Cecil Papers: October 1592

Pages 232-242

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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October 1592

Anthony Moon to John Bedford, Master of the Roebuck.
1592, Oct. 1. Asks for the two pieces of painted silk promised to him. He has left money with Mr. Morrys and his brother. Since coming to Lyme, has learnt that the great jewel which is wanting and is had in so high a price, was delivered unto a Portingall that dwelleth in London, and went in this action with Bedford's fleet or his lordship's. This much the viceroy that was taken confessed to a merchant man there, and said that the Portingall promised him with fair words to restore it again so that he had other jewels besides that. It is reported there at the Islands this jewel is worth 500,000 ducats. If Bedford please, he may signify this much to their lord and master; otherwise let him conceal it to himself.—Lyme, 1st Oct. 1592.
Holograph. Portions of seal. 1 p.
Michael Germyn, Mayor of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Oct. 1. According to your letter bearing date 30th September, for my assistance unto certain gentlemen, the performance whereof I have caused to be done as hereafter followeth. First in coined gold in the hands of Alunso Gomys. Forty two pounds and ten shillings belonging, as the said Gomys saith, unto himself and Antonio Martyne, which money they have made of certain calico and other pillage in Plymouth, the said money being left in the hands of the said Alunso Gomys.
Further, I have found in the custody of the said Alunso Gomys, 320 sparks of diamonds, a collar of a threefold roll of pearl, with 6 tags of crystal garnished with gold, a small string of pemell, with a pelican of gold, a small round pearl garnished with gold, also two chains of two fold pearl, with buttons of gold, and two small jewels hanging unto the ends thereof, the which I have in a box sealed with my own seal and delivered unto William Stalling. Also 3 silver hafts for knives and a silver fork, which the said William Stalling hath also.
Further, the said Alunso Gomys hath in his custody in white English money for himself and Antonio Martyn, 12l. which was delivered them by the lord of Cumberland's men for their charges.
Also a passport made unto them under the hands of certain of the lord of Cumberland's men, as shall more plainly appear, being herein enclosed.—1st Oct. 1592.
Signed. Part of seal. l¼ pp.
[Nisbett ?] to Archibald Douglas.
1592, Oct. 1. It is now almost three months since I received your last letter, wherein was a postscript with your own hand putting me in good hope and that in short time I should hear from you at more length. Whereupon I have since that time waited, but can hear nothing, so that I am in great doubt of your lordship's good estate; whereof I beseech you to let me understand, and the rather for that it hath pleased such as are come of late from thence to report that which I would be loath should prove true as touching this realm and the estate thereof. It is so constant in inconstancy as the best and wiser sort of people are out of hope of any good to be done.
His Majesty goeth forward the tenth of this month according to the proclamation into Liddisdale. Fernyhurst is come in; Angus and Arroll are at liberty and in Court. Both well was in Hawick the 25th of Sept. accompanied with three hundred horse. He and his are like to wreck for fault of good guiding. My lord Home is still at Court with his Majesty and in good liking. 1 have made choice to gain dependance on his lordship as domestic; where, if it lieth in me to do you service, I will willingly do what lieth in my power. And so until I shall hear from yon. I humbly take my leave.—Dunglas, 1st Oct., 1592.
P.S.—I leave many things unwritten because of your lordship's long silence and my uncertainty of your estate and place of remaining.
Holograph. 1 p.
The Carrack.
1592, Sept. 29/Oct. 3. Complaint by twenty-two of Lord Cumberland's men against Sir John Borrowes, concerning the pillaging of the Carrack by Sir John's men after she was taken.
Signatures. 2 pp.
1592, Sept. 29. Depositions by Thomas Favell of what occurred at the time of the taking of the Carrack and the names of the captains present.
He was one of the men that first came in Capt. More's cabin; with him was Hotsoune Wryght, Thomas Johns, trumpeter of the Golden Dragon, Edward Tunkes, corporal of the Tiger, and many more. He had to make known what he had in that ship, being thus taken; this he did as follows; first, a chain of pearls orient, two rest of gold, four very great pearls of the bigness of a fair pea, four forks of crystal and four spoons of crystal set with gold and stones, and two cods of musk given him by Capt. Caw field. And all these things were taken out of his trunk on board the Golden Dragon, saving the spoons and forks of crystal and a bracelet, the which was taken from him by the Spaniard who had commandment to search his chest.
These captains were present the night the Carrack was taken :—
Capt. Norton, captain of the Tiger.
Capt. Cross, captain of the Forsseth.
Capt. Coocke, being a commander under my Lord of Cumberland in the Sampson.
Capt. Newport of the Golden Dragon.
Capt. Mirrytt of the Prudence.
As for Sir John Borrowes, he came not aboard of the Carrack until the next day, that every cabin being thus pillaged, then came Sir John aboard and his company with him.
Endorsed :—“Confession of Thomas Favell upon his oath.—29th Sept., 1592.”
1 p.
1592, Oct. 1. The like by Alounco Guomes, written with his own hand before Sir Robert Cecil and Sir Francis Drake.
1. There was taken from him, by his honour's [Sir John Burgh's] commandment, 320 diamonds, 3 hafts for knives and one fork of silver.
2. That the master of the Sampson had 150 diamonds.
3. That the master's mate of the Sampson (named Sousa) had one packet of diamonds, which was sent to the Cardinal, the same being in quantity as big as his fist, and might be worth 10,000 crusados.
4. That a corporal belonging to the Tiger did take one packet which the said Guomes doth know certainly were rubies.
Notes in margin.—“This corporal was Tonks, Mr. Shelton's man.” “It was Ram.” “Translated by me William Stallenge.”
Endorsed :—“The confession of Alonco Gomes, a Portingal belonging to my lord of Cumberland's ships,—1st Octr. 1592.”
1 p.
1592, Oct. 3. A brief report of divers things taken by Sir John Burrough, knt., aboard the carrack from sundry persons, as by their several confessions, taken by her Majesty's commissioners and collected by William Stallenge, appeareth.
Endorsed :—“The confessions of sundry persons against Sir John Burrough, collected by me Wm Stallenge.—3rd Octr 1592.”
l p.
1592, Oct. Account by John Norris headed, “A brief note of the Portingall's charges from the 8th Septr until the 3rd Octr,” the total amount being 40l. 7s. 10d.
Endorsed :—“Appeal for the Portugueses and other charges for them.”
1 p.
1592, Oct. 2. Depositions by Mr. Adrian Gilbert taken before Sir Robert Cecil, Sir Francis Drake, Wm. Killigrewe, and Christopher Harris.
Signed by Gilbert and the Commissioners. ½ p.
1592, Oct. 3. The like by John Bedford, master of the Roebuck, taken before Sir Robert Cecil, Wm. Killigrewe, Thomas Mydellton, and Richard Carmerden.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Bedford's oath, who came home master of the carrick.”
1 p.
Thomas Middleton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Oct. 4. I have done all that I can to inform myself of the carrick's lading, thereby to make an estimate of her value to send your honour, but find it to be very doubtful and intricate, so as the wisest man in England cannot make a guess so near that he may be deceived 20,000l.; which would be such an unpleasant slip as would displease Her Majesty and my lord your father, especially if a man should over shoot his port, and to come short would hazard a shipwreck. Your honour hath seen how things did rise, what diversity there is between chest and chest, ballett and ballett, seeing we have neither the just quantity or quality of any kind of commodity. Wherefore I leave it to others to make an estimate, and will entreat your honour's favour to bear with me therein, until I may be better able to set down a reason of my estimate, and accept in the meantime my wish and hope that the whole is worth 150,000l., which is a great deal of money and will require many parcels to make up the same. For there is but 7101 quintal of pepper, in the whole, as we find by the invoice, which at 12l. per quintal is but 95,200l., (fn. 1) and all the rest of her lading may be as much more worth, and may be less worth, wherefore, as before, I guess at 150,000l., referring your honour to the note of the particulars which Stalleng doth send you.
Further, it may please you that I have paid to my lord Cumberland's man the 1000l. appointed, and have almost cleared all the mariners out of Her Majesty's charge and pay, and this week, if God permit, I hope to despatch them all, although we have not delivered, as yet, in all manner of commodities the value of 1000l. Some we pay all their wages and 20s. for pillage, and others we pay 20s. for their pillage, and 20s. upon account of their wages, and appoint them to receive the rest at London of Sir John Hawkins, because here was no money to be had at the beginning, but what I laid out of my own money. We have laden already a small bark of fifty tons, the Roebuck, and the Black Lion, all out of the Carrick, to go for Greenwich. Also the Guardland of Her Majesty doth take in some lading, and then my lord of Cumberland's ship, the Sampson, shall lade next. We are to pay the barque but 14s. per ton freight, and the ships have 20s. per ton. If the goods had been mine own, I would have laden all in barques, but here are many dealers, and every man hath a saying in the cause, which causeth some confusion, but I hope all will end well, which I pray God grant, for now your honour is gone, we want our guide, and one is as good as another, which already appeareth since your departure. It may please your honour to inform my Lord Treasurer what ships are laden and to lade, and the rest of our proceedings, to have his Lordship's good allowance thereof, which will be a great comfort to us; also to let us know what is to be done with the ship when the goods are out.—Dartmouth, this 4th October 1592.
P.S.—So long as I am here, I will according to your commandment have a care to keep all together, that Her Majesty be not deceived of her due.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp.
Thomas Middleton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Oct. 8. Yours from Erie we have received, understanding your health and prosperous journey so far. I am much grieved to hear how your Honour hath been disappointed of the note which Stallenge undertook to send you, and, of my faith, I knew not but that you had it until I saw your letter. As for any estimate of the value, I dare not presume to set down any estimate, lest I should abuse you and discredit myself. Once again this evening I sent to Stallenge for the note, and he returneth answer that he will send one unto you in our general letter. The ships that lade are these—the Guardland, the Alcedon, the Susan Bon Adventure, the Roebuck, the Black Lion, the Sampson of my lord of Cumberland's, and the Phcenix of Dartmouth, to pay freight 20s. per ton to all the ships and 14s. perton to the Phœnix. I am of the opinion as I was, that it will be for Her Majesty's profit to have the whole goods up to London, saving that which is sold to pay charges. Then some may be appointed to sever the commodities, and to make a true inventory of each kind, by quantity and quality, and an estimate thereupon, which will ask longer time than is meet to stay here, con sidering the time of the year, and the great charge that Her Majesty is at here, and that which is worst of all, we cannot look upon anything here except we should keep a guard to drive away the disordered pilfering bystanders, that attend but a time to carry away somewhat, when any chest is opened, as your Honour hath presently seen, though, in your presence, they durst not be so bold as now they are. If before your departure you had not taken so great care to set all things in quiet order, we should have had much ado with the mariners, which now are very quiet. As your Honour hath seen the wonderful disorders that are amongst these seamen, I hope your care shall be to further the reformation thereof.—This 8th of October 1592.
Holograph, Seal. Endorsed :—“From Dartmouth.” 1½ pp.
William Brapbentt's Confession.
[1592, Oct. 9,] “A mariner meeting me on the Campside of the commom wharf at Gravesend, and bid me 'Good morrow,' and asked me how I did. I said ' Well, God a mercy, my fellow,' which done, I went to the Campside and leaned there. The fellow then came to me, and asked me if I would deal for certain jewels. I straight desired to see them, and so went to my house and did so. The things he had I then demanded the price, and he held at 160l. for all, but in conclusion I bought them for 130l., which I paid him present. There was in small sparks, as I do remember, 1330; other there were of somewhat bigger sort, but how many I cannot justly remember. Also there was 61 or such a number of small rubies, 16 ounces of ambergris, with two or three necklaces of small pearls, other two strings pearls, with two or three other trifles of very small value, and one chain of gold of eight ounces. All which things I had I shewed unto one Shory, a goldsmith, which doth dwell at Gravesend, and requested his friendship to shew me the value of those things, which he, having viewed, valued them at 200l This Shory desired me that he might have them for “sacking” of them, and swore unto me that he had valued them at the uttermost they be worth, for he said they be all small and they be not worth 4d. a piece, and some of them worth nothing, and the rubies he valued, as I remember, at 16 or 18d. the piece, and bad ones amongst them. The ambergris was not of the best. This done, for that I would understand the state of Shory, where he last dwelled, I made some enquiry of his state, and understood he was a paltry fellow of no credit. 1 took the course to put the things away, coming to the Exchange met with one Mr. Harman, a Dutchman, which I had seen before time at Venice with one Sparrow, an Englishman. This Sparrow would sometimes come aboard my ship and bring this Dutchman with others with him. I seeing Mr. Harman in the Exchange, went secretly to him, after some speech had how long it was since he was at Venice, and then I brake with him about those things I had. He then asked me whether he might see them, and whether they were, as I told him they were, at “my house at Gravesend, and he then u axed” whereabout the value of things would amount unto. I said 250l. Then he “axed” me when I would go down that he might see them. I said this night; and he said he would come down next morrow day tide, and so took my name for remembrance, and came down according to his promise, and, having viewed the things I had “axed” the price, and I having understood the price by Shory, I “axed” him 250l., but I desirous to be despatched of them, sold them in time for 200l., and so he paid me present in gold, in manner all, and so continently departed up that tide, and that he was within short time to go over sea for anything he knew. I sold these commodities, as I remember, about the 20th of October. All this I will depose. By me Wm. Bradbentt.”
Endorsed :—“9 October, 1592. Wm. Bradbanckes Confession.”
Holograph. 2 pp.
Thomas Middleton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1592, Oct. 16.] By your Honour's of the 7th, I understand of your safe arrival at Court. We make all convenient speed to despatch the pepper, which is all, for ought we know, that is to be found in the Carrack. And whereas it is thought that cask is more profitable than can(vas) bags, I never was of that opinion, neither is all this country able to serve cask in any convenient time, and besides the freight should be double by reason that a ton of cask cannot contain above 12 cwt. of pepper, whereas bags will stow 20 cwt. for a ton, or thereabouts. We do all that is possible for us to further the common benefit, yet for my own part I expect no thanks, I am sure we can yield good reason of all our doings, though some seem here to be displeased and speak great words of their authority and ours, which I leave to the report of Mr. Killigrew at his return. The pepper is the especial commodity that may be brought to any price Her Majesty pleaseth, so may you acquaint Her Highness.—Dartmouth, 16 October 1592.
P.S.—By reason of Sir Francis Drake's absence we write not any general letter now. There are laden already 1100 bags, and we have filled 500 more. God send good weather and stay these tempests.
Seal. 1 p.
Sir T. Heneage to Lord Burghley.
1592, Oct. 17. Whereas Mr. Ralph Westrope, one of her Majesty's serjeants at arms serving the lord president in the North, being her Majesty's farmer of the parsonage of Hunmanby in the county of York, of the yearly rent of 53l., was a suiter to have a lease in reversion thereof, which her Majesty was pleased to grant, it so fell out that the same preste in fee farm in the Earl of Ormond's book, whereby he was prevented. And thereupon I was bold to write to your good lordship on his behalf to entreat your favour that he might pass the like value of other things whereof he is tenant, or to the use of the tenants. Whereupon it pleased your lordship to grant your warrant to the auditor for making out of particulars to that value. And now having them in readiness, my humble desire to your lordship on his behalf is that you would be pleased to rate the said particulars to pass in reversion for such term and fine as to your lordship shall be thought meet, wherein you shall do a very charitable deed for the poor gentleman who otherwise should lose the benefit of her Majesty's goodness meant unto him.—Hertford Castle, 17 Oct. 1592.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
The Carrack.
1592, Oct. 19. A just note of such money, jewels and merchandizes, as was landed off the barque Band in Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, which was taken from the ship, which was given to the governors of the Carrack to transport them unto Spain, by passport from Sir John Borough and others.
In money of Spanish and Portugal coin, the sum of 38l. 10s. 6d.; of white small diamonds, 82; of small rubies, 1,027; of great rubies', 214; of sparks of diamonds, 911; of great rubies, 141; of sparks of diamonds, 551; of small diamonds, 118; of sparks of diamonds, 388; of sparks of diamonds, 323; more of greater diamonds, 96; of sparks of diamonds, 176; of sparks of diamonds, 56; of great rubies. 3; of Orient pearls, 880; one gold ring of the fashion of a dragon, set with four rubies, one sapphire and one pearl; six gold rings set with rubies, and one of them was set with five rubies; one ring of gold, set with one diamond and two rubies; one gold ring with a diamond; of pieces of a bracelet of gold, 7; 3 bags of cinnamon; 100 of “Indian hides.”
Signed :—Robert Gregory, her Majesty's searcher.
Levies for Brittany.
1592, Oct. 20. Warrant for reducing the number of soldiers to be levied in sundry counties for service in Brittany from one thousand, as previously commanded, to five hundred and fifty.—Hampton Court, 20 October 1592.
Privy Signet. Sign manual. 1 p.
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Oct. 21. Within four or five days our business here will be at an end, and upon Monday come sevennight we also mean to return homewards, except we have orders to the contrary. For two things we are to crave speedy order by your means, the one for a special charge for Sir Martin Frobisher to take in his charge the conduct of all the laden ships, with a strait charge to them to be and remain under his government from this harbour unto their arrival in the Thames to the port of London; the next is for the disposing of the carrick, for avoiding of charges; example by the last.—Dartmouth, the 21st of October, 1592.
Holograph, Fragment of seal. 1 p.
The Commissioners for the Carrack to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592, Oct. 23. 1. They point out that canvas bags are more profitable for the carriage of the pepper. [See Middleton's letter of the 16th inst.]
2. Whereas Sir James Marvyn hath written of sale to be made here of the pepper, they find the contrary by the small quantity already sold of other commodities, which could not be sold for the most part, but to such as come from London, and the pepper is the only thing which Her Majesty may rate at her pleasure and rule the market, if it be kept together and well handled. They have already laden 3652 bags and filled the Sampson, the Susan, Margaret Ann, John and Alcedon. The Guardland doth now lade, and by the middle of the week they hope to see the bottom, and to find what is hidden therein, wishing it may prove as they expected, but fear the contrary, for that the like hath not been seen, neither any of the Portingals here, that can speak of any such matter.—From Dartmouth, the 23rd of October 1592.
Signed :—Fra : Drake, William Kyllygrew, Thomas Myddleton, Richard Carmerden.
Sea. 1 p.
The Lords of the Council to Lord Burghley.
1592, Oct. 23. Because the winter season doth now approach and the nights do wax cold and of great length, whereby the watching of the beacons is very tedious and troublesome to the country and may be forborn for the winter season without any danger, these shall be to pray your good Lordship, for the ease of the country, to take order those watches in the counties of Lincoln and Essex may be discontinued, as heretofore hath been done, until the spring of the year, at which time they are again to be renewed.—Hampton Court, 23 Oct. 1592.
Signed :—J. Puckering, W. Burghley, T. Buckhurst, R. Cecil, J. Wolley, J. Fortescue.
½ p.
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Lord Burghley.
1592, Oct. 24. Sends her Majesty's letter for the king of Denmark. As concerning some courtesy to be used with the Ambassador's servants, has sent to seek such eastern merchants as might give them the good wine which they use to esteem so much, but they are not to be found in the city. Thinks they, being now destitute of their guide and treat-master, would more esteem some money in their purses towards their charges.
Beseeches his favour. It will be too hard if his industry be there wholly applied when he must not look for sufficient living and preferment. His years be far spent, so if he be long kept at bay he must faint. Keeps a man to write her Majesty's letters, with twenty pounds yearly charges; and, if Mr. Alderman Ratcliffe should warn him to seek another host, will not be able to maintain himself with his small pension in any countenance agreeable to his service. Beseeches Burghley to be a means to her Majesty that he may obtain ability in some good sort to settle himself in her highness' good services. Will being convenient way wanteth not.—From Harrow Hill, 24 Oct. 1592.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Commission for Sale of Prizes taken by Sir Walter Raleigh's Fleet.
1592, Oct. 30. Forasmuch as divers good and lawful prizes are sent home, taken by the fleet of late set forward by Sir Walter Raleigh, knt., whereunto the Queen and others are interested, and lastly, one carrick of divers spices, jewels, pearls, treasure and other merchandise, is brought from the said fleet; to the end the Queen may be duly answered of such benefit as ought to grow of right unto her in sundry respects and the lord Admiral, sir Walter Raleigh, the citizens of London and such others as have adventured their ships, goods or persons in the said voyage, shall have such portions as shall appear to be due unto them as also that the said prizes may be taken up, preserved and in sale advanced for the uses aforesaid; Lord Burghley, the high Treasurer, Sir Robert Cecil, knt., and John, Fortescue, chancellors of the Exchequer are appointed Commissioners to call unto them William Killigrewe Henry Billingsley, alderman of London, Richard Carmarden and Thomas Middleton, merchants, for the Queen, Sir John Hawkins knt., as an adventurer, Stephen Riddlesden, for the lord admiral, William Sanderson, merchant, for Sir Walter Raleigh, and for the captains masters, gentlemen, soldiers, mariners and fellows in the said voyage' Sir George Barnes, knt., and John Castelyn, merchant, for the citizens of London, and John Wattes, merchant, for himself and the rest of the owners of shipping and other adventurers, and after perfect view made of the said prizes and the particular interests known for every man's portion, to make sale and partition, dividing and delivering to every adventurer their just and proportional parts according to their adventures. Thomas Middleton is to be treasurer to receive all monies made upon the sale, and is, upon warrant under the hands of the foregoing Commissioners, to disburse and divide the same; and William Stallenge and Richard Wright, or either of them, to be attendant as clerks in these affairs. For the better discovery of any embezzled goods that belong to the said prizes, the Commissioners shall assemble, with assistance of some of the parties named, in any place in the dominion; and make inquiry by ministering oaths to persons to whom the truth ought to be known, and shall commit to prison all such persons as shall be found obstinate to make true answer, or shall be proved to have embezzled, received, bought or concealed any thing taken in the said prizes.—Hampton Court, 30 Oct. 1592.
Copy. 1½ pp.
Wardenry of West Borders and Custody of Carlisle Castle.
1592, Oct. 30. Warrant that, whereas since the death of the late lord Scroope, who was both warden of the west borders and captain of Carlisle castle, for the which there was payable to him for the wardenry and for other servitors under him the yearly sum of 424l. and for the captainship of the castle and other furnitures of the said office, 221l., or thereabouts, the office of the wardenry was committed to Richard Lowther; and for that Thomas, now lord Scroope, hath continued in the charge and custody of the castle by itself, and the charge of the wardenry hath been borne by the said Richard Lowther from the death of the said lord Scroope, being about the 13th June last; directions are to be given to the receiver of the county of Cumberland to make payment to the new lord Scroope, or the executors of his father, such sums as were due to the said late lord Scroope at the day of his death; and likewise to pay to Richard Lowther such sums as quarterly ought to have been paid from Midsummer until Michaelmas last for the said wardenry; and likewise to pay to the said now lord Scroope for custody of the castle the like sum as should have been paid to his father at Michaelmas last, if he had lived so long. And as for the charges since Michaelmas, when it is settled to whom the said offices shall be committed, directions shall be given how the same shall be further paid.—Hampton Court, 30th Oct. 1592.
Enclosure :—Note in Burghley's handwriting of the amounts due. Privy Signet. Sign Manual. 1 p.
Recusants, etc.
1592, Oct. The names of such gentlemen as their lordships think meet for their fidelity and soundness in religion to be employed in this service.
In Cheshire.
Sir John Savadge. knights.
Sir Edward Phitton.
Sir William Brereton.
Sir Henry Cholmley.
Sir George Beeston.
Peter Warburton.
Thomas Wilbraham.
Reynold Darnport.
Thomas Brooke.
Thomas Smith of—.
Randoll Manwaringe.
Henry Manwaring.
In Lancaster.
Richard Holland of Deynton.
Edmund Fletewood of Rossall in And
John Worthington of
Thomas Preston.
Mr John Fen, the earl of Derby'.
Mr Thomas Egleston of the Field.
Thomas Talbott of Bushall.
Richard Brereton of Worsley.
Edward Warren of Warren. aged.
Charles Holt and John Bamyse.
Such persons as are meet to be apprehended and sent up, viz.,
Recusants and receivers of priests and seminaries.
Ireland of Lyddiard.
Standishe of Standishe.
Barlowe of Barlowe.
Relievers of priests and seminaries.
Brocell of Brockell.
Skyllicorne of—.
Middleton of Laighton.
. . . . . Lister of—.
[B]londell of Crossye and his son. Latham of Mosbrey.
Not seeming to be recusants but discovered to be dangerous persons.
Young Everrard.
Barton of Barton Rowe.
Whittingham of Wh[yt]hall.
Bartholomew Hesketh.
Langton of the Lowe.
Myles Gerrard of—.
The number of them that may be charged though they be not sent to Lambeth, yet to be committed to the custody of honest gentlemen to be forthcoming until they may be indicted and sent for up to be committed to custody, provided that the committed persons shall pay for their own diets according to the rates of the Fleet.
[The names] of such men [as are of the better] sort for liability.
Sir Richard Mollineux.
Bartholomew Hesketh.
Robert [W]hetefield.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Ireland of Lydgalt.
Latham, already in Lancaster gaol.
Edward Stanley.
Thomas Green of Highley.
Robert Langton of the Lowe.
William Heskith of Polton.
William Croftes near Codd.
Thomas South worth son of Sir John South worth.
Barton of Barton Rowe.
Mr Haydock of Preston.
Whitemore of Chester.
Hilton of the Parke.
Edward Rigbie, clerk of the crown at Lancaster.
James Anderton of Lostock.
The names of such persons as are of smaller liability.
Edward Langton brother to Langton of the Lowe.
Alban Butler.
Edward Croftes.
William Ormyston at Wydake.
Richard Mollyneux.
Bradell, the receiver.
Thomas Latham, schoolmaster at Rickston.
William Charnock of Fullwood.
Barlow of Barlow.
Widows and other persons that are to be i[n the] custody of other gentlemen . . . . . . other parts of in . . . . . . the county of . . . . . .
Mrs Anne Houghton of the Lea, widow.
Anne Clifton of Westlie, widow.
Mrs Anderton of Exton, widow.
Mrs Stanley of Croshall, widow.
Mrs Massey of Rynton, widow.
Mrs Tesley of Worsley, widow.
Mrs Blondell of Crosley, widow.
Mrs Stanley of
Mrs Worthington of
Mrs Worthington of
Mrs Rigman of Whyt
Mrs Rogerley of Latham.
Mrs Gerrard of.
Mrs Mayne of le Car
Mrs Westby of Mowbr
Mrs Barton of Bar[ton]
Endorsed :—“Instructions for proceeding. Touching recusants in Lancashire.”
3 pp. in bad condition.
1592, Oct. Alphabetical list of relievers and favourers of Jesuits and seminary priests in Lancashire, the surnames only being given.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“October 1592: A catalogue of recusants and suspected persons in Lancashire, out of Bell's book.”
5 pp.
