Index: M

Pages 359-366

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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M'Carthy Riough. See MacCarty, Donnell

MacCarty, Dermot Moyle, of Carbery, Munster, Ireland
-, killed by Regaine, 8 (3)

MacCarty, Desmond
-, reference to attainder of, 83

MacCarty (McCarthy), Donnell or Donald, known as MacCarty Riough, of Carbery, co. Cork, Ireland, natural son of Donald MacCarty, Earl of Clancare
-, petition to Cecil, 82
-, 87

MacCarty, Donnell M'Cormick M'Donnell
-, reference to attainder of, 83

MacCarty, Donough, Irish rebel
-, in Spain, 83

MacCarty, Florence, Irish rebel, prisoner in the Tower of London
-, 82, 160
-, petition to Cecil, 87

Macclesfield, Cheshire
-, Forest of, 114

Macdermot (McDermot) Callaghan
-, 223

Macdonnell, Sir Randall, of Dunluce, co. Antrim, Ireland
-, petition to Queen, 72

Maddock. See Maddock, Roger

Maddock, Roger, of Herne, co. Kent
-, 155

Madrid (Madril) [Spain]
-, 93, 178

Madril. See Madrid

Magirus, Joannes, M.D.
-, purchase of his commentary on Aristotle's Ethics, 205

Magna Carta
-, challenge to jurisdiction of the Court of the Marches of Wales based on, 51

Maherne, Dr. See Mayerne, Theodore

Maidstone College, co. Kent
-, leases of, 235, 282

Maingard, Allen [? Alain], of St. Malo, merchant
-, petition to Privy Council, 54

Mainwaring, Arthur, of Ightfield, Shropshire
-, petition to Cecil, 59

Mainwaring, Edmond, Captain, uncle of Sir Randolph Mainwaring
-, 114, 115

Mainwaring (Manering), Francis, of Welsh Hampton, Shropshire
-, alleged subversive activities of, 56

Mainwaring, Hugh, of Gray's Inn, London [? and of Middlewich, Cheshire], counsellorat-law
-, recommended to be Recorder of Chester, 59

Mainwaring, Sir Randolph (Randal), of Peover, Cheshire
-, petition to Cecil, 114
-, dispute between Savage and, 114
-, answers Savage's petition, 114

Maitland, Lord Chancellor. See Maitland, Sir John

Maitland, Sir John, of Thirlestane, Selkirkshire, Lord Chancellor of Scotland (d 1595)
-, mentioned, 34

Malby, Henry, son of Sir Nicholas Malby and late husband of Lady Sidley
-, mentioned, 186

Malby, Sir Nicholas, former Governor of Connaught (d 1584)
-, mentioned, 186

-, proclamation against, 282

Malon, Sieur
-, 166

Mallos, John, of Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk
-, 56 and n

Man, Bishop of. See Phillips, John

Man, Isle of
-, Deemsters of, 98

Man, Thomas, a London waterman, formerly in the service of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex
-, petition to Cecil, 87

Mander (Maunder), William, [? of co. Dorset), a poacher
-, examined by a Justice of the Peace, 234

Mandeville, Lord. See Montagu, Edward

Manering, Francis. See Mainwaring, Francis

Manners, Frances, Countess of Rutland, wife of John Manners, 8th Earl of Rutland
-, letters to William, Earl of Salisbury, 287 (2)

Manners, Isabel, daughter of Nicholas Manners
-, her wardship, 99

Manners, John, 8th Earl of Rutland
-, letters to William, Earl of Salisbury, 286, 287 (2)

Manners, Sir John, of Haddon Hall, co. Derby
-, 195 and n

Manners, Nicholas, of co. Northumberland, deceased
-, wardship of his daughter, 99

Manners, Roger, brother of Sir John Manners
-, 195

Manorial Customs
-, at Hoddesdon, 108
-, in Cumberland, 142
-, reluctance to comply with, 214

Manucy, James, in the service of John de Critz
-, signs receipt, 204

Manwood, Sir Peter, of Hackington, co. Kent
-, 11

Mapes, Mr. See Mapes, Richard

Mapes, Richard, of London, surgeon
-, paid medical expenses, 206, 211

Maps and Plans
-, of new prison in Liberty of Duchy of Lancaster in Strand, 37
-, of Cranborne manor, 50 (2), 281
-, of Hatfield, 138, 163
-, reference to existence in library at Salisbury House of "great book of mapps", 149
-, of Venice, 149
-, of Ireland, 149
-, of Altyrynys, 161, 294
-, of woodland near Damerham, 163
-, of Enfield Chase, 163
-, of Southam manor, 163
-, of escheated counties of Ulster, 180
-, of Quickswood, 240, 243
-, of Maylards in Havering, 244
-, of property in Edmonton, 251
-, of Sally Wall in Rotherhithe, 251
-, of Hatfield parsonage, 259
-, of Britain's Burse, 264
-, for the conversion of Old Palace at Hatfield, 265
-, of parks at Brigstock, 275
-, of property in Bermondsey, 275, 285
-, of Branksea Island, 293

Mar, Earl of. See Erskine, John

Marchant, Thomas, of Guernsey, merchant, prisoner in the Gatehouse
-, petitions to Cecil, 177, 178

Maredith, Lady. See Meredith, Lady

Marigold, The, of London
-, brings cargo of currants to London, 41

Mariot, Nicholas, in the service of Thomas Paget
-, witnesses Littleton's covenant, 175

Markham, Anne, wife of Sir Griffin Markham and daughter of Peter Roos
-, 164

Markham, Sir Griffin, of Ollerton, co. Notts., Catholic conspirator (attainted 1603)
-, 131, 164
-, reference to his attainder, 164

Markham, John, senior
-, land conveyed to, 18

Markham, John, junior
-, land conveyed to, 18

Markham, Thomas, of Ollerton, co. Notts., father of Sir Griffin Markham
-, 164

Marquis, Lord. See Hamilton, James

Marquis, John, late. See Hamilton, John

Marroth, James, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Marshall, George, squire of the King's stable
-, his allowance, 63
-, petition to King, 182

Marshall, —, [ ? George Marshall, chaplain to Parliamentary garrison in Oxford].
-, mentioned in verses, 284 and n

Marshall, Roger
-, petition to Cecil, 100

Marshalsea, The, prison, London
-, 4, 8 (2), 35, 37, 38, 44 (2), 71, 82
-, Cecil's gift of money to prisoners in, 207
-, Keepers of. See Sedgwick, Thomas; Vaughan, Roger

Marten (Martin), Henry, M.P. for Berkshire
-, polemical attack on, 277

Martin. See Marten, Henry

Martock, co. Somerset
-, 280

Mary, Queen of England (d 1558)
-, mentioned, 159

Mary, Queen of Scots (d 1587)
-, mentioned, 249

Mary, Princess, daughter of James I
-, names and allowances of those in service of, 66

Mary Rose, The, of London
-, 9

Mason, George, a young singer
-, given tuition by Innocent Lanier, 152

Mason, Thomas, musician to the King
-, his allowance, 65

-, by Campion, 231
-, William, Earl of Salisbury takes part in, 231

Massam, William, of St. Bartholomew near the Exchange, London, armourer
-, bond signed by, 165

Master of the Horse. See Somerset, Edward

Mathew. See Mathew, Nathaniel

Mathew, Thomas, lessee of Hanslope Mills
-, 186

Mathew, Thomas, formerly in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, reference to his death, 55

Mathew, Nathaniel, of Bridge Street, London, later cutler to the King
-, 70

Mathewson, Bartholomew, of Lambeth, co. Surrey
-, petition to Cecil, 99

Matthew, Pierre. See Matthieu, Pierre

Matthew (Sir) Tobie (Signor Tobias), son of Tobias Matthew, Archbishop of York
-, released from Fleet prison, 139 and n
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Matthieu (Matthew), Pierre, French historian (d 1621)
-, his Histoire purchased for Cecil's library, 151

Maule or Mauld, Patrick, Groom of the Bedchamber to the King
-, his allowance, 63
-, presents Comyng's petition to Lord Chancellor, 234

Maupeou (Meaupeau), [ ? Nicolas de Maupeou, later French councillor of state]
-, 166

Mawnd, Simon, of Powick, co. Worcester
-, 6

Maxwell, James, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Maxwell, Sir Robert, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

May, (Sir) Humphrey, Groom of the Privy Chamber to the King, later Privy Councillor
-, his allowance, 63
-, signs directives from Privy Council, 267, 271

Maydwell, Lawrence, tenant in Brigstock Park
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 279

Mayerne, Dr. See Mayerne, Theodore

Mayerne (Maherne), (Sir) Theodore Turquet de, physician to the King
-, his allowance, 64
-, Cecil's gift of gelding to, 202
-, paid medical expenses, 211

Maylards in Havering, co. Essex
-, map of manor of, 244

Maynard, Sir Henry, of Estaines Parva, co. Essex (d 1610)
-, mentioned, 190

Maynard (Maynerd), Susan, Lady, widow of Sir Henry Maynard
-, 41
-, given permission to enclose land in St. Martin's-in-theFields, 190

Mayne, Alexander, of Plymouth, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 162

Mayne, Walter, Page of the Privy Chamber to the King
-, petition to Cecil, 223

Maynerd, Lady. See Maynard, Susan

Mayo, Agnes, widow, mother of John Mayo
-, request on behalf of, 10

Mayo, John, of Somerford, co. Wilts.
-, petition to Cecil, 10

Mayor, John, of the Inner Temple, London
-, witnesses Littleton's covenant, 175

Mayor, Richard, of the Inner Temple, London
-, witnesses Littleton's covenant, 175

M'Dermott, Cormocke, musician to the King
-, his allowance, 65
-, accompanies Cecil to Bath, 203

-, Stillingfleet's children ill with, 262

Meaupeau. See Maupeou

Medenblick, Pierre François de, Captain of De Hope
-, 212

Medical Prescription
-, 56

Medical Science
-, allowance to readers in, 69

Mendham, co. Suffolk
-, 17

-, of Coventry, 128

Mercurius Gallobelgicus, a periodical published in Cologne by M. Jansonius (pseudonym for Michael ab Isselt)
-, purchased for Cecil's library, 151
-, bought for William, Earl of Salisbury, 229

Mercurius Pragmaticus. See Nedham, Marchamont

Meredith (Meridith), Edward, of Abergavenny, recusant
-, complaints against, 243

Meredith (Meridith), John, of Abergavenny, recusant
-, complaints against, 242

Meredith, Richard, Dean of Bath and Wells
-, 232

Meredith (Maredith), Lady [ ? Jane Meredith, wife of Sir William Meredith]
-, Rookwood's goods located in house of, 33
-, 34

-, Justice of the Peace in, 22
-, Feodary of. See David, Evan Lloyd ap

Mermaid, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Mervyn, Deborah, widow of Walter Dunch, now wife of Sir James Mervyn, of Fonthill, co. Wilts.
-, petition to Cecil, 55
-, her son. See Dunch, William

Messina [Sicily, Italy]
-, seizure of the Angel at, 121

Methuen, Paul, prebendary of Wells
-, King's letter on behalf of, 112 and n

Methwold, co. Norfolk
-, manor of, 250

Mews (Mewes), The, Charing Cross, London
-, 198

Mewtys, Thomas, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, complaint against, 226

Michelland. See Muchland

Middelburg (Middelborough, Mildebour) [Zeeland, Netherlands]
-, 162
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 190, 199
-, sale of East Indian goods at, 254

Middleham, co. Durham
-, 174

Middle Park, Hatfield, co. Herts.
-, 126, 203

-, sheriff of, 12
-, bills of, 124
-, under-sheriff of, 146
-, 163
-, rents of Cecil property in, 228
-, Duchy of Lancaster's manors in, 250
-, petition to King and Parliament from inmates of hospitals of, 254
-, Justices of the Peace of, 254

Middle Temple, The, London
-, Cecil's letter to the Society of, 60

Middleton, Roger
-, reference to his imprisonment in Spain, 178

Middleton Stoney, co. Oxford
-, 33

Milan [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 199

Mildebour. See Middelburg

Mildenhall, co. Suffolk
-, manor of, 227, 250

Mildmay, Sir Walter, of Sawbridgeworth, co. Herts.
-, 77 and n

Miles, Edward, of Needham, co. Suffolk, clothier
-, petition to Cecil, 120

Milford Lane, Temple Bar, London
-, 70

Military Garden (or Military Street), Leicester Fields, London
-, erection of waterhouse at, 274

Militia, The
-, Commissioners of, 284

Miller, Hugh, footman to the late Queen Elizabeth
-, his allowance, 67

Miller, Richard, footman to the late Queen Elizabeth
-, his allowance, 67

Mills, Mr., of Southampton
-, 104

Milne Green [ ? co. Northants.]
-, 279

Milo or Milos [Greece)
-, English ships seized at, 161

Mimms, South, co. Middlesex
-, 236
-, manor of, 276

Mineral and Battery Works
-, Cecil a Governor of the Company of, 80
-, complaint against, 245

Mines and Mining
-, 84, 114

Mint, The
-, officers of, 86, 141
-, smith of, 86
-, 141
-, Warden of. See Knyvett, Sir Thomas

Mirande, Sieur de
-, chosen to be Huguenot representative at Henry IV's Court, 119

Modeshill, co. Tipperary, Ireland
-, rectory of, 85

Moffet, Thomas
-, petition to Cecil, 215

Moldavia, Prince of. See Bogdan, Stefan

Molf, Thomas, of Abergavenny
-, testifies against recusants, 242

Molyneux, Viscount. See Molyneux, Richard

Molyneux, Sir Richard, of Sefton, co. Lancs., Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster
-, 47
-, creation of his title of Viscount Molyneux, 266

Monday, Anthony, of Penryn, co. Cornwall, merchant
-, reference to his imprisonment in Spain, 178
-, alleged traitorous activities cf, 178

Mondenhall. See Mowden Hall

Mongreife, Alexander. See Muncrieff, Alexander

Mongreife, George. See Muncrieff, George

Mongreife, Thomas. See Muncrieff, Thomas

Monmouth, co. Monmouth
-, manor of, 250

-, recusants in, 242
-, Justices of the Peace in, 245
-, Duchy of Lancaster's manors in, 250

-, 39, 129, 136

Monson, Viscount. See Monson, William

Monson, Robert, cousin of Sir Thomas Monson
-, 226

Monson (Munson), Sir Thomas, of Burton, co. Lincoln
-, money paid to his musician, 151
-, 226

Monson, William, Baron Monson of Bellinguard (Bellingard) and Viscount Monson of Castlemaine
-, creation of his titles, 266

Monson, Sir William, of Kinnersley, co. Surrey, Admiral
-, seizes Portuguese ship, 16

Montagu (Mountague), Sir Edward, of Boughton, co. Northants., later 1st Baron Montagu of Boughton
-, 21

Montagu, Edward, Viscount Mandeville, son of Henry Montagu, 1st Earl of Manchester
-, polemical attack on, 277

Montagu (Montague), Sir Henry, Recorder of London, later Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench and 1st Earl of Manchester
-, 8 (2), 21
-, installed as Chief Justice, 232
-, signs directives from Privy Council, 267, 271

Montague, James, Dean of Worcester
-, request from, 96

Montaigne, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Montaigne
-, petition to Cecil, 137

Montaigne, Richard, of co. Wilts.
-, petition to Cecil, 137

Montauban [Tarn-et-Garonne, France]
-, 167

Monteagle, Lord. See Parker, William

-, 103, 163

Montmartin, Monsieur de
-, sent by Henry IV to the Synod at La Rochelle, 117

Monville, co. Durham
-, 174

Moore, D.,
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Moore, Sir Edward, of Odiham, co. Hants.
-, 147
-, his sons. See Moore, John; Moore, William

Moore, John, son of Sir Edward Moore
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Moore, William, son of Sir Edward Moore
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Mootham, James, of London, mariner
-, petition to Cecil, 91

Mootham, John, of London, mariner
-, petition to Cecil, 91

Mordaunt, Lady. See Mordaunt, Margaret

Mordaunt, Lord. See Mordaunt, John

Mordaunt (Mordant), John, 5th Lord Mordaunt
-, his education to be supervised by Bishop of London, 189

Mordaunt, Margaret, Lady, widow of Henry Mordaunt, 4th Lord Mordaunt (d 1609)
-, 189

Morekey (Murkey), William, Master Cook to the Queen
-, his allowance, 65

Morgan, John [? of co. Glamorgan]
-, petition to Cecil, 60

Morgan, Piers, in the service of Sir Baptist Hicks
-, petition to Cecil, 131

Morgan, Richard, of Bettisfield, co. Flint
-, alleged subversive activities of, 56

Morgan, Robert, Keeper of the gaol at Worcester
-, petition to Cecil, 73

Morgan, Robert, of Bridgwater, co. Somerset
-, letter to Collins, 280

Morley, Lord. See Parker, Edward

Morley, Edward
-, 83

Morrell, Hugh, of Exeter, haberdasher
-, articles of agreement between Cecil and, 164, 236
-, receives allowance from Cecil, 202, 204

Morrell, Walter, of London, merchant
-, articles of agreement between Cecil and, 164, 236
-, letter to William, Earl of Salisbury, 237.

Morrison (Moryson), Sir Charles, of Cassiobury, co. Herts.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 146

Mortimer, Christopher, of Castleton, Queen's County, Ireland (d 1589)
-, mentioned, 106 and n

Moryson, Sir Charles. See Morrison, Sir Charles

Moryson, Fynes, of Cadeby, co. Lincoln, traveller and author
-, petition to Cecil, 7
-, his brother. See Moryson, Sir Richard

Moryson, Sir Richard, brother of Fynes Moryson
-, 7

Moseley, William [? of London]
-, 56

Mounster. See Munster

Mountague, Sir Edward. See Montagu, Sir Edward

Mountague, Sir Henry. See Montagu, Sir Henry

Mountford, John [ ? of Gainsborough, co. Lincoln]
-, petition to Cecil, 11

Mowden Hall (Mondenhall), co. Essex
-, manor of, 250

M'Owen, Fynen
-, reference to attainder of, 83

Moyfyean, co. Roscommon, Ireland
-, 89

Moysset, —
-, 167

Muchland (Michelland), co. Lancs.
-, manor of, 154

Muley Hammet, King of Morocco (d 1603)
-, 148

Mullingar, co. West Meath, Ireland
-, rectory of, 42

Mulsho, William, of Goathurst, co. Bucks., father-in-law to Sir Everard Digby
-, 32

Muncrieff (Mongreife), Alexander, Master Falconer to the King
-, his allowance, 68

Muncrieff (Mongreife), George, Falconer to the King
-, his allowance, 68

Muncrieff (Mongreife), Thomas, Falconer to the King
-, his allowance, 68

Munson, Sir Thomas. See Monson, Sir Thomas

Munster (Mounster), Ireland
-, 8, 9, 82, 83, 100, 120, 159
-, General and Quarter Sessions in, 105
-, Lord President of. See Danvers, Henry; Carew, Sir George; Brouncker, Sir Henry
-, Provost-Marshal of. See Thornton, Sir George; Jones, Sir Ellis
-, King's Attorney of. See Birkett, John
-, Chief Justice of. See Sarsfield, Sir Dominic
-, Clerk to Council of. See Boyle, Sir Richard
-, Deputy-Clerk to Council of. See Walley, John

Murkey, William. See Morekey, William

Murray, Lord. See Stewart, James

Murray, Sir David, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 63
-, petition to King, 229

Murray, George, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63
-, 124

Murray, John, Groom of the Bedchamber to the King
-, his allowance, 62

Murray, Mongo, Cornet of the King's Guard in Scotland, later 2nd Viscount Stormont
-, visits Italy and Rome, 148

Murray, Sir Patrick, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Murray, Thomas, tutor to Prince Charles, Duke of York
-, his allowance, 66

-, French part song in manuscript, 292 and n

Musical Instruments
-, 122, 184, 202
-, viols, 158, 187, 188
-, lyre, 187, 188
-, organ, 189, 204
-, wind, 202, 206
-, string, 203

Musicians. See also Coprario, Ferabosco, Lanier, Mason, M'Dermott, Oxford
-, names and allowances of King's musicians, 65
-, Cecil's musicians, 122, 187
-, Lord Chamberlain's musician, 151
-, Earl of Cumberland's musician, 151
-, Sir Thomas Monson's musician, 151
-, Musician to Prince Charles, Duke of York. See Lisle, Norman
-, Musician to Henry IV, King of France. See Tessier

Mustapha, Bey of Algiers
-, letter to Prince of Orange, 31

-, 104 and n, 266, 268
-, Privy Council's instructions regarding, 267

Mychele, Mr.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

My Lord Salisburys Armes
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274