clock, Mr. George “Thuersbye” came to me and told me that Sir Francis Allen had willed him to let me understand that Sir Thomas Fludd should give 4,500l. for my office; that is to say 1,500l. to the Countess of Warwick, 1,500l. to your Honour, and 1,500l. to Mr. Henry Brooke; and since that Sir Francis Allen did name for his author one Mr. Standen, a “travaylor.” I answered that it was a most vile and monstrous lie, and a dangerous slander once but to name such persons in a matter of such quality, and told him how there could be no truth or appearance of truth in it, for besides that the personages were too honourable to use any such means, it was also a very absurd thing to think that such an offer should be made, for the office being not worth the sixth part thereof, and by a man scant worth so much money, as I believed, and I did ask him what he had done in it. He answered me that upon Saturday night last he came hither to have told it unto me, and in my absence he told it to my son, Anthony Sherley, who answered him to the same effect that I did and willed him by no means to talk of it. Then I demanded of him what he had since done in it. He answered me that yesterday being in Court he met with Mr. Thomas Digges and told him as much as he had told me, who, as he saith, immediately declared it to Mr. Fludd, the gentleman usher. I told him he was worth as much blame and punishment for “devolynge” it abroad as the first author of the slander was, and I wished him to wait upon your Honour and to tell you plainly all he knew in it, for otherwise I would.—8 July, 1594.
Holograph. Seal (a face). 2 pp.
Anthony Holt to the Queen.
1594, July 8. For a lease in reversion of 18l. for his services as clerk of the Spicery. Certificate of service appended.
Note by Wm. Aubrey that the Queen grants the petition.— 8 July, 1594.
1 p.
[Thomas Edmondes] to —.
1594, July 9. Since the resolution here taken upon the negotiation of Sir Roger Williams for the return of the Duke of Montpensier into Brittany, the said Duke hath used earnest instance towards [symbol] to accompany him thither to assist him in that service, making the reason of his desire to be that, because in respect of the many occasions fxxw bfza blhk t lt f r t b f f g k e p f s b t he shall not be able also mg a g nd h a d m z g n n i k e i f m g k l that he would therefore g f d q e r ew r b g u k f w q m a b m a w k m g b f l m r d d a b e m a w k b f. Whereupon [symbol] having speech with [symbol] told [symbol] that he was desirous therein to receive [symbol] advice and opinion; that if [symbol] should give him encouragement therein, he would the more willingly embrace the offer. And first, for argument of utility s d d x z x w m a x v g f u x f b x f v b x g y m as m r g n f m k b t m g a g nd s v g k k t k h g f s t f r b t omaul. The like commodity g k f ib z a f g n k a g g h i which it receiveth of the one side of 4s and of the other side g x m a g l w g x m a w k w d d b z b g f g t h g b q m g n. That he did assure himself p s b f z h d o f m x w m a x k x m g t x s t d x m g z x mm l g ce h g k m m g o f x l bf mg a bla p f s t l m g z t b nt n l v g g m b fz in case of need and did also promise himself the like hope k g k h d egilnhhgfmawkbn wk. Secondly, for inducements of facility m a o m a s b l r s l b k s r p g m a s g g n f m k b s ma o m m a x z q u u x k f gkg y k a x f x l hath promised him as soon as he shall be arrived there mapma to bdd strd p k t a b e l i d k g k m a i r i d d b z b g f o a i k g k a i a e m a dg fz lb f g i e r v w l w r t k w m h k g x wl l b g f m a r m l g e g xm a w given him assurance in g z x b n x f g x x d h x s w a x e xf m m g ma t r pu l t gv k t d d bz bg fm a p m a t r p f p ll nk t. a b e l i d k g k m ail uggg k l g k h g b g m g nb f e f bi f ig i ll b m b i and hopeth that I will for the love they bear him w p m w f v m a w e l wd x w lr d l g m g l g e r l l b l m r f t w m g o o k r s l a b e. But yet for that 300 that is only capable to preserve that country, and without whose effectual help it will be lost, he desireth me to advise and resolve him how 300 doth affect and will yield to embrace the succouring thereof, that if otherwise it be destined to run the wrack of ruin he may avoid the dishonour of perishing under his hands. The speech thereof ended, he further told me that whereas it was now in question to resolve upon the opening of the war in Artois and Hainault, this siege ended and Chasteautirry also reduced, and to that end to deal with the State to turn head thither with their forces, he desireth you, making known to her Majesty that you have received such notice from him, to sound her disposition how she can like thereof, either whether she can be content to join in concurrency therein, standing for her share of the acquisition that shall be made thereof, or, not affecting to bear part herself in it, can like that the war should otherwise be proceeded in by them and those of the Low Countries. And therewith did conjure me particularly to tell him plainly what I conceived thereof. I told him that her Majesty having rejected so great offers as have been made to her, as of the sovereignty of the Low Countries and others of good consequence, shewed to have no enterprising honour, and therefore that I did not think she would now savour the taste of a part whereof she had refused the whole : howbeit, that I knew not whether she would have better affection for what should accrue to her by way of conquest. And for the second point, whether her Majesty would give allowance to them to do, that I also thought not, as neither desiring that they should settle a possession in the Low Countries, nor also that those of the Low Countries should change their dependency on her to them, which that proceeding would draw on, and whereinto some humours did already shape. He answered me smiling, that we ought to do the one or the other, and not to be like the dog in the manger. For the proceeding in the said war, it is in consultation either to join their forces here with theirs of the Low Countries to go to besiege Dunkirk, or else to make a general ravage in the Provinces of Artois and Hainault, and to build forts upon the passages of the rivers, out of the which distress which thereby the towns will receive, and with the intelligence which they presume to have already in some of them, and the general desire of that people to shake off the Spanish yoke, they hope of a great revolt amongst them. I asked him if that war went forward, he meant to employ himself therein, in the which case the former proposition for Brittany would be fruitless. He answered me that max max e s k x l a s d g y t q k g f hath taken such a possession goo z g n n t k f b f z t m a t p k e q n f s t k 26 as in his ambition being desirous to do all, 26 careth not to contradict his humour, so as 26 finding that he cannot here use him “au sorte” as were convenient for his reputation, as willing to give him employment elsewhere as in that execution to enter the country of Luxembourg with some forces, where he would endeavour to caution himself if he be not otherwise diverted for Brittany. By this and my former speech had with him, “by yor L,” commandment, to procure his continuance here at the Court, I find he hath no humour thereunto, as well so long as the other hath the vogue of u g e s f w b f z x m a t p k e q, as also for that he saith he can employ himself to better profit abroad. They have a great apprehension here that we do purposely withdraw our forces out of the Low Countries to the end to disable them there to send their promised number hither.—From the Camp before Laon, 9 July 1594.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“Mr. Edmunds.”
Sir Timothy [Mockett] to —.
1594, July 9. For letter in full, see Calendar of State Papers, Eliz., under dote.
Signature erased. Endorsed :—“Sir Tiniot . .”
Lady Bacon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 13. In favour of the bearer, a ranger of Enfield, desiring employment under Sir Robert.
I am in good comfort in the Lord's mercy, when sooner or later as pleaseth him, and can be content to have some venison when you can. God help both my poor sons. Francis hath been tossed inter spem curamque to oppose another manner of man, and he reviling; let them learn to depend upon God and in his fear and favour wait upon him with good hope. For sure is he. They feel the . . . want of a father now in their ripe age. Fare you well, good nephew, with God's gracious assistance, with good increase of his love towards you.—Gorham, 13 July.
Endorsed :—“1594. In favour of North.”
1 p.
Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 13. About some things importing much the advancement of her Majesty's fortifications in the islet of St. Heliers, which are secretly crossed by someone of the deputies of the Isle which were before you last winter, bearing the poor people in hand that her Majesty hath yielded an increase of wages to all sorts of labourers and carriages; which is directly contrary to the instructions of the Lords of the Privy Council. Mr. Paul Ive, the Surveyor, and myself have laboured to put this conceit out of the people's heads, but the authority of him that encourageth them and the plausibleness of the argument hath made them almost forget the terms of modesty and duty in their carriages towards us. For my own part I cannot so much condemn the people as he that keepeth them in this error (which is Mr. Amys Carteret). The rather for that my Lord Treasurer did in my hearing let him know what was intended touching workmen's wages. This is the first complaint that ever I made against any in this isle. I crave your favour to my petition sent unto the Lord Treasurer, for men and munition for the new fort, being in the judgment of all men high time the place were munitioned and guarded.—Jersey, 13 July, 1594.
Holograph. 2 pp.
Dr. Richard Webster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 13. Depends upon Cecil for preferment. His request at this time is if Mr. Day shall chance not to be preferred (“as was doubted, your Honour best knoweth”) he may succeed some other that shall be preferred. “If Mr. D. Vauglian should be Bishop of Llandaff or elsewhere, as the speech went, a very honest and sufficient man and chaplain to my L. Keeper, if it would please you to get me the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, which he now hath and executeth yearly in my parish church, I should think myself greatly pleasured.”—July 13, 1594.
Holograph. ½ p. On the back a list of names.
John Hoptox, Mayor of Southampton, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 13. Asking for directions as to a suspicious person, a Frenchman, Thomas Darques by name, born at Rouen, as he saith, whom he has committed to safe custody, close prisoner.—Southampton, 13 July, 1594.
Signed. 1 p.
John Gregorie to [Lord Burghley].
1594, July 14. His barber. Prays for the concealed wardship of Francis Chalioner, Sussex.
Endorsed:—“14 July, 1594.”
½ p.
Richard Guibell to Thomas Middleton, London.
1594, July 15. As to the carrick which had sprung a leak, increasing her Majesty's charges, &c.—Dartmouth, 15 July, 1594.
Holograph. 1 p.
Anthony Poulett to the Lord High Treasures.
1594, July 15. A small boat of this Isle from St. Malo bringeth certain advice that the 12th of this instant it was absolutely concluded in the town house that six should be sent with articles to the King, and all the town hath sworn to approve what by them shall be promised in the making of the peace. The Duke of Mercury is at a castle called Suyll, with La Roque Blanche and Mons. de Mombarrot, Governor of “Reynes,” as it is supposed about making of his peace also. There came from Lisbon two merchants of St. Malo in a ship of Roscou in the last month, who report for certain that newly before their departure, the chief commander of the galleys, having invited to the number of three score and upwards of the chiefest of the city of Lisbon to a banquet aboard the galleys, after much feasting and triumph having trained them to sport down the river, did in fine shew a commandment he had received from the King to execute them all; which presently was put to practice. They were all beheaded, their bodies were carried back to Lisbon, and their heads were carried with speed into Spain to the King. This was the tragical end of this solemn feast. The cause that was given out there of this cruel murther was for that letters were intercepted wherein they had intelligence with England. This is in sum that these merchants affirm touching the fact. They report there is a great fleet gone for the Indies. Sir John Norreys writeth that upon report that Don Juan de Lagula intended to begin another fort over against that the Spaniards hath in defence at Brest, he purposed to have drawn his troops somewhat near the place to have given annoyance to the enterprise, but as should seem, hearing of the arrival of the Low Countries' troops, he took a new deliberation.—Jersey, 15 July, 1594.
Holograph. 2 pp.
Expedition to Brest.
1594, July 15. Paper endorsed.—“xv. Julii, 1584, Memorial for Brest.” Memoranda of instructions in Lord Burghley's handwriting.
Charge of cost and conduct for 3000 men by the month : for 3 months. Charge of shipping for 3000 from England, for 2000 from Jersey. Sir Thomas Shirley, by Mole, a deputy, to pay the 5500. Victualler for the ships, Mr. Darrell, to go out with the navy to be overseer. 3000 to pass out of England to be shipped out of these ports, London, Harwich, Southampton, Weymouth, Plymouth; 2500 to Jersey or Guernsey from Pempoole. Sir John Nor[ris] to be warned to be at Jersey. Ships to transport the 3000 out of England. Victuals for the same from the merchants. Sir Francis Drake to come to the Jsles, with the men from Plymouth. 100 pioneers from Cornwall to be shipped at Plymouth. The merchants to provide victual for the men that shall go to Brest from Jersey and Guernsey. Sir Thomas Norr[is], Lieut-General; Sir Robert Way, marshal; Sir Thomas Baske[rville], Serjeant-Major; Sir Thomas Wingfield, Master of the Ordnance.
Victual for 5000. The charge, price of victual :—At London to Sir John Hawkins : At Rye, Henry Apsley and the Mayor : at Harwich, Grey, King, Burnet : at Southampton, Sir G. Cave and Eaton, the Mayor : Weymouth, Caro Ralegh, Sir G. Trenchard. Plymouth, Sir John Gilbert, Sir Francis Drake and the Mayor of Plymouth.
1 p.
Countess of Cumberland to —.
1594, July 15. Begging him Lo move Sir Robert Cecil on behalf of Mr. Ryther, a prisoner in the Fleet that “law may be granted him.” Moved her Majesty on the man's behalf when she was at Court upon Sunday was sevennight.—Bedford House, 15 July, 1594.
Address torn off. Signed. 1 p.
Expedition to Brest.
1594, July 16. Warrant under sign manual, addressed to Lord Burghley, Lord Lieutenant of Essex, directing him to levy 250 men in the co. of Essex, so as the one half be furnished with pikes and the other half shot, wherof a third part to be musketeers, to be ready to embarked at Harwich before the last day of July, the Queen having determined to prepare convenient forces to be joined to such succours as shall be sent by the French King into Brittany, to withstand the attempt of the King of Spain upon the haven of Brest.—At the Manor of Greenwich, 16 July, 36 Eliz.
Signet. 1 p.
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 16. Thanks for information. Is inflamed with desire to serve in so fine an enterprise and to show his faithfulness to the Queen and the Realm. Has decided that he can do best service on the sea; as he is not provided for land service, nor can he be so in so short a time. For a naval battle however he can easily provide himself, and begs that he may go with a dignity suitable to his age and experience, and that the Lord Admiral will give him charge, as he formerly promised, of one of the Queen's ships, if not one of the largest that shall go, at least one of the middle size. If so will come at once to London and be ready by 1 Aug. Writes to the Lord Admirai but will not send the letter until he knows from Cecil whether his desire will be granted. To go as a private person is no longer becoming to his age, and he would rather stay at home and serve the Queen some other way.—Badburham, 16 July, 1594.
P.S.—Did not receive your letters till midday to-day.
Italian. Hol. 1 p.
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 17. As to time appointed for an interview. Is to go now presently to my Lord Buckhurst to resolve him of a matter written out of Ireland, against the licence by the Lord Chief Baron there.— London, 17th July, 1594.
Holograph. ½ p.
John Byrd to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 17. As to an Irish gent. Brian More (who, on the first night of his coming to London for no other cause than to see the Queen and learn English fashions, by the then Lord Mayor, Sir William Webb, was carried to the Compter, where 27 months he remained, sever called to his answer) not long since enlarged by Lord Burghley. It appeareth by good trial had of his many valorous exploits, done at the direction of every the provincial governors in Ireland, that he is counted as a choice gent, fit to undertake any execution, wherein policy, valour, experience, strength of friends and feats of martiality are to be used and found in one; especially, by direction of Sir G. Boucher, in winning a castle from the enemy, entering by policy without weapon of their own, did with their own weapons put to the sword all that were within. At Sir Thomas Morris's direction winning also another castle, and with 60 of his own men serving against Daniel McCarty long time without pay or recompense desired. At Sir B. Bingham's direction also, with 50 of his own men, served without pay 24 weeks upon Brian O'Rcurke, the traitor, and having at one time but 20 in his company charged him with 60, wounded him (not without hurt himself), slew many of his men and the rest put to flight. And in the late service in Ulster, in face of the camp, as Sir H. Bagenall will testify, fought upon a challenge made (in defence of her Majesty's honour) against the brother of McMahon, a hardy traitor, whom he there slew. And now he offers, without charge to her Majesty, disturbance to the State, or grievance to the people, to send hither or to the Lord Deputy the head of the choicest traitor there, namely Feagh McHugh, or his sons, or Walter Beaghes, in revenge of the death of a valiant and loyal gent Sir Piers fitz James, whom they lately burnt, with his wife and children, the rest putting to the sword. Or, by insinuation with them in show of discontent for his hard measures here received, seeming to join in action with them, getting Feagh's letters of credit containing his secrets unto O'Donnell, so to the Earl of Tyrone, now standing on doubtful terms, and to Magroyer, McMahon and O'Bourke, to gather all their intentions, friends, hopes and strengths, foreign and domestic, by letters missive one to another, sending them, before the delivery to the persons, to the Lord Deputy by me, to be speedily returned by a course agreed upon between us, whereby any action of theirs may be prevented. And desires only her Majesty's letter to the Lord Deputy to recompense his service proportion ably to his deserving, not minding to shew himself unto his lordship before he shall exploit some principal matter, and, failing, to leave his head behind him. Howbeit, being by his undeserved imprisonment 2 years and a quarter in an infectious place, three quarters thereof close prisoner, endangered of his life, and by expenses of 200l. impaired, etc. he prayeth retribution of his charges. And as the Earl of Desmond was seduced by Dr. Saunders who carried the Pope's banner before him in his rebellion, and the Viscount Baltinglasse by Dr. Allen and Rochford, Jesuits, so at this instant is the Earl of Tyrone laboured to rebellion by a Spanish Cardinal so called, and a Romish bishop, called O'Devannagh for the bishopric of Down, whom he maketh no doubt to surprise and, dead or alive, to bring away. Of such “impostunate” members I have a catalogue of many late comers over, dispersed into all parts of the realm to stir up the heads of the Irishry to rebellion, with their bulls, pardons and excommunications, wounding the consciences of the people, bearing them in hand with foreign power to free them from the English Government. And it is feared if some course be not taken from hence, that of the principals of that country's birth there will be found few to continue firm to the State. The Commission Ecclesiastical which was wont to be a bridle to restrain the ill affected and to cherish the good, having long lain dormant, they spare not to say that the Lord Deputy is directed to hold a temporising course in matters of religion, rather to suffer them to enjoy their consciences, upon which they have lately more than ever since her Majesty's time, erected superstition, openly in the principal cities and corporations using their idolatrous masses and Romish traditions, harbouring in their houses such traitorous Romanists railing upon her Majesty, denouncing all such as observe her Majesty's laws excommunicated and in estate of perdition, for reformation whereof you shall do God and her Majesty good service by some letters earnestly written from hence to the Ecclesiastical Commisssoners there to quicken them to a more earnest zeai. Such votaries to the Church of Rome are taught that every evil done to her Majesty and subjects turneth to their own merit, and where God is not honoured, it is not to be hoped that princes are obeyed for conscience', sake. Some encumbrances for debt and wants grown by my 10 years' fruitless suits in hopes of recompense for my former recommended services have detained me, being now brought to a far worse case than when I began to serve her Majesty. It should be an encouragement to me to employ my whole endeavours in the discovery of treasonable practices, if the Lord Deputy might have her Majesty's warrant to recompense me. And I will hereon pawn my life, if I may but be here paid 148l. due to me upon the determination of my last account, that before many months I will lay such plots for surprising of a Spanish Cardinal, with some Romish seducers of the people called bishops and legates from Rome, as the State of Ireland will acknowledge me worthy of recompense.—17 July, 1594.
Endorsed :—“Byrd to me.” Also, in another hand :—“To be considered by Sir H. Wallop.”
Holograph. 3 closely written pp.
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 17. With reference to Her Majesty's letter commanding him to levy 300 men in Kent, to be shipped at Portsmouth for Brittany, asks whether there is to be a deduction of 10 “dead pays” in every 100 men, as heretofore usually hath been, “for a band of 150 men were never levied more than 135 men complete,” or whether the full number of 300 men shall be levied and furnished.—Cobham Hall, 17 July, 1594.
Signed. ½ p.
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 17. There is of late one Roger Newland come to Totuess, a young man of 22 years of age, which hath rested in Spain at Grande Malagas ever since he was 12 years old; there left by his friends to learn the language, which are honest merchants dwellers in Totness. He hath been examined by Mr. Sparrey and me : we can find nothing in him but wholly addicted to papistry according to his breed in Spain; but begins to be conformed, for he comes to the Church and goeth to the sermons. But lest there be more matters hid under his colour of simplicity, we have thought necessary to advertise you of him. And in the meantime, there is good bonds taken of two sufficient sureties, in 200 marks a piece, that he shall not depart the realm till your pleasure be herein known.—Grenewaye, 17 July, 1594.
Signed. ½ p.
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 17. My Lord Treasurer willed me to send you this enclosed draft of a warrant to his lordship for issuing of money for the service of Brittany. And because there is haste of the passing of it, it may please you to cause one of the clerks of the Signet to engross the same, that you may procure it to be signed by the Queen's Majesty as presently as it may be conveniently.—This 17 July, 1594.
Endorsed by mistake :—“Sir Ho. Pallevacino to my master.”
Holograph. Seal defaced. 1 p.
Lord Cobham.
1594, July 17. Note of Lord Cobham's geldings.
1 p.
Sir Walter Raleigh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 20. It seemeth that the late advertisement of the Spanish preparations is now confirmed, and this last week there were three great Spanish men-of-war that gave chase to an English ship and her two prizes and drove them even to the very mouth of Dartmouth. It is likely that all our Newfoundland men will be taken up by them if they be not speedily driven from the coast, for in the beginning of August our “Newland” fleet are expected, which are above 100 sail. If those should be lost it would be the greatest blow ever given to England. I beseech you to remember ray leave to go; privately with my Lord Admiral. I may, perchance, do Her Majesty some service. I am now preparing those 50 miners for which I had direction, but if Her Majesty's letter had let it at large as well for Devon as Cornwall, Devon may better spare men than Cornwall; but I am now tied by the letter to Cornwall, which hath fewer men and is “nirer” the enemy. I pray, sir, vouchsafe me a line or two, how things go on and who goes for “Britayne.”—Sherborne, 20 July.
Endorsed :— “1594.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Caft. Dautrey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 21. Thanks him for the especial good and favour received from him, by procuring for him (Dautrey) 140l. out of forfeitures, and communicating the Queen's pleasure that he should have a good pension in Ireland until it should be known whether the office he held, the government of Clandeboye, the Rought. and other private counties there unto adjacent, would be continued or not; if continued, that he should be replaced therein; and if not, should have the first and next office or charge falling void there. Prays for Her Majesty's letter accordingly. Thinks it now high time for him to seek to serve, the rather because he would declare himself as willing to die for his country's liberty as that he Sees the danger the kingdom standeth in by the creeping so near of so great an enemy as the King of Spain is. Asks to be entrusted to fetch a regiment of 1,500 or 2,000 trained soldiers of the mere Irish birth out of Ireland, to serve her Majesty in the expedition into Brittany. The commodity that will come to her Majesty and her whole dominions hereby will be these. First, she shall leave at home many of her people of England and reserve their lives until a further necessity to constrain her. Secondly, disarm her ill-disposed subjects of Ireland whose unnatural mutinies and rebellions are supported by those trained soldiers. Thirdly, she shall save the spending of more treasure in Ireland, (if any great rebellion should happen there while these soldiers were there) than 6 or 7,000 men can spend her in France in a whole year. Fourthly, they will do more spoil upon the enemy than thrice as many soldiers of any other nation, for there can be no better soldiers upon the earth than they be, either for the use of their weapons or the strength of their bodies and minds, for they are such seasoned men for the war that can endure all fortunes whatsoever, and they will keep health when others with a little extremity will lie by the wall. Lastly, if they live the Queen is like to be well served by them; if they die she shall be the better served, for it is pity they should ever go back again into their own country so long as her Majesty hath any employment for soldiers. It is a merry wind (they say) that can blow nothing else but profit. Let not the example of Sir William Stanley make the Privy Council doubt the loyal and good service of the Irishman in any country out of Ireland, so long as they may have pay of her Majesty and honest and skilful captains to command them. The fault was not the soldiers', but the colonel's and the captain's of that regiment. If he may have this charge and lay down his opinion for the captains, he will answer for their true and faithful behaviour.—21 July, 1594.
On the back the names following, viz :—Captains Or me, Dove, Claie, Symme, Prinne, Dale, Skinner, Whitlock, Vaughan, Eustace, Yaxley, Leven, Ousley, Coote, Blundell, Pauton, Turner, Malby, Horsey.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. closely written in small hand.
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 21. It is already public that the Earl of Essex is not going; and thus cools most of the heat of the enterprise. Still, to show my good will, and because of your invitation, if the Lord Admiral shall go and will give me a ship, I will very willingly go. Await your answer.—Badburham, 21 July, 1594.
Italian. Hol. 1 p.
Earl of Lincoln to Lord Burghley.
1594, July 22. Be pleased to looked into this complot which Sir Edward Dymock and Savile still prosecute by sendiug up weekly such as they can solicit to accuse me, instruct them their lessons in the country, and have their solicitors here to bring them to those in court whom they assure them to be countenanced by. They have long sought my life and could never hurt me, nor yet can if you continue your favour that I may have justice and indifferent trial; for the truth will appear and those malicious slanders after proof light upon the devisers : so shall I perform my vow to love and honour you thereof. If you do but suffer this their devilish practice against me, who only rely on you for justice, and have no friend to move, as much as some, equal trial against so many enemies, so mightily encouraged and favoured in court, the favour you shew to all men failing to me that assured myself of you, is my undoing and disgrace, and not any matter which any man in the world can justly charge me with. I most humbly therefore [pray], have some more care of this my lamentable estate, overpressed with enemies, with griefs and sickness; without comfort, council or friends, if your lordship have not commiseration of me. And so, praying you humbly to comfort me, I leave you to the Almighty.—23 July, 1594.
Holograph. 1 p.
Frederi Spinoler to Estienne d'Yvarra, “Conseiiler de Sa Majesté et son Sécretaire de Guerre.”
1594, July 24/Aug 3 Concernanta les particulates, combien de galeres il seroit de besoing de tenir icy en Flandres, Je seroy d'advisb qu'il n'y pourroit estre rien moins que dix, et s'ils fussent 15 ou 20, il seroit mieulx pour en vouloir tirer du fruist tel qu'on desire. Ce qui n'est pas seullement pour demeurere a Dunkerke, et donner quelque empeschement aux ennemis : * * * * * ny aussi pour faire deux forts en I' Isle de Cadsant, Pun a Nierhaven et I'autre a Breslier, pour destourner aux ennemis le pas du canal de Villissingues * * * lesquels deux choses combien que soyent de tres grande importance, principalement la seconde, puis d qu'on viendroit a estre ainsi patron du canal comme l'ennemy, de tant plus qu'au port de Nierhaven se pourroyent tenir plus de 200 gros vaisseaulx, et a Villissingues, venante fortune de Ponent, et Sou'estf, il fault entrer en la Dortine g * * * pourtant on n'empescheroit point de cette facon en traficque de la mer entre la Zelande et l' Angleterre, car s'ils ne pourront passer par le Canal de Villissingues, ils passeront par celuy de Tervier * * * Mais estant la fin de ces galeres d'oster la traficque de la mer, entre les Isles d'Hollande et Zeelande avec l'Angleterre et Oostlande et les aultres provinces, laquelle estant ostee, car elle s'ostera en un an ou un peu plus tard (apres) que les galeres soyent icy, il n'y a doubte que les ennemis ne se puissent plus tenir, en partie pour ce que l'Hollande et Zelande ne cueillent du bled a snffisanre pour eux, en partie aussi pour ce que, defaillant en traficque, specialement celle de Oostlande, ils leur fauldront aussi des deniers pour payer les gens et maintenir les armies. Et pour oster cette traficque est il nece saire de se tenir quelquesfois en plusieurs lieux d'Hollande et Zelande et Frise, ou il y a des tres bons ports et capables de grand nombre de vaisseaulx, esquels il n'y a nulle forteresse des ennemis, et partie de ceux sont deshabitez. Et encores peut on estre chassé de la fortune de la mer en semblables ports de France et d'Angleterre, esquel si l'on arrive, avec peu de galeres on y peut estre rompu h, et encore estre prins d'un grand nombre de vaisseaulx que l'ennemy a. Au contraire, arrivant la avec 10 galeres, avec 200 souldarts pour chascune (ou a rnoins 150) * * * ayant tous les jours a combattre avec l'ennemy, on ne court en nul dangeri * * * * Et voulant gaigner quelqu'un de ces havres pour sa Majesté en y faisant une forteresse, principalement aux lieux de plus grande importance, on y peut transpose avec dix galeres entre dix et trois mi lie souldarts * * * * Ne fault pas doubter qu'il n'y ait de ports de mer capables de taut de galeres, car a Gravelingues se peuvent bien tenir 30 galeres, a Dunkerke 20, a Nieuport 40, a l'Escluse plus de 150, au fort de Stendic autant qui sont tous ports de pa Majesté. Et les frais ne sont ne plus ne moins payez en Espagne.—De Casali,k le 3 d'Aout, 1594.
Marginal Notes :aCirca, alentour. bopinion. eSe tenir. dpuis qu'on se feroit par ainsi maistres du canal. eSe levant tempeste. flibeccho, suyd west. gDortina ne se trouve ny en Italien ny en Espagnol. Credo esse stationem ubi naves quiescunt (a dormio). hrotto, rompu, desfait. iischio, hazard. kDubito an sit de casa li, 3.
Endorsed :—“Lettre interceptée.”
Sir George Carew and Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 24. Hoping it is needless to present unto your wisdom our dutiful affections with circumstances and protestations, whom we do confidently repute and approvedly have found to be our honourable good friend and patron, we will only solicit your Honour briefly. For many good reasons which we can and have alleged to Her Majesty, as also by her own often gracious words thereunto encouraged, we are resolved presently to exhibit a suit unto her Royal hands, so honest, plausible and withal beneficial to Her Majesty as that we are in very good hope to effect the same, having procured good means and assistance therein. And for that we are right well assured that by your good means and for your sake, the matter when it comes to reference, may have the better and speedier passage, we do by these humbly and earnestly beseech your favour and furtherance therein. In regard whereof, as also for sundry other your courtesies, and in token of our gratuity which never hath yet appeared but in protestations, we will most gladly (humbly beseeching your Honour to accept thereof) present you 500l. out of the benefit accruing unto us. As for the breaking of the suit unto Her Majesty, we will ourselves undertake that. And in the mean season, do in all duty earnestly crave you to take further occasion by way of talk to give your good report and favourable recommendation to Her Majesty of us, whose princely disposition we do already find to be very graciously inclined in our behalf.—“Mynorys,” 24 July, 1594.
Signed. 1 p.
Thomas D'arques to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 25. Writes a second time with regard to his situation, being without money and friends. Asks how he can satisfy Cecil, offers to leave the Kingdom (though with regret) if commanded to do so.—Gatehouse (Domus pænitentice).—25 July, 1594.
French. Holograph. 1 p.
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 26. The 300 levied in this country will be in readiness by Monday next (at the farthest) to be delivered to the captains appointed to receive them. In the meantime, let me know whether such as are appointed to be “correlets” will not be accepted of, having but bare “curates” without poldrans and taces, which (as it is said) are not used, and some ease it would be to the country if the charge of providing poldrans and taces might be spared.—Cobham Hall, 26 July, 1594.
Signed. 1 p.
Anthony Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1594], July 26. I understand, by my father, that I was this day in question for the cashing of my company, which I should be exceeding sorry should be laid upon me after ten years' service, especially at this time, whilst the memory of my many disgraces is so fresh. If it be only because of my going, rather than I would incur the danger of it, I assure your Honour though I be unreasonably ill able, I will make the best means I can to go. It is for no profit that I receive by my place that I am thus bold to trouble you, for Sir Thomas Norreys will testify that my expense hath been double my entertainment, but to avoid the slander folly and malice will lay upon a poor man that hath had my fortune.—London, this 26 of July.
P.S.—I beseech your Honour to let my lord your father understand that I will go : you shall infinitely bind me to defend me from this public disgrace and question.
Seal. Endorsed :—“1594.”
1 p.
Officers of the Port of Ipswich to Lord Burghley.
1594, July 27. Within the precincts of the port of Ipswich there are divers woodmongers which usually buy up most part of the wood and charcoals in our counties of Suffolk and Essex, and under colour of loading it for London and elsewhere, convey it by themselves and Flemish hoys into Flanders and Zealand, and in their loading do cunningly lay under their lighters of wood sometimes corn, butter and tallow, our searcher having by his diligence found out the same, they altogether refusing to come to our customhouses to enter the same, according to her Majesty's laws and our books of orders set down to us for observation of the same. Divers of them where we have rode ten miles to view their loading, colour themselves, affirming the same to be loaden with her Majesty's wood, when as in truth we have found it contrary, and the wood to be none of the Queen's : we offering them whatsoever they be that load her Majesty's wood shall load it freely, and have their warrant for delivery thereof without any penny taking for the same, but only to bring them to order, which we cannot do, such is the obstinacy of divers of them. Our Searchers' deputy at Harwich hath of late been cast overboard in performance of his duty. We therefore humbly crave your Honour's letters, authorising us to call those woodmongers into the customhouse and there charge them, upon forfeiture of the wood carried out of port, to take cocket and make entry of the same.—Ipswich, 27 July, 1594.
Signed :—Richard Browne, collector; Henry Goldingham, comptroller; Benjamin Clere, Searcher.
Seal. 1 p.
Lord Chancellor of Scotland to Lord Burghley.
1594, July 28. Recommending to his favour “this gentleman,” his Highness's Secretary and the Chancellor's nephew, employed by his Majesty in commission towards the Queen of matters importing to Religion, both the States, and this whole isle.—Leithington, 28 July, 1594.
Signed :—“Jo. Thyrlstand.” ½ p.
Lords of the Council to Lord Burghley, Lord Lieutenant of Essex.
1594, July 28. The former orders to levy 250 soldiers in the co. of Essex now changed by reducing the number to 150, to be at Harwich on 5 Aug.—Greenwich, 28 July, 1594.
Signed :—W. Burghley, Essex, C. Howard, Jo. Puckering, J. Hunsdon, J. Wolley.
1 p.
Sir Thomas Throckmerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 28. Where you have vouchsafed of late to yield me your favour with the rest of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, at the request of the Countess of Warwick, for my liberty until the 1st September next, in regard to my health to have travelled to the Baths of Buxton, and Avhere, by reason of the extremity of the wet season which hath fallen this two months of June and July, I could not take the benefit thereof, to the great prejudice, as I fear, of my weak and sickly body, wherefore I beseech the continuance of your favour for the enlarging of my liberty until the end of Michaelmas Term, partly for the recovery of my health to travel in September to the Baths in Somersetshire, as also in regard to some great suits in law like to be prosecuted against me and divers my poor tenants next term, some of them depending before your honourable good Father.—From my house at Weston Underwood, 28 July, 1594.
Signed. 1 p.
Richard Douglas to Archibald Douglas.
1594, July 28. To answer what you wrote unto me in your last by Alexander Denistoune, for by that I heard not from you since the Baron of Fingas come from you. I will not, therefore, insist any further in the purpose touching the Earl of Angus and the Society, for on both the sides the matter is deserted, neither is it now in terms that that sort of dealing could do any good. Their estate and hard course to be taken with them I refer to the bearer, who will sufficiently inform you thereof, and of all the preparations making here to go against them, but thus far is thought by the wiser sort here, that it shall turn to no greater matter nor the last journey which upon the like occasion was made to Aberdeen, for his Majesty's favour is thought etill to continue towards Huntley. It is not assuredly as yet known here what great matter has brought Mr. James Gordon and with him this unknown Englishman, whom some suspect to be Sir William Stanley, others Morgan, and the other “Spainiart” in this country, but I look to understand the truth thereof very shortly, with their resolution and intentions they have grounded on to take in hand upon their coming, which so soon as I learn I shall advertise you thereof so soon as I can find a convenient bearer. Always this country is like to be miserable, and the confusion that has been therein this great while past is now apparently to draw to open hostility, for at this baptism if Bothwell obtain no grace, whereof there is but small or no appearance, then be will not fail to attempt some open invasion, which may perhaps disturb this Northland voyage, for that people are in better intelligence than everyone believes, albeit for both their benefits it be suppressed and kept close as yet; but I leave these purposes, for I have determined to meddle no farther neither with the one side nor the other, but to behold the issue, and except you command, not to stir this great while from my Father's house. As for your man William Anderson, trust me, so far as I can learn by all the moyen I can have, he is not with any of the people whom you suspect, nor yet in this country, for if he were and had with him that which ye imagine, it were easy for him to obtain favour both with King and Court where all things are “sollable,” principally in this scarcity of silver and so “mekie” to do with it, but trust me if he may be found here, except he satisfy you, this country shall be no place of safety to him, whatsoever protection or of whomsoever he get it. Neither would I that upon that occasion, if ye have no greater project, ye should stay in that country, but rather draw yourself, albeit it should be quietly, home, where ere it be long your own merits will make you place and your friends will be careful of you, and as for us, as I said before, we shall communicate with you all our fortunes. The “Secrettar” who is now directed Ambassador there to beg, ye may be sure will do you all the harm he can, if it were but to please his uncle, for he is not so wise as to make a friendship for himself, but I hope they shall know him so well that his malice will not be able to harm you. This bearer, “Jerye” Douglas, a gentleman whom ye know and of what good will ye have sufficient proof, will make you acquainted with farther of his proceedings. I need not to recommend him unto you. There is here an action of divorcement pursued by Patrick Turner's wife against him, whereby she purposes, if she obtain it, for her dowry to comprise that which is “restand” of his lands. I know he is indebted unto you of a good sum of money. Therefore I w7ill do what I may to stay it not going forward. I must also very earnestly request you to send me back with this bearer this “tak” of your benefice in Orkney, subscribed by you, for that which ye sent off before will serve of no purpose, because it is with consent of the Bishop who was dead before it came to my hands. [Gives his reasons for requiring it, etc.]—Edinburgh, 28 July, 1594.
A postscript attached :—Since my closing of my other letter, I have received advertisement from the Earl of Angus that these strangers that are come to Aberdeen are specially directed to their society, with great promises from the King of Spain, both of men and money, to bear out their cause, if they will bide by it; whereof he has requested me to advertise you, promising both in his own name and the rest, that if the Queen of England will take a dealing for them and help to settle them in their former estate, they shall not only not take any conditions with the King of Spain or any other foreign prince, but by the contrary they shall bind themselves to Her Majesty, and their houses, upon whatsoever condition she can require, and farther as she will desire of them; and if there be an appearance of the obtaining hereof, the bond and whatsoever else can be lawfully framed shall be sent unto you. I think the rather this should be accepted because that this preparation to go against them is only to draw siver from that estate, and nothing meant in effect except it be against Angus and his house, as will appear ere it be long.
Holograph, 2½ pp.
Charles Hassie to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 30. The bearer hath dealt with Hugh Lenton touching the cause I was with you yesterday. The word spoken by Lenton this bearer and another hath set down in a breviate under their hands which he will deliver.—30 July, 1594.
The “breviate” delivered, signed by Gabriel Rowthe and Edward Brotherick. It states that Hugh Lenton, a prisoner in the Queen's Bench, did deliver these speeches in their presence, viz :— That one William Cockett, before Francis Wilson of the Co. of Worcester and four or Jive more, said that my Lo. Treasurer, my Lo. Admiral, my Lo. Chamberlain and Sir Robert Cecil were his friends, and that he had given him by the Council for his sheep 80l. more than they were worth, but, saith he, Sir Robert Cecil must have of me 50l. for his friendship.
Signed. 1½ pp.
Thomas D'arques to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, July 31. Making a third application for relief. If there is a divinity in numbers (as Pythagoras affirms) this letter will be more fortunate than the others, as it belongs to that number of which the proverb runs, Tria sunt omnia. Few of his own age can be found like himself who can speak six or seven different languages, and are acquainted with the liberal sciences and principally music and arithmetic. Will not boast of his handwriting which is but a manual art. Has some knowledge of geometry, mathematics and astrology.—From the Gatehouse, 31 July, 1594.
French. 1½ pp.
Sir John Norreys.
1594, July 31. Draft of further instructions upon the increase of the forces under his command to 4,000 men, to be divided into 26 bands with captains, or 27 at the most, adding thereunto the band of horsemen already with him, and the entertainment also of 50 miners.
Endorsed :—“Ult. July, 1594.”
Thomas Robinson to Mr. Carmarden.
1594, July. In answer to letter enquiring as to the orders observed in Sandwich concerning the true and upright making and ensealing of “bayes, sayes, grograines, carrels” and other such like stuffs. The strangers in this town having the first foundation and establishment here from her Majesty in the beginning of her reign, had appointed to them by the town a hall. Whereupon they chose amongst themselves 12 men of the discreetest and best skill, to be attendant at the hall at certain hours of the day, for the view, correction and allowance of the said bayes and other stuffs brought unto them. Secondly, every maker of the said bayes [is] enjoined upon penalty to weave in at the end of each bay 4 “leades,” ready to have such several impressions put to them as shall be found meet by the foresaid 12 men. And before they be stamped they visit the said bayes twice, first as it cometh from the loom before it be fulled, and again after they be fulled. Thirdly, they have three seals which they set generally upon all sorts of bayes. The first is the seal of the crown which they have by authority from the “Allneyer,” to whom they pay a yearly composition for it. The second seal is of the town, by which it is known where the commodity is made, for the which the township hath for every piece 2d. The third seal is the number of threads in the warp, whereby is discerned the several degrees of goodness. Fourth, forasmuch as there are two or three sorts of bayes in goodness, the one exceeding the other in breadth and price, they have for the fourth “lead” three several prints, to wit, for the best bay a seal with a ship; the second a rose; and the third, a “flower de liuce.” This order so duly observed, hath given such credit to the commodities, both in the Low Countries, “Hispaigne,” Barbary and all other places, as the seal being seen it sufficeth. The order of the bayes is the chiefest and of most worth, wherein there might be greatest deceit. The same order and course here used was taken from hence by tradition to Norwich, Colchester, Maidstone, Canterbury, and other places, who hold the same order still. As for other commodities of less bulk, as grograines and such like, the greatest number of which are made at the foresaid towns, there is also an order of viewing and sealing them, being white, and carried to London to be sold and there dyed. And to speak my opinion of abuses in making these latter kinds of stuffs, there is greater deceits in those brought into the realm than of those made here.—Sandwich, the—day of July, 1594.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Silk Trade.
1594, July. A note of all sorts of silk, brought into the port of London in one year, from Michaelmas 1592 to the same feast 1593.
By Englishmen.
The Subsidy.
l~i s. d.
Spanish and other fine silk 11,452 ll 572 12 0
Bridges silk 1,664 ll 62 8 0
Floret silk 5,013 ll 104 8 9
Paris and Filozel silk 360 papers 9 0 0
Thrown and Orgazin silk 12,379 ll 412 12 8
Long raw silk 1,202 ll 40 1 4
Silk nubbs 700 ll 1 3 0
1,202 5 9
By Strangers
Spanish and other fine silk 12,283 ll 614 3 0
Bridges silk 32 ll 1 4 0
Floret silk 1,888 ll 39 6 8
Thrown and Orgazin silk 3,252 ll 108 8 0
Long raw silk 2,129 ll 70 19 4
Short raw silk 403 ll 5 0 9
Sum of the Subsidy 839 1 9
Custom 209 15 5
1,048 17 2
The average price of all sorts of silks, one with another, per pound, 15s.
Two and a half pounds of such sorted silks will make 5½ yards of the best “Millame tufted taffatas,” amounting to 37s. 6d.
The custom on this to the Queen, 1s. 9d. Every yard of tuffed taffata rated at 9s. the yard, so that five yards yieldeth in custom 2s.d., so that her Majesty loseth in the custom of every pound of silk made into tuffed taffata, of that she sjiould have if the same silk were woven on the other side the seas and brought hither, 4¼d.
Say that there were 500 pieces of tuffed taffataes made yearly in the realm, as there is no such number made; and every piece 22 yards, and 6 lbs. of silk to every piece, so were there but 2s.d. lost in every piece of the custom that it would yield if it were made beyond the seas, it would amount in loss to the Queen, 54l. 2s. 6d.
The sealing of 500 pieces of tuffed taffataes at 6d. the piece were but 12l. 10s.
The sealing of 10,000 pieces of mockadowes and Sandwich grograines, if so many be made, at 6d. the piece, were but 250l. And that is a commodity made of our own wools, by which Norwich, Sandwich and other good towns are maintained which before were greatly decayed. And yet, if the towns do not seal those commodities, it were good they they should be.
Endorsed :—“July, 1594.”
Unsigned. 2 pp.
Bishopric of Winchester.
1594, July. Petition to the Queen from “two poor gentlemen that have spent 18 years of their youth in the dutiful and faithful service of your most Excellent Majesty, and yet do rest very barely provided for the sustaining of their elder years.” They recite the history of the grant to K. E dw. 6 by Richard Poynet, Bp. of Winchester, of manors and lands in return for the release of the see from first fruits, etc., and the gift of divers livings, which grant was cancelled in the reign of Queen Mary, and re-established by parliament in the 1st year of Queen Eliz. The petitioners declare that the Crown had not re-entered on certain of these lands which were yet concealed, and they pray to be admitted tenants in fee-farm for such of these lands as, at their own costs, they might be able to prove concealed and intruded on by the Bishops of Winchester.
Endorsed :—“July, 1594.”
Unsigned. Undated. 1¾ pp.
Giovanni Bernardo Caresana.
1594, July. Passport for Giovanni Bernardo Caresana, a gentleman of Italy, coming into the realm for the Queen's special service.—“Greenwich,” 4 July, 36 Elizabeth.
Signet and Sign Manual. 1 p.