Pages 589-594
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.
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“S”; 191.
Sacheverell, Ralph, letter of; 523.
Sackville, Sir Richard; 525.
Saddington, parsonage of; 237.
Sadler :
Sir Peter; 273.
Sir Ralph; 16, 17, 19, 323.
— letters of; 14, 55, 56, 148, 551.
— sends seditious book to Lord Burghley; 55, 56.
Sir Robert; 3.
Sadlers' Company; 154.
St. Albans; 76, 78.
the plague at; 201.
St. Aldegonde; 119, 157.
St. Andrews; 258, 285.
Archbishop of; 1.
St. Angulo, parsonage of; 237.
St. Ayngneau, Count; 414.
Ste. Crois, Monsieur de; 447.
St. Denis; 126.
St. Edmundsbury; 192.
St. Germain-en-Laye; 45, 275.
St. Gertrude; 163.
St. Helens; 122.
St. John's; 107.
St. John's Wood, co. Bucks; 392.
St. Katherine's; 161, 177, 187.
St. Leger, Sir Warham; 66, 416, 421.
St. Leonards, Forest of, co. Sussex; 135.
St. Ligier, Monsieur de; 379.
St. Luc, Sieur de; 414.
St. Lucas; 513.
St. Malo; 113.
St. Marten, Isle of; 112.
St. Martin; 161, 435.
Monsieur de, letter of; 435.
St. Maur; 405.
St. Mesmin, Madame de; 400.
St. Michael, Order of; 551.
St. Michael-upon-Wyre : rectory of; 209.
— under-tenants of; 207.
St. Omer; 368, 369.
Governor of; 86.
St. Quentin; 411, 414, 418.
St. Valéry; 349, 525.
St. Vas, Abbot of; 369.
St. Vincent, Cape; 513.
Salisbury, Edmund Gheast, Bishop of, letter of; 66.
Saltpetre; 394.
export of; 176.
Saluzzo, marquisate of; 409, 493.
Salvin, Mr.; 191, 192, 193.
Saltzburg, bishopric of; 82.
Sampoll, Mr.; 519.
Sampson, Thomas, letter of; 73.
Sancerre (“Sansare”); 29.
Sanders or Saunders :
Dr. Nicholas; 7, 191, 192, 193.
— letter of; 4.
Sandes, Lord; 322.
Sandingfield; 86.
Sandwich; 70.
Mayor of; 13.
Mayor and Jurats of, letter of; 52.
Sandy-Acre; 523.
Sansat, Sieur de; 471.
Santinelle, La; 279.
Sardinia, Bishop of; 177.
Saromans, Monsieur; 177.
Sarswell, Sir William; 155.
Sarum; 106, 536.
Sassetti, Captain; 169.
Saunders :
Francis; 38.
John; 247.
William, of Harrington, co. North ampton, Esq.; 38.
Sauve, Madame de; 472.
Savelle, John, presentation for; 237, 248.
Savoie, Madame Lagrand de; 351.
Savoy; 92.
Duchess of; 240.
Duke of; 92, 352, 448, 511.
— ambassadors of; 274.
Savyle, Robert, Esq., lease to; 236.
Sawley; 200, 201.
abbey and manor of, co. York; 407.
Saxony; 59.
Duchess of, cloths for; 408.
Duke of, lead for; 190.
Say (“Syee”), Lord; 227.
the registrar; 71.
Scarborough, John; 237.
Alberto; 18.
Davye; 18.
Scheyfui. See Brabant.
Schomberg; 45.
Schoonehoven; 118.
Schout, Captain; 165, 169.
Scofeld :
Alexander; 221.
Richard; 221.
Scotland, passim:
advices from; 102.
ambassador of; 190.
commissioners for; 109.
the Council of; 303, 317.
crown jewels of; 56, 57.
discord among the nobility of; 183.
estate of; 183.
hostages from; 230.
the Isles of; 314.
King of (Darnley); 166.
— murder of; 258.
— (James VI.); 1, 27, 130, 131, 162, 203, 251, 252, 256, 257, 258, 269, 297, 303, 308, 309, 314, 317, 318, 362, 376, 387, 388, 396, 424, 443, 444, 460, 488, 492, 493, 498, 499.
— receives the Earl of Morton into favour; 181.
— appoints a convention at Stirling; 182.
— habits of; 284.
— poverty of; 284, 285.
— marriage of; 284.
— his favour to d'Aubigné; 284.
— debts of; 353.
— his appeal to the King of France; 372, 373.
list of ships from, trading with Lyme Regis; 397.
the lords of; 541.
merchants of; 269.
money paid by Philip II. of Spain to noblemen in; 20.
occurrents out of; 256, 257, 258, 296, 297,
Parliament of; 50.
Privy Council of; 181, 182, 184, 203.
Margaret, Queen of; 498.
accord of the troubles in; 202.
Regent of; 107, 109, 110, 115, 150.
—, (Earl of Mar) : 27.
— proposed delivery of Mary Queen of Scots to; 23.
— (Earl of Morton); 50, 51, 166, 169, 172, 230, 303.
— (Earl of Murray); 37.
state of; 284, 285.
Scott :
Alexander; 445.
George, letter of; 129.
Sir Thomas, letter of; 70.
Scotte, William, prisoner in the White Lion; 512.
Scots hall; 70.
Scotts, the; 182.
Scrivelsby (“Scrylesbye”); 320.
Scroope, Edward, Esq.; 78.
Scrope, Henry, letter of; 263.
Sculthorpe, —; 515.
Seagrave; 94.
Seale, William; 248.
Sebastian, King of Portugal; 124.
death of; 199.
Sebure, Peter de; 515.
Seckford, Henry, letter of; 107.
Seckford or Sekford, Thomas; 58, 69, 76, 80, 84, 107, 130, 133, 147, 156, 312, 502.
letter of; 134.
Seguiers, Captain; 440.
Seine, the river; 186.
Seintleger, Sir John, letter of; 141.
Selim, Sultan; 357.
Sembard, Mr.; 403.
Semple (“Symple”) :
Lord; 511.
Captain; 511.
Sempringham, parsonage of; 246.
Senlis; 445.
Jacques de; 456.
Sens; 462.
Seres, the Scot; 17, 26.
Servan (“Seroan”), defeat of the Turks at; 255.
Sessa, Duke of; 178.
Setifyld, Lord; 10.
Seton Delavall; 115.
Seton, John, son of Lord Seton; 168.
Robert, son of Lord Seton; 168.
Lord; 4, 7, 39, 167, 168, 169, 257, 258.
Mrs.; 444.
Seure, Chevalier de, Prior of Champagne; 274.
Severn, the river; 185.
Seymour :
Lord Edward; 68, 69, 112.
— letter of; 64.
Lord Henry; 278, 279.
— letter of; 536.
Sezanne; 425.
Shaftoe, Robert; 101.
Shawcroft, —; 535.
Sheffield; 174, 211, 213, 221, 226, 231, 252, 253, 256, 281.
Castle; 20, 65.
Lord, wardship of; 200.
Shefeld, H.; 20.
Shefford; 320.
Sheppard :
Morris; 84.
Richard, merchant adventurer; 237.
Sheppey, land in; 54, 141, 210.
Sherard, Rowland; 530.
Sherbrook; 261.
Sheringham, co. Norfolk; 509.
Sherman, Ralph, letter of; 187.
Sherwood Forest; 227, 239.
Ships, names of :—
“Achates,” the; 129, 133.
“Admiral,” the; 219.
“Aid,” the; 147, 148.
“Bective,” the; 101.
“Brave,” the, of London; 222.
“Burre” the, of London; 534.
“Dreadnought,” the; 122, 133, 264.
“Castle of Comfort,” the; 113, 122.
“Elizabeth,” the, of London; 139.
“Elizabeth Jonas,” the; 150.
“Fly-boat,” the; 122.
“Foresight,” the; 138, 264.
“Francis,” the, of Fowey; 212.
“Handmaid,” the; 129, 133.
“Johns,” the; 173.
“Lion,” the; 160.
“Mannell,” the, of Bridgewater; 212.
“Marie Katherine,” the, of London; 534.
“Mary Ross,” the; 126.
“Nightingale,” the; 513.
“Prince,” the, a French vessel; 161.
“Revenge,” the; 264.
“Robert of Flamborough,” the; 202.
“Rowe,” the, of Newcastle; 534.
“Royal,” the; 173.
“Swallow,” the, a craier of Harwich; 61.
“Swallow,” the; 108.
“Swiftsure,” the; 133, 264.
“Thomas Allen,” the; 212.
“William,” the, of London; 346.
Ships, repairs to; 222.
Shotover; 95.
Shrewsbury, Countess of; 154, 221.
— letters of; 174, 205, 223, 226.
— repairs to the Court; 211, 213.
Earl of; 26, 27, 154, 185, 191, 192, 205, 249, 444, 527, 547, 548.
— letters of; 65, 159, 160, 211, 213, 221, 231, 252, 253, 255, 281.
— letters to; 20, 176, 353.
— requests of; 445, 446.
Shropshire, sheriff of; 508.
Shute, Richard, letter of; 335.
Sibsley; 335.
Sidmouth, co. Devon, claim of inhabitants of; 433.
Sidney, Sir Henry, Lord Deputy of Ireland; 26, 165, 169.
— letters of; 149, 537.
Sir Philip; 186.
— letters of; 432, 531.
Sienna; 84.
Sigismund, the Emperor; 152.
Simier, Jehan. See Lamenitre. 186, 226, 232, 234, 235, 236, 238, 259, 261, 266, 273, 274, 291–293, 297, 298, 299, 300, 303, 307, 323, 326, 345, 349, 354, 355, 356, 371, 373, 380, 388, 399, 424, 448, 449, 452, 478, 481, 484, 495.
mission of; 219.
receives commission from the Duke of Anjou; 291.
articles for the marriage treaty presented by; 291–293.
his arrival in England; 231.
the Queen's opinion of; 231.
the Anjou marriage treaty with; 225, 293.
asks for an allowance from the Queen; 367.
asks to be received into Elizabeth's service; 465.
attempt to kill; 283.
threat against; 344.
“Certificate” of; 275.
his charges against Fervaques; 473.
conferences with; 253, 254.
departure of, from England; 276, 277, 278, 279.
his disgrace with the Duke of Anjou; 282, 306, 341, 347, 348, 349, 350, 363, 364, 367, 368, 390, 398, 399, 462, 463, 464, 465, 471, 472, 473, 477, 478, 518.
— begs Elizabeth's intercession; 363, 368, 390.
draws a pension from the King of Spain; 343.
lends money to the Duke of Anjou; 348, 363, 472.
letters of; 265, 276, 277, 278, 279, 283, 304, 310, 314, 316, 318, 321, 327, 332, 336, 337, 340, 347, 349, 357, 363, 364, 366, 367, 389, 462, 464, 467, 468, 471, 517.
letters to; 282, 302, 474.
list of cipher names used in letters of; 448.
Silin, Conrad, merchant; 506.
Silver, mines for; 225.
Silvius, Guillaume, letter of; 162.
Sinclair, —; 328.
Sineron; 261.
Sissinghurst; 58.
Sittern, Henry, presentation for; 246.
Skegges, Edward, esq.; 249.
Skenehove; 55.
Skidmore, Mr.; 537.
Skinner, Mr.; 200, 203.
Skipwith, G., letter of; 209.
Henry; 3, 4, 10, 11, 531, 551.
— letters of; 13, 15.
Skirrowe, Thomas; 530.
Skofeilde, Mr., letter in favour of; 210.
Sladd, Henry; 248.
Slegge, Mr.; 213.
Slingesby, William; 9.
Smale, Humphrey, letter of : 531.
Smerwyck; 353.
Smith :
Captain John, letter of; 126.
Mathew, esq.; 391.
Thomas, customer; 141, 142, 224, 264.
Sir Thomas; 9, 18, 81, 94, 159, 288, 547.
— letters of; 108, 551.
— letter to; 45.
Thomas, receipt of, to Lord Burghley; 18.
or Smyth, Thomas; 164.
William; 106.
Smyth :
John; 318.
Matthew, of Westminster; 165.
Thomas; 246.
Smythe :
Mr.; 263.
William, collector; 61.
Snag, —; 186.
Snape, co. Suffolk; 38.
Snave, co. Kent, manor of : 319.
Snetsham; 202.
Snowdon, forest of; 312.
“Societas Moschica,” the; 178.
Soissons; 410.
Solicitor-General, the; 76, 130, 212.
Solyman, Sultan; 357.
Somers, John; 247, 400, 405, 410, 414, 416, 419, 424, 451, 459, 460, 470, 474, 477.
letter of; 417, 418.
Somerset :
county of; 120, 203, 219, 349, 514, 519, 535.
Commissioners of Sewers for, letter of; 184.
Duke of; 146.
Francis, articles by : 40.
Somersham; 120.
Somervyle, Mr.; 189.
Sopoto; 73.
Sosa, John Roderico di; 391.
Soubsmorcet; 360.
Sound, the; 83.
Southacke, George; 105, 124.
Southampton; 77, 137, 139, 318, 321, 324, 331, 514.
county of; 535
Earl of; 18.
examination of; 21.
Southcott. Justice; 142, 164.
Southey (“Southait”), George; 49.
Southill. manor of; 69.
Southwark. See London.
Southwell, Sir Richard; 8, 10.
Southwold; 61.
Sowthern, Robert; 139.
Sowthowes, —; 201.
Spa, the; 53, 54, 67.
Spain; 7, 21, 40, 42, 55, 86, 87, 90, 91, 93, 114, 124, 126, 152, 163, 168, 169, 177, 178, 180, 207, 235, 244, 251, 255, 268, 269, 308, 328, 338, 355, 359, 364, 387, 390, 391, 408, 412, 413, 414, 421, 422, 424, 431, 447, 470, 511, 515.
Ambassador of; 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 25, 41, 177, 303, 329, 451, 473, 515.
— assault on, in London; 513.
court of; 93.
debts to; 50.
English pensioners of; 42.
fleet of; 58.
goods from; 39.
Grand Commendator of; 59.
“great navy preparing in,” 324.
Infanta of; 412.
the Inquisition in; 324, 520.
King of. See Philip II.
league between, and the Turk; 159.
money in; 87.
spiritualty of, offer money for wars; 20.
treaty of commerce between England and; 49.
treaty between, and England; 81.
Queen of; 21, 92.
New; 207.
Spaniards, the; 38, 105, 122, 127, 128, 163, 164, 195, 230, 396, 401, 424, 457, 520.
cruelty of; 369.
Spence, Captain; 511.
Spencer :
Sir John; 530.
— marriage of daughter of; 110.
Richard, letter of; 507.
Sperte, —, servant to the Earl of Leicester; 532.
Spillesburie, Richard; 247.
Spilman, Clerk of the Parliament; 58.
Spinelli, —, a Neapolitan; 254.
Spinola :
Benedetto; 18, 55, 63, 70, 71, 84, 129, 145, 300, 355, 356, 539.
letter of; 11.
Baptista, moneys due to; 173.
Spinolas, the; 61.
Stafford :
county of; 247.
George, letter of; 87.
John; 530.
Lady; 449.
Lord, letters of; 508, 513.
Sir Edward; 245, 266, 277, 278, 281, 304, 307, 310, 311, 314, 315, 317, 327, 328, 329, 331, 333, 334, 335, 338, 339, 346, 353, 354, 355, 357, 360, 449, 451, 467, 475, 483, 514.
— letters of; 219, 331, 528.
Staines, 236.
Stamford :
co. Lincoln; 52, 53, 189, 203, 324, 332, 335, 518.
the plague in; 106, 111.
St. Mary's parish; 111.
St. Martin's parish in; 106.
draping at; 320.
Standen; 14, 90, 93.
Anthony, letter to; 229.
Edmund; 229.
John; 229.
Robert, letter of : 229.
Standin; 87.
Standon; 76.
—; 56.
Stanhope :
Edward, Esq., his suit v. H. Welby and others; 53.
— letters of; 233, 532.
John, letter of; 157.
Mr.; 156.
Stanihurst, —, an Irishman; 516.
Stanley :
Sir Edward; 17.
Sir Thomas; 17.
— interrogatories for; 547.
— answers of; 548.
Sir William; 421, 427.
Stanstead; 221, 536.
Stanstedd Abbott, co. Herts, license to sell wine in; 237.
Stanton, W., letter of; 525.
Stapilton, Brian, letter of; 502.
Staple, merchants of the; 49, 129, 296.
Staple, Michael, letter of; 44.
Stapleford :
co. Wilts, manor of; 319.
John; 248.
Star Chamber, the; 71, 72, 87, 100, 103, 108, 377, 525, 533.
Starke, —; 326.
Starkye, Alderman, letter of; 204.
State government; 81.
States, the. See Low Countries.
Stationers (Company), Master and Wardens of; 188.
Stebynhethe, manor of; 20.
Steenvurck; 260.
Steinbach, Captain; 55.
Stephanus, Robertus, Greek New Testament of; 188.
Stevenson; 20.
Robert, groom of the stables, petition of; 507.
Stevington, co. Bedford, parsonage of; 147.
Steward :
Colonel; 511.
James; 285.
Stillyard :
the; 87.
merchants of the; 80, 82, 83, 99, 134, 232, 233, 500.
export of cloths by; 182.
Stilton; 53.
Stirling; 1, 110, 131, 162, 203, 256, 257, 258, 317.
convention at; 182, 258.
Castle; 181, 183.
Stoke; 524.
Stokes, Mr.; 227.
Stondland, harbour of; 538.
Stones, John, letter of; 533.
Story :
Dr.; 83.
John, pirate; 531.
Stourbridge, fair at; 215.
Stout, cipher name; 51.
Stow Langtoft; 534.
Stowe, William, grant to; 147.
Stradling; 87.
Strasburg (“Augusta”); 103, 106, 119, 313, 316.
Stratton, East. See Micheldever.
Streamer, Christopher; 237.
Strechin, the “gudeman of”; 46.
Strenant; 369.
Stretton, parsonage of, diocese of Hereford; 249.
Stringer :
Mr. Anthony; 16.
Edward, grant to; 267.
Stroud; 75.
Strozzi (Strossy), Marshal; 14, 29, 338, 406.
Stuarts, Archibald; 76.
Stuckley :
Stukely, or Stewkeley, Thomas; 20, 41, 124, 152, 173, 177.
supposed to be in Bristol or in Wales; 100.
called “Earl of Washford and Duke of Leinster”; 97.
at Rome; 97.
Stukeley and Herford, co. Hunts, parsonage of; 247.
Sturmius; 129.
Sturton, Lady; 126.
Suevingham, Francis de Hallewyn, Lord of; 81.
Suffolk :
county of; 110, 150, 188, 189, 246, 248, 524, 534.
— disorder for religion in; 136.
— recusants in; 509.
Katherine, Duchess of; 99, 205.
— letters of; 156, 173.
— husband of; 156.
Charles, Duke of; 146.
Frances, Duchess of; 99.
Sugdon, William, letter of; 527.
Sulyard, —; 509.
Sunning; 191.
Suppell, John; 297.
Suse, Madam de la; 24.
Suthall, co. Beds; 247.
Sutton; 227.
Thomas; 18.
Surrey :
county of; 3, 116, 237, 248.
Earl of; 9, 47, 157, 165, 169.
— education of; 119.
Sussex :
county of; 42, 82, 115, 122, 142, 148, 223, 267, 521, 534.
— disorders in; 515.
— High Sheriff of; 502.
— the plague in the; 525.
— Countess of; 381.
Earl of; 9, 26, 87, 104, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 186, 252, 253, 254, 272, 273, 274, 291, 292, 321, 323, 324, 367, 374, 448, 494, 499, 500.
— letters to; 42, 322.
— letters of; 108, 125, 145, 146, 160, 195, 224, 326, 329, 394, 512.
— his conversation with M. de Quincé; 195.
— his opinion of Lord Burghley; 326.
— his quarrel with Lord North; 224.
— illness of; 145.
— Lord Chamberlain; 143.
Swaldon; 76.
Swaledale; 536.
Sweden :
King of; 163, 302.
— wars with Denmark; 59.
Swegenham, remonstrance of; 74.
Sweninghen, Monsieur de; 368.
Swevegenhem, M.; 16.
Swift, Jasper, letters of; 161, 531.
Swigo, an Italian; 143.
Swinburne, John; 7.
Swiss, the; 12, 33, 409.
Switzerland; 83, 313, 383, 436.
Swynho, James; 9, 10.
Swynshed, Richard, “post” at Ware, letter of; 214.
Symmes, Edward; 529, 530.
Symon Goate, drain called; 118.
Symons, John; 513.
Sympcote, John, merchant, license to; 394.
Sympson, Thomas, goldsmith; 542.