Index: H I

Pages 681-688

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Hackelett, Mr., 522.

Hackett, John, 523.

Haddock, [Richard], a physician and a sleeping preacher, 136, 162, 171.

Haddon, Walter, LL. D., Master of the Libels and Keeper of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 182.

Hadham (Haddham, Herts.), letter dated at, 275.

Hadsor, Mr., 610.

Hadysha, Marmadowik, 20.

Haford Lease, 586.

Haghouse, the (Yorks.), 495.

Hague (Haghe, Hage, Haye), the, 391, 433.
-, letters dated at, 19, 157, 567.
-, Assembly of States General at, 21, 553.

Haies, Sir James, 618.

Hainault (Haynolt), 343, 402.

-, Arthur, letter from, 127, 273.
-, Daniel, a Scotsman, 115.
-, Robert, 180.
-, Thomas, 568.

Halling (Hallyng) [Kent], letter dated at, 226.

Hallom, Sir John, 53.

Halst. See Hulst.

Halstow (Kent), 26.

Halyrudhois [Holyrood House], Commendator of. See Bothwell.

Halyruidhous (Holyrood House). See Edinburgh.

Hamburg (Hamborw, Hamborrough), 268.
-, letters dated at, 228, 446, 519.
-, residence of English merchants to be removed to, 440, 441, 446.
-, Magistrates of, letter from, 405.
-, a ship laden at, 485, 491, 494.

Hamersley, Mr., 208.

-, James, Lord Abercorn, letters from, 446, 488.
-, Sir Thomas, of Monkland, Lord Advocate of Scotland, 299.
-, -, letters from, 101, 164, 446, 488.
-, -, 582.

Hamme [? Hants.], 113.

Hampshire, state of county an impediment to justice, 492.
-, sheriff of, 542.
-, Lord Zouche in, 552.

Hampton Court [Middx.], 209, 250, 409, 413, 434, 439, 459, 474.
-, letters dated at, 432, 516(2), 616.
-, Ecclesiastical Conference at, 423, 431.
-, the Danish Ambassador at, 441.

Hancock, William, 578.

Hanse Towns, Commissioners (deputies) for treaty with, letter from, 209.
-, petition for privileges for merchants of, 209.

Hanwell [Oxon.], letter dated at, 377.

Harbart, Ellen, 524.

Harbert. See Herbert.

Harcastell, Thomas, 20.

Harcourt (Harecourt, Hardcott):
-, Benedict, 524.
-, Bennett. 640.
-, Captain Thomas, 524, 640.

Hardcott. See Harcourt.

Hardie, 24.

Hardingstone [Northants], Delapré in, letter dated at, 563.

Hardwich. See Harwich.

Hardwicke, John, letter from, 599.

Harecourt. See Harcourt.

Harefield (Harfeilde), [Middx.], letter dated at, 426.

Harfort. See Hartford.

Harington (Haryngton, Harrington):
-, Sir John, letters from, 148, 481.
-, John, Lord Harington of Exton, 77, 603.
-, -, letters from, 19, 154, 257, 489, 520, 548, 560, 600.
-, -, letter to, concerning the proposed marriage of his son to Lord Salisbury's daughter, 629.
-, -, his daughter. See Bedford, Countess of.
-, -, a kinsman of Guy Fawkes, 509.

Harlay, Christopher de, Comte de Beaumont, French Ambassador in England, 28, 53, 72, 75, 480, 581, 611, 627.
-, letter from, 599.
-, and confiscation of English merchants goods in France, 26–27, 29–30.
-, a diamond from, 91.
-, secures pardon of a pirate, 295.
-, hunts with James I, 292.

Harley (Herley), Dr., 258, 265.

Harman, Sir William, 405, 406.

Harolds (Horrolds) Park, letters dated at, 215, 452.

Harowden, —, 573.

Harper, Sir John, letter from, 225– 226.

Harrington. See Harington.

Harriot, Thomas, letters from, 554, 600. And see Heriot.

Harris (Harrys):
-, Christopher, 489–490.
-, -, his brother Vice-Admiral of ports of Plymouth and Cornwall, 489.
-, Serjeant, 190.
-, Valentine, 6.
-, a messenger, 328.

-, George, letter from, 600.
-, Mr., French merchant, 458.
-, William, letter to, 548.
-, -, a Commissioner for bankruptcy, 594.

Harrowden, [Northants], letters dated at, 239, 311, 491.

Harrowdon, Edward, letters from, 239, 311.

Harrys, See Harris.

Harsnet, Mr., 471.

Hartford. See Hertford.

Hartford (Harfort) Bridge [Hants.], postal endorsement at, 465.

Harting, Hartyng [Sussex], letter dated at, 466.

Hartley Court (Berks.), 500.

Hartlip (Kent), 26.

Hartside, Mrs., 464.

Hartwell Park, 516.

Hartyngton, land to be bought from Salisbury by Earl of Shrewsbury, 46, 51.

Harvey (Harvie, Harvy, Hervy):
-, Dr. William, an application for, for position of physician at the Tower, 324.
-, Frances, Lady, wife of Sir George, letter from, 357.
-, Sir Gawen, son of Sir George, 377.
-, -, letters from, 364, 376, 600.
-, Sir George, Lieutenant of the Tower, 84, 345.
-, -, letters from, 213, 340, 341, 346.
-, -, letters to, 14, 39, 77.
-, -, to resign Lieutenancy, 242.
-, -, illness and death of, 357, 364.
-, -, a note of all Salisbury's letters to, 600.
-, Lady, 610.
-, Thomas, 167.

Harwich [Essex], ships taken at, 198, 256, 282, 315–316.
-, an outrage by a Dutch ship at, 550.

Harwood, Thomas, 351, 363.

Haryngton. See Harington.

Haselwood, Tho., of Colchester, letter from, 465.

Hassard, Henry, Mayor of Gloucester, letter from, 353.

-, Sir Francis, 603.
-, -, letters from, 120, 134, 501, 530.
-, Henry, 5th Earl of Huntingdon, letter from, 603.
-, Sir Henry, case of, 523.
-, Henry, 8.
-, Lady, 182.
-, Mr., 314, 501.
-, Walter, the younger, 625.

Hatfield [Herts.], letter dated at, 338.

Hatfield Broad Oak (Brodoke, Essex), 501.
-, manor of Bromesho-Bury (Bronsey Bery) in, 450.

Hatkins, Tho., mayor of Hull, 20.

Hatton, Christopher, Lord Chancellor, 623.
-, Eliza, Lady Hatton; letter from, 600.

Haulster. See Holstein.

Haultein, Admiral de, 138.

Haverfordwest (Pembs.), deputy Mayor and Aldermen of, 485.

Havering-atte-Bower (Avering) [Essex], the Court at, letter dated at, 327.
-, office of forest of, 49.
-, stewardship of manor of, 49.

Havré (Havery), Marquis of, 249, 331, 370.
-, -, his daughter to marry the Duke of Aerschot, 337, 342, 367.

Hawghton, Sir Richard, 594.

Hawick (Scotland), 400.
-, a gaol delivery at, 410.

Hawkins, Sir Richard, Vice Admiral, 196.
-, -, letters from, 5, 44, 103, 427.

Hawkridg, Captain, 415, 416.

Hawldston, letter dated at, 555.

Haword, Henry, 405.
-, W., 292.

Hawthorne, Gilbert, a preacher, 444.

-, Alexander, 101, 105, 150.
-, -, letter from, 437.
-, Francis, 8th Earl of Errol, 179.
-, -, letters from, 91, 488.
-, -, a suit of, 42–43.
-, -, an attendant on the Queen, 42.
-, Mr., 12, 219, 223.
-, Paul de la, letter from, 455.
-, -, examination taken by, 456.
-, See also Hey.

Haydon, Mr., 627.
-, Nicholas, servant to Captain Thomas Pyn, 296.

Haye, La. See Hague.

Hayes, Edward and Thomas, letter from, 412.
-, See also Haies.

Hayne's Hill, letter dated at, 152.

Haynolt. See Hainault.

Heaecht, Jehan van, letter to, 561.

Heall. See Hele.

Heards, John, of Cork, examination of, 515.
-, Robert, of Canterbury, examination of, 515.

Heathcote (Heathcott), John, 225– 226.

Heaton, William, letter to, 548.

Heborne. See Hepburn.

Hebrew, study of, advocated, 575.

Heckford, Thomas, of Colchester, letters from, 8, 465.

Hedgis, Robert, letter from, 178.

Helbre (Helbree) [Cheshire], 127.

Hele (Heall), Sir John, sergeant-atlaw, 261, 552, 602.
-, -, letter from, 40.
-, -, and Lord Cobham, 15.

Helford [Cornwall], smuggling in, 44.

Hemmingway, —, 212.

Henry, Count. See Nassau.

Henry, Prince (the Prince), son of James I, 272, 293, 305, 331, 355(2), 510.
-, rumoured marriage of, with Infanta, 302, 383.
-, rooms for, at Ampthill House, 349.
-, his hunting, 244, 364.
-, his house to be dissolved, 463.
-, illness of, 474.
-, alleged threat of violence to, 526.
-, picture of, Spanish request for, 555.
-, books for, 565.
-, the Earl of Mar and, 571.
-, his favourable usage of Lord Cranborne, 631.
-, his tutor. See Murray, Thomas.

Henry IV, King of France, 342, 581.
-, reception of Duke of Lennox by, 28, 31, 52.
-, information concerning, 53.
-, his wife allied to the Pope, 192.
-, and election of Pope, 221.
-, and title of James I of "Roy de France," 300.
-, and a Spanish jester, 432.
-, and marriage of Duke of Aerschot, 557.
-, an interview with Sir George Carew, 563–564.

Henry VI, King, a charter of, 465.

Henry VIII, King, 4, 249.

Hensman, Edward, 26.

Hepburn (Heborne, Northumb.), 189, 500.

Heralds, Garter king-of-arms. See Seagar.

Herbert (Harbert, Herberd):
-, Sir John, secretary of state, 121, 583, 616.
-, -, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, Sir Philip, afterwards Earl of Montgomery, 35, 71, 75, 84, 94, 227, 355, 571, 614.
-, -, letters from, 63, 77, 80, 88, 95, 446, 615, 616.
-, -, and Sir Edward Hoby, 11, 33, 59, 63.
-, -, a petition from, 34.
-, -, Salisbury's reference to, 70.
-, -, land to be issued to, 181.
-, -, to perform in a tournament, 224.
-, -, endeavours to amuse the King, 287.
-, -, Lord Salisbury "sore against," 572.
-, -, his licence for cloth, 618.
-, -, his wife [Lady Susan], niece of Lord Salisbury. See Montgomery, Countess of.
-, Sir William, 11, 594.
-, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, 107, 224, 288, 355, 572, 601.
-, -, letter from, 226.

Hereford, election of a burgess by Mayor and Aldermen of, 360.
-, gaol, 583.
-, Palace, letters dated at, 236, 259, 360, 362, 389.

Hereford, Bishop of. See Bennet.

Herefordshire, 449, 500, 552.
-, riots caused by recusants in, 235, 254, 258–259, 360, 389, 396, 456. See also under Recusants.
-, deputy lieutenant of, 269.

Heriot (Herriott, Heriott, Herryot):
-, Mr., 216, 507, 530.
-, Thomas, 444. And see Harriot.

Heriots, 218.

Herle, W., 605.

Herrik, Sir William, 604.

Herryot. See Heriot.

Hersey, —, servant of Lord Shrewsbury, 387.
-, Mr., 604.

Herston [? Hirst, Morpeth], 79.

Hertford (Hartford), letter dated at, 438.
-, water from, to be brought to London, 181.
-, charter, 409.

Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour.

Hertfordshire, trained bands of, maintenance of, 288, 437.
-, Lieutenancy of, 356.
-, Lieutenant of. See Cecil, Robert.
-, Deputy Lieutenant of, letter to, 409.
-, -, letter from, 437.

Hervy. See Harvey.

Hesketh, Sir Thomas, death of, 458.

Hesse (Hess), Landgrave of, 411, 520.

Heton, Martin, Bishop of Ely, letter from, 266.

Hewes, Mr., servant of Lord Grey, 444.
-, Benjamin, letter from, 601.

Hexham (Northumb.), letter dated at, 112.
-, St. John's near, 112.
-, recusancy in, 190, 193.

Hey, Sir James, 75, 592.

Heyborn, Christopher, letter from, 602.

Heydon, Benjamin, Dean of Wells, letters from, 396, 469.
-, Sir Christopher, 68.

Hicham (Hitcham), Sir Robert, the Queen's Attorney, 58.
-, -, letters from, 190, 209, 265, 287.
-, -, letter to, 570.

Hicham. See Hitcham.

Hickes (Hyckes), Sir Baptist, 365, 552, 604.
-, Sir Michael, 241, 340, 344, 358, 379, 380.
-, -, letter to, 373.

Hickman (Hickmote), Anthony, 545, 577.

Hide Hall [Hyde Hall]. See Sawbridgeworth.

Hie Rooding. See Roding, High.

High Commission, Court of, for Causes Ecclesiastical, 12, 81.
-, renewal of office of, 13, 31.
-, a plea for, 93.
-, Commissioners of, 182–183.

Highgate [Middx.], 314, 506.
-, Lady Lovell's house at, 613.

Highways, maintaining of, 234.

Hiks, the mercer, 260.

Hildersham, Mr., minister of Ashbyde-la-Zouche, 270, 271, 622.

-, Gabriel, 568.
-, Gregory, a musician, 528, 626.
-, Mr., 600.

Hinchinbrook (Hinchingbrooke, Hinchinbruch, Finchingbrooke) [Hunts.], letters dated at, 16, 20, 21(2), 23, 29, 30, 31, 37, 451, 572.
-, proposal to build bridges near, 184.

Hinxton, [Cambs.], rectory of, 586.

Hirst (Herston) [Morpeth], 79.

Hitcham (Hicham, Suffolk), manor of, 265.

Hitcham. See Hicham.

Hobach (Hoboke, Hoboque), Baron, Ambassador of the Archdukes in England, 249, 256, 268, 272, 317, 390, 482, 522.
-, attempts to levy British forees for the Archdukes' service, 197–198.
-, and English trade, 198, 336, 366.
-, and safe conduct of Spanish soldiers from Dover to Flanders, 281, 313, 335, 365.
-, and election of King of the Romans, 371.
-, and apprehension of suspects in Gunpowder Plot, 488, 497, 508, 536, 537.
-, honoured by James I, 571.

Hobby. See Hoby.

Hoboque. See Hobach.

Hobouke [Flanders], 248.

Hoby (Hobby):
-, Sir Edward, letters from, 10, 11, 33, 47, 54, 59, 62, 85, 103, 127, 149, 335, 492, 505, 514, 602.
-, -, letter to, 514.
-, Sir Philip, 515.
-, Sir Thomas Posthumus, letters from, 38, 514.

Hoddington. See Huddington.

-, James, 613.
-, Mr., a recusant, 189.

Hoestraten. See Hoogstraeten.

Hogeson, Mr., 500.

Hoghton. See Houghton.

Holbeach (Holbache) House, Mr. Littleton's house, Gunpowder Plotters at, 486, 503, 510, 527.

Holby, —, 500.

Holcroft, Sir Thomas, 281.

Holderness (Yorks.), manor of Rise in, 648.

Holland, State of, 197, 198.
-, attitude to Zealand, 21, 156.
-, preparations of, 67.
-, trade of, Spanish measures against, 67, 284–285, 317.
-, -, in Colchester, fees and impositions on, 8.
-, -, in English ports, 243.
-, -, with Indies, 248.
-, supplies corn to Spain, 187, 189, 248, 336.
-, threat to confiscate English goods in, 104.
-, reference to, in a forged letter alleging James I's attempt to reconcile with Spain, 291.
-, Estates of, Assembly of, 553.
-, Hollanders. See Dutch.
-, ships of. See under Ships.
-, See also United Provinces.

-, Aaron, 234.
-, Sir Richard, letter from, 56.
-, William, 577.

Holstein (Holster, Holst, Haulster), Ulrich, Duke of, Bishop of Schleswig and Schwerin, 77, 107, 202.
-, letters from, 228, 339.
-, letter to, 439.
-, a pension for, 226, 589.
-, a company of comedians for, 234.
-, at Hamburg, 268.

Holt, —, the Jesuit, 497.

Holyrood House, Palace of. See Edinburgh.

Home (Hume):
-, Alexander, 6th Lord Home, afterwards 1st Earl of Home, 33, 86, 386, 430.
-, -, as Lieutenant of the Marches of Scotland, 168.
-, -, as commander of Scottish army in Archdukes' service, 198, 200, 366, 394.
-, -, and grant of Crown lands, 298–299.
-, Sir George, 1st Lord Home of Berwick, afterwards Earl of Dunbar, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 20, 21, 65, 87, 89, 99, 101, 105, 152, 163, 333, 470, 575, 633.
-, -, letters from, 179, 299(3), 590.
-, -, letters to, 21, 34, 223.
-, -, to visit the Tower, 14.
-, -, warrant to, 131.
-, -, regarding dyeing trade, 174.
-, -, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, -, and recusancy grants, 280, 290.
-, -, and lease of Crown lands for the Earl of Home, 299.
-, -, goes to Edinburgh, 299, 300, 319.
-, -, and the Master of Gray, 385, 430.
-, -, and lands of Sir Ralph Gray, 394.
-, -, and a gaol delivery at Hawick, 410.
-, -, and Surveyors of Crown lands, 604.
-, William, letter from, 239.

Hoo and Hastings, Thomas Hoo, Lord, 126.

Hoodington. See Huddington.

Hoogstraeten (Horstraten, Hoestraten, Low Countries) Castle, 207, 220.

Hooker, Mr., 622.

Hoper, Richard, 603.
-, -, letter from, 547.

Hopton, letter dated at, 547.

Horn, Valentine de, 327.

Horrolds Park. See Harolds Park.

Horse, Master of the, 349.

Horsley [?Surrey], 338, 413.

Horstraten. See Hoogstraeten.

Horton, manor of, 272.

Horton, John, letter from, 183.

Hortsman, —, a ship master, 495.

Houardo. See Howard.

Houghton (Hoghton):
-, Mr., 434, 435.
-, Sir Richard, letters from, 548, 552, 602.

Household, the Royal, proposed economies in, 463–464.
-, Controller of. See Wotton.

Howard (Houardo):
-, Charles, of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral, letters from, 41, 74(2), 105, 338, 347(2), 417, 450, 474, 478, 550.
-, -, letters to, 103, 128, 415, 417.
-, -, his journey to Spain, as Ambassador, 38, 41, 129, 145, 169–170, 302.
-, -, divine service in his house in Spain, 129, 383.
-, -, at Spanish ceremony of swearing to peace with England, 228–230.
-, -, at christening of Infant of Spain, 233.
-, -, preparations for, at Lisbon, 234.
-, -, alleged grant of a pension to, from the Spanish King, 280.
-, -, great gifts to, from Spanish king mere fables, 303.
-, -, returning home, 287, 293, 295, 314.
-, -, discharge of Crown Jewels, 137.
-, -, a packet from, 242.
-, -, his son-in-law Leveson and his daughter, 347(2).
-, -, and Lord Arundel's passage to Flanders, 453, 472.
-, -, his cousin ill with smallpox, 474.
-, -, as Commissioner for Gunpowder Plot, 513.
-, -, at a conference in Spanish Causes, 627.
-, -, references to, 41, 44, 132, 155, 252, 272.
-, Sir Charles, 594.
-, Sir Edward, 594.
-, Sir Francis, 594.
-, Lord Henry, Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, letters from, 73, 128, 183, 243, 288, 314, 380, 395, 477.
-, -, letter to, 32.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 31, 182.
-, -, and Thomas Phelippes, 64, 88.
-, -, referred to by code, 122, 457.
-, -, and a complaint by the Dyers, 334.
-, -, and Sir Fulke Grevill, 369.
-, -, and Lord Grey, 597, 598.
-, -, and Nonsuch Park, 374.
-, -, and Spanish soldiers at Dover, 386.
-, -, and Villa Mediana's departure from England, 407– 408.
-, -, and Lord Arundel's departure in the Archduke's service, 442, 473.
-, -, as Commissioner in Gunpowder Plot, 513.
-, -, and fines seized by Council of Wales, 552.
-, -, to visit the Spanish Ambassador, 571.
-, -, papistical books dedicated to, 611.
-, -, and a controversy for breach of covenants, 618.
-, -, references to, 60, 63, 65, 85, 175, 185, 227, 583, 639.
-, Philip, 19th Earl of Arundel, 326.
-, Theophilus, styled Howard de Walden, son of 1st Earl of Suffolk, afterwards 2nd Earl of Suffolk, 107, 455, 469, 594.
-, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk, 326.
-, Lord Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain, letters from, 128, 243, 288, 314, 380, 395, 478.
-, -, letters to, 355, 474, 574.
-, -, and Magdalene College, 28.
-, -, and Sir Fulke Greville, 59, 365, 369.
-, -, James I refers to, 76, 122, 457.
-, -, and his wife, 286.
-, -, and a flute player to the King, 297.
-, -, a cast of tassels for, 315.
-, -, certificate concerning grant of Crown lands to, 326.
-, -, rooms for, at Ampthill House, 349.
-, -, and economies in the Royal Household, 463.
-, -, and lodging for the Earl of Shrewsbury, 465.
-, -, and trade with Turkey, 468.
-, -, as Commissioner for Gunpowder Plot, 513.
-, -, his cupboard keeper, 583.
-, -, and a petition of Ben Jonson, 606.
-, -, and Lady Markham, 614.
-, -, references to, 28, 75, 95, 128, 213, 227, 245, 269, 288, 295, 319, 378, 612, 615.
-, Sir Thomas, son of Earl of Suffolk, 75.
-, Thomas, 20th Earl of Arundel and Surrey, 159.
-, -, performs at tournaments, 107, 224.
-, Lord William, a recusant, 177.
-, -, certificate concerning grant of Crown lands to, 326.
-, William, Lord Effingham, son of Earl of Nottingham, 594.
-, Lord, 52.

Howe, Robert, 212.
-, Roger, merchant, of London, 188.

Howell, John, merchant, letter from, 453.

Howlt, John, 57.

Hubbard, Thomas, horsekeeper, 520.

Huddington (Hoddington, Hoodington, Wores.), 494, 509.
-, letter dated at, 542.
-, Roman Catholic finds in, 541.

Huddleston, Mr., 493.

-, James, 319.
-, Mr., 517.

Huguenots, 497, 508.

Huicke, Thomas, Principal Officer of the Consistory Court of London, 182.

Hulet, Thomas, constable of Sherborne, 502.

Hull, 195, 586, 590.
-, Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from, 20.

-, Henry, Mayor of Exeter, letters from, 453, 561.
-, Mr., 600.

Hulst (Halst), 173, 197.
-, Governor of, See Biche.

Hume. See Home.

Humfrey, Thomas, 26.

Hundeley, laird of, 168.

Hungarian horseman's coat, a, 512.

Hungary, 135.
-, wars of, 221, 370, 404, 415.

-, Sir John, 451, 634.
-, Mrs. Bridget, 451, 634.

Hunsdon [Herts.], letter dated at, 83.

Hunsdon, Lord. See Carey.
-, Eliza, Lady, letter from, 199.

Huntingdon, letters dated at, 17, 33, 34, 36.
-, James I at, 14, 71, 81, 446.
-, postal endorsement at, 84.

Huntingdon, Earl of. See Hastings.

Huntingdonshire, 24.

Huntly, Marquis of. See Gordon.

Hurcott (Hurcote, Wilts.), 231.

Hurleston, Sir Ede, 569.
-, Henry, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 484, 527.

Hurstone, Mr., 501.

Husey, Sir John, 552.

Hutsbeck, Melsior van, letter from, 519.

-, Matthew, Archbishop of York, 12, 85, 157.
-, -, letter to, 76.
-, -, warrant to, 589.
-, -, "B. of York," copy of a letter from, 52.
-, -, a letter from, referring to the King, 70, 75, 78, 121.
-, -, reported condemnation of Salisbury by, 61–62.
-, -, as Dean of York, alleged robbery of, 514.
-, -, 501.

Hutton Bushell (Yorks.), 648.

Hyckes. See Hickes.

Hyde, Thomas, Prebendary of Salisbury, letters from, 136, 171.

Hyldersom, —, 70.


Ibarra, Stephen d', 248.

Ickham [Kent], lease of, 628.

Ierland. See Irland, Thomas.

I. K., a woman, 524.

Ilfracombe (Illfarecombe, Devon), 278.

India (Indies, East Indies), 67, 198, 566.
-, Portuguese and Dutch trade in, 248.
-, Spanish fleet for, 252.

Indies, West. See West Indies.

Infanta. See Isabella and under Austria.

Infantado, Duke del, 228, 232.

Ingleby, David, 504.
-, Sir William, 504.

Ingram, Mr., 208.

Inquisition, the, 129.

Ipswich, 591.

Ireland (Irish), 90, 257, 587.
-, impost of tobacco in, 50.
-, plan for reducing to conformity in government, 60.
-, proclamation against arms in, 61.
-, Grahams to be sent to garrisons in, 132.
-, request for lands in, 140, 170–171, 388.
-, offer of service in, 149.
-, proposed reduction of army in, 159.
-, requests for pensions in, 171, 388.
-, Englishmen pressed into, 179.
-, difficulties of Bishop of Limerick in, 186.
-, troops for the Archdukes' service, levying of, 197–8, 448–449, 454, 468, 542, 579.
-, -, landed in Devon, 278.
-, -, -, petition from, 279.
-, Irish men and women levied for service, stranded in London, 448–449.
-, Irish fugitives entertained by the Pope, 236.
-, postal service to, 263–264.
-, office of Cess-master in, 296.
-, the Earl of Kildare in, 311.
-, Catholics from England to set up printing presses in, 351.
-, a grant of fraudulent reckonings of payments and allowances in, 447, 524, 625.
-, Roman Catholics the producers of wars in, 476, 542.
-, suspects in Gunpowder Plot not to escape to, 485.
-, King and late Queen's accounts for, 524.
-, North, a receptacle of treason, 542.
-, transportation of armour from, to Milford Haven, 555.
-, Earl of Devonshire's land in, 585.
-, Sir John Talbot's service in, 588.
-, apparel of soldiers in, 603.
-, wars in, 610.
-, -, help from Spain for, 513.
-, discharge of garrisons in, 644.
-, Lord Chancellor of, 140, 547, 635.
-, Treasurer in, 311.
-, Treasurer at War in. See Cary.
-, Lord Deputy of, a packet for, 484.
-, -, and Council of, 140, 159, 296, 297, 311, 388, 444, 579.
-, -, -, and judges of the King's Bench, 447.
-, -. See also Chichester.
-, Office of Chief Remembrancer in, 547, 603.
-, King's Bench, judges of, 447.
-, Lord Chief Justice of, 447.

Irland (Ierland), Thomas, 466, 587.

Iron, Spanish, customs on, 48.

Isabella, Infanta of Spain, wife of Archduke Albert (the Archdukes), 204.
-, letter from, 561.
-, admires a gift of embroideries, 267.
-, alleged attempt to secure the English succession for, 513.
-, See also under Austria, Archduke Albert of,

Isbrant, Imke, his daughter, 202.

Isendike. See Yzendyke.

Isles, the. See Scotland, Western Isles of.

Italy (the Italians), 343.
-, troops for Low Countries, 205, 220, 267, 342.
-, -, infantry, 67.
-, -, numbers of, 268.
-, gold sent to Antwerp from, 249.
-, Princes and Signors of, a claim to lands of, by Spain, 295.
-, news from, 402, 404.
-, English ambassador to. See Wotton.

Ive, Sir Mark, 522.

Ivey, Margaret, letter from, 183.
-, Paul, 183.

Iviza [?] (Eris), 567.

Ivoy [? Iwuy] (France), 498.

Ivybridge. See under London, places in.

Iwuy [?] (Ivoy, France), 498.