Index: D

Pages 344-348

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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Dabridgecourt, [? Thomas], English Catholic
-, his letters from abroad to be intercepted, 168
-, 179

Dackombe. See Dacombe

Dacombe (Dackombe, Dakeham), John, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 58, 230, 282

Dacre House, (? Chelsea)
-, letter dated from, 1

Dacre, Francis, of Croglin, co. Cumberland, (calling himself Lord Dacre of Gilsland)
-, petitions King for pardon, 294

Dailly (Deylye), Ayrshire, Scotland Viscount Fenton in possession of Crown wood at, 315

Dakeham. See Dacombe, John

Dalahaie. See Delahyde, Walter

Dalby, Thomas
-, one of farmers of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176

Dale, Sir Thomas, later Governor of Virginia
-, 311

Dalling, John, Clerk of the Works at Greenwich
-, his illness, 152

Dallison, Sir Roger, Steward of the manor at Kirton
-, to surrender his office, 201

Dallwaye, John, Constable of Carrickfergus palace
-, letter to King, 27

Dalston, Lancelot, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Danske. See Danzig

Danube, River
-, Archduke Matthias and his forces cross, 114

Danvers, Lord. See Danvers, Henry

Danvers, Henry, 1st Baron Danvers of Dantsey
-, 206
-, grants forfeitures of alehouse recognisances to Bolton and Woodhull, 289

Danzig (Dansick, Danske) [Poland]
-, English trade at, 7
-, 9, 106
-, guilty of unfair practices against English traders at Elbing, 107

Darbyshire, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Darnton. See Darton

Dartmouth, co. Devon
-, 236, 265

Darton (Darnton), co. Yorks
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269, 284
-, postmaster at. See Glover, Peter

Davenport, Mr
-, tries to obtain wardship of John Shalcros, 311

Dauphin, The. See Louis

Davers, Lord. See Danvers, Henry

Davis, John, a London merchant licensed to ship unserviceable ordnance abroad, 221

Davis, Nevill, English consul at Seville
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 61, 116, 168, 183, 198
-, imprisoned as surety for Thomas St. John, 168

Davis, William, English merchant in Cadiz
-, imprisoned and fined for breaking Spanish King's regulation on lodging of foreigners, 198

Dawes (Dawse), Abraham, Surveyor of the Customers' and Comptrollers' Books
-, 191, 312.

Dawse, Mr. See Dawes, Abraham

Day, Mr
-, seeks exemption from jury duties, 2

Deane, Daniel, formerly in Sir John Doddridge's service
-, saved from shipwreck off Lisbon, 45
-, flees from England for killing a man, 155
-, influenced by Fludd against Lee, 156

Dedham (Didham), Francis, an English merchant
-, robbed at Dunkirk, 32

Dee, River
-, mills of Chester standing on, 291
-, 292

-, at Melwood, 10, 20
-, at Theobalds, 31
-, at Farnham Castle, 60
-, to be sent to King of France, 98
-, glut of venison in London due to poaching of King's, 275

Dehem (Dehemme), Tobias, son of and apprentice to Jacques Dehem, merchant of Norwich
-, certificate of his good behaviour, 252

De La Desguierès. See Lesdiguières

Delahyde (Dalahaie), Walter, captain in the Archduke's army
-, resolved to return to Ireland, 67

Delda, Conde de. See Elda

Delvin. See Nugent, Sir Richard

Demetrius. See Griska

Den, Thomas, a London merchant his affairs in Spain, 212

Dence, William, a Bristol merchant provides information about fleet at Lisbon, 235
-, captured by the pirate Jennings, 236

-, sentence of death passed in Madrid on gentleman from, 140
-, Cornwallis intervenes on his behalf, 140
-, Cornwallis obtains reprieve for him, 178
-, prohibition of transit of corn through Sound regarded as one means of destroying power of Spain, 218
-, corn shipped to Cornwall from, 261
-, losses sustained by people of Hull in, 312

Denmark, gentleman of. See Huasse, Michael

Denmark, King of. See Christian IV

Denmark, Queen of. See Anne Catherine

Denmark, Prince of. See Christian

Denny, Lord. See Denny, Edward

Denny, Edward, 1st Baron Denny of Waltham
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 111
-, his views on wages of King's gamekeepers, 111
-, 289

Denye, Lord. See Denny, Edward

-, 74, 87, 299

Derby, co. Derby
-, Dowager Duchess of Shrewsbury buried at, 96

Derby, Countess of. See Stanley, Elizabeth

Derby, Earl of. See Stanley, William

-, Privy Council petitioned by miners of, 38

Derry. See Londonderry

Desguières. See Lesdiguières

Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex
-, mentioned, 270

Devike (De Vic, Devicke), William, English agent
-, at Brussels, 110

Devonshire (or Western) Dozens
-, coarse cloth called, 294

-, Earl of Bath levies men for Irish service in, 31
-, high prices of corn in, 127, 175, 250
-, 127, 284

Deylye. See Dailly

Diaquez, Don Juan. See Idyaques

Diderichstain. See Dietrichstein

Didham. See Dedham, Francis

Diestristain. See Dietrichstein

Diet, The. See Ratisbon

Diet, Hungarian. See Pressburg

Dietrichstein (Dietristain, Didrichstein), Francis, Prince of, Cardinal and Bishop of Olmütz
-, goes to Moravia, 105
-, proceeds to Vienna, 114, 124, 125
-, to convey Emperor's guarantee to Archduke Matthias, 114
-, 114(2), 125, 145

Digby, Sir Everard, Catholic conspirator
-, his sister enters a nunnery at Brussels, 199

Digby, Sir John, diplomatist
-, reports on retinue of Duke of Würtemberg, 227
-, 228(2)

Digby, —, a ward
-, case of, 25

Dingwell, Lord. See Keith, Andrew

Dinnemund. See Dünamünde

Diree. See Londonderry

Dirry. See Londonderry

Dobbinson, Ralph (Raphe), Bailiff of Westminster
-, letter to Privy Council, 76

Dockwray, Sir Henry. See Dockwra, Sir Henry

Dockwra (Dockwray), Sir Henry, general in the Irish army
-, Londonderry founded by, 151

Doddridge, Sir John, Serjeant-atlaw
-, his former servant saved from shipwreck, 45, 155, 156
-, recommended by Coke and Hobart as attorney, 238

Dolfine, The. See Louis

Doleman, Mr. See Dolman, Sir Robert

Dolman, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Dolman
-, becomes nun at Brussels, 223

Dolman, Sir Robert, of Pocklington, co. Yorks
-, his daughter becomes nun at Brussels, 223

Dombarr, Lord. See Home, George

Dominica (Dominico) [West Indies]
-, Challines rescues Spanish friar from savages of, 116

Donaverd. See Donauwörth

Donaweert. See Donauwörth

Donauwörth (Donaweert, Donaverd) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Duke of Bavaria disarms citizens of, 16
-, Catholic services reintroduced into Parish church of, 16
-, Ulm assembly protests to Emperor about, 16
-, Jesuits at, 17
-, execution of the Empire ban against, 52
-, union of German Protestant Princes and towns encouraged by events at, 62
-, Protestants at Diet of Ratisbon demand restoration of former status of, 77

Donawigg. See Dunniveg

Donne (Dunne), Sir Daniel, Dean of Arches
-, member of Commission to examine Bouillon's case, 15
-, 127, 128, 235

Dorchester, co. Dorset
-, poachers in Cranborne Chase indicted at Assizes in, 224

Dorchester, Richard, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Dordrecht (Dort) [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Spinola expected at, 26
-, news of Spinola from, 27
-, Richardot visits Groenvelt at, 29

Dormer, Michael, of Ascot, co. Oxford
-, requests that Berkshire be discharged from supplying carriages for transport of timber, 212

Dorrell, Francis, in the service of Sibilla, Lady Grey
-, alters title of court of the manor of Whaddon, 41

-, coarse cloth made in, 294(2)

Dorset, Lady. See Sackville, Cicely

Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville, Thomas

Dorset House, Fleet St, London, residence of the Earl of Dorset
-, letters dated from, 159, 162

Dort. See Dordrecht

Doubleday, Edmund, mining expert
-, to report to Earl of Salisbury on prospects of silver mining in Scotland, 4
-, Godolphin to consult with, 286

Douglas (Dowglas), Sir Robert
-, his pension, 306

Dover, co. Kent
-, 61, 68, 156, 163, 278
-, grievances of Duke of Würtemberg's gentleman at, 242
-, letter dated from Castle of, 242

Dowglas. See Douglas

Downs, The
-, Trumbull thought to have been drowned in shipwreck near, 163
-, 278, 280

Downy, George, Alderman of Norwich
-, certifies good behaviour of Dehem 252

Doyley (Doyly), John, of Stadhampton, co. Oxford
-, requests that Berkshire be discharged from supplying carriages for transport of timber, 212

Doyne, Tady. See O'Doyne, Teig

Draper, Thomas, collector at the port of Newcastle
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 231

Drewe, Thomas, of Drew's Cliff, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Dromond or Drommond. See Drummond

Drummond (Dromond), David
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 228

Drummond (Drommond), Sir Edward, cousin to William Chisholm
-, reference to his conveyance of alleged letter from King to Pope, 248
-, 249
-, mentioned in interrogatories designed for Balmerino, 254, 255
-, implicated in dispatch of letter to Pope, 259

Drummond, James, 1st Earl of Perth
-, 5

Drummond, Sir John
-, King grants money to, 301

Duarte, Don Francisco
-, ordered by Philip III to send workmen and provisions to Havana, 198

Dublin [Ireland]
-, English troops transported to, 38
-, letter dated from, 148
-, Irish in revolt to the north of, 151

Dudley, Ambrose, collector at the port of Newcastle
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 231

Dudley, Sir Robert, son of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
-, said to have assumed, and been deprived of, title, 177

Duff, Thomas, of Dublin, Ireland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 2

Dumaricke, Daniel, Seigneur of Samaris
-, his wardship, 23

Dumydge, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Dun, Sir Daniel. See Donne

Dünamünde (Dinnemund) [Livonia] in Swedish possession, 266

Dunbar, Earl of. See Home, George

Dunbar, Alexander
-, gives details of treasonable speeches at Newcastle, 177

Dunfermline, Lord. See Seton, Alexander

Dunkirk [Nord, France]
-, English merchant robbed at, 32

Dunmo. See Dunmow

Dunmow (Dunmo), co. Essex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Dunne, Sir Daniel. See Donne, Sir Daniel

Dunnington, co. Warwick
-, state of Dowager Lady Russell's house at, 307

Dunniveg (Donawigg), Castle of, Islay, Scotland
-, surrender of Scottish rebels at, 225

Dunstable, co. Bedford
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Duppa, Jeffrey, brewer to the King
-, memorandum on Holdenby Manor by, 150

Duresme House. See Durham House

Durham, county of
-, survey ordered of able-bodied men in, 226

Durham, co. Durham
-, letter dated from, 226
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269
-, postmaster at. See Wall, John

Durham, Bishop of. See James, William

Durham, Bishopric of
-, 90

Durham House, Strand, London
-, Earl of Salisbury acquires Tobie Matthew's interest in, 79
-, Earl of Salisbury proposes to set up "Bourse" at, 201
-, erection of shops by Earl of Salisbury at, 204
-, Earl of Salisbury justifies his plan to establish an "Exchange" at, 214
-, the stables at, 226

Düsseldorf (Duysseldorf) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, ice on Rhine causes damage at, 71

Dutton, co. Cheshire
-, letter dated from, 214

Dutton, John, of Dutton, Cheshire
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 264

Dutton, Sir Thomas, of Dutton, Cheshire
-, 311

Dutton, William, English Catholic convert
-, received into the Catholic Church, 25

Duysseldorf. See Düsseldorf

Duyuel, Seigneur. See Teufel, Christoph

Dyer, Sir Edward, of Sharpham Park, co. Somerset
-, associated before his death with enquiry into defective titles, 296
-, his estates mortgaged to Crown, 305

Dyers, Company of, London
-, petitions against patent for making colours out of logwood mixed with other materials, 261
-, counter-petition of patentees of compounded dyes against, 264
-, complains to Earl of Salisbury of molestation and obstruction by patentees, 264

Dymock. See Dymoke, Sir Edward

Dymoke (Dymock), Sir Edward, of Scrivelsby, co. Lincoln
-, his dispute with the Earl of Lincoln and his family, 257, 279