Index: G

Pages 678-681

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Gainsparke (Essex), letter dated at, 225.

Gales (Netherlands), fort of, 211.

Galicia (Galitia) [Spain], 373.

Gallatin, Michee, 304.

Gamston, 462.

Gantteratt, Wolf Henry von, 107. Cp. Gunterott.

Garald, Captain, 454.

Garfielde, Ralph, 613.

Gargrave, Sir Richard, sheriff of Yorkshire, letter from, 499.

Garnet, Henry, the Jesuit, the Provincial, 500, 501, 594–595, 611.

Garrett, Francis, 525.

Garter King of Arms. See Seagar.

Garth, Lazareth, a Cursitor of the Chancery, 549.

Garvons, Luke, 353.

Gascony wines, impost of, 48, 167.

Gatelin, Robert, a minister, 26.

Gatshawe, laird of, 169.

Gaunt. See Ghent.

Gawber, Mr., 436.

Gawdy, Sir Francis, justice of the King's Bench, 281.
-, -, letter from, 379.
-, -, appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 379.

-, Kathren, widow, 231.
-, Thomas, 231.
-, -, letter to, 453.

Gaye, Piero, a flute player, 297.

Gelderland (Gueldre), 19.

Gemar, Francis, 334.

Geneva, 81.
-, letter dated at, 304.
-, Syndics and Council of, letter from, 303.
-, Councillor of State for. See Soully.

Gennynges, Roger, 521.

Genoa (Janua), 567.
-, Commonwealth of, 383.

Gent, Mr., a Baron of the Exchequer, 634.

George, Henry, 8.
-, William, letter from, 595.

Gerard (Gerrard), Thomas, Lord Gerard of Bromley, 594, 601, 602.
-, -, letter from, 263.
-, See also Gerrard.

German forces in the Low Countries, 156, 337.

Germany (Allmaine), 206, 268, 317, 336, 343.
-, frontiers of, Lord North to visit, 293.
-, deputies of maritime towns of, in Brussels, 342.
-, news from, 402, 426.

-, -, an arch-Jesuit, 476, 509, 528, 569.
-, -, ministers sacrament to Gunpowder suspects, 570.
-, Gilbert, 501.
-, John, 501.
-, Sir Thomas, 594.
-, See also Gerard.

Ghent (Gaunt), 149, 196, 438.

Gibbs (Gybs, Gybbes):
-, Mr., 135, 150, 160, 161, 241.
-, Edward, 493, 529.

Gibraltar (Juberalterre), 566.

Gibson, Mr., of the Custom House, 458.

Gifford (Giffard, Gyfford):
-, Dr., 498, 499.
-, John, letter from, 599.
-, Mr., 524.
-, Nathan, 577.
-, Captain Richard, 465, 472.
-, -, letter from, 504.
-, Sir Richard, letters from, 69, 355.

Gilbert, Sir John, 600, 606.

Gilby, Nathaniel, a preacher of Bedford, 270(2), 271(2), 622.
-, -, declaration of, 595.

Gill, Ralph, keeper of lions in the Tower, 339, 340, 345, 402.
-, -, letters from, 345, 356, 398.
-, -, his fee and allowances, 341.

Gillians, Simon, examination of, 543.

Gillingham, ? Chillingham, q.v.

Glacier, Mr., 466, 544.

Gladsax (Denmark), letter dated at, 263.

Glamis (Glamiss), Lord. See Lyon.

Glamorganshire, 306.

Glanor (co. Cork), poorhouse of preaching friars in, 568.

Glaseour (Glasyer), Hugh, 93, 628.
-, -, letter from, 102.

Glasgow, Archbishopric of, 473–474.
-, Archbishop of. See Spotswood.

Glasyer. See Glaseour.

Glegg, —, of Chester, 362.

Glenlaugh Stanes (Scotland), 635.

Glentworth [Lincs.], 35.

Gloucester, letter dated at, 353.
-, Abbott's Barton of, 353.
-, Mayor and citizens of, letter from, 353.

Gloucestershire, 257, 449, 552, 561.

Goode, Dr. Roger, letters from, 137, 161, 462.

Godalming (Surrey), 406.

Godolphin (Cornwall), letter dated at, 55, 168.

-, Sir Francis, 217, 429.
-, -, letters from, 54, 168.
-, Sir William, 429.

Gofton, Francis, Auditor, 97.
-, -, letters from, 95, 96, 112, 128, 164.

Goghe, —, of Dublin, 363.

Gold, in Scotland, prospecting for, 83, 245–246, 250–251, 324, 429– 430, 635.

Golden Fleece, Order of, 248.

Goldsmith, William, 585.

Goodericke, Richard, 182.

Good Hope (Buena Speranza), Cape of, 131.

Goodiere, —, 355.

Goodyere (Goodere), Sir Henry, 120, 291, 454, 594.

Gordon, George, Marquis of Huntly, 149.
-, John, Dean of Salisbury, letter from, 136.

Gore, General, 405.

Gorges (Gorge):
-, Sir Arthur, 596.
-, -, letter from, 227.
-, Sir Edward, letter from, 597.
-, Sir Ferdinand, 597.
-, -, letters from, 210, 237, 251.
-, Sir Thomas, 264–265, 597.
-, Lady, 610.

Goring, Lady, 378.

Gormaston [Gormanston], Viscount, See Preston.

Gorway, Robert, 643.

Gosnell, Mr., a preacher at Bolton in the Moors, 56, 57.

Gosten, Arendt S., letter from, 519.

Goughton, Mr., Auditor, 600.

Gourney, Tho., Mayor of Dartmouth, letter from, 348.

Gover (Gower), Sir John, 303, 383.
-, Captain, 517.

Gowrie, —, a prisoner in the Tower, 378.

Graemes. See Graham and Grahams.

Grafton, 364.
-, the parks at, 459, 460.
-, the Court at, letter dated at, 380.

Grafton [Worcs.], 187.

Graham (Graymes, Graemes, Grames, Grame):
-, Alexander, of Kirkanders, alias Geordie Sandye, 309.
-, Andrew, 344.
-, Arthur, 344.
-, Christy, alias Wittye, 344.
-, David, of the Bankhead, 309.
-, Fargus, 344.
-, Francis, of Loggan, 344.
-, George, of Mill Hill, 344.
-, George, of Burnefoote, 309.
-, George, of Redkirke, 344.
-, George, alias Boydes, 344.
-, Hutchin (Hutchons), of Gards, 203, 289, 309, 310(2).
-, Hutchin, of Rowcliffe, 309.
-, John, alias Jock of the Peretre, 310(2).
-, John, of Redkirk, 344.
-, John, 3rd Earl of Montrose (Montcross), 179.
-, -, letters from, 177, 446.
-, John, Master of Montrose, 488.
-, Mathew, 237.
-, Richard, of Brakand Hill, 344.
-, Richard, son of Walter of Netherbie, 309.
-, Richard, of Redkirk, 344.
-, Richard, alias Correis Richi, 344.
-, Robert, of Howend, 344.
-, Walter, 344.
-, Watt, 310.
-, William, of Mott, 344.
-, William, of Langtowne, 344.
-, William, of Medopp, 309.
-, William, of Mickle Willie, 344.

Grahams (Graymes, Graemes, Grames, etc., Nordern men), the, 22, 87, 224.
-, of Esk, 177, 344.
-, of Leven, 310.
-, of Redkirke, 310, 344.
-, to be sent into Ireland, 132.
-, sent to the Brill, 213, 289(2), 290, 310, 350, 632.
-, -, petition of, 343–344.
-, conveyed to Newcastle, 237, 238, 289, 309, 310.
-, sent to Flushing, 289, 308, 309, 310.
-, list of complaints against, 344.
-, escaped from Carlisle, names of, 597.

Graie. See Gray.

Grain (Greyne, Green, Grayne, Grein), Isle of (Kent), 26, 142, 266, 471.

Grames. See Graham and Grahams.

Grand Seignior. See Turkey, Sultan of.

Grange, Justice E., letter from, 478.

Grantham [Lincs.], postal endorsement at, 84.

Grantham, Sir Thomas, letter from, 262.

Grantz, Mrs., 484.

Gratiano, Gasparo, 278.

Graunt, Francis, 529.

Graunte, Walter, 532.

Graveley [Cambs.], 450.

Gravelines (Graveling, Gravelen), 138, 380, 411, 417, 472, 473, 611.
-, postal endorsement at, 412.

Gravenour, Richard, 102.

Graves, Hugh, 20.
-, John, 20.
-, Thomas, privy seal for, 191.

Gravesend (Gravesandis), 398, 626.
-, letters dated at, 260, 397, 399.
-, a man-of-war off, letter dated from, 445.
-, the Burgrave of Frankenthal at, 291.
-, shows hostility to Villa Mediana, 407.
-, Danish Ambassador, at, 408.

Gray (Graie, Graye):
-, Edward, 308, 344, 400, 410.
-, -, letters from, 238, 239, 289(2), 309, 310.
-, Sir John, 594.
-, Lady, daughter of the Earl of Westmorland, 500.
-, Patrick, Master of Gray [afterwards 6th Lord Gray], 121.
-, -, account of, 86, 105.
-, -, letters from, 86, 152, 262, 333, 385, 430.
-, Sir Ralph, 333, 430.
-, -, letters from, 168, 394.
-, Robert, alias Thomas Douglas, q.v.
-, See also Grey.

Grayes [? Oxon.], 607.

Grayme, Graymes. See Grahams.

Grayne. See Grain.

Greames. See Grahams.

Great Signor. See Turkey, Sultan of.

Green, Richard, and a suit in the Star Chamber, 447, 647.

Greene, —, 612.
-, assumed name of Lord Arundel, 416.

Greenewoode, Thomas, 634.

Greenway. See Tesemund.

Greenwich (Greenwig, Grenwits) [Kent], 138, 272.
-, letters dated at, 93, 166, 198, 207, 216, 226(2), 227, 231, 243, 261, 477, 570.
-, manor of, letter dated at, 131.
-, -, warrant dated at, 203.
-, keeper of the Friars at, 38.
-, stewardship of, a post under, 38.
-, Parsonage in, 53.
-, the Court at, 77, 78, 95, 100, 254.
-, petition for paving streets of, 183.
-, privy seal dated at, 191.
-, draft form of grant of recusants' lands dated at, 232.
-, James I at, 299.
-, -, preparations for, 120.
-, Lord Salisbury's house at, 476– 477.

Gregory, Arthur, 216.
-, -, letter from, 113.

Grein. See Grain, Isle of.

Grene, —, an alleged conspirator, 569.

Grenewell, William, 177.

Grenewich. See Greenwich.

Grenhed, Lord of, 169.

Grenvile, Sir George, 37.
-, Richard, 37.

Gresham, —, 23.
-, Edward, an almanack-maker, 25.
-, Sir William, 405, 406.

Grevill (Greville, Grevyll, Grevyle):
-, Sir Fulke, 493, 649.
-, -, letters from, 7, 51, 59, 161, 214, 364, 369, 377, 388, 452, 597(3).

-, of Wilton, 16th Lord, in the Tower, 378, 443, 597.
-, -, letters from, 598(3).
-, -, persons allowed access to, 444, 600, 601.
-, -, to change his lodging in the Tower, 514, 598.
-, -, two desks sent to, 601.
-, Sibella, Lady, letter from, 597.
-, See also Gray.

Griffin, Sir Edward, 332.

Griffithes, John, 258.

Griffiths, Rice, alias George Williams, a priest, 360–362, 389, 455.
-, -, examination of, 456.

Grilan, fort of (Netherlands), 211.

Grimston, —, 276, 286.

Grindall, Edmund, Bishop of London, 182.

Grisons, King of Spain's designs upon, 383.

Grollo (Groll, Netherlands), 410.

Groyne (Groine), the. See Corunna.

Gruffel, Hans, 485, 494.

Grys, Mr., 524.

Gueldre. See Gelderland.

Guernsey, Isle of, customs and usages of, 110–111.
-, Assizes in, 110.
-, Jurats of, 110.

Gueryn, John, 296.

Guiana (Guinea), 130, 131.

Guise, Duke of, 89, 138, 494.
-, massacred, 208.

Gunpowder Plot, references to, 254, 477–569 passim, 576, 589, 592, 601, 626, 645, 646.
-, celebrations over failure of, 485.
-, thanksgiving services for delivery from, 516, 553.
-, the receiver of the powder, 516.
-, notes of meetings of plotters, 522– 523.
-, prisoners sent to London by the Sheriff of Warwickshire, names of, 529.
-, an anonymous letter concerning, 530.
-, alleged connexion with English priests abroad, 534.
-, conspirators deny complicity of priests, 541.
-, Commissioners for (Commissioners for the Tower), letter to, 608.
-, -, names of, 513.
-, See also Fawkes.

Gunter, Anne, 450–451, 471.

Gunterott, Mr., 439, 594. Cp. Gantteratt.

Guntrol, Seigneur de, 339.

Gurley, Sir John, 602.

Gwynne, Da., letter from, 555.

Gybbes, Gybs. See Gibbs.

Gyfford. See Gifford.