Cecil Papers: October 1607, 1-15

Pages 264-282

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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October 1607, 1-15

Lord Burghley to his uncle the Earl of Salisbury at Salisbury House.
1607, Oct. 1. I received your letters dated the 25 of this present [sic], wherein, though I found I am prevented of Constable's wardship by a former promise, yet your respect gave me a greater contentment than I was worthy in staying the grant of those lands which shall fall into the King's hands during the minority of my son Rosse [Roos], by the death of Mr. R. Mannors. I confess I were the most proper lessee of those lands, yet I will so restrain myself neither with form nor matter to weigh down that duty which I hope to find in mine for my requital in other occasions, and nevertheless take it from you as a favour very kindly effected and to be acknowledged with my best service. My wife desires to be most humbly remembered and thinks the high favour your lordship doth unto her and her lambs to remember them in your letters will be an occasion to preserve them from this present mortality so general this year.—From Nuarke [Newark], 1 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (194. 5.)
Phillip Phillipes, Mayor of Chester, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 2. Roger Hurleston, gent., an inhabitant of Chester, but not free, pretends a right of fishing in the Dee within Chester, and is withstood by the poor company of Drawers in the said river, a Society of this Corporation to whom it belongs as their maintenance. Hurleston has commenced a suit against the company before the Justices of Assize, which proceeding is derogatory to the courts of their city, and if allowed to continue will bind them to that jurisdiction. He begs Salisbury's letters to Sir Richard Lewkenor, Chief Justice of Chester, to require that the action be no further proceeded in before him, and that Hurleston be required to take trial in the courts of the city.— Chester, 2 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 103.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Council.
1607, Oct. 3. I have advertisement of a Spanish fleet of 80 sail that are in a readiness, and that the King of Spain has appointed them to make their "randivos" (under the command of Don Lewis) at the South Cape. There they were to attend certain galleys and ships that come out of the Straightes, with soldiers and other necessaries for the voyage. About August 28 Don Lewis arrived at the aforesaid place with 42 sail and 38 galleys, and left in Cales 8 ships more to come after him as fast as they could be furnished with men.
There is a stay made of all the Hamburgers, and their men are imprisoned.
They have 15 millions of treasure safely arrived, and the fleet for Nova Hispania have given over their voyage, because they are otherwise to be employed for this present.
It is further said that the land soldiers (which are in this service) are in all some 12,000, and that they purpose to go for Barbary. They are royally furnished with all sorts of provision. Another bruit there is that they intend to go about the north part of England for Embden; and neither of these but bear some show of likelihood. But it may well be doubted, if their purpose on Callis had taken effect, they would have passed along the Narrow Seas, and have harboured in that road; and it is the more likely for that they were furnished with pilots out of those parts, where if they had arrived and joined with the forces of the Archduke, what could have hindered them to have landed where they had most desired? But now it is to be hoped the neck of that design is broken. Notwithstanding it may well be feared that they have some plot on Ireland. Seeing there is an army afoot, it were not inconvenient providently to prevent the worse. As the King has esteemed me worthy of a place of this eminency, my duty was to signify thus much; and to remember you of my old suit for the thorough furnishing of things necessary for the defence thereof. If aught fall out otherwise than well, I ought not to be held blameworthy, as I can but demand what I want, and that being had, do what is possible.—Plymouth, 3 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 2 pp. (122. 107.)
The Same to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 3. I have sent herewith letters and notes out of Spain from Mr. Challones, by which it appears what has been done, and what hope there is of the relief of these poor afflicted creatures; whose miseries are made the greater by how much our nation is held in contempt, reposing no credit to any proofs made by ours who are not of their religion. I do not know what course to take to give them relief. Their employment had a good intent, and was drawn on by the King's allowance. I trust you will effect their release, and leave to after opportunity the recovering of satisfaction for our ship and goods.
Encloses letter for the Council [see above] and begs Salisbury to advance his suit to have this place better furnished with provisions for defence.—Plymouth, 3 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 108.)
Richard Stapers to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 3. Encloses a packet of letters, also three letters for Sir Thomas Sherley.
The Turkish Ambassador takes knowledge that the King should say there was a ship preparing for him, which he counts upon, and because I know of none, I certify you. The Company much grieve at their continual charge with him. As you told me the King would not gratify him with anything, I put you in remembrance that to every English Ambassador that comes thither, besides honourable entertainment, there is granted to him by the Grand Signor three reasonable petitions: one of them, which Mr. Harborn demanded, was to pay 2 per cent. less custom at Constantinople than his own subjects; which we enjoy to this hour. Likewise at that time he has a very sumptuous dinner, and dines with the Vizeroye, and has given him and all his gentlemen vests of cloth of gold or silk; and has yearly allowed him 1500 ducats for diet, also hay and oats for his horses and wood for his house. At his coming thence the Grand Signor gives him 500 dollars towards his charges home, and plate and vests. Consider also how the Turkish trade is much decayed by the East India trade, and by the emption of tin and impost of "corance" [currants] paid both here and at Venice. Yet I am assured the trade is very beneficial for the realm, for their payment of above 26,000l. a year for hire of ships and mariners, and also that by the bringing of cotton wool into England there is above 50,000 persons set a work by making of fustians, a trade only set up by the Company. I trust you will think this trade of some worth, for cotton wool cannot be had to supply this trade but out of Turkey directly, because it would be so dear here that the fustians would be brought out of other countries much better cheap. You have much discouraged us in saying his Majesty will not give him any gratification whereby he may go content, which has made divers of our Company not to care which way the world goes.—London, 3 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 109.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Oct. 4. He thanks Salisbury for remembering him in his absence. Reminds him of his promise to procure him the King's leave for coming up about his business. Touching the priests, whose affections in several shires Salisbury wished to know, he will acquaint him at his coming up, which will be before any gaol delivery. The news of Tirone has struck in these parts a great fear; but the Papists hold their heads much higher for it. One he employed into Ireland gave an inkling of some practices between the Papists of Ireland and Spain, and that some of them sent letters, which he hoped to intercept, but failed. "All this I hope will turn to our good, for it will I trust rouse us out of this so strange a lethargy, which is not sensible of blowing up with gunpowder."
Desires that two of his eldest sons should travel, and asks Salisbury's advice whether they may do so without danger, and whether it be convenient, as the world is now like to prove. If he approves it, begs him to move it to the King. All things are quiet in this place, and the people well satisfied with the justice here established.—York, 4 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (122. 110.)
Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 5. This day Sir John Salisbury being with me said he heard a gentleman deliver that about 6 weeks since Tyrone was in some part of Wales. The knight lies at the Lord of Derby's lodging in Westminster, as he tells me.—Putney, Monday, 5 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 111.)
Hugh Lee to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 5/15. Don Lewis Faxardo arriving at the Islands found at the Tercera three carricks from the East Indies, one unfit to proceed further, and her lading was discharged into ships of the Armada, which with the other two carricks, and 16 carvells laden with sugars from Brazil, came towards this place, but were separated by foul weather. One carrick, certain of the Armada, and the carvells, are arrived here in safety: saving in the entrance of the river upon the Cachops were cast away the Admiral, with 2 others of the Armada of the Squadron of Andolozia, in whom were lost above 600 men. The Admiral was a very goodly ship, and was appointed for Admiral of the fleet for Nova Spania; in her were lost many gentlemen of name, besides her captain Don Sancho Pardo. Don Luis Faxardo with the rest of the Armada keep company with the other carrick, who keep the sea, attending better weather to enter the river.
Thomas Spark of Chard, who by the procurement of Henry Fludd had taken the habit of a friar, has, since the coming over of Thomas Jeninges (who was sent by Mr. John Gurgany for following Mr. Hugh Gurgany's suit) forsaken his profession and left his habit, and is become servant to Thomas Jeninges and John Howe, both papists and of one household, and very great familiars of Henry Fludd: by whose means I think he has conveyance of letters to and from England.
Two Irishmen, Jesuits, have lately departed secretly for England or Ireland. They passed through Aveyro and along the coast towards Galizia, where the most of their country people inhabit, where most likely they purpose to embark. [Their personal description follows.]
Here are letters from Rome that the Pope has installed many Irish Bishops and has appointed them their Bishoprics in Ireland, whither it is likely they will speedily repair.
Mr. Hugh Gurgany remains prisoner in the Inquisition, and his goods not yet delivered to Thomas Jenynges, who is put off with delays. Henry Fludd the English Jesuit here labours earnestly to remove him into the College of the Jesuits from the prison of the Inquisition. No doubt his purpose tends little to the good of the prisoner, but to try to convert him. He has laboured 4 English merchants to be bound to deliver him again, and within a day or two the matter is likely to be effected; and upon that agreement they have delivered part of his goods.
Here is news come that Don Luis Faxardo with the other carrick is arrived within the islands of Bayon, and is in the river of Vygo. For their accompanying hither here are appointed 4 Armados of the fleet. Yet is here no other talk but of peace with Holland, and that it is already concluded, though by the greater part hardly believed.
Here appears to this horizon a blazing star or comet rising in the west and pointing or streaming towards the east, or rather east by south, no doubt a token of God's displeasure; whose will in all things be fulfilled. It began about the 4 of this month, and since has every night appeared, and so continues.
The report is that the late fleet arrived in Spain from the West Indies brought with them 4 millions of treasure. The other fleet that is expected about the end of this month is thought will come very rich.
The 16 of September of this style, being Saturday in the morning, was the Queen of Spain delivered of a young son, for joy of whose birth here was great triumph, whereunto such English ships as were here did not spare with powder and shot to give an "applaude." The Condye de Aguylar, who is Captain General of this whole kingdom sent for me and imparted the news to me, requiring me to ordain the same with the masters of the English ships that were then in this river, which was performed.
For trade, except some better order for government be established, it will not be for merchants to continue their trade hither.—Lixa: [Lisbon], 15 Oct., 1607, stilo novo.
Holograph. 3 pp. (122. 129.)
Commissioners for the Borders.
[1607, Oct. 5.] Matters contained in the letters from the Commissioners of the Borders.
In the letter of 13 Septr. That letters might be written to the Lord Deputy and Council to have care that the agreement made with Sir Raffe Sydley concerning the Graimes be performed when they should arrive in Ireland. That directions might be given to collect the rest of the money levied upon the country for the transportation of the Grames. That the Captain of Beaucastel might be removed, because the country has no good opinion of his service. The names of divers outlaws yet remaining.
In a letter from the Bishop of Carlisle of 19 Septr., with the particulars in the former letter. 1. That some severity might be showed unto those that harbour the outlaws upon the opposite borders. 2. Other families (beside the Grames) very dangerous, remaining behind. 3. That a proclamation might be printed and sent both into Scotland and to the Middle Shires, setting down some hard penalty upon those that "recett" the Graimes, and that the outlaws may be named therein.
In a letter of the 5th October from the Commissioners. That they being in hope that divers of the outlaws have a purpose to follow their friends into Ireland the next spring, do desire their lordships' direction whether they shall be received or no.
In another letter of the 5th of October from the Commissioners. Chr: Armstrong alias Barnglesse, a Scottishman, killed by Captain Musgrave. A relation thereof by Captain Musgrave, signed by his own hand and others.
2 Oct. E. of Cumberland. Order to be given for the collection of the remainder of the money for transportation. The Grames outlaws harboured in Scotland.
Endorsed: "1607. Matters in the letters from the Commissioners of the Middle Shires which are to be answered." 1 p. (124. 172.)
Sir D. Murray to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 6. This night his Highness has been more troubled with his disease than any night, and is resolved not to stir from hence till Thursday or Friday; and if his disease continue till that time, he will not remove this week. If Salisbury's leisure will permit, it were well done to visit his Highness tomorrow, for he may be assured of a welcome.—Richemont, 6 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 112.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 6. The trumpet is this day departed, as I hear, with passport and safe conduit for Verreyken and the Fryer, who are attended here about the end of this week. The opinions are of the "Agreation," as of the peace, all doubtful. Some think that the Provinces are already resolved what they will do, and that though there be a semblant of disagreement, which they pretend for some advantage to themselves, yet secretly it is thought they concur in one resolution, and that is to entertain a peace. Others think otherwise, but the more general apprehension is of the former. Here is a speech (I cannot assure it to you) that the Prince of Portugal, Don Emanuel, should be secretly gone away, leaving his lady with 6 children and destitute of friends (for her marriage with him), to care for themselves. I will with the first inform myself better, and if it shall be fit, acquaint you further. Here are great complaints from them of Coleyn over certain of our horse captains whose good fortunes it was that a young Count of Nassau was in their company, or else the insolencies which they committed would have cost them no less than their lives.—Haghe, 6 Oct., 1607, veteri.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 113.)
Sir John Parker to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 6. He finds that every gentleman in Cornwall knows the words Salisbury spake to him in the Lord Chamberlain's chamber, concerning Sir William Godolphin, and that he (Parker) is clean cast out of Salisbury's favour; but he has given no just cause of complaint, and begs Salisbury to manifest that he still thinks him worthy.
Mr. Fra. Vivion, under colour of his Vice-Admiral's authority, has offered him great disgrace, by laying peremptory commands on him and his Lieutenant. The Lieutenant, fearing to offend the Lord Admiral, executed the same; but Salisbury will perceive that the French bark needed not desire any such surety; nor was ever afraid of the Flemish ship. Vivion's end was to make the Lieutenant serve his turn for gain, and to oppress a friend, one of the States' ships. The States sent forth three ships to take a town in the West Indies. The soldiers that went in these ships, whereof there were many English, went upon their adventure, that if they took any place or other prize, they should have pay upon their return. Their voyage failed and they returned with nothing. The soldiers, on coming into this harbour, required pay of the captain, and not satisfied with his denial, went to Mr. Vice-Admiral and offered him a great portion thereof if he would help them to it: which was the only cause made him send forth these warrants. Besides that, the Fleming was a ship of great burden, foul and weather beaten, and no more able to fetch up the Frenchman than an ox is to run with a horse. The Vice-Admiral willed the Dutch skipper to satisfy the soldiers, who answered he had no means or commission to do so, whereupon Vivion committed him to ward; where the marshal told him there was but one way to purchase his liberty, which was by giving to the Vice-Admiral 2 pieces of damask, like pieces of silk called "armosignes," and as many pieces of linen cloth, and that he, the marshal, must have consideration for the skipper's fees and diet: all which amounted to 25l.—15l. Vivion's part and 10l. the marshal's; which the skipper, despairing of liberty, delivered. Vivion caused the skipper to set down in his hand that he gave these things freely. Salisbury may judge whether he shall be forced to be Vivion's instrument, and give countenance to his actions and warrants of like nature. Either the Castle of St. Mawes, whereof Vivion is Captain, has great defect, and is little able to stay a ship: or else a great pride in him to send his commanding warrants to this place.—From his Majesty's Castle Pendenis, 6 Oct., 1607.
PS.—There came to him the captains of three ships of war lately sent by the States to gather intelligence of an Armado and 10,000 soldiers prepared, as they have heard, at the Groine, which they conjecture were designed for Emden. There has been a report here of the same, but he never believed it. The captains seem satisfied there is as yet no such preparation there, and are in mind to return home.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 114.)
Sir James Crowmer and Thomas Fynch to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 6. One Croocher and his daughter are condemned for murdering her child. The writers, being in the commission of the peace and neighbours to the parties, assuredly believe they are innocent, and their ruin has been maliciously contrived by people of bad quality, and their condemnation procured with desperate and bloody perjuries. They have been charged with bolstering up murderers, but only attempted to procure an indifferent trial, where the accuser was a man of infamous conversation and the parties mortal enemies. They refer the cause to Salisbury.—6 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (112. 115.)
W. Squier to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 6/16. Few days past I disclosed to you the pretence of certain English gentlemen for the reducing all Barbary to the subjection of Spain, as declared to me by William Webb, a principal plotter in the action. Webb is since departed for Madrill to solicit his Majesty's acceptance. I conjecture his Majesty may give ear to it for the novelty, but never approve thereof to execution; for this State grows incredulous of late, having been often deluded by English and Irish contrivers. I doubt not, if you hold it worthy the observance, direction will be given to Sir Charles Cornwallis or some other to take notice of the process. My intent herein is principally to do you service, and partly to show my grateful mind for the compassion lately taken upon me and the rest of the India prisoners, of which the Ambassador and my principals Eldred and Hall have often assured me. I have been advised from Md. [? Madrid] that the Inquisidors of late presumed to call my Lord Ambassador and his preacher into question, but it was stayed by the Duke. If privileged persons are not secure in these parts, God help the private. Mr. Gargany, that has been a year in the Inquisition, is now let out upon fianca. He has honoured his religion and country beyond expectation, and from the Vizrey to the meanest of that Court have him in admiration and grieve that he comes not out a convert. Never was Englishman so delivered. Creswell has herein played his master's price, in hope to bring our State in better taste with those of his Society; yet the Jesuits have him in their College here in hope to convert him, but I hope they shall not prevail now, he having endured the worst brunt after a year's detainment. They have sentenced his goods to be delivered to his friends here, according to the last article of the capitulations, viz. such goods as the nature of them is not altered since they came out of England; which is a strange distinction.
It is bruited here that our young Prince is protector of the Holl[anders] which at the first hearing much daunted the peace that is expected, and also qualified the great opinions taken of the French marriages. It is certain there is a general truck of prisoners intended between his Majesty and the States. It has been generally bruited here that you advised the merchants to desist from trade until some of the Spanish wrongs were righted. All seem to applaud the advice, yet many merchants turn it to their advantage, and instead of forbearing lay on load, albeit to their certain loss; while others will stand out in hope of amendment.—Lixa, 16 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's Secretary: "Mr. Sqwyer to my Lord from Lisbone." 2 pp. (122. 133.)
The Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 7. Requesting payment of 40l., for the first instalment of the second entire subsidy granted in the Parliament of 5 Nov. 3 Jac., being at the rate of 2s. 8d. in the £ on 300l. Arthur Maynwaringe will attend at the Lord Chancellor's for the receipt thereof.—At the Court, 7 Oct., 1607.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc., T. Dorset, T. Suffolke, H. Northampton, Salisbury. 1 p. (122. 116.)
Nevill Davis to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 7/17. In my last of the 18th September sent by land I certified of the needful, as also of the coming of the West India fleet. This day is an avizo come from the 7 galleons with treasure which were left at the Capp Fynister, so that it cannot be long before they be either in St. Lucar or Cadez. It is reported they come very rich. They also bring 4,000 quintals of copper for the King, which they brought from the island of Cuba out of a mine there lately found. The Nova Spania fleet brought of the same copper from the Havana above 2,000 quintals. The King has 200 negroes working in those copper mines. It is said it will yield yearly above 300 quintals. Before you receive this you will have advice of the loss of the Admiral of Andolozia, and of another of the King's Armado, being 800 tons apiece. Of both there were only 45 men saved. The general of that squadron, called Don Sancho Pardo, was drowned.
Here has been seen a blazing star, which continued some 18 days. As yet, no one suit ended at the Court of Spain; our grievances are daily increased: neither any relief for Captain Challine [Challoner] and his poor company. The fleet for Terra Ferma is thought will depart the 15th of the next.—Sivel, 17 Oct., 1607, stillo novo.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 135.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 7. The effect of the dispatch brought by Birraque an ample procuration authorising the Archduke to proceed to the concluding of the peace upon what conditions he shall think fit, and the King of Spain promising to confirm the same. The Cordelier and the Audiencer appointed to go into Holland. Owen and Baily upon some secret negotiation gone to Dunkirk. Father Florence the friar, that by order from Sp[ain] manages the practices of Ireland, suspected to be gone to set forward his plots there.—Oct. 7.
Abstract. (227, p. 338.)
Sir H. Touneshend to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 8. Details proceedings in the cause between Kellie and Sir John Egerton. By the final decree the possession is removed from Egerton and established in Kellie's side, "and so to the trial of the common law." If the cause has not received so sudden a decree as Lord Derby required, the protraction was only for answering some doubts. All their doings therein will be subject to the worst construction of ill disposed persons against them and the Court; and he begs that no information of others may prejudice him.—Wrixom, 8 Oct., 1607.
Signed. Endorsed: "Justice Townshend." 1 p. (112. 117.)
Tailor's Bills.
1607, Oct. 8/18. Tailor's bills, with note appended by Jacques Comte de Clermont Talart, that he has fixed them at the sum of 370 livres tournois in French money, which he promises to pay to Antoyne Lymousin next month.—18 Oct., 1607.
French. 4 pp. (122. 137.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 9. One Eversley, a goldsmith and graver of arms, informs me of four persons who have been in hand with him to make stamps for foreign coin, and after for twenty shillings pieces of his Majesty's money. I wished him to entertain the matter with discretion, that they may be apprehended. The name of one is Huet, and as he says is "towards your lordship." This Eversley lately apprehended the party that stole his Majesty's plate at Basing and the lewd messenger that procured the stamp of your lordship's signature.—From the Tower, 9 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (112. 118.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Oct. 9. It has pleased the King to employ (upon extraordinary trust, as himself gives out) the unholy Bishop of Bristow in following his Chequer causes against the recusants. He has followed it more industriously than belonged his place; for what time he could spare from bowling and carding he has spent in that service. As for preaching he has not greatly troubled himself, having not filled the "pouluitt" [pulpit], (though he see it every day in his Dean's seat), above once or twice in this whole year. For the success he has had in his employment, it will appear by the small profit he has brought in, which I think is not above 2,000l., the schedule out of the Exchequer of the names of recusants in this country amounting to 5,000l. Now this man has gone up to make his account to the King, to whom I know he will excuse himself by laying any false accusation upon others; for it was his course in the Queen's time, and has been in the King's, to insinuate himself into favour by seeking to disgrace other men's services. Therefore, I, having according to the duty of my place been a hinderer of his unjust gains, and for that I have relieved many of the King's obedient subjects when they have made due proof of the wrongful taking of their goods, I know this evil spirit will seek to infuse into the King some ill conceit of me, thereby to have both means for his corruption, and the better to excuse his ill service. I have thought good to give you notice hereof, that if he run any such course, you would seek to eject out of the King's mind those falsehoods which his evil spirit shall inject; at least procure that the King condemn me not unheard, and then I care not. Consider how scandalous a thing it is to our Church that one of our Bishops should leave the charge of his bishopric to follow such base courses, only for his own gain. You cannot but see what harm this must needs do in these parts where men are so captious.—York, 9 Oct.
PS.—I can beat out no further the bee in the box but as things appear, since I fear the bee is not without a sting, which may hurt deeply if it be not prevented in time.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (122. 119.)
Prestbury Rectory.
1607, Oct. 10. Warrant to the Auditor of the county of Gloucester, requiring a particular of the lands of the rectory of Prestbury, value per ann. 12l.—Dorset House, 10 Oct., 1607.
Draft. ½ p. (122. 120.)
Cardinal Borghese to Girolamo Meoli at Constantinople.
1607, Oct. 10/20. I have had within a short time two letters from you, which have been not a little dear to me, the matters which they contain being curious. If without danger you can persevere in doing me the same friendly office, you will give me pleasure, but I want you to get at the root of things.—From Rome, 20 Oct., 1607.
Signed. Italian. Seal. 1 p. (194. 10.)
Sir Roger Wilbraham to the Council.
1607, Oct. 11. This afternoon I reported to his Majesty the debate your lordships had with the chief judges and learned counsel touching the conformity of the laws of both kingdoms; and that you had resolved that, before the departure of the Lord of Balmerynaghe [Balmerino], there should be declared certain principles of the laws of England, especially touching the preservation of his Majesty's person and the government of the kingdom, wherein should be described the form of the trials and the penalties inflicted to the offenders; which being compared in Scotland with the laws used there in like cases, and the differences transmitted to be reviewed here, matters would be ripened for a conference; and that you wished the like course to be held in Scotland, and so by intercourse of writing in renewing the propositions, the diversity of both laws in matters of most moment would evidently appear; whereby his Majesty might establish such laws as should seem expedient. To this his Majesty gave allowance and much commended your care and wisdom, requiring a proceeding accordingly, because the Lower House objected the division of laws to be the great impediment to the complete union.
I also acquainted his Majesty with all the difficulties in reducing the case of the post nati to a public judgment meet to give satisfaction, and that the judges misliked of any fiction to be used in a case of such consequence, which you had promised to them to forbear; and that you doubted not but his learned counsel should this term bring the question properly into debate in some of his Majesty's courts, which he seemed very desirous to be effected, commanding me to signify to you that in respect that expected sentence is to precede the Parliament, it should proceed without delay.
Touching Fuller's process, I declared to him what course the Lord Chancellor and you had taken therein, and that you hoped, though you were not assured, that the King's direction should take good effect. Herein he required an effectual accomplishment of his just determination; saying, if the judges denied it, they and Fuller should be called before you to be censured therein, in his presence.
I presumed to tell him that the aldermen and citizens, when they came into the Council chamber, looked like the rich man whom Christ willed to sell his substance and give it to the poor. But when they heard the several reasons to persuade the loan, the distinction of the Crown debt from his Majesty's peculiar, and the royal and extraordinary assurance by the customs impost and revenues, they gave you a comfortable answer, offering their uttermost endeavours to any service that might rectify and maintain his royal estate, and joying much to hear of his princely providence therein, which will quickly be divulged to all his people. He was well pleased hereat, especially when I told him you expected an affirmative answer this week from the City; and if they failed, you doubted not but the farmers of the customs would supply his Majesty's occasions, wherein they would engage their uttermost ability and become unfeignedly devout to pray for his life, lest if God called him before their satisfaction out of the growing customs, their estates should be wrecked. He thought the customs had been reserved for himself to live upon, as he termed it. I told him I thought you had provided so for the present; but if the assurance were taken from the customers, as was likely for a great part, they must depend for their satisfaction to be secured by the future customs.
When I had reported your great care in his services, and your hopes to give him content, I told him that the strange and sudden accident of Sir Edward Grevill's letter had amazed you all, and opened the gap to many inconveniences, whereby you might find impediment in these great affairs. He commanded me to write to you that the razure in the letter happened because it was supposed the debt razed out was assigned to Mr. Aghmootye, and was signed in haste upon great instance, Sir Edward having first told divers of his Majesty's servants, and also affirming to his Majesty his Highness's promise for remittal of his debts at the time when he had order for the assart money, assuring his Majesty the Lord Treasurer and Earl of Salisbury did well remember it. Whereupon his Majesty, being desirous to perform to his servant a promise made before such personages, signed the letter, hoping if their lordships remembered it not the letter would be stayed. Now his Majesty requires that Sir Edward be called before the said two lords, charging him herewithal, and letting him know that albeit his Majesty remember that instantly before his journey to Royston, as he takes it, and in the hearing of the said lords, and in a chamber near his own at Whitehall, he gave the order for Sir Edward Grevill's assart money, yet can he not call to his remembrance any speech for the remittal of these debts. Therefore his pleasure is, if the said lords remember no such promise, Sir Edward is to have no benefit by his Majesty's letter, grounded upon suggestion. Nevertheless, according to your advice, he is well pleased if Sir Edward will relinquish his suit to so much of his assart money as his debt amounts to, that so doing he be pardoned the said debts.—Court at Royston, 11 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 121.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 11. It may please your lordship to receive these letters signed by his Majesty for the levying of men for Ireland according to your commandment given me. I would have made ready withal a warrant for the charges of their coat, conduct and transportation, but that I remembered you said the horse should be levied at his Majesty's charge, and then it may pass both in one warrant, and therefore do therein expect your pleasure. His Majesty said at the signing he had nothing else to your lordship at this time but that he expected to hear from you as his affairs should require and yet not to press you to overmuch pain, whereof he knows you have enough.—From the Court at Royston, 11 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (194. 7.)
Sir Richard Knyghtley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 13. Thanks him for his kind respect to his son, Salisbury's servant.—Norton, 13 Oct., 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (122. 122.)
The Earl of Cumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 13. He need say little of what was done at my Lord of Derby's, as Salisbury has so good a relater as Sir Hugh Beston. Lord Dunbar and he (Cumberland) have appointed to meet at Carlisle, and go thence to the gaol delivery at Newcastle, when Dunbar returns to Court, and he to Carlisle. Dunbar's friendliness for him is due to Salisbury's kindly respects towards him.
Touching the 200l. he is to pay the King in full of the 500l. for his last grant, he asks that some may be appointed in the county upon whom the King would bestow it, and he will pay it to them.
As to his sister of Cumberland and her jointure, her malice to contradict whatever her husband desired abates little or nothing. Details her proceedings with regard to certain woods. Upon Michaelmas last she made public proclamation in the churches that she would not only make weekly wood sales to the country, but defend them against everybody.
He received on Saturday Salisbury's letter dated Hampton Court the 6th instant, directed to Lord Dunbar and him, and has sent it to Dunbar. They will be ready to execute his Majesty's pleasure.—Newbiggin, 13 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 123.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 13. It may please you to receive the bill touching the farm of the silks, which his Majesty signed this morning. At the same time he delivered me a letter to himself from the Secretaries at York in answer to his written in favour of Mr. Lepton and commanded to send both it to your lordship and Lepton's answer, which is contained in four articles; whereof he desires that an examination might be made by some gentlemen being of the Council, insinuating as I take it that the allegations made by the Secretaries are not true and that by such an examination it would appear. His Majesty's purpose in sending them to you is to hear your opinion whether, they being persons of that place, it may be fit to proceed in that form to examine the truth of that which they allege: for as on the one side his want of other means and his disposition to pleasure his servants move him much to help them where he may without burden to himself, so yet he would with officers put in trust proceed without disgrace to them. Or if you shall be of opinion to take advice with my Lord Sheffield therein before you deliver your own opinion his Highness can like it well. Concerning whom I forgot in my letters yesterday to let you know that his Majesty is pleased that he may come.—From the Court at Royston, 13 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (194. 8.)
Phillip Phillipes, Mayor of Chester, to the Council.
1607, Oct. 14. In accordance with their letters of the 12th inst., he has made stay of shipping for transporting to Ireland the 400 soldiers who are to be at Chester on November 8th. As his mayoralty determines on the 16th inst. he will commit the charge of provision to the succeeding mayor.
Mr. John Ratcliffe, alderman, who was mayor in 1601, was commanded to make provision by sea and land for the great number of soldiers then sent to Ireland, in which service he disbursed 137l. 5s. 1d. more than he received from the Queen; for which, notwithstanding his great labour and expense in soliciting, he has not yet been satisfied. Begs the Council to pay the same to Mr. Robert Bleas, whom Ratcliffe has appointed to attend their pleasure.—Chester, 14 Oct., 1607.
Signed. 1½ pp. (122. 124.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 14. I delivered your letters concerning Tyrone to his Majesty this morning, to whom it seemed strange at first, but after some pause he said his conceit was that their purpose was to have landed in Spain, but the weather put them into France; and that the refusal of the French King to stay them was only a French trick whereof he was full, but did assure himself he took them not to heart, nor would make any account of them. I have sent you the Ambassador's letter again, and his Majesty seems very desirous to know the gentleman's name that was slain by the stag.
By his command I send you also a letter of the Lady Carye's to him, concerning the household of the Duke of York, her charge; wherewith he would have you acquaint my Lord Chamberlain; and if there may any contract be made with her that shall be for his Highness's advantage, he can like it well, and says that he takes this offer of hers to have been once debated of before him among your lordships and resolved on, which if it were so, and that you be still of the same mind, it may proceed. I purpose tomorrow or on Friday to come to London, according to your commandment.—Royston, 14 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (122. 125.)
Wm. Becher to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 14. Acknowledges his favour in taking commiseration of his distressed estate and for his letters to the Lord Treasurer. Prays him to move the Lord Chancellor likewise by word of mouth, not for any favour in his causes but for such expedition as his poor estate requires. Has very small or no means left to help himself, poor wife and children, and much less to maintain any longer suits in law.—From the Fleet, 14 Oct. 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (128. 3.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 14. Has by the messenger of this week received his lordship's letter of the 30th ult. advertising him of the manner of Tyrone's flight out of Ireland, which has been here reported to be for persecution of religion. He is shortly expected here but it is said takes his way by Bruges where his son is lodged with his regiment. They have here understood of the refusal of the French King to stay him at the request of his Majesty's Ambassador and are glad to be justified by that occasion in the favour which themselves shall show him. Yet the principal ministers here are nothing well pleased with his coming hither, as well for the burden of charge as for the discontentment which the same will give his Majesty. It is generally confessed by the Irish and all others that he has committed a very indiscreet part to have so foolishly abandoned his country, thereby reducing himself to this desperate state and giving his Majesty better means than ever to assure himself of those northern parts against any future practices. There is no question made but that those rebels will be relieved with pensions from Spain in respect of their former dependency upon that crown but no man thinks the King of Spain has the means to embark himself further in their assistance. Yet it is imagined that Tyrone's drawing over his wife and children with him and the rest of his company is done to move the greater compassion towards him and to move the Pope to incite the King of Spain to employ himself on behalf of a multitude of so remarkable persons oppressed in their consciences, and to that end Tyrone intended to repair forthwith to Rome and thence to Spain. It is affirmed that Maguire after his departure hence went not into Spain but has been ever since in Britain to make provisions under the colour of a merchant for Tyrone's retreat out of England.
The Audiencer with the Cordelier departed two days since into Holland and their negotiations hold all here in great suspense.
Since his last letter a great quarrel has fallen out between Don Louys de Valsco and Don Innigo de Borria, the castellian of Antwerp, upon a jealousy conceived by Don Louys that the other who lodged in his house being his near kinsman made dishonest love to his wife's sister. This bred a great unquietness and the Archduke sent the Spanish Ambassador from Blins to compound the quarrel. He has so far prevailed as that Don Innigo was persuaded yesterday to marry the gentlewoman.
Sends an extract of the last advertisements out of Germany.— Bruxelles, 14 Oct., 1607.
Copy. 2¼ pp. (227, p. 285.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1607, Oct. 15. Directions touching Tyrone, to treat with the Archduke about his stay as from himself provisionally, not from the King. Wright the Jesuit has broken prison, to which there needs no further reply.
Abstract. (227, p. 338.)
Sir Thomas Sherley the younger to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 15. Receive my thanks for granting me more liberty in the Tower than I had, having not trodden on any ground in five weeks until you gave me leave to eat with Mr. Lieutenant. I beseech you to mediate to his Majesty for my enlargement: he never had any more loyal than I have been, and ever will be, to serve him. I have ever desired to venture my dearest blood in his service. My case, and necessity of being abroad to follow my business, make me press you, which I pray you to pardon.—The Tower, 15 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 127.)
William Udall to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 15. The last time you admitted me to your presence I acquainted you with the Archpriest's apprehension as he was coming fromward the Charterhouse. I told you nothing but what was delivered me by him who apprehended the Archpriest; but when I returned from you I found the case so altered that I might be censured as an absurd dolt and mischievous informer. I have since endeavoured to make what discovery I might, to free myself from imputation. Vouchsafe that John Wragge, who apprehended the Archpriest, be examined who told him of the latter's coming from the Charterhouse: who urged him to search Mr. Leake's house within the Charterhouse for the Archpriest's things; and what speeches he heard that might concern you about the Archpriest. Then you shall find rather motives to pity my hard fortune, than to condemn my report.
I was suitor to you that since God had taken so worthy a councillor as the late Lord Chief Justice, you would direct me to some man of worth by whom I might effect service for the King and country. I know many things to be done, if I knew by whom to do them. There are of late presses for printing set up about London. The answer to that book, vulgarly called my Lord of Northampton's book, will be, without there be prevention, dispersed here within ten days. In this late vacation most of the banished priests returned into England; amongst the rest Alexander Bradshawe alias Reade, who promised the late Lord Chief Justice the apprehension of Tesmond, upon whose direction search was made in Warwickshire. This priest of all men I would have taken, and knowing where he lodged I caused the house to be searched for him, in which his letters and a trunk full of silk and satin apparel were taken of his; but having no means to prosecute matters further, there it rests. These times will want the late Lord Chief Justice. If you direct me to any men of sort, I will perform, not as those who go abroad with warrants from the High Commission and make all England, Protestants and others, exclaim against their extortions; but in such silent sort as I did with the late Lord Chief Justice, by whom and "from" you there were taken and discovered 4 presses for printing, 2 in Warwickshire and 2 in London, books intercepted which were rated better worth than 400l.; with other services. He being dead I have lost all my recompense, and have no help but from you. He had many things in his custody, taken by my means, the note of which I here enclose. They are in his servant Pemmarton's custody. Give direction that they be delivered as you appoint, and that such be delivered to me as shall be thought convenient. Mr. Levinus [Monck] your secretary has seen the work of Alabaster, held incomparable. They are not fitting to be kept but at your command.
This vacation I was enforced to use the means to take a press and letters for printing. This is in my Lord of London's dispose at this instant, the print being forfeited and valued at about 60l. I have not one penny recompense, and beg your consideration.—My lodging in Clarkenwell, 15 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 128.)
Sir Thomas Shirley the elder to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Oct. 15. He and his wife beg Salisbury to be favourable to his son, to think his punishment of almost five weeks' close prisoner in the Tower sufficient, and to be the means of his enlargement. In the meantime he is punished in his purse for his son, and his poor weak mother in her body and mind. If the time be not yet expired, they beseech for some kind of enlargement, but by no means to the Fleet, protesting he would rather his son should be prisoner 10 weeks in the Tower than one week in the Fleet, for reasons known to himself.—Wyston, 15 Oct., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 131.)
An Irishman's Services.
1607, Oct. 15. Acknowledgment of receipt by Levynus Munck from Mr. Steward, of 15l. which was paid to an Irishman for his Majesty's service.—Oct. 15, 1607.
¼ p. (214. 57.)