Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1608

Pages 287-315

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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Miscellaneous 1608

Sir Pexsall Brocas to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1608 c Dec.] Of his suit with Lady Pexsall with respect to a legacy left him by Sir Richard Pexsall. Prays that the commission for the review of the cause, which she purposes to obtain from the King, be not granted.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1182.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom, 1603–1610, p. 473.]
The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Cranborne
[1608, Dec. or later]. I like well your letter, and though I was the cause of your stay, because my servants and yours both could not lodge till my new lodgings for my servants were a little more aired, I leave it to you now with all my heart to come up and if you will have coaches sent for you on Friday night to Stansted, you may be at London on Saturday night. God bless you and your wife.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (228 22.)
King James to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608, before May]. My little beagle, although I sent you divers messages with the last fat post out of Newmarket, yet I spared him in carrying of one message that concerned his own errand according to that I have oft given you and the Thesauraire both, never to trust a man that carries a message from me in his own errand: and therefore I thought this point fitter to be reserved for my pen than his own report. Ye know what land I took from him again upon the deceitful hope of the log wood, so as now he lies void of any recompense for his land, now that I that have been so liberal or rather prodigal to so many whom to I ought nothing nor could claim no deserts, should be not sparing but unjust to so well a deserving serving, it were a strange change in me to the other extremity, and an evil example for the rest of you that are his fellows in honesty and painful service, especially since ye know him to be far from aiming at any thing that may impair my rent. And therefore I only desire that ye may assist him in the finding out of some such thing as may rather better my estate, and yet in some sort satisfy his loss; and ye are sure. I hope, that he will not importune you at unfit times, for ye know that the man of whom ye and I spoke at our parting and this man are otherwise to be respected than many others. And so farewell with my commendations to the said old 3 [Northampton] and your fellow hound.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (134 154.)
The Privy Council to the King
[1608]. Because your Majesty may understand what course we have begun in some of those particular things whereof your Majesty hath committed the care and trust unto us, we think it fit to impart unto you the work of Thursday and Friday.
According to the resolution which was taken at your departure from Hampton Court for some provision to be made of a present sum of money, we did assemble yesterday to the number of a dozen citizens, whereof some were aldermen, some customers, and some other discreet and able merchants. To whom we did deliver the cause that caused you to borrow, the resolution you took to repair your estate, and that royal purpose you had to make them see how far you were from offering any other conditions of security than they should have good cause to approve.
In the delivery whereof we were content to preoccupate such objections as they might make out of former experience, knowing well they would have been made to us.
Wherein because we would not leave them in doubt to be paid with the same arguments and the same measures which the former necessities might serve to justify, among many other reasons we made this visible to them, that your Majesty had not yet tried your people in that kind, and therefore wished them to distinguish between that liberty which our prince might take when his own contracts should come in question, and when it fell the debts of precedent princes did descend upon their successors. A matter whereof we thought we might remember them, not as if we knew not that kings (in strictness of justice) were bound to pay the debts of the crown when they receive the profits, but only to show them that that king, who had already so near in satisfaction of the debts of former reigns as he hath done, was now content to give them more advantage to appeal for justice, if we did now present no better caution than was received before. Where, contrariwise, to give them perfect satisfaction if any man could admit a doubt of your Majestys sincerity (to whose nature nothing is more odious than to be challenged for any breach of your word), we did make an offer unto them to make over unto them one whole year's customs and imposts.
To this (we must confess) we found a more cheerful answer than we expected, first because we made them capable of the good uses for which this money was borrowed, whereof they expressed an honest joy, because the scandal of ill payment, the fear of often borrowing, and apprehension of unnecessary expense would be by this course prevented.
Secondly —[breaks off]
Corrected in places by Salisbury. Endorsed: "Minute to his Majesty concerning a loan from certain citizens." 3½ pp. (134 135.)
See Gardiner, History of England, II, p. 12.
[1608]. "Towns which have exhibited petitions to the King for the execution of the Statute concerning artificers."
A great petition subscribed by the inhabitants about London. Winsor, Rydinge, Madinhead, Wooborne, Luton, Buntingford, Nupoort Pagnell, Layton bosard, Warre, Coulbrook, Chelmesford, Gravesend, Shefford, Uxbridge, Rumford, Hanstead, Hoodsdon, Stafford, Dunmo, Hatefield, Clare, Lineton, St Edes, Brayntree, Royston, Braynford, Cheppine Barnet, Burnt Wood, Wensloe, Alsbury, Dunstable, St Ives, Bellerica, Hichine, Ferryebrege, Madestone, Weastminster, Mitcham, Potham, Amtill, Rochester, Sandefer, Haverell, South Brent, Buckfastleigh, Aysheburton, Modbury.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 66)
John Aston to the Privy Council
[?1608]. Of his suit for the importation of soap ashes. Will pay 500l a year, and the price of the ashes will be reduced from 26l the last to 20l the last, reducing the price of soap by one fifth. 1000 lasts the yearly import. Wants recompense for the resumed patent for logwood.— Undated.
1 p. (P. 594.)
Richard Bolton and Nicholas Wodhull
[1608 or later]. Lord Danvers granted and assigned to them all the forfeitures of recognisances for alehouses, by which they have an interest in law, and cannot be prejudiced by his surrender. Inconveniences which would grow if this branch should be suppressed, and the benefits of confirming it.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2252.)
Tenants of the King's Lordship of Bromfield and Yale to the Earl of Salisbury
[?1608]. Pray for the renewing of their leases.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2061.)
The Enclosure: brief of their cause.—Undated.
1 p.
[See Cal. S.P.Dom, 1603–1610, p. 439.]
Robert Brooke, Richard Husbands and John Reney to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1608] That a cargo of cotton wools and yarns bought by their factors from the magistrates of Tunis has been ordered to be sequestrated, by means of the Venetian Ambassador, upon the suggestion that they are Venetian goods obtained from pirates. Pray for permission to prove that they were honestly come by.—Undated.
(P. 339.) 1 p.
[See Cal. S.P.Venice. 1607–1610, p. 106.]
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. This day his Majesty was moved by the Duke of Lennox that he would give you order that a warrant might be drawn and sent for him to sign, for directing a writ for Sir Jervas Clefton, in the same manner that my Lord Denye's was; his Majesty being informed that all matters are agreed between my Lord Obeny and Sir Jerves. His pleasure was I should signify this to you. If there be any rubs in this cause, you may let him know I have kept myself within the compass of my direction.—Oatlands, Sunday afternoon.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 68)
Monsieur de Barneveldt to Noel de Caron
[? 1608.] Consider and interpret how it will be honourable and profitable for the kingdom of England that having so little satisfied the treaty and having caused as much harm to the commerce of this country (as you know), so that it is openly declared to us that it does not wish to be bound by the promises it has made, by which his Majesty would have so solemnly promised to assist us during the war with an aid which should have amounted yearly to 120,000l sterling, that now his said Majesty will be discharged of such a promise with our contentment and agreement, besides (oultre) the honour of returning thanks yearly and the furnishing of such a good sum especially in this perplexity and gravity of our affairs; that also in case his Majesty desire peace (or the union of the Provinces), that then these countries will be held to increase the said sum by 80,000l or 100,000l sterling yearly; how much also is the true and faithful friendship of these countries with his realm important for his Majesty's service, added to the fact that they will not be able to treat with the Spaniard and the enemy without his express leave, remaining also for the rest bound to assist him by sea with so notable assistance, of which he will rest so fully assured that we think no potentate in the world could wish for more. Nevertheless, we cannot omit to tell you again that it is far beyond the price and consideration which our deputies were told when they treated at that time and that no account was made of ever having any payment and restitution of the moneys that would have to be employed for the assistance of this war. And yet you will have also to consider how freely these countries have agreed to the sole demand of his Majesty without knowing where the assistance will be employed in regard to the menof-war which he has demanded. Who will think these countries a la rate for five months because we have taken from them more than 60,000l sterling, of which we send you the specification. So that his Majesty can guess by that that we do not think ourselves entirely free by this presentation to excuse ourselves from what it will be convenient for us to do in the future to please and obey him in everything that he will wish to command us, according to the means which God may lend us from time to time.
We desire that you make the best use of our advice so that his Majesty can have contentment in his service and for the good and service of this State, since it is all that we can do for his contentment. You will therefore advertise us of his Majesty's resolution and disposition in this matter, for we are resolved not to send our deputies over there without being assured that this offer of ours will please and satisfy him.—Undated.
In Noel de Caron's hand. French. Endorsed by Salisbury: "An extract out of a letter to Monsr Caron from Barnevelt." 1 p. (130 104.)
The Mayor and Townsmen of Berwick to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608.] They pray Cecil to favour their suit, which concerns "the apparent damage which this Corporation is to suffer . . . the Garrison (if the same shall be so determined) . . . to be a mean in Council and to his Majesty that those . . . profits which heretofore belonged to this Town (howbeit. . . taken from us and employed upon the military state) . . . and not become a prey for the private suitor."—Undated.
Signed by Hugh Grigson and others. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. much damaged. (213 15.)
Lord Carew to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1608 or later.] It is agreed between your Lordship and me that if the Lord Wotton will be contented to surrender his place of being Controller of his Majesty's household for my office of Master of the Ordnance, I will pay unto him within four days after I have the White Staff the sum of one thousand pounds; or if he shall within the space of one whole year next ensuing give me warning that he will surrender the place of Master of the Ordnance unto me, then will I within four months after procure him or pay him the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds.—Undated.
In the handwriting of the Earl of Salisbury. Signed: G. Carew. Seal. ½ p. (118 120.)
Sir Robert Carey to the Earl of Salisbury
[?c1608.] Lamenting the misunderstanding between them and desiring to be informed of the occasion thereof.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed in a late hand: "about 1608." 1 p. (126 99.)
Chester Mills and Causeway
[1608.] Three papers:—
(1) The state of the cause concerning the mills and cawsey at Chester:—XI mills in all standing upon the Dee under the walls of Chester.
3 fulling mills of his Majesty's inheritance as parcel of the Earldom of Chester, now held in farm by the cloth-workers there at 11l ancient rent.
6 corn mills, anciently parcel of the said Earldom, granted with a fishing called the King's Pool there by Edw. VI to Sir Rich. Cotton in exchange for the manor of Borne and other lands, co. Lincoln, now enjoyed by the Earl of Exeter and others at 123l:12s rent.
2 water wheels with engines built with great charge for conveyance of water into the city.
All these are maintained by a cawsey of stone built with many thousand pounds charge whereby the bridge and grounds above are defended from the sea.
1. The time when these were first built is not known, but the most of them were standing in the time of Hugo Lupus, 1st Earl of Chester, A.D. 1093.
2. Richard, 2nd Earl of Chester, A.D. 1119 granted decimas molendinorum to the Abbot of Chester.
3. Randle, Earl of Chester, granted divers liberties to the nuns in Chester in molendinis suis Cestrie, and all the citizens were then bound to grind their corn there.
4. John de Scotia, Earl of Chester, increased the number of the mills and granted to the said abbot decimas novorum molendinorum, which were enjoyed accordingly until the dissolution, and now by the Dean and Chapter there.
By the resumption of the Earldom temp Hen 3, these mills came to the crown and were ever carefully maintained as profitable to the King, the city, and country by commissions of sewers and acts of Parliament, whereby other impediments of the river were removed; and were never called in question until now that divers commissioners of sewers having mills of their own. and grounds which they maintain to be overflown by means of these mills and cawsey, have made an order for the destruction thereof.
The mills and cawsey are profitable and necessary to:—
The King by:
1. The fulling mills held of him at 11l rent.
2. His tenure in capite of the corn mills.
3. Lands received in exchange 123l:12s per ann.
4. Grinding of corn for the King's service in Ireland.
5. Subsidies and loans of divers citizens maintained only by these mills.
The inhabitants by:
1. Grinding their corn at all times.
2. Making and fulling their clothes.
3. Provision of fish and salmon for the city, country and passengers for Ireland.
4. Conveyance of water into their houses.
5. Maintenance of the bridge there.
Divers persons viz:
1. Clothmakers, fullers and shear-men, 200 persons.
2. Bakers and their families, 200 persons.
3. Brewers, 300 persons.
4. Fishers in Dee, 100 persons.
5. Dean and Chapter of Chester, who receive 5l per ann. ancient rent.
6. Rich. Cotton Esq, who receives 100l per ann. fee-farm rent.
7. Ed. Gamul, who paid near 1000l for the corn mills.
8. John Tirer, who receives near 100l for the waterwork.
The yearly profit of these mills and cawsey is 1000l besides the King's service etc.
Unsigned. Endorsed in Salisbury's hand: "Incomodity—the haven of Chester barred up; the River often overfloweth, Navigation upon yt River marred, Fyshing. 1608."
1 p. (126 102.)
(2) Duplicate of the foregoing.
1 p. (126 103.)
(3) The things in question are:
1. A key or harbour for ships called the Newekey
2. 3 fulling mills.
3. 6 corn mills.
4. Two water wheels.
5. A cawsey of stone.
Petitions were presented to the Council by:—the Mayor and citizens, the Dean and Chapter, the companies of merchants, clothmakers and fullers, bakers, brewers, fishers, Richard Cotton, Edmund Gamull, John Tirer.
1 p. (126 104.)
[See Cal. S.P.Dom: 1603–1610, p. 378.]
Fr[ances] de Burgh to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Two letters.
(1) Begs him to further her suit. She has given such instructions to her brother as she hopes may give Salisbury content.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "La: Burgley. 1607 [sic]." (?)1 p. (123 167.)
(2) I desire your favour in this suit I desired my Lady of Suffolk to move you in. I assure myself you know the secrets of all suits, therefore not ignorant how little offence this will be to the subject, and no great hindrance to his Majesty. The losses is infinite which I have sustained by the service of the late Queen and my country, whereby I was forced to sell my jointure of 1200l yearly (at the least) to furnish my Lord in his employments, left thereby, as you well know, ruined, but that her Majesty bestowed on me my poor pension to relieve me and my unfortunate children, till I or some of my friends could find out some reasonable suit that might support my calling; but in her Majesty's days I could find none, and in following their causes I have overspent myself. Consider of my miserable estate, and let me once again feel your wonted goodness to me.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 98.)
Viscount Cranborne to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[?1608]. The Governors of the University have chosen him to be one of the heads for this year; and though in regard of his youth and small experience he is unworthy and unfit, yet he hopes to carry himself therein as not to give any just offence or procure the ill-will of any. Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (228 10.)
[?1608]. Five papers.
(1) To the sixth, concerning the raising of the customs, his Majesty may by law require 12d in the pound, but this he has not done, nor caused these new rates to be set by oath; but by his commissions, using the advice of principal merchants, has changed the old rates according to the change of times. This has been the custom of former Kings and is necessary in points of state, since all our neighbour Princes and States have divers times of late mounted their customs; for else if they increase theirs and so raise the price of their commodities, and we by the contrary course undervalue ours, the strange merchants shall sell dear to us and buy cheap of us, whereby our importation shall exceed our exportation, to the exhausting of our treasure and undoing of the State. Therefore the complaint appears to be without cause.—Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "Concerning the raising of rates." 1 p. (130 164.)
(2) Paper endorsed: "Note of the impost of coarse cloth."
The kinds mentioned are:—
Short clothes coloured and uncoloured commonly called Bathes, Castelcombes, Sorting clothes, pack whites and truckeres, made in Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset, Oxford, etc.
Kerseys made in Somerset, Dorset, Berks, Southampton, Sussex, Surrey, commonly called Western Kerseys and ordinary Kerseys.
White cloths made in Worcester or thereabouts called Short Worcesters and prestendes, and ludlows made in the marches of Wales; short Gleynesfords, Sotclothes, and other white cloths made in Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex and Herts; short cloths called Grasieres made in divers places and Bridgewaters.
Penystone whites, Penystone frised, Forest whites and Northern dosens and Northern plains.
Western dosens and double Western dosens called Devonshire dosens.
Pynne whites, Molton whites, Taverstocks, Stockbredds, Statutes, Straytes, Carnall whites and Hull whites made in the West and North. —Undated.
pp. (139 286.)
(5) Reasons to induce his Majesty to equal the duties upon "Deale" and "Renishe" wines to other sorts of wines.
Deale and Renishe wines, brought only by the stranger, are sold at 5l the awne (the sixth part of a tun) and pay only 12d the awne for double subsidy; whereas French and Gascoigne wines, brought in by the subject, pay 10s and all sorts of sweet wines near the same. This has encouraged the stranger to bring in the smaller sort of Coniacke wines, being French wines, in Renishe wine casks, whereby the King is defrauded of duty. The former ought to pay 10s also.—Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "Rhenish wines, Wynchester, Recusants, Darby" and by another hand: "For an impost upon Rhenish wines." 2 copies (169 23 and 24.)
Francis Dacre to the King
[? c 1608]. Prays for pardon for his life and of his attainder by outlawry. Although he stands assured by the King's privity that he shall take no harm, yet he remains a dead man by law. The King's pardon general did not extend to him, as his offences are suggested to have been committed beyond the seas. A like pardon has been granted, as he is informed, to Mr Charles Paget and others.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (146 139.)
Annexed: form of warrant for letters patent of pardon to Francis Dacre.—Undated.
Latin 1 m. (146 140.)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Two letters.
(1) Having acquainted his Majesty with the effect of your letter he is heartily glad that the bill has had so good passage. This place affords no matter worthy of your hearing, for our greatest matters here are hunting and sport for his Majesty's pleasure, the which being his health is the general good of us all. Other purpose have I none to trouble you with, except I should write of his Majesty's love and affection towards you. I have this morning written unto you by Sir Roger Astowne, and I think at the writing of your last it has not come to your hands. Haveringe, this night at 12 o'clock after hunting.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 106.)
[?1608] (2) I find by the report of Mr Solicitor that there can be no security made unto me of anything to be paid out of the coal of Newcastle, by reason that the rent paid by these same farmers is given in surety to them who have lent his Majesty money. In this I must rely on your advice, and as in 10 or 12 days I intend to take journey, I shall be glad to know your resolution.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (195 71.)
Robert Ernle to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Praying that whereas heretofore he has been for many years servant to his Lordship's father, Salisbury would accept his only son into his service.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 107.)
Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury
1608. Our late famous mistress joined with Sir Henry Lea in patent his uncle Richard Lea to be constable of the castle of Harleiotte in Wales within my government, for life or the longer liver. Now it has pleased God to call to his mercy Richard Lea, so that only Sir Henry Lea lives. Prays the same be not granted for term from the Presidents [of Wales] that shall (after the death of Sir Henry Lea) serve his Majesty, for it is a castle of strength near unto the sea, and a fit place for an enemy, if any such shall be, to seize and retain, and not fit to be in strangers' hands who neither remain nor come at any time into that country, but make benefit of the fee of 50l paid without respect of the King's service. With Salisbury's allowance he will be a suitor to the King to reserve the custody and fee to the Presidents' dispose as they serve in place.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 108.)
Mr Field's Book
1608. Criticisms upon Mr Field's book (theological). The writer finds him to have written absurdly in many things, falsely in the most, and maliciously and presumptuously in all.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "Some objections to Field by one of the adverse party. Strangely wrested." 11 pp. (144 206.)
Walter Fitzwilliam to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Encloses a small suit, which has been recommended to him, and which is of much service to the King, and prejudicial but to those few whose neglect in their place deserves to be overseen.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 75.)
The Enclosure
Every vessel bringing provision or other commodities to London from any other port of England has a cocket of lading, which ought to be shown to the waiters, and be by them signed. They, preferring other business of more commodity before it, for the most part neglect it, being not able as they say to observe every tide, and so the King is defrauded of his custom; and many commodities, as corn and others, notwithstanding the prohibitions, are carried beyond seas; and many times the same cocket serves divers voyages by the not looking to of the waiters. The suit is that Salisbury would institute a new officer only to look to the cockets of the above vessels.—Undated.
1 p. (195 74.)
Nicholas Geffe to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 or later]. By agreement with Sir Edward Dyer, deceased, and William Tipper, he was to have one third of all moneys received by them for their services in the business of defective titles, of which they have only paid part. Prays for order to the Tellers of the Exchequer to satisfy his claim out of moneys payable to Tipper, and that he may be admitted as a creditor of Sir Edward Dyer.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1438.)
Thomas Gerrard to the Lord Treasurer
[1608 or earlier]. Of an annuity assured to his wife upon the lands of John Maney her brother, and now detained from them by Sir George Peckham (fn. 1) and Charles Scott, who have the wardship of Maney's heir. Prays for redress.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 295.)
Sir Henry Glemham to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 or later]. Solicits Salisbury's favourable word in his behalf to the Lord Chamberlain, who by one Glover's suggestions remains much distasted of him. Only desires to have his innocency appear to his Lordship by knowing his accusations, and so to clear himself that he may live in his country as a poor gentleman in his Lordship's good opinion, free from the malice of so mean an opposite.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." [sic] ½ p. (118 163.)
Dr John Gostlin to the Earl of Salisbury
1608. In acknowledgment of past favours and a hope of future benefits to be conferred.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 109.)
John Gregory to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608.] Enclosing a schedule of alleged abuses in connection with his Majesty's customs.—Poole, this —
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 111.)
The Enclosure
The schedule above mentioned.
½ p. (126 110.)
Thomas Gurlyn to the King
[1608]. The late Queen intended him to have for his services a pension of 200l out of Exchequer forfeitures, but his bill was not signed on account of her death. The King promised him a joint pension to himself and his wife of 200l out of the Exchequer as soon as 700l yearly should by his means be abated out of the entertainment of the then needless Surveyors of Customs in the Outports. He has performed the said service and begs for full recompense.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 76.)
Nathaniel Gyles to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1608]. His Lordship's chaplain Mr Langton, being possessed of a benefice, is to resign his fellowship in Magdalen College, Oxford, at the next election. Asks Salisbury to signify his pleasure to Mr Langton that he would resign the fellowship to his (Giles's) son, one of the "demies" of the College. Will gratify Mr Langton in what sort and to what value Salisbury shall enjoin him.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2.)
Robert Le Grys to the King
[1608]. For grant of the King's part of such sums as he shall discover to be due to the King, forfeited by the unconscionable extortion of all gaolers, keepers of prisons, sergeants, bailiffs and other arresting officers, in exacting fees from their prisoners above the rate granted by law.
Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (P. 1408).
Lord Haryngton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Her Grace my mistress, having of late seen your daughter twice, is much desirous to know her better, and often wishes she might come to her, saying that she likes your daughter's fashion so well as she would be glad of her company. It was my hap yesterday, going to see my Lady of Derby, to see my Lady Frances, in whom I observed that which in herself is truly honourable, and may give you cause of contentment. Finding these things thus to concur, as I did heretofore make the offer so I insist therein, if you please to like it, that your daughter may live in her Grace's company; which I know her Grace will well like of, and I shall be ready to do you service therein, and doubt not to give such testimony of her worthy disposition as shall be to your increase of comfort.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 78.)
Thomas Havers to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. I am emboldened to renew my old suit for receipt of the petty custom which is in my patent, and for which I have already put in sureties. Your Honour having gratified Mr Garawaye with a receipt of ten times the value, if you would move in my behalf, I doubt not but that he will willingly satisfy your Honour.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 112.)
H. Herbert to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. I have thought fit by these lines to acquaint you shortly of the true cause that the Company of the Battery works are not as yet at any end about the water in controversy. The chief reason is this, that they authorised a gentleman to treat only for the inheritance, as he reported, whereas it appears by their own letter that it ought to have been but for the tenant's estate. Whereupon the gentleman, being one Thorp, seeing the defect of his own commission, refused to go forward in the business. I am the more desirous to make this much known to you because I undertook to deal as effectually as I could with the tenant for the ending of this controversy. If they complain either of rate or any other matter, suspend your judgment till my answer may be heard, for which I hope there needs no great entreaty.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 113.)
The Earl of Hertford to the King
[c 1608.] He points out the great advantage of the trained bands of horse and foot, first erected by Queen Elizabeth in 1586, and deplores the neglect into which they have fallen. Describes the important duties of a muster master. The King appointed him Lieutenant in Somerset and Wilts, but some of the Justices there dispute the King's authority as given in his commission. The difference between him and them has grown through the allowance to be yielded for the muster master, a matter in which they have no authority to intermeddle; but this is only the colour of their opposition, for the country is for the most part willing to pay; and some which now oppose consented to an order made in open sessions upon the letters of the Earl of Pembroke, his predecessor, that 6d for every soldier should be paid to Captain Billinge, then muster master. This is all that is now demanded, being a charge after the tithing rate of not above 3d or 4d yearly, levied on the better sort. They endeavour to take away the office of muster master because they are within his check for their own arms and furniture; because he abridges their authority to impose arms on the meaner sort; and because it appears by his certificate how little they have hitherto charged themselves; finding either no arms, or far under the proportion of their estates, and overcharging the poorer sort. This being discovered to him, he disburdened some and charged others according to their ability. He begs the King to refer the matter to the Council, to call the offenders before them, and on due proof of the allegations, to inflict suitable punishment, and take order to compose all difficulties.—Undated.
Signed. 3 pp. (130 139.)
Trained Bands of Hertfordshire
[? 1608.] Order by the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire for muster of the trained bands at the Rose in Watford.—Undated
Draft or copy. 1 p. (206 90.)
[Cf Cal. S.P.Dom, 1603–1610, p. 443.]
Sir Michael Hickes to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. With a present of a piece of plate, and compliments.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 114.)
Sir William Hickman to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[? c 1608]. Acknowledging the receipt of his Lordship's letters concerning alehouses and alehouse-keepers, and pointing out the inconveniences to the common folk arising therefrom.—Undated.
Copy. 2 pp. (197 9.)
Barnard Hide, Bevell Molesworth and Henry Sowthworth to the Lord Treasurer
[1608.] They have for six years and more taken great pains in continual attendance at the waterside to advance the revenues of the customs and subsidies, deterred neither by the fear of death in the great sickness time, when most of the officers forsook the city, nor by the threats of the merchants who sought by petitions to disgrace them. By reason of the new imposition on imports and exports it is likely many practices will be used to defraud. They hold no office under the King, nor receive any fees, yet through the envy of the merchants they are as deeply charged in the subsidy books as the officers who receive the greatest fees. They beg to be appointed such fees out of the impost as their great pains deserve.—Undated.
Signed as above. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 79.)
Sir Henry Hobart to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. I send you the warrant for the payments of these great debts, a commission for composition for buildings, and a renew of the commission for compositions upon depopulations, because it was made so as they could not have pardons without paying their fines in hand, which was found unfit, and some little such alterations.
If you could without offence taken against me deliver me of this remove, it were a great favour to me, considering how hard it will be to be fitted elsewhere on the sudden; and Sheene is every whit as fit, and stands void, where Lord Harrington may defray the house as well as any other where.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608. Mr Attorney General." 1 p. (195 80.)
Sir Edmund [?Edward] Hoby to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608.] I forgot to acquaint you touching the books. Sir Rob. Cotton keeps the key and governs the now owner. I know the whole offered for under 250l. Truly they are worthy to be refused by your Lordship's first view though you like them not, as well forbidden books as other.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed. "1608." ¼ p. (126 115.)
Hounds for France
[? c 1608]. "The names of them that goeth over into France with Prince's hounds."
Mr Thomas Pottes, gent. Thomas Crowther and John Orchyearde, huntsmen. George Hueme, waggoner. Henry Lykinge, groom of the hounds. Two pages, viz, Thomas Everydge and Richard Harte. One footman, John Bonnyman.—Undated.
½ p. (130 135.)
Arthur Ingram to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608.] Commending his clerk for the place late filled by Robert Wigge, waiter in his Lordship's service, now deceased.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 116.)
Edward Kellett to the Earl of Salisbury
[c. 1608]. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Judging from the sudden bestowing of the Rectory of High Rooding, for which he intended to be a suitor, that it is unlikely, if not impossible, for any resident in their College to have sufficiently speedy notice and timely access to be petitioners for any living actually void, he prays Salisbury to give in charge to one of his servants that among the many livings which Salisbury distributes, one may be allotted to him.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1553.)
Wheat Stored in Kent
[? c 1608.] Gentlemen commanded to certify what wheat they find in every man's keeping within their "lath". Mr Fane to do the like in the ports. Places named: Sutton at Hone, Aylesford, Scraye, Shepway, St. Augustin.—Undated.
1 p. (205 127.)
Josias Kyrton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Craving to have his liberty restored to him, from which he has been estranged for almost a year past.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 117.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Having had opportunity to present your letters and to get this bill signed, I send it by this bearer, Mr Chambers, who is dispatched toward the Queen. I received order this morning (as I wrote to you yesterday that many were attending for his Majesty's part of the debts) to make bills for Sir William Constable, who craves his Majesty's moiety of 8,000 being 4000, that his Majesty will grant him two of that four. For Sir John Drummond, who has a grant before of 5000l whereof his Majesty's moiety is 2500l, he will give him 1000l of that moiety. And for Captain William Murray, who has a grant of debts, to what value I know not, he will grant him his moiety if it be not very great. Of him his Majesty spake very affectionately, and that he was first to be dispatched.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 81.)
Petition of Hugh Lee
[1608]. The consuls unto his Majesty's subjects in foreign countries are for the most part provided for in good sort for their maintenance, saving in the kingdom of Portingale where Hugh Lee [is] serving in the same place, being first thereunto chosen by the general consent of the whole society of merchants there incorporated, with a competent allowance appointed unto him, but never performed in regard of the sudden dissolution of the company.
For his diligence in the performance of what belongs to his office, he refers himself to the report of the Lord Ambassador with the King of Spain.
He prays that upon consideration of his former services, as also for his future maintenance, he may be provided for by way of imposition to be levied upon all sorts of prohibited commodities which shall be transported from any of his Majesty's dominions into this kingdom. with sufficient authority to demand and recover the same as follows:
Upon every quarter of wheat VId
Upon every quarter of other grain IIIId
Upon every dozen of calveskins IIId
Upon every raw hide whereof cometh many from Ireland IIIId
Upon ever tanned hide VId
Upon every kintal of tallow IIIId
Upon every barrel of butter XIId
Upon every tun of beer XIId
The quantities of the same are small that are brought for this kingdom in respect of what is carried to Biskay, Gallizia, Andolozia and other parts of this King's dominions, for now in more than 6 months there hath not come one English ship laden with any kind of corn.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608. Hugh Lee from Lisbon." 1 p. (126 124.)
Matthew Lister
[? c 1608]. Letters testimonial on behalf of Matthew Lister, (fn. 2) Master of Arts and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, signed by Ant. Blencowe and 13 others. Certifies that he has lived amongst them 12 years, well worthy of his degrees and place, in religion very forward, zealous and sound.—Undated.
1 p. (98 145.)
[1608]. By 39 Eliz. cap. 16, the appointment of malsters is committed to the justices. The writer proposes the levying of a rate, not under a a penny a quarter, upon all malsters appointed, for the benefit of the King. Hereby the Statute will continue in life, whereas now it is likely to die for want of execution, and the multitude of malsters and such as utter unwholesome and corrupt ware are daily increasing.—
Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 82.)
Jeronimo Meoli
[1608 or later]. "The points of the letters written to Jermo Meoli from Cardinals and others out of Italy to Constantinople."
Cardinal Borghese in two letters, 15 Sept. 1607 and 27 Feb. 1608, acknowledges to have received from him two letters of very curious matter and one long letter in cipher, and entreats him to persevere.
The Nuncio at Venice, 30 Dec. 1607, writes him an answer of his letter, whereby it appears he had offered him correspondency.
Lanfranchi, a merchant at Rome, 27 Feb. 1608, writes to Meoli that the Nuncio at Venice had appointed to send him to Constantinople 300 sequins (chechins), about 100l sterling.
By a letter to him from Camillo Rinuccini of Florence, 19 May, 1607, it seems there was correspondency betwixt them under the terms and colour of merchandise.
Gio. Batta. Borghese, by a letter from Rome, 1 April, 1606, promises to help him to be one of the Pope's Chamber where there shall be occasion.
The rest of the letters from Cardinal Bandini, the Conte Sorbellione and others from Rome are acknowledgments of letters received, compliments and such like.
There are besides six ciphers, three to the Cardinals Bellarmin, Arigone, Zapata and Gastiniani, legate in Bologna, one to the Emperor's Chancellor, one to the Conte Sorbellione in Rome, and one large one with the names of princes and places and terms of war, etc, counterchanged with other words.
In his letter written to Sir Tho. Glover after his departure, he writes that he is fallen fear-sick through having been affrighted by him with the pistol and the poignard; that his writing to the King of Spain was without touching the interest of the King of England. He threatens that the Emperor's Chancellor, his kinsman, and other princes to whom he has written shall procure him reason whose interest it touches more than his, and that if he will aught with him, he shall find him under the protection of the French Ambassador.
I can but wonder that any man has so little sense to send so many frivolous papers so many thousand miles. Tho. Wilson.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Points of Meoly's letters, secretary to Sir Tho. Glover, written to him out of Italy from Cardinals and others." —and in a different handwriting, "1607." 1 p. (194 95.)
Henry Mynors
[1608]. A note of what damage Henry Mynors, sergeant of his Majesty's carriages, has received by taking away his book of recusants for his Majesty's profit, to his great hindrance:—
In primis, by an agreement upon a bond with Mr Speake 180l
Item, in charge for the making of his book and sueing out several commissions 50l
Item, by another agreement with Mr Skinner of South Lee, co. Oxford 120l
Item, in charge of suit for following of the said Skinner and one Mr Shelldon into Worcestershire and Staffordshire 30l
Total amount 380l
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 118.)
Sir Robert Newcomen to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. For renewal of his "contract dormant" for victualling the King's forces in Ireland. For orders to the customers and searchers of the ports of Cheshire. Wales and Lancashire, to prevent butter and cheese being shipped for France or Spain, and to reserve them for his service; and to allow his provisions to pass free of custom. For renewal of his office to himself and his son, and the longer liver of them.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (P. 1410.)
[? 1608]. Payments especially in Flanders, where, on the 27th of this month, a payment would become due in accordance with the agreement made with Messrs Balbi. It is expressly ordered that this should not be paid in any wise; the traders, to forestall obvious ruin, had appointed as deputies Messrs Jeronimo Serra, Andreas Spinola, Stephano Justiniano and Jacomo Salusso, to keep a watchful eye on this, and not to enter into further agreements, and they hoped that the King might somewhat moderate the abovementioned decree and shorten the period to 12 years with payment of interest at 8 per cent.
Yesterday was launched the large galleon to which one of these noblemen of the Great Council has been appointed captain, his monthly pay to be 150 ducats, with an initial grant of 200. Also commanding the entire Armada, beside the General, with a further lancepesades under their orders, there will also serve on it 6 other noblemen. The above galleon carries 70 pieces of ordnance, is always accompanied by two tartans, to keep the sea clear of invasions.
The letters of Vienna say that the Haydugs, after the conquest of Calo and the strong castle of Hayon, march 9000 strong, not only to take Tokay, but afterwards also to get Carsovce once more into their power. They have been saying that they will pursue the Germans to the last, as their mortal foes.
Dutch. Addressed: "Sr Jerson Metzne at Amsterdam." 1 p. (195 94.)
[1608 or later]. From Poland. We hear nothing from Poland except what announces the struggle and peril of the Most Serene King. And however great may be the confusion of affairs there, the King's parties there are nevertheless reckoned weaker and inferior than the most certain report. For the greatest dissension which is between the King himself and the Orders is daily exasperated, and the counsels of those who are to call in the new King favour him whom they call the Baron Gabriel Bathori. But the King at Cracow, however more fortified and more suitable for his councils may be the place in which he is, is expecting the issue of the business not without the greatest fear. But the disaster will be more lamentable if anything happens to the King's affairs, and this will be deservedly imputed to the Jesuits by whose leading and persuasion it has arisen.
From Livonia. Livonia, to be denuded of its inhabitants and the soldiery on account of this trouble in Poland, is enjoying the uncertain ease which the suspension of arms, however short, affords. But the soldiers known to be conscripted by King Charles and sent off by him will not long leave it undisturbed.
Hungary. Hungary seems to be anew inclined for war. The conditions of the peace are in various ways daily violated by the Turks, so that necessary preparations for open war must be made by the Emperor this coming summer. This news is confirmed everywhere from various places.—Undated.
Latin. Endorsed: "Advertisements out of Germany." 2 pp. (130 132.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. I pray you favour this request of mine; the copy of it I have sent lest in the form there may be some error. I shall be glad to purchase ease and health, if nothing else.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 120.)
The Countess of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Two letters.
(1) Had not my mind been much oppressed I should ere this have expressed my thankfulness for your favour in opposing Sir James Perrott's suit, which I doubt not but will free me from his vexation.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 121.)
(2) My Lord is desirous to have a scholar, that was in his house, to read to him and remain there while he is a prisoner, (which time I still hope will by your means be shortened, seeing there is no cause of continuance), and then shall my mind be freed.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 122.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. I send you hereinclosed a letter sent unto me from the bailiffs of Kingston, with also two other letters, which they did take about a footman that passed through the town; albeit I think they cannot import much, yet they are to be commended for their care and duty. I know you will acquaint my Lord of Mar therewith.
PS. If it be not trouble to your Lordship, I would be glad to hear from you again this night, because I go very early to Richmond.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: (in a modern hand) "about 1608." ½ p. (126 123.)
James O'Hagartie to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1608]. Two petitions.
(1) Has been for two years a suitor for redress of the disposition made by the King, upon sinister informations, of his lands in Ireland. Prays for settlement of the matter.—Undated.
¾p. (P. 1691.)
(2) Was appointed to speak with Sir Raphe Bingley, to whom the King did dispose his lands. Sir Raphe is fugitive. In regard of his heinous disposition of those lands by sinister informations, and of his rebellion, prays that the King will consider to give him satisfaction.
½ p. (P. 1014.)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom, 1603–1610, p. 403.]
[1608]. Schedule of ordnance and stores delivered aboard ship for Mr Crippes.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1608." 2 pp. (126 142.)
Richard Payne and other copyholders of Weston, Grengton and Murlinch, Somerset, to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 or later.] Sir Edward Dyer mortgaged the said manors to the Queen, and they were forfeited for non-payment, but the Queen forbore to take advantage thereof, and also the King, during Dyer's life. The inheritance is now granted to Commissioners, for the payment of Dyer's debts, and their estates are found to be void, as Dyer, who granted them, had no estate in the land but at the King's pleasure. Pray that their estates may be confirmed to them.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1545.)
[1608]. Brief of the cause in the King's Bench between Gilbert Lee and Hawes, respecting a licence for transporting pelts.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (P. 2269.)
[1608 or later]. Pensions granted to sundry gentlemen, besides the grooms and pages of the Bed Chamber and Privy Chamber.
These have pensions of 200l per annum "le peece" and above, viz, Earl Hume 666l, Countess of Nottingham 600l. Lady Barbara Ruthen 200l, Lord Hadington 600l, Sir Robert Carr 800l. Lord Londowres 200l, (fn. 3) Lord Areskin 200l, Lord Gourdon 200l, Lord Dingwell 200l, Sir Francis Stuard 400l, Sir James Stuard, now the Lady Hastings 200l, Sir William Stuard 200l, Sir Robert Melvin 200l (fn. 3) Sir Robert Dowglas 200l, Sir John Greame 200l (fn. 3), Sir James Semple 200l (fn. 3), Sir Robert Maxwell 200l, Sir John Hume 200l, Sir George Keere 200l, Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick 200l (fn. 3), Sir James Atherlony 200l, Sir Peter Younge 300l, Sir Patrick Murray 300l, John Murray 200l, John Murray and his brother's wife 200l, John Elphinston 200l, Michael Elphinston 200l (fn. 3), John Barkley 200l, William Areskin and Walter Alexander 200l (fn. 3), William Amstruther 200l (fn. 3), Adam Newton 200l, Robert Gordon 200l, Bishop of Rosse 200l (fn. 3), Patrick Galway 200l (fn. 3), James Murray, 200l (fn. 3). Sum 9,066l.
These have 100l per annum "le peece" and under 200l per annum, viz, Sir Alexander Hay, Secretary, 100l, and a pension 133l, Sir David Murray 160l, Sir David Fowles 118l, Sir James Murray 133l (fn. 3), Sir James Murray 121l, Sir James Hamilton 100l (fn. 3), Sir James Sincleere 100l, Sir James Lindsey 100l (fn. 3), Sir Henry Lindsey 100l, Edward Bruice 100l, James Amstruther 100l, Robert Amstruther 100l, Andrew Lambe 133l (fn. 3), John Murray 133l (fn. 3), Thomas Murray 133l, Wm. Rider 150l, Agent in Poland 121l, John Hume 100l, Alex. Levinston 100l, James Hetley 100l, John Buchanan 100l, (fn. 3), William Ballandine 100l, William Belon 100l, William Areskin 100l.
These have under 100l per annum "le peece", viz, James Younge 60l, Henry Younge 60l, John Spotiswood 80l (fn. 3), William Chalmer 80l (fn. 3). Miller and Areskin 74l, Eliz. Hay 60l, John Murcho 50l, James Murkey 50l, Daniel Muller 40l (fn. 3).
Sum of the pensions aforesaid 12,770l per annum.—Undated.
2 pp. (196 37.)
Briefs in Goddard versus Pleydall
[? c 1608.] Brief on the behalf of John Goddard, defendant, against John Pleydall, plaintiff; and brief on behalf of Edward Goddard and Gabriel Pleydall, defendants.—Undated.
2 papers 4 pp. (P. 2404.)
Matthew Pryce to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. To notify his duty and zeal as customer of the port of Cardiff.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 125.)
Jonas Pytts to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[? c 1608]. Jonas Pytts desires your answer in behalf of my Lord Ambassador in Spain touching (1) your Lordship's acceptance of his lands in Redereth: (2) Doylye's extent upon an old statute, and the staying the liberate thereon till his Lordship's coming home: (3) his Majesty's gift of 1000l out of his Exchequer, which my Lord Ambassador has disposed of, and by what means I may receive the same: (4) your assistance in his daughter's marriage with Sir Edward Lewkener of Suffolk, and your first motioning thereof.—Undated.
Endorsed: "A memorial to my Lord Treasurer touching my Lord Ambassador in Spain." ½ p. (130 161.)
The Royal Revenue
[? 1608]. "Touching improvement and abatement." Paper making suggestions for the increase of the King's revenue and decrease of expenses.—Undated.
pp. (140 223.)
Owen Reynolds to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Presents most humble thanks for his favour towards him for the keeping of the Council chest. Has deferred writing from fear of interrupting his incessant employments of state. For establishng him in the place submits wholly to his good pleasure, when he shall think it most seasonable.—Undated. (fn. 4)
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (125 85.)
(fn. 4) The last year mentioned is 1608.
Rockingham and Brigstock Woods
[1608]. Certificate of trees felled and the purposes to which applied, in the bailiwicks of Rockingham and Brigstock.—Undated.
pp. (132 165.)
Gabriel Lapp and other tenants of the manor of Rockstead to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 or later]. Sir John Cowper (fn. 4) has lately purchased the manor, and, intending to make their leases void, has entitled the King to the manor as concealed lands. Pray that Cowper, or whoever obtains the grant of the manor in fee farm, may be ordered to confirm their estates in their lands, or that they may have them immediately from the King. —Undated.
1 p. (P. 1846.)
Elizabeth. Dowager Lady Russell, to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Two letters:
(1) Behold how it pleaseth God continually to exercise me in his school of discipline.
I have no other house to put my head in [than] this, his Majesty and the Queen coming to Bisham, Dunington never being habitable, saving your presence, for stink and ruin made to my wrong by the Lord Admiral's people. So now it hath pleased God to visit the Black Friars w[ith] the plague an[d] death of 7 already even to my doors since the last Sabbath, nothing heard of before. I sent to hire a house of Doctor Willson, a prebendary of Windsor, who sendeth me word he is willing if he may have a letter from my Lord Treasurer of entreaty for the same to keep him blameless, else he dare not; I wot not why truly. Now, my Lord, if you will help to bring a widow to church to pray for you, your Lordship seeth the way; if not. I must patiently expect God's good leisure: only I promise if you bring me to church I will not challenge any contract from you for a husband, nor bring you in debt for anything I spend. Your Lordship's most loving old aunt, etc.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 126.)
(2) All that I know in the matter I wrote of is this. The very day wherein the last Lord Treasurer died was a commission set on at Ewsham to inquire what lands Sir Philip Hoby died seized of in Worcester, Gloucester, Warwick, Hampshire, Berkshire and London. This out of Fancheos office, which being done by young Sir Thomas Sherly's means, Sir Thomas Sherly came to me himself declaring in kindness how exceeding sorry he was it should touch me. Whereupon I, in friendship more than wisdom, sought up my evidences and showed his man full discharge written upon the evidences of all such sums and parcels for land; whereupon Sir Thomas Sherly seemed to rest satisfied, saying that he would deal no further in it. Now Sir Thomas Vavicer told me that another would deal for the same, so that I should do well to get the record whereof the first commission was so injuriously sent out to be cancelled by your friendship; which, I beseech you, may be, lest my executors be likewise called on. Sir Thomas Sherly would needs have craved thanks on me for desisting, which I thought not deserved, having done his worst by commission to bring me to trial of showing my evidences upon a false information. When my solicitor is come from Worcester "sises", he shall attend your pleasure. In the meantime, I did this because Sir Thomas Vavicer told me it required haste to be prevented. Keep my yesterday's letter for that it is a true relation to be seen when occasion requireth.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 127.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Dunbar
[1608]. I have received this letter from Captain Philipps, who wrote the last advertisement. I pray you show it to the King, for it crosses that which he wrote of Neale Garvye his making himself so actual a rebel; yet would I not wish any such confidence as to stay any of the letters to Scotland longer than tomorrow, after I have waited on the King; for Garvye's disposition is such as till the King hear from the Deputy, I think provisional orders would not be slacked. But for matter of expense, that shall not be issued hastily, though letters and directions must always be in readiness, because they will ever spend more time in execution than can be forethought of. There is one very good circumstance in Philipp's letter, which is that the King's forces were within 12 miles of the Liffar, where the first blow would be given. I may not forget that the King (who never saw Philipps, nor ever read word from him) told me straight he thought him no Salomon). God bless us from such a shrewd insight. Because the King may compare the two letters, I send the first letter with this last.—Undated.
Signed: R. Salisbury. Endorsed: "1608. My Lord to the Earl of Dombarr." 1 p. (195 89.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Sir Thomas Lake
[? 1608.] Because I assure myself that you have thoroughly informed his Majesty of the carriage of yesterday's business concerning that prohibition which has been granted upon that foul suggestion of the plaintiff, whose impunity would beget an apparent change of our happy government (no monarchy being able to stand where the Church is in anarchy), I forbear to spend myself and take time from other causes: of the success whereof his Majesty shall be informed, I doubt not to his great contentment. For this proceeding of the judges that so absurdly granted it, and the insolency of the offender, has given so apt occasion to make a precedent for the like mischief, as the effect hereof may be well resembled to fair fruit gathered from rotten trees. The cause of my writing is this. Now that we have found what notorious evil would have broken forth before Christmas if we had wanted this loan, all other projects though necessary yet asking time in execution, for which this has given us breath: it is our care among other things that the kingdom of Ireland may taste of the first fruits of this his Majesty's providence. I have sent you three "rooles" to sign by which the issues in that kingdom must be governed. One is for the Exchequer here, another for the Deputy there, and a third for [the] Treasurer through whose hand it passes. As soon as I shall receive these, our dispatch goes away for Ireland, which will be welcome to them as you know, seeing there is now nothing owing but for the month of October, for which and for the two months succeeding they shall have another dispatch of treasure very shortly. Of which kingdom I will say no more but this, that as it is and must be one of our greatest cares to diminish charge, which must not be to scant them of some force to enable the State to speak in the imperative mood, but the improving the land and casualties of that kingdom must have a time of working, and is now in motion; so we must maintain this principle still, that while we must keep the soldier there we must maintain him, or their oppression will force a rebellion.—Undated.
Draft in hand of Salisbury's secretary. 2¼ pp. (124 135.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [Sir Anthony Shirley]
[? 1608]. Although I know no great occasion for you to make apology for your courses past towards me, or for me to labour much your satisfaction whether I have thought you my friend, or been yours, in your absence, considering there never passed between you and me other than ordinary professions: yet I am very willing to understand by yourself so effectually how much you desire my love, and desirous to assure you that I never was your enemy, nor am other than your friend.
Concerning the matter of Dr Thornehill, I have made his Majesty acquainted by the view of your own letter, who seems not satisfied what it can be that shall be worthy of his express journey hither, seeing it was a matter that might abide so much delay as to attend an answer from hence before it should be made known. He is well persuaded of your opinion of his overture, and yet because the coming over of such men by his passport and permission is apt to misconstruction here by people apt to novelties, he expects only thus much before he come, to have some taste of the subject whereof he will treat, to the intent that he may judge whether the nature of his overture be such as may deserve his speaking with him: for avoiding of suspicion, that he will come to the Ambassador first and so be sent over in company of whom he shall think fit. that is needless whensoever he shall come, for many like to practise flock over daily hither and back unknown, so as if he had any affection he has means enough to do it without coming, or to come without discovery. Therefore that which his Majesty seeks to avoid is only to take away the conceit, when men of his profession come over with warrant, that some purpose of toleration of their religion is intended. But if he will either give you so much light as you may judge whether it be matter of moment or no, or, if out of his own strong persuasion that it is so, he will take a journey of his own adventure to Paris, and from thence advertise something whereof the King may make his own judgment, he shall have an answer to his satisfaction why the King will not send for him, or shall receive contentment for the services he shall do when he is come over.—Undated.
Draft in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "Minute to Sir Anthony Sherley." 5 pp. (195 86.)
Stone supplied to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1608]. M. Coult's account for stone and workmanship of chimney pieces supplied to the Lord Treasurer.
3 pp. (143 129.)
Sir Peter Saltonstall to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. His brother Sir Samuel Saltonstall, who possesses the office of petty customs outward for the port of London, is by decree of Chancery ordered to pay great sums of money to his brothers and sisters, and his having no other means than his absence to prevent payment, causes him to hazard the loss of his office. Sir Richard, the writer's father, executed the office for many years, and the writer begs that he may be preferred to the same.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 90.)
Henry Saunderson
[1608]. Extracts from the Great [Pipe] Roll for the 1st and 4th years of King James relative to Henry Saunderson, examiner in the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and havens adjacent. He is debited with 40s remaining due from a fine imposed for offences committed in the time of the late Queen. He further surcharges himself in the account with various sums due on the goods and chattels of unknown merchants in the same port.—Undated.
Copy. Endorsed: "1608." 1½ pp. (126 130.)
Ernest Louis and Julius Henry, Dukes of Saxony, to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 c February] We are very grateful for providing us with 1000 crowns to help us to leave this kingdom. (fn. 5) We have made every effort to arrange with our creditors that they should send a representative with us to receive payment from our father. But this they refuse to do; and we have been compelled to send a gentleman to our father to deliver us from this country. We still need a few hundred crowns to pay our host and content our other creditors, who leave us no rest night or day, and should be much obliged if you would lend it to us; assuring you that as soon as we receive our bill of exchange, we will repay it.—Undated.
Signed. French. Endorsed: "1607. The dukes of Saxe to my Lord." 1 p. (134 119.)
Mary Shalcros to the Earl of Salisbury
[? c 1608]. The wardship of her son John was granted to Mr Vernon but Mr Davenport and others endeavour to get it assigned to them Prays that Mr Vernon may keep it, and that the residue of the lands over and above the King's third part, may be at her disposal.—Undated 1 p. (P. 556.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Let me hear by this bearer how you have done since I saw you. One shall attend you anon concerning the grant of the walks in Shryewood. This day I go to Nonsuch, and mean to see you at Whitehall on Friday when I return.
PS. My wife desires to be remembered to you with her best well wishings.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 131.)
Nicholas Smith to the Lord Treasurer
[? 1608]. Customer of Yarmouth. Prisoner in the Fleet for matters of his father's executorship. Prays for liberty upon bond to follow his cause.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1897).
Thomas Smith to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. I find to my small comfort the little effect my long physic has taken here, and now I would be glad to prove whether the change of air will not be of better success. Hereunto I am advised by the physicians, and I hold it my duty to give you account of my remove hence, that I may be the better excused unto you.
PS. It has pleased you that I should keep the enclosed letter, which although it has hitherto remained with me, I think meet to deliver to your hands and therefore send it.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 132.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1608]. The bearer is the party sent to me by the executors of Sir Ed. Bell, to whom I beseech you command that a warrant be delivered for finding an office, on return whereof the executors shall attend you. I have appointed Sir Thomas Dutton to attend you for your letter to Sir Rafe Winwood in favour of Sir Tho. Dale, which I beseech you let him have.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (192 48.)
David Spence to the Earl of Salisbury
[1605–1608]. For letters to Sir Charles Cornwallis, to help him to obtain satisfaction for goods taken from him by Don Martyn de la Serda, captain of the King of Spain's ships.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1669.)
William Stallenge to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. The inhabitants of Hull, in consideration of certain losses sustained by them in Denmark, had granted unto them for their relief a fine of 3000l to be recovered of Sir Robert Stapelton, knight; which fine being afterwards pardoned the said inhabitants were referred to the late Lord Treasurer to be otherwise provided for, but nothing has as yet been determined. They now pray that no lead gathered within this kingdom be sold until it be first viewed and sealed, and that there may be paid unto them for their satisfaction by the parties that do sell the lead 2d upon every hundredweight thereof. For himself he prays his Majesty to grant him the office of viewing and sealing of the said lead for a term of years, and that he may be allowed upon every hundredweight one penny. For his Lordship's satisfaction concerning the value of the above imposition, Mr Abraham Dawes is to deliver to him the surveyors' books for the out ports, and Mr Carmarden his for one whole year, that he may be truly informed what lead in that year has been transported.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 133.)
Thomas and Matthew Stocker
[1608]. Petition from Thomas and Matthew Stocker, Turkey merchants, to have 3 demi-culverins out of his Majesty's store, because they are constrained to double man their ships that they are to send into the Straits because of the pirates in those seas. Will give sureties for the re-delivery of the pieces at the return of the ship, or if she miscarry, to deliver into his Majesty's store other like pieces of the same weight and condition at the end of 6 months.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 105.)
Minute for the Regulation of Suits
[1608]. His Majesty in his great wisdom has resolved of some restraint and choice in his gifts for some short time until his great debts be satisfied, which he cannot do if those that are dependant upon his dispatches when he is from his Council do not truly inform him when suits are preferred, whether they be such as do not cross his Majesty's meaning and the good of his service. It is thought good, therefore, to deliver unto you a copy of that order which his Majesty took at Michaelmas last, which was the time that he began to engage himself in this great debt to the city and others. Nevertheless, it is not intended by his Majesty or any other his princely liberality should not extend itself as occasion may serve in things of other nature, because it may often happen that some suits may be made which do not so directly cross those titles which are contained in the memorial, but that they may be fit for his reference and examination. It is also thought meet to inform you what things are referred to commissioners severally, that you may remember his Majesty to whom to refer the considerations and reports of things, otherwise he shall do wrong to these that are in commission not to use their advice, and may wrong himself by taking a report from one or two where they have no extraordinary power or authority than such as is given them jointly with others. It is requisite that you take notice what things stand still under commission, and in such cases of reference to endorse upon their petitions a direction to his Majesty's Commissioners for such and such things or to 5, 4 or 3 of them, whereof I will not refuse (seeing I am of the quorum) to be so still.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1608. Mynut concerning an order to bee observed in his Maties giftes." 3¼ pp. (126 128.)
Thomas Warrick to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Two letters:
(1) Your Honour made two doubts to my suit: debts without supras are concealments; the Lord Treasurer liked it not.
Lands granted in fee-farm or fee-simple were due and in charge before the King's auditors, or they had some record for them at the date of any letter patent made, otherwise they could have made no particular, and without particular the King passes no grant of lands. Where there is a record there is no concealment.
The Lord Treasurer assured me again yesterday that whosoever shall bring into the Exchequer (1) 1st of Edw. 6 upwards shall have 2 parts of 3 parts: (2) 30th Eliz. to 1st Edw. 6 shall have a moiety: (3) 30th Eliz. downwards, for which processes have gone out and no money levied, shall have a moiety.
Some have grants for 15 years, some without limitation of time. I desire mine but for 7 years. They have the scope of all debts: I restrain mine to one kind.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Warrock (sic)" 1 p. (126 137.)
(2) His Majesty's Privy Council appointed unto my wife, the daughter and heir of Jo. Somervill, Esq, attainted, a pension of 50l (fn. 6) a year (in lieu of almost 400l a year lands which his Majesty gave her) with promise that upon relinquishing this pension any reasonable suit should be granted her. She has since by the hands of Sir Fowlk Grevell (her near kinsman) presented some suits unto the Lord Treasurer's consideration, all which he has disliked but this last, which in respect of his Majesty's double profit he is pleased to favour. My desire is that your Honour upon the same motives will vouchsafe the like favour.
I beseech a grant of rents and mesne profits of manors, lands, etc, which have been sold and granted in fee farm or fee simple by her late Majesty or any of her predecessors since 26 Hen 8, whereof there are no supers before any of his Majesty's auditors to make recovery of his Majesty's right; supers and respectuations by which they can make no just title for his Majesty; one third part to be brought into his Majesty's coffers without charge, one third to be allowed for charges to be disbursed, one third to be given my wife in recompense of her pension and service.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 138.)
Welsh Law
[1608]. Certain observations compiled out of the ancient instructions, as they have been formerly used by the former Presidents of Wales in the four English counties and Monmouth:—
The President and Council had full power to hear and determine within the four English counties (and those particularly named) all matters of equity as is used in the High Court of Chancery; all misdemeanours, riots, routs, unlawful assemblies, penalties of statutes, perjuries, forgeries, oppressions, neglects of sheriffs, fines of jurors that go against their evidence before the justices of assize, to be punished as in the Star Chamber; quieting and stallation of possessions, determining of debts, trespasses, and damages, wherein the trial and title of inheritance is not determined, all without limitation of sum; examinations of witnesses ad perpetuam rei memoriam, and Monmouth was always included in general words of dominion, principality, etc, and never questioned to be exempted till now; the sheriffs did serve the process freely without grudge and levy the fines cessed in that court within the four English counties, and returned the same to the President and Council.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 136.)
Sir Charles Wilmot to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608]. Although this late trial passed upon me for my government cannot be without some touch of grief to me, yet when I weigh the cause and find the service that my profession calls me to be of no more necessary use, I must submissively confess to serve the most gracious prince living that of his mere bounty has made me his pensioner of 250l yearly. But in the main effect of payment I never yet received but one quarter's pension, being denied with some rebuke by my Lord Treasurer, I may not say for the due of it, but for the expression of my patent "to be paid here quarterly in England out of such treasure that should be allotted for Ireland." My Lord denied it as a thing not fit at all that any part of that coin should be issued here.
For remedy whereof I must frame my petition that your Lordship will permit me to plead the justice of my patent for which I remitted a debt of 1200l due to me from his Majesty, and that you will direct a warrant dormant to the Treasurer of Ireland that I may from time to time be paid it, or otherwise, if it be thought unfit to mingle the payments of Ireland with any gift here in England, to have it removed into the Exchequer of England, that I may not be driven to fetch that poor pension in Ireland, being all I do possess of entertainment.— Undated.
Holograph, Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 2 pp. (126 139.)
Sale of Crown Woods
[1608]. Certificate of what has been paid into the Exchequer for sale of woods in 7 years, 43 Eliz to 5 Jac.—Average amount, 648l:9s:0
½ p. (132 44.)
Memorandum as to Woods
[? 1608]. The woods at Deylye to my Lord Fenton. Knighton Grove to Sir Gawen Harvey. Certain coppices in East Beare to Sir Thomas Cornewallys. Hartwell Park to Sir Will. Cooke.—Undated.
¼ p. (132 159.)
John Yonge to [?the Earl of Salisbury]
[c 1608]. For the custody of Edward Scalles, (fn. 7) a lunatic, of Hull.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1068.)
Sir Robert Wroth to the King
[1608]. Is tenant of the King's manor of Lucton in the Forest of Waltham, the manor house whereof is of old low buildings in great decay, the rooms very small, and unfit to receive the King at his repair to the forest. Prays lease in reversion and lease in possession of the profits of the manor. Will give four year's fine, and spend 500l upon the house within six years.
Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (P. 778.)


  • 1. Sir George Peckham died c June 1608. (See Cal. S. P. Dom. 1611–1618, p. 268).
  • 2. In 1610 Dr. Matthew Lister was physician to Lord Cranborne and with him at Padua; see his letters in Cal. S. P. Dom, December, 1610. The above is probably a testimonial from the college on Lister's appointment as tutor or physician to Cranborne.
  • 3. These are marked "S" [? Sold]
  • 4. Sir John Cooper bought Rockbourne, in which Rockstead was merged, in 1608 (V. C. H. Hampshire, IV, p.583.)
  • 5. Complimentary letters to James I from the two Dukes and from their father, Francis, Duke of Saxe Lauenburg, are to be found in PRO State Papers Foreign Germany (States) Vol. 9; they were written in December, 1608, after the two brothers had returned home, but do not reveal the date of their departure from England. Cf. the letter from the two Dukes to Salisbury dated 22 Feb. 1607—8, supra p. 78
  • 6. See Cal. S. P. Dom: 1603–1610, p. 217 for this grant.
  • 7. Cf. Inq. on Edward Scales, a lunatic, 6 James I. (INQ. P.M. 11 310/62).