Index: C

Pages 331-344

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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Cachops, [at entrance to Lisbon] English ships wrecked at, 45

Cadiz (Cales, Callys) [Spain]
-, captured Dutch ships towed into, 68
-, 81, 116(2), 139, 151, 168, 170, 171, 183, 211
-, Dutch merchants well treated at, 116, 183
-, English commodities imported at, 171
-, English merchants imprisoned and fined at, 198

Caen (Cane) [Calvados, France]
-, Earl of Salisbury's order for stone from, 24, 231

Caesar, Sir Julius, Chancellor of the Exchequer
-, 76, 108, 128(4), 135, 200(2), 205, 206(2), 238, 269, 270
-, member of Commission to examine Ridgeway's accounts, 131

Caff, —, a courier
-, brings news of the supposed drowning of Trumbull, 163

Caietano, Cardinal. See Cajetano, Enrico

Cajetano (Caietano), Enrico, Cardinal
-, protector of Scottish interests at Curia, 248, 255
-, King's letter in favour of Chisholm sent to, 248, 259
-, his death, 248, 255

Calais (Callys, Callis) [Pas-de-Calais, France]
-, continuous travelling of Jesuits and priests between St. Lucar and, 170, 171
-, 252, 278
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses to, 280
-, letter dated from Road of, 280

Calandrini, John, a London merchant
-, licensed to ship silver plate abroad, 222

Cales. See Cadiz

-, shipped to Spain from Bristol and West country, 171
-, attempt at Faversham to ship, 217

-, shipped to Spain from London and West country, 171

Calley. See Calley, William

Calley (Cauley), William, purveyor of cloth to Archduke's forces
-, imprisoned at Antwerp, 32
-, letter to Privy Council, 95
-, requests compensation from United Provinces for loss of cargo of cloth, 96
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 96
-, goes to Spain to collect debt due from Archduke Albert, 173

Callis. See Calais

Callys. See Calais

Calo. See Nagy Kallo

Calvert, George, a Clerk of the Council
-, 150, 163

Calvin, James, Lord. See Colvill, James

Calvin, Robert. See Colvill, Robert

Cam, River
-, 35

Cambell, (Sir) Thomas, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Campbell, Archibald, 7th Earl of Argyll
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 182
-, proposes to pursue Irish rebels, 182

Cambridge, University of
-, reformed by Visitors in Elizabeth's reign, 93, 94
-, Earl of Northampton entertained at, 231
-, chooses Viscount Cranborne to be one of the Heads, 293
-, Vice-Chancellor of. See Goad, Roger

Campheire. See Kamper

Campion, Mr, surveyor to the King
-, reluctant to co-operate with commissioners for surveying Hurst Castle, 281, 282

Canary Islands, The
-, 154, 171

Candia (Crete)
-, the galleon Emo attacked by corsairs on her way to Venice from, 124

Canon Row, Westminster, London
-, letter dated from, 17

Cane. See Caen

Cannett, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 282

Cannon, William
-, brings charges against Van Erpe, 76

Canterbury, co. Kent
-, 171, 217
-, letter dated from, 175
-, Mayor of. See Paramore, Thomas

Canterbury, Archbishop of. See Bancroft, Richard

Capel (Capell), (Sir) Arthur, of Hadham Parva, co. Herts, Deputy-Lieutenant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 276

Capeot, Mary, a child
-, Privy Council's instructions concerning, 25

Cape Verde (Capo Verde) [West Africa]
-, 112

Cardenas, Don Inigo de, Spanish Ambassador to Venice
-, transferred to France, 63
-, visits Holy House at Loreto, 63

Cardiff (Cardyfe), co. Glamorgan
-, ships convey iron ordnance to Spain from, 170
-, 306

Cardona, Felipe, Marquis of Guadaleste, Spanish Ambassador to Brussels
-, Sir Thomas Edmondes's opinion of, 32
-, denies having favoured Owen, 243
-, requested to arrange that Baynham does not return to Brussels, 244
-, 267, 270
-, his intimate conversation with Edmondes, 268
-, complains of his being ignored in the matter of peace negotiations, 277

Care. See Carr, Robert

Carew, Lord. See Carew, George

Carew, George, 1st Baron Carew of Clopton, Master of the Ordnance
-, 110, 113, 128, 163, 221, 222
-, ordered to supply materials to Pendennis fort, 200
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 204, 291
-, recommends a tenant for a shop at Durham House, 204
-, proposes to exchange office with Lord Wotton, 291

Carew, Sir George, English Ambassador to France
-, answers Bouillon's charges, 14, 15
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 75
-, Earl of Salisbury recommends English travellers to, 75
-, 104, 245

Carew, Henry. See Carey, Henry

Carew, Richard, of Antony, J.P. for Cornwall
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to prohibit unlicensed transport of grain, 261

Carey, Sir Edward, Master of the Jewels
-, 240

Carey, John, 3rd Baron Hunsdon reversion of estates granted to, 122

Carey (Carew), Henry, English recusant and suspected traitor
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 84
-, offers his submission to Earl of Salisbury, 84

Carey, Sir Robert, (later 1st Earl of Monmouth)
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 291

Carinthia [Austria]
-, religious persecution in, 17

Carleton, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed
-, "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Carlisle, Bishop of. See Robinson, Henry

Carlisle (Carlile), Frances, daughter of Mary Carlisle
-, 174

Carlisle (Carlile), Mary, widow of Christopher Carlisle, late Governor of Carrickfergus
-, 174

Carlisle (Carlile), Mary, daughter of Mary Carlisle
-, 174

Carlo, alias L'Alfiere, citizen of Venice
-, executed for murder, 157

Carmerden (Carmarden), Richard, Surveyor of Customs in the port of London
-, letter to Lady Glemham, 180
-, 312

Carnall Whites
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Caron, Noel de, agent of the States General in England
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 5, 9, 61, 76, 83, 91, 244, 267
-, sends gift of preserved fruit to Earl of Salisbury, 5
-, speaks of contradiction in States General's attitude to peace negotiations, 5
-, sends present of capons to Earl of Salisbury, 9
-, his nephew made Burgomaster of Bruges, 9
-, 19, 74, 275
-, forwards petitions to Earl of Salisbury, 61, 76
-, his comment on attitude of United Provinces towards treaty negotiations, 83, 91
-, sends gift of Dutch cheeses to Earl of Salisbury and Lord Chamberlain, 83
-, begs audience for Dr. Nieuwenhove with Earl of Salisbury, 244
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to favour Sewens, 267
-, instructed by Barnevelt to persuade King to continue aid to United Provinces, 290

Carr (Keere), Sir George his pension, 306

Carr, George, Scottish Catholic
-, presents memorial to King of Spain, 102
-, receives testimonial to his services, and pension, 102, 103
-, to journey to Scotland with money, 178

Carr (Ker), (Sir) Robert, courtier, later James I's favourite
-, 17, 133
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 150
-, granted the manor of Sherborne, 269 and n
-, his pension, 305

Carrickfergus (Knockfergus), co. Antrim, Ireland
-, 27

Carsouce. See Kassa

Cartagena [Spain]
-, galleys from Genoa arrive at, 218

Cartaret, Philippe de, Seigneur of St. Ouen
-, his wardship, 23

Cartwright, John, a London merchant
-, a witness to Baynes's disloyalty to James I, 155

Carve, John, postmaster at Newcastle
-, 256

Cary, Sir Edward. See Carey, Sir Edward

Castelnove. See Castelnuovo

Castelnuovo, (Castelnove) [Dalmatia]
-, Archduke Matthias and Turks conclude peace treaty at, 125

Castel Rodrigo, Christoval de Mora, Marquis of, Viceroy of Portugal
-, incensed by Fludd against Lee, 44, 45
-, considerate towards Englishmen, 132, 196
-, 155, 197
-, refuses to recognise Lee as consul, 155
-, letter to Cornwallis, 189
-, fulfills his promise to Cornwallis, 195
-, his interest in Gurgeny's case, 196

Castille (Casteill) [Spain]
-, grievance against Philip III in, 218

Castille, Constable of. See Frias

Castle Camp, co. Cambridge
-, 90

Castlecombes (Castelcombes)
-, coloured and uncoloured short cloths called, 294

Castle Hedingham (Heningham), co. Essex
-, Lordship of, 33

Castle Heningham. See Castle Hedingham

Catholic Religion
-, United Provinces refuse to allow freedom of, 122
-, Spain demands as condition of peace the free use of, 122
-, members of Persian Ambassador's suite converted to, 132

Catterlen, co. Cumberland
-, lease of the manor of, 174

Cauley. See Calley, William

Cautionary Towns
-, King's interest in United Provinces partly due to English detention of, 210

Cavan (O'Reighley's Country), Ulster, Ireland
-, construction of new fort in, 113

Cave, Lisle, former General Surveyor of ports
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 174, 186, 191, 206
-, requests restoration of his fee, 174
-, asks Earl of Salisbury to approve his petition to King, 186, 206
-, reference of grant by Queen Elizabeth to, 191

Cavendish, Lord. See Cavendish, William

Cavendish, William, 1st Baron Cavendish of Hardwick
-, Derbyshire miners complain against, 38
-, 96

Cecil, Sir Edward, nephew to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 37
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 103
-, requests help to find new employment, 104
-, his views on attitude to peace in the United Provinces, 104

Cecil, Lady Frances, daughter of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury
-, Princess Elizabeth desires the company of, 297

Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Secretary of State, and, later, Lord High Treasurer
-, promised horses by Count of Emden, 5
-, receives gift of preserved fruit from Caron, 5
-, receives present of capons from Caron, 9
-, 121, 126, 128, 140, 182, 188, 205(3), 206
-, is sent a hind by St. Paul, 10, 20
-, requested to intercede with King for removal of impost on French wines at Chester, 28
-, University of Oxford appeals to, 35
-, receives pair of monkeys from Ogle, 36
-, is High Steward of Whaddon manor, 41
-, asked by Archbishop of York to intercede for his son, 46
-, requested to prevent removal of Justice Warmsley to Kent circuit, 51
-, requested by Nicholas Smith to mitigate his fine, 52
-, receives report on Virginia colonisation, 56
-, intervenes in dispute between Gurney and Jegon at Cambridge University, 64, 65
-, suggests amendment to College Statute governing entry into Holy Orders, 65
-, critical of presence of families in colleges, 65
-, refuses request of Archbishop of York not to banish his son, 70
-, sends news to King, 74
-, interested in silver mining in Scotland, 74
-, receives request from King's College, Cambridge, 77
-, acquires Tobie Matthew's interest in Durham House, 79
-, receives gift of Dutch cheese from Caron, 83
-, solicited by Montagu to help him retain his post as Dean of Chapel Royal, 86;
-, ordered by King to direct Lord Deputy to proceed against Irish necromancer, 88
-, recommended to send gift of kid's meat to King, 89
-, King pleased with proceedings of, 89, 98, 102
-, requested to grant fellowship at Peterhouse to Blake, 89;
-, requests for his intervention in disputes, 90, 107, 174
-, reproves Viscount Cranborne, 104
-, asked by Cornwallis to protect his interests against his brother, 120
-, King concerned about health of, 121
-, wishes to enlarge estate at Hatfield, 123
-, intervenes on behalf of Willis, 127
-, becomes Lord High Treasurer, 127n
-, member of Commission to examine Ridgeway's accounts, 131
-, receives grant of King's lands at Rotherhithe, 140
-, receives gift of Spanish articles from Edmondes, 141
-, his interest in music, 149
-, suffers from eye trouble, 150
-, congratulated on becoming Lord Treasurer, 151, 152, 153(2), 163, 173, 175, 188
-, receives Spanish medicine for relief of stomach disorders from Lee, 156
-, letters to Edmondes, 160, 168, 175, 206, 212, 219, 240, 252, 285
-, 165(2), 205(2), 206, 221, 222, 223, 225, 244, 245, 277, 295, 310
-, commissioned to accept compositions for King's wastes, etc, 167
-, approves proposed treaty with Archduke Albert as means of settling Anglo-Flemish disputes, 168
-, thought in Spain to be hindering peace, 169
-, offered High Stewardship of Exeter, 173
-, given special powers to deal with frauds at the Customs, 182
-, to allow transport of iron, etc, to Russia, 182
-, letter to Earl of Home, 189
-, requested to guard jewel lent to Queen, 192
-, proposes to establish "Britain's Bourse" at Durham House, 201
-, engaged in building shops at Durham House, 204
-, letter to Lord Mayor of London, 213
-, replies to protest of shopkeepers of Royal Exchange, 213
-, his panegyric of London, 213
-, justifies his plan to establish an "Exchange" at Durham House, 214
-, receives a gift of martlets, 220
-, accused of trying to arrange Hugh Owen's murder, 222
-, receives report on progress of "Bourse", 228, 231
-, his picture made in mosaic, 233
-, denies any speech with Willford, 240
-, expects rupture of peace negotiations, 240
-, directed by Privy Council to allow corn to be bought for relief of poor at Tenterden, 244
-, asked by Caron to grant audience to Nieuwenhove, 244
-, approves proceedings in Willford's case, 252
-, told by King of importance of establishing Balmerino's guilt, 257
-, called "my little beagle" by King, 261, 269, 287
-, thanked by King for his part in Balmerino's trial, 261
-, his favourable disposition towards Scotsmen appreciated by King, 270
-, remonstrates with King for his excessive gifts and favours, 272
-, letter to Queen, 273
-, requests Queen to favour Viscount Cranborne's entry into Prince Henry's service, 274
-, thanked by Prince Henry for his gifts, 274
-, urged by King to restrain sale of poached venison in London, 275
-, desires page and lackeys for Viscount Cranborne, 277
-, presents a hawk to Prince Henry, 280
-, King acknowledges his skill in law, 280
-, accepts High Stewardship of Bristol, 285
-, criticises Richardot's behaviour, 285
-, contributes towards employment of people at Hatfield, 286
-, letter to Viscount Cranborne, 287
-, receives gift of plate from Hicks, 299
-, letter to Earl of Dunbar, 308
-, letter to Sir Thomas Lake, 308
-, his views on government of Ireland, 309
-, letter to Sir Anthony Shirley, 309

Cecil, Thomas, 1st Earl of Exeter
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 37, 51, 144
-, intercedes on behalf of Warmsley, 51
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to grant a wardship to Lord Ros's servant, 144
-, Steward of a manor of the Bishopric of Durham, 226
-, his income from mills and fishing pool at Chester, 291

Cecil, William, Viscount Cranborne, son of Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury
-, in Paris, 50
-, reproved by his father, 104
-, mediates in a quarrel, 105
-, 237, 287
-, enters the service of Prince Henry, 274
-, lackeys and a page found for, 277
-, his beer arrives at Rouen, 277
-, crosses to Calais, 280
-, King thanks Henry IV for his courtesy to, 285
-, letter to Prince Henry, 285
-, receives reply from Prince Henry, 286
-, his election by Governors of Cambridge University, 293
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 293

Cecil, William, Baron Burghley
-, mentioned, 117, 143, 148, 163 (2), 176, 246, 252, 285, 295

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, son of Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter
-, congratulates Earl of Salisbury on becoming Lord Treasurer, 151
-, mitigates fine of prisoner, 232

Cecil, William, Lord Ros, son of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, later 2nd Earl of Exeter
-, inherits manor of Linton, 37
-, 144

Centurioni. See Centurione, Octavian

Centurione (Centurioni), Octavian, financier from Genoa
-, sends money from Antwerp to Cuniga in London, 102
-, tries to become agent-general to Philip III, 147
-, his consultations with Spinola, 166

Cerralva (Seralva), Marquis de, son of Agnes Pacheco, Condesa de Cerralva, and nephew to Don Pedro de Toledo
-, arrives in Brussels, 273

Chalk, John
-, granted an annuity, 200

Challines (Challons), Henry, Captain of the Richard of Plymouth
-, detained with his company in Seville, 53, 61
-, sentenced to galleys, 68, 116, 167, 168
-, reported to have saved Spanish friar from savages of Dominica, 116
-, escapes galleys by means of sureties, 168
-, 169
-, his ship to be sold, 183

Chalmer, William, a Scottish minister
-, his pension, 306

Chalmer, —,
-, involved in legal proceedings against Sewens, 269

Chaloner, Sir Thomas, Chamberlain of Prince Henry's household
-, letter to Wilson, 279

Challons. See Challines

Chamberlain, Sir Robert, of Shirburn, co. Oxford
-, named as witness to Willis's good conduct in Rome, 117, 126
-, King dissatisfied with, 138
-, guilty of denigrating Scotsmen, 138

Chambers, Mr
-, engaged in renewing charter for a Corporation, 137, 138
-, 300

Chancery, Court of
-, 17, 129, 310, 314

Chancery Lane, London
-, 142

Chandos, Lord. See Brydges, Grey

Chaner, Marmaduke (Marmaduck), servant to the Earl of Salisbury
-, involved in a brawl, 242

Chapel Royal, Deanery of
-, 86

Chapman, Alexander, chaplain to Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, his indisposition, 178

Chapman, Christopher, Alderman of Hull
-, signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

Chapman, James, a merchant of Hull
-, his ship puts in with recusants at Orford, 42
-, his trunk searched, 43

Chapman, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Chappell, William, merchant, brother-in-law of Mayor of Barnstaple
-, letter to Beapell, 39
-, writes about rumours of preparations to invade England or Ireland, 39

Charles IX, King of Sweden
-, 265, 304

Charles, Prince, Duke of York, 2nd son of James I
-, jewels and pearls provided for, 10
-, 127
-, his tutors. See Murray, Thomas; Young, Peter

Charles, Duke. See Charles IX

Charles, Lord John, General of the Polish Army
-, 265

Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy
-, his daughter married to Prince of Mantua, 63
-, 73(2), 75
-, Spain piqued with, 112
-, appoints new secretary instead of Roncas, 123
-, his support canvassed for granting cardinal's hat to Chisholm, 259

Charterhouse, London
-, letter dated from, 269

Cheek, Sir Hatton. See Cheke, Sir Hatton

-, shipped to France and Spain from ports of Cheshire, Wales and Lancashire, 303

Cheke (Cheek), Sir Hatton, nephew to the Earl of Salisbury
-, his violent criticism of Copley, 227

Chelmsford (Chemsford), co. Essex, 150
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Chelsea (Chelsey), London
-, letters dated from, 101, 134

Chemsford. See Chelmsford

Cheppine Barnet. See Barnet (Chipping)

Chesam, Alexander, musician
-, appointed one of the King's violinists, 200

Cheshire (Chesshire), Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

-, butter and cheese shipped to France and Spain from ports of, 303

Chester, co. Cheshire
-, letter from Mayor and Aldermen of, 27
-, cheaper English iron affects iron trade between Spain and, 27, 28
-, wintry weather at, 27, 38
-, soldiers transported to Ireland from, 38
-, letters dated from, 38, 71, 197
-, soldiers reviewed at, 197
-, corn and fulling mills at, 291
-, water conveyed by engines into, 291
-, petitions presented to Privy Council by people and guilds of, 293
-, Chamberlain of. See Stanley, William
-, Dean of. See Mallory, Thomas
-, Mayor of. See Savage, John

Chester, County Palatine of
-, alleged violation of liberties of, 18
-, 71

Chester, Earldom of
-, clothworkers of Chester farm fulling mills of, 291
-, Earl of Exeter farms corn mills and fishing pool of, 291

Chester, Exchequer of
-, Earl of Derby protests against appeals concerning cases decreed at, 18
-, 70

Chetterwood (Chitterid, Chittered), co. Dorset
-, Uvedale's claim to lodge standing on Earl of Salisbury's property at, 26

Chichester, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy of Ireland
-, stays warders' pay at Carrickfergus, 27
-, ordered to proceed against Irish necromancer, 88
-, 101, 102, 113(2), 136(2), 148, 152, 177, 200(2), 205, 308, 309
-, ordered to arrange transportation for Sir Thomas Ridgeway to England, 131
-, sends Knight Marshal to meet rebels under Garvie, 192

Chichester, Bishop of. See Andrewes, Lancelot

-, 66

Chinchon, Diego de Cabrera, Conde de, member of the Spanish Council of State
-, 53, 193
-, Cornwallis meets Neyen in the house of, 202
-, ill with gout, 202

Chipping Norton, co. Oxford
-, 48

Chisholm, William, Bishop of Vaison King alleged to have recommended that cardinalate be given to, 248, 259
-, mentioned in interrogatories designed for Balmerino, 254, 255, 258

Chittered Lodge. See Chetterwood

Chitterid. See Chetterwood

Cholmley, Sir Richard, of Whitby, co. York
-, requests prohibition of transport of corn from Yorkshire, 153, 187
-, ordered to stay transport of corn from Yorkshire, 187

Chreichton. See Crichton, William

Chrichtoun, William. See Crichton, William

Christian IV, King of Denmark
-, in Norway, 121
-, 140, 142, 218

Christian, Prince, son of Christian IV, King of Denmark
-, created Prince of Denmark, 142

Cibo, Alberic, Prince of Massa
-, 258

Cinque Ports
-, Bristol prisers justify payment of prisage by wine merchants of, 223
-, Tenterden a member of, 244
-, commission for, 252

Clanricarde, Earl of. See Burgh, Richard de

Clare, co. Suffolk
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Clare, Henry, in the Earl of Montgomery's service
-, challenges Sir Richard Norton's son to a duel, 110

Claxby near Normanby, co. Lincoln, presentation of church of, 182

Claxton, William. of London, recusant
-, his goods and property forfeited, 200

Claydon Steeple (Steple-Claydon), co. Bucks
-, 200

Clefton, Sir Jervas. See Clifton, Gervase

Clement VIII, Pope
-, reference to alleged letter from James I to, 246, 248, 253
-, influence of Jesuits on, 249
-, Balmerino's confession of having written the letter allegedly sent by King to, 258, 259

Clerkenwell, London
-, letter dated from, 112

Clermont Tallart, Jacques de Clermont, Comte de
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 37
-, account of debts and other fiscal affairs of, 37

Clifford, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 190
-, requests that Bishop of Carlisle be compensated for expenses, 190
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 212
-, enters into money bond, 212

Clifford, Margaret, Countess of Cumberland, widow of George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland
-, 77

Clifton, Sir Gervase (Clefton, Jervas), of Clifton, co. Notts
-, 205, 289

Clinte, Widow, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Clinton, Henry Fiennes de, 2nd Earl of Lincoln
-, granted stewardship of Kirton manor, 201
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 237, 240, 257, 279
-, his dispute with Dymoke, 279

Closworth, co. Somerset
-, 133

Cloth, English
-, its sale in Danzig, 8
-, little sold at Thorn fair, 8
-, Scottish merchants in England forbidden to export, 35
-, London merchants seek revocation of edict published in France concerning, 107
-, criticism in France of defects in, 160
-, increase of dues on export to France of, 161, 162
-, manoeuvres of English shipping to avoid custom duties on, 162
-, classification of, 294

Clotworthy (Clotworthie), Simon, of Wembworthy, co. Devon
-, granted a pardon, 127

Clowes, Anthony, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Cobham, Lord. See Brooke, Henry

Cockcotts. See Copcot, John

Cocke, (Sir) Henry, of Broxbourne.
-, co. Herts, Deputy-Lieutenant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 276

Cocks, Richard, of Stallbrooke, co. Staffs
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 250
-, discusses wardships and estates, 250, 251

Cod, Richard, parson at Claxby near Normanby
-, offers to resign his church to Thomas Walker, 182

Cognac (Coinocke)
-, 223
-, fraudulent importation of, 294

Coinocke. See Cognac

Coke, Sir Edward, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 85, 238
-, suffers from tertiary ague, 85
-, gives a legal opinion to Earl of Salisbury, 238
-, recommends Doddridge as attorney, 238

Coke, —, servant to the Earl of Shrewsbury
-, 96

Colerosse. See Culross

Colmore Castle. See Culmore

Colnbrook (Coulbrook), co. Bucks petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Cologne (Couloigne) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, newsletters from, 15, 62, 71, 145
-, thieves active in, 16
-, alleged magician imprisoned in, 17
-, rise in food prices at, 72
-, ice on Rhine causes floods at, 72
-, news from, 124, 157(2)
-, Lesieur welcomed by people of, 125
-, weapons sent to Germany from, 146

Colonitz (Collonitz), Johan Georg, Colonel
-, arrives in Vienna from Hungary 15

Colonna, Ascagne, Cardinal
-, his death from fever, 157

Collonitz, General. See Colonitz, Johan Georg

College, The (Venice). See Venice

Collemer, George, [? Cockmaster to the King]
-, attempts to smuggle gold from Spain, 61

Collins, Samuel, Senior of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Colt. See Poultrain, Maximilian

Colvill, James, 1st Lord Colville of Culross
-, 191

Colvill, Robert, son of Robert Colvill, Master of Colvill
-, plaintiff in legal proceedings, 191

Colvill, Robert, Master of Colvill 191

Collwell, Roger, a Cornish brewer
-, purveys corn to ships sailing to Newfoundland, 284

Commons, House of
-, mentioned, 117

Compter (Counter), prison in Wood Street, Cheapside, London
-, letters dated from, 2, 34

Comyng, Patrick
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 90
-, offers his services to Earl of Salisbury, 90

Concorde, The, of Bristol
-, conveys English Catholic to St. Lucar, 171

Congo, King of
-, his envoy to Pope dies at Rome, 63

Congregation House, Oxford
-, letter dated from, 35

Coningsby, (Sir) Ralph, of North Mimms, co. Herts, DeputyLieutenant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 276

Connaught, Ireland
-, Earl of Clanricarde opposes Donogh O'Connor with forces of, 192

Connaught (Connagh), Council of,
-, presented with a seal, 245

Constable, Henry, poet and Catholic convert
-, Archbishop of Canterbury and Earl of Salisbury concerned by conduct of, 39, 40
-, James I orders stricter confinement of, 88

Constable, Sir William, of Flamborough, co. Yorks
-, King grants money to, 300

Constantinople [Turkey]
-, prophecy of Persian conquest of, 54
-, news from 72, 124
-, money presents to be sent as part of peace arrangements to, 145
-, 192, 302

Contarini, Francesco, former Venetian Ambassador to England
-, mentioned, 176

Conway, Sir Edward, Governor of the Brill
-, suspects Spanish designs on the Brill, 106

Contracktasion House. See Seville

Cooke, Edward, a Bristol merchant
-, provides information about fleet at Lisbon, 235

Cooke, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Cooke, Sir William, of Magdalen Laver, co. Essex
-, in possession of Crown wood at Hartwell Park, 315

Cooper (Cowper), Sir John, of Rockbourne, co. Hants
-, 307 and n

Cooper, John
-, one of farmers of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176

Copcot (Cockcotts), John, former Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, mentioned, 94 and n

Cope, Sir Walter, politician
-, receives money for adventure to Virginia, 75
-, 240

Copenhaus, See Kokenhausen

Coplestone. Anthony, of Pynes, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Copley, —,
-, examined by Privy Council, 227

Copley, William, a surety for John Pleydell
-, forfeits his bond, 128

Copyhold, tenure of
-, on the manor of Ambersley, 143
-, on Somerset manors, 305

Coraducci, Ridolfo, Chancellor to the Emperor
-, 159

Corbet, John, a Clerk of the Privy Council
-, 117, 129

Cordellier, The. See Neyen, Jean

Coria del Rio, near Seville [Spain]
-, Spanish Customs officials stationed at, 61

Cork, co. Cork, Ireland
-, 151
-, news of Irish revolt reaches, 151

Corn. See also Grain
-, poor suffering from high prices of, 117, 127, 154, 174, 175(2). 261
-, prohibition of export of, 127, 174, 175, 187, 219
-, engrossing of. 154, 160, 187
-, Privy Council directs Earl of Salisbury to enforce prohibition of export of, 160
-, to be imported into England free of charge, 165
-, Court of Exchequer provided with names of transporters and engrossers of, 205
-, prohibition of shipment of corn to Spain regarded as one method of destroying her power, 218
-, seizure of corn intended for shipment abroad, 219
-, prices of, 226, 250, 261
-, scheme for reorganising distribution and controlling prices of, 229
-, permission given by Privy Council to buy corn for poor of Tenterden, 244
-, results in Cornwall of scarcity of, 261
-, survey in Kent of stocks of, 300

Corney, Miles (Myles), tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

-, tin shipped to Spain from, 171
-, report on scarcity of corn in, 261
-, report on provisioning of ships bound for Newfoundland with corn from, 284

Cornwall, Duchy of
-, manor of Kirton, co. Lincoln, a part of, 201

Cornwaleys. See Cornwallis, Sir Charles

Cornwallis (Cornwaleys), Sir Charles, English Ambassador to Spain
-, 2, 116, 228, 312
-, complains about Cresswell's activities, 6, 21
-, Cresswell protests his good conduct to, 6
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 18, 21, 78, 98, 119, 122, 139, 179, 188, 202, 211, 220
-, dissatisfied with miscarriage of despatches, 18, 21
-, protests against reception of Earl of Tyrone in Brussels, 18
-, provides evidence of contacts between Spanish Ambassador and English Jesuits, 21
-, complains to Prada about such contacts, 22
-, his financial charges in Spain, 22
-, writes to Viceroy of Portugal in favour of Lee, 45
-, procures release of English prisoners in Spanish galleys, 45, 68
-, letters to Privy Council, 52, 112, 122, 167, 177, 184, 193, 207
-, informs Privy Council that Spanish Government is more accommodating, 52
-, complains of adverse effects of Spanish climate, 54
-, his description of Persian envoy in Madrid, 54
-, stays Spanish aid to English refugees, 55
-, English imposter masquerades as nephew of, 55
-, his indisposition, 78, 140
-, suspects secret enterprise by Spain, 78
-, takes up case of Gurgeny, 81
-, his fear of violent death, 99
-, exchanges visits with Persian Ambassador, 100
-, hopes to be recalled by King, 100, 119, 203
-, his opinion of Duke of Lerma, 100
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to protect his territorial interests against his brother, 120
-, one of his men killed in a quarrel, 122
-, clarifies Spanish views on peace talks, 122
-, criticises behaviour of English commercial agents in Spain, 139, 140
-, concerned with fate of Danish gentleman, 140
-, regulations at his embassy, 140
-, complains of ingratitude of English merchants, 140, 207
-, offers to sell his land at Rotherhithe to Earl of Salisbury, 140, 306
-, wins esteem of Spaniards, 140
-, requests Earl of Salisbury's help in furthering marriage match of daughter, 141, 306
-, his attitude towards Irish, 141
-, letter from Redmond Burgh to, 164
-, intervenes on behalf of Challines, 167, 168, 183
-, obtains reprieve for Danish gentleman, 178
-, his chaplain indisposed, 178;
-, opines that growth of DutchSpanish trade and naval strength is harmful to England, 185
-, explains to Spaniards the policy behind English colonisation of Ulster, 185
-, congratulates Earl of Salisbury on becoming Lord Treasurer, 188
-, complains about state of his financial affairs, 188
-, receives £1,000 from King, 188, 306
-, protests against use of Corunna as rendezvous by Irish fugitives, 193
-, his views on Irish people, 193
-, his opinion of projected FrancoSpanish marriage alliance, 194
-, attributes peaceful inclinations to Philip III, 195
-, meets Neyen, 202
-, complains of heat in Madrid, 203
-, his argument in favour of Anglo-Dutch league, 208
-, replies to Prada's letter, 209
-, defends King's motives in entering into league with United Provinces, 210, 211
-, open hint of his greed for money, 219
-, complains of interception of private correspondence, 220
-, his views on Spanish diplomacy, 220
-, reports on Spanish Ambassador in London, 220
-, Pitts writes to Earl of Salisbury about affairs of, 239, 306
-, alleged to have committed King to obtaining unconditional truce for Philip III, 277, 285
-, Lee refers to commendatory report of, 301
-, Chaplain to. See Chapman, Alexander

Cornwallis, Sir John, grandfather of Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, mentioned, 120

Cornwallis, Sir Thomas, father of Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, mentioned, 120
-, in possession of coppices in Crown wood at East Beare, 315

Cornwallis, Sir William, eldest son of Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, 100, 120, 220

Cornwallis, Sir William, brother of Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, complained against for alienating family property, 120

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, dispute between Gurney and Master of, 64, 65, 92, 93, 94, 95
-, history of, 93, 94

Corria. See Coria Del Rio

Corsican Sea
-, Amurat Rais with fleet in, 124

Cortes (Cortis), Marquis de, his death, 157

Cortis, Marquis de. See Cortes

Corunna (Groyne, Groine) [Spain]
-, Spanish army for invasion of England reported at, 39
-, Biscay squadron leaves Lisbon for, 45
-, 69, 81, 132, 154, 155(3), 193, 195, 235
-, reported to be rendezvous of Irish fugitives, 184
-, Cornwallis protests against Spanish permission for Irish fugitives to use, 193
-, Irish to be removed to Flanders from, 194, 209

Costard, —, a ward
-, petition concerning wardship of, 134

Cottell, Marcus. See Cottle, Mark

Cottington, Francis, attached to English embassy at Madrid
-, rebuffed by Conde de Pugno, 194

Cottle (Cottell), Mark, of North Tawton, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Cotton, Sir Richard, formerly Comptroller to the household of Edward VI
-, mentioned, 291, 292, 293

Cotton, Sir Robert, antiquary
-, 300

Coulbrook. See Colnbrook

Coult, M. See Poultrain, Maximilian

Counter. See Compter

-, reference to forging of soldiers' passports by, 117

Courteenhall (Courtenhall), co. Northants
-, letter dated from, 39

Courtenay, family of, de jure Earls of Devon
-, claim to be received as Princes of the Blood of France, 104

Coutances (Coustances) [Manche, France]
-, petition of Guillaume Bouillon, merchant of, 10

Cowdry, co. Sussex
-, 199

Cowfold, Alexander
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 163
-, requests permission to meet a kinsman educated abroad, 164

Crackplace, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Cracow (Krakow, Craccovie) [Poland]
-, son born to Sigismund at, 62
-, Spanish envoy arrives with gifts at, 64
-, letter dated from, 107
-, news from, 124
-, 304

Cracow, Duke of. See Zebrzydowski, Nicholas

Cradock, John, a groom of the Queen's Great Chamber
-, 90

Craitzdach. See Kreistag

Crambrook. See Cranbrook

Cranbook, co. Kent
-, letter dated from, 222

Cranborne, co. Dorset
-, Earl of Salisbury's house and estate at, 224
-, violence of poachers at, 224

Cranborne, Lord. See Cecil, William

Crane, —, Master of a London ship
-, conveys noted English papist to St. Lucar, 171

Craquy, M. de. See Créqui, Charles de

Crauwell. See Cruwel, Werner

Craven, (Sir) William, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Creichton, Sir James, Collector of Petty Customs in the port of London
-, 102

Cremona [Italy]
-, 123

Créqui (Craquy), Charles de Blanchefort, Sire de, son-inlaw to the Duc de Lesdiguières
-, 49

Cresswell, Joseph, in charge of English Jesuits at Madrid
-, letter to Cornwallis, 6
-, defends himself against charge of disloyalty to James I, 6
-, accused by Cornwallis of receiving subversive literature from England, 21
-, subject of argument between Cornwallis and Fowler, 21, 22
-, letter to Van Lemens, 51
-, denies power of Pope to take away kingdoms, 51
-, discusses political advantages of religious toleration, 51, 52
-, duped by imposters, 55
-, 69, 207, 219
-, advocate for repayment of debt on behalf of Ferne, 100

Cressy, Everingham, recusant, of Birkin, co. Yorks
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Crichton, Robert, 8th Lord Crichton of Sanquhar
-, 245, 246

Crichton (Chreichton, Chrichtoun), William, Scottish Jesuit
-, King said to have written favourably of, 246
-, said to have little credit at Rome, 246
-, confined at Avignon, 248
-, 248, 249(2)
-, mentioned in interrogatories designed for Balmerino, 254

Crippes, Mr
-, 305

Crompton, Sir Thomas, Judge of the Admiralty
-, Bouillon's complaints against, 11, 12
-, member of Commission to examine Bouillon's case, 15
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 205, 278
-, reinforces commission for suppression of piracy, 205

Cromwell, Lord. See Cromwell, Edward

Cromwell, Edward, 3rd Baron Cromwell
-, mentioned, 213

Croshawe, Richard, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Cross, [? Robert], English recusant flees from England, 204

Crowther, Thomas, huntsman
-, accompanies Prince Henry's hounds to France, 300

Crown Jewels
-, 265

Cruwel (Crauwell), Werner, attached to Flemish peace delegation
-, leaves Hague for Brussels, 187

Cully, Joshua, Alderman of Norwich certifies good behaviour of Dehem, 252

Culmore (Colmore), co. Londonderry, Ireland
-, capture of fort at, 148
-, description of seizure of, 151, 152

Culross (Colerosse), Perthshire, Scotland
-, Barony of, 191

Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford, Francis

Cumberland, Countess of. See Clifford, Margaret

-, 176

Cuniga (Zuniga), Don Pedro de, Spanish Ambassador to England
-, reported to be negotiating purchase of deep water port in the Netherlands, 2
-, letters derogatory to James I reported to be contained in despatches from, 6
-, doubtful purpose of money sent to, 6, 22
-, his contacts with Jesuits in England, 18, 21
-, description of his commitments in England, 22
-, reported to be receiving much money, 102, 153, 168, 184
-, 136, 176
-, not satisfied with explanation of motives behind AngloDutch alliance, 175
-, gossip affects his reputation at the Spanish Court, 220
-, writing a book, 220
-, Cornwallis attributes loss of his letters to interception by, 220
-, conceals information from Archduke Albert, 268

-, Earl of Salisbury given special powers to deal with frauds at, 182
-, to pay debts, King proposes to increase, 191
-, King obtains private loan in exchange for, 288
-, arguments in favour of increasing rates of, 293, 294
-, King defrauded of, 296, 297
-, 299