Index: N O

Pages 506-509

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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Nangle, Ro., sheriff of Kildare, 56 (2).
-, letter from, 91.

Naples, galleys of, 110.

-, Count Ernest (Ernestus) of, 53, 92, 204.
-, -, leads Dutch and Walloon troops, 59.
-, -, holds parley with the enemy at Isendike, 78, 80–81.
-, -, in charge of forces at Aardenburg, 85, 87–88.
-, -, wounded, 93.
-, Count Henry (Harry) of, 54, 59, 88, 212, 214.
-, -, and command of forces in Flanders, 230, 306.
-, -, his mother, see Orange.
-, Count or Grave Maurice (Morrys; his Excellency, the General), 39, 46, 90, 96, 205.
-, -, sails with fleet of States General, 58.
-, -, leads English and Scottish troops, 59.
-, -, leads Army of States General against the Spanish, at Isendike, 69, 72, 77–78, 80–81.
-, -, -, at Aardenburg, 84–85, 87–89.
-, -, -, in the battle near Damme, 90, 91(2)–93.
-, -, -, at Sluys, 59, 60–2, 64, 69, 90, 93, 96, 97, 101, 103, 105– 106, 107–108, 115, 124–125.
-, -, -, -, captures a fort, 97, 101.
-, -, -, -, conditions of to enemy to abandon town, 212, 213, 218, 219, 229.
-, -, -, -, army of, strength of, after fall of town, 232.
-, -, -, -, see also Sluys.
-, -, and Council of States General, plans of for employment of army, 82, 199, 230, 231–232.
-, -, and command of troops after the wars, 306–307.
-, -, comments on the prospects of success, 104.
-, -, comments on his English troops, 106.
-, -, disagrees with States General, 131, 133, 150–152, 170, 189, 361.
-, -, English warships prevented from joining with, 258.
-, -, effects of English-Spanish treaty on, 273.
-, -, and Ostend, opposes plans for relief, 282.
-, -, -, plans and expeditions for relief of, see Ostend.
-, -, allowance of, for entertainment, 361.
-, -, and Lord Grey of Wilton, 436.
-, -, his brother, Prince of Orange, q.v., 329.
-, -, his mother, see Orange.
-, Count William of, (Grave Williams), Governor of the United Provinces, 41, 53, 92, 93, 111, 188, 204.
-, -, leads Frisian troops, 59, 106, 210, 214.
-, -, and the fight at Isendike, 78, 80, 81.
-, -, opposes plans for relief of Ostend, 282.

Naturalization, act of, see Union of England and Scotland.

Navarre, King of, see Henry IV of France.

Navy, Treasurer of, see Grevill.

Nayler, William, 261.

Nedham, Francis, 346.

Needam, William, 34.

Neewgate (Newgate), see London, places in.

Neile (Neyle), Richard, D.D., 291.
-, letter from, 48.
-, letter to, 381.

Netherlands (Low Countries), 222.
-, English pirates victualling in, 258.
-, and France, 398.
-, licence to import jewellery from, 441.
-, fighting in, prisoners taken between Damme and Sluys, names of, 449– 450.
-, -, see also Sluce and Ostend.
-, treaty of Peace and Commerce in, see United Provinces,

Nevill (Nevile):
-, Charles, 6th Earl of Westmorland, 450.
-, Edmond, letter from, 450.
-, Edward, Lord Abergavenny, his son, Sir Harry Nevill, 299.
-, Sir Henry, 42, 408.
-, Mr., 240.
-, Ralph, 4th Earl of Westmorland, 450.
-, Thomas, D.D., Dean of Canterbury, 290 (bis), 440.

Newbury (Nuberry), [Berks.], manor of, 408.

Newbye, Jno., Mayor of Dartmouth, letters from, 89, 128.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, letter dated at, 26.
-, assizes at, 200.
-, mayor of, 384.

Newgate, see London, places in.

Newhaven, 27.

New Helmont, see Ostend.

Newman, William, 36.

Newmarket, 439.

Newport [Monm.], mayor of, see Nicholas.
-, vicar of, see Treherne.

Newport, see also Nieuport.

Newport, Sir Francis, 459.

Newsletter, 184.

Newton Flotman (co. Norf.), 47.

Neyle, see Neile.

Nicholas (Nycholis):
-, Mr., Cranborne's servant, 99, 299.
-, Moris, mayor of Newport, 14.

Nicolson, George, 448.
-, letters from, 139, 371.

Niell, William, alderman of Dartmouth, 128.

Nieuport, Dutch ships in, 332.

Nonconformable ministers to be brought to conformity, 366, 379– 380, 416–417, 421.

Nonconformity, justification of, 451.

Nonsuch Palace [Surrey], 262.
-, letter dated at, 188.

-, John, letters from, 237, 451.
-, Mr., 359.

Norfolk, 385, 403.
-, farm of customs in, 335.

Norham Castle [Northumb.], a bill in Parliament concerning, 78, 451.

Normanby, (Yorks.), letter dated at, 45.

Norreys (Norryes, Norrys, Norris):
-, Bridget, Lady, letters from, 257, 343.
-, Sir Edward, uncle of Lord Norreys, 245.
-, -, will of, 247, 344,
-, -, servants of, money to be distributed to, 377.
-, Francis, 2nd Lord Norreys, 74.
-, -, letters from, 170, 344, 347, 377.
-, Henry, 1st Lord Norreys, 344.
-, Sir Henry, 344.
-, John, letter from, 66.
-, Sir John, 344.
-, Sir Thomas, 344, 429.

North, Council of the, "The Council" (at York), and trial of Roman Catholics, 44.
-, President of, see Sheffield.

-, Dudley, 3rd Baron North, letter from, 191.
-, Sir Henry, 402.
-, Roger, 2nd Baron North, will of, 402.

Northampton, Earl of, see Howard, Henry.

Northamptonshire, 465.
-, lease of lands in, 160, 162.

Northumberland, 327.
-, privy seals for loans in, 200.
-, Dacres lands in, 428.

Northumberland, Earl of, see Percy.
-, Dorothy, Countess of, (widow of Sir Thomas Perrott) and lands, etc. of Sir John Perrott granted to, 120, 372, 373.
-, -, letters from, 120, 241.
-, -, suit of, concerning leases, 300, 306.
-, -, a pension for, 454.

-, John, woodward, memorandum concerning, 182.
-, Mr., a stationer of London, 434.

Norwich, letters dated at, 184, 385.
-, gaol, prisoners in, 38.
-, Castle, a prisoner in, 427.
-, Mayor of, see Hyrne.

Norwich, Bishop of, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, see also Jegon.

Nothfree, 93.

Nottingham, Earl of, 135.
-, -, see also Howard, Charles.

Nottinghamshire, sale of Sir John Harington's land in, 126.

Nuberry, see Newbury.

Nuncio, Pope's, in France, see Bufalo.
-, in Brussels, 400.
-, -, chaplain of, see Sherewood.

Nuremberg, Burgrave of, see Brandenburg.

Nycholis, see Nicholas.


Oakham (Okham), [Rutl.], letter dated at, 190.

Oare (Oer; Kent), manor of, 439.

Oath of Supremacy, 234.

Oatlands (Otelandes), the Court at, letters dated from 172 (2).

O'Brien, Donogh, 3rd Earl of Thomond, letter from, 275.

Occupations, see Trades.

Odiham Woods (Hants.), 316.

Oer, see Oare.

Offley, Robert, 381.

Ogdene, John, bailiff, 458.

Oglandre, —, 321.

-, Captain Sir John, 66, 102, 108.
-, -, letters from, 60, 80, 87, 91, 95, 104, 105, 112, 123, 130, 133, 150, 170, 178, 188, 196, 210, 212, 218, 231, 306.
-, Sir Richard, 353.

Okey, Mr., 354.

Okham ? Oakham, q.v.

Oldenbarnevelt, J. Van, letter signed by, 68.

Old Ford, care of King's game in, 339.

Oleblaster, see Alabaster.

Ollerton (Olerton) [Notts.], letter dated at, 140.

Ollyver, Mr., 33.

Olyson, R., 34.

Oostburg (Osbourgh, Onsbourgh), [Zealand], 214, 219.

Orange (Orrang) Philip William, Prince of Orange, reported death of, 329.
-, Princess of, mother of Count Maurice, etc., 230, 282.
-, -, plans for her son, 307.

Orckenay, see Orkney.

Ord, Mr., 293.

Ordnance, transportation of, 43.
-, Master of the, 342.

Ore, Thomas, a shoemaker, 375.

Orkney (Orckenay):
-, Earl of, see Stewart.
-, Master of, quarrels in the Queen's privy chamber, 391–393.

Orlandiz, Nicholas, 461.

Orlando, 6.

Ormond, Earl of, see Butler.

Osborn, Mr., 387.
-, Sir Robert, 146, 453; his wife, see Hide.

Osbourgh see Oostburg.

Osney, Abbey of [Oxford], 139.

Ossuna, (Osuna) [Spain], Don Pedro Giron, 3rd Duke of, 345.

Ostend (Osteand), 88, 96, 97, 188, 210, 214, 245.
-, Count Maurice's and the States' relief of, requests and plans for, 41, 42, 46 (2), 47, 53, 133, 150–152, 280, 281 (2), 282.
-, -, attempted expeditions for, 60, 63, 64, 68, 80, 93, 306.
-, -, considered doubtful, 211, 213, 231.
-, in the enemy's hands, 78, 80, 91, 92, 98, 103, 104, 105, 129, 178, 207, 229, 280, 281, 323.
-, proposed exchange of, with Sluys, 82, 85, 93.
-, rumoured attack by and defeat of the enemy at, 111–117 passim, 123–124.
-, reinforcements sent into, 130, 199.
-, bulwarks of Helmont (Helmount, New Helmont) in, 150, 280.
-, bulwarks of Polder at, 150.
-, enemy garrison from Sluys transferred to, 230.
-, Sandhill in, 280, 281.
-, Governor of, leaves Ostend with troops, 307.
-, -, see also Ghestelt, Loane, Van der Node and Markett.
-, Flushing ships bring aid to, 332.
-, siege of, engraving of, 453.

Osuna, see Ossuna.

Oteford, see Otford.

Otelandes, see Oatlands.

Otford (Oteford; Kent), manor of, 439.

-, Arthur, 255.
-, Brian, 255.
-, Turlogh, 255.

Ourde, William, of Berwick Garrison, 28, 30, 31.

Overall, John, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's, 291.

Overyssel, Province of, 360.

-, priest at Mantes, 27, 400.
-, -, his brother Hugh of Brussels, 19, 27, 457.
-, John, 459.
-, Roger, sheriff of Shropshire, 330, 337.
-, Thomas, 36, 37.
-, -, dead of the plague, 311.

Oxborough, (Oxburgh), [Norf.], manor of, 89.

Oxford, 237.
-, University, Sir John Perrott's grant to, 373.
-, -, religion in, memorandum concerning, 398.
-, -, translators of the Bible at, 403.
-, -, Christ Church, Prebendaries of, letter from, 309.
-, -, -, Deanery of, 309, 329.
-, -, see also Universities.

Oxford, bishopric of, foundation of, 453.
-, Bishop of, see Bridges.

Oxford, Earl of, see Vere.
-, Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford, letter from, 258.