Cecil Papers: December 1607, 1-15

Pages 351-383

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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December 1607, 1-15

King James to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1607, Dec. 1.] My little beagle, now that I have seen your abstract, wherein no material point is omitted that is considerable in the letters, I am to give you so much information for your answer to my Commissioners therein as I think shall be necessary for this time, besides that which ye with advice of the Council there may add in divers particular points, wherewith I need not to be troubled. The two projects are the two main points that are to be considered upon; of the States' project one general ground running through it all and one particular demand are to be observed therein; in the French project one general ground runs through it all without any other particular point differing from the rest.
First then as for the States' project, their general ground whereupon their whole project doth run is by this defensive league with me and France to take all the advantages they can to themselves, making the course of the league to serve for their particular, as in the huge number of ships and of all sort of assistance, which will be most beneficial to them both by reason of the situation of their countries as likewise that they have greatest need of help, as well because they are the weakest as because they are likeliest to be first invaded and "begun" withal. But in one point above all others does their partiality to themselves appear in this project, and that is that for the first four years after the making of this peace, they will have all the provision of shipping for assistance of any of the confederates to be made in their countries, which is the only point that ye have forgotten in your abstract; but the best answer that ye can give to my Commissioners anent this general project of the league is, that as ye have received from them such a frame of this league as the States have devised wherein they [the States] have had best mind of themselves, so have ye in your former dispatch sent them such conditions for a league as I think most indifferent and can best like of, and therefore after good debating let that frame of a league be agreed upon, which may be most indifferent for us all; and I am sure the grounding ye sent them will be found to agree nearest with reason and indifferency. And as for their particular demand anent that huge sum of money to be advanced, nay, given unto them in time of peace, it is so far out of all square as, on my conscience, I cannot think that ever they craved it animo obtinendi, but only by that objection to discourage me from any thought of getting any repayment of my debts from them when they shall be in peace. But if they will persist any longer in this monstrous demand, my Commissioners must renew their flat denial unto them, as they have already very well begun. Should I ruin myself for maintaining them, should I bestow as much upon them yearly as cometh to the value of my whole yearly rent? I look that by a peace they should enrich themselves and be enabled to pay my debts; and if they be so weak that they cannot subsist either in peace or war without I ruin myself for upholding them, in that case surely minus malum est eligendum. The nearest harm is to be first eschewed, a man will leap out of a burning ship and drown himself in the sea; and it is doubtless a "farrer" off harm from me to suffer them to fall again in the hands of Spain, and let God provide for the danger that may thereby with time fall upon me or my posterity, than presently to starve myself or mine with putting the meat in their mouth. Nay, rather, if they be so weak as they can neither sustain themselves in peace or war let them leave this vain-glorious thirsting for the title of a free state (which no people are worthy or able to enjoy that cannot stand by themselves like substantives) and dividantur inter nos—I mean let their countries be divided between France and me; otherwise the King of Spain shall be sure to consume us by making us waste ourselves to sustain his enemies. Nay of all things I love not to be like the picture of envy, that dries up her own flesh to the bones for the envy of others' prosperity; yea the pelican bestoweth her heart's blood upon her own children, but not upon strangers.
And as for the French project, I confess it is set down in very honourable and civil terms as to the exterior part, but the whole substance thereof runs upon the main ground of his [the French king's] particular advantage; which is not to be wondered at in one of his nature, who only cares to provide for the felicity of his present life without any respect of his life to come. Indeed the consideration of his own age and the youth of his children, the doubt of their legitimation, the strength of competitors and the universal hatred borne unto him makes him seek all means of security for preventing of all dangers; but the best use that can be made of this is that presently the league may be put to a point between me and the States and between him and them, and thereafter (the first haste being first done) we may at better leisure deliberate upon this matter between ourselves.
And now having given you a general glance of my mind anent this errand, I must conclude this longsome letter, first with giving you your due thanks from my own pen of your discreet handling the Judges in Fuller's matter; wherein, if ye had not been the timeous remembrancer, all the Council could never have helped it after. And next I must confess unto you that although I doubt nothing of you and all your fellows' care and diligence in the matter of my rents, I mean of all the points that concern that errand, yet I must confess, I say, that I now long to hear what progress ye have made therein, and that although the term be ended yet ye forget not your task in your daily meetings; and so farewell. James R.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "1 xbre." 4 pp. (134. 128.)
Viscount Haddington to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 1. At the request of Mr. George Murray, he writes in favour of the bearer, who desires to have somewhat of his Majesty towards the recovery of his ruined estate.—Huntington, 1 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 72.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Lake.
[1607, Dec. 1.] By Serjeant Foster's removal to be a judge the place of Serjeant to the Prince is to be supplied. Recommends Serjeant Nicholls, who is acceptable to the Prince. If the King approves of him, Lake is to offer the enclosed bill for signature.
"And so having now set on Chistopherus Columbus and his company with good order and alacrity towards the Northern Indias, we commit you to God's protection."—Undated.
Draft in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "1 Dec. 1607." 1 p. (123. 75.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 1. This present day here is arrived one of our ships out of the parts of Virginia, with great news of a fertile country, gallant rivers, stately harbours, and a people tractable (so discreet courses be taken with them), but no return to satisfy the expectation of the Adventurers; the which may be an occasion to blemish the reputation of the design, although in reason it could not be otherways, both because of the shortness of their abode there (which was but two months), as also their want of means to follow their directions, their number being so small and their business so great; beside in very truth the defect and want of understanding of some of those employed to perform that they were directed unto, from whence did not only proceed confusion, but, through pride and arrogancy, faction and private resolution, as more at large you shall perceive by my next. I beseech the enclosed be delivered to Sir Francis Popham, who will acquaint you what he receives, although I believe he will not hear of all that has passed. I am confident divers reasons will persuade a constant resolution to pursue this place; as first the boldness of the coast, the easiness of the navigation, the fertility of the soil and the several sorts of commodities that they are assured the country yields, as namely fish, in the season in great plenty, all the coast along mastage for ships, goodly oaks and cedars, with infinite other sorts of trees, "rasom" [resin ?], hemp, grapes very fair and excellent good, whereof they have already made wine, much like to the claret wine that comes out of France: rich furs, if they can keep the Frenchmen from the trade. As for metals they can say nothing, but they are confident there is in the country if they had means to seek for it; neither could they go so high as the "allom" mines are, which the savages assure them there is great plenty of.
I have likewise sent you Mr. Challoones's letter brought me out of Spain, whereby it appears what hopes he had. I think myself infinitely bound to you in their behalf, and yield thanks for your favour towards them. Their case is miserable, and the wrongs proffered them infinite. I implore for their releases those who are best able to ease their necessities, all the rest of the Adventurers having given them over.
I should have remembered you that the country yields "sanceparelia" [sarsaparilla] in a great abundance, and a certain silk that grows in small cods, a sample whereof I will send.— Plymouth, 1 Dec. late at night, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (123. 77.)
Henry Hobarte, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 2. I have considered the petitions of the town of Hull, and have returned them to you with my opinion what may be conveniently done for them, considering the great estimation that I perceive the estate has always made of the same town, and the importance of it as it stands.—2 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 78.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, Dec. 2. Thanks him for the King's good acceptance of his service in the matter of Tyrone. Interview with the Archduke touching the same person. Order taken in Spain for sending hither 900,000 crowns in specie by way of Milan [Brussels].
Abstract. (227. 340.) [Original in P.R.O. S.P. For. Flanders 8; cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–08, pp. 639–40].
Francis Lady Tufton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 2. Expresses her good wishes, and Sir Nicholas Tufton's humble duty. "Your Lordship's niece in all service."— 2 December.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 79.)
King James to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, Dec. 3.] My little beagle, in my last the paper failed me before the matter, [I] being infected with a longsome style by the sympathy of those longsome phlegmatic people, which were my subjects; wherethrough I am now constrained to remember by a second letter such things as my former could not contain but with the renewing of my former excuse that ye nor your fellows should not think that therefore I am in any doubt of your continual and unceasing diligence, not only in all that is committed unto you, but even in whatsoever other thing shall occur or shall by you be thought fit for the furtherance of my service. As for the matter of my rents, which I cannot deny sticks much in my mind, till I see it come to some good and certain end, for that matter I say I have said enough (though but in two words) in my last; for when I name it generally I mean "by" all the parts thereof as well addition and multiplication of means as "by" reformation of abuses and subtraction of unnecessary and not honourable charges. I am likewise to advertise you that I have heard word out of Scotland of a good beginning they have made there, anent the advising upon an union of the laws; and because the Secretary and the Advocate are to be shortly up, I would have you to warn our lawyers here that they may be ready every one to give an account and confer with others upon their labours at meeting. By Fuller's so humble submission (fn. 1) that sentence of Solomon is verified Qui parcit virgae odit puerum, which should likewise put us in memory of Yelverton that he is not forgotten ad correctionem; I mean young Yelverton, though for your distinction between the father and the son I care not much, thinking neither barrel better herring. Ye remember to which three of you I gave this charge before my parting; for if one way or other be not found to make him a little feel the weight of my displeasure I can never be disburthened of the weight he laid upon my heart. And now I hope that both 3 [Northampton] and 10 [Salisbury] will begin to reform the opinion ye both had of my nature when ye would often tell me that if the Lower House men that most offended looked not to be as welcome to me the next day as the honestest man would be, they durst not presume to do as they did, [both of ye] praising that virtue in the late Queen that she would be loth ever to be reconciled in her countenance to them who had wilfully offended her: and 3 used ever to say that if my manus Christi (fn. 2) whereof I was wholly compounded were mixed with a little verjuice it would mend all this matter. I must also remember you that something may be done upon the unlawful depopulators, lest the diggers call us fair counters but evil payers, having made a fair popular show without substance. Let therefore some symmetry be used between my justice upon the diggers and them that furnished them the cause to offend, that as a great number was put in fear and but a very few punished of the one sort, so there may be some one or two at least of the other sort punished exemplarily, being of the principal offenders and of worst fame, so as pena ad paucos metus ad plures may thereby be extended; and for conclusion of all I heartily pray you to do the best you can for settling and putting to a good end yon "fashous" jars between the Church and the judges anent the prohibitions. I know your tempers in handling it cannot but work good effects; and so ending with so godly an errand I bid you heartily farewell, assuring you that every night after supper I have as good mind of Thome Durie and the beagle as I have mind of my affairs in the morning and dispatches to my Principal Secretary, praying you not to forget to commend me to all your fellow labourers. James R.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "His Majesty to me 3 of xbris." (134. 84.) 2½ pp.
Sir John Jennyns. (fn. 3)
1607, Dec. 3. A note of Sir John Jennyns's debts, and what has been paid. Refers, inter alia, to the estate of Simon Noble.— 3 Dec., 1607.
1 p. (123. 80.)
Sir Ferdinand Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 3. There is no enterprise, how well so ever intended, but has his particular impediment, as in this small attempt, begun by my Lord Chief Justice out of a noble zeal, is experienced. As he was honourable himself, so he thought all others were, trusting to what they promised, by which means he was not a little deceived; for neither were his provisions answerable to his charge bestowed, nor the persons employed such as they ought [to be]; inasmuch as the wants of the one was [sic] cause of inability to perform what was hoped, and the childish, factious, ignorant, timorous and ambitious persons have bred an unstable resolution and a general confusion in all their affairs. For first the President himself is an honest man, but old and of an unwieldly body, and fearful to offend or contest with others that oppose him but otherwise a discreet, careful man. Captain Gilberte is described to me from thence to be desirous of supremacy and rule, [of] a loose life, prompt to sensuality, [with] little zeal in religion, humorous, headstrong, and of small judgment and experience, [though] otherways valiant enough; but he holds that the King could not give away that by patent to others which his father had an Act of Parliament for, and that he will not be put out of it in haste: with many such like idle speeches, which, although he be powerless to perform aught, were not unfit to be taken notice of. Besides he has sent into England for divers of his friends to come to him for the strengthening of his party on all occasions, as he terms it; which I advertise you, that some course may be taken to prevent mischief, which must be done by immediate authority from thence. The better to bring all to light you may be pleased to send command to intercept all letters whatsoever, and to cause them to be sent up, for I know in whose possession these letters are yet, and I think I shall find the means to keep them from being delivered in haste. The rest of the persons employed are either fit for their places or tolerable. But the preacher is most to be commended, both for his pains in his place, and his honest endeavours; as also is Captain Robert Daves, and likewise Mr. Turner their physician, who is come over to solicit their supplies, and to inform the state of every particular. I have said in my last how necessary it is this business should be thoroughly followed, but if I should tell you how much I am affected unto it, it may be that my commendations thereof would be of the less credit; but I desire in my soul his Majesty would take it into his own hands, and then should I think myself most happy to receive such employment in it as he should think me fit for, and I would not doubt but with very little charges to bring to pass infinite things. I make no question but that you will find it to be of greater moment than it can easily be believed to be. I have sent you the journals that were taken by one of the ships from their going out until their return, by which the navigation will appear to be as easy as to Newfound lande, but much more hopeful.—Plymouth, 3 Dec.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (123. 81.)
Sir William Godolphin to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 3. Encloses a letter from Sir Edward Blount. Sends a "poor present."—Newmarket, 3 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (123. 83.)
The Enclosure:
Sir Ed. Blounte to Sir William Godolphin.—[Begins by expressing his devotion to the Earl of Salisbury, and continues]:—Of late I wrote to his lordship touching the receipt of my rents due, as then I conceived, to him, and not to our King, for the manors of Forthampton and Swinley, whereof I am farmer, and he, perceiving by the information of my brother-in-law Wakeman in what danger I stood in case it were not paid into the Exchequer, presently gave directions, preferring my safety before his own commodity. (fn. 4)
The trifle I send by the bearer I know you will not contemn. I dare not presume to offer so homely a present as undyed sheep's russet cloth to the Earl, but if you hold it not uncomely for me to make offer, nor undecent for his lordship to wear thereof, then present unto him from me a nightgown or cloak cloth, one or both or neither, as to your discretion shall seem best.—Kyther, [? Kidderminster], 20 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 82.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 3. Your lordship's letters with the abstracts came this morning before his Majesty went forth, which his Highness immediately perused and so went to horse, purposing as it seems by his speeches not to make his answer till to-morrow morning, because he will this day be at his sport. I thought good to return to you the letter of the Low Countries and the projects, but to keep the abstracts till to-morrow lest his Majesty should call for them again. When his answer is made they shall be sent to you. The Court at Newmarkett, 3 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (194. 28.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 4. The bearer, Mr. Dr. Wotton, (whose father was Bishop of Exeter, a most learned and reverend man), has been brought to miserable estate by the subtlety of those he put to follow his cause in the Star Chamber, wherein without his knowledge a sentence has been passed against him. Begs Salisbury's favour in the matter.—Towstocke, 4 Dec., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (123. 84.)
The Earl of Essex to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 4. Thanks him for accepting his letters, and begs continuance of his favour. The service he fails to make good to Salisbury shall ever be supplied to his worthy son, whose love he much desires.—Paris, 4 Dec.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 85.)
Sir Richard Champernown to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 4. Sues to know his errors, so that he may reform them, inasmuch as, to his great discontent, the world takes knowledge that Salisbury is displeased with him. Salisbury will not give credit to any private unjust information of him, or purpose his overthrow. Explains his proceedings with regard to his cause.—4 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 89.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 5. This morning his Majesty being ready to go forth to his sports, commanded me to let you understand that he had forgotten in his letter to deliver his mind upon one point wherein he remembered his Commissioners urged earnestly to know his pleasure: which is about the penning of the first article in the peace or truce, and explaining the words "Pays libres et sur lesquels ils ne pretendent rien"; which words it seems by the Commissioners' letter, some of the States that are not most forward to the peace take as ambiguous and captious. And howsoever some others of their company may perhaps swallow them, yet they intend so to have that article couched as is in the Commissioners' letters expressed; and if it be stood upon, to put the treaty in hazard to break, except his Majesty do otherwise advise; which his Majesty takes to be a point cunningly put upon him, and wherein he cannot manifest himself without drawing upon himself an obligation, either against Spain or for the Provinces. For if he should advise for the explanation, and should his Commissioners wish it to be insisted on, and so break the treaty, then he "opens [him]self" against more than in honour is fit for him, (things standing between his Majesty and that King as they do) and more than he is willing; and besides if [he should do this and] the treaty should [then] break upon that [point], he would be in consequence engaged to the States for their defence, and would have given them good colour to importune him for their support, as though they had lost the opportunity of their peace by following his authority.
On the other side, if he should advise against urging of the explanation, and [should advise the States] to content themselves with the terms contained in the "agreation": and if it should [then] fall out that under that generality of words there should be in Spain or the Archduke any oblique meaning, whereof the effect might appear hereafter, not to the Provinces' contentment; then could it not be but that thereby some scandal should redound to his Majesty, as though he had been party to such secret meaning. Wherefore his Majesty thinks it best for him that his Commissioners be directed not to meddle with the penning or giving advice in the penning of that which shall pass between the two parties; "for," saith he, "what hath he to do to be their secretary?". But [he prefers] to answer them [the States] in such a form as he doubts not but that those who have hitherto managed the matter of this treaty will be wise enough to decide; and that they whose advice the Provinces have followed in the substance may guide them in the accidents. But as for the matter he left them always to do what they thought good in their own discretions for the benefit of their estate so will he do in this, leave them to their own judgments in providing for the safety of that they shall agree upon. And thus his Majesty argues further upon this point: either the Provinces will go through with the treaty, although no such explanation be yielded unto, or they will not. If they will not, then that which is in their own purpose to do they will lay upon his Highness as the author, and so cast him into obligation as before is said, both against Spain and for them. If they will go through without the explanation, then is it worse for his Majesty, for he shall have done against Spain more than stands with his honour, and yet receive a scorn too, because that shall be done which he would not, and he will have done enough to offend the one side and [to have] "taken a mock" of the other. You shall also receive herewith the abstracts.
If this weather hold, all sports for this place are at an end, and we shall remove towards Thebald, as it is said, about the beginning of next week.—Court at Newmarket, 5 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2¼ pp. (123. 91.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 5. Though I wrote to you this morning, yet hearing that my Lord Fenton sends to my Lord of Northampton, I return to you this warrant for Serjeant Nichols which I received from Sir Roger Aston; being with his Highness about Mr. Fuller's matter I procured him to sign it. Mr. Fuller's wife has been here and delivered a petition to his Majesty; which she and some that came with me [? her] did acquaint me with and I caused them to alter, because methought it was full of equivocal terms, as perhaps the meaning is. But I acquainted his Majesty with the copy of the submission which he [Fuller] has exhibited to my Lord of Canterbury, wherewith his Majesty is well pleased, and I think satisfied, if the Church be so. The gentlewoman did after deliver her petition as his Majesty was going forth, and received answer that he was glad of his [Fuller's] penitency. If he do not offend in the meanwhile I think he may be at liberty, but his Majesty will not take any order till he speak with your lordships therein. And so she is departed hence in hope, and to solicit your lordships for your favours at the King's return.— Court at Newmarket, 5 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 90.)
The Same to The Same.
1607, Dec. 5. The letters from the Council, with the dispatch of Ireland, came hither this evening, so as they have been 24 hours upon the way, which is not much above two mile an hour— too slow for any special service of his Majesty if cause shall be of more haste; and yet I must excuse in some part the posts hereabouts, for that the allowance they have cannot possibly serve the turn of so much conveyance as is used from hence. Their allowance is but for two horses, and there is very much sending by many men from hence, using all the post.
I presently acquainted his Majesty with it, who at leisure perused every piece of those things that were contained in the packet, and the letter of their lordships twice; and after some pause willed this answer to be returned: that if he should advise a whole year, he could not give a better direction than their lordships' letters insinuated, which was to maintain the course begun by the Deputy. That if the Baron [of Delvin] will submit himself merely to his Majesty's mercy, he [the Deputy] may receive him and send him hither as was intended, to abide his Highness's pleasure: otherwise that he prosecute him by all ways of justice and of force that he can; for he [the King] will never agree to any conditions being offered to him, his [Delvin's] case and nature being so ill conditioned, as having not only received from his Majesty benefits but also not received from him nor his ministers any offence, could so soon forget his duty. (fn. 5) The rest his Majesty leaves to their lordships' wisdoms. He added that because he conceived that the attending of his mind upon this accident stayed their lordships' dispatch in answer to the Deputy, he would not stay his answer from hence so long as the writing with his own hand to their lordships would require, but rather chose for haste's sake to make it be signified to you by me, to be imparted to them.
I have returned to you all the pieces I received concerning that matter. His Majesty has been much encumbered all this day, besides the ill weather, with a storm from the Lady Buckhurst, who has "kept" him locked up in his bedchamber to avoid her company, [she] having attended him all his dinner time and after with much importunity, and not departed till even now, with purpose to follow him again tomorrow.—Court at Newmarket, 5 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (123. 93.)
The Same to The Same.
1607, Dec. 6. Although in my letters yesternight I made some mention of my Lady Buckhurst's importunities here, yet I thought it not amiss to advertise the particularities of her last suit, which is that it would please the King, seeing [he] is otherwise busied in his great affairs, to refer her cause to the Queen; who, being Queen that wears two crowns, has experience and is the wife of a good husband, is fittest to judge of her. The King is disposed to be rid of her to write some merry matter to the Queen, as though it were in her favour, for she would have your lordships to sit in Council and the Queen to be president for this cause. Except he be rid of her in some such manner she will not leave, for she knocks at his chamber door when he is retired as if it were in an inn, as indeed it is. Lest the Queen be surprised with a storm when she comes, as the King has been here, you may perhaps do her service to warn [her] to be armed against the weather.—Court at Newmarket, 6 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 94.)
Charles, Duke of Lorraine to the King.
1607, Dec. 6./16. Announces the death of his son the Cardinal, after many years' sickness.—Nancy, 16 Dec., 1607.
Signed. Seal. French. 1 p. (123. 127.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 6. I received your letter of the 2nd of this instant from Salisbury, and acquainted his Majesty therewith. He is glad that the city is in so good estate, and likes very well the course you have taken for the robbers by the highway. His Majesty, calling to mind that he had forgotten sundry things in his last letter, as also being [then] wearied with the longness thereof, has this day written this enclosed. Here is no news. His Majesty is very well. This day is fallen a great storm of snow and frost; if it continue, we remove from hence either Monday or Tuesday. His Majesty is so troubled with the Lady Buckhurst as he can get no rest for her. She will not be kept out of the bedchamber, but by force. Cassilis is here, making suit for his Majesty's grace. His Majesty will not hear of him, neither dare any speak for him. He depends upon Hedentun [Haddington?] but he dare not speak for him, for he knows his Majesty will not take it well if he should deal for him. Part of Lady Buckhurst's suit is, seeing his Majesty is so far off and cannot be at the hearing of her cause before the Council, that he would write to the Queen to take his place in Council, and to hear and determine her cause. Of this his Majesty makes himself merry and will make the Queen merry.—Newmarket, 6 Dec.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "1607. Sir Roger Aston to my L." 2 pp. (123. 150.)
The Tenants and Inhabitants of the Queen's manor of Havering at Bower, Essex, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 7. They enclose a brief of the proceedings in the election of a justice of the peace there, and beg him to have the matter judicially determined.—Romeforde, 7 Dec., 1607.
Signed: Robt. Quarles; Jo. Wrighte; Willm. Courtman; Francys Rame; Gawen Harvy; James Harvye. Seal. 1 p. (123. 97.)
The Enclosure:
The place of justice of the peace is void there by the death of Mr. Legatte. Describes the indirect courses taken to elect Thomas Legatte to the place, most of the principal tenants being refused appointment on the jury of election, in spite of their charter of Edward IV, [which is quoted]. As a result, Sir Edward Cooke, high steward of the manor, and the tenants, agreed that all tenants should give their voices. Mr. Legatte had but 18 for him, and Sir William Ayloffe, a principal tenant, 38.—Undated.
1 sheet. (123. 96.)
The Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 7. Being given to understand that William Keble, Fellow of our College, whose friends, as we are lately informed, are well able to maintain him without help of fellowship or benefice, seeks to hold a benefice with his fellowship against our Statute by means of his Majesty's dispensation, we are bold to acquaint you herewith, craving your mediation for the stay of his proceeding, upon consideration of this Statute underwritten:— [Statute 19, of Corpus Christi College, is quoted].—Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 7 Dec., 1607.
Signed: Thomas Jegon, master; Merlin Higden; Richard Anguish; William Graves; William Jenken. 1 p. (136. 162.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 8. Reports the safe arrival in Ireland of the 100 men levied in Devonshire for service there, and sent from the port of Barnstaple. Encloses certificates.—Towstocke, 8 Dec., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (123. 99.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 8. This afternoon his Majesty after he had spoken with Sir Roger Wilbraham delivered to me this enclosed abstract of Mr. Attorney's collection and willed me to deliver this [comment] to you upon it; that having duly perused it and conferred it with his memory of the laws of Scotland in these cases, he found there was so little difference as that if there were as much forwardness and conformity in men here as there is of humour in some, he would undertake that the whole Estates of Scotland should never "stand" three days about the passing of these for laws there. And because you may perceive that he is not idle but has always his mind occupied about the main points of his estate, and because he would not return your paper single in a time when your wits are so busy in coupling of maskers, he has sent you a brief of the laws of Scotland drawn by a lawyer of that country of good judgment, which you may at your leisure peruse and deliver to Mr. Attorney who may thereby gather what proximity there is between the customs of both countries.
At the same time he commanded me to tell your lordship that he marvelled that he heard nothing of the new project of woods which you had told him should be conceived in his absence. That grew by this occasion. The Scottish gentleman who first moved this matter to his Majesty has sent hither another offer of Hoord's, and directed it to me to procure some kind of reference of it to your consideration from his Majesty for Hoord's indemnity against some whom he thinks he should offend by proposing the new [project]. I gather it is my Lord Treasurer whose liking is strongly fixed on the first "plot" and [who] encourages underhand the man to stand to it. But he [Hoord] seeing the impossibility of proceeding therein has conceived another as near as he could gather to your speeches, which he will present to your lordship, but would have it come as sent from the King and he to be but called and his opinion asked of it. This is his conceit; I leave it to your judgment. For it, as it was sent hither, his Majesty found the fault found by you in the former; that is, of the herbage and pannage and of the parks, which he utterly rejected. So I have signified unto him [Hoord] and that he must reform his "plot" and make his offer thereafter. I have willed him to attend you with it when he is ready, and know you will use it to the best of his Majesty's service.—The Court at Newmarkett, 8 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (194. 29.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 8. Yesternight late came your letters brought by a man of my Lord Hayes, but himself is not come being fallen ill of the toothache by the way, so as I could not observe the form your lordship prescribed in the ticket but have returned his letter to you again; but we have so handled the matter that the warrant is signed and herewith sent to you and by that his Majesty says the controversy of the torches and torchbearers is decided. He yields willingly to pay for all that is under the clothes with condition that you be tied to pay all that he pays for saving only one to ease your labour. Or if you like not that condition he leaves you to your choice of another, which is to use his power to cause a solemn divorce to pass between the lusty lady and her husband and your lordship to be married to her this Christmas, whereof his Majesty will defray the cost and dance at your wedding with all his children. In answer to your letter he has no more to say till he hear further but that he notes your mind so full of good manners towards the lady's maskers as having written to you at length of his own hand, he conceives a rhapsody in another man's; which he imputes only to your employment about that matter, for of other matters he is sure you take no care. After he had uttered this he called me again and willed me to express it so as that you might not conceive that he had noted it otherwise than as to make merriment of it.— The Court at Newmarkett, 8 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (194. 30.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University].
1607, Dec. 8. The execution of those resolutions which concern any member of that body of the University being nearer to your hand there than to mine in regard of person and place, and the question concerning the Mastership of Gonville and Caius College being now both just and necessary for me to determine, I have thought both to commit to you the giving [of] knowledge to that Society of my judgment upon the point of the invalidity of the election, pretended to have been made by the Fellows, and according to the right I have to collate the Mastership by devolution, to declare the person on whom I do confer the same: that you may, according to the accustomed manner and statute of that College, admit him thereunto and see him orderly received and settled in it, Wherein, because I do desire it may appear to the whole University with what equity I have balanced my judgment in this cause, I shall in a few lines demonstrate the grounds of this my resolution, in which I have only fixed mine eyes upon the merit of the cause, and that in a due regard of a public good, without any personal distaste or exception conceived against Dr. Gostlyn; of whom otherwise I do judge very well, for many good parts which I observe in him and to whom in any other occasion I would lend my best helping hand of furtherance to any his preferments. For had the election made by the company been any way answerable either to the prescript of the Statutes of that College in that behalf, or with the gravity and order with which such a cause should have been carried, whereby the same might have been free from faction and practice—against both which as against the greatest enemies of piety and learning it is my duty and intention to make myself a party—I should with great contentment have embraced the occasion to give some testimony of my great desire that all elections should have free passage according to the privileges granted to the whole body or to several colleges; and also how indulgent I would have been to the affection of the greater part of such a body in choosing their head if I had found that the said affection had contained itself within the rules of moderation and comeliness, which in this case I must affirm they have forgotten, even so far as the said election is directly opposite to the letter of the Statute and all civil interpretation thereof.
For, first, it was done precipitately by such of the Fellows as were present at the instant, without a due summons or expectation of the rest that were absent by the space of fifteen days. For the avoiding of which disorderly course their Statute provideth in these words:—Statutum Caii 3: pag: 3. Statuimus et ordinamus ut ante omnes electiones, convocatis in sacellum, locum capitularem, omnibus qui in Universitate existunt, sociis et absentibus, etiam ut infra quindecim dies adsint etc.: in which statute it is further provided for better deliberation: in re gravi, ut clara voce recitentur omnia ea statuta quae ad eas electiones et negotia de quibus agetur pertinent, ut ex his lectis scire liceat quid in illis potissimum et quomodo sit agendum.
Secondly, that it cannot be intended to be an election made infra mensem et viginti octo dies a die mortis, as the Statute is: vacante custode fiat electio infra mensem.—Statutum Bateman, p. 9: and besides the words of Caius himself, viz.: vacatio intelligatur ab ipso die mortis, mensis spacio viginti octo dierum. I cannot in my own private judgment conceive that a die mortis can be other than exclusive of the whole day, because a party dying in some part of the day must also be alive some part of the day, and therefore it is not to be supposed that the Statute maker would have proceeded for the election of a new before the place was void of the old; which was not till part of the day was past. In which case also if the lawmaker would have had the instant of the time of the day of Dr. Legg's death precisely to have begun the month, he would not account it a die, but a momento in momentum, as I think the lawyers will acknowledge.
Thirdly, that in this election which is required to be concors electio majoris partis sociorum omnium pro tempore existentium, seeing there were for Dr. Gostlin but six voices in all whether we number the Fellows thirteen as Caius founded them, or nineteen with those six of Mrs. Franklyn's foundation, it is plain that Dr. Gostlyn had not a competent number of voices to make an election and therefore was never lawfully elected.
Fourthly, that it hath this probability to have been an election made either whilst Dr. Legg lived—for it is confessed that a writing was given to Dr. Piers, subscribed by Dr. Legge to choose Dr. Gostlin in locum vacaturum—or immediately after the sufficient certainty could be had of his death; whereupon it was not possible those Fellows that were absent might duly have been expected, as is afore required.
The case then being thus, as appeareth upon the particulars and of the letter of the Statutes of that College, I cannot but adjudge the election void and of none effect. If any shall seem to enforce that second election made for Dr. Gostlyn by the Fellows, I esteem no otherwise of it than a mere confused and disorderly attempt of a headless body, utterly void by Statute, and such an action as casteth no small hazard upon the actors, if in extremity the Statute were pressed against them. If any shall further say, that in regard to the commandments from his Majesty prohibiting the Fellows to elect within such a time as they might within the compass and privilege of their Statutes, it is fit they should yet be left to the liberty of election; the answer is that in case they had duly submitted themselves to his commandment and not attempted anything to the contrary within the time prohibited, it were reasonable they should enjoy their liberty; but seeing they have been persuaded to admit Dr. Gostlyn and after that again to re-elect him, I shall be sorry to see any more examples of the small regard to his Majesty's directions under colour of preserving that liberty. I do therefore as Chancellor of that University adjudge and pronounce the said elections merely void and of none effect, and the collating of that Mastership resting wholly (by devolution) in me by the Statute of that College, I do nominate to that place to be Master and Custos of that college of "Gundell" and Caius in the University of Cambridge [blank] whom for his integrity, learning, profession, degree, birth and singleness of life, I do hold worthy of that place and every way answerable to the precisest rules of the Statutes of the College; to which I never meant to offer the least broach or interruption, assuring you that it was to me an unwelcome accident to have anything to do in this, if without greater inconvenience I could have avoided it. My will is therefore that, associating to yourself the Deans of Canterbury, Ely, and Peterborough, with some two or three of the Heads, at your discretion, you do now call before you the now President, Dr. Perse, and the rest of the Fellows of Gonville and Caius College, or at the least so many as you shall find present in the University; and that you, becoming so assisted by three or four of the Heads, either in the Consistory or elsewhere as you may think best, pronounce and make known unto them this my resolution and definition by reading unto them publicly these my present letters; which being done I further will that you presently admit to the said Mastership or place of Custos of that College the said [blank] whom I do require them to accept, yielding to him all such due regard, obedience, duties or else whatsoever that to the Custos or Master appertaineth, as they will answer for the contrary hereof upon their peril.—Salisbury House, 8 Dec., 1607.
Draft, with slight corrections in Salisbury's hand. 5½ pp. (136. 159.)
Copy of the foregoing letter.
Endorsed: "This is copy of the Chancellor's determination sent to Dr. Montagu, Dean of the Chapel, for the King's perusal."
pp. (136. 169.)
[Cf. pp. 309–10 above and pp. 407–11 below.]
The Earl of Salisbury to [James Montague], Dean of the Chapel.
1607, Dec. [8 ?]. Because it is not unknown to you what happened in the election of the Master of Gonville and Caius College, I am desirous to acquaint you with my proceedings, first because you may impart the same to his Majesty from me, as his humble servant, though the principal and immediate ruler of that University under his favourable protection. Next, because I do account you one of the choice sheep of that fold of mine, in so much as had it not been for drawing you from him whom I fear you love better than your Chancellor, and the Chancellor loves better than all the University, I would have been glad to have associated you with my Vice-Chancellor at the time when my opinions should be declared. Wherein I assure you two things have troubled me: first, as a Chancellor, to observe such heat and partiality in the elections of their rulers, in which consisteth so much the good estate of the whole body, for commonly the whole House conform themselves ad exemplum magistri. The second thing that troubled me was that I could not without breach of the Statute have collated it on Dr. Felton [Field in the copy], for whom his Majesty had written, and of whom when I had resolved, I found express words in the Statute against any man that was not coelebs, wherein I could not help myself with a distinction that now he hath no wife, because it is always otherwise interpreted, if at any time he had one. Otherwise he is both born in Norfolk and a divine, which I think should more often be respected than he [it] is, seeing it is no gross absurd opinion to imagine that those custodes have in some proportion curam animarum. If you will therefore, Sir, at some idle time, show the King what I have written to the University I will take it for a courtesy, and though I could not well make it short, yet we have good experience that our master seldom starteth at a long letter. And thus I end, desiring you to commend me to the Earl of Pembroke and to let him know that our University must needs prosper that hath had so good luck to have Chancellors of so good consciences as it hath had of the father and the son; where his University had of the Earl of Leicester and Sir Christopher Hatton no such stoics as would not, upon such a devolution, have preferred one of their own chaplains or their own friends though they had set their Statutes upon a larger last.—Whitehall, — Dec., 1607.
Draft, corrected and signed by Salisbury, much injured by damp. Endorsed: "Minute to the Dean." 1½ pp. (136. 163.)
Another draft of the same, in Salisbury's hand, with the variation noted above, and ending "such stoics as would not." 4 pp. (136. 164.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 9. Having the opportunity of this bearer I thought it fit to give you an account of two packets received from you this day, both dated the day before. The former sent away about 10 in the morning came hither after that hour this day. The occasion was that the boy of Royston fell and hurt himself, and was fain to stay all night in the fields till company came in the morning, who relieved him. His Majesty was gone forth before the letter came, but returned early, put back by the snow, and was pleased to spend time to read all the dispatch particularly as you desired; and so I left him to pause upon his answer, receiving nothing from him till he should hear from you again, but only that he let fall some words as though he did not find in these letters of the Commissioners anything that was not in the former, and that you knowing already his scope should need no great answer from him. Presently after my return from him, arrived the other packet, and I purposed not to trouble him that night with it; but he had heard the horn and sent to know whether any letters were come, and so I attended him, who read your letter to me, opened his own and read it, but perceiving the papers enclosed to be of some length, he put them into his pocket, and said he would attend that to-morrow. And in this estate those dispatches rest.—The Court at Newmarket, 9 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (108. 17.)
The Same to the Same.
1607, Dec. 9. This frosty evening has caused a resolution to be taken for his Majesty's remove from hence on Friday to Royston, and if the weather hold, from thence on Monday or Tuesday to Theobaldes.
In the matter of the abstract of the laws which is in the packet, his Majesty has since willed me to add that it shall not need now to be sent into Scotland, because the President and Advocate will both be here very shortly, and they will be sufficiently able to confer about it, and show wherein the laws agree and wherein they differ, if any difference be.—Newmarket, 9 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 100.)
Nicholas Geffe to [the Earl of Salisbury?].
1607, Dec. 9. Begs for the loan of 200l. The credit of such things as he has to sell are so tainted by his imprisonment that he cannot put them off without the loss of half their value.— 9 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 103.)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 9. He is very glad that his handwriting has contented Salisbury. The disputation which the Earl commanded he has already performed. He is persuaded the Earl has heard in what fashion he disputed, which, if it like him, it will give him great encouragement.—St. John's College, Cambridge, 9 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 20.)
[Possibly in reply to Salisbury's letter on p. 460 below.]
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 9. Here is lately come a trumpet from the other side. It is said that his principal errand was to bring a passport to the young Count of Hohenlo, who is desirous to pass by the Archdukes' country into France or Germany. He is said to have brought likewise a letter from Verreyken to Aertsens the Secretary of State, intimating that the Commissioners for the peace-handling are all ready on that side, and that they only attend ours from hence. Some say that there are letters gone to the governors of the frontiers whereby they are to take notice of a prolongation of truce for a time; but I dare not say it is certain. Others think that this interposing of the Emperor in his claim to these Provinces, as being under the sovereignty of the Empire, will not a little stagger the peace proceedings; and do withal imagine that it is a "fetch" of Spain, who though in show he desire to content the Archdukes, yet underhand practises to give impediment to that which his heart is thought not to affect. These men are not ignorant of their drifts, and though many for private respects do as much as in them lies advance the conditions of peace, yet is there great appearance that the better (which is too the greater) part will, I hope, look ere they leap, and though they come to a treaty, yet will they quickly break off unless all things be granted them without opposition which they desire; for it is believed they could now wish they were not so far engaged, and a peace is more feared than desired even of the State [sic].
The Advocate D'Olden Barnevelt had on Saturday night last a fair escape from a double mischief. He was going in at the Court gate, which for some occasion had been wide opened more than ordinary, when (holding his hat down before his eyes in regard of the hail and rain which beat in his face), he received a blow on the head with a great iron bar of the gate as it was in shutting to, and it came with so great force through the strong wind that blew, that had not his people that were near him recovered him as he was falling, he had been smitten from the bridge into the moat, and it was his great good hap that his harm was no greater. I do not hear that he has since been in Council, and this is now the fourth day. Howbeit they say there is no danger. The peace-enemies make their prophecies of this accident. This day at evening he came to Council, being the fifth day from his hurt, and is said (since) to have been in Council yesterday likewise.
The Estates of the Provinces are not all yet assembled. It is thought their gathering is somewhat the slower, in respect there is expectation of something from Great Britain and France that should teach them how to proceed in their resolution.
I am sorry that my cousin Meutys has so sudden occasion to use the benefit of your favourable letters to the Ambassadors here for him. He is now upon the trial (as it were) of "cassiering," but I hope that it shall prove but a warning to him. The Commissary being my neighbour, and a very honest man, has promised me (unknown to Captain Meutys) to make as favourable report as he can; but yet he shall need the assistance of the Ambassadors in his cause. (fn. 6) I acquaint you with this particular because I know you have a good liking of my cousin Meutys, being indeed a gentleman of good parts, and whose worth may seem to deserve the favour of so great a personage; but yet you shall do very nobly and well for his good to give him a little reprimand for the course of his carriage here, which this State takes notice of to be of the fashion as if he might neglect and contemn them, building himself upon you, and as it were caring for none nor no man's favour but yours. He stands here upon no good foot: a little advice from you will prevail more with him than all his weaker friends' counsel.—Haghe, 9 Dec., 1607 veteri.
Holograph. 3 pp. (123. 101.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.]
1607, Dec. 9. "Centurion" the banker arrived from Spain to be used in counsel and government of the matters of the hazienda: he is to furnish money by the assientos which have been made with those of his house, and has entertainment of 4,000 crowns by the year. Tyrone's son has told Edmondes that he desires not to be the worse thought of for his father's fault. The Spanish Ambassador [in Brussels] holds so good correspondence with Edmondes that the latter asks that the K[ing] will "take knowledge of it" with the Spanish Ambassador in England to encourage him in well doing. [Brussels.]
Abstract. (227. 340.) [Original in P.R.O. S.P. For. Flanders S. Cf. Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–08, pp. 641–2.]
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 10. Tomorrow, Friday, his Majesty removes to Royston, and there remains till Tuesday, and so to Theobalds that night, and tarries there till Saturday, and on Saturday night comes to London. [Details follow as to the receipt of various letters.]
His Majesty was very merry at the reading of both your letters. After he had read the Earl of Northampton's letter he cast it in the fire, saying he would commit that to the same cabinet to keep that kept all the rest. After it was burnt he repented, and said there was so good sports in it as he was sorry it was burnt. For your letter, it was as his Majesty said very fantastic, and would have it kept till the next morning, at which time he called for it again and read it, and so committed it to the fire. On Saturday last I sent you his Majesty's second letter. He has sundry times asked me whether I sent it or not, because no answer is as yet come. When he commits that trust to me to send his letters, I desire to know whether you receive them or not. I mean on Saturday night to be at London. On Friday night I will attend his Majesty at Royston. He has no pastime here, the storm is so great.—Newmarket, 10 Dec.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (123. 104.)
Robert Williams (fn. 7) to Mrs. [Mary] Phillips.
1607, Dec. 10./20. By the bearer Mr. Barksdall I received a letter of the 20th of the last, wherein I perceive you were persuaded I was then at Dover. I had there some trouble in my passage, which endured some 20 days; but as all the rest was but suspicion and surmises, so also was that, as the proof made manifest. They imagined because I brought no pass that I was not delivered of my troubles, and until they had informed my Lord of Northampton they detained me. All fell out very well. Had the letter you caused my friend to write in my behalf come to me before my going to sea, I had returned to London, where I was often determined to have come for other matters, and the chiefest to have complained of the wrongs there offered me. You know at my departure we concluded that before Christmas you would send to me, either by letter or by your man James, and until then I will expect [to hear from you], by reason all honest men are bound to be as good as their words. To Mr. Barksdall I have written more at large, with whom you may confer, so that there rests no more than your diligence in letting me understand of your determination; for I am the man I always was, and what I gave my word for I will accomplish when you advertise me. I think it not amiss you sent me your man James to this town, where he may boldly come, and I will according to your direction go forward. Mr. Barnes is not here, nor in these parts. If James come to Brussels, he shall not fail to find me at The Green Mountain upon the market place, where I lodge. The other matter of the water I told you of is now brought to a more perfect effect than ever it was, and so excellent as if the proof thereof were put in experience and published it could not be hidden; with the book in French translated, the credit thereof would be more than you could imagine, and the profit far beyond the expectation of those that cannot enter into the conceit, considering that not only the best would be ravished, but also the ordinary kitchen maid would not be without it by reason of the price.—Brussels, 20 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 132.)
The Earl of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 10. This gentleman Sir John Thornborow served me as secretary in the time I was President in the North. He has desired my letter to you in his behalf that he may be sworn extraordinary Clerk of the Council. He is a suitor at this time the rather because he hears Sir Thomas Smyth is to be advanced to a better place and he thereby hopes in time to be one in ordinary. He is a gentleman of an ancient house and is not altogether unexperienced for that place.—10 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (194. 31.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 10. Yesterday I advertised your lordship of the receipt of your two packets. This day his Majesty has spent his fore-noon in framing his answer after he had perused your observations. He indited it himself using my hand to write. This afternoon it is written out, signed with his hand and sent to your lordship to whom it is privately directed. I could not seal it having not any seal here, but you may cause that to be done there if you think fit to have it so. I have also returned to you all the letters and papers I received in your letters or from his Majesty concerning this matter.—The Court at Newmarkett this 10 Dec.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (194. 32.)
Tho. Bulbeck to [? the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, Dec. 10. He has shown to the Attorney of the Wards that he conveyed a manor of his own to Sir John [Jenyns] and his [Bulbeck's] daughter, and to the heirs of his daughter by Jenyns; and has given satisfaction that he has not procured conveyance of any part of Sir John's lands to his daughter and her heirs, as has been reported. (fn. 8) Prays for warrant to receive certain moneys for the supply of his daughter's needs.—Stroud, 10 Dec., 1607.
1 p. (P. 2142.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 11. In favour of Sir William Constable, who has his Majesty's grant for a certain suit.—11 Dec.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (108. 20.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 11. Of the report that is unjustly raised of me, it may please you to be assured that I am not to be touched with any such corrupt dealing; neither ever heard [I] of any challenge made to any person detained here. It is true that Sir Thomas Crompton sent hither yesternight a kind of warrant to one of the warders to come before him and bring one Lakes with him, which I little regarded because I neither knew the man, the matter, nor his authority to send for any warder or person out of this place. Yet I willed the warder to go to him, rather to let him know his error than for any other respect. The late Lord Chief Justice in the like case directed a friendly letter to me, to know if a person of whom he had information were here, and upon what commandment, and after being certified by me how the case stood, the party was sent to him. But for a Judge of the Admiralty to send for any person out of the Tower, and direct his precept to one of the warders, was out of presumption; and it had been folly in me to have suffered any to be sent to him upon such a ticket. But the party he meant was gone before, and never was committed to any warder, but arrested at the suit of Sir Thomas Sherley to the Court here, and on agreement between them discharged. In which cases they that are so sued are taken by warrant of the Lieutenant directed to the Gentleman Porter, who upon their apprehension is charged with them, and not the Lieutenant; no more than if a pirate is committed by the Judge of the Admiralty to the Serjeant of the Admiralty, and the party escape the fault should be imputed to the Judge instead of to the gaoler. But in truth I never heard of any such matter against this fellow until this gentleman your servant was sent to me from you; and in these cases I ever have offended in inclining more to strictness than remissness.—The Tower, 11 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (123. 105.)
Soldiers for Ireland.
1607, Dec. 11. Account of charges for the setting out, victualling and freight of 60 soldiers levied in Cumberland and Westmorland, and 140 in Northumberland, embarked at Workington for Dublin.—11 Dec., 1607.
Signed: Andrew Oglethorpe; countersigned: B. Musgrave; Wilf. Lawson; Christofer Lowther; Willm. Hutton; Chris. Pykering. 5½ pp. (123. 106.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 12. Yesterday, being removing day, I troubled not his Majesty with your first letter. This morning he rose late, and about noon I received the other packet. After dinner I acquainted him with both. At the first he made good sport. Upon the second, where you make mention that the lords could not yet make an answer, he stuck, asking often whether I thought they meant to make a reply, and that they would differ from his opinion. I answered I took the meaning of the word "answer" to be that, whereas his letter was a direction to their lordships in general for all answers hereafter to his Commissioners upon this subject, their lordships would "thereout" frame such answer to the Commissioners for the present as you should think necessary, and let him know what that was wherewith he was satisfied. I have sent back the commission signed, and the warrant.—Court at Royston, 12 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 110.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Dec. 13. Merchants bringing in sweet wines, in their payment for impost have ever had an allowance for leakage. In my lord of Essex's time (who paid for the farm but 2,500l.), they were allowed 15 or 20 in the 100, and in the late Queen's time 20 in the 100. When he [Southampton] took the farm at 6,000l. a year he found the allowance far too large, and willed his officer to allow but 10 in the 100, except in extraordinary circumstances [of which details are given], when he made a larger allowance. Now certain merchants for tin, who trade also for wines, and whose patron is the Lord Treasurer, have complained to the latter, who would have the officer allow 20 in the 100. This would cause him [Southampton] a loss of from 700l. to 1,000l. a year. He begs Salisbury to speak to the Lord Treasurer not to countenance the merchants against him.—13 Dec.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 3 pp. (123. 111.)
Robert Wyks to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, Dec. 13. He offered the manor of Sison to [Salisbury] for 3,300l., six weeks ago via Charles Halle, but is informed by Mr. Halle that [Salisbury] never received his letters, which were suppressed by the party entrusted to deliver them, who said [Salisbury] would not deal in the matter; whereby he is wronged of his liberty, which otherwise he would have had. He is most willing to wait upon [Salisbury] and satisfy him and his counsel, but being in execution, must have a writ of habeas corpus to enable him to do so.—The Compter, Woodstreete, 13 Dec., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (123. 113.)
[See Hall's letter on p. 433 below.]
Dr. James Montague, Dean of the Chapel, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 13. I received your letters upon Saturday. His Majesty had heard of them, and was very desirous to see them, and read them both, and was very "pleasant" with you in reading of them; and willed me to write that you must needs be a very good Chancellor indeed that loves him better than all the University; and as for your bragging with Oxford and commending yourself, you should not carry it away with great words if the Chancellor Hatton were alive. But as for your sentence that you have given, it is so pontifically set down as his Majesty says he had thought he had been reading one of Paulus Quintus' briefs to the Catholics: it so resembles a Pope's style, and is so consistorially set down. But when he had done with his pretty pleasantness, he asked me how I liked your choice. I told him I was very joyful that I was a sheep in that fold that had so good a shepherd who never had fleeced them in anything, but had fed them with many great favours; for I durst answer for it your nomination of this man is not out of any sinister or partial respect, but for the good of your flock. You have chosen the man every way the best qualified. It is a very worthy precedent of your uprightness and his Majesty thinks very well of it. I did not much wonder to hear the King resemble your sentence to a Pope's brief, for if you knew how his spirits have been set on work in answering the Pope's briefs and Bellarmine's letter, I think he should neither speak of hawking nor hunting, unless it were of Joco [sic] de Tauro, this good while again; for he has in 4 days written 24 sheets of paper upon them, and in truth with that great judgment, with learning and memory, as I protest I much admire it. But herein I crave you to take no notice from me, for that I am sure his Majesty means to impart it to you as soon as he shall see you.—Court at Royston, 13 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (123. 114.)
Lord Eure, Lord President of Wales, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 13. Acknowledges the Council's letters granting his request for renewing some Deputy Lieutenants within his government, with exceptions of some. Gives particulars with regard to Mr. Pryce, Mr. Bradshawe and Sir Robert Vernon. Where there are but few lieutenants the superior person rules most, and thereby unnecessary impositions are laid upon the country for levies, and the moneys being collected remain with the principal person and are slenderly accounted for.—Ludlow Castle, 13 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 115.)
Sir Richard Gifford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 13. On behalf of a person unnamed, whom he speaks of as one "of whose grief I did participate": the justice of whose cause will purchase Salisbury's full furtherance. If the person's former offences have caused Salisbury to "distaste" him, then Gifford leaves him to his own fortunes.—Somborne, 13 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 116.)
Sir Thomas Glover to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 13. Describes the sack of the rich town of Bursia, on the 5th of this present, anciently called Prusa, in Bithinia, under the hill Olympus, by Callender Ogli, one of the rebels of Natholia [Anatolia], with 10,000 troops. The Grand Signor is assembling his forces at Scuderie, where it is thought the rebel will make his next incursion. Details of his preparations, in which French soldiers are mentioned. Proceedings of Admiral Giaffer Bassa and his fleet of 20 galleys. Encloses the articles which the Transylvanian Ambassador presented to the Grand Signor. Also the testimony of Mr. Lello's presumptuous collusion, who upon mere malice plotted against Glover. This being examined by the Patriarch of Constantinople, the latter has by his seal affirmed the truth, whereby Salisbury may judge whether Lello deserves not to be severely punished for his so great audacity.—Constantinople, 13 Dec., 1607.
Copy prefixed to Glover's letter of 19 Dec. (infra). A few words in cipher. 2½ pp. (123. 119.)
[The original is in P.R.O. S.P. For. Turkey 5.]
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 13./23. There are yesterday letters dispatched to them of the other side intimating the prolongation of the truce for a month or six weeks, but no otherwise than conditional, that is if it were to their liking. Withal there is, in the point where these letters touch on the Commissioners that shall come to treat, a certain restriction, but not direct: they exclude the person of the Marquis Spinola, and it is thought the Count of Buchoy shall hardly be admitted. In my last I made bold to use my own opinion, and remain still confident in it, that unless these men may write their own conditions they will make no peace with the Spaniard. If he give them their own asking, it must be confessed they are too far engaged to make an honourable retreat. The Ambassadors of the Emperor are daily expected. From the Marquis of Brandenburgh there is one come. The other from the Palsgrave is hourly looked for. They two have one commission and therefore the one speaks not till the other come.
I think this cloud will blow over that hung over my cousin Meutys's head, by the earnest interposing partly of Sir Raphe Wynwood, and partly because they can find no just cause against him. Therefore it is at your pleasure whether you will take any notice at all or not.—Haghe, 23 Dec., 1607 novo.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 137.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 13. I send you all my papers and warrants concerning this suit of Sir Harry Cunstable's extent of the manor of Chopwell, which now perusing I find the stay for Mr. Dudley to be under the King's hand, but the warrant to pass it for Sir W. Cunstable to be only Sir Tho. Lake's letter. I remember Sir W. Cunstable did very earnestly haste his suit to an end and I had once thought to have spoken with you therein, but I forgot it. Your stay [? of the suit] in respect of the King's warrant remaining with you of record was orderly and just. If Mr. Dudley had been here to make such an offer as I now hear he does, I had stayed it myself. I remember that Sir W. Cunstable did haste it and yet I stayed 8l. yearly which Sir Tho. Lake certified for him. Your lordship may keep all these as long as you will so as you return them safe unto me in the end.—13 Dec., 1607.
Holograph 1 p. (194. 33.)
[See p. 416 below.]
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 13. Expresses his thanks for the late token of his favour.—St. John's College, Cambridge, 13 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (228. 21.)
John Savage, Mayor of Chester, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 14. This day Sir John Jepson with the Lo. of Hooth and Sir Cormack Oneal came to this city, by whom I received a letter from the Lord Deputy to lay wait for the Lord of Delvyn, with special marks whereby to know him if he attempt to escape by coming on this coast. I convey herewith Sir John Jepson's letter to you, and entreat you to hasten the direction for viewing the horse which Sir Oliver Lambert and the rest importune me to do, shipping now arriving daily, so that they hope to dispatch themselves hence with the next fair wind.— Chester, 14 Dec., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (123. 117.)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 14. Excuses himself for not writing for almost five months, since his return to the North; but having had peace and quietness, no matter of moment has happened.
The services of the Earls of Cumberland and Dunbar, performed with that justice and clemency that no man has just cause to complain of cruelty in executing, or pressing any for his Majesty's service, sparing for that service such as were justly condemned to die (as I was an eye witness for eight days at Newcastle), have redounded much to his Majesty's honour, and the peace of themselves and the adjoining countries. I doubt not it will in short time civilise us to be as orderly and obedient as any other parts of the kingdom. If the like execution may be had against greater offenders, Jesuits, priests and perilous recusants, I would hope yet to see florentem ecclesiam, et ovile unum, sub uno pastore. It was his Majesty's clemency to banish them whom he might have justly executed: three of whom (the Arch Equivocator being one) were transported hence, and others at other ports; and it gave weak ones occasion, some to stagger, others to be less earnest in pursuing of the like; and it is thought that many of them are again returned; two of whom were lately apprehended and now remain in York Gaol. Until his Majesty's late most worthy proclamation against the Irish Earls, wherein the priests and Jesuits, and the essential parts of their devilish designs are notably deciphered, many stood amazed, but by the proclamation they are again much comforted and encouraged. I write not as desiring any cruelty towards them, but having for almost forty years seen their increasing in evil and damnable practices, not sparing princes, peers, people and all to serve the lust of a foreign usurper; whereby our late Queen, his Majesty and our Queen, with their issue should by the "maudite" and hellish stratagem of gunpowder (a thing which succeeding ages will scant believe), with their nobles, bishops, judges, knights and burgesses, have been made woeful spectacles, and all at one blast been blown up. Yourself had, as our northern parts report, by the Arch Equivocator's means a private plot laid for you, but God delivered you. The execution of his Majesty's laws, even but of 12d. the Sabbath, has reformed many, and daily does since the last assizes holden here; and I doubt not but if the 20l. a month [fine] might take place of the greater, it would either reform them, or make them less able to do that mischief which their ghostly fathers the priests undoubtedly persuade them unto. (fn. 9)
I understand that one Mrs. Lilbourne, a clamorous widow of this country, rails upon Sir Cuth. Pepper and me, by whose means she has received all justice with favour. I hope the end will show how honest both our parts have been towards her. I hope you will have patience till my repair to Parliament, or otherwise to you, touching your Chaplain, wherein I shall give you full satisfaction.—Bishop's Awkland, 14 Dec., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (123. 118.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 14. Last July Salisbury granted to his cousin John Talbot licence from his confinement for six months. Begs extension for six months more. Talbot is now at his house in Shropshire, and if he does not receive the new licence, must remove on New Year's day to Grafton, where he is confined.
On Thursday he accompanied his wife and his brother Sir Charles Cavendish to Hardwyke. He there found a lady of great years, of great wealth, and of a great wit, which yet still remains. She received him with all respect and affection, and stayed them with her one day. He returned without so much as one word of any former suits or unkindness, but only compliment, courtesy and kindness. Thanks for the good news of his daughter of Arundel's good recovery.—Worksop, 14 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 123.)
Sir John Jephson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 14. I have received in charge from the Lord Deputy of Ireland the Baron of Hoath and Sir Cormac Oneale, and am at this instant arrived here, whence I will make all speed to deliver them according to your direction; which I will attend at Barnet, where I hope to lie on Wednesday or Thursday. I enclose a letter from the Lord Deputy.—Chester, 14 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 124.)
From Cologne, 25 December, 1607.
1607, Dec. 15./25. The latest letters from Vienna tell us that after having burnt Callo [Nagy Kallo] to the ground and taken great Debritz [Debreczen] the Haiducks with 4,000 Tartars have now crossed the Theyssa in order to occupy Epperies [? Eperjes] and Cassauw [Kaschau or Kassa now Kosice] and also to exterminate the nobility of the land for having sided with the Emperor. For which reason the Imperial Commissioners were urgently writing for help to extinguish this blaze in time, all the more because they have the Turks to fear. But they hoped that the lords Sigismund Ragozi [Rakoczy], Gabriel Bathory, Forgatsch and other high officials who had offered to remain faithful to his sacred Majesty would pursue and subdue the rebel Haiducks, for which purpose they had already been equipping themselves.
From Prague they write that the Landgrave of Lichtenberg with a fair following would before his arrival at Regensburg [Ratisbon] first travel to the Electors of Heidelberg and Mainz [i.e. the Elector Palatine and the Archbishop of Mainz].
The last letters from Regensburg confirm that on the 23rd ultimo the Archduke Ferdinand arrived there with great solemnity in the name of the Emperor with 700 horse and in the company of other noblemen. Riding before his Highness were 12 trumpeters and one with a kettledrum, all dressed in white satin with coats of red velvet. Thus they were met by a body of the citizens, one thousand strong.
Of the Ambassadors no others had arrived but those of Brandenburg, Mainz, Hesse, Julich, Wedekainy [? the county of Wied], Baden, Darmstadt, Nuremberg and Augsburg. Others were being daily expected.
In the meanwhile the Duke of Bavaria had had a number of pieces of artillery transported to Donauwörth to beleaguer the town for the Emperor. He has ordered all the nobility in his lands to give up their horses and provide the army with fruit and bread. Some hundred lancers were reported to be proceeding to his Highness from Lorraine.
In spite of this those of Donauwörth remained undaunted; the citizens have cut the bridges and have pulled down the houses outside the town. Women and children have been evacuated and the war flags hoisted with intent to defend themselves to the end. Should they no longer be able to hold out they would take the castle there, hang the monks, set the town on fire and desert it. But they expect sufficient help from other princes, lords and Imperial towns. Those of Nuremberg and Ulm have already sent some carts loaded with all sorts of necessities to the town.
Others write that this war will not continue because those of the town have handed over some of the leaders of those who offended the priests.
From Strasburg they write only that the Archduke Leopold, instead of the Cardinal of Lorraine, would take over the possessions of that bishopric and thus all would end in peace.
From Elbing we receive confirmation that both the warring parties in Poland are bound to come to terms for lack of money. The Chief Lieutenant Kotkovitz [Chodkiewicz] has left for Livonia with his soldiery to dislodge the Swedes from those parts.
In another hand: The news from Italy arrived only half an hour ago and we have found it impossible to translate it in so short a time. I once more beg to be excused on that score. (fn. 10)
Addressed to Herr Jan von Metzue at Amsterdam.
Dutch. 2 pp. (123. 140.)
The King to the Treasurer and Undertreasurer of the Exchequer.
[1607, (Dec. 15)] Warrant to allow to the Lieutenant of the Tower the sum of eight pounds weekly for the maintenance of Thomas Gray, late Lord Gray of Wilton, prisoner there together with the sum of 100l. yearly for physic, apparel and other necessaries, in like manner as was allowed to the late Lord Cobham. The rents of his late lands, sequestered in the hands of the tenants, are to be paid into the Exchequer together with all arrears due, and Lady Gray, mother of Thomas, is to be repaid the sums she has disbursed for her son's apparel, physic and other necessaries since the time of his imprisonment.—Undated.
Draft with a few blanks and some corrections in Salisbury's handwriting. Endorsed: "1607." 2¼ pp. (194. 42.)
[See Cal. S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 386.]
R[ichard] Langley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 15. I received the enclosed from Mr. Lee, and marvel that he writes nothing concerning the 30l. you ordered to be paid by Mr. Houghton your steward, whereof I have advertised Lee, and taken order with a merchant to pay so much to him. But I have forborne, and will not receive the 30l. of Houghton till Lee advertises you that he has received so much of me.— London, 15 Dec., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (123. 125.)
Roger Goade, Vice Chancellor of Cambridge, to the Chancellor, the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Dec. 15. I received two letters from your lordship, one of 27 November and the other of 9 December, both concerning Caius College business. Upon the former, concerning their audit accounts and choosing of their officers, to inform myself of their carriage in refusing to perform what you had by your letters required them, I called the Fellows before me four or five several times; and hearing them at full on both sides together in the best equal course I could, for their accounts I found they had gone through all ordinary matters, only they stuck and could not agree upon the extraordinary charges of the voluntaries, who went up unsent for. So these accounts yet depend to be finished by their new Master. (fn. 11)
Touching the choice of their officers, which required longer and more particular examination to go through all their officers being in number seven, after hearing some verbal debating on both sides, I appointed them to set down their reasons in writing, on either part, so briefly as they could. Whereupon, I found that the controversy between them stood upon this main point, namely Dr. Perse's manner of propounding some one single man severally unto the several offices. The opposite major part, being 8, stood resolutely against his kind of nomination, as not indifferent and taking away the liberty of their voices, as they said, "pretending" that if he had offered them a choice by naming more than one to every office, they would have assented. After much arguing on both sides, I drew them to this course, to examine first for the manner of propounding, whether it stood with statute and with the most usual custom in the late Master's time, which was found affirmative, they being unable to show anything to the contrary in their statutes, and their current custom appearing to be with it, except in some late years. As to the persons propounded by Dr. Perse, I pressed them touching their fitness to show what exception they could make against it. They not being able to lay in any, I then told them that, notwithstanding their pretended reasons for the liberty of their voices and some other insufficient allegations, they were not so respective of their duties as they should have been, and that I held no cause by them alleged sufficient to induce them to make such stoppage of that business by their major part, they being eight against three. In the end, I sundry times urging them to specify exception against any party nominated if they had any, one of the eight objected against one that he had been an usual maintainer of popish opinions in the College; which imputation forthwith was seconded by another of the eight. The party so challenged not denying but that he had some reasoning about points of religion, but [claiming that it was] "in way of disputation," I took another time further to examine the same before them all, afterward descending into particulars and circumstances. The excepters "onerated" the party in earnest manner, as also three of those eight, being the best affected in religion, coming privately unto me did intimate that there was great cause of complaining that way and that the state of their College was worse than I would think, for defending of popish points of religion, and that in this behalf they spake not from faction, but of conscience. Hereupon the rather I proceeded openly to further inquiry, the party that was impetitus being by them charged to have defended popish opinions usually and openly even in the hearing of the younger sort, for which I much blamed him. He thereupon promising that he would be more wary and sparing hereafter, further added openly that this imputation singling him out alone seemed to come rather from spleen and faction than otherwise, for that others had so talked and reasoned about points of religion as well as he, presently there naming four of the said eight; who answered little thereunto but that it was for argument sake. They thus falling out among themselves who were the parties reputed to be of the same judgment in religion, I left the matter for that present as it were in suspense, with some sparing verbal censure and admonition. With this I thought meet to acquaint your lordship, that it may the more appear how true and needful it is, which your lordship mentions in your former letters, that before other professions the places of masterships, as having non exiguam animarum curam should be assigned to divines: herewith I think good also to acquaint privately the new Master for his better instruction and [with a view to] looking to the reformation of that which is amiss.
Concerning your honour's last letter, according to the wise and provident directions unto me in the same, yesterday, 14 December, I associated unto me five of the heads of Colleges, whereof three were the Deans of Canterbury and Peterborough and Dr. Harsnett. Upon the reading the same first among ourselves how grateful the contents were unto us, as also will be to the whole University, I am not able now to express. This only I must say for the present, both from myself and the rest, that from our hearts we yield our humble thanks unto God for so disposing by his good providence, and acknowledge ourselves specially bound unto your good lordship for your singular care for the good, not only of this "private" college, but also of the whole University, intending to keep those your most worthy and extraordinary letters for a monument unto posterity. As we conceive joy, so your honour may [take] much comfort in this your most wise action, but the whole glory belongs unto God. The letters being then also read to the whole society of the said College in my lodging, myself forthwith accompanied with the said assistants and with Dr. Branthwayt required unto Caius College and there in their chapel did see him solemnly created Master and admitted by the senior Fellow, Dr. Perse, according to the prescript of their Statute, in the presence of that society; who generally seemed with good alacrity to receive so meet a head for that body. And forthwith we altogether were invited by the Master and Fellows to a little short drinking, they yielding their thanks unto us, but specially both they and we to your honourable lordship.—Kings College, Cambridge, 15 Dec., 1607.
PS.—For the convenient return of answer in this weighty cause, I have been bold a while to stay this messenger, without any his discontent.
Signed: Roger Goade: procan. Seal. 2 pp. (136. 166.)


  • 1. (Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 382, 391, 394.)
  • 2. A cordial made of refined sugar boiled with rose-water.
  • 3. See p. 233 above and Thomas Bulbeck's petition below, p. 372. An inquisition held on 2 Dec. found that Sir John had become lunatic on 16 August, 1607, and a second inquisition was held at Hatfield on 16 Dec. to inquire what lands and tenements he held in Hertfordshire (printed in The Herts Genealogist and Antiquary, III, p. 60). He died in 1611. Genealogies are printed in Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica, 5th Series, VIII, and Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, XXXI, p. 43.
  • 4. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 325. Rudder's New History of Gloucestershire refers to Swinley as Swaily.
  • 5. See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, pp. 326–38.
  • 6. Like Mewtys, Ogle was in the service of the Dutch. The Ambassadors to whom he refers were Winwood and Spencer.
  • 7. An alias of John Ball. See p. 393 below, and cf. the letter dated Dec. 19/29 from "William Roberts" which is in the same hand.
  • 8. See pp. 233, 356 above. Bulbeck's daughter, Dorothy, was Sir John's second wife, his son John being born of his first marriage.
  • 9. The "Arch Equivocator" to whom the Bishop refers is not Blackwell the Archpriest who was at this time in prison, but a priest named Sicklemore—see Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 286, 289, 307, 313, Part XVIII of this Calendar, pp. 138, 156. The shilling fine for absence from church was of course imposed by the Act of Uniformity and the Bishop is here arguing in favour of the enforcement of the more drastic provisions of the Act of 1581.
  • 10. Cf. Newsletters dated Nov. 21/Dec. 1 to Dec. 8/18 above, pp. 331–4 which are written in similar hands.
  • 11. See Salisbury's letter on pp. 349–50 above.