Index: L

Pages 353-359

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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La Broch or Broche, Elizabeth, widow of Thomas La Broch
-, 42, 43

La Broch or Broche, Jean [? Thomas], son of Thomas La Broch
-, his proceedings against Cardinal, 42
-, petition to King, 43

La Broch or Broche, Thomas, of Bordeaux, merchant, deceased
-, mentioned, 42, 43

La Costa, Peter de, in the service of Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Lacy, Sir Rowland, of Shiptonunder-Whichwood, co. Oxford
-, involved in dispute over Kingswood Forest, 170

Lady Croft, Bermondsey, co. Surrey property called, 285

La Faile, Martin de, a baron of Flanders
-, 53

Lake, Sir Thomas, Clerk of the Signet, later Secretary of State
-, 5
-, his notes on petitions, 33, 141
-, complaint against, 95

La Magica Rustica
-, Chamberlain receives book entitled, 139

Lambert, Sir Oliver, of St. Mary's near Southampton, co. Hants., commander in Ireland
-, petition to King, 125

Lambeth, London
-, 184

Lammas Commons
-, 191

Lamsden, Thomas, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 62

Lamyon, Robert, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, 205

-, 40
-, priests and seminarists in, 42, 70
-, Justices of the Peace of, 70, 190

Lancaster, County Palatine of 3, 189
-, King's Attorney in. See Tyldesley, Thomas

Lancaster, Duchy of
-, 3, 36, 37, 101, 214, 283
-, petition from burgesses of Liberty of, 36, 37 (2), 126
-, demolition of prison of Liberty of, 126
-, Chamber of, 126
-, Chancellor of, 126n, 283
-, list and valuation of manors of, 250
-, Attorney of. See Brograve, Sir John
-, Chancellor of. See Fortescue, Sir John; Parry, Sir Thomas
-, Receiver of. See Molyneux, Sir Richard

Lancelot, John, of Wrexham, co. Denbigh
-, petition to Zouche, 112

Landale, Thomas, of Tilton, co. Leicester
-, petition to Cecil, 59

Laneare. See Lanier, Nicholas

Lange, Robert, prisoner in the King's Bench prison
-, petitions to Cecil, 5, 10

Langford, —
-, 279

Langham, co. Essex
-, manor of, 250

Langley, Thomas, Bursar of King's College, Cambridge
-, 230

Langton, James
-, petition to Cecil, 198

Langton, Thomas, of London, physician
-, signs medical prescription, 56 and n

Lanier, Alphonso, musician to the King
-, his allowance, 65

Lanier, Innocent, of East Greenwich, musician
-, letter to Houghton, 152

Lanier, Jerome, of Hoxton, co. Middlesex, musician to the King
-, his allowance, 65

Lanier, John, musician to the King, son of Nicholas Lanier
-, his allowance, 65
-, receives annuity from Cecil, 211

Lanier (Laneare, Lanyer, Lanere), Nicholas (Nichlis), musician, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, sells bass viol to Viscount Cranborne, 158
-, his annuity, 187
-, at Kennington, 187
-, 188, 211

La Noue, Monsieur de, Huguenot representative at the court of Henry IV
-, his report to Synod of La Rochelle, 117

Lansdale, Richard, Keeper of Bedlam
-, 207

Lascelles, Edmund, Groom of the Privy Chamber to the King
-, petition to King, 33

La Serda, Don Martin de, Spanish naval commander
-, seizes English ships and goods, 175, 176

Latten (Lattin)
-, agreement concerning production of, 196

Laugharne, co. Carmarthen castle of, 135

Laun Perred. See Llwyn Perrot

Laurence, Elizabeth, in the service of the Countess of Kildare
-, petition to Cecil, 173

La Varenne, Guillaume Fouquet, Marquis de, French Master of the Posts
-, 167

-, allowance to lecturers in, 69

Lawne, Gedeon de, of Blackfriars, London, apothecary to the King
-, his allowance, 65

Lawne, Martin
-, committed to Bridewell, 226

Lawson, John
-, petition to Cecil, 123

Layton, Lady. See Leighton, Elizabeth

Lazonby, Richard, Master of the King's Crossbows
-, his allowance, 67

-, agreement concerning production of, 196
-, complaint about scarcity of, 255

Leadenhall, London
-, letter dated from, 177

Lee, Henry, of the Reban, Munster, Ireland
-, petition to Cecil, 150

Leghorn [Italy]
-, marble stones shipped to England from, 179

Le Grise, William, of St. Brides, London
-, case between Cottrell and, 157, 158

Leicester, co. Leicester
-, complaint against Mayor and Corporation of, 3

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert

Leicester, George, prisoner in the Fleet
-, complaints against, 11, 12

-, Justices of the Peace in, 32 144

Leigh, Francis, Baron Dunsmore creation of his title, 266

Leigh, Sir Urien, of Adlington, Cheshire
-, 70

Leighton (Layton), Elizabeth, Lady, wife of Sir Thomas Leighton
-, 99

Leighton, Sir Thomas, Governor of Guernsey
-, letter from Privy Council to, 79
-, 178

Leiland. See Leyland

Leith, Midlothian, Scotland
-, production of copper at, 291

Leizure, Sir Steven. See Lesieur, Sir Stephen

Le Jay, Sieur
-, 166

Lello, Henry, English Ambassador to Turkey
-, 23

Leman, Thomas, of London, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 175
-, petition to Privy Council, 175

Lemyng, John, prisoner in Newgate petition to Cecil, 8

Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, Ludovic

Lerma, Francisco de Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of, President of Portugal
-, 92

Lesieur (Leizure), Sir Stephen, diplomatist
-, his allowance for attendance upon foreign ambassadors, 64

Levan, Sir Melchior
-, petition to King, 39

Levant (Turkey) Company, The
-, petition to Privy Council, 121
-, petition to King, 128
-, details of trade of, 128, 129

Lever, Christopher, poet
-, petitions to Cecil, 129 (2) and n

Leveson, Sir John, of Halling, co. Kent
-, 26, 123

Leveson, Mr.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Levingston, Alexander. See Livingston, Alexander

Levingston, John. See Livingston, John

Lewes, co. Sussex
-, 153

Lewis, David, of Abergavenny
-, testifies against recusants, 242

Lewis, Morgan, of Abergavenny, schoolmaster and recusant
-, complaint against, 243

Lewis, Thomas [? of Cardiff]
-, killed in riot, 60

Lewisham, co. Kent
-, 222

Lewkenor, Sir Lewis, of the Strand, London, Master of the Ceremonies and M.P' for Bridgnorth
-, his allowance, 64
-, 197

Lewkenor, Sir Richard, Justice of Chester
-, Cecil's directive to, 89 90

Ley, Sir James, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland
-, 83, 98

Leyland (Leiland), co. Lancs.
-, recusants at, 70

Lilley (Lilly), Peter, Brother of the Savoy and prebendary of St. Paul's and Salisbury
-, reference to his illness, 162

Lilly (Lylly), William, astrologer
-, his Almanack purchased, 282

Lilly, Mr. See Lilley, Peter

Limehouse, London
-, 178

Lincoln, co. Lincs.
-, 226

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton, Henry

-, priests and seminarists in, 42

Lindall (Lyndall), Christopher, prebendary of Ripon
-, signs petition to Cecil, 52

Lindley, Sir Henry, of London
-, 84

Lindsey (Lyndsey), Bernard, Groom of the Bedchamber to the King
-, his allowance, 62

Linen Cloth
-, criticism of manufacture of, 17

Linfrod, Mari. See Lynsford, Mary

Linstead, co. Suffolk
-, 13

Lipsius, Justus, historian and Professor of Belles-Lettres at Louvain (d 1606)
-, his Epistolarum Centuriae bought for Cecil's library, 152

Lisbon [Portugal]
-, capture of a caravel of, 16
-, maltreatment of London mariners in, 92, 93
-, seizure of English goods at, 92
-, Flemish ship seized off, 212

Lisle (Lysle), John, in the service of Prince Charles, Duke of York
-, his allowance, 66

Lisle, Norman, musician to Prince Charles, Duke of York
-, his allowance, 66

Lister, Mr. See Lister, John

Lister, John, housekeeper to Sir Robert Cecil
-, 149

Lister (Lyster), Matthew, of London, physician
-, accompanies Viscount Cranborne on the continent, 190, 199
-, 194, 230
-, signs account of Viscount Cranborne's travelling expenses, 201
-, paid medical expenses, 206, 211

Little ABC
-, reference to book called, 109

Littleton, Gilbert, brother of Stephen Littleton
-, petition to Cecil, 58

Littleton, John
-, his covenant, 174

Littleton, Meriall (Muriel), of Hagley, co. Worcester
-, Littleton arrested at house of, 57 (2), 58

Littleton, Stephen, of Holbeach, co. Staffs., Gunpowder Plot conspirator
-, reported to have been concealed by Catholics in Shropshire, 57
-, his arrest, 57 (2), 58
-, appeal for clemency for, 58
-, undertakes to defray expenses of prisoners in Stafford gaol, 74 (2)

Littleton, Thomas, son of John Littleton
-, 174

Litton, William. See Lytton, William

Liverpool, co. Lancs.
-, 3
-, Mayor of. See Stanley, Sir William

Livingston (Levingston), Alexander, Keeper of the beasts in the Tower of London
-, his allowance, 62

Livingston (Levingston), John, Groom of the Bedchamber to the King
-, his allowance, 62

Lizaulte [? Läsö, Denmark]
-, ship wrecked off, 7

Lloyd, David ap John David
-, brings case against Lancelot, 112

Lloyd, George, of London
-, petition to Cecil, 173

Lloyd, Ieuan, of co. Merioneth, solicitor
-, 22

Lloyd, Janet, wife of David ap John David Lloyd
-, 112

Lloyd, Oliver, in the service of Thomas Graves
-, petition to Cecil, 55

Lloyd, Owen, heir of David Lloyd ap John ap Ievan
-, 103

Lloyd, Robert, of co. Merioneth, J.P.
-, 22 and n

Llwyn Perrott (Laun Perred), co. Brecknock
-, 221

Locke or Lok, Henry, poet
-, receives money from Cecil towards his maintenance at Oxford University, 202, 203

Loftus, Adam, Lord Chancellor of Ireland (d 1605)
-, mentioned, 2, 88

-, dispute between London dyers and patentees of, 27

-, Spencer imprisoned in, 26
-, petition from dyers of, 27
-, suit concerning incorporation of carmen of, 29
-, plague in, 29, 108
-, reference to school in, 30
-, conveyance of Gunpowder Plot prisoners to, 35 (3), 38, 73
-, emigration of English craftsman to Paris from, 44
-, complaints of Spanish Ambassador about recruitment of soldiers for Dutch service in, 48
-, foreigners in, 53 (2), 55, 91, 102, 139, 230, 246
-, Lord Mayor of, 42, 53, 61
-, 55, 57, 90 (2), 106, 112, 123, 154, 164, 176, 180, 189, 210, 218, 226
-, petition from wherrymen and watermen of, 58
-, Act of Parliament affects livelihood of curriers in, 61, 62
-, plays and wild beast shows in, 72
-, Stationers' Company of, 72, 108
-, maltreatment in Lisbon of mariners from, 92, 93
-, Steelyard in, 102
-, reference to King's progress through, 126
-, petition from Company of Pinmakers of, 134
-, news of events in, 139
-, letters dated from, 139, 211
-, appeal from Englishman captured by Turks to citizens of, 162
-, instrument-maker removes to Amsterdam from, 163 and n
-, proposal to establish ferry to convey passengers from Kennington to, 184
-, Cecil's gift to prisons of, 202
-, number of prisoners and names of keepers of prisons in, 206
-, searchers of, 220
-, Justices of the Peace in, 224
-, rents from Cecil property in, 228
-, Italian Church in, 230
-, complaints against College of Physicians in, 240
-, provisions transported to Hatfield House from, 243
-, 245, 246, 247, 254, 255
-, arrest of seminary priests in, 248
-, petition from the Company of Plumbers of, 255
-, effects of Civil War on trade in, 281, 289
-, copper conveyed from Scotland to, 291

London, Bishop of. See Ravis, Thomas

London, Lord Mayor of. See Cambell, Sir James; Soames, Sir Christopher

London, Recorder of. See Montagu, Sir Henry

London, Tower of
-, Steward of, 13, 145 33, 102
-, Tresham seriously ill in, 39 and n
-, allowances to gunners and others in, 69
-, matter concerning the office of Master-Smith of the King's ironworks in, 86
-, house of Lieutenant of, 86
-, reference to death of Earl of Desmond in, 130, 131 (2)
-, provision of saltpetre for, 135, 136
-, Waad's views on privileges and authority of Lieutenant of, 145, 146
-, diet of an imprisoned earl in, 248
-, Gentleman Porter of. See Worlington, Sir William
-, Lieutenant of. See Waad, Sir William
-, Master-Smith to King's ironworks in. See Hopkins, Martin; Passe, Thomas
-, Steward of. See Whitby, John

London, John, footman to the late Queen Elizabeth
-, his allowance, 67

London, Mary, in the service of Princess Mary
-, her allowance, 67

Longford, county of, Ireland
-, 197

Longley, John
-, petition to Cecil, 179

Lord, Robert, Receiver-General to William, Earl of Salisbury
-, Cornig's letter to, 281

Lord, Mrs., wife of Robert Lord
-, expecting a child, 282

Lord Admiral. See Howard, Charles

Lord Chamberlain. See Howard, Thomas; Herbert, William

Lord Chancellor. See Egerton, Thomas

Lord Chief Justice. See Popham, Sir John; Montagu, Sir Henry

Lord Chief Justice (of the Common Pleas). See Gawdy, Sir Francis; Coke, Sir Edward

Lord President. See Sheffield, Edmund

Lord Treasurer. See Sackville, Thomas; Cecil Robert; Howard, Thomas; Weston, Richard

Lords Commissioners for Ireland
-, petition to, 85

-, receive directives concerning Muster-Masters, 267

Lords, House of
-, 72
-, petitions to, 131, 278
-, Cecil acts as spokesman to committee of, 188
-, rules affecting procedure in, 291

Loughton, co. Essex
-, manor of, 250

Love, Thomas, in the service of John Winter
-, imprisoned in Stafford gaol, 73
-, his treatment in gaol, 74

Lovell, Edward [? of co. Dorset]
-, charged with illegal hunting, 234

Lovell, George, son of Thomas Lovell
-, 234

Lovell, Thomas, of Tarrant Rawston, co. Dorset
-, eludes arrest for illegal hunting, 234

Low, George, of London, merchant
-, letter to Bennett, 211

Low, Ralph, of Hesketh, co. Lancs., tanner
-, petition to Cecil, 189

Low Countries, The
-, 39, 133, 210, 214, 219, 220, 223, 246 (2)
-, reference to fruit trees from, 177
-, sycamore trees brought to Hatfield from, 186

Lowke, John, of Burrington, co. Hereford
-, 193

Lowther, Anne, wife of Gerard Lowther
-, petition to Cecil, 5

Lowther, Gerard, of Sewborwens, co. Cumberland, later Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland
-, petition to Cecil, 5

Lowther, Lancelot, of the Inner Temple, London, Solicitor to the Queen
-, 94

Lowthes, co. Herts.
-, manor of, 196

Loxwood, co. Sussex
-, manor of, 213

Lucas, Bridget, wife of Francis Lucas
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 261

Lucas, Francis, of Elmsett, co. Suffolk
-, 261

Lucas, William, of the Isle of Man
-, answer to petition of, 98.

Lucius Florus. See Florus, Lucius Annaeus

Lucy, Sir Edmund, of Broxbourne, co. Herts.
-, 270

Lucy, Sir Richard, of Broxbourne, co. Herts., Deputy-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire
-, Dacre's letter to, 269
-, signs joint letter to William, Earl of Salisbury, 273

Ludgate, prison, London
-, Cecil's gift of money to prisoners in, 206
-, 288
-, Keeper of. See Smith, Edward

Ludlow, Edmund, of Maiden Bradley, co. Wilts., Parliamentary commander
-, 278

Lumley, Lady. See Lumley, Elizabeth

Lumley, Elizabeth, Lady, [? wife of Richard Lumley, Baron Lumley]
-, her allowance, 67

Lupo, Elizabeth, wife of Francis Lupo
-, petition to Cecil, 163

Lupo, Francis, of London, instrument-maker
-, removes to Amsterdam, 163 and n

Lupo, Sibil, daughter of Francis Lupo
-, 163

Luwerte, Thyman, Flemish merchant
-, letter to Archduke Albert, 212

Lylle, Edward, Master of the Thomas
-, petition to Cecil, 54

Lylly. See Lilly, William

Lyllye, David [? of co. Dorset]
-, not guilty of illegal hunting, 234

Lyming. See Lyming, Robert

Lyming (Lymyng), Robert, architect
-, 186
-, his plans for building operations at Quickswood, 240, 244

Lynch, Brian, in the service of William Cecil, Viscount Cranborne
-, defamatory statements about, 69

Lyndall, Christopher. See Lindall, Christopher

Lyndsey, Bernard. See Lindsey, Bernard

Lyne, William, deceased, first husband of Agnes Adams
-, 246

Lyney, Edward, of Abergavenny
-, testifies against recusants, 242

Lynley, Mabel, in the service of Princess Mary
-, her allowance, 67

Lynn. See King's Lynn

Lynsford (Linfrod), Mary, wife of Roger Lynsford
-, signs receipt of payment, 156

Lynsford, Roger, of co. Kent, a labourer
-, letter to Cecil, 156

Lysle, John. See Lisle, John

Lyster, Dr. See Lister, Matthew

Lytton (Litton), Sir William, of Knebworth, co. Herts., Deputy-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire
-, signs joint letters to William, Earl of Salisbury, 268, 270