Pages 587-589
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.
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Queenborough; 113, 542.
Queen's Bench, Court of; 38.
Quesnoy; 368, 456.
Monsieur de; 369.
Quincé (“Quyssye,” “Cussi,”) Monsieur de, conversation of, with the Earl of Sussex; 195.
Monsieur de; 219, 351, 354, 411, 412, 470, 471, 425, 426, 427, 440, 442.
Quinsay, Lunettes; 399.
Quyssye. Monsieur de. See Quincé Monsieur de.
Radcliff :
Egremond, letter of; 100.
Radeclyffe, Radeclif, Sir Henry, Captain of Portsmouth; 531.
— answer of; 39.
— letter of; 94.
Rademacker, Garlacus; 18.
Radford, co. Notts; 132.
Ragland, Sir Thomas, letter of; 191.
Ragusa; 59, 177, 255.
Rambouillet, Sieur de; 372.
Ramingham, M. de; 86.
Ramsey, Thomas, Lord Mayor of London, letters of; 222, 223.
Ramson, James; 80.
Rance, —; 392.
Randolph :
Barnard; 164.
Mr.; 376.
—, wardship of; 200.
Randolphe :
Edward; 206.
Mr., Master of the Posts; 214.
Thomas, letters of; 190, 206.
Raoul; 357.
Ratcliff, Mr.; 193.
Raven, William, of London, pikemonger, 525.
Ravensmore or Ravensworth, lands called; 187.
Rawe, servant of Lord Lumley, 24.
Rawes, Edward, of Fowey, grant to wife of; 324.
Rawley, Walter; 498, 499.
Rayment, John; 248.
Raymondo, Mr.; 129.
“R.B.”; 68.
Read :
William, Captain of Holy Island, grant to; 239.
William; 538.
Reading, the Queen's stable at; 58.
Réau, Monsieur de; 371, 394, 397, 411, 425, 426, 439, 441, 454.
letters of; 381, 396, 422, 437, 440, 452.
Recusants; 177, 194, 509.
Reddy, cipher name; 51.
Redeman, Mr., charge against; 124.
Redman, Rafe, gent.; 247.
Red Swier, raid of; 101, 102, 103, 109.
Reede, Thomas; 190.
Reidhewch, Martin of; 230.
Rempen; 511.
Renard, Monsieur de; 293.
Renold, Dr.; 137,
Renty, Vicomte de; 440.
Requescens, Don Luis, Commendador of Castille, and Governor of the Low Countries, death of; 128.
Requests, Master of the; 108.
Resinghen, Monsieur de; 151.
Retford, East; 542.
Retoie, Marshal de; 412.
Retz :
Count de, letter of; 24.
Marshal de; 98, 126.
Reulx, Comte de; 86, 90, 92.
Revell; 83.
Revers, Monsieur de; 119.
Rheims; 45, 50, 88, 329.
Rhine, the; 82, 83, 343, 353.
Rhone, the river; 98.
Riblemont; 414.
Ricardes, John, lease to; 247.
Rice, John; 179, 191.
examination of; 192.
Richard, Master; 257.
Riche, Lord; 227.
Richebourg :
Marquis de, Governor of Artois; 343, 368, 369, 370, 418.
Richmond; 80, 94, 115, 157, 208, 21, 218, 221, 223, 225, 231, 353.
presents at; 227.
Ridolphi, Roberto; 2, 12, 13, 17, 19, 551.
Rimfleville, Monsieur de; 442.
Rintevile, Monsieur de; 354.
Ripon; 526.
Rising (“Rysinge”); 157.
Rivett, Sir Thomas; 523, 526.
Robberies, highway; 123.
Roberts, John, merchant adventurer; 248.
“Robin”; 257.
Robinson :
John; 248.
Thomas, of Boston; 335.
William; 237.
Robotham, Edmund; 524.
Rochdale; 209.
Vicar of; 209.
Roche :
forest of, co. Somerset; 203.
Marquis de la; 452.
Rochelle, La; 28, 29, 46, 48, 113, 160, 289, 338, 346, 421.
attempt to surprise; 286, 287.
despatch of English vessels to aid; 158.
enterprise against; 464.
forces in; 28.
occurrents at; 161.
state of; 112.
the siege of; 45, 50, 51.
Rochepot, Sieur de la; 342, 414, 470, 516.
letter of; 442.
Rochester; 500.
— Castle; 222, 223.
Rodesby, Nicholas; 179.
Rogers :
Andrew; 262.
Daniel, letters of; 127, 157.
Dr.; 497.
John; 538.
Lady Mary, letter of; 519.
Master; 105.
report of; 4.
Richard; 204, 207.
— his nephew; 204.
— his daughter; 204, 205.
Sir Richard; 262.
Rohety, Christopher, letter of; 356.
Roldesbye, Nicholas, letter of; 253.
Rolles, Nicholas; 247.
Rolleston :
Francis; 548.
interrogatories and answers of; 547.
Rolla, the; 146.
Master of. See Cordell, Sir William.
Master of; 42, 58, 71, 110, 142, 170, 214, 222, 287.
— office of; 63.
Romans, in Dauphiné; 409.
Rombold, Mr., house of; 213, 221.
Rome; 7, 9, 97, 152, 168, 177, 193, 249, 250, 329, 471.
Church of; 17.
news from; 163.
Romewood; 227.
Rommain. Sieur; 440.
Romney Marsh, decayed churches in; 147.
Roode or Road, commons in; 183.
Rosne, Sieur de; 440.
Ross :
John Leslie, Bishop of; 2, 11, 12, 18, 25, 98, 166, 547, 552.
— letter of; 62.
— asks leave to go to France; 62.
— wishes to retire into private life; 62.
— interrogatories for; 16.
— examination of; 16.
— lodgings of; 25.
Castle; 179.
Rotigonty, Sieur de; 362.
Rotterdam; 119.
Rousse, Sir Edward, letter of; 5.
Rowe, Alderman; 528.
son of; 528.
Ruckwood, —; 194.
Ruel, territory of; 364.
Ruffeck; 290.
Rugonnes, —; 415.
Rungant; 260.
Runinghen, Monsieur de, Governor of St. Omer; 368.
Ruramide, Count; 420.
Rushbrooke, Mr.; 510.
Russell :
James, petition of; 84
John; 213.
Lady; 110.
Ruthven, Lord; 256, 258, 285.
Rutland :
Earl of; 210, 227, 239, 324.
letter of; 202.
Rye; 514.
Rylye, Mr.; 66.
Rypley or Ripley; 75, 76.
Ryvett, Mr.; 54.