Cecil Papers: June 1594

Pages 542-556

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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June 1594

William Anderson to Archibald Douglas.
1594, June 1. Complains of hard usage at his hands and at the hands of Doctor Joseph Mychely, so that oppressed with his strange nature, he was constrained to wrestle with his adversity, and after he had brought himself in great debt, and to the point of all extremity, God in his providence did bring a little commodity to relieve him of his debts, which he did all pay. Uncertain whether to get any more relief if he should have drawn any new debts again upon his head, he did make Douglas this offer—to be content to “close” him into his lodging, if he would provide him a plate, and never desire to come out till he had brought his affairs to a good end, but the answer was cold and little to his comfort. The like offer he made to the Doctor, which he heard patiently, but answered such excuses as was to bring forth little effect therein, and proposed that he should be acquainted with some gentlemen of the Court, of his acquaintance, which he thought not good to follow, especially because the Doctor himself told him that he found but little effect to their promises. He has been constrained to seek some means to come out of England, to seek that he could obtain elsewhere, to continue his affairs to the good end thereof, so that he might conquest and recover some means to recompense Douglas for that thing that has passed betwixt them, assuring him that he has a constant friend in him so long as he lives, if he himself give no great occasion to the contrary by some disorder or sinister behaviour towards him.—“Written upon my journey to some place of residence,” 1 June, 1594.
P.S.—Has paid all debts before he departed from London, as well in his lodging as elsewhere. If he have not received his book of the History of Portugal by Osori, he has written to have it delivered to him.
Holograph. 1½ pp.
Examination of William Turner.
1594, June 2. William Turner, merchant of Colchester, examined before Sir Henry Killegrew, Knight, by virtue of a Commission from the Lord Treasurer of England, answers : His ship departed from Billingsgate in the Whitsun holidays; some ballast she took in here at London, some at Greenhithe; that being enjoined to take some in here, they did it, but in respect they pay 10d. for a ton here, and but 4d. at Greenhithe, he was content to take the less here and the more at Greenhithe. He supposes she departed as soon as she had taken in ballast. He knows of no passenger that went, neither by himself nor by hearsay. He knows Alexander Fawlconer of Saltpreston, he had no speech withal. Anderson, because he knows him not, he cannot say whether he spake with him, unless it were in George Bruise his company. He drank with Bruise at “the Harrow” in Gracious Street, at “the Boar's head” at Moorgate, and some other place. The cause of his meeting with Bruise was in respect of the trade he has with him for salt, and for money he “ought” to George Bruise, but had no speech with him or any other about any passenger or freight to the value of a pound weight. He was not at Gravesend with the ship. It was six days at Colchester before he came home, and stayed there two days after his coming home. He thinks they had no passengers, in respect he had given commandment to the master of his ship to take in none, because the Queen's Commissioners had given him the like charge, the last voyage before this; neither knows he of any passenger that went in the ship. Whether the master gave Anderson passage or not, is more than he knows. His ship is gone to Newcastle for coals.
Signed :—William Turner.
Examination of William Mytche.
1594, June 4. The examination of William Mytche of Colchester, master and mariner of the “William,” of Colchester, of the burden of three score tons or thereabouts; whereof one William Turner, of Colchester, is owner, taken 4 June 1594, before Mr. Lionel Madinson, Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne. Examined when he was lost at London, saith that upon Sunday the 19th day of May last past, he came from Billingsgate, and that at his first coming up to London, which was about a se'nnight before, a Scottishman of a low stature, with a long red beard, whose name he knoweth not, came and would have freighted him to Leith with 30 tons of beer, and he, the Scottishman, would have gone passenger, but this examinate told him that he did not know whether he could go for Scotland or not, until his owner should come to London. Then the Scottishman did go from him, and came again about two or three days before he came away, and enquired whether his owner was “corned” up to London or not, and this examinate told him that he was not; then the Scottishman departed and he did see him no more.
Further examined, he saith that as he did go up the river to London, he did meet one of his owner's ships, called the “Marie” of Colchester, whereof one James Keyles, of London, is master, coming down Thames and going for Scotland, but whether there were any passengers in her or not, he doth not know. Also he saith that upon the 22 May last past, he, going into Colchester harbour, did meet one other of his owner's ships, called the “John” of Colchester, whereof Thomas Sharpenton, of Colchester, is master, coming forth, and going to Scotland for salt, but whether there was any passenger in her or not, he knoweth not. He saith he did not bring any passengers with him, neither from London to Colchester, nor from Colchester to this town.
1 p.
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
1594, June 5. Because I perceive by your last letter, and the report of my Ambassador, that you have far mistaken the meaning of my last letter, I am forced to let this present serve for a short apology thereof, for in two principal points I perceive you have mistaken me. And first, whereas you interpret my imitation of your words in the beginning of my letter to mean, that you are seduced by trusting false reports made of me, if you please to consider the following discourse of my letter, you will see I meant by some of your own subjects who, in receiving and assisting my avowed traitor in divers parts of your kingdom, without your allowance or privity, seduced you in abusing your princely honour and will; which appears to be but over true, since by your own letter you grant it, and avows to make them to be duly punished for the same. And surely it appears your subjects do cot yet weary to abuse you, since, notwithstanding your late proclamations, he is still received within your own country. But in this, I trust, I need not to move you, since the hurting of your princely honour by the contempt of your laws will, I doubt not, stir you up to take order therewith. Now the other point of mistaking is of your Latin verse in the hinder end of my letter, which I perceive you interpret to be a threatening of you. But I doubt not that you will conceive far otherwise of my meaning thereby, if you will be pleased to weigh first the meaning of the author that first wrote it, and then consider what precedes and follows in my letter that alleges it. For Virgil feigneth that Juno being in a rage that the rest of the gods, through Venus' persuasion, would not consent to the wreck of Æneas, whom against she bare an inveterate hatred, as against all Troy, she not only pronounceth these words of my letter, but immediately goes to Alecto, one of the hellish furies, and persuades her to stir up Turnus in Italy to war against Æneas, thereby to hinder his conquest there. Now to make the allusion then; suppose (omnis comparatio clandicat uno pede) I am Juno; you are the rest of the gods; Bothwell is Æneas, and other foreign princes are Acheron. Juno seeking aid of Acheron, then, was only for the wreck of Æneas, and no ways other for the invading or threatening of the rest of the gods. On the other part, where this verse is set down in my letter, I say not that I am of mind so to do, but, by the contrary, I say I trust you will not constrain me so to do; and the very next words I subjoin are, “and to give you a proof my honest affection,” &c., So that, Madame, my intention was to complain unto you, not to threaten you, thereby seeking your aid, and neither seeking nor leaning to the aid of others; so, in a word, my prayer was to you as we all pray to God, “Lead us not into temptation.” But, as ever it be, suppose in this I interpret my intention, yet I ever bare that reverence to all virtuous ladies, but above all to you whose blood, long and trusty friendship, and manifold virtues, requires such loving and kind reverence of me, as I am not so to stand in my defence; but if you think it a fault, I will crave pardon for it, and only claim to my homely rudeness, which I hope you will accept in the better part since what I wrote of you I wrote only to you. And, therefore, I trust never to deserve the least thought of your suspicion of any dealing of mine with your enemies, for I protest before God, I never to this hour had dealing, directly or indirectly, with any of them, either to the prejudice of you or your state or the state of religion; and am content, besides my many by past promises, that this letter remain a pledge of my faith herein, as well for times to come as bypast, aye and until (as God forbid!) I discharge myself honestly unto you, which shall never be except you constrain me unto it, but absit omen! I also trust, that before this time, your ambassador has informed you of some of my proceedings at this parliament, to your satisfaction. As to the despatch given to my ambassadors, whereas you are general in time of payment and quantity of the support craved by them, yet I doubt not you will consider my present adoes, having now begun and entered in action, wherein I crave an answer according to the proverb, qui cito dat bis dat. Of one thing I will heartily pray you that, whatever is done to me in this turn, you do it only of yourself, that my thanks may only be for you; for I desire never to be in the common of any subjects in such cases. And now to end, I cannot omit to shew you that the only comfort I received of your answers at the return of the one of my ambassadors was the privy conference you had with. Bruce concerning me, who hath made such discourse thereof to me as in my opinion he might pass master in the art of chirurgy for descrying so well the anatomy of your kind and constant affection towards me, but assuring you that I shall never forget to pay it with all thankfulness on my part, I commit you to God's most holy protection.—Holyrood House, 5 June, 1594.
Holograph. Parts of seal. 2½ pp.
[Bruce, in extenso, p. 105.]
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 6. Returned hither yesterday and did not find the ship gone, which is shameful. With such delay there is little hope of success. The Admiral has been badly served by his men. Sends a letter from Genoa from Giustinian, showing what he has done in Cecil's commission. From Italy is no news but of the preparation of the governor of Milan to go into Piedmont with 12,000 foot to take the places which the Signor de la Dighiera has seized; who, if he has already agreed with the Duke of Pernone, will be aided by him, so that they will be able to defend themselves, and King Philip on that side, too, will have little success. The first of July approaches, which is the time “di un altra paga mia nel Exceker.” Begs that this also may not be detained; for in truth he deserves as much as in past years.—London, 6 June 1594.
P.S.—The Archduke Matthias has taken Stringonia in Hungary by force.
Italian. Hol Seal. 1 p.
M. de Sancy to the Earl of Essex.
1594, June 6/16 Wrote fully to Mr. Sidney the state of their affairs, of which letter he encloses a copy. He shall have within ten or twelve days news of that siege, whereon depends a part of their happiness or unhappiness; hopes God will bless the just cause of the King. Prays they may have the Queen's answer, and her resolution, as soon as possible, that at the same time as the Queen's forces descend in Brittany, M. de Montpensier may arrive there.—From the Camp at Cerny, 16 June, 1594.
French. 1 p.
Thomas Bilson and William Badger to Lord Burghley.
1594, June 8. In reply to his letter on behalf of Margaret Cawett of Croundall, who complains that she was debarred of her widow's estate in certain lands in that manor, they enclose their certificate of the state of the cause.—Winton, 8 June, 1594.
Note by Burghley that he leaves the case to the trial of the Court.
3 pp.
M. Chasteaumartin to Lord Burghley.
1594, June 8/18 Has just heard that the King of Spain is very ill of a form of apoplexy; he had been two days without speaking, but after being bled three times has somewhat recovered his speech, but so little that he can scarcely make himself understood. It is said he will hardly recover. They are assembling all the forces they can throughout Spain, and holding there in readiness to check any disturbances that may follow upon the death of the King, They are also hastily preparing all their ships of war to keep in awe those who might want to revolt. They had debated the sending Cibiur with these ships to Brittany to carry 500 or 600 arquebusiers and 100 horsemen and some reinforcements, as also that they ought to send the six great galleons of the Passage and 12 other ships which have been armed at Lisbon and Ferrol, to escort the fleet from the Indies; but if the King dies they will remain to guard the country. Has not yet seen the Fleming Ronius.—From Bayonne, 18 June, 1594.
French. Injured. 1 p.
M. de St Luc to the Earl of Essex.
1594, June 8/18 Takes advantage of the return of Sir Roger Williams to offer his service. Hopes he may return in time to see the enemy dislodged, concerning whom the writer has come to brine : advertisement to the King who is sending him back to the front. Have seen the enemy very near on these occasions; may God bless the end which they think is very near.—At the camp before Laon, 18 June, 1594.
Holograph. French, Tico seals. 1 p.
Henry IV. to the Earl of Essex.
1594, 8/18 June J'ay grande occasyon de louer et publyer la bonté de la royne, madame ma bonne sceur, qui a surmonte les mauvays ofices quy me peuvent avoyr esté fays au son androt, pour la destourner du soyn et assystance de mes aferes, me reconnoyssant de nouveau grandemant oblygé a elle du secours qu'yl luy playt donner à a mon pays de Bretaygne an l'estresme basoyn qu'yl an a, anysy que le sieur Roger Wyllemes m'a fet antandre et assuré de sa part ou je ne faudrai de satysfere aussi à ce qu'elle a trouvé bon que je faie de mon costé, tant pour le regard de la personne de mon cousyn, le due de Montpansyer, que des forces dont yl y doyt aller acompagné. Je me promes, mon cousyn, an cete ocasyon la contynuasyon des efes de votre amyte, comme je vous prye les y vouloyr amployer, aynsy que je say que vons fetes à l'endroyt de la dyte dame Royne, pour me maytenyr an sa bonne grace, quy est la plus grande oblygasyou que vous pouves acqueryr sur moy, pour n'avoyr ryen que je tyenne plus cher an ce monde que la contynuasion de son amytye. Le Sieur Roger Wyllemes vous dyra l'estat que vous pouves tousjours fayre de la myenne, comme je Fan ay pryé, et vous saura rendre bon comte de nos nouvelles selon ce qu'yl an a veu et apryns ycy. On ne pouvoyt arryver jantylliome de sa quaiyté que j'ayme et voye plus volontyers que luy, et me remetaut a sa sufysance. .—Ce xviiime Juyn à Cerny près Lan.
Holograph. 1 p.
R. Douglas to Archibald Douglas.
1594, June 9. I received a letter of yours from our friend the Baron of Fingas, unto which, if I had found a sure bearer, I had answered long since; but knowing divers to be curious to know what I write, I durst not hazard with every “couriey.” Now, finding this honest man going post, although I was late advertised of his journey, being here upon an accident to see my mother who was extreme sick, yet I stayed him until I might write this letter. I have had large conference with Mr. Edward Bruce since his return, who acknowledges himself to have been greatly helped by you in his negotiation, and has made a very honourable report of you and your ability and good mind to his Majesty's service, but he sees it so dishonourably handled and them who should have a principal care so careless of it, that for his own part, despairing to see it amended, he has left it and minds to meddle no further in that dealing. It has been written out of that country since his home coming, both to the King and to himself, ye may imagine by whom, that ye should have given it out at the Court of England, that neither he did nor could do anything but by your direction, which he knows assuredly to be a calumny spread by them who mislike you both, and so he takes it; yet for his satisfaction write to ine, I pray you, by the first commodity, that I may shew him that ye neither spake nor thought but honourably of him. They arrived here “jumplie” upon the even before our Parliament, which begun upon the penult of May, and albeit they brought no such answer as might either in honour or profit content the King, yet matters have been so handled here, what by the courtiers desirous to make their profit of the fall of noblemen, and terrors given to the King for bearing, as was thought, overmuch with the Papist lords, that by many men's expectation, the Parliament has prosecuted the forfeiture against them, and that by the King's earnest dealing to have it done for by the laws of the country and forms of proceeding used heretofore in like causes. Always the sentence of forfeiture is pronounced against them, what to content the state and satisfy the ministers, but the loss and “straithe” will only fall upon the Earl of Angus, divers being to be made up by his fall, and no harm intended against the other two, but principally against Huntley, which will appear more evidently very shortly : neither will the King thereby attain the rest and quietness of his state that he looks for, for his hatred being nothing diminished against Bothwell, I assure you they will all join with him to trouble his estate. The “band” that desire and the hope that ye give of good to be done for these know not if now it can take any effect, matters being restored to these terms : neither dare I travail (travell) thereunto by the King's good will, as I did of before, but yet if ye think it can do any good to help the Earl of Angus, or that it can increase or maintain your credit, I will take in hand to procure it, and have it “concroditit” unto me to be brought unto you, but I must do it very secretly and ye must have a care that it meet one not in this country as other things have done. But as to that ye desired me to procure the carrying of the King's answer unto her Majesty, before your letter came to my hands it was desired and promised to him who carries it, Mr. David Foules, a servant of the Chancellor and Secretary's, a base and unworthy presumptuous body, like unto others that has been employed and “spilt” his Majesty's service, but yet I hear he carries no credit but only as the bearer of that letter. For me, since I saw it not mendable, I would never “kyth” to seek that I could not obtain, but the credit I had employed for the Baron of Fingas, who could not have it more than I. The Chancellor is [grown] again in greater credit than he was, for the suspicion the King conceived of him for Bothwell he has purged by moving Sesford and Buccleuch (“Bacleuche”) to profess evil will to him, by taking Kelso betwixt them, and there the Earl of Angus' lands are also promised unto them for that effect : he has also been a principal instrument for advancing of this forfeiture and conciliate thereby the ministers who thought hardly of him; but his double meaning in these matters will appear ere it be long. As concerning the gold which was thought to have come to our lords, I have been curious to know the truth thereof, but ye [shall] believe me there was no such thing; for in the bark there were only three passengers, a Spaniard, a Scotsman and an English priest, who, I hear, has gone to England by our borders. The Spaniard had a message to the King with large offers, but has not appeared, seeing the time not proper, and large promises he has made to these lords of money and any other help [they] can crave against that country, and this is all I can learn of that matter. As to your Philosopher who has left you not taking his leave, I looked never for better at his hand, for I knew him ever to be a dissimulate hypocrite. I can learn nothing of him as yet, but I shall have watches upon him, and if he come in this country shall cause him to be apprehended. But for the other Anderson, lately a preacher, now a doctor of physic, he has been seen in this country, and by some of the ministry I understand that he should have given it out that he came in this country sent by you. Always I hear he has more gold about him nor any can tell how he comes by it. He is in Angus and I have dealt with some to try what they can learn out of him concerning the other, and as I can understand or ye will advertise I shall cause him be handled thereafter, and either be put in prison or sent unto you as ye think best. Our parliament is not yet concluded, wherein there was never such a scarcity (?) of noble men. There was great matter . . . hands . . . concerning the King's property and dissolution of the new erected lordship, but I cannot tell if it be gone through as it was devised. Of other matters I shall advertise you by the Baron of Fingas, who is shortly to come in that country.—Whittingham, 8 June, 1594.
Holograph. 3 pp.
The King of France to The Queen.
[1594,] June 10/20 Ayant a vise de donner un peu de repos et rafraichissement à vos troupes par quelque sejour en lieu proche de Dieppe, j'ai par mesme moyen permis au Sr Roger Williams, leur colonel, de faire un passage devers vous, qu'il m'a asseure ne sera plus long de huit jours, s'il n'a autre commandement de votre part, et l'ai bien voulu accompagner de la presente que j'étendrai a la louange et recommendacon de ses merites, n'estoyt qu'ils vous sont asses counus et que je vous ai cidevant tesmoigne les preuves que j'ai vues de sa valeur en plusieurs occasions. Je vous supplie, Madame, me faire ce bien, avec tant d'autres dont votre bonte me rend chaque jour plus obligé, que de vouloir faire remplir ce qui defaut du nombre des dites troupes, et le renvoyer avec les dites recrues le plûtot qui sera possible, pour me donner tant plus de moyen de subsister contre les efforts de nos ennemis, desquels j'espère que, avec votre aide et bonheur, Dieu me fera la grace de me pouvoir garantir, qui aidera à eterniser votre memoire; comme vous en estant due la plus grande partie de l'honneur; et conserveres aussi une acquisition qui vous est de long temps faite de celui qui, en vous baisant humblemeut les mains et priant Dieu pour la continuacon de votre prosperite, demeurera à amais votre plus affectionne frere et serviteur, Henry.
à Gysors le 20 Juin.
P.S.—Je vous prie, Madame, croire le Sr Roger Williams de ce qu'il vous dira des nouvelles de deca comme celui qui en est tresbien informé.
Endorsed :—“Henry the 4th to the Queen of England.”
1 p.
M. Chasteaumartin to Lord Burgrley.
1594, June 10/20 Repeats the advertisements contained in his letters of June 10 and 18. Seven ships ought to come from the Portugese Indies : the silver from Peru is to come in 12 saures, prepared expressly to escape the English if they meet them. They make great demonstrations, but they are very anxious about it whatever shew they may make. They no longer talk of some enterprise but are considering means for their own preservation. Is to meet Ronius in three days; knows him to be devoted to her Majesty's service, and that he has much influenced the King of Spain.—From Bayonne, 20 June, 1594.
French. 1 p.
Bartholomew Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 11. Asks for his enlargement in order to make answer before Cecil to the false accusations, Cecil having committed him to prison in the counter in Wood Street touching a certain diamond which cost him 500l. and more, to his utter undoing.
Endorsed :—“11 June, 1594.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p.
Sir Thomas Leighton to the Lords of the Council.
1594, June 17. On Thursday last, the 13th of June, here arrived H.M.S. the Swiftsure, with certain hoys with Sir Thomas Baskerfield and those companies of soldiers which by her Highness' appointment he brought forth of the Low Countries, being to the number of 1,000 or near about. And as I do understand by Sir Thomas Baskerfield and other of the leaders, that whereas you have appointed the victuallers to furnish these companies with victuals for 2 months, they have not for to feed them for any longer time than for one month at this instant, and yet much of that so evil as not to be eaten, as their cheese which I have seen. But the victualler is content to take that which is evil and to deliver other for it. And I did presently upon the arrival of these bands, send a boat with a gentleman and Sir Thomas Baskerfield's letters, to certify the general of the arrival here of the troops, who tin's day returned our messenger with letters unto Sir Thomas Baskerfield and to me, requiring Sir Thomas to make his speedy repair unto him to Pempoole, for a special service which is presently to be put in execution. Whereupon Sir Thomas doth embark the companies again tomorrow. But if after this service ended, her Majesty's pleasure is to draw back into this isle this so great a number, that then you will command that there be sent hither beforehand some magazine of victuals for to feed them, for here is a scarcity, especially of corn, for there is not any kind of grain left within this country to serve the inhabitants until harvest. So as had not the general sent for these soldiers, I do not know how we should have done. And I did greatly marvel to see so great a number to come hither and no order from your Honours to receive them. This day I received advertisement from St. Mallos that the town standeth governed by four young men of one family, of the Granis; but they yet are neither for the King nor for the Spaniard but for themselves. Furthermore, by shipping lately come unto that town from Spain, it is affirmed that there is an army of ships ready prepared to come into Britain and amongst them are 12 galleys.—At Guernsey, 17 June, 1594.
Thomas Hasellwood to the Queen.
1594, June 18. Petition for a lease in reversion of 20l. in reward for his services as groom of the Confectionery.
Note by Burghley that if he be commended by the officer of the house, the suit is reasonable.
Note by J. Herbert that the Queen grants the petition.—
The Court at TV hitehall, 18 June, 1594.
1 p.
John Brystowe to Mr. Robyn.
1594, June 19/29 Yours of the 9th June came to my hands the 17th of the same, wherein I perceive what hard passage my letters have had. The Vice-chamberlain should take order for that at the ports, else he shall never be well served. For the letters enclosed, they are more jealous than wise, if they cannot be contented to let me pleasure some friends to whom I am beholden when they may see what is written, for I protest I know not one of the parties but Bannister. As for the Queen being offended that I require money for the matter of “Steken” and Count Horatio, desire (her) ? to par [don] me for what is past and I will never trouble her for money matters more if it were to draw a new Kingdom; only if Mr. Vice-Chamberlain will give me sufficient maintenance where I may do her Majesty service, I shall not fail to the uttermost of my power to keep my promise with him; but I see it is not for me to deal in so great matters as Delowe who is to make a new treaty of a peace, which poor Moody could do more in a month than he in a year. But I protest I will in that kind do no more than I shall be expressly commanded. I pray you desire Mr. Vice-Chamberlain to entreat her Majesty to give me leave to come home, for I had rather live in the place from whence I came than to have any hard conceit held of him whom I so much honour. Wherefore, if I may not have leave to come home, nor means to uphold myself, I hope he will give me leave to provide for myself, always reserving my allegiance to her Majesty, which if I could be drawn to be otherwiee, I need not lack crowns. Wherefore I pray you, let me know her Majesty and Mr. Vice-Chamberlain's full resolution by the next, for that I cannot feed myself with words any longer. And whereas you say you have not seen my last letters, I pray you seek to see them, for those dealings do pass my understanding, but truly, Mr. Rob[yn], it is not good to halt before a cripple. Paget is wonderful desirous to speak with you. I know you may do her Majesty and the State great good service. I will pawn my life for your safe going and coming. You may come by those directions which I gave you. If you desire other, send me word by the next, for that he is to go to the “Spawe” shortly. Parma is there. Here is no news till our 4 millions be “quined.” Sir William Stanley's company goeth into into “Brytayne,” whither my necessities will drive me if I have not means by the next. Earl Westmoreland would fain make his peace with her Majesty. Will them to look well to the King of Scots, for there are many of Spain's pistolets shot at him. Arbella is out of request. We draw of the “Britayne” line. If they mean to be served by me they must send a man of trust to speak with me for that I have matters which I will not write. Wherefore wish Mr. Vice-Chamberlain to send you or some man else unto me with speed.—29 June, stila nova.
Endorsed :—“1594.”
Holograph. Names &c. in italics in cipher. 1 p.
Sir Walter Raleigh to the Lord Admiral.
[1594,] June 21. Your lordship may perceive of the intelligence sent by my brother, both of the strength of the Spanish fleet, as also of their readiness to sail. The Master himself which was taken out of Dartmouth is returned. The intelligence you had before was from two of his men which were set free, but this master, called Makerell, is a man of good judgment and very honest. If you consider two things especially in this intelligence, first, that some surprise is purposed by the haste, for the carpenters and all others about the fleet work the Sabbath Day; next, the hugeness of the ships which must needs carry very many soldiers, or else lesser vessels were far fitter for the coast of Britain. There are also many ships taken of ours, some of good burden, but all of good wealth, as may appear by the report sent the Lords. How the Spaniards have proceeded about Brest you may also understand by this report; first, having received no impeachment, they have finished the fortification at Old Croydon which your lordship well knows is within the port of Brest; and the better to command the haven, they have also built a strong piece at the very entrance. Now, if it please you to pardon me, I pray remember that there will be no entrance for the Queen's fleet what weather so ever happen, for Blewatt and Brest and Belle Isle are theirs. The Spanish ships are huge, whereof 8 are between 800 and 1,000 tons; 10 ships more of good burden, divers galleys, and full filled with soldiers. I hope also that you will remember it is the Queen's honour and safety to assail and not defend, and for aught : I hear your fleet will be far too weak. I hope you will take my remembrance in good part, and if you will vouchsafe to move her Majesty for me to attend you privately in her service, I hope I shall stand your lordship in the place of a poor mariner or soldier. I have no other desire but to serve her Majesty, and seeing I desire nor place nor honour nor reward, I hope it will be easily granted, if I be not condemned to the grave, and no liberty nor hope left that either time or the giving of my life may recover or be a sacrifice for my offences. I hope you will not forget my desire, or that I am evermore your most assured poor kinsman to serve you.—Sherburne, 21 June.
Endorsed :—“1594.” Holograph. Seal.
1 p. Closely written.
Export of Ordnance.
1594, June 23. Warrant addressed to the Lord Treasurer, granting to Count Maurice of Nassau, licence to transport out of the realm 50 pieces of cast iron ordnance, of the bore and weight of culverin or under, towards the furnishing of certain ships intended by him to be set to the seas.—Theobalds, 23 June, 1594.
Sign Manual. Signet. 1 p.
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 24. Touching setting to my hand to a letter for Malinus, sent to Lord Cobham and brought to me, I did refuse for that he stands committed by the whole Board, and it was not fit for my lord Cobham and myself to discharge him, and therefore wished him to make suit to the whole table. As for the matter betwixt Sir Horatio Palavicino and others, he did heretofore acquaint me therewith, and as he proponed it, it appeared to be a matter of 3,000l. clearly to be gained. But as it concerned Sir Horatio, a gent, my friend and of so much credit and reputation, I refused to deal therein. Since that time he affirmeth that with Sir Horatio's assent and good will it is to be dealt in, which being so I think it will fall out very good for the Queen, etc. You see how far forth this matter of Venice gold is spread into the world. You must by some means procure some speedy end therein, for it is of great worth, and this protraction and publication may endanger all.—24 June, 1594.
Holograph. ¾ p.
Captain John Troughton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 24. Since our first falling down from Deptford, we have ever had the wind froward, and withal, turning “alongest” the coast, “twast” of Dover, begun a leak in us, and such as every glass we pumped 300 strokes by the least. By this extremity and a bad wind we were forced to put in with Portsmouth the 20th of this month, and there with diligent search found, as we hope, our “griffe.” Having furnished us of all wants and determined to touch no more England shore till God give us a safe return and to you and others good content.—From aboard the Lion's Whelp, 24 June, 1594.
Holograph. ½ p.
William Selby to—Douglas.
1594, June 25. Apologises for silence and encloses acts of the parliament in Scotland and a letter made by the minister and sent to divers parts [or parties] in Scotland.
I understand for certain of a very great mislike the Queen hath of the chancellor “and fallen out.” Mr. John Hume of Huttonhall, who is now Deputy Warden, asked very kindly how you did and said he had heard you had been in some trouble. T said it was not so far as I knew. Some of your friends made very good reports of you to the King so that he said he would send you authority to be for him ambassador. I have seen a letter from my lord Treasurer to Capt. Carvile that concerned you. Lydisdale hath been at a town called Mindrim and hath taken away 30 head of cattle and slain three men. This last night but one the Lydisdale men came to Cheviot and took away 100 head of cattle. My brother is advertised for certain they mean to do what they can to break the borders. Make my hearty commendations to Mr. Thomas Lackes and Mr. Thomas Mills, and your host, Mr. Harvey, and to all your friends and mine that wear long coats in London. If I could for wishing, I would have been oft with you ere this time.—Berwick, 25 June, 1594.
Signed, Somewhat damaged by damp. 1 p.
— to —
1594, June 25/July 5. Pray you most earnestly to address in all diligence the enclosed to our friend with whom you made me to speak there immediately afore my departing from you. Direct it in all haste, yea, though you should send one expressly.—Antwerp, 5 July, 1594.
The enclosure, in cipher, marked on the back [symbol]
Attached is what is possibly a deciphered copy of the enclosure. It runs :—“Fa : James Gourdon, Jesuit, returned here from Rome six days ago, and within these 2 days is departed towards Calais for to embark there for Scotland, where he intendeth to land in the North parts, either in “Sutherland” besides Dinrom, or in Buchan, between Aberdeen and Buchan Ness. It may chance he embark at Dunkirk, if better commodity be offered. He hath expedition from Rome and Spain and carrieth quantity of money and letters for the Catholics of Scotland. This is est and not only videtur.
—From Antwerp, 5 July. R. Brus.
Parts of 3 pp.
— to —
1594, June 26/July 6. To the same effect as the preceding, with a short addition.—Antwerp, 6 July, 1554.
Letter in cipher enclosed. Duplicate of former enclosure, with some additional lines.
Letter deciphered. Duplicate of above with the following addition :—He receiveth the said money at Lisle by order of the King of Spain's Pagador General. The sum is great. There goeth with him four other Jesuits and some secular persons by himself You may understand the particulars of his negotiation. The general help is preparing with diligence.
3 pp.
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 29. Acceding to the request to use his lodging in his absence.—Cobham Hall, 29 June.
Endorsed :—“1594.” Holograph. ½ p.
Mr. Justice Towneshend to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 29. I have, by my lord Stafford, been holden suspected in injustice in his cause and my brother Thynne, now Sheriff of Wiltshire. I commend, therefore, to your Honour the order taken at this present sessions for the co. of Montgomery, a copy whereof is here inclosed, together with the copy of the letter which Sir Richard Shuttleworth and myself have written in that behalf. I doubt not but that the Council will take good regard that no writ of restitution be executed until the jury that at these last sessions appeared and adjourned by reason the Lord Stafford and his counsel were not ready to try the traverse betwixt him and my brother Thynne, or your Honours by the full hearing of the matter, may be satisfied in justice.—Pool, 29 June, 1594.
Signed. ½ p.
The enclosures :
1. Copy of Order, by consent of Lord Stafford, that a writ of restitution be delivered to the sheriff, but not executed without orders from her Majesty or the Privy Council, and that the traverse between Lord Stafford and Mr. Fhynne shall be tried at the next great sessions, if no course or order in the meantime be taken for the final ending of the cause.
¾ p.
2. Copy of letter referred to, explaining the preceding order. The chief reasons that moved them to take such order were for the avoiding of bloodshed and of great and many inconveniences likely to ensue about the execution of the writ; that the Lord Stafford had been non-suit in the co. of Salop, upon issue joined whether the castle of Caurs lay in the county or not, and possession then delivered to Mr. Thynne; and that if upon the trial of the traverse before them at the next sessions, the jury should find for Mr. Thynne, then they could not relieve him nor settle him in his former possession, because the castle was by him affirmed and claimed to be in the co. of Salop only, which was out of their jurisdiction.
¾ p.
Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 29. Has moved Lord Burghley for the wardship of the son of a countryman of his, now mayor of London, who lies dying, and has a grant that it shall be stayed. Prays Cecil's furtherance of the matter, and if it fall to him, Cecil shall share to his own contentment.—29 June, 1594.
½ p.
Lord Scrope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 30. Asks, if the Dean of Windsor, who is also parson of Hamilton (a thing belonging to Lord Scrope's manor of Hamilton as parcel of his inheritance and now the jointure of his wife) be made a Bishop, that he may have the gift of the parsonage.—Carlisle, last day of June, 1594.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Sir George Carew, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 30. By the favour of your father, with your help unto her Majesty, I was removed from my place in Ireland to the office [Lieutenant of the Ordnance] which now I hold. To discourse unto you all my griefs were exceeding tedious, for I do not pass a day without new occasions and with infinite repentance for leaving my office there, which was of good profit, and where I lived quietly in sufficient content, to wear my days in this troublesome place where I have at no time found either profit or ease; and thereof you [can]not marvel, the allowances being so small as they are and, which is worse, my fellows in office so corrupt and of such malicious spirits as but in hell I think their matches can hardly be found. That I have been a careful servant to her Majesty your father doth partly understand, who doth know that, before my time the Queen did pay far greater rates for her munitions than now. In other things I have corrected their accustomed abuses, so as to myself they have often complained that like the dog in the manger I did purpose both to starve myself and them; which hath won me such hatred amongst them as I know when I shall offend in the least it shall not be forgotten in information to do me disgrace. Hope did persuade me that as their falsehoods were discovered and proved they would be displaced, but that hope is almost lost, for I understand Powell, under a pretence to do her Majesty some service, doth assure himself to hold his place; if he do, the rest will be less afraid to commit falsehoods and the office will evermore remain in trouble. His hopes are builded upon your father's favour, therefore entreat him that if this pretended service do merit favour (whereof I have no opinion, being no doubt but devices to repair his credit if it were possible) that his reward may not be in a restoration to live in that office to do more mischief. But if the office be so accursed that he must return, then shall I rest out of all hope to purge it from corruption and infamy of to lead any quiet life in it, but must be a suitor unto your honours, as you were the means to place me in this office, to move the Queen to remove me to some other employment.—From the Mynorits, this last of June, 1594.
Holograph. 1 p.
Thomas Dowryche.
1594, June. The misdemeanours of Thomas Dowryche, gent., against Mary Dowryche, widow, his mother.
She charges her son with unnatural disobedience : that he caused disagreements between her husband and her husband's father, and by false suggestions brought about his disinheritance; that he threatened to beat his sisters in his mother's presence; that in her absence he used to come to her house with lewd persons : and when refused admittance by the servants, sware by the living Lord he would set fire to the house, for “who could forbid him to burn his own house?”. “He did lately enter my house in my absence with bad company, and kept the possession from me till he was removed by the justices of the peace, and was bound to answer his misdemeanours at the next sessions; yet since that time hath he many times molested my tenants and servants, and threateneth to sell my cattle off the ground if he could come by them, and find me play at the law with my own goods; that, I have no means to keep me and mine in quietness, so little respect hath he of Her Majesty's laws or of his duty to me.”
Endorsed :—“June, 1594.” Signed. 2 pp.
Enfield Chaoe.
1594, June. Memoranda for my Lord of Bedford. As to forbidding persons to course in the chase, and seizure of greyhounds. Also as to a table and trestles taken from the Arbour, which the Queen had given allowance and paid for, to be restored by Bull.
Endorsed :—“June, 1594. Enfeilde.” ½ p.
Patentees of Starch.
1594, June “The principal reasons to move her Majesty to stay this new patent which is new granted.”
1. That where a very great quantity of fine and good wheat hath been employed for making starch in divers parts of this realm, to the great dislike of the subjects, having increased the last dearth, you may now undertake to make the same of brand and the offal of wheat, to the great benefit of the kingdom.
2. That where there cometh now to her Majesty's use but 40l. per annum by virtue of the grant in being, there shall come 100l. more. If her Majesty will have it so, Mr. Packington shall be satisfied with 300l., Mrs. Medkerke with her 200l., Mr. Young with reason, having often forfeited his patent; and yet your honour shall have a good consideration presently paid you.
Endorsed :—“June, 1594.” ½ p.