Cecil Papers: December 1608

Pages 274-287

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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December 1608

Adam Newton to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 1. The offer of a great benefit and an effectual commendation in a most seasonable time to procure me further good opinion and credit have made me despair of finding words or deeds answerable to so exceeding kindness. Yet this much I will make bold to entreat, that in such cases as this, where my master, finding himself burthened with your courtesies, is content to ease him by expressing his thanks, I may have leave likewise to remember my obligation. I am saucy with your Lordship in the word "burthened", because his Highness has commanded me to signify his very hearty thanks for your threefold courtesies, first for the gerfaulcon which by proof he finds a present fit for a prince, and worthy of you; next for the scarf and gloves, wishing to the parties propitiam junonem pronubam (to use his own words) for both their fathers' sakes, whom he has cause to love. And lastly for the message sent by my Lord Southampton, which (as his Highness says) was needless, he having given but a small token of his love unto him. who, he is desirous, should remember him in his absence and expect another day from him greater testimonies of his affection.—Thetford, 1 Dec. 1608.
PS. by Prince Henry: Instead of thanks I send unto you the tops of half-dozen of those herrons which your gerfaulcon hath killed, to make you a feather for St George's day; hoping that you will not think me one of them quorum levior pluma gratia est.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 76).
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 2. His Majesty thinks it so necessary that in this matter of the Count Maurice he should take knowledge of the wrong upon the advertisement from his Ambassadors, before he hear from the Count himself, as he has thought good to sign the letter and dispatch it to you to be sent away, if you find no cause to alter anything in it.
It differs nothing from the copy I sent last to you, saving instead of the last two lines his Majesty has put these words, afin que nous sachions quel jugement en faire. I was, for my part, not of opinion to have those words in, because they infer as though his Majesty would be content to take satisfaction, which is not, as I thought, so convenient to pass in any words from himself, but rather to come from his seeking and by your private directions to your Ambassadors and intimation to Mons. Caron (both which his Majesty thinks meet to be done). It had been sufficient that they might have perceived that for public respects his Majesty would have taken satisfaction, but his Highness thinks no such construction can be made of those words. Yesternight I had order in great haste to have written to you and my Lord Chamberlain, but I stayed that this letter might go with it, if his Majesty did so resolve as he said he would this morning. The matter is that where his Highness has often dealt with my Lord Chamberlain and you for a restraint of buying and selling of venison in London, and has been promised that some order should be taken in it, which yet is not done, as it seems, for that he is informed that never was venison so common neither of hind nor doe as this winter it has been. His Majesty expects that some order be taken in it, for he cannot endure that all his care to preserve his game is eluded in such manner, and common sale made of his does and hinds which all come out of his Majesty's grounds. He would have you urge my Lord Chamberlain for some speedy order to be devised for remedy of it. My Lord Chamberlain also promised his Majesty that some course should be devised, as well for his Majesty's houses as for those places of his resort, to prevent the taking of partridges with nets and engines, for that here is none to be found in all the country. This morning I received your letters with divers bills to be signed, which his Majesty has not dispatched till more leisure, having been early up this day and busy writing.—From the Court at Thetford, 2 Dec. 1608.
PS. I have not directed the letter nor can well tell how, because I have [not] received your pleasure whether it should be to the States General or Council of State, but it may serve for either, and be directed there, if you think it meet to be sent away without other alteration.
Holograph. 2 pp. (126 77.)
Earl of Worcester to the Earl of Salisbury
[?1608] Dec. 2. I received your letters at 11 o'clock this morning' and according to your desire in every point I performed, in answer whereof I have here enclosed sent you his Majesty's own mind expressed by his hand, which I desire may satisfy my Lords and you. It is so full that I need not to enlarge, only this his Majesty commanded me to say, that if you have procured it in the form he desires he shall be glad, but otherwise to end it with the best agreement you may, but withal he will at the Parliament utterly disclaim from yielding his royal assent in that form, protesting he had rather it should go without a preface at all than as it is concluded. Pardon, noble Lord, the brevity of this which is by reason he makes such haste for dispatch of this bearer.— Hinchingbroke, 2 Dec. at one o'clock.
Holograph. ½ p. (126 141.)
Sir Anthony Shirley to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 2. Upon Monday night last certain poor men, suspecting that tanned leather would be brought to Shorum port to be transported, did watch and found where seven horses' loads was laid into a barn about 2 miles from Shorum, it being covered with straw, which they watched a night or two, but nobody came for it. Whereof I being told caused the constable of that hundred to take it into his safe custody. There are of them five or six and thirty dozen of skins, being either very large calf-skins, or of young bullocks of a year old. There is no doubt but that they were intended to be transported. There is no owner as yet heard of. I desire to know your pleasure therein, either to deal by an informer in the Exchequer or otherwise.—Preston, 2 Dec. 1608.
PS. The parish it was found in is called Porteslade, and the occupiers of the barn are John Ampleford and his son John, in the rape of Lewes. I would have waited on you, but being old and diseased can ill travel, as my brother Sir Thomas Shirley can show you.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 78.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608, Dec. 2.] His Majesty having dispatched me this night to your Lordship with this letter enclosed, enjoining me to be with you tomorrow by 12 o'clock, I, fearing my body would not serve me to come with such speed, thought meeter to send it by post, meaning to follow myself in the morning betimes with other directions and letters from his Majesty, meaning to see you tomorrow at night.—This Friday at 10 o'clock at night.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "2 Dec. Sir Roger Aston." 1 p. (130 103.)
The Deputy-Lieutenants of Hertfordshire to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 3. After the receipt of your resolutions of those propositions which we presented to you, we met this 3 December at Hartforde, where we have given order for the munition and performed all other services required in this general and particular musters. There rests some doubt among us touching the choice of some captains and alteration of the bands. We desire that the consideration thereof may be deferred until the next sessions of the peace which are presently after twelfth day; then we may have some conference with such gentlemen of the county whom we have nominated for those places.—Hartforde, 3 Dec. 1608.
Signed: He. Cocke, Raphe Coningesby, Arthure Capell, R. Lytton. Seal 1 p. (126 78a.)
Nicholas Smith to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 3. Of his imprisonment, and examination with respect to the matter of his customership and executorship. Prays him to grant the enclosed suit.—The Fleet, Dec. 3, 1608.
1 p. (P. 1918.)
William Becher to Thomas Wilson
[1608] Dec. 5/15. Immediately upon receipt of your last wherein you write me that my Lord Treasurer's desire was to have a page and two lackeys provided for my Lord of Cranborne against his coming, I wrote to let you know of the receipt of yours, and that I would go in hand to provide them. Now upon this messenger's return I would let you understand that I have a couple of good serviceable lackeys ready to put to his Lordship at his coming, for whom I shall have good surety for their honest behaviour. And for a page there is a gentleman of Normandy of the religion, one Monsieur de Bienvilliers, a man of good means, who has a son about 14 years old, who, I am told, is a pretty youth and well brought up. I have spoken with his father, who desires to put him to my Lord, both to attend him here and to return with him to England if his Lordship be desirous of it. I have resolved on him because it will be hard to find one in all respects so fit and a gentleman, which point they do precisely observe here in taking of a page. I have therefore agreed with his father that he should be sent here within these ten days lest his Lordship should be disappointed; and if my Lord of Cranborne come not so soon, he shall stay his coming here at my Lord Ambassador's. I hear from Rouen that my Lord's beer is come thither, but it cannot be sent so soon hither because the river is at this time overflown, so as no boats can come up the stream.—From Paris, 15 Dec. stilo novo.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." Addressed: "To the worshipfull Mr Thomas Wilson attending on my Lord Treasurer at Salisbury Howse." 1 p. (126 79.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, Dec. 7. The Archduke's Commissioners to lay the fault of the breach of the treaty on any rather than themselves, give out that our Ambassador had promised the K[ing] in Sp[ain] that our K[ing] would procure the truce in the Low Countries without his renouncing the sovereignty. Mons. de Preaux desired by the Archduke to draw on a new meeting betwixt the Commissioners. The Spanish Ambassador not made acquainted with the business of which he bemoaned himself, saying that by their using of him in that manner they made it appear they esteemed him no better than a spy. New provision of 150,000 crowns. The promised million purposed to be sent to Genoa. The Friar returns out of Spain much leaner than he went, with no other news than that the King of Spain would not join in the renunciation: and some particular recommendation that he should be held in good opinion. The confessor stayed in Spain out of an opinion that he ministers no good counsel to the Archduke.
Abstract. (227 p. 354.)
The Isle of Man
1608, Dec. 7. Receipt of Lord Chandos for 354l from the Lord Treasurer, due to him for the profits of the Isle of Man.—7 Dec. 6 Jac. 1.
½ p. (206 52.)
Sir Thomas Crompton to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 8. I am heartily sorry you should conceive the least tittle of offence against me. If anything was mistaken, or stay made of that which was expected by the Ambassador, it grew upon your resolution in giving way to the appeal and complaint of the merchants Bernardo and Soprani. If what I said to the Ambassador's servant had been considered, only entreating him for satisfaction of the complainants' importunity that one more might have been added to the other two, and that some provision might have been had according to the proclamation if the merchants followed their appeal, I hope there had been no cause to have troubled your Lordship. Since I received your last direction the Ambassador has seen the defects of the former stipulation and has this day supplied that which was necessary, and I doubt not will certify you that I insisted upon that which was necessarily to be done before the delivery of the money, and free me from any blame in that respect.—8 Dec. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 80.)
John Tomlyne's Deposition
[1608. Dec. 8.] The examination of John Tomline of Howe in the county of Kent, mariner.
Fourteen days ago, being at Billingsgate, there came one to him naming himself Saunder Roberts, of middle stature, of 40 years of age, apparelled in a dun fustian doublet and hose cut, in a sheep's russet cloak and a black felt hat unlined in the brim, without any weapon about him, his beard brown and somewhat long, the hair of his head brown also and cut very short. He seemed to bemoan his coming too late to go down with the tide boats, and asked whether there was any ketch that would carry him down to Gravesend and he would give 2s; whereupon this examinant offered to carry him, and so presently took him on board and set sail. When he came to Gravesend he called for a boat to set the said Roberts on shore, but he said the ship was gone that he came to seek, and asked him to carry him to the Downs after her (being a French ship) and he would make the first promise 20s, which he accepted and held on his course for the Downs. When he came to the Downs Roberts pretended that the ship was gone thence, and moved him to land him at Callis, and offered to make his former promise 30s; which he accepted and passed over to Callis haven. He called for a scallop and going on shore lodged at one Mr Emperour's house at the sign of the Three Women's Heads. Being in the haven he was, he said, windbound 7 days, as three crayers of Dover were at the same time. On Monday, 6 days before his coming thence, Roberts sent for him to his lodging and dealt with him to carry 3 packs of goods to England, and gave him in charge to keep them in his house till he should come a month after Christmas for them and them he would give him 10s for the freight. Being asked why he entered not the packs into the customhouse ere he landed them, he answers he knew not that he ought any such duty, and says he never carried goods beyond nor from beyond the seas before. Returning from Callis he brought over with him a man whose name he knows not. He was a tall, black man without any hair on his face, but his beard budding out; the hair of his head was cut short and coloured very black, apparelled in a sea-water kersey jerkin buttoned overthwart the breast, and breeches of the same kersey, a pair of blue stockings on a pair of white, a white hat with a gold band, with a black rapier at his side, and a cloak near the colour of his jerkin lined with a yellowish baize. The examinate had but 12s for his transportation and victuals. He landed him at Howe on Tuesday morning last, and thence he travelled towards London, but to what place he knows not.
Signed: "The mark T of John Tomlyne. J. H. Trevor." Endorsed: "8 Dec. 1608." 1½ pp. (126 81.)
The Earl of Lincoln to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec 8 It was agreed afore your Lordship that Sir Edward Dymmock and I should draw into articles such controversies or grievances as our desire is to be ordered by you, and enter into bond to abide your censure; and that they should be treated of by those gentlemen which were by us nominated, and delivered you afore the 20th December. Sir Thomas Munson has procured our meeting to be deferred till Dec. 16th, for that he says he has other business. Further, Sir Edward Dymmock having seen my articles ready to be delivered, stays the delivery of his till that day, whereby I shall not have above two or three days to make answer or disprove anything that he shall object, and, as I am informed, intends to draw into that compromise matters which neither are nor ever were in question. I offer to stand to your order for anything whatsoever he can set down to be questionable or in controversy, and to be bound thereunto; but if he shall lie in watch to understand my grievances and conceal his so long that I shall have no time to disprove them, I trust that you will not only pardon me from being bound, but also let his cunning herein appear that it is done purposely either to overreach me (as he has often) by his subtle practices, or to distaste you from meddling or troubling yourself with the hearing of it. I have sent my son to you to know your pleasure herein and to inform me thereof.—8 Dec. 1608.
PS When your Lordship is at best leisure, I will also attend to know your pleasure for the land that his Majesty has in Royston.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 82.)
Anthony Atkinson to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 8. Indictment by the above of one Fenton, a customhouse searcher, under twelve counts, for various misdemeanours committed by him in the execution of his office, of which Atkinson had been deprived some seven years previously The letter deals with proceedings in the Court of Exchequer against the said Fenton.—8 Dec. 1608.
Signed. Endorsed: "For God's sake and the King's Majesty's, read this long letter." 1½ p. (126 83.)
Thomas Chaloner to [Thomas] Wilson
[1608] Dec. 10. To the end you may know that absence makes me not unmindful of your love, with these few lines I thought good to salute you. This place yields no novelties, therefore I can inform you only that our greatest sport has been by the hawk my Lord Treasurer gave the Prince, which is a most excellent "hearner", insomuch that his Highness seems greatly to delight in that recreation, and thinks himself much beholden to my Lord for so worthy a gift.—Court, Thetford, Dec. 10.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (126 84.)
Sir William Monson to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 11. Lord Cranborne has been stayed four days by tempestuous weather. This morning he set sail from the Downs, and in less than three hours arrived in the Road of Calais, where he embarked in a boat and is without peril going ashore. I have sent over the Vantguarde to advertise you of it, and will attend him so long as he remains in Calais, and doubt not but within one hour after his arrival he will find himself much better of his sea sickness.—Callis Roade, 11 Dec. 1608.
Signed. 1 p. (195 63.)
[Printed in extenso in Monson's Tracts, 111, pp. 346, 347. [Navy Records Society].
Sir Roger Wilbraham to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 13. His Majesty has read the whole letter which I received from you this morning. Touching the first part, his Highness says you are much to blame that have so long deceived him; he never before understood of your great knowledge in law and profound skill in the exposition of his statutes, and thinks your father, if he had lived, would have thought his care in desiring your knowledge in that faculty well bestowed. But since his Majesty perceives this unexpected science in you, he nothing doubts but you will find occasion in his Exchequer to utter your best skill which hitherto you have so long smothered, and to the end he may discern whether you be a proficient hereafter, has commanded me to keep your letter.
Touching the proclamation his Majesty, having cast his eye upon the reasons you allege for it, does presently out of his unspeakable apprehension fortify himself with new reason for the maintenance of his first judgment in requiring additions, without which the proclamation will be fruitless, and by which he thinks he shall avoid millions of complaints. Where your Lordship writes by this addition the Florentines will take advantage against our merchants for things past, therein his Majesty is not satisfied, for that most proclamations and this in especial is meant to restrain only future offences. Where it is affirmed that these offences are prohibited by civil and canon laws, his Highness is much more desirous to have the addition inserted, whereby the proclamation will be much more honourable to his Majesty in the judgment of all Christian princes, and his subjects may think themselves happy to be forewarned by the gracious providence of his Majesty's proclamation to avoid the penalties of unknown laws. Besides, he much desires (as heretofore a twelvemonth past he thought it expedient) that a proclamation were made for a general restraint to utter any arms, powder, or munition to the Turks, so as he continues more earnest to have the first addition annexed, albeit merchants may pretend many evasions.
Concerning the second addition, his Majesty approves your circumspection to avoid questions what ports be usual (which addition his Majesty the rather wishes because the merchants lately in question with the Venetians bought their wares in a port altogether unusual for trade), and therefore thinks it meet you should cause the known and meet ports in Turkey, etc, allowable for traffic, to be set down expressly, and an inhibition to trade elsewhere with the Turks.
In conclusion, his Majesty thinks the proclamation requires not so great haste, but that first you may talk with the merchants, and so upon his return to London it may be perfected by his own direction from his own mouth (the vigour and lief whereof no pen can rightly delineate); for which respect I send you the proclamation here enclosed as I received it.—From the Court at Thetford, 13 Dec. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (126 85.)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 17. I wrote lately unto you of the affairs of this country, which I sent by my solicitor. Our country is generally poor and their armours such as were fit for the Border service, and yet I doubt not but to find them very dutiful. Other matters I will spare to trouble you withal until the next term.—Bishops Awkland, 17 Dec. 1608.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (126 86.)
Sir Roger Wilbraham to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 17. It pleased his Majesty to read your letter of the 15th instant, whereby I find him more inclined to yield to the necessity of the encouragement of trade into Turkey, as I doubt but you shall perceive at his Majesty's return, which we expect to be on Tuesday. His Majesty smiled at your jealousy towards me, but kneeling I told him that I durst not see London, for fear you charged me with some heavy action; whereat he laughed and promised me protection, because he knows your ill conceit of me, for which I am sorry. Yesternight after sunset and after long hunting all day, his Majesty in two hours by night galloped almost from Newmarket to Roiston, 16 miles. Merry he was at supper, yet in the night his sleep was hindered by toothache, but this day (tho' private) yet his chamber say he dined merrily and is well. I have now received your last letter and Mr Maxwell's bill, which shall be presented at my first occasion. His Majesty caused me to write this enclosed and a former to my Lord Admiral, to excite his Lordship to bring to light by examination such keepers as have sold venison in London, and to London cooks especially.—From the Court at Roiston, 17 Dec. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 87.)
Sir Thomas Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 17. Upon the receipt of the commission for the viewing of the ruins and decays of Hurst Castle, I sent my man to the gentlemen to whom it is directed, who I found most ready to perform the service; only Mr Campion, his Majesty's surveyor, without whom the rest could not proceed, who did not only most unkindly use my man (who is my lieutenant there), but also did most contemptuously, after he had seen and read it, sent it him again, with word it was not now a time of the year to view it; not once vouchsafing to speak with him. Therefore my suit is that you will by your letter either command him to execute his part, or else appoint some other (or those already nominated in the same commission) to see it executed, that speedy remedy may be had both to save his Majesty much charge and the castle from utter spoil. Since my being with you, by reason of so much tempestuous weather, there have been much of the land carried away even unto the walls of the castle. Concerning the old castle, the walls are wholly finished, the gates are making, there are coneys put in, and many earths and berries made.—Langford, 17 Dec. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 88.)
1608, Dec. 18. Where we have of late laid upon tin and lead an imposition to restrain the transporting of the same out of our realm, at which time we promised our good brother, the French King, that whensoever he should require any quantity of lead for his own use he should be freed of that imposition, and now the said King has made provision here of 100 ton of lead for his own use; we require you to give order to all whom it may concern to suffer any such person as the French Ambassador shall nominate to be deputed by the King to make that provision, to provide ship and transport the said lead, paying for the same only the old customs and duties payable before the late imposition laid. Given under our signet at our Palace of Westminster, 18 Dec. in the 6th year of our reign, etc.
Signed: James R. ½ p. (126 89.)
Sir Richard Weston to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 18. Asking to be relieved from his necessities.—18 Dec. 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (126 90.)
The Earl of Rutland to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608] Dec. 18. I had sooner returned your Lordship an answer of Sir George Gylby's estate but that, at my coming into the country. I found the feodary Mr Bussy had been with him, and had written back to you in what state he had seen him. I hear still of his amendment, so as I hope his friends shall have no more cause to solicit you for him. —Belvoir, 18 Dec.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (126 91.)
Sir John Egerton to Mr Dackombe
1608, Dec. 19. Has sent his servant with authority to receive such moneys as are due to him upon some of the accounts of the Isle of Man taken from Lord Gerrard.—Yorke House, 19 Dec. 1608.
Holograph. ½ p. (206 53.)
Sir Henry Wallop to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 20. I am steward of his Majesty's manor of Somerford in this county of Southampton and would by virtue thereof, as also of your instructions received about Michaelmas last, long since have kept a court at the manor for his Majesty's benefit, were it not for want of the copy of those surveys taken by Mr Horsye and others, by which we are to be directed in making fines for the King. I crave your warrant for a copy of the said survey, whereby a court may be kept in convenient time, for many of the tenants are desirous to renew their estates.
Touching the ironworks at Bringswood in the county of Hereford, let me know your pleasure for continuance thereof, my lease being now [ended] at Michaelmas next, saving some time of riddance after my term and great provision must be presently made if I hold the same. I am content to take the works with such portion of wood as the King will grant therewithal, be it more [or] less; or else, if you be not resolved what wood to grant with the works until a further survey be had, I will proceed in my preparation the meanwhile, so I may by one word stand assured to hold the works only this next year, answering such reasonable rent therefor as you shall impose upon me, and afterwards I will take such portion of wood as the King may spare in that place, and at such price as others will give.—At Farly-Wallop, 20 Dec. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 92.)
Francis Brakinbury to the Earl of Suffolk
1608, Dec. 20. At my last being with you I promised to enquire after a good horse in these parts as I thought befitting for your Lordship's purpose. These are to advertise you that I have been in some speeches with a very near kinsman of mine, who at this instant has one of the choicest young horses that I can hear of in this country, and at my request is content to let me have the horse for 20l, so that he may have notice from me of your pleasure at or before the 2nd of February next, otherwise the owner of the horse is purposed to put him to coursing. The horse is of colour bright bay with a black tail and mane, a star in his forehead and a white snip on his nose, with his near hinder foot white, now four years old and coming five. I assure you he is for his time the swiftest horse in these parts, and very sound of wind and limb. For my better assurance of security to have the horse of my kinsman, named Thomas Wicliffe, I have given him money in hand for binding of the bargain, to whom I shall upon notice from you pay the 20l which I shall be ready to receive again of you at Candlemas next, at which time I purpose to come personally to do my duty to your Honour. In the meantime I pray you to make way for me to my good Lord, your most renowned father, to whom out of a sinister persuasion of a most unconscionable minister I have given some particular cause of offence; most humbly entreating that my former oversights might be imputed to the folly of my youth and by the wicked motion of him whom I held dearest in my affairs and secrets, and now the readiest man to work my overthrow.—Selletby, 20 Dec. 1608.
PS. Your Lordship's pleasure may be by your letter to me returned to Peter Glover, his Majesty's postmaster at Darnton, who will presently send the same to me.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "I pray yow all his Maties Post have especiall caer that this rune with the packet accordinge to the directione. Yower brother in office, Peter Glover." 1½ pp. (126 93.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, Dec 21 The truce prolonged till the 15th of February; the Archduke much pleased withal. An act to this purpose brought from the States, the like delivered to the French Ambassador and ours from the Archduke with this only omission, that because they would not qualify the States by the title which they gave themselves in their own acts of hauts et puissants Seigneurs, they forbare to specify the titles of the King of Spain and the Archdukes. The French King writes to his Ambassador that unless the King of Spain would join with the Archduke in the treaty, he would not be a means to abuse the States. The Archduke gave him the same assurance as before to Mons. de Preaux that he would procure the King of Spain to join with him "I was told a while since that there was 70,000 crowns ordained at Antwerp to be made over to London to Don Fernando Gyron, but before I would give credit thereunto, I wrote back unto the party that he should better inform himself of the truth thereof, and he has again assured me that he knows it from good means; and the like I have also understood from another person. The President Richardot takes very thankfully the favourable mention which it pleased you to make of him to the Baron of Hoboque; and I do therein acknowledge my part of the like obligation, for that your Lordship does thereby justify me that I am willing to do them right for any satisfaction which they give me concerning his Majesty's service"
Abstract. (227 p 355)
Waltham Forest
1608, Dec 27. Warrant to the Earl of Salisbury to give order for the drawing of a bill containing a grant to Arthur Mills of the forfeitures of all bonds taken of any person or persons within the forest of Waltham, co. Essex, for their good behaviour respecting the game there, with authority to sue all such bonds in any of the courts of record at Westminster. Given under the signet at Westminster, 27 December, in the 6th year of the King's reign, etc.
Signed: James R. Seal. 1 p. (126 94.)
Justices of the Peace of Cornwall to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 28. There is a brewer called Rodger Collwell, dwelling near Barnstaple in Devon, has here near unto this town of Padstow about 8 weeks past made provision of some 500 bushels of barley, 400 bushels of oats and 300 bushels of wheat, of purpose to serve the ships bound for the Newefounde Land, who every year use a great quantity of bread and beer in this fishing voyage; which provision was ready to be shipped here before your letters came to this town, whereby he is restrained. We are credibly advertised that there is in that place many ships bound forth as aforesaid, and corn this year falls about Barnstaple very scarce, and the Eastern parts, as Gloucester and those places that were accustomed heretofore to help them in this fishing time, now neither do nor are able to help them. We thought it our duty to make known to you that this small quantity we verily believe will do them great pleasure and may well be spared without prejudice of this north part of Cornwall, which otherwise they will be enforced to convert into malt and brew their beer here to serve this shipping aforesaid.—Padstow in Cornwall, 28 Dec. 1608.
Signed: Nicholas Prideaux; Wa. Kendall; W. Roscarrock; Gilbt. Mychell. 1 p. (126 95.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Dec. 28 They thank him for accepting the High Stewardship of their city, as his father did in his lifetime, and send a token of the love and dutiful affection of the whole city.—Bristol, 28 Dec. 1608.
Signed: John Butcher, Mayor, and the following Aldermen: Wyllyam Hickes; Fraunces Knight; John Webbe; William Ellys; Jno Hopkenes; Wm Vawer; John Whitsone; Christopher Kedgwin; Richard Smyth. 1 p. (195 64.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1608, Dec. 30. Displeased with Richardot for laying the imputation of the backwardness of the King of Spain in the treaty upon our King and his Ambassador in Spain, under pretence that our King had promised to procure a simple truce without renunciation, etc. The King treats with Gyron and declares himself openly not to deal further in the treaty without express renunciation from Spain. The fault of the report of his dealing otherwise laid upon Richardot as done, not out of truth, but out of design to serve his master's turn.
Abstract. (227 p. 356.)
James I to Henry IV of France
[? 1608 c. Dec.] Monsieur mon trescher frere; ayant entendu du gracieux accueil et extraordinaires faveurs et courtoisies dont il vous a plu user le Vicomte de Cranborne, fils de mon Tresorier, je ne puis omettre de m'en ressentir et vous asseurer par la presente, que vous ne m'eussiez sceu donner un plus infallible tesmoignage de votre affection que celuy qu'avez faict en regardant de si bon oeil pour l'amour de moy le fils de celuy qui m'est si bon serviteur, en demonstrant par la que vous aimez le serviteur pour l'amour du maistre qui vous demeurera a jamais vostre tres affectionne frere, cousin et ancien allie.—Undated.
Copy. Endorsed: "One of his Majesty's letters to the French King." 1 p. (134 159.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to [Prince Henry]
[?1608 c Dec.] Although I know your Highness expects not much from me, yet having placed the eye and hope of my youth upon your person and fortune, I would be loth by silence to fall out of your memory. And therefore where I had once resolved not to trouble you, till I might have represented the images of my humble affection in the French tongue, I have now rather chosen to err in this than to hazard any longer silence. Let it not displease your Highness that I presume also to beg two favours: first, that you will grace me so much as to thank his Majesty for the grace he hath done me in thanking this great king for his gracious usage of me, seeing my devotion to you, that are so dear to him, is the best merit that I can plead for myself. And next, that you will think that nothing could make me endure the privation of your presence, but the infinite desire I have some day to return so qualified as he ought to be that hath the ambition to be worthy the service of so rare a prince.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed by Cranborne: "To the Prince his Highness, my most dear and gracious master." 2½ pp. (134 161.)
Prince Henry to Viscount Cranborne
[?1608 c Dec.] Though the great and extraordinary favours, whereby we hear you are graced by the great King of that country where ye remain, may perhaps make you forget your friends here, yet I would have you think I have neither forgotten yourself nor the two requests you made unto me in your letter. For the one I remembered immediately after the receiving of yours and gave his Majesty thanks, as since ye may have understood. And as concerning the other, as I know the end of your absence from me to be the better enabling of yourself to deserve the greater interest in my favour, so during this your absence there is no cause to fear that my affection should be wanting unto you; being both the son of that father who by his particular services done unto myself, besides the general of the state, draweth love from me unto him and all his; and such a son as from whom I do expect, if not as much sufficiency in serving princes as hath been found in your grandfather and father, yet as great abundance of love and loyalty as the example of so worthy patterns and so good education can promise from your estate; which my expectation of you I am willing you should give me occasion daily to increase.—Undated.
Signed. 2 seals on yellow silk. 1 p. (134 162.)
Silver Mines in Scotland
[?1608, Dec.] Letters of commendation for [?Sir William Godolphin] to the Commissioners of the Silver Mines in Scotland, with whom (and in particular with one Doubleday) he is to confer and forthwith report to his Majesty on the working and value of the said mines.— Undated.
Draft. 4 pp. (197 59.)
[See Cal. S.P.Dom, 1603–1610, p. 474.]
Hugh and Walter Morrell
[?1608, Dec.] They have undertaken for Lord Salisbury to keep certain people in work at Hatfield. Some of the boys have been brought to good perfection in weaving, and not being bound their parents have taken them away. They also require a dye-house and a fulling mill, and land for corn and pasture, to support so large a company. They pray that the boys may be bound to them, and that they may have the other things necessary to carry on their business.—Undated.
1 p. (197 32.)
[See Cal. S.P.Dom. 1603–1610, pp. 477, 478.]