Cecil Papers: November 1592

Pages 242-249

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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November 1592

Depositions of Hugh Merick.
1592, Nov. 7. Hugh Merick upon his oath saith that he doth not know of any rubies, diamonds or other jewels bought or delivered to William Brodbanck, nor to any other, but such as are formerly set down in his confessions taken by the examination of Mr. Wade, Mr. Alderman Billingsly and the rest.
Signed. ¼ p.
Bradbent's Confession.
1592, Nov. 7. William Bradbent refuseth to take his oath to answer to any matters demanded of him touching the goods of the Carrack, and thinketh it unlawful to answer to anything therein upon his oath.
He saith that he hath not offered any rubies or diamonds to be sold to any person within these twelvemonths, and thereunto offereth to be deposed.
He further saith that he hath not shewed any rubies or diamonds to any manner person within this month, but refuseth to be sworn to this question.
He further saith that he hath not had at any time within this month, nor hath at this present, any rubies, diamonds or jewels in his custody, and refuseth to be sworn to such vain things.
Signed :—Wm. Bradbent.
At Hampton Court, the 7th of November 1592.
½ p.
Christopher Baker to Lord Charles Howard, Lord High Admiral, Sir Robert Cecil and Mr. Fortescue.
1592, Nov. 8. This morning the Guardland, the Sampson and the Roebuck came through the Swin : the Guardland went up for Chatham, the Sampson went up the Thames, and I think the Roebuck also. I have put a special man aboard the Sampson and have seen all the hatches nailed down, and am going myself in post to Chatham to the Guardland, where I mean to remain to see that there be no spoil made of anything. For the Roebuck it may please you to send one aboard in her.—From the Norehead this 8th of November 1592.
P.S.—In my opinion it had been well if the Guardland had come up the Thames, although it had been no higher than Erith or Woolwich, and would have saved a great deal of charges in water carriage, besides filching and stealing which will fall out.—From the East end of the Nore, 9 of the clock in the forenoon, the 8th of November.
Endorsed :—“Received at Rochester of Mr. Baker to be sent according to the direction, being for Her Majesty's special affairs, though an extraordinary packet for which we are not allowed, but he hath promised to see all the posts paid for it, wherefore I pray you send it with all diligence.—From Rochester, the 8 of November, past five o'clock afternoon. John Bowle, Post.
From Dartford, at 8 in the night, the 8 of November.”
Seal, 1 p.
John Roud to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Nov. 9. I understand that your honour is advertised of eight or nine hundred stones and pearls by the searcher of Weymouth, more than we have discovered. We should be glad if it were so, being poor men that were adventurers; we hope we shall enjoy it, if it were of greater value, being taken from her Majesty's enemies, by good commission, which hath been very chargeable unto us all in general : but I will be sworn that there are no greater number of them come to our hands or knowledge than those which we have caused to be brought up under our several seals, whereof I have sent your honour particular patterns.—Dorham House, [Weymouth.] 9th Nov. 1592.
Holograph. Part of seal. 1 p.
Recognizance of Philip O'Reylly.
1592, Nov. 12. Recognizance taken of Philip O'Reylly, now prisoner in Dublin Castle, and others, that the said Philip (who is to be enlarged) shall make his personal appearance before the lord deputy, or other chief governor or governors, of Ireland, for the time being, and the council, within twenty-one days after monition and warning left at his dwelling house at Belanacarrig; and in the mean space shall behave himself as a loyal and dutiful subject towards her Majesty and the estate; and upon his appearance shall not depart without special licence.
Endorsed :—“Divers affairs of Ireland.”
Copy attested by John Wolley. 1 p.
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Nov. 14. This evening, I received this enclosed from my lord Buckhurst, whereby I do see that it is meant at my Lord Treasurer's return to the court to have the cause heard between Corsina and me. I shall come very roughly by reason of my long absence and other employment, which hath kept me from leisure to look into my own business, but I hope, if that I may have any warning in time, to provide for him : only I beseech your honour now a little to bestir yourself, and inform my lord [of] your knowledge of his vile dealing for those of Madrid, our capital enemies; also how his witty plot is commended, as your honour did see by the copy of his letter; which being made known I hope his lordship will withdraw his protection and make a good end according to equity, or as in his wisdom shall seem expedient.
The Jew hath slandered me most vilely in his bill in the Star chamber, which I hope to remedy by law hereafter.
P.S.—I humbly beseech your honour not to be “aknowen” that I sent you my L[ord] B[uckhurst's] letter lest it should offend his lordship, and neglect not your time in moving my lord your father now lest you come too late. I hope to be with your honour within these three days, having set all here in good order.—London, 14th Nov. 1592.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Lord Burghley to Archibald Douglas.
1592, Nov. 17. Whereas I am informed that there are remaining in your custody certain books, muniments and writings touching the possessions of the late Countess of Lennox, and withal a lease made of the herbages and pannages of Temple Newsam and Temple Hirst from the said Lady Lennox to one Walker, a scrivener, and an assignment of the same from the said Walker to Mr. Fowler; and also certain articles of agreement, and a bond for performance thereof, made between the said Walker and William Mompesson; these shall be to will and require you not only forthwith to make delivery unto Mr. Auditor Conyers of all such writings, books, records and muniments as you have touching the said possessions; and this my letter shall be your sufficient discharge in that behalf; but also to shew unto Mr. Baron Gent and Mr. : Auditor Conyers the said lease, assignment, articles and bond; and also to permit the said Auditor Conyers to take and have copies thereof, if he shall require the same.—17th November, 1592.
Signed. Seal. ½ p.
Richard Young, J.P., to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Nov. 21. Upon intelligence given by Mr. Carone has made stay of one Thomas D'Arques, a Frenchman, prisoner in the Compter in the Poultry, and committed him close prisoner on such matters and causes at Mr. Carone hath already advertised his honour of. Having knowledge of his place of lodging before his imprisonment, has made search there for books and writings, but found very few and to small purpose, only a letter directed to Cecil, unsealed, which he encloses.
Upon conference with the prisoner, learns that one Don Martine de Gorlona, a Spaniard, who is agent in Rouen for the king of Spain, gave unto Emanuel Andrada, a Portingale now in England, 200 crowns, and sent him to Newhaven with 80 horses, there to take shipping into the Low Countries to the duke of Parma, with many letters from the king of Spain. The prisoner protesteth himself to be a true man, just and faithful to the estate of this land, and says that the said Don Martin willed him to enquire for the said Emanuel to know how he had dealt with the duke of Parma; but he, being committed to prison, could never understand of the said Emanuel until another Portingale was lately committed to the same prison for conspiring to cut the said Emanuel his throat.
Went to Mr. Brookes, the goldsmith, to have made search according to Cecil's direction, but he delivered a discharge from his honour which was sufficient. London, 21 Novr. 1592.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Enclosures :
(1.) 1592, Oct. 15.—Thomas D'Argues to Sir Robert Cecil.—It is not unknown unto your honour what great charge and expense I have been at in executing your honour's commandment at the last siege of Rouen, where I was kept close prisoner by the space of six months, as hath been attested to your honor by one of the king's council who teas by the space of three months prisoner where I was. Ever since my imprisonment, I have been visited with a very sore sickness, as your honour knoweth, and now upon my recovery it hath been my hard hap to be arrested, as by my letters heretofore I have certified, of which as yet I have not-received any answer at all, which yieldeth me sufficient reason to judge that your honour hath small regard towards the recompence of those that have ventured their life and wasted their substance to do you service, if it be so that my letters came to your hands, which as yet I do hardly think. Wherefore, understanding that your honour is in town, I have thought good note once more to write, beseeching you to consider my extremity and misery I have endured where I have lien by the space of ten weeks in great want and necessity, having no other hope of my liberty. The debt I lie for is under 30l.; wherefore if it be your honour's pleasure to help me, I beseech you to let me taste thereof out of hand. If not, I desire no more but your honour s answer.—From the Compter in the Poultry. 15 Nov. 1592.
1 p.
(2.) The answer of Thomas D' Arques to the seven interrogatories put to him by Mr. Justice Young.
Copy. French. 3 pp.
Richard Young to Sir Robert Cecil
1592, Nov. 22. By very good hap and faithful intelligence given by a prisoner this morning, I found certain letters and other writings belonging to Thomas D'Arques, wherein he did greatly delude me yesternight, sending me from place to place for them, whereas they were hard by him in the prison in another man's desk; and, because I see that there is some great matter mentioned in the said letters, and that there was a cipher or figure in a paper amongst the letters, I thought it my duty to send them all unto your honour, and have despatched away the bearer with all celerity. Which I have the rather done for that in two of the letters he giveth intelligence of a certain ship going from London to Lisbon or St. Lucas, or some other port of Spain, whereas she giveth out that she is bound for Leghorn, and writeth to have the ship and goods seized. If the ship had been in this port, I would have caused stay to be made of her until I should have known your pleasures; but because the ship lieth either at Harwich or Queenborough out of this port, and I am given to understand that some ordnance should be laden in her and wheat or herrings or both, therefore I pray you (if you think good) to grant your warrant for stay of the said ship, whereof one Hanns Castell is master, for that it is not meet that she should carry munition or victual to the enemy's country, being prohibited by straight proclamations, and if your honour vouchsafe to send me that warrant with some expedition, I will do mine endeavour to have her stayed.
I was at Mr. Carone's to have acquainted him with the contents of the said letters but he is gone out of town.—London, 22 Nov., 1592.
Holograph. 1 p.
Thomas Lamplughe.
[1592, Nov. 22.] Three petitions from Thomas Lamplughe to Lord Burghley, with respect to a cause between him and Richard Senhouse, as to the tithes of Dovenby, parcel of the dissolved monastery of Gisborough.
Notes by the Clerk of the Pipe thereon. Note by Lord Burghley that the matter is to be favourably considered by Mr. Chancellor & the Barons.
Endorsed :—22 Nov. 1592.
4 pp.
Richard Young to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Nov. 24. Since the receipt of your letters I have sent away the Sergeant of the Admiralty's man with my lord's warrant for staying the ship mentioned in the same; whereof I have since had more perfect intelligence that she lieth in Queensborough Road, whereof I have given him assured instructions.
I was yesternight at the Compter in the Poultry to enquire of the state of his [Thomas D'Arques'] imprisonment, and find he is not in execution, but only arrested upon an action of 20l.; so that if you think meet he is removable. At that time he was in good health, but this morning was very sick and speechless; but after some cherishing he began to speak and said he was killed. Being demanded by whom, he faltered and could not tell, but said that he did greatly desire to speak with one of the French ministers and was desirous to be admitted of that congregation, and they refused him; whereat he seemed to conceive great grief. Since that time I have taken such order that one of the French preachers will be with him in the morning. After this he waxed speechless again, but this evening is amended somewhat.—London, 24 November, 1592.
1 p.
Lord Elphinstoun to Archibald Douglas, Lime Street, London.
1592, Nov. 24. Arrived in Edinburgh after a tedious journey on Monday, but being hindered in leaving the ship did not go to the abbey until this day. Was well received by the Queen to whom he is so much indebted for her good remembrance of him that all his service will never be able to merit the smallest part thereof. Has given Douglas' letters to Mr John Nesbit; some he has not yet delivered because he came not out of his lodgings until this day, and that makes him not well informed yet of any news at court. The greatest courtiers here are my Lord Duke, my Lord of Mar, my Lord Home; and by them all Sir George Home, my Lord of Spynie, was beginning to have been a courtier again, but because of some variance that fell out betwixt him and my lord Duke he has left the court; otherwise it would have cost him his life. The King's favour to my Lord Bothwell is in the old. manner. Hears little word of the Lord Chancellor; it is supposed he will come home again, but there is little appearance [of it]. Has not as yet had leisure to get any certainty of news; will send more as he finds occasion of bearers.—Edinburgh, Friday, 24th November, 1592.
Holograph. 1 p.
The Queen to the King of Scotland.
[1592, Nov. 26.] My dear brother, if the misfortune of the messenger had not protracted too long the receipt of my letters, I had sooner received the knowledge of such matter as would have hied my sooner answer to causes of such importance. But at length (though long first) I perceive how to the privy snares of your seeming friends you have so warily cast your eyes, as that your mind hath not been trapped with the false shews of such a kindness, but have well remembered that proved cares and assured love ought of mere justice take the upper hand of beguiling deceits and coloured treasons. You* forget not, I perceive, how you should have served once for prey to enter the hands of foreigner's rule, even by the enticement of him that offers you that he cannot get, which, if he won, should serve his trophy, not your's, whose land he seeks but to thrall both. It glads me much that you have more larger sight than they supposed that would have limed you so; and for my part I render my many thanks to yourself for yourself, as she that scorns his malice and envies not his intent. My enemy hath never done himself more scare than to will my guiltless wrack, who ere now himself knows hath preserved him his countries who since hath sought mine. Such was his reward ! God ever shield you from so crooked a will as to hazard your own in hope of gaining another's. You know right well there is a way to get that doth precede the attempt. When he hath won the entry, you shall have least part of the victory. Who seeks to make (as ought hath been) your subject theirs, suppose, I beseech yon, how easily he will present you the best and keep the worst for himself. This matter is so plain it needs small advice. Preserve yourself in such state [as you have]; for others beguile not yourself that injuriously you may get. There is more to do in that than wiles and wishes; look about with fixed eyes and sure such to you as seek not more yours than you. Advance not such as hang their hopes on other strings than you may tune. Them that gold can corrupt, think not your gifts can assure. Who once have made shipwreck of their country, let them never enjoy it. Weed out the weeds lest the best corn fester. Never arm with power such whose betterness must follow after your's, nor trust to their trust that under any colour will thrall heir own soil. I may not nor will I conceal overtures that of late have amply been made me how you may plainly know all the combiners against your state, and how you may entrap them, and so assure your kingdom but to you, not permitting it a sport to stranger's courtesy. One or more of their own company is this actor, and therefore knows it best, in which he standeth to your honour. Whether, if this be so, he deserve surety of life, not of land nor livelihood, but such as may preserve breath to spend, when best shall please you. My answer was, when I see the way how, I will impart it to whom it most appertains. Now bethink, my dear brother, what further you will have me do. In the mean while beware to give the reins into the hands of any, lest it be too late to revoke such actions done. Let no one of the Spanish faction in your absence, yea, when you were present, receive strength or countenance. You know, but for you, all of them be alike to me for my particular; yet I may not deny I abhor such as set their country to sale. And thus, committing you to God's tuition, I shall remain che faithful holder of my vowed amity without spot or wrinkle.
Endorsed :—“26 9bre, 1592. Copy of the Queen's letter to the king of Scots.”
Another copy of the same letter.
Signed :—E. R. [Bruce, p. 78.]
Richard Young to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Nov. 27. Since receipt of Cecil's letter, he understands of Thomas Darques' amendment as has good hope of his recovery. He has, therefore, deferred the examination of him until he may more safely repair unto him; and, perhaps, may find him then more likely to answer, for sick men many times plead dotage as this man hath already done and hath craft and subtlety yet to do.
P.S. Understands there are sixty sail of Leaguers and Dunkirkers-upon the seas which have taken three ships of the Bordeaux fleet and certain ships of Holland laden for London.—London, 27 Nov., 1592.
Holograph. 1 p.
Richard Young to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Nov. 28. Since my departure from you I was sent for by Thomas Darques, who earnestly desired to speak with me, and at my coming told me of certain matters which I willed him to set down in writing with his own hand, and have sent the same enclosed. He told me further he expected a ship from the said General of the Gallies, to be laden with merchandises, which he thinks will be consigned to Alexander Vanden Ende, a Dutch merchant, to avoid suspicion. He saith he hath 600 crowns already in that country to provide those merchandises, besides the credit which the General will give him, and hoping his father is there. He told me now where his letters were, which I had before, though he knew it not; and because he is very weak and poor he is very earnest to obtain some liberty, which I refer to your wisdom.—London, 28 November, 1592.
P.S. The Portingall mentioned in his confession by the name of Emanuel Andrade lieth at Dr Lopus' house.
1 p.
[The Queen to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.]
1592, Nov. 29. Warrant to grant a lease in possession or reversion, under the Great Seal of Ireland, of lands in Ireland to the clear yearly-value of 40l. to Piers Butler FitzEdmonde, of Roskrea, co. Tipperary, for 40 years, without fine.—Hampton Court, 29 November, 35 Elizabeth.
Endorsed :—“M[inute] to the Lord Deputy for a lease in reversion for Pierce Butler FitzEdmond of Roskrea. From the Queen.”
Draft. 1 p.
Richard Young to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Nov. 29. Has talked with Thomas Darques and given him a, note of the seven articles to which Cecil desired his answer. Would not give him any promise of liberty or favour till he saw how he would demean himself, and caused him to set down his answer to every article with his own hand in French, and has sent it enclosed.—London, 29 November 1592.
½ p.