Cecil Papers: October 1607, 16-30

Pages 282-310

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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October 1607, 16-30

Arthur Harris to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 16. He has already sent to Salisbury such ancient books and records as came to his hands concerning St. Michael's Mount, and has nothing remaining but an old copy of the grant of King Edward, the original of which he has already sent. He will deliver this copy if desired.—[St. Michael's] Mount, 16 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 126.)
Sir Robert Gardener and Sir James Hussey to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 16. Reporting their proceedings in Jersey, as Commissioners. They appointed 12 juries out of the 12 parishes to inquire of all his Majesty's tenures, rents, services and revenues, which they found to be much decreased and uncertain. Only one book of account was showed them by the Governor, made 14 Eliz. by William Dirdo then receiver, which is imperfect. By the juries' verdicts, and by examinations, they have reduced the matter into such a form that they doubt not some profit shall redound to his Majesty thereby. They have heard and determined all the appeals and other suits, 200 at the least; some of which had depended 10, 20 and 30 years and upwards. They have examined and ended many sharp contentions between Sir John Peyton, the Governor, and the Baylie and Justices; likewise between them and his Majesty's Procurer, and between the Baylie and John Carteret, one of the Justices. They have also ordered the complaints delivered by the Governor and his subordinate officers against the Baylie and Justices and the common people, and vice versa, to the number of 60. They are now in Guernsey, endeavouring, according to their commission, to effect what is best fitting there.—Guernsey, 16 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1½ pp. (122. 132.)
Richard Beaple, Mayor of Barnstaple, to the Council.
1607, Oct. 16. He acknowledges the receipt yesterday of their letters of the 10th of this month, ordering provision of shipping and victual for 200 soldiers to be sent there by Nov. 8th for transport to Dublin; and promises performance.—Barnstaple, 16 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 134.)
Thomas Morgan to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 16/26. Details of his intercourse with Lord Roos, who has now gone to Italy. Encloses a packet from him.
The Ambassador of Savoy, who is Conte de Galinare in Piemont, a gentleman of his Altesse of Savoy's chamber, has been here extraordinarily respected by their Majesties and by the principals of this Court. From hence he was demanded by his Majesty to come to Fontainebleau. At his arrival there he was lodged by his Majesty's appointment, and kept the same good company daily, sometimes at play, and other while at other exercises. His Majesty sent the said Ambassador his own caroche to come to the Court, and five more of those that followed his lordship, albeit he had two more caroches of his own. I do not understand that he will make any long continuance. The Court is now at Fontainebleau, but will be here within these few days. Cardinal de Peron, who is of this nation, comes from Rome hither, and his lordship is ordered to have the handling and honour of the reconciliation of Monsieur de Rhony to the Catholic faith.
From Lyon it is written to me that Sir Henry Knolles was so extreme sick there that the physicians gave him over.—Paris, 26 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (122. 160.)
The Lord Treasurer to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1607, Oct. 17. Touching one Jeffrey Travers an Irishman, whom my lord employed for espiall amongst the Irish and gave him 12 crowns a month.
Abstract. (227, p. 338.)
Sir Roger Wilbraham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Oct. 17. Twice this week, and now instantly, his Majesty asked me whether I heard anything of the letters I wrote on Sunday to you. I told him (as I heard by Mr. Lepton from you) that on Wednesday the letters were read at Council, and I doubt not but his Majesty would receive satisfaction very shortly. I said I heard you sat on Wednesday till almost 8, the affairs were so many, and that there was good hope of the loan either by the City or farmers. He answered the farmers seemed to undertake but one half, but the whole must be had; and so I had no further speech this day. But twice before this week he said he marvelled he heard not of Fuller's cause, that it was so long undone. I told him it might be the matter did receive some debate, and would shortly be effected; and still he said it was strange it was not done, seeing the judges sit every day for business of the Courts.—From the Court, 17 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607. Sir Roger Wilbraham: from Royston." 1 p. (122. 136.)
Richard Hoper to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 18. Reports the arrival of his Majesty's Commissioners there, after compounding the controversies between the Governor and inhabitants of Jersey. They cannot dispatch the affairs of Guernsey under a month, seeing Jersey kept them employed 2½ months. He presents Salisbury an abstract of the King's revenues in Jersey. The Commissioners' labours there have been great, as will be attested by the Governor; and the liberal entertainment of the inhabitants has been such as well deserves their love; and he does not find the people here inferior to the other in courtly usage, friendly respect, or loyalty to their Prince. He hopes to be able within some few weeks to make a like draft of the revenues of Guernsey.—Guernsey, 18 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (122. 139.)
King James to the Council.
[1607, Oct. 19.] My Lords, the only disease and consumption which I can ever apprehend as likely to endanger me is this eating canker of want, which being removed I could think myself as happy in all other respects as any other king or monarch that ever was since the birth of Christ. In this disease I am the patient and ye have promised to be the physicians and to use the best care upon me that your wits, faithfulness and diligence can reach unto; as for my part ye may assure yourselves that I shall facilitate your cure by all the means possible for a poor patient, both by observing as strait a diet as ye can in honour and reason prescribe unto me, as also by using reasonably and in the right form such remedies and antidotes as ye are to apply unto my disease; and as for your parts I know it is the chief and in a manner the only subject whereupon ye break your brains all this time of my absence. And first for your labour of borrowing money, to remember you thereof were to spur a running horse: I only wish you better success therein than I dare hope for, till I hear of the conclusion; in the meantime I doubt not ye will not omit to think upon all means of addition and increase of rent, as well by some new and lawful inventions without the unjust burthen of the people as also by your frequent sittings upon your ordinary commissions of assarts, leases, concealments, and such like; and on the other part that ye will also be thinking on the best means for substraction and decrease of charges, as well by reformation of corruptions as by cutting off needless superfluities, the honour, greatness and safety of the King and kingdom being always respected. Some more general rules will I also remember you of in addition to those, which at my parting I recommended unto you concerning this errand, first, that none of you either jointly or in particular shall either recommend to me or allow of any such indefinite or vast suit, whereof none of yourselves can guess what the value may prove, which is the most thankless and ignorant prodigality that any prince can use; but that whatsoever nature the suit be of I may first be informed of the true value, and then it is my part only to consider what out of the measure of my liberality I will bestow upon the suitor, I mean either of any new invention found out by a suitor or of any concealed unknown debt, as was the nature of Sir James Sandiland's suit anent that recusant's unknown debt; so shall I never have need to repent me of my liberality nor the suitors have cause to thank their own wits but my free favour only. Secondly, I would have you to help my memory when men come with new suits, that have already been largely rewarded, for since there are so many gapers and so little to be spared I must needs answer those that are so diseased with the boulimie or caninus appetitus as a King of France did long ago answer one, ceci sera pour un autre. Thirdly if any suits come for unreasonable renewing of leases or farms of customs or imposts, ye know how greatly that concerns my profit and that that is almost the only sure hope that is left for increase of my rent. Now having touched three points as helps to stay this continual haemorrhage of outletting, I will only remember you of two restoratives again for nourishment, whereof I have oftentimes spoken unto you; the one, that it be no longer forgotten to make my profit as well of the lands of those that are attainted for treason as of the fines of those noblemen that were fined for little better deserts, I mean with that moderation as I ever intended it, and wherein ye are already sufficiently acquainted with my mind; the other thing is that there be some strait and diligent order taken as well for the timeous recovery of my "sperable" debts, as for the seasonable payment and inbringing as well of my ordinary rents as subsidies. And thus assuring you of as "counselable" and pliable a patient, as I assure myself ye will prove faithful, diligent and (I hope) fortunate physicians, I bid you heartily farewell, praying God to bless you with a happy success. James R.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "19 Oct. 1607. The King to the Lords by Sir G." 3 pp. (134. 113.)
The King to the [Earl of Salisbury].
[1607, Oct. 19.] My little beagle, I have considered upon your dispatch from the Low Countries, and as for that matter as it now stands I can assure you that, although I had been present and sitting amongst you, I could have given it no other answer than ye have done in that draft of a letter that ye sent me to see; for as long as Verriken or the Freir [Friar] holds them in hope by their letters of a further "agreation" to come and till the States have made manifest their resolution whether they will hearken to any less than the uttermost that they have craved, and also till the French deputies have plainly discovered their master's resolutions, it were no purpose or wisdom in me to discover myself in so perplex and thankless an errand. And now for the other news you sent me anent the success that your fellow councillors and ye have had for the borrowing of money, I can no more thank you for your part in sending the news thereof, than I would thank a parrot for prattling what she hears talked of others; but this metaphor must I use out of this hunting place, that although I cannot deny but the beagle hath tried well and "stukken" well by the scent, yet I cannot properly say that it was this hound or that made so good a chace, but it was a good kennel that all run well; and therefore I can give no other thanks to the Council but this, that never king thought himself more happy in his council than I do, and that herein I may truly glory that no king in our age is so well served by his council as I am. Only three points I must now desire to be cleared in anent the use of this borrowed money; first, whether I may by this have means or not to buy in a number of these idle pensions the continuance whereof exhausts my State, and yet a member would be gladly rid of them by reason of their long evil payment; next, if by this means I shall not now be able to do my turns hereafter in ready money and not to do all upon credit as I did before, which was the only main eating canker of my State, keeping me still in a consumption and making me still disburse the third penny more than needs. If this be not remedied this will prove but a year's off-putting, and then must I fall in a new dangerous relapse again of my morbus recidivus; and lastly, ye have made mention in your letter of the first payment and the time thereof, but not when the rest shall be paid, which I could wish, as was thought by you all at my parting from you, to be betwixt [now] and the end of December. To conclude now (fn. 1) I pray you to forget not Fuller's matter, that the Ecclesiastical Commission may not be suffered to sink, besides the evil deserts of the villain. For this far dare I prophesy unto you, that whenever the ecclesiastical dignity together with the King's government thereof shall be turned in contempt and begin to evanish in this kingdom, the kings thereof shall not long after prosper in their government and the monarchy shall fall to ruin, which I pray God I may never live to see and so farewell.— Undated.
PS.—I can do no more but I shall wish you here every night after supper, but more for your folly than your wisdom.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "19th October the King's majesty to me." 2½ pp. (134. 126.)
Lord Gray to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 19. Has been entreated by his kinsman Dr. Duport to recommend him to his lordship. Understands that as the King's chaplain and one of the Ancients of the University where he has thrice borne the office of Vice-Chancellor he is not unknown to Salisbury. He is employed at this time with sundry others about the translation of the Bible at his Majesty's commandment. Prays Salisbury to think of him as a man not only truly devoted to him but also of sufficiency to perform good services to him, if it pleases his lordship any way to employ him, which Duport very greatly affects.—From Broadgate, 19 Oct., 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (194. 9.)
Richard Stapers to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 19. The ill success we had before the Council concerning the Turkish Ambassador has set our Company in such a division that we know not what to do. Some are very sorry that he had any entertainment at all, other some bid us leave off betimes, rather than with further loss. But they will not yield to any gratification at all, in respect that matter appertains only to his Majesty; for it is remembered that in the late Queen's time there came an Ambassador from the King of Barbary, to whom she gave maintenance all the time he was here, and 100l. at his departure, and yet he gave nothing here. Also when the amity was first made between her and the Grand Signor, it was so well liked of that she lent us 30,000l. to be repaid in 6 years, which did not cost us above 4 upon the 100 for the year; and at Mr. Harborn's return (who was the first Ambassador in Turkey) she bestowed on him leases worth 200l. per annum. Likewise at the granting of our second Turkey patent, she granted us many privileges more than we have now. Also she bestowed upon Mr. Barton (next Ambassador after Mr. Harborn) to the sum of 1,200l. You may perceive by the plot of the Venetians with Sir Thomas Sherly how desirous they are to cut us off from this trade, which if it should happen his Majesty shall find a great loss in his customs and imposts, and a greater loss by the decay of shipping and mariners, and by the taking of many of his subjects captives, and an utter undoing of a great number of poor people at home, set on work by the same trade in making fustians. For whereas in times past the trade of Spain did vent yearly 20,000 coloured cloths and kerseys, now none at all: therefore there is the more necessity to maintain this trade of Turkey. And if this man shall not go away contented, it will either break the amity or withdraw the yearly allowance from his Majesty's Ambassador. Consider that all Christian Princes have amity with the Grand Signor, or would have it if they could get it; for although they are infidels, yet they permit us to use our religion freely. Consider also that the Turk has reaped no benefit by us nor our country, but has sustained great losses, as by Jefford, Mellyn, etc. Likewise Thornton sunk the great Sultana, of great value. All these things are well known to this Ambassador, whereby he may easily procure the overthrow of this trade, which once lost would never be recovered again; whereby would come to this realm such a loss as I pray God I never live to see it.—London, 19 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 140.)
Examinations of Charles Farrall and Patrick Cullen, taken at Ludlow.
1607, Oct. 20. Met Patrick Cullen on Dublin quay, when going for England, when Cullen said if he would conduct him to London he would bear his charges. Cullen told him he had two friends in London, one with the Spanish Ambassador, the other Richard O'Hoan, a pensioner with the King of England. Cullen was very loth to go through any market town, lest he should be seen, and entreated him to keep secret his intention to go to the Spanish Ambassador. Cullen refused to go to church. They landed at Chester on Oct. 16, and came to Shrewsbury, and so to Ludlow, where they were taken.
Examination of Patrick Cuilen of Archman in Ireland, taken at Ludlow the same day.
He travelled towards London to Richard O'Hoan, a pensioner of the King's. By profession he taught children in the introduction of grammar. Has been to hear divine service. Was sent over by Bartholomew O'Hoan, brother to the said Richard, who said Richard would give him maintenance. He met Farrall as stated above.
pp. (122. 141.)
William Atkinson to his cousin, Antony Atkinson.
1607, Oct. 20. I thank you for your care of me in the causes you wot of. His lands you know of are lawfully conveyed by good assurances without covin. We are in conference. If all things end well I will inform you; if otherwise you shall know hereafter. Let him come in no trouble by your means, there is good else otherwise to be done.—20 Oct., 1607.
PS.—Signify my cousin Thomas we are all well here. My cousin Mr. Robert Atkinson's death doth cross my business.
Signed, the postscript being in W. Atkinson's handwriting. 1 p. (122. 142.)
William Atkinson to Sir John Dawston.
1607, Oct. 20. I am emboldened, at the instance of my cousin Antony Atkinson, to get my letters to him to be delivered to him by colour in writing to you. We hope by God's grace the sickness will cease, for there died within the city this last week but 49.—20 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 143.)
Sir George Beverley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 20. Encloses brief concerning victualling of soldiers in Ireland and the supply of stores there.—20 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 144.)
The Earl of Clanricard to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 20. Illness has prevented him from making preparation of the horse, but he hopes by the last of November the horses shall be at Chester. Sooner is not possible, because many places must be searched, and good horses are not easily gotten. Robert Thickpenny his servant shall attend Salisbury for the money; and he will attend him himself as soon as he can look abroad.—Bennington, 20 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 145.)
Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 20. As to the levy ordered of 50 men in Shropshire, he has directed his Deputy Lieutenants, Sir Robert Needham, Sir Francis Newport and Thomas Cornewall esquire, to see that the men are at Chester by the day limited. After his arrival at Ludlow on the 22nd he will send the rolls indented of the soldiers chosen.—Brimingham [Birmingham?], 20 Oct., 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (122. 146.)
Lord Harrington to the King.
[1607. Before Oct. 21.] The Starchmakers' petition for a corporation, offering 5l. on every hundredweight. Prays, at their desire, to be undertaker for them to the King, farming the receipt.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1007.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 375.]
The Starchmakers.
[1607. Before Oct. 21.] The sum of the petition of the Starchmakers, which is to be made a corporation; and their answers to the objections made against it by the Lord Chief Baron.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2108.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., ut supra.]
The Bishop of Salisbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 21. Salisbury moved him for a prebend for Dr. Wilkinson, and he has given him the choice of two, to accept the first thereof that shall fall. Begs him to further his suit touching the Chancellorship of the Garter belonging to his see, wherein his Majesty promised to do him and his Church right.—Sarum, 21 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 147.)
The Countess of Montgomery to her uncle, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Oct. 21. Her Majesty has been pleased to give me leave for some time to be from the Court to take physic. I would not have desired this leave at this time if I had had a thought that my being at the Court might have done you any service. I take it as a great favour that you made choice of me to be the deliverer of this token to her Majesty, which I have sent to Mrs. Speckerd, according to your desire, to be made up. If there be no great haste of the delivering of it I desire that I may have the happiness myself to present it.—From durance, the 21 of October.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 11.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 21. At my return from attendance of my Lord of Hertford out of the Low Countries, your lordship signified to my Lord Treasurer his Majesty's gracious grant that I should receive profit out of eight recusants. If I might lawfully have given any assurance unto them either in law or by bond for their discharge, I might have at the first reaped by their own special offers, as divers yet living can testify (Frawnces Tressam often soliciting me in their behalfs), the sum well near of 1500l. But I having neither warrant in conscience or by law to protect them in any such kind proceeded to indict them. Whereby, first Mrs. Hungerforde procured her son Sir John to obtain a grant of her from me. His Majesty's pleasure therein was signified by you, which I did most humbly obey, hoping yet to have had one other, albeit of meaner quality, in her place, which your lordship as well by your noble letter as word gave me hope of. Mrs. Morgein widow, when I went about to indict, found means to come under the protection of Mr. Harris, gentleman usher, who as I hear has 100l. or 200l. in money and 100 marks per annum during life of her. Mr. Preston of Andernes after the good and religious Baron Savel died I could never indict, and now living within your inheritance I will not seek to proceed against, until I first know your pleasure. Brudenel, who married Tressam's sister, for whom Tressam offered me 400l. to protect him, I hear comes to church. Sir Basill Brook for whom I was offered 300l. because I indicted him uses all means to be protected elsewhere; so as I protest, the suit standing me in viis et modis 200l. at least, if I be a Christian I have not had of any one of them eight any way one groat. If now there be any direct course that I may make any benefit of them or so many [pounds?] for them that I may therein have your present good favour to reap some profit as others do, if it be but half so much as I might have had, it shall content me. I had also two letters from his Majesty to Winchester College and yet cannot have their answer other than if I can find out anything but Venables his not prejudicing a tenant, I shall be respected. I crave but two lines from his Majesty for a fine which one Mr. Barnes (fn. 2) is to pay for Brodesidlinge now to be renewed not being 300l. The suit has cost me 200l. So have I written to Sir Tho. Laek.—October 21, Anno 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (194. 12.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 21. Advertisement of his treaty with Richardot touching Tyrone, with desire to be further directed therein. Macquire's stratagem to fetch away Tyrone. Tyrone's complaints, that the petty lords of his country were withdrawn from him, whereby he was enforced to live upon his own possessions: and that a governor should be placed in his country over him, which because he resisted he was commanded to come over into England with his son to yield his reasons, which would (as he said) be his undoing and was the cause of his flight.
Abstract. (227, p. 338.)
King James to the Council.
[1607, Oct. 22.] My Lords, I have with great contentment perused the account of labours wherein the matter is no more pleasing unto me than the form, I mean of the grant of this loan, the use of it being divulged to be for just, provident and honourable causes, the people having made so great a demonstration of their affections, the aldermen having shown such a readiness on their parts and yet without burdening either the one or the other; these were made the advances that were most obliged and that in so honourable a form as no trick is put upon them, no authority compulsive nor threatening used nor no land nor jewels engaged, and all this done for a sum that is not contemptible nor will not be so thought by the very bankers of Genoa when they shall hear of it. How far the thing itself will repair my credit and rectify my state your letter doth at length declare it, so as I may now with comfort conclude that ye have not only answered to the assurance I had of ye that ye would prove faithful and diligent physicians unto me, but even fulfilled my hope of you in proving fortunate also. To all this I can send no other answer than thanks and of that subject I can say no further than this, that never king since Christ's time was more happy in his Council than I am, and that I may truly glory in this that not king or monarch in our age is so well served by his Council as I am in mine: wherein I partly thank myself, that made no choice of a "Roboams" young council when I entered this kingdom. Now because I cannot write to every one of you to thank you in particular according to the parts you acted in that comedy, let this general letter of thanks serve for you all; for, to use a hunting metaphor, out of this hunting residence of mine I cannot say that this hound or that hound only ran well, but that it was a good kennel and they all ran well and in a full cry. And as for the buying in of the pensions ye have lighted fully upon my intention therein, for if I had all the gold of the Indies I would not press to buy in any pensions from any ordinary or actual attendants in service whose wants I behoved after to supply; but I would only when time serves have them bought in from a number of fellows unknown to me, "quhomto" by my permission they were sold by divers of my servants, which stopped their mouths from greater suits. And thus recommending to your faithful diligence all other things following in sequence upon this errand, concerning improvement and diminution, whereby this your service may prove the more available, I bid you all heartily farewell.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "22nd of October 1607, the King to the Council at London."
2 pp. (134. 115.)
Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 22. He understands that the King's letters to Edward Say, his niece's son, for a fellowship in All Souls, Oxford, are stayed by Salisbury at the signet. Begs him to give them passage, as Say seeks no other preferment to a place there but by resignation, which is promised on delivery of the King's letters.—Doctors' Commons, 22 Oct., 1607.
Signed. Endorsed: "Chancellor of the Exchequer." 1 p. (122. 148.)
Viscount Fenton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 22. It has pleased his Majesty to say to me, "you are a Scots man, and a Scots body has most wrong in this matter; therefore write to my Lord of Salisbury, and send him this book which is lately come to my hands, and acquaint him that in this as in all books that come to my reading I have accidentally found no good part in it, if it be not the very worst of all; and thinking it to touch her so nearly to whom I do owe so great a duty, besides the blemish it gives myself, I must repress it, and specially by not suffering the books to go forth; and if that be already past remedy, that they may be recalled"; whereof he desires your special regard. For he thinks he is wronged too much in [anyone] daring to write of that subject, and in these terms; and he will not pass it unpunished, lest he should give himself the greater blow. For although his Majesty has been contented to pass things in silence, yet he must ever think his mother had no favourable justice, but great wrong, without due respects fitting for her. He does not know the author of this book, nor his name, and is very desirous you should learn of him, and to let him be advertised; and that you should think upon the fittest way to make him know his terror, that others should [not] dare to do the like hereafter. You will find that whereof he is offended in the last leaf of the book excepting one, and it is marked with long scores. When you have read the book and considered of it, he desires it may be sent to him again with expedition.— "Roystoun, 22 Oct. at two a cloke at efternone, 1607."
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 149.)
Lady Katherine and Lady Mary Grey.
1607, Oct. 22. "A copy of the last order entered in Court, touching the contempt of the jury to inquire after the deaths of the Lady Katherine and Mary Graye."
13 pp. (140. 205–11.)
Lord Burghley to his uncle, the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 22. Prays for the wardship of one Marmaduck Constable of Wassome in Houldernes who holds land not only of the King but also of the writer's manor of Rosse and married the daughter of his tenant John Starley.—At Burghley, 22 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (194. 13.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 23. It was this afternoon before his Majesty would afford me time to acquaint him with anything I had in charge from you; for yesternight when I arrived he was at his supper, and the morning being fair and frosty he went out very early to his sports. With all that I have reported of your proceedings in the loan: in care of the prohibition: of my Lord of Hartford: and in that of the woods: he is exceedingly well pleased, and has given me none other matter to return but his contentment. In the case of the Postnati, which I had particularly from you, he could not conceive how that could satisfy him, and moved so many doubts as I was not able to reply. It may be because I had not remembered it aright, or not taken all particulars which you told me. His allegation was that he had not given anything since his coming into England to any born after that time, and that he knew not any that he had given aught to of land that was dead, so as his gift might descend upon an heir born after his coming; and therefore this case as I told it must concern the Antenati only, which he did assure himself the judges would never yield unto. He remembered particularly what my Lord of Balmerinoth had said unto him of the purpose to have it brought in trial, wherein he spake much of your care and industry in his service. But in this case reported by me he did not see how it concerned the Postnati, except it were so as that his first patentee who had the grant were dead, and had left an heir postnatus upon whom the plea might be raised by Byngley. In which point he gave me charge to write to you that he might be advertised whether it were so or no; for else he took the case proposed to concern the Antenati, and so that everyone that was of his allegiance was naturalised, which he thought would never pass from the judges. If the fault of my memory or want of judgment put you to thus much trouble, I beseech you to pardon me, for it was my fault of not asking after those circumstances. You shall receive herewith the privy seal for Ireland, for Chesthunt Park, for the gardens at Theobalds, and for your own payment; also the letter for Auditor Gofton, and one to be directed to my Lord of Worcester for reformation of the stables, which I received from himself; and a privy seal for Sir Thomas Vavaser concerning his information of purchases made upon false particulars. The letter to my Lord of Northampton is to convey to him a letter whereof he delivered me a draft, to warrant him to visit the ropesellers' books, to find the prices and quantities of cordage bought of them. It may please you it may be delivered to him.—Court at Royston, 23 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 150.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 23. He cannot come to Salisbury at 4 o'clock on account of illness, but can attend him "here" at any time.— 23 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 151.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 23/Nov.2. If my being at Arnhem (whither I went to present my service to Count Ernesto and his Lady, lately come thither from Brunswick) had not hindered me, my letters had come with the foremost. Touching the "Agreation," it is here interpreted according as it is affected. The common sort have the proviso which is in it given them for an apple to play withal, and say it shall be no peace because there is spoken of matter of religion. But the opinion of others is that they will proceed to a treaty, and to that end the Estates have taken 6 weeks' time to deliberate of the matter. In the meantime the Friar and Audiencer attend daily their dispatch to return. They were on Tuesday more than 3 hours above with the Estates. Some say that they are not entertained with that respect they have formerly been, others think that can be done of purpose, and that they are the more like to compass their ends. It is believed, if they come to treaty, that the Spaniard is not so strait-laced in his conscience that the matter of religion, in a State wherein he has nothing to do, shall be any hindrance to keep him from his politique ends, though something must be insisted upon in that business, lest it should be thought that the Friar should forget his own profession, and the Catholic King should make no account of his Catholic adherents. I have heard by a man of good rank that those of Utrecht have used the boldness to propound in assembly of the Estates, liberty of the Romish religion in their town and province of Utrecht; alleging they ought to have the same freedom the others have in their religion, since they have borne the brunt of the war as much as the others. Sir Raphe Wynwood is not of opinion that such proposition has been made; howbeit it may have been in the assembly of the General Estates when he has not been there; and I can easily believe that those of Utrecht would make such a motion, but that it has been solemnly propounded or debated of I do not think. It will be a work of no small art nor labour to bring the Provinces into a fast union and good understanding among themselves, and the judgment of divers is that the entrance into treaty before that work be done will much more rend them asunder, and open them to the enemy's practices, unless they agree all in a peace; and so they may sooner sink than swim together, unless his Majesty and the French King so interpose as that they receive them into a league offensive and defensive with themselves, and upon those terms, I have heard some that at first were much against any peace, say now that they think it were both fit and necessary for this State. For the difficulty that is made of Gelderland and Overisel that they will hardly be ever drawn to other terms than peace, because they have the enemy on their bosoms, methinks his Excellency might easily satisfy them upon the hope of the success of an offensive army, and it is probable that if the wars revive again, those Provinces must be first eased, and that may be done by over-topping the enemy in power, were it but for one year; for if, by the favour of his Majesty and the French, this State should be enabled to thrust two great armies into the field, the one into Brabant or Flanders, the other to besiege the forts on the Rhene and Berke, it were not to be expected but that he should gain them in a summer; and those being got, Lingen, Oldenzeel and Groll could make no long disputes, for they were void of all hope of succour. Those places being recovered might be razed and laid open; so should the enemy be frustrated of anything that might allure him to pass the Rhene again, when there were no place of strength to receive him. But I doubt this discourse is unseasonable, since the more general expectation is of a peace.
I wrote to you of the Prince of Portugal, who, I hear since, is in England. His manner of going away from hence, though it is not publicly taxed, yet suffers it interpretation, and divers say it was not as it ought to be and was expected neither to his Lady nor some his nearest friends dwelling there by him. The Count Ernesto with his Lady are expected here next week, howbeit I hear Count William has advised him to leave her at Arnhem.— Haghe, 2 Nov., 1607, novo.
Holograph. 3 pp. (123. 9.)
William Atkinson's accusation of Browne.
1607, Oct. 23. That all the Irish nobility have taken a secret oath of allegiance to the Pope, and vowed they would never draw sword in defence of King James; for they supposed he would have granted them liberty of conscience, and find themselves more kept under, and their religion less tolerated, than before his approaching the Crown. That the King is generally hated. That he has sent great sums of money into Scotland. That this party, the author of the premisses, should aver that lately he was amongst a great company of gentlemen where he heard such murmuring against the King as he never heard beggar so railed on in his life; and divers affirmed that all tradesmen who served the King cursed him, and were all bankrupts, in regard that he would pay no debts. That he heard a great man aver that the King would grant liberty of conscience to the Catholics in England. I demanding of this party what he thought of Mr. Blackwell's oath, and if he heard any matter that his Majesty should be excommunicated, he replied that Blackwell's neck was broken and his credit for ever with the Catholics; and that there was a priest very lately come from Rome to seek for him at his chamber; and of that priest he should know all when they met. This party affirmed it was most expedient that the Pope should be supreme king over all other kings. That Lord Lyle should lately have possessed his Majesty with some matters against the Lord of Northampton, viz. how he gave great countenance to Sir Robert Dudley, and that he sent him over great sums of money, and many other matters: insomuch that his Majesty was wonderfully displeased with the Earl.
These were spoken to William Atkinson, Bachelor of Divinity, now prisoner in the Gatehouse, Westminster, and sent unto Dr. Ravis, Lord Bishop of London, 23 Oct., 1607.
This gentleman has been a great traveller, and as he says, a man of good state, and supposed me to be still a p[riest], so that he perceived how I was well acquainted with the priests beyond seas.
Unsigned. Addressed to Dr. Ravis, Lord Bishop of London. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Atkynson's Accusation of Browne." 2 pp. (123. 155.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Dorset and Sir Julius Caesar.
1607, Oct. 24. On perusal of this certificate from you, his Majesty is pleased that Sir William Constable, upon surrender of the former letters patent granted to Sir Robert Constable of the fee farm of the manor of Chopwell, shall have a new grant. Conditions detailed, and side note by Dorset as to the rent.— Court at Royston, 24 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 152.)
Mary Lady Wingfeild to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Oct. 25. Thanks him for taking her son Robert Wingfelde into his service.—Keneybolton, 25 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (122. 153.)
Katherine Lady Walsh to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 25. It was intended that her deceased husband, for his services, should have 200l. per ann. for 15 years, out of Sir Thomas Sherly's suit, then obtained from his Majesty. Begs that this reward be bestowed on her, he having left her 1000l. in debt. His service cost him his life, for at his going from his house in the prosecution of those monsters, he, that never was accustomed to travel, did, with lying out three or four nights, lose his hearing instantly, and within eight days felt grievous effects of obstruction in his kidneys, which grew to an ulcer and held him in wretched case till freed by death.—Shelsleye, 25 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 154.)
Charles Brooke.
1607, Oct. 25. Lands granted to Charles Brooke. Includes the manor of Westcliffe, manor of Coolinge, College of Cobham and College of Maidstone, Kent.—25 Oct., 5 Jac. 1607.
pp. (122. 155.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 25. I sent you yesterday by the post the case of the Postnati, but forgot to advertise you that there had been a petition here delivered to the King by Bingley, craving reference of his case to the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer upon this point, that where he was tenant to the land bona fide, and now Kellett had got it upon supposition of a treason whereby his estate was in question, he desired he might surrender his estate to his Majesty, and compound with the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor for a new estate to be passed to him from his Majesty: which reference his Majesty, not then knowing that this land was to be the subject of that great plea, did grant for the profit was offered him. Since, Kellett has exhibited a contrary petition, and desired from his Majesty to be countenanced in his suit by such a letter as is here enclosed. Because I know not how far any alteration that shall proceed from his Majesty to the one or the other may vary the case in that which is intended, I thought it good to let you know this that has been done and is desired to be done, to the end that my Lord Treasurer may be spoken withal, that if the case intended of the Postnati shall receive any impediment by a new grant to Bingley, it may be stayed till that trial be past, for I suspect that Bingley's petition delivered here was not without his lordship's privity.—Court at Royston, 25 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 157.)
The Earl of Derby to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 25. As to controversy between Heborne and Weston. Did not intend to wrong Heborne in the least degree, and has taken order that Heborne's deputy shall have no further cause to complain.—Knowsley, 25 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 158.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Lord Ellesmere, Earl of Suffolk, Earl of Northampton, Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar.
1607, Oct. 25. Sir Robert Carye has presented the enclosed petition, craving an office for the sole making of latitats in the King's Bench, as others have for subpoenas in the Chancery. The King is disposed to pleasure him in regard of his service; but doubts whether it be lawful and whether it may not be offensive to his people in general, by any new imposition thereby to grow on them; and refers the matter to their consideration.—Court at Royston, 25 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 159.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Oct. 25. If this poor corner of the world did afford anything worth the writing, I should ere this have often troubled you with my letters. Since the receipt of your last I have been as diligent to inquire as I could and can hear of no ship in these quarters that came newly out of Spain, though before that time we heard almost every day somewhat or other. Now, my Lord, I must move you in a business, wherein yourself is as far interested as I am. It is concerning the estate of my Lord of Devonshire, whereof there is now an office to be found, a jury out of Northamptonshire being appointed to appear to that purpose in the Court of Wards, the Thursday next after All Hallows Day. I beseech you to afford your own presence at this, not that we fear anything but only because in a matter of that importance I would be glad we might proceed with as much security as may be. Another request I have to make is that, whereas the day appointed for the appearance of this jury is 5 November, which day is consecrated to the service of God in regard of His mercy showed on that day in preserving his Majesty and all the Estates of the realm, and therefore I imagine no court in Westminster will then sit, you would put it off until the Thursday following, which will be 12 November; before which time I purpose to wait upon you, being myself also desirous to be there when the matter shall be handled.—The 25 of October.
PS.—I beseech you if at any time you chance to meet with my Lord Chief Justice before my coming up, make him see that you take this business to heart. For in regard of the suit with Champernoone, which depends before him, his favour will much avail, as whereof though I nothing doubt yet I assure myself, when he shall find that your lordship affects it, he will be much the more forward to do us good.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "25 Octo. 1607." 2 pp. (194. 14.)
Soldiers for Ireland.
1607, Oct. 26. Order to the Treasurer and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer to pay, upon the order of a Committee of the Privy Council, money for the levying and furnishing of 100 horse for Ireland, not exceeding 2,500l.: also for their transportation: and for the coat, conduct and transportation of 800 footmen for Ireland.—Palace of Westminster, 26 Oct., 5 Jac.
Draft or copy. 1 p. (122. 142–2.)
Lord Haryngton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 26. Asks allowance for his half yearly accounts for the Lady Elizabeth's apparel and charges, which he sends by his servant. The charge is somewhat greater than the last, partly by reason of apparel, etc. provided against the Prince's coming to visit her, and partly to furnish her with cloak and mantle to keep her warm when she travels.—Burleighe, 26 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 161.)
Sir John Peyton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 26. The Bailiff and Deputy of Guernsey, Mr. Amis Carteret, and his nephew Philip Carteret, the young Seigneur of St. Owen, have urged to the Commissioners divers reformations of pretended grievances. He considers their proposals greatly inconvenient to his Majesty's prerogatives and revenues, and begs to be heard against them. Commends the work of the Commissioners, and desires that the authority of the Government may be preserved, howsoever the errors of the Governors give cause of censure.—Mountorguell, Jersey, 26 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 163.)
Reports of Negotiations from Venice.
1607, Oct. 26/Nov. 5 to Nov. 2/12. 1607, Nov. 5. The English Ambassador came to the Cabinet and complained of the hostility of the Venetian Ambassador at Constantinople to English traders. The Doge replied that the King's suspicions were unfounded and the work of enemies.
The Ambassador answered that there was no doubt about this and mentioned the assistance given to an English ship, when attacked by a berton of the Grand Duke.
The Doge replied that he had no doubt that good intelligence would continue between Venice and England.
1607, Nov. 10. The English Ambassador was called into the Cabinet and informed that the suspicion that the Venetian Ambassador in Constantinople was hostile to English trade was unfounded, and the result of false information.
1607, Nov. 12. In reply to the communication of the Senate dated the 10th instant the English Ambassador expressed his gratitude for the same and his desire to preserve good relations between England and Venice. In complaining of the attitude of the Ambassador at Constantinople, he has only carried out his instructions.
Headed: "Copia." Italian. 4 pp. (125. 112.)
[These are extracts from the proceedings, those parts only being copied which relate to the Venetian Ambassador at Constantinople. For a fuller account, see Cal. S.P. Venice, 1607–1610, Nos. 106, 110, 111.]
The Bishop of Carlisle and others, inhabitants of the Middle Shires, to the Earl of Dunbar.
[1607, (?) Oct. 27.] The King, in the late Queen's time, moved by compassion towards Bordermen, but especially towards the English, who in those days suffered most, commanded divers satisfactions to be made them when Border law gave small remedy. Among the remedies applied none was found so powerful as remanding. It brought such terror to the thieves of both kingdoms that theft was in a manner banished, and every malefactor feared that he should find justice without favour with those of the opposite nation. This being taken away by a late Act of Parliament, the ill disposed have been given so great encouragement that theft was not more common in the times when the kingdoms stood divided. They wish that before passing the Act, Parliament had been pleased to understand by those countries what laws had been fittest for their government. It would then have appeared that Scottish thieves will find favourable trial in Scotland for felonies committed in England, and that small felonies will not be prosecuted in either kingdom on account of the charges. To cure the wound which the Act has made, the King has ordered the committing of such of the better sort as are deemed to be encouraged of theft; and the pressing for service in Ireland or elsewhere [of] such of the meaner sort as are deemed to be actual stealers. They begin already to find the fruit of these orders, and beg they may be prosecuted without respect of persons. They are assured that when their reasons for remanding are delivered to Parliament at the next session, and the suggestions and colours used at the last session are openly and particularly discovered and refuted, the law will be numbered among those which pass under the title of discontinuance.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. 5 pp. (124. 130.)
The Bishop of Durham and others to the Earls of Cumberland and Dunbar, Commissioners for the Middle Shires.
1607, Oct. 27. To the same effect as the preceding letter of the Bishop of Carlisle.—Newcastle, 27 Oct., 1607.
Contemporary copy. 1½ pp. (124. 129.)
William Wilkinson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Oct. 28. Thanks him for his favours at his late being at Sarum, also for his favourable letter from Basing to the Bishop of Sarum, on his behalf. The Bishop has sealed a personal advowson of two of his best prebends to Salisbury, whereby he can bestow on the writer the first one void.—Sarum, 28 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (122. 165.)
The Earl of Dorset to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, Oct. 28.] Of his attack of jaundice. He means to conjoin with Mr. Chancellor to perfect this book of debts, and an offer how they shall be satisfied, that is such as are not already assigned; and then leave all to the Lords. Arrangements for meeting the Lords.—Wednesday, 5 o'clock after dinner.
Holograph. Endorsed: "28 Oct. 1607." 1 p. (122. 166.)
Dr. Benjamin Heyden, Dean of Wells, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 28. I now take my last leave of your Honour, not expecting to live three days longer. My last suit and humble entreaty is that you would afford your favour towards my poor and kind brother Edward Heyden, to move my successor to deal kindly with him for the confirmation of such small things as I have left and intended unto him. The cause that moves me to entreat this grace from your lordship is in regard of great sums of money which my said brother stands yet engaged for me, to the value of fourteen or fifteen hundred pounds, which money I must truly confess has been bestowed by me in building and repairing the deanery house in Wells; besides 400l. more which I have bestowed in the recovery of certain lands to the deanery, which were clearly like to lose had not myself undertaken it to my great charge and trouble to my friends, your Honour I mean, who principally and only effected the same for me. These things I do most willingly dedicate unto the church, as my last sacrifice to my good God.—Welles, 28 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (194. 15.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 28. Has received by his secretary Salisbury's letter of the 15th instant. Before it came he adventured for the reasons expressed in his last letter to move for the staying of Tyrone and his company till his Majesty might be advertised thereof. Went yesterday to Ricardott to receive the Archduke's answer. Was told he had made a demand for which he did not appear to have any commission from his Majesty and that he had no reason to press the Archduke for the delivery to the rigour of the English laws of those persons whose only offence for aught they understood had been in flying from the danger they pretended to be intended towards them; that they had been suffered to pass freely through France notwithstanding the instance made to the contrary. Edmondes's reply. Tyrone's suggestions that the purpose of the [King's] sending for him was to have taken him prisoner were false and frivolous. If there had been any such meaning it would not have been forborne to have seized on his person at such time as he came to the Deputy to receive the King's commandment for his repair into England. He was informed of the causes [viz.] to treat with him for the clearing of some controversies between him and some other lords of that country [Ireland], whom he sought still to make his slaves, as he had tyrannised over them in the time of his rebellion, and also to establish some orders for the civil government of those parts. But not being willing to submit himself to reason about those matters and having further a guilty conscience for some practices he was entered into for stirring up a new rebellion in that kingdom upon the feigned colour of religion, he durst not go into England but chose to make his retreat for Spain, where he was assured to find favour and patronage. For proof Edmondes informed him that it has been [not] unknown to his Majesty that of long time one Father Florence, a Franciscan friar that came out of Spain, has entertained the said practice and went in the company of Macguyre into Ireland and has assured the discontented persons there that they should be assisted by the King of Spain.
As for Ricardott's allegation of a refusal to stay those men in France, he [Edmondes] pretended that he did not understand that any such things had been propounded but if there were, the French King had in that refusal showed more cunning towards them than want of good will towards his Majesty. Told him moreover that his Majesty expected more friendly dealing at the Archduke's hand because the Spanish Ambassador in England had professed that he knew Tyrone and his company should not be entertained in Spain. Ricardott recriminated first with what is done in favour of the Hollanders in England. Afterwards he extenuated the fault of these men for now the King had by their absence better means to reduce their country to quietness. He alleged there was no purpose to receive them here with ceremony but confessed that Spinola intended to invite Tyrone to dinner at his coming to this town. Further speeches between Edmondes and Ricardott. The latter asked Edmondes if he could not be content if he were invited to dine also with Spinola at such time as Tyrone should be there, to hear what he could allege for himself, but Edmondes was loth to be taxed with so gross an indiscretion. Prays that his dealings in the matter may be avowed as it is thought he has acted without authority.
They are here advertised from the Audiencer and the Cordelier that upon the audience they have had with the States they have taken time to send to their provinces for their resolution upon the answer they are to make, but it is here conceived that it is as well to receive advice hereupon out of England and France. It is again written out of Spain that the Indies fleet has come home and has brought ten or twelve millions. The Archduke has ordered Don Louys de Valsco to the castle of Gand and Don Innigo de Boria to the castle of Namur till they shall yield to a reconciliation. These Princes are expected to return hither from Beins this week. Sends an extract of the last advertisements out of Germany.—Bruxells, 28 Oct., 1607.
Copy. 4⅓ pp. (227, p. 288.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
The Earl of Nottingham to the King.
[1607], Oct. 28. I beseech your Majesty to pardon me that I do not wait on you with the rest of the Lords. I have taken such cold with riding late and wet from the sitting late at London with the Lords to my house as I can scarce speak. I doubt not but to be well to wait on your Majesty at your coming to Hampton Court. At my being with the Lords, the Lord Treasurer delivered unto me certain articles of demands of A.B. touching the leasing of your woods of all sorts. I perused them very carefully as it becomes me, holding the offices of Admiral and Justice in Eyre under your Majesty. I beseech you think that no man living shall be more willinger [sic] and readier to advance your revenues in any sort than myself shall be to my power. So would I also be loth that your Majesty should be deceived with the colour of a fair title. I have made objections to them and have delivered them unto the Lord Treasurer. I am also bold to send unto you A.B.'s demands, as also some objections of mine to some of his, which if your Majesty cast your princely eye over them, then will you be able to judge. If I have committed error, I crave pardon. Yet I have discharged my duty as I conceived of it.
PS.—Casting over A.B.'s abatements for your Majesty's house, which he demands to be deducted out of the annual rent of 20,000l., I find the sum to amount to 4,058l. 15s., as by the enclosed note you may easily see. So as your Majesty shall have not fully 16,000l. a year if he have all his unreasonable demands.—Haling, 28 Oct.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ¾ p. (118. 29.)
Hugh Lee to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, Oct. 29/Nov. 8. As yet I cannot learn the names of those two Irish Jesuits who travelled hence into Galizia and took passage either for England or Ireland. Here is arrived Mr. John Gurgany, and the day of his arrival, Oct. 26, was his brother Mr. Hugh Gurgany removed from the Inquisition to St. Rocks, which is the College of the Jesuits here in Lisboa, where his brother has free access to him. His brotherly love would be doubled towards him if he might in that house be brought to profess their religion, wherein I hope they shall never prevail. To that end was his removal plotted by his professed friends, and by Henry Fludd the English Jesuit; and it is very likely to prove a very dangerous precedent to his Majesty's subjects. Though they clear themselves from the dangers of the laws, yet shall they be sent to this College under some coloured pretence, only to be drawn from their true obedience.
Don Luis Faxardo is arrived with the other carrick and the rest of the Armada, and goes speedily to the Court.
Don Antony de Ockendo, general of the squadron of Biscay, is gone from the Groyne to accompany the galleons which came from the Indies with treasure, who arrived at the Groyne, into Andaluzia. The report goes of great store of treasure to be come in them.
The oppressions formerly offered to his Majesty's subjects in these parts by the Spaniards is much mitigated, so that now the greatest disorders are among ourselves, every one following his own ways, greatly to the hindrance of the general good.
The former great joys of the hoped peace with the States of Holland and Zeeland are much abated, and changed into a doubtful fear that it will not take effect.—Lixa [Lisbon], 8 Nov., 1607, stilo novo.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 167.)
Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 30. This Irishman mentioned in our letters to your lordship is of person and condition very base, yet it should seem his education has been in a better sort than he is willing to disclose. The earnestness of going to the Spanish Ambassador and the desire to have his intention kept secret breed a greater suspicion. His purpose was to go as he pretends to a friend about the Spanish Ambassador, whose brother (one Richard O'hone) as he alleges, has a pension of his Majesty of 4s. a day or thereabout. Because I know not of any such man about his Majesty, I misdoubt him the rather, and therefore make bold upon this small occasion, desiring rather to be too officious in these less matters than that by my negligence there should escape my hands any person that hereafter may prove dangerous to the State. Though as yet there be no pregnant allegation certain against this Irishman, yet for that it has been accustomed with priests and others of turbulent hearts heretofore to wander in so mean a fashion and close disguise, I am the rather jealous of him; though I presume if he be a person of any note and quality, or a messenger for any intended practice, your lordship has intelligence thereof sufficient.
I presume further to trouble you to assist my suit to his Majesty for a commission of lieutenancy under his signet. My reasons are these. Mr. Thomas Cornewall the baron of Burford being of great age is not able to travail, and therefore desires he may be discharged from being deputy lieutenant, which place he cannot according to his goodwill execute; and therefore entreats that his son Sir Thomas Cornewall may be deputed in his place, being a sufficient and worthy gentleman. I found also, having occasion by his Majesty's commands and your directions to levy 50 men in the county of Salop, that Sir Robert Needham, one deputy there, being at London and Mr. Thomas Cornewall not able to attend it, the whole service lay upon Sir Francis Newport, which by the limits of my commission of lieutenancy cannot by one be performed, being restrained to two of them at the least: as also in the county of Radnor there is but one nominated in my commission, as in divers other shires of Wales there be some dead which are now deputed for the present, and some live out of the country and one only there remains. So that by the defects of my commission 'tis dangerous lest when service shall cause present execution there be found slower dispatch than is fitting; which either the gentlemen cannot remedy being few in number, and some shires very spacious, or being but one they may not alone deal in it. Wherefore I heartily entreat that by your furtherance his Majesty would give me warrant to supply the places of those who are either dead or impotent and desirous to be removed; and that whereas Sir Richard Leveson and Richard Corket, esquire, with others, were deputed within the county of Salop and are now dead, I may substitute Sir George Mannering and Sir Vincent Corbett in their steads; and that as occasion shall serve and defects arise I may have power to nominate those whom I shall know fit, whose names shall be returned to your lordship for your approbation.—Ludlow Castle, 30 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1½ pp. (89. 34.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 30/Nov. 9 The peace remains as doubtful as before the coming of the "Agreation." Some think they [the Estates] will enter into treaty after the Provinces have sent their allowance of that course, and that in the treaty and handling of the articles these men (if they effect it not) shall with the best order, by excepting against some points or other, break off from accepting the peace. The greater part think that the Estates and the people rather incline to the war than peace; but this they [the Estates] will not disclose without some good encouragements direct and assured from his Majesty and the French King; whether their Majesties will first offer these, or whether they will rather have the Estates declare themselves, and so rather seek help at their [the Kings'] hands, than force them (as it were) by representing unto them the Spanish offers and conditions they may have from the Archduke: that I leave to the judgments of those whom it belongs to to determine.
The Friar took his way on Tuesday last toward Brussels, and is expected very shortly here again. In the meantime Verreyken stays. They dined on Sunday with the Count Maurice, who, as I heard, made himself merry with the Friar, breaking several jests on him. At his passing through Rotterdam he was coarsely used by the shippers and boys of the street following him with uncivil cries; and some of them bade cast the monk into the water. Notwithstanding this peace handling, the merchants of the East Indian Company make very great provision both to defend themselves and assail the Spaniard in those parts. There are 14 great ships, most of them of 800 tons apiece, that will be ready to set sail in less than a month. Their provision is extraordinary in all things fit for their voyage. They carry with them 600 land soldiers who are, by condition, to remain there 3 years. They provide likewise store of instruments for fortification. I told you before of the general opinion that the Estates will enter into treaty. There are now some that hold that very dangerous, and say that if they come so far, they shall be catched, for the Spaniard will after awhile holding aloof, come aboard them with any conditions so he may have his end, which is peace for a time.
Here is a speech of reforming certain troops of horse; of the coming of the Marquis of Aunsburche in embassage from the Emperor, with great state and train; and of the Count Ernest with his lady to the Haghe. The Ambassadors of Denmark, together with those that were sent thither, are said to be upon their way towards these parts. All men here are weary of this neutrality, wherein they neither have peace nor war; but hope in the end, and that ere long, of a good and happy issue.— Dordrecht, 9 Nov., 1607 novo.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 168.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 30. Unless Salisbury stands his friend to the Council, his reputation may receive some blemish about the choice he made of a conductor for the 100 men from this county for Ireland. Though he did it by their direction, they have now countermanded it. He has made known by letter to them his grief herein, and begs Salisbury's furtherance.—Towstocke, 30 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 169.)
The Lord President and Council of Wales to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 30. An Irishman, Patrick Cullen, has been stayed on suspicion, as he desires in journeying to avoid all market towns and places where danger of apprehension might be, and seems by his ready speech of the Latin tongue to be of better birth and bringing up than he is willing to make known. They refer to the examination of his conductor (fn. 3). They have written to Sir Arthur Chichester to see what discovery he can make, as Cullen confesses that one Mr. Usher, Clerk of the Council there, is lord of that part of the country he was born and lived in. Beg directions.— Ludlowe Castle, 30 Oct., 1607.
Signed: Ra. Eure, R. Lewkenor, Ri. Atkyns, Fra. Eure. 1 p. (122. 171.)
The Enclosure.
Note of Patrick Cuilen's and Bartholomew O'Hoan's dwelling places in co. Armagh. "Per me Patricium Cuilen."
Bad Latin. ¼ p. (122. 170.)
The Earls of Cumberland and Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 30. Reporting their proceedings as Commissioners in these Middle Shires. At Jedworth 13 malefactors were convicted. At Carlisle only 7, of whom John Musgrave was one, for the robbery of the King's receiver. At Newcastle they found above 60 persons in prison, and 50 under recognisances; of whom but 4 were condemned. The bane of the service in Northumberland is that as regards persons bailed no recognisances are estreated; and for those in prison, the parties, though bound, forbear to prosecute or give evidence, they being it seems privately satisfied for the felonies. This course of confining is most necessary to the well disposed, and no small terror to the malefactors; nevertheless since the end of the last sessions of Parliament there have been more goods stolen in these parts than for long before. They have taken order for levying 200 men in these parts for Ireland, as directed. The country, in hope by these means to be disburdened from so many lewd persons, highly acknowledge the King's gracious care for them. The bearer, John Taylor, will give further information—Newcastle upon Tyne, 30 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1½ pp. (123. 1.)
Humphrey Wheeler to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 31. No part of the kingdom is further out of frame than this country, which still swarms with multitudes of dangerous papists, who though they go to church for form's sake, conceal in their houses priests and others of most dangerous dispositions, fittest instruments to effect their detestable devices, and seem but as prologues to future tragedies. The true grounds thereof I will discover, if I may be warranted under your hand to converse with men of that condition. I can acquaint you with divers sums of money collected for public purposes, but converted to private men's profits; as in one particular well appeared in the late horrible treason and insurrection of Winter, Catesby, Persye, and Digby, which being first begun in this country, so bare and disfurnished was the whole city of Worcester and the store house there, that there was not in both to be found forty pounds of powder and shot to furnish the King's subjects to suppress so devilish an attempt; yet there has been a round sum of money levied upon the country to provide such things; all which the country hardly brooks, and groans under the burden thereof. The like wants may fall out upon like occasion, if some due course be not taken. I shall also inform you of the neutrality of our justices of the peace, and who are most favourers of these factions.—From my poor house in Wycke, within one mile of the city of Worcester, last of October, 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (123. 2.)
Letters from Spain.
1607, Oct. "Points of letters from Madril and St. Sebastian in September and October, 1607."
Cottington, one of the Ambassador's chamber, arrested by the Alguazills for not paying the King's duties in some things he bought for the Ambassador; the value not above a ducat; he being carried to prison, where he remained but a day. His fellows came to visit him and were all detained prisoners, though he was released. The cause of detaining them was this. There was, a little before, a retirado fled into the Ambassador's house, who, having committed felony or murder, thought to save himself by the privilege thereof. The Alguazills watched about the house to take him, and caught him somewhat without the precincts. The Ambassador's men rescued him and carried him in again. Hereupon those which were found or thought to be rescuers were stayed in prison coming to visit their fellow; and it is thought Cottington was arrested of purpose to draw the rest thither. The Ambassador sending to the Alcaldes, which are the chief magistrates of justice, received little satisfaction. Since this accident there has been intercepting of Englishmen's letters from Spain.
Tedder and Walle, Englishmen, sent from Madril to Naples with pensions from the King.
Count Bodwell [Bothwell] come again to Madril, who of long time has as it were banished himself thence.
One Sanky, a fellow exceedingly acquainted with the business of England, a great herald and a pragmatical fellow, gives continually intelligence to Creswell of matters that pass here.
The ceremonies of the late born Prince's christening are not yet past, though the substance were performed as soon as he was born, for fear he would not live, being an "abort."
The India fleet not returned but expected daily.
The Commissioners of the Hanse Towns did only visit our Ambassador of all the rest.
The Ambassadors of France, Venice, Florence and Savoy hold good correspondency with ours, and visit each other monthly at least.
2 pp. (123. 3.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607 (Sept. 17?)] This morning I received your letter, which I presently acquainted his Majesty with, who is very well pleased with the contents. Notwithstanding, for better confirmation of his former opinion, he desires you to bend all your force to persuade her Majesty that this burial may not be a second grief: it is not for charge, but only for removing of the grievous present and the griefs to come. He is going this morning to Chesson [Cheshunt] Park to hunt, accompanied with the Duke of "Louxyngborne's" [Luxemburg's] son (fn. 4).—Tebbales, Thursday.
PS.—His Majesty will not be persuaded to alter his resolution in this matter, neither will he come to Hampton Court till that be ended. What you may do at your coming, I leave.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (123. 151.)
Money disbursed by the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, (Oct.)]. Money laid out: to the Lord Haddington 300l.; to Mr. [Jean de] Barkley, the French gentleman, 100l.; to Sir Christopher St. Laurence 150l.; to the Prince of Moldavia 300l.; to Middleton for hangings 200lUndated.
In hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "1607. Moneys disbursed by my Lord." ¼ p. (124. 174.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 376, for the docquet of the warrant, Oct. 26, 1607, to repay these sums.]
Gonville and Caius College.
[1607, Oct. 15]. Memorandum by one of the servants of the Earl of Salisbury as to the objections to the elections of Dr. Gostlin to be Master of Gonville and Caius College, whereby it appears plainly they are of no force, "in which business I have taken the more pains for that of all your servants I only am a member of the University."
Reasons against the first election: (1) The Statute requires a majority of voices, they had but six of thirteen, as Fletcher, the senior Fellow save one, whose voice they pretended to have but had it not, will depose. (2) The election ought not to have been till the next day—the words of the Statute are vacatio intelligatur ab ipso die mortis; if that had meant inclusive, it had been more proper to say ab ipso momento mortis. (3) The election should have been seen by three scrutineers who should record the votes in writing. There were but two in scrutiny, neither were the voices taken in writing. (4) The Statute requires that the Fellows should all be called and those which are absent expected 15 days; here they expected not fifteen minutes. (5) The law makes the election void because it was made before the burial of the corpse and because the voice of one of the Fellows present was contemned.
Reasons against the second election: (1) By Dr. Gostlin's admission the place is full, and they are not to proceed to election, but upon vacancy. (2) The appeal makes frustrate the second election, for the law says that pending an appeal nothing is to be done again. (3) The second election was without the consent of the two senior Fellows, being both present in the College, Drs. Pearce and Fletcher, who would not stir after the King's inhibition, and the Statute gives all power to the senior when the Mastership is void. (4) Though it may be objected that they were called but would not come, and therefore are to be held contumaciously absent, they ought to have awaited their coming till the last moment, which was on Sunday night when the month ended; but the junior Fellows made choice without them on the Saturday before. (5) Each election overthrows the other and the party elected cannot claim the benefit of both; so the first question to Dr. Gostlin would be to which election he will stand.—Undated.
Not signed. Endorsed: "15 October 1607, to be heard before my lord." 1 p. (136. 156.) [Cf. p. 206 above and pp. 364–7, 407–11 below.]
Robert Calvyn.
[1607, Oct.]. Grant by the King in fee simple to Robert Calvyn, gentleman, son and heir apparent of Robert Calvyn commonly called Master of Calvyn, son and heir apparent of James, Lord Calvyn of Colrosse, of a messuage in St. Botulph's without Bishopsgate in the suburbs of London, and a messuage in St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, co. Middlesex, parcel of the possessions of John Deakyn, attainted of high treason.
Draft endorsed: "Oct. 1607, Calvyn." 5 pp. (194. 16.)
[The date of the letters patent is Nov. 1, 1607 see Patent Roll, 5 James I, part 28. See also pp. 452–3 below.]


  • 1. The passage from here to the end is printed in Gardiner's Hist. of England, II, 39.
  • 2. See Cal. S.P.D Addenda 1580–1625, p. 500.
  • 3. See examination of Farrall, Oct. 20, 1607, p. 288 above.
  • 4. See Cal. S.P. Dom.: 1603–1610, p. 370 and pp. 247–8 above.