Cecil Papers: December 1607, 16-30

Pages 383-397

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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December 1607, 16-30

The Earl of Rutland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 16. I understand by Screven he has acquainted you with the death of my good old uncle, who was to you a poor wellwiller, and to me and my house in his love a father. He writes to me how he has attended now with his will, whereof he has nominated you and myself to be supervisors. I shall be ready to join with you in the execution of that trust and very glad to follow your directions therein. His body is by his appointment to be brought to Uffington; and I would crave your opinion for his funeral, wherein I will perform what you shall think meet.—Belvoir, 16 Dec.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 126.)
The Earl of Salisbury to —.
[1607 (after Dec. 16)] "Since my last dispatch of 18 November I have received from you these letters."
List follows of dates of letters ranging from 10 Sept. to 16 Dec., there being twenty letters in all. Two letters of 2 Nov. were sent "by the Spanish Ambassador's convoy." Copies of two letters of 18 Oct. (one of them being written to the Lords of the Privy Council) and of a letter of 20 Oct. were sent by Sir John Ferne's man, the letters themselves miscarrying. A letter of 24 Nov. was in favour of a Dane.
In the handwriting of one of Salisbury's secretaries. Endorsed: "Minute. 1607." ¾ p. (194. 90.)
Levynus Munck to Roger Houghton.
1607, Dec. 17. I am commanded by my Lord to send to you for 24l. 12s. which has been disbursed by his Majesty's Ambassador at Brussels for his lordship's service.—Whitehall, 17 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Note at foot of the receipt by John Castle of the said sum. ½ p. (213. 33.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 17. We say here that the resolution is taken to treat, and letters to that end dispatched to the other side. The trumpet with the nomination of their Commissioners daily is expected. But withal we say that if the first point which shall be insisted on, the point of their [the United Provinces'] liberty or free state, be not passed, there is already resolution taken to make short work, and not to enter into any further business but with all possible speed to fortify themselves with provision of war. I hear that there were some very sharp passages betwixt the Count Maurice and the Advocate of Holland, touching the business in hand. The Count disliked the concept of the Act drawn, and the act itself of calling the enemy hither before they had first cleared that main point of declaring them a free state. With him was the province of Zeeland. The Advocate (who was for Holland), and the other provinces held it fittest that they should come hither, and that if there was a breach, it should be in them of the other side; so should the ambassadors of all the kings and princes be eye witnesses of the proceedings of both parties, which would give no small lustre to the cause of them that were found to deal sincerely. None of the King of Spain's ministers that bear arms against these countries, and are in his pay, may be admitted. This caution excludes the Marquis Spinola, who thought to have come. Of the Emperor's ambassadors I hear no more, and it is doubted whether any come or no. His letter of challenge of some right to these countries is now lately answered.—Haghe, 17 Dec., 1607, veteri.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 128.)
Edward FitzGerald to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 17. Begs him to further his suit for concealed lands, which the King has referred to Sir Julius Caesar. Is in great want, having spent his estate in the King's service, and dare not go abroad for fear of being arrested.—17 Dec., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (123. 129.)
Maitre George Criton.
1607, Dec. 17/27 and 18/28. Proceedings at Paris in reference to the theses of Maître George Criton, styling himself jurisconsult, professeur du Roy en la langue grecque. On this day Messieurs Louis Servin and Cardin le Bref, King's advocates, appeared in the Great Chamber and declared that they had seen the said theses printed and set up for discussion en l'auditoire du decret. Among these theses were certain new maxims; in particular in the second [the proposition] that Hierarcha Romanus Conciliis fit superior, which is contrary to the ancient doctrine held from all time in the kingdom, even by the Doctors in the Faculty of Theology, in this town of Paris and especially at the College of [the] Sorbonne.
The Court forbade the said Criton to propose or support his said theses or to discuss them.
At the instance of the said advocates and by order of the Court Criton was brought by an usher to the bar and made to hear the said prohibitions.
The day following Criton was to present his petition showing that he had withdrawn from his theses the second containing the above mentioned maxim and praying the Court to permit discussion upon the other theses.
On the said following day Criton's petition having been exhibited to the King's Procureur General, by order of the Court the following judgment was passed:—Extract from the register of the Court (Parlement): Whereas the King's Procureur General has shown to the Court that yesterday the said Court prohibited Maître George Criton, professeur du Roy, from proposing, supporting or discussing in the schools of law the theses which he has recently had printed, published and posted up; the Doctors in the Faculty of Law are to be called and the said theses communicated to them to be heard and order given upon them according to right. Nevertheless the said Criton has been and is prohibited from proposing, supporting or discussing the said theses.—"Fait en Parlement le 28e Decembre, 1607."
French. 1 p. (194. 38.)
Henry Spyller to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 18. Sir Henry Constable of Yorkshire being lately dead, and his wife and son and heir, Sir Henry, being both recusants, I have been requested by their friends to procure them to be granted from his Majesty. I acquaint you herewith, that they may be yet inserted in the warrants, if you think meet. These are of some value, and may supply others whose ability and condition are more uncertain.—18 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 130.)
The Fellows of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 18 [or 16 ?]. We gratefully remember what a star you have been for so long to our University and freely acknowledge the many cares of our College you have taken upon yourself. To your family of Cecil, which at length has brought us this peace, we owe ourselves entirely. Accordingly we have gone into meeting (in theatrum) and solely regarding your authority (dignitatem) have carried out your charge and deferred ourselves, our cause and election to the tribunal of your judgment. For it has seemed good to your Honour after just examination that we should rescind our acts and quash our election. We thank you in the name of the College for having designated a custos to us who is qualified by the statutes and can rightly claim the love of us all in all respects. We give your Honour the greatest thanks we can in that, whilst duly respecting our statutes, by which we are bound by oath, you have recommended to us a Master (prœepositum) from whom as a most learned, prudent and truly pious man we promise ourselves every blessing. For long he has been an illustrious glory of the University and will we hope be in future the greatest ornament to our College. Our grateful hearts can erect no more distinguished monument than to pledge ourselves to give such service to so worthy a Master as he can expect from the election of our votes. In the meantime, most illustrious Earl, continue to regard our College with the rays of your favour, so that what you have received as brick may under your most happy auspices be turned into marble.—"Dat. è Coll. Gon. et Caii decimo quinto Calend. Jan. 1607."
Signed: Math. Stokes; Antho. Duisborough; Richard Parker; Christ. Husband; Tho. Bachcroft; Hen. Hamonde; Tho. Thwaytes; Jo. Browne. Latin. Endorsed: "16 Dec., 1607." 1 p. (136. 176.)
[Cf. the letter from three other Fellows on p. 325 above.]
William Roberts to Mrs. [Mary] Phillips.
1607, Dec. 19/29. A letter of yours I received bearing date the 10 Nov. last, which came to my hands but yesterday the 19 of this present [sic] according to same account. I wrote you two several letters since my coming to this town, in which by reason of my hard usage at Dover I requested that for my more security you would send your man James to me. Now I received yours in which you charge me with all oaths and faithful promises in delivering you the commodity; you know that I am still the same man ready to perform all honest words and promises, so that there rests no more but to avoid all [hindrance] that you will presently procure me a pass very ample to pass and repass without all molestation as suspect, promising to be as free in conscience from all occasions that may procure any sinister suspicions; so that freely I may only venture to perform with you my promise, as also to give you to understand of another commodity of which I gave you partly to understand; which is now come to such perfection as I know his Majesty will not be without it. The time of year fitting for the purpose is the spring and heat of summer. But also another [commodity] surpassing these other two, which upon free licence and conversation [with you] I will let you to understand, and [also] things that touch the feminine sex. I am yours according my promise both at St. Cristesse's church as otherwise. Procure my coming and all is done, and rather than you shall think I do delay you I will not "let" to send my man (albeit his English is not so sufficient as strangers are incident to) to comply with you; not doubting you will be as careful to deal faithfully not only with him presently, but also hereafter with those I shall appoint for all other matters. Myself will resort to Callays and there attend your pleasure to give all orders to my man for your entire satisfaction. So attending your resolution in all haste possible, I take leave the 29 Dec., 1607.
PS.—By Mr. Barcsdall's letter you shall understand the receipt of yours and more at large, only I attend yours of a further date than the last.
Addressed: "To his very good friend Mrs. Phillips dwelling in the house of Mr. Brabant at the nether end of Milfford Lane without Temple Barre this give with speed.
Pay the portage of all letters until we account for all."
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606" [sic]. 1 p. (119. 65.)
[See note on p. 371 above.]
Sir Thomas Glover to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 19. By his last [13 Dec. supra], which is above written, he has certified in what ecstacy the Grand Signor was with regard to the rebellion of Callender Ogli. Details the Grand Signor's preparations and further proceedings of the rebels. Steps taken by Grampolat Ogli, late Bassa of Aleppo, to justify himself and the Grand Signor's offers thereupon. The pusillaminity of the latter will encourage the rebels to undertake some high attempts. Encloses copy of the King of Poland's answer to the Grand Signor.—Constantinople, 19 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (123. 120.)
The Enclosure:
Sigismund III, King of Poland, to the Sultan Ahmed.
1607, Sept. 6/16. Mehemmet the Chiaus (Czausius) has delivered to him the Sultan's letters, and his Ambassador to the Sultan has brought the treaties, which to his surprise do not agree with the agreements made by the Sultan's father and his predecessors, some articles being changed, and others wholly omitted; whether with the Sultan's knowledge or wish he cannot decide, but very likely owing he thinks to the carelessness of the Sultan's officials. For a garment to a very small degree destroyed by worms must be hastily repaired (festinatim resarciendam) lest it be totally destroyed. Therefore he sends his messenger to the Sultan as soon as possible to take care to restore the old treaties and to correct and amend the defects. He doubts not the Sultan will do this, since in view of their friendship in no respect do they wish to depart from the treaties. For the agreements made by the Sultan's ancestor Suliman and by his [Sigismund's] predecessors with the noble Ottoman family and the mutual rights of friendship and good neighbourliness, cultivated religiously and completely through many a change of time and circumstance, are well known to the King. He has cultivated that friendship with Sultan Mehemmet the present Sultan's father, so that nothing further in that respect could ever be desired of him; nor has he thought his Highness the Sultan ever averse from maintaining this friendship of his ancestors. He asks the Sultan therefore to publish to the world that he does not make light of their friendship; he is persuaded on account of the bond of friendship that the Sultan, to preserve the peace religiously on either side, will do nothing contrary to the old treaties, and will strive against any occasion of tumult or violation of the peace being given by the arrival of Tartars on the borders of their [i.e. Turkish and Polish] territories. —Cracow, 16 Sept.
Copy. Latin. 1½ pp. (123. 121.)
Henry Lok to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 19. A month since, he begged Salisbury's means to pass away this vacancy till next term at the Hague. Having to pursue his law suits for lands descended to him, he now alters his request to one for some small benevolence.—19 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 131.)
Sir Henry Wallop to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 20. Complimentary. Sends two brace of pheasants, "from one that lately entered into the course of falconry,"— Farlye Wallop, 20 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (123. 133.)
Berlingerio, Bishop of Rimini, Nuntio in Venice, to Giovanni Grigis with the English Ambassador in Constantinople or in his absence to the Secretary, his Master.
1607, Dec. 20/30. Your letter gave me much pleasure to hear of your good health and of your continued desire to serve the Lord whom you name to me. I will willingly do anything here that I can for you and shall be pleased to have from you any advices of the things that happen where you are.—Venice, 30 Dec., 1607.
PS.—All letters which come to my hands I will have safely directed to Rome.
Signed, the postscript in the handwriting of the Nuntio. Italian.
Endorsed: "ricta a 2 d'Aprile," and in English "the Nuntio at Venice to Meolis' man Grigis, who it seems by this letter had offered correspondency of writing. It is directed to the master in the man's absence." 1 p. (194. 39.)
[1607, Dec. 21.] A memorial of such things as his Majesty recommended unto us upon his departure.
The ordering of the case of Fuller.
The case of the Post nati.
The matter of depopulations.
The method of laws.
The trial of the Mine.
The great dispatch of the Low Countries.
The project of the woods.
The commission for drowned lands.
The sitting upon reprises.
The case of entails.
The case of Harford [the Earl of Hertford].
The Household.
The copyholds.
In the handwriting of one of Salisbury's secretaries.
Endorsed: "1607" and in the Earl of Salisbury's handwriting "This was showed to the K. in presence of his Council on the 21st of December, 1607." 1 p. (194. 76.)
William Udall to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 22. Begins the letter by begging for relief, and continues: Robert Walker, a priest, escaped out of the Counter in Wood Street above a year ago. He left 11l. in the custody of one Stranguis [Strangeways?], an innkeeper, dwelling at The Queen's Arms above Holborne Bridge. If I might receive that money I should be most bound to you. If I had either meat or apparel I would have forborne to have troubled you before I had presented you with some of the long expected Bibles from Dowaye. But the one party who went over for the books has been scarred and imprisoned, and discharged under colour of service, and none done. A second party is expected every hour. No man can prevent my first presenting of them to you, only Dr. Taylor excepted.—Clerkenwell, 22 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 134.)
Sir Thomas Sherley [the elder] to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 22. I implore your help in my grant of alienations, wherein I wonder how I should be held worthy of imputation. There were but 3 commissions in 3 several shires, and but 8 persons found to alien; and not one paid a penny or was further prosecuted. I have long wholly applied myself to this business, and bestowed great charge in gathering tenures and keeping privy intelligencers, whereby I have done the King good service; and I beseech I may go forward in the execution thereof. If it should sleep now it will hardly ever be awakened again, for in the country it ["this business"] will be conceived to be condemned here, or else to be forborne for doubt or fear. A declaration of the King's title, together with a copy of this new conceived frame, will be received with applause and bring good store of money; for who will stand out from gracious offers when they may understand that there be spies attending their neglect? If in my grant there is anything inconvenient, or the King's part found too small, I would yield to alteration therein. Have consideration of me, protesting that it stands upon my utter undoing. Let me not be less esteemed than Mr. Typper and Mr. Nycollson, who stand well countenanced in their places. If I might have private speech with you I would give you full satisfaction.—22 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (123. 135.)
[Cf. pp. 471–2 below.]
Sir William Selby to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 22. I have herewith answered the Council's letters and the petition of Sir Allen Percy, concerning the light for ships kept in Tinemouth Castle. The light is inseparable from the keeper of the Castle, due to me by grant as part of the Castle; so the Council will not think me unworthy of that favour, which all other deputies have had. I am hardly used for such things as I require of the Earl of Northumberland's officers. I behave myself towards him with all moderation and respect, and willingly suffer divers profits to be taken for his use which other captains have had, and, as I am informed, are incident to the house. My suit is that I may find your favour according to the truth of my cause.
The estate of this shire is become peaceable and well freed from theft since the sending of our men into Ireland, their fellows left behind abstaining from their trade of stealing through fear of a new prest, and oppressors and barrators forbearing their wonted violence by reason of the same fear; for we sent away both sorts, finding the one no less "noysome" than the other. That as little spleen or faction, whereto this people is much inclined, should be used in the choice of men as could be, we made all the gentlemen of country of our counsel, and heard the allegations as well of the friends as of the ill willers of every person. If the like remove of ill men were [made] on the Scottish side, there were great likelihood of quietness in these parts, the hurt that we now receive coming chiefly from thence.—Tinemouth Castle, 22 Dec., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (123. 136.)
Lawrence Marburie, groom of the Privy Chamber, to the King.
[1607, (before Dec. 23)] For grant of 200l. per annum out of recusants' lands.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1020.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 389.]
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury.]
1607, Dec. 23. Commissioners are to be nominated to go into Holland about the treaty, but they are likely to be stayed for lack of money. Special direction from Spain that no pensioner (entretenido or aventajado as they style them) shall be allowed anything out of the 900,000 crowns expected here but that the same shall be employed for the satisfying of the ordinary payments of the army. [Brussels.]
[Original in P.R.O. S.P. For. Flanders 8.]
Abstract. (227. 340.)
Sir James Perrott to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 24. The Lord Deputy of Ireland has recommended to Salisbury the writer's suit for certain impropriations in the county of Carmarthen, sometime Sir John Perrott's, left to the writer by conveyance but taken from him. Sir John made an estate in trust of these parsonages to two colleges of Oxford and Cambridge; and the late Earl of Essex was a mean that these colleges should surrender their interest, that the late Queen might grant a lease thereof to Essex's sister. Thus the writer was defeated not only of the parsonages, but of other goods contained in the same estate to the value of 5,000l. Begs Salisbury's help to obtain them in fee farm, doubling the rent: or for recompense for his losses in the matter.—24 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 138.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 385, and Perrott's undated letter below, p. 451.]
The French Imposition.
1607, Dec. 25. Moneys received upon the French imposition in 2½ years ending Christmas 1607, 2,270l. 4s. 9d. Paid and to be paid 5,256l. 2s. 6d.; unsatisfied 3,003l. 17s. 7d. The merchants have taken exception to articles amounting to 606l. 4s. 8d.; which being deducted there remains unsatisfied 2,397l. 12s. 11d.
2 pp. (123. 74.)
William Wentworth to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 25. The indisposition of my body and of the weather hinder my journey. Yesternight I received from Sir Jo. Savell, Sir Thos. Blande and Mr. Kaie letters signifying that they are appointed by the lords of his Majesty's Council to have the hearing and certifying of matters betwixt me and Wormall. The two knights I hold not indifferent in this case. For Sir Jo. Savell since my buying of Harwod, wherein he was a great dealer for Mr. Hare against Mr. Ryther, has borne me no great good will. Further he has of long time and still does assist Wormall with his counsel and countenance. For Sir Tho. Bland, he was sometimes my father's under-sheriff, for which office, the very foundation of his advancement, he paid no penny nor entered bond to discharge it. Notwithstanding, my father dying shortly after, he left me utterly alone to go through with the account to my extreme trouble and loss. At this instant he pretends to sue me for certain old nomine penees (fn. 1) alleged to be due out of land that I had lately bought, albeit he have received all the annuities due. My suit to you I have inserted in my petition, whereof I beseech you in justice and equity to consider.—Wentworth Wodhus in Yorkshire, 25 Dec.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 34.)
Giorgi Giustiniano to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 25. I have abstained from troubling your Excellency in the matter of the ship Husband so long as I hoped to obtain what I required by means of others. But now that the ship has arrived in this port, I find that contrary to the word given me goods of much importance have been taken out of it, and negotiations are even now being made to release the remainder. This, I am assured, will happen if express commandment to the contrary be not given by your Excellency. Use your authority to prevent such a great inconveniency and to order all the goods to be unladen, inventoried by my deputy and put in a place of security of which I may have a key until it appears to whom of right they belong. I pray you not to entrust this business to others, because I have clear proof that without authority fit justice and satisfaction cannot be had. I trust in your Excellency to be able to obtain such just demands when treating of the recovery of goods of great value stolen by the corsair Vuard [Ward] from the chief senators of Venice, who put them in the ship Soderina. And here I remind you that in these last days the Republic has given gratification to your King by freeing the English nation from those ancient dues to which all the others are subject, and by releasing the ship Corsaletta notwithstanding its fight against the galleys and that it was laden with manifest contraband and was under suspicion of being a corsair. I tell you this because the occasion has come for you to give a sign of that reciprocal treatment which at our last conversation you promised on the part of his Majesty and yourself to the subjects and interests of the Republic.—"Di casa li 25 Dece. 1607."
Signed. Italian. Endorsed: "1607. The Venetian Ambr. to my Lord." 1 p. (194. 35.)
[Cf. Cal.S.P.Venice, 1607–1610, p. 76.]
Lord Eure, Lord President of Wales, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 26. Expresses good wishes.—Ludlow Castle, 26 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (123. 139.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 26. At my return to the Tower I went to Mr. Phillips's chamber, and took him into another chamber, and searched all his pockets, and found nothing of importance but some notes of a matter of steel. I charged him he had not dealt friendly with me, having used him with all courtesy, to fall to relapse in his practices. He protested he never wrote letter since he was in the Tower that might not be showed to any of your lordships. He said he knew whence this suspicion had his fountain, in that his wife had entertained a matter with his privity with one whom I had heard of, named Ball, who had the secret to make steel, and to whom money should be given for that secret. His man Jaymes is with his wife. I send you one of the papers that was in his pocket. Whether this steel device be a "Jergon," or whether there be any such new invention, I know not; but I know in former intelligences he conveyed great matters under such like invented names, of stuff and toys; and I must needs think that Ball was a man very ill picked out for him to deal withal.—26 "10 ber" 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (122. 162.)
Thomas Phelippes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 26. I am willed by Mr. Lieutenant [Waad] to give you satisfaction touching a suspicion had of a letter written by me for my wife to a person ill thought of. It was only to draw him over to perform a bargain for converting iron into steel, which secret before my troubles he had promised me; and when I heard he was at liberty I wished her to obtain it, as a mean to relieve our decayed estate. I have laboured means to give the secret credit to such as might disburse money and join in it. If ever proof be found that I had any dealing with Ball or any other about any matter of state since my being here, or that there is any other thing meant in this writing than the matter of steel (for as touching the water she mentions it is some other chemical receipt between them I never knew), I not only disclaim your favour and the King's grace, but my part of heaven and all hope of salvation in Christ.—26 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 141.)
[Cf. the letters to Mrs. Phillips above, pp. 371–2, 386–7, and her petition below, p. 397.]
Justice Grange to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 26. Of late one in show like to a country gentleman did in very private manner bespeak of my neighbour, by trade a gunmaker, a hundred French pistols with all things thereunto belonging to be made with all convenient speed. He offered for them 20l. a score which is a higher rate than they may be bought for in other countries, and therefore not likely to be transported for gain but rather to be employed at home. The gunmaker, glad this dead time to be set on work, promised to make him 60 by his time appointed, whereof I think 20 be in good forwardness. So as he might be assured that they should not lie on his hand, the party has given him 2l. in earnest and has promised so soon as 20 are made to fetch and pay for them, leaving still the 40s. in deposito. But his name and for whom they were he was unwilling to discover, which gave my neighbour the greater cause to distrust, and the more because in like manner did one of the Wynters buy of him pistols to be employed in the late gunpowder treason but with a fearful countenance. If there be no cause of distrust, pardon my fear, which proceeds of love and duty. The late intended treason was discovered by as slight a mean as this. The party will not show himself again, as I am informed, until his time appointed to fetch 20 pistols. It is likely the other 40 pistols and peradventure many more are bespoken elsewhere.—26 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (194. 36.)
Sir William Waad to Levinus Monck, one of the Clerks of his Majesty's Signet.
1607, Dec. 27. I know not what to think in this business. Besides the protestations of Phillips, his carriage and countenance is with great assurance. But it is strange to me on the other side that Ball should be the man that has this secret, that this matter has been three years in question for the steel, and in this season a man must be sent over to him, his coming over procured with such expedition, such promises and assurance given, and yet the great person that should undertake his protection not dealt withal for aught Phillips knows. What the quality of Ball is to attain to such a great secret I know not. In Phillips's papers there is nothing found but collections out of his study, which is most in the Spanish Chronicles.
Mathew made very dainty to receive a letter from a prisoner, and yet he daily is conversant with him, and I have seen them two hours together.—The Tower, 27 "10 ber" 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (122. 164.)
Stephen Lesieur to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 27. Understands the King is pleased to bestow upon some of his servants a benefit out of certain old debts. Is a suppliant for a like benevolence, his hope for good success being chiefly grounded upon his Majesty's disposition to those that faithfully serve him and upon Lord Salisbury's favours vouchsafed many years towards him.—27 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (194. 37.)
Sir Thomas Sherley [the younger] to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 28. Expresses his thanks for his restored liberty, and begs Salisbury to mediate his restitution to his Majesty's favour.—Charing Cross, 28 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 142.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 29. He has dealt with Mr. Dr. Foster concerning the 100l. he had of Lord Cobham, but can bring him to no order other than that which the law shall compel him to: which course Foster knows Cobham cannot take in the state he now stands in. Details the case. Cobham, intending to travel to the Spaw to use the water, gave Foster 100l. to accompany him as physician; but the day after he paid the money he was committed, and Foster refuses to return it, pretending he was put to charges of preparation and loss of patients. Leaves it to Salisbury's consideration in what sort he shall think fit to call Foster to answer [for] this money.—29 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 143.)
Robert Naunton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 30. Expresses thanks to him for maintaining the public peace, the clearness of religion in our Church, and the good of them all who live under his noble protection here. He is their great Maecenas, whom they must ever honour. Expresses also his personal obligations to him.—Trinity Hall in Cambridge, 30 Dec.
Holograph partly in Latin. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 144.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury.]
1607, Dec. 30. (1) The Archduke desires his Majesty's mediation in the furtherance of the treaty, to which purpose Richardott treats with Sir Tho. Edmondes.
(2) Touching the two Irish about Tyrone. Rath suspects that the means of conveying his letters from Rome by the French Ambassador is not safe. Sir Tho. Edmondes thinks it the best course. This man shows to have a good industrious spirit, but the other to have neither sufficiency nor honesty. [Brussels.]
[The original letter from which the first of these excerpts is taken is in P.R.O. S.P. For. Flanders 8.] (227. 340.)
Sir Par[r] Lane to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 31. Acknowledges his favour in continuing him in his place here, since the Lord President's death. (fn. 2) —Deane Court, [Cork], last of Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (123. 145.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 31. Thanks him for letting him buy the "vaccary" in Edoll [Eydall in High Peak, Derbyshire]. Discusses conditions of the tenure. Thanks him for his favour for his cousin Talbot's licence.—Sheffield Lodge, last of Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 146.)
Count Fabricio Sorbelloni to Signor Girolamo Meoli at Constantinople.
1607, Dec. 31./1608, Jan. 10. I have received yours of 19th November. I thank you for the news you give and am obliged for the trouble you have taken. Cardinal Arigoni has set out for his bishopric [Benevento] and this may serve you for reminder if you wish to have anything dispatched by his particular.—From Rome, 9 Jan., 1608.
Signed. Italian. Endorsed: "Di Roma del Sr. Conte Sorbelloni de 9 di Gennaro 1608, ricta a 2 Aprile." 1 p. (194. 106.)
The Estate of Siston.
1607, Dec. Richard Dennis and Walter his son sold Siston to Robert Wicks for 3,200l in 10 Eliz. Details given of arrangements made for the purchase, of legal proceedings taken to enforce them, and of a claim by Richard Dennis to charge the estate with a debt incurred after the sale. Sir Morris Dennis, Richard's uncle, mentioned.—Dec., 1607.
1 p. (123. 5.)
[See below, p. 433 and pp. 374–5 above.]
Roger Cocks to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, (Dec.)] As to the guidership of a [ho]spitalhouse called Beckles alias Byclifte, Suffolk. An order for a bill for the same was given to petitioner, but a bill has been given to one Kerwich. Prays stay of Kerwich's bill at the privy seal till the claim be decided.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1673.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 389, 399.]
Sir George Savile, the elder, Sir George Savile, the younger, Sir Henry Savile, Henry Farrer and other inhabitants of Halifax, co. York, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, (Dec. or later)] The town of Halifax is an ancient town, and amongst divers privileges and prescriptions has time out of mind had three free markets in the week without paying any toll to any for anything bought or sold there. About 24 years since one Robert Waterhouse, owner of the manor, endeavoured to have procured a grant of a market or markets at Halifax charged with payment of toll to him. Whereupon the inhabitants procured a stay and a writ of ad quod damnum out of the Court of Chancery concerning that market. Now David Waterhouse, Coroner of the Crown Office, having lately gotten an estate in the said manor has also procured a grant of the market under the Great Seal. They pray for a favourable hearing of their cause before the Lords of the Council, and such relief as shall be thought fit.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 87.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 387.]
Mary Phillips to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1607, (Dec.)] Her deoiing with ball was only for "stelle matters" and certain waters for bodily health. Ball is content to meet her at Calais. Prays for passport to go over.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1144.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 389, and her husband's letter above, p. 393.]


  • 1. This is presumably the plural of nomine poenae (the penalty imposed for failure to pay rent etc. on the appointed day).
  • 2. He had been Master of the Horse to Sir Henry Brouncker.