Index: L

Pages 584-591

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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La Broche. See Broche.

Lachesis, 138.

Lack, Lacke, Sir Thomas. See Lake, Sir Thomas.

Lacon, —, 441.

Ladders, 201.

Lady Meadows [co. Worcester], new lease of required, 212.
-, mentioned, 219.

Laire, — (a pirate), 56.

Lake (Lack, Lacke, Laeke), Sir Thomas, 22, 31, 52–53, 104, 165, 321, 377, 453, 506.
-, letters to, 138, 315, 353, 463–464
-, -, mentioned, 14, 291, 342, 347.
-, letters from, 11(4), 14, 18, 19, 23–24, 27, 85, 93, 153, 197, 205, 207, 252, 277–278, 293, 296–298, 334, 338, 342–343, 347, 358(2), 360(2), 361, 363, 368(2), 372, 374.
-, -, mentioned, 334, 360, 361, 377.

Lake [Cumb.], 101.

Lakes, —, 373.

Lamberde. See Lambert.

Lambert (Lamberde), Sir Oliver, 377, 477.

Lambheath. See Lambeth.

Lambeth [co. Surrey], 231.
-, letters dated from, 42, 81, 162, 198, 212, 224.

Lambeth, South (Suyd Lambeth, Suydt Lambet) [Surrey], 9.
-, letter dated from, 90.

La Ments, —, 173.

Lancashire, 456, 504.
-, gentlemen's names in, 415.

Lancaster, Duchy of, ? 86, 428.
-, -, clerk of [?], 240. See also Fortescue; Brograve.

Lancaster gaol, 318, 500; assizes at, 318, 500.
-, mayor of, 500.

Lancaster, Mr., 198.

Lancastro, Don Luis de, 229.

Landgrave, the (the Emperor's late ambassador), 23.

Land reclamation, from the sea, comments on, 441. See also Fens; Drowned lands.

Lane, Sir Par[r], letter from, 395.
-, Master of Horse to Sir Henry Brouncker, 395n; mentioned 161.

Lane, Sir William, letter from, 161.

Langer (Langar, Notts.), letter dated from, 259.

Langar (Langer) [Notts.],

Langius, Reiner, delegate of the English merchants at Stade, 251.

Langley (Langly), R[ichard], 70.
-, letter from, 216, 381.

Langsford, Capt., 315.

Langton, John, letter from, 174.

Langton, Wm., letter from, 442.
-, petitions for parsonage of Minchinhampton [Glouc.], 442.

Lanherne [Cornwall], 456.

Lanier, —, 418.

Larache (Alarach) [Morocco], 229.

La Rochelle. See Rochelle [France].

Laskye, —, a gentleman of Poland, 189.

Lassells, Edmund, letter from, 442.

Lasso, Don Rodrigo de (Chief Chamberlain to the Archduke), 208, 330.

Lat, —, 19.

Latin, 21, 22, 26, 41, 43, 54, 86, 116–7, 123, 195, 206, 210, 306, 325, 463, 466, 490, 516, 521.
-, letters in, mentioned, 189, 342, 385.
-, declaration in, 327.
-, verses in, 437, 490.
-, See also Cicero.

"Latitats," 298.

Laundry house [at Theobalds], instructions concerning Salisbury's custody of, 227.

Lavington, Wm., Controller of Bristol, signs letter, 64.

Lavente, —, 128.

Laverton Moor [Yorks], 454.

"La Vonard" (ship). See "Vineyard."

Lawrence, Thomas, one of signatories of petition against taxes by inhabitants of Cheshunt [Herts], 415.

Laws, 389. See England, laws of.

Lawson, John, 346.

Lawson, Sir Wilfrid (Commissioner for the Middle Shires), 4, 176.
-, letter from, 29, 95, 255.
-, signs letter to Earl of Salisbury, 6, 101(2).
-, signs accounts, 374.
-, See also Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes (for the Middle Shires).

Laxey, Captain. See Saxy.

Layton. See Leyton [co. Essex].

Lazarus, Saint and Saint Maurice, Religious and Military Order of, 333.

"L. D.", his suit, 420.

Lea (Ley), River [Herts], 183.
-, commission of sewers for, 222, 229.
-, mouth of, 222.

Lead, 103, 207, 235, 258, 500, 513.

Lead, John, 9, 493.

League of the Grisons, 116.

League of the House of God, 116.

League of the Ten Jurisdictions (The Third League), 116–17.

Leaguers. See France.

Leake, Sir Francis, 348.

Leake, Mr., his house within the Charterhouse, 281.

Leamos, Condi de. See Lemos, Count of.

Leate, Nicholas, merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Lee, Sir Henry, letter from, 347.
-, letter to mentioned, 334.

Lee, Hugh, 381; letter from, 70, 267, 303, 324.
-, one of consuls of Company of Spanish Merchants, 216.

Lee, Sir John, grant of office of Custos Brevium, 165.

Lee, Mr., 381. See Lee, Hugh.

Leesrest [? Bucks or Oxon], a house of Sir Henry Lee, letter dated from, 347.

Leg, Dr. See Legge, Thomas.

Legatte, Mr, J.P., of Havering at Bower [Essex], his death, 362.

Legatte, Thomas, candidate for post of J.P. on death of Mr. Legatte, 362.

Legg, Dr. See Legge, Dr.

Legge, —, 43.

Legge (Legg), Thomas, Master of Caius College, Cambridge [d. 1607], election of his successor, 203–205, 206, 366, 408–411, 466–467.

Leghorn (Livorne, Livorno) [Italy], 34, 35, 72, 201, 234, 246–7.
-, letter dated from, 61, 63, 240.
-, advertisement from, 442.
-, courier from, 442.

Leicester, 162.

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert.

Leicester (Leycester), honour of, 428.

Leicestershire, 124, 220; submission of rebels in, 347. See also Agrarian rising.
-, Lord Lieutenant of, 220.

Leigh, Sir Thomas [father of Dame Alice Dudley], case against him mentioned, 489.

Leighton, Sir Thomas, Governor of Guernsey, 62, 433.

Leighton, Sir William, case against him mentioned, 489.

Leiningen, Count Eric von, his death reported, 332.

Leise. See Leix [Ireland].

Leith [co. Midlothian, Scotland], 39.

Leix (or Queen's County), [Ireland], 150.

Lello [Henry] [English Ambassador in Turkey, 1597–1607], 126, 210, 212, 253, 376.

Lemos (Leamos), Count of, President of the Council for the Indias, 155.

Lemyng, Mr., 450.

Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox.

Lenos, Monsieur de. See Stuart, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox.

Lenough, Turlough. See O'Neill, Sir Turlough Luineach.

Leopold, Archduke, 380.

Lepton, John, Groom of the Privy Chamber, granted patent for making all bills of complaint, letters, processes issued from Court of Council of the North at York, 203.
-, opposition to his grant, 234, 239, 241, 278, 442, 463.
-, letter from, 442.

Lepton, Mr. [? John], 283, 342, 348.

Lerma, Duke of. See Sandoval, Francisco de Rojas de, Duke of Lerma.

Lesdiguières (Esdiguieres) François de Bonne duc de, 262–3.

Lesieur, Stephen, letter from, 6, 26, 394.
-, English ambassador to the Emperor, 251.

Lesley. See Leslie.

Leslie (Lesley), Patrick, 1st Lord Lindores, 398.
-, letter from, 193; his father, wife, and 12 children, 193.

Letter writing, criticism of, and advice on, 11, 131, 489.

Leuellen, Mr. Harry. See Lewellen, Mr. Harry.

Levant, 61, 241, 340. [See also Turkey.]

Leveson, Sir Richard (of Salop), 305.

Levinus, 10. See Munck, Levinus.

Lewck. See Limburg.

Lewellen (Leuellen), Mr. Harry, 159.

Lewis, John, petition of, 514.

Lewis, Wm., Searcher of Bristol, signs letter, 64.

Lewis, Don. See Fajardo.

Lewkenor, Sir Lewis, letter from, 211.

Lewkenor, Sir R[ichard], Chief Justice of Chester, 199, 219, 224, 264, 306.
-, letter from, 63.
-, warrant for deer granted to, 212.

Ley, River [Herts]. See Lea, River.

Leycester, honour of. See Leicester.

Leyden [Holland], 124.

Leydon. See Leyden.

Leyton [Essex], 24, 222.

Libel, 196. See Books.

Lichfild. See Lichfield [Staffs.].

Lichfield (Lichfild) [Staffs], 125, 324.
-, letter dated from, 125.

Lichtenberg [Bavaria, Germany], landgrave of, 379.

Liddlesdale [co. Roxburgh, Scotland]. See Liddesdale.

Liddesdale [co. Roxburgh, Scotland], 44.

Lighter, Ralphe (Deputy Customer, Weymouth and Melcombe Regis), signs letter, 30.

Ligne, Charles de, Comte d' Arenberg (Aremberg, Arenbergh), 200, 346.

Lilbourne, Mrs., widow, 378.

Lima [Peru], 71.

Limburg (Lymburghe, Lewck) [Netherlands], 38, 40.

Lime, 147.

Limousin (Lymousin), Antoine, 273.

Linch, Alain, "a poor Irishman," 263.

Lincoln, Countess of. See Clinton, alias Fiennes, Elizabeth, wife of Henry, Earl of Lincoln.

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton, Henry, alias Fiennes, Earl of Lincoln.

Lincolnshire, 40, 220.
-, gentleman of, 40.
-, Deputy Lieutenant of. See George St. Poll.
-, Lord Lieutenant of. See Manners, Roger.

Lindley (Lyndley, Lindey), Sir Henry, 505–6.

Lindores, Lord. See Leslie, Patrick.

Lindsay, Alexander, First Baron Spynie [d. 1607], slaughter of, 158.

Lindsey [co. Lincoln], 153.

Linen cloth, 270.

Lingen [Prussia], 295.

Liones. See Lyons [France].

Lions. See Lyons [France].

Lions, at the Tower, 258.
-, Henry and Anne, 258.

"Lion's Whelp" (ship), 234.

Lisboa. See Lisbon [Portugal].

Lisbon (Lisborne, Lisboa, Lixa, Liskeborne, Lychborne), [Portugal], mentioned, 9, 10, 30, 109, 312, 341, 495, 510.
-, armada of, 70, 216, 244.
-, letter dated from, 73, 268, 272, 304, 324–325.
-, earthquake in, 73.
-, plague in, 73.
-, College of Jesuits in. See San Roque.

Lisborne. See Lisbon [Portugal].

Liskeborne. See Lisbon [Portugal].

Lisle, Viscount. See Sidney, Sir Robert, Viscount Lisle.

Lister, John, alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 331.

Litter, 144.

Littman, George, 313.

Liverpool, 424.

Livonia (Lyfland, Livonie) [Baltic Province], 186, 188, 332, 380.

Livonie. See Livonia.

Livorne, Livorno. See Leghorn.

Lixa. See Lisbon.

Lloyd, Charles, priest [of Carmarthen], 20.

Lloyd, Francis, Esq., 20.

Lloyd, George, Bishop of Chester [1604–1616], petition against him, 424.

Locherson, J., 149.

Locksmith. See trades and professions.

Lodun. See Loudun.

Loffi Huan Bassa, the Vizerey [i.e. Vizier], 212 [= Iskafi Sinan Pasha?]. See Grand Vizier.

Logic, 466.

Logwood, patent for bringing in, revoked, 443.

Lok, Henry, letters from, 8, 124, 148, 342, 388.
-, sons mentioned, 342.
-, complains of his poverty, 342.
-, law suits concerning "lands descended to him" mentioned, 388.

Lok, Henry, Junior, 124.

Lombardy, 25.

London, 2, 9, 23, 30, 40, 58, 76, 82, 85–86, 89, 94, 132, 142, 170, 174, 206–207, 215, 224–225, 233, 248, 252, 279, 288, 304, 334, 343–344, 347, 371(2), 414, 424(2), 480, 492, 493, 496, 503, 509.
-, Letter dated from, 40, 94, 113, 139, 173(3); 174(2), 179, 184, 210–212, 216, 218, 220(2), 230, 266, 288, 343, 381.
-, bill of exchange dated at, 204.
-, Turkish Chiaus arrived in, 210.
-, petition for moiety of forfeitures of vendible clothes, unlawfully made and put to sale in the city and suburbs of London, 453.
-, aldermen of, 275, 283, 291, 457.
-, Bishop of. See Vaughan, Richard; Ravis, Thomas.
-, bishopric of, vacancy of, 87.
-, citizens of, 275, 418, 476.
-, -, named, 443.
-, -, opposed to Charter of Henry VI granted to Southampton, concerning foreign buying and selling, 476.
-, -, claim to have a charter to enable them to buy and sell throughout the kingdom, 476.
-, Company of [trading company], 129. See English Merchants and Chartered Companies.
-, grocers of, letter from, 443.
-, -, object to starch patentees, 443.
-, hosiers of, 438.
-, Lord Mayor of. See Watts, Sir John; Rowe, Sir Henry [1607–1608].
-, merchants of, 34, 71, 252, 474, 500, 505, 520. See also English Merchants.
-, -, named, 55, 170, 443, 476, 500, 503, 514, 520. See also English Merchants; Merchants, etc.
-, Recorder of. See Montague, Sir Henry.
-, sheriff of, 517.
-, skinners of, petition from, 492.
-, streets of, 480.

London and Westminster, places in and near. [See also Holborn, etc.].
-, Aldersgate St., 416.
-, Arundel House, 337, 478, 479n.
-, Baynards Castle (Baniards Castle), letter dated from, 153.
-, Bedlam, 177.
-, Bishopsgate, letter dated from, 326.
-, -, St. Botulph's, 310.
-, Boswell House, letter dated from, 59, 155.
-, Bridewell Prison, 177.
-, Broad Street, letter dated from, 227.
-, Brodstreete. See Broad Street.
-, Chancery Lane, Serjeants Inn there mentioned, 499.
-, Charing Cross, Earl of Northampton's house, 110.
-, -, letter dated from, 394.
-, Charterhouse, 125, 280–1.
-, -, letter dated from, 253.
-, Cheapside, 63.
-, Clerkenwell (Clarkenwell), 137.
-, -, letter dated from, 281.
-, Clink the, 137.
-, Crutched Friars (Crucit Friars), 82.
-, Doctor's Commons, letter dated from, 224, 292.
-, Dorset House, letter from, 274.
-, Drury Lane, letter dated from, 346.
-, Durham House, 24.
-, Essex House, 183.
-, Fleet Bridge, 480.
-, Fleet Prison, 182, 282, 344, 349, 446.
-, -, letter dated from, 192, 205, 233, 279.
-, -, Warden of the, 463.
-, Fleet Street. See Serjeants' Inn.
-, Gray's Inn, letter dated from, 227.
-, Hyde Park, 53, 131.
-, Inner Temple, 198.
-, King's Stairs, 149.
-, Lincoln's Inn, letter dated from, 343.
-, Marshalsea (Marshalseas) Prison, 445, 480.
-, Middle Temple, letter dated from, 315.
-, Milford Lane (Milfford Lane), 387.
-, "The Naked Boy," 159.
-, Newgate Prison, 137.
-, Painted Chamber, No. 2, 140.
-, Paternoster Row, letter dated at, 2.
-, Rutland House, letters dated from, 240, 241.
-, St. Clement Danes, 1, 65, 85, 136, 157, 162, 168, 192.
-, "St. Cristesse's Church," 386.
-, St. Giles in the Fields, 157.
-, St. James's Park, trial of ore mined in, 463.
-, St. John's [? Clerkenwell], 61.
-, St. Margaret's, 1, 65, 85, 136, 157, 162, 168, 192.
-, St. Martin's in the Fields, 1, 65, 85, 136, 157, 162, 168, 192.
-, St. Paul's (Paules, Powells), 40, 66, 139, 458.
-, -, Dean of. See Overall.
-, St. Thomas's, 481.
-, St. Tooley's [St. Olave's], 157.
-, [The] Savoy, letter dated from, 64, 152.
-, Salisbury House [R.C.'s house in the Strand], 227, 229, 248, 264, 425; letter dated from, 367.
-, Serjeants' Inn [Fleet Street], letter dated from, 47, 135; mentioned, 499. See also Chancery Lane.
-, Sermon Lane, near "Powells," [= St. Paul's], 139.
-, Strand, 24, 78.
-, -, letter dated from, 260.
-, -, Cecil's house in. See Salisbury House above.
-, Sugar House, the, 105.
-, Temple, 201.
-, Temple Bar (Temple Barre), 387, 481.
-, Tower, the, 7, 76, 158–159, 248, 281–282, 371, 393, 431, 437, 445, 446.
-, -, letter dated from, 149, 244, 252–253, 258, 274, 280, 324, 373, 394, 416.
-, -, Court Leet of, 149, 373.
-, -, -, under Steward of, 149.
-, -, gentlemen porters of, 148.
-, -, Lieutenants of, 81, 149, 280, 373, 380. See also Waad.
-, -, prisoners in, 7, 76, 158– 159, 163, 248, 373, 393, 431, 445.
-, -, Yeoman Warders of, 148–149, See also Thompson, Ric.; Phillips, John; Aggs, John.
-, -, "Tower Measure," 417.
-, Tower Hill, letter dated from house in, 335.
-, Tower Wharf, 149, 240.
-, Walbrook (Walbrooke), 62.
-, Westminster [Middx.], 24, 348, 444, 449, 513.
-, -, officers of the liberty of, 512.
-, -, letter dated from, 74.
-, -, Bill of Mortality for, 1, 65, 85, 136, 157, 162, 168, 192.
-, -, bayly [i.e. bailiff] of, 513.
-, -, churchwardens of, 95.
-, -, College of, 83.
-, -, Dean of. See Neile, Richard; Goodman, Gabriel.
-, -, Earl of Derby's lodging in, 267.
-, -, Gatehouse at, 94, 296, 492, 505.
-, -, Palace of, letter dated from, 100, 174, 299.
-, Whitehall, 173, 276, 463.
-, -, letter dated from, 97, 110, 138, 208, 319, 329, 368, 384.
-, -, letter dated from Court at, 51, 133, 349.
-, -, Chapel Royal, 490n.
-, - Garden, 418.
-, Woode Close, nr. Clerkenwell, 137.
-, Wood Street, the Counter (the Compter), 158–159, 183, 193, 389, 449.
-, -, letter dated from, 375.
-, -, Steward of, 449.
-, York House, letter dated from, 223, 225.

Londoners, 71. See London, merchants of.

Long bows, 139.

Long, Evan, Mayor of Carmarthen, 20.

Long, Edward, 499.

Long, Marjory, his wife, 499.

Longford [co. Leinster, Ireland], 165.

Loor, Peter van, 76, 519n.
-, letter to, 69.
-, warrant for, mentioned, 205.

Lord Admiral [1585–1619]. See Howard, Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham.

Lord Advocate of Scotland. See Hamilton, Sir Thomas.

Lord Chamberlain. See Howard, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk [1603–1614].

Lord Chancellor. See Egerton, Thomas, Lord Ellesmere.

Lord Chancellor of Ireland. See Jones, Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin, Lord Chancellor of Ire'and [1605–1619].

Lord Chancellor of Scotland. See Seaton, Alexander.

Lord Chief Baron, of the Court of Exchequer. See Fleming, Sir Thomas [27 October, 1604–25 June, 1607]; Tanfield, Sir Laurence [25 June, 1607–10 May, 1625].

Lord Chief Justice. See Popham, Sir John; Fleming, Sir Thomas.

Lord Chief Justice (Common Pleas). See Coke, Sir Edward [June, 1606–Oct., 1613].

Lord Chief Justice (King's Bench). See Popham, Sir John; Fleming, Sir Thomas [25 June, 1607 —].

Lord Chief Justices [unnamed, and date uncertain], 520.

Lord Commissioners [of the Treasury], 87.

Lord Deputy of Ireland. See Chichester, Sir Arthur; Blount, Charles.

Lord Keeper. See Egerton, Thomas.

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. See Chichester, Sir Arthur; Blount, Charles.

Lord Mayor. See London, Lord Mayor of.

Lord President [of the Council of the Marches of Wales]. See Zouche, Edward; Eure, Ralph.

Lord President [of the Council of the North]. See Sheffield, Edmund [from 1603]. See also Hastings, Henry; Cecil, Thomas.

Lord President of the Marches of Wales. See Zouche, Edward; Eure, Ralph.

Lord President [of Munster]. See Brouncker, Sir Henry; Danvers, Lord Henry.

Lord Treasurer. See Cecil, Wm., 1st Lord Burleigh [1572–1598]; Sackville, Thomas, Earl of Dorset [1599 - April, 1608].

Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. See Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton.

Lord Warden of the [West] Marches, [c. 1595]. See Scrope, Thomas, Lord.

Lords, House of. See Parliament.

Lords, the, 301, 303, 347 and passim. See Privy Council.

Lorraine [France], 67, 118, 130, 380.

Lorraine, Charles de, Duke of, letter from, 361.

Lorraine, Charles de, Cardinal of Lorraine, 2nd son of the Duke of Lorraine, death of, 332, 361, 380.

Lorraine, Charles de, Duke of Guise, 261–2.

Lorraine, Christine de, Grand Duchess of Tuscany. See Christina.

Lorraine, Claude de, Prince of Joinville, youngest brother of the Duke of Guise (Prince Janvil, Jainville, Jeanvile), 67, 142, 143, 261.
-, "the Prince" 142.
-, "that French nobilitie," 518.

Lorraine, François de, Count of Vaudemont, 3rd son of Duke Charles of Lorraine, 113, 142.

Lorraine, Louis de, Cardinal of Guise, Archbishop of Rheims, younger brother of Duke of Guise, 261.

Lorrainers, 115.

Lothian, 1st Earl of. See Kerr, Mark [died 1609].

Loudun (Lodun) [France], 82.

Louis [XIII], Prince, "the Dolphin," possible match with Spanish Invanta, 255.

Louvain (Lovayne), [Belgium], 201, 342.

Louxyngborne, Duke of. See Luxemburg, Duke of.

Lovayne. See Louvain.

Loveden, Jo., letter from, 224.

Lovelace, Mr. Leonard, 183.

Lovell, Jane, Lady, letter from, 443.

Lovell, Mr., his brother, 444.

Low Countries, 12, 17, 124, 146, 164, 175, 205, 290, 389. See also Flanders; Gelderland; Holland; Spain; United Provinces; Austria, Archdukes of; Peace negotiations.
-, debt of above £500 due from James I to Scott for service in, 12.
-, all acts of hostility in, to cease, 69.
-, letters from mentioned, 133, 358.
-, former activities of Cardinal Allen in, 246.
-, Salisbury's despatch concerning, approved by James I, 285.
-, despatches from mentioned, 315, 348.
-, Sir Edward Cecil formerly in, 414.
-, English Commissioners for mentioned, 218, 315, 347. See Commissioners.
-, English and Scots companies in, preached to by banished Scots ministers, 247.
-, money to be conveyed to, from Milan, 322.
-, peace in, anticipated, 475.
-, warrant for signed, 205.

Lowen, John, lands purchased by king from, 144.

Lower House [of Commons]. See Parliament.

Lowther, Christopher (Christofer), signs accounts, 374.

Lowther, Lancelot, letter from, 444.

Lublin[e] [Poland], 188.

Lucas, William, 514.

Lucca, State of [Italy], English dealings in, 246.

Lucchese ("Luccaises") [inhabitants of Lucca], 246.

Ludlow [Salop], examinations taken at, 288.
-, letter dated from, 199.

Ludlow Castle [Salop], letter dated from, 63, 305, 306, 349, 375, 392.

Lugano Valley (Val Luganige) [Switzerland], 226.

Luis, Marchan, 168.

Lumley, Lord John, Baron Lumley [1534 ?–1609], 121.
-, letter from, 335.

Lumley, Richard, letter from, 249.

Lunatics, Bedlam, 177, 356n, 489.

Lusan, Sieur de, accused of taking money from English Merchants, 263.

Lusker, —, 399.

Luthar, Giffrey, letter from, 244.

Lutherans, 160.

Luxemburg (Louxyngborne), Duke of, his son, 308.

Lychborne. See Lisbon.

Lyfland. See Livonia.

Lyle, Alice, petition of, 514.

Lyle, James, 514.

Lyle, Lord. See Sidney, Sir Robert.

Lymburghe. See Limburg.

Lyme Regis [Dorset], 397.
-, letter from officers of the port, 28.
-, Customer of. See Wright, Richard.

Lymousin, Antoyne. See Limousin.

Lyndley. See Lindley.

Lyndorh. See Leslie, Patrick, Lord Lindores.

Lynn. See Kings Lynn.

Lyons [France], 61; 123, 283.
-, letter dated from, 124.

Lysle, Ad[am?], 454.

Lytchfield. See Lichfield [Staffs].