Index: M

Pages 591-597

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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MacBryan, Shane, 315; petition of, 499.

Macguire, (Macguyer, Maguire, Macguyre), 146, 157, 177, 279, 291, 302.

McCartaine's Country, 397.

McCartaine, Phelomy, obtains grant of lands in Ulster, 397.

McCarthy, Daniel, "Life and letters of Florence McCarthy," 445n.

McCarthy, Florence, grandfather of Florence McCarthy, 444.

McCarthy, Florence, 446, 480.
-, letter from, 444.
-, his son. See below.
-, his father mentioned, 444.
-, his grandfather. See above.
-, prisoner in the Tower and the Marshalsea, 445–446, 446n, 480–481.

McCarthy, S. T., "The McCarthys of Munster," 446n.

McCarthy, Teag, son of Florence McCarthy, 444–445.
-, letter from, 446.

McCrie, T., "Life of Andrew Melville" by, 490n.

McMath, Alexander, of Edinburgh, 39.

Madeira (Maderes), 36.

Madison, Mr. Edward, 183.

Madison, Sir Raphe, 196.

Madrid (Madril, Madrill) [Spain], 10, 308; expenses of a journey from, 519.
-, news from, 122, 271.
-, letter dated from, 242, 322, 341.

Maecenas, 395.

Magdalena, a Spanish woman, 255.

Magragh, Miler, Protestant Archbishop of Cashel [co. Tipperary] [1571–1622, died aged 100, a former Franciscan friar], 260.
-, letter from, 131, 167, 194, 228, 259, 413.
-, his two sons, 259.
-, ? "the Bishop in Ireland" 19, 23.
-, his many livings mentioned, 413.

Maguire. See Macguire.

Maidstone [Kent], assizes at, 230.
-, College of, granted to Charles Brooke, 297.
-, gaol at, 230.

Maienfeld, Lordship of [Switzerland]. 116, 117, 118.

Maine [France], 67.

Maingard, — (a Frenchman), 402.

Mainwaring (Maynwaringe, Manneringe), Arthur, 272, 504.

Mainwaring (Mannering), Sir George, 305.

Mainwaring (Manwayringe), Sir Ran[dolf], 7.

Mainz (Mentz) [Germany], Elector of. See Archbishop of.
-, Jews of, 6.
-, ambassador of mentioned, 379.

Mainz [Germany], Archbishop of (i.e. the Elector of). See Dulberg, Wolfgang von, Elector of Mainz.

Maisse (Messe), Monsieur [André Hurault seigneur de], death of, 250.

Makana Gate, Cashel Castle [Ireland], 414.

Malaga [Spain], 109, 178.
-, governor of, 179.

Malaga, Corregidor of, 10.

Malamocco [Italy], 226.

Malderé (Malrey, Maldesée, Malderes), Jacques de, President of States of Zeeland, envoy from Zeeland to England, 147, 166, 173(2), 175, 236–7, 475.
-, his and his son's patents, 218.
-, his knighthood, 490.

Malderes. See Malderé, Jacques de, President of the States of Zeeland.

Maldesée, Monsieur de. See Malderé, Jacques de. President of the States of Zeeland.

Maldonaldo, Don Juan, 9.

Mallaga. See Malaga [Spain].

Mallucca Islands. See Molucca.

Malrey. See Malderé, Jacques de, President of the States of Zeeland.

Maltby (Mawltbye), Sir Nicholas, grant of lands in Ulster mentioned, 397.

Man, Isle of, 143, 162, 251, 424(2).
-, bill for, 207.
-, [lordship of] to be returned to the heirs male, 251; petition from inhabitants of, 514.

Mangerton Tower (Mangertoun) [Roxburghs], 428.

Mannering, Sir George. See Mainwaring.

Manners (Manors), Sir John, 348.

Manners, Sir Oliver, letter from, 67.

Manners, Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland [1576–1612], Lord Lieutenant of Lincs., 119, 152.
-, certificate from, 220.
-, letter from, 64, 198, 330, 383.
-, letter to, 196.
-, Sir George St. Poll wants to be one of his Deputy Lieutenants, 152.
-, death of his uncle mentioned, 383.
-, his embassy to Denmark, 517–8.

Manners, Mr. Roger (uncle to Sir Oliver M.), 67.

Mannings, —, a merchant in London, 170.

Manners, Mr. R., his death, 264.

Manor, the [of Preston in Amounderness] in the County of Lancs, 24.

Manors, Sir John. See Manners, Sir John.

Mansel, —, 437.

Mansell, Capt. Thomas, 169; petitions from, 514–5.

Mansell (Monnsawle), —, a merchant of Weymouth, 105.

Mansfelt, Captain. See Mansell, Capt. Thomas.

Mantua, Duke of, 474.

Manuel (Emanuel), Don, "Prince of Portugal" [1568–1630], 269, 295.

"Manus Christi" (a cordial), 355.

Manwayringe, Sir Ran. See Mainwaring, Sir Ran[dolf].

Mapes, Mr., 325.

Mar, Earl of. See Erskine, John, Earl of Mar.

Marble, 100.

Marble table, 56–58. (ref. 1)

Marburg [Prussia], 198.

Marburie, Lawrence. See Marbury, Lawrence.

Marbury (Marburie), Lawrence, letter from, 335, 390; mentioned, 504.

Marcelles [? Marseilles] [France], 17.

Margarita of Austria, wife of Philip III of Spain, sister of Ferdinand, Archduke of Graz, 201; her sister to marry Cosimo, Prince of Florence, 196; birth of her son, 242, 256, 268, 308, 321.

Margarita (Margettanta) [Island near Venezuela], 36.

Margate [Kent], 514.

Margettanta. See ? Margarita.

Maria, widow of Archduke Charles of Styria, mother of Queen of Poland, 186.

Marie de Medici, Queen of France, her pregnancy, 249.
-, her almoner, the Bishop of Béziers, 261.

Mariners, hire of by Turkey Company, 266, 287.

Markett, Monsieur. See Marquette.

Markham, Sir George. See Markham, Sir Griffin.

Markham, Sir Griffin [wrongly called Sir George], 128.
-, letter from 80, 119, 161.
-, his father's weakness and death, 80, 161.
-, wife mentioned, 120, 161.
-, father-in-law's death mentioned, 120, 161.

Markham, Thomas, 64.

Marley, Edward, 505.

Marmosets, for the Royal Family, 313.

Marpurgh [Prussia]. See Marburg [Prussia].

Marquette (Markett), Daniel de Hartaing Seigneur de, 38.

Marseilles [France], 66, 82, 201, 241, 262.
-, letter dated from, 66.
-, See also Marcelles.

Marten (Martyn), Anthony, his book "A reconciliation of all pastors and clergy of the Church of England," 400n.
-, Mr. Martyn, the Sewer, 400.

Marten (Martten), Dr., to attend Mary, 3rd daughter of Jas. I, 247.

Marten, Sir Richard, 434.

Martin, —, Scottish merchant, 469.

Martten. See Marten.

Martyn, Mr., the Sewer. See Marten, Anthony.

Mary, Princess, 3rd daughter of James I., her illness, 247.
-, her death, 247, 308.
-, - mentioned, 255.
-, her funeral, 248.
-, her "rockers" mentioned, 263.
-, -, their pensions, 263.
-, her nurse. See Thompson, Mary.

Mary, Queen, I, Bartholomew Helston claims to be her son, 177.
-, grant to Dr. Caius on mode of election of Master of Caius College mentioned, 206, 408, 409.

Mary, Queen of Scots, book written against her, 292. [See also Ayscu.]
-, her dowry, 263.
-, her tomb, 100.
-, mother of James I, her picture mentioned, 334, 348.

Masham (Massam), William, 443, 520.

Masham (Massam) [co. Yorks], 421.

Masons, 147.

Masques or Entertainments, 136; in French, 138.
-, Thomas Campion's, 2.
-, mentioned, 363, 364.
-, See also Songs.

Massam, parsonage of. See Masham [co. Yorks].

Massam, Mr. William, citizen of London. See Masham.

Massannier, —, 483.

Master Falconer, the, 32.

Masters, George, former patentee of Deputy Stewardship of Bisley
-, [Gloucs.], 330.

Mastership of the King's Cocks, 28.

Mastyn, Thomas, petition of, 499.

Mathematics, 466.

Mathern (Mathen) [Monmouthshire], 485.

Mathew, —, 394.

Mathewes, —, 445.

Mattei, Fran., 242.
-, letter from, 245.

Matthew, Tobias, Archbishop of York [1606–1628], mentioned, 145; his chaplain, 24.

Matthew, Tobie, letter from, 192, 205, 233, 446.
-, imprisoned in the Fleet, 446; his servant, 516.

Maurice, Count. See Nassau, Count Maurice of.

Mawltbye. See Maltby.

Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, ambassadors from, 118; threatens the Grisons, 180.

Maynard, Sir H., 490.

Maynard, Sir Henry, letter from, 244.
-, his son, letter from mentioned, 244.

Maynwaringe, Arthur. See Mainwaring, Arthur.

Mayor, the, 169, [= Lord Mayor of London?]

Mayor: [See also under name of town]
-, of Barnstaple, 282.
-, of Boston, 178.
-, of Chester, 264, 278(2), 324. See Savage, John; Ratcliffe, John; Phillips, Philip.
-, of Melcombe Regis. See Pitt, Mr. John.
-, of Weymouth. See Pitt, Mr. John.

Meath [Leinster, Ireland], 165.

Medici, Ferdinand I de. See under Ferdinand I de Medici.

Medina Sidonia [Alonso Perez de Guzman], Duke of, 9, 122.

Mediterranean Sea, 73, 221.

Meehan, C. P., "The Fates and Fortunes of Tyrone and Tyrconnel," 481n.

Mehemmet. See Muhammad.

Melanethon [Philip], 400.

Melchbourn (Melchborne) [co. Bedford], 60.

Melcombe Regis [co. Dorset], harbour of, 30.
-, officers of, letter from, 30.
-, Deputy Controller. See Rainoedes, Richard.
-, mayor of. See Pitt, Mr. John.
-, Deputy Customer of. See Lighter, Ralph.
-, customs officer of. See Bellott, Mr. Thomas.

Melir, Theodore, 2.

Mellin, William, 34, 287.

Mellyn. See Mellin, William.

Melons, 239, 247.

Melville, alias Melvin, Mr. Andrew, 22, 490n.
-, Latin verses by, 490.

Melvin, Mr. Andrew. See Melville, Mr. Andrew.

Melyngton. See Millington.

Mentz. See Mainz [Germany].

Meoli (Merli, Meule), Secretary to the English Ambassador to Turkey, Sr. Girolamo, 245, 275.
-, letter to, 125, 178, 242, 256, 396; letter addressed to his servant also, 388.

Mercers. See Trades and professions.

Mercers, of Coventry, dispute with drapers of Coventry, 435, 438–439.

Merchants. See Trades and professions.

Merchants [English], 2, 55, 58, 175, 263, 412, 494, 495, 496, 502, 517, 519, 520.
-, for wines, 374.
-, for tin, 374.
-, "of the Western parts" letter and petition from, 310, 499.
-, See also English merchants; London, merchants of; Scottish merchants; French ships; Trade; etc., etc.

Mercure. See Mercury.

Mercury (Mercure), 138.

Mere, Henry, 60.

Merli, Girolamo. See Meoli, Girolamo.

Merricke, John, letters from mentioned, 143.

Merton Abbey [co. Surrey], 46.

Mervin. See Murvin.

Messe, Monsieur de, death of, 250. See Maisse.

Messina [Sicily]. Galleys of Ferdinand Grand Duke of Tuscany come from, 333.

Messon, John, Mayor of Boston, letter from, 178.

Metals. See gold, silver, steel, copper, lead, etc.

Metropolitan. See Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury [1604–1611].

Metzue, Herr Jan von, of Amsterdam, 380.

Meule. See Meoli.

Meutys. See Mewtys, Capt. Thomas.

Mewtys (Meutys), Capt. Thomas, letter from, 40, 103, 311.
-, his misbehaviour in Flanders, 370, 376–377.

Meyen, Dr. John, of Antwerp, Commissary General of the Friars Minor, Confessor of the Archduke, Almoner of the Infanta. See Neyen, Father Jan.

Michelborne, Sir Edward, 65.

Michel Hampton [Gloucs.]. See Minchinhampton [Gloucs.].

Michell, Francis, letter from, 122.

Middelburg (Middleboro) [Neths.], the "Unicorn" of, 483.

Middleboro. See Middelburg [Neths.].

Middlesex, inhabitants of, near Thames, 222.

Middlesex Sessions, 450.

Middle Shires, 269.
-, plan for transporting outlaws from, to Ireland, 114.
-, inhabitants of, letter from, 300.
-, state of, 44, 65, 254.
-, report on condition of, 307.
-, See also Borders; Scottish Borders; Outlaws.

Middle Shires, Commissioners of, 3, 5, 12, 65, 95, 127, 128, 307, 431.
-, letter from, 6, 29, 95, 100, 101, 105, 255.
-, extracts from letters by, 105, 268–9.
-, minutes of answers to letters of, 106.
-, letter to, 126, 208.
-, See also Borders; Scottish Borders; Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes; Outlaws; Robinson, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle; Pennington, Joseph; Lawson, Sir Wilfrid; Home, George, Earl of Dunbar; Clifford, Francis, Earl of Cumberland.

Middleton, —, 309.

Middleton, Alderman, bond from, 457.

Middleton, Francis, letter from, 249.

Middleton, William, 145.

Middleton, Mr., of Betsa [? Belsay], 5.

Midfourth, Mr., of Midfourth [Mitford, co. Northd.]. See Mitford, Mr., of Mitford [co. Northd.].

Midnall [John?, a merchant in Turkey], 498.

Milan [Italy], 116, 123, 181, 247 333, 354.
-, army at, 221.
-, articles of, 181.
-, Duchy of, 181.
-, Duke of, King of Spain's claims as, 180.
-, Spanish Treasury to be at, 322.

Milfield (Mylfield) [Northumberland], horse race, 431.

Mill Hill [Cumb.], the Grahams of, 100.

Millers. See Trades and professions.

Milles, —, brother to Frances, in prison for killing a man, 446.

Milles (Mylles), Frances, letter from, 446.

Millington (Melyngton, Myllington) [Edward], a priest, 318, 500.

Mills (water), 222.

Milton [co. Kent], 157, 258,

Minchinhampton [Gloucs.], parsonage of, 442.

Mineral and Battery Works, Company of, 434.

Minerals, Trier of. See Trades and professions.

Miners. See Trades and professions.

Mines, 85, 103, 213, 235, 344, 389, 433.
-, (copper) in Cuba, 272.

Mingerts—a Frenchman, 520.

Minkowitz, Ernfrid von, Freiherr Zu Minkowitzburgk, Imperial Commissary, 251.

Minorca, 10.

Mirande, Sieur de, 133.

Mison, Captain Francisco, 217.

Mitford (Midfourth), Mr., of Mitford (Midfourth) [co. Northd.], 5.

Mitigation, books of, 336. See Books.

Moldavia [Rumania], 186.

Moldavia, Prince of. See Bogdan, Stephen.

Molineux, Sir Richard, 415.

Molinns, Molinus, Arthur, 498.

Molucca Islands (Malluccas) [East Indies], 71.

"Mompellers," Duke of. See Montmorency, Henri de.

Moncade, Gaston II de, Marchese de Aituna, Spanish ambassador in Rome, letter from, 312.

Monck, Levinus. See Munck, Levinus.

"Monears," 417.

Money, false, 258, 273.
-, being taken out of kingdom by Scottish merchants, 129–130.
-, Spanish, 132.
-, Polish, 186.
-, Hungarian, 188.
-, sent from France to Holland, 200.
-, Flemish Hamburg, 204.
-, large quantities of, embarked by King of France, 241.
-, scarcity of in Spain, 242.
-, French, 273.
-, harp [i.e. Irish], pounds and shillings, 404, 404n.

Monglas, Monsr. See Harlay, Robert.

Monkeys, for the Royal Family, 313.
-, Indian, 488–489.

Monk Hesledon (Heslyesyde), alias Hesledon [Northumberland], 487.

Monmouthshire, 485.

Monnsawle. See Mansell.

Monnson. See Monson.

Monson (Monsowne), Sir Thomas, 209.

Monson, (Monnson, Mounson, Munson), Admiral Sir William, 234, 341, 515, 516.

Monsowne, Sir Thomas. See Monson, Sir Thomas.

Mont Orgueil (Mountorguell), [Jersey], letter dated from, 299.

Montacue, Lady. See Montague, Lady.

Montacut, Serjeant. See Montacute, Sergeant.

Montacute [Somerset], 242.

Montacute (Montacut), Serjeant, 41 =? Montague, Sir Henry.

Montagu. See Montague.

Montague, Sir Henry, Recorder of London, 23, ? 41, 108, 492.
-, letter from, 104, 106, 137, 201.

Montague (Montagu, Mountague), Dr. James, Dean of the Chapel Royal, 344, 367.
-, letter from, 69, 375.
-, -, letter to, 367.

Montague, Lady [? Magdalen, 2nd wife of Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montague, ob. 8 April, 1608], 97.

Montaigne, Dr. George, Chaplain to the Earl of Salisbury, 378, 461.
-, letter from, 128, 466; letter to, 128.

Montgomery [shire], 456.

Montgomery, Countess of. See Herbert, Susan.

Montgomery, Sir Hugh, 315.

Montgomery, Lord. See Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery [1605].

Montirolo. See Rolle, Pass of.

Montmorency, Henri de, Duke of Montpellier, 333.

Montroiss. See Montrose.

Montrose (Montroiss), Earl of. See Graham, John, 3rd Earl of Montrose [1547?–1608].

Moore. See More.

Moores, —, 150.

Moorlinch (Murlynche) [Somerset], manor of, 516.

Moors, the, 117, 169, 439.

Morani, Jews in Portugal, 473.

Morat Reis (Moracca Reis), commander of corsairs, letter from, 34.

Morbegno [Lombardy, Italy], 118.

More, Anthony, 28.

More, Sir Edward, 502.

More, Cressacre, gent., 24.

More, Sir. G., 490.

More, Gabriel, Bachelor of Arts and student in Trinity College, 405, 406.

More, Mr., 423, 424, 487.

Moret [Jacqueline de Beuil], Comtesse de (the King of France's mistress), 67.

Morgan, Edward, Esq., 456.

Morgan, Henry, 498.

Morgan, John, Sheriff of Carmarthen, 20.

Morgan (Morgein), Mary, 14, 290.

Morgan, Thomas, [R.C. exile], letter from, 255, 283.

Morgan, Thomas, Esq., of Tredegar, [co. Monmouth], letter to mentioned, 485.

Morgan, Sir William, of Mathern [co. Monmouth], letter to mentioned, 485.

Morgein. See Morgan.

Morice, Patrick, Scottish merchant, 263.

Morrell, Mr. [Roger], tutor to Lord Cranborne, 461.
-, letter to mentioned, 461.
-, letter to, 465–466.
-, Earl of Salisbury dissatisfied with the tutoring of his son, Lord Cranborne, by Morrell, 465–466.

Morrice, —, a merchant for saltpetre, 412.

Morpeth [Northumberland], 156.

Mortality Bill for Westminster, 1, 65, 85, 136, 157, 162, 168, 192.

Moscow [Russia], letter dated at, 143.

Mounger, James, merchant. See Mounker, James, merchant.

Mounker (Mounger), James, merchant, 319.

Mounson, Sir Wm. See Monson, Sir Wm.

Mountague, James. See Montague, James.

Mountague. See Montacute [Somerset].

Mountaigne, Mr. George, Chaplain to Earl of Salisbury. See Montaigne.

Mounteagle, Lord. See Parker, Wm.

Mountgomery. See Montgomery.

Mountjoy, Lord John. See Blount, John, third Lord Mountjoy.

Mountorguell [Jersey]. See Mont Orgueil.

Mowgrave Castle. See Mulgrave Castle [co. Yorks].

Muhammad III, Sultan of Turkey [1595–1603], father of Ahmad I, 388.

Muhammad, "Chiaus" [messenger] from Ahmad I to Sigismund III, 387.

Muldavie. See Moldavia.

Mulgrave Castle [Mowgrave Castle] [co. Yorks], letter dated from, 234.

Munck (Monck), Levinus (Secretary to Salisbury), 124, 143, 281, 282, 336.
-, letter to, 201, 224, 394.
-, letter from, 218, 326, 383.
-, "Clerk of His Majesty's Signet," 394.
-, described in Spanish memorial as "Levinus, one of His Majesty's rebels," 10.

Munson, Sir William. See Monson, Sir William.

Munster [Ireland], 161, 176, 179, 215, 232, 413, 421, 445.
-, Provost Marshal of, 1.
-, Province of, Commissioners for, 160, 162, 219.
-, -, Deputy for, 219, 230.
-, -, Receivership of, 230.
-, -, Treasurer of, 230.
-, -, Gentleman Porter of, 159, 162.
-, deportation of two recusants from, 159–60, 162.
-, revolt in mentioned, 191, 259, 445, 451.
-, command of Lord Carew in, 412.
-, President and Presidentship of, 176, 191, 215, 230, 414, 421. See also Danvers, Lord, Henry, and Brouncker, Sir Henry.
-, -, demands of Lord Danvers concerning powers of, 421.
-, Vice-President of, proposed, 421.
-, Council of, 444.
-, Lords andCaptains of, 191, 451.

Münsterthal [Switzerland], 116.

Murlynche. See Moorlinch.

Murray, David, 490.

Murray, Sir D[avid], Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Prince Henry, 256, 269, 324, 415.
-, letter from, 216, 269.

Murray, George, 353.
-, letter from, 346.

Murray [? George or John], 452.

Murray, Mr. Jho, 415.

Murray, Sir John, Earl of Tullibardine [1606], 236.

Murvin, Sir James, letter from, 319.

Muschamp, Mr., of Baremore, 5.
-, his wife, sister to Sir Wm. Selby, 5.

Muscovites, 186.

Muscovy, 130, 332, 518. Grand Dukes of. See Dmitri; Chouiski. See also Moscow.

Musgrave, B., Signs accounts, 374.

Musgrave, Captain, 269.

Musgrave, [? John], death of at Kendal, 318.

Musgrave, John, of Catterlen, 30, 78.

Musgrave, John, of Fairbank (servant to Sir Richard Musgrave, the younger):
-, robbery by, 29, 78.

Musgrave, John, [of Catterlen or of Fairbank?]:
-, arrested and imprisoned, 208, 218.
-, trial, conviction and death of at Carlisle, 255, 307, 318.

Musgrave, Sir Richard, daughter m. to Mr. Ridley, 4.
-, mentioned, 29.

Musgrave, Sir Richard, the younger, 29, 78.

Musgrave, Sir Thomas, of Norton (son of Sir Richard Musgrave the elder), 29, 78.

Music, a gentlemanly occupation, 466.

Musicians. See Trades and professions.

Mustafa Agha, "The Turkish Chiaus" [messenger] to James I, letter from, 66, 82.
-, "A lord of Turkey," 166.
-, formerly Ambassador to Venice, 210.
-, mentioned, 266, 287, 288, 311, 326.

Mustafa, "Vice-King" of Algiers, or Pasha (Bashaw) of Algiers, letter from, 34(2).

Muster Master [Anglesey], 92.

Myddleton. See Middleton.

Myle, Cornelis van der, son-in-law to Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Dutch envoy to France, 147.

Mylfield. See Milfield [Northumberland].

Myllane. See Milan [Italy].

Mylles. See Milles.

Myllington. See Millington.

Myners, M., Serjeant of the Carriages, 27.