Index: M

Pages 504-506

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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McCarty, Florence, an Irish rebel, 406.
-, and Earldom of Clan Carty, 406.

Maccdonnoghe, Mr., 59.

Madoxe, Mr., 14.

Madrid (Madrile), 461.
-, letter dated from, 67, 123.

Maestricht, 54.

Magdeburg [Germany], as a Hanse town, 297.

Maidstone (Kent), gaol, 256.
-, College, lands of, 411, 412.

Main [the Spanish], 246.

Mainwaringe, Arthur, 72.

Majorca (Mallorque), 461.

Malaga (Spain), 461.

Mallahert, see Kirkby Malzeard.

Malshanger [co. Hants.], letter dated at, 317.

Man, Isle of, Deputy of, letter to, 110.
-, Bishop of, see Lloyd.

Manberie, Mr., 308.

Manchester (Lancs.), 65.

-, Oliver, 32.
-, Roger, 6th Earl of Rutland, 318, 460.
-, -, letter to, 318.
-, -, a suit of, 426.

-, Sir Robert, 43.
-, Captain, 125.

Mantes [France], 27.

Manton, manor of [Rutland), 466.

Mantz, see Mantes.

Manwood, Sir Peter, 43.

Mar, Earl of, see Erskine.

Marazion (Markajeive), (Cornwall), mayor of, 67.

Marco, Signor, 34.

Marden, [Heref.], stewardship of, 66.

Margate (Margett), [Kent], 108.

Marhande, letter dated at, 67.

Markett (Merkett), Colonel of Walloons, appointed Governor of Ostend, 129, 130.

-, Sir Griffin, letters from, 5, 144, 167, 256, 337.
-, -, his wife, 5, 256, 337.
-, -, debts of, 105.
-, -, affairs of, 140.
-, -, his brother Skinner, 167, 256, 337.
-, -, draft of a pardon to, 448.
-, Mary, Lady, mother of Sir Griffin, letter from, 140.
-, Thomas, 99.

Marseilles (Marselia), 3.

Marshe, John, 457.

Marston, Giles, 434.

Marten, see Merton.

Martin, Sir George, 49.

Martock, [Somerset], 167.

Martyn, Sir Richard, of the Mint, letter from, 338.

Mary, Queen of England, 139, 164.

Mary, Queen of Scots, mother of James I, 7, 201, 223.
-, marriage of, to Lord Darnley, 15.
-, flight of from Edinburgh, 17.
-, imprisonment of, in Lochleven, 18.
-, death of, 19.
-, proposed marriage with Edward VI, 345.

Mason, Thomas, 152.

Massam, William, letter from, 51.

Mathias, Archduke, see under Austria.

Matthew (Mathew):
-, Tobias, (Toby) Bishop of Durham, 330, 384.
-, -, letters from, 231, 386.
-, -, and Norham Castle, 78, 451.
-, -, and taxation, 220, 231, 236.
-, -, his Chancellor, see Colmore.

Maxwell [?] William, 5th Lord Herries of Terregles (Lord Herrys), 10.

Maye, Joseph, letter from, 448.

Maynard, Sir Henry, High Sheriff of Essex, 159, 378.
-, letters from, 205, 350, 385.

Measles, the, references to, 374, 382.

Medicis, the, alliance of, with Royal house of France, 447.
-, Lady Eleanor of, Duchess of Mantona, proposed marriage of, to James I, 19.
-, Francis of, Great Duke of Tuscany, 19.

Meere, —, 260.

Mellershe (Mellarsh), Richard, steward to Lord Cobham, 193, 198.
-, account of, 228, 331, 410 (2).

Menoze, Juan de, 450.

Merchant, Eleazor, 445.

Merchants, English, in Spain, 6.
-, and cloth trade with United Provinces, 1–3.
-, trading to East Indies, letter from, 432.

Meredyth, —, 414.

Merick, Mr., 54.

Merkett, see Markett.

Merton (Marten) Abbey [Surrey], letter dated at, 277.

Mervin, Sir James, letter from, 386.

Metal, artificial, manufacture and uses of, 406–407.

Metcalf, Thomas, of Yorkshire, a follower of Cecil's, 75, 404.

Michell, Francis, 376.
-, letters from, 333, 336.

Middleburgh (Middelbourgh, Middleburch, Middleborough), [Holland], 2, 3, 46, 54, 282.
-, letters dated at, 103, 307, 344.
-, Castle of, taken by Count Maurice, 85, 87.
-, a merchant of, 111.
-, a forgery at, 152.
-, the Marquis Spinola at, 178, 188.

Middlesex, sheriff of (the sheriff), 23, 187, 217.
-, Lord Cecil's lands in, 58.

Middleton (Myddeton, Midleton):
-, George, letter from, 289.
-, Sir Thomas, 145, 312.
-, Thomas, signs valuation, 231.

Milan, (Myllayne, Millane), state of, 36.
-, league of, with Swiss Protestants cantons, 110.
-, senator of, see Ruida.

-, Sir Anthony, the King to stay with, 206, 219, 223.
-, Sir Thomas, 307.

Millam, see Millom.

Millane, see Milan.

Millar, Alexander, a tailor, 221.

Miller, Andrew, 246.

Millet, Guillaume, merchant, 152.

Millom (Millam; Cumberland), 441.

Milsam, Walter, 311.

Mines, John, 311.

Minorca, 461.

Mint, the, coinage of silver and copper in, 293, 384.
-, and preemption of bullion, 338.
-, Warden of, 338.
-, Auditor of, see Gofton.
-, see also Coinage.

Minterne, Mr., keeper of the Records of the late Court of Augmentations, letter to, 374.

Moggeridge (Moggricke, Muggeridge, Myggryge):
-, John, 458 (4).
-, William, 458 (2).

Moile, Robert, 100.

Molana (Molannae; co. Waterford), Abbey of, grant of, 433.

Molineux, Sir Richard, 90.

Monck, see Munck.

Monopolies, discussed in Parliament, 43.

-, Sir Thomas, 449.
-, Sir William, letters from, 329, 331, 346.

Montague (Montagu, Mountague, Montacute):
-, Sir Edward, 43, 220.
-, Sir Henry, Recorder of London, 290, 467.
-, Dr. James, Dean of the Chapel Royal, 290, 366.
-, -, letter to, 379.
-, Simon, 299.
-, -, letter from, 49.
-, Sydney, letter from, 99.

Monteagle (Mounteagle), see Parker.

Montford, Thomas, D.D., 290, 291.

Montpellier, Captain Morier de, 127.

Montrose, Earl of, see Graham.

-, Alderman, his widow, a Spaniard, 373, 374.
-, Sir Francis, 42.
-, John, customs officer of London, widow of, 449.
-, see also More.

Moorekirch, 108.

Mordaunt (Mordant), Henry, Lord Mordaunt, 318.
-, letter from, 380.
-, house of, letters dated from, 210, 220.
-, the King to stay with, 208.

-, Sir Edward, 193, 198.
-, Sir George, 42.
-, Goodwiffe, 311.
-, John, 231.
-, Mr., 79.
-, see also Moore.

-, Sir Charles, 207.
-, John, 311.
-, Thomas, letter from, 14.
-, Thomas, a servant to Lord Cobham, 193, 198.
-, William, Bishop of St. Asaph, letter from, 262.
-, -, a trial before, 286–288.
-, -, death of, 314, 391.

Morhay, 385.

Morice, Count, see Nassau, Count Maurice.

Moris, David, 287.

Morish, Mr., 38.

Morley, Widow, 193.

Morris (Morrice):
-, -, 193, 198.
-, Margaret (a widow), examination of, 122, 248.

Morrys, Count, see Nassau, Count Maurice.

Mortain, Signor, 1.

Mortality, bill of, 186.

Morton, Mr., his grammar books, 433.
-, Lord, see Douglas.

Mosch, Hans, a prisoner of war, 450.

Moscow (the Mosco), 185.
-, letter dated at, 54.
-, see also Muscovy.

Mostyn, Tho., 314.

Mounjoy [Mountjoy], see Blount.

Mountague, see Montague.

Mounteagle (Mownteagle, Mowntegle, Monteagle), Lord, see Parker.

Mountpesson, Mons. Henry, 35.

Muggeridge, see Moggeridge.

Munck (Monck, Munke):
-, Levinus (Mr. Levinus, Leving), Secretary to Lord Cecil, 10, 52, 171, 235, 358, 416, 464.
-, -, letter from, 376.
-, -, letters to, 48, 261, 454.
-, Sir Thomas, 237.
-, -, father-in-law of, see Smith.

Munster (Mounster; Ireland), 117.
-, Lord President of, 241; see also Brouncker.
-, Revenues and Compositions in, Receivership of, 241.
-, English undertakers of, 406.
-, waste lands in, 430.
-, victualler for, 454.

Munster [Westphalia], 42.

Murdisone, John, 321.

-, Sir James, 203.
-, Mungay, 392.
-, Richard, M.A., letter from, 449.

-, Mr., 176.
-, George, J.P., 376.

Muscovy (Muscovia) [Russia], 6, 74.
-, Emperor of, 54.
-, -, English Ambassador sent to, 185, 459.
-, English merchants in, 66.

Musgrave, Richard, Commissioner for Border Causes, 342.

Mutineers (Mutinez), the, [Spanish], 41, 82, 89.
-, in Munster, Westphalia, 42.
-, join forces with United Provinces, 54, 60, 196.
-, in Brussels, 70, 72.
-, and the Archduke, 98, 102.
-, fighting in Flanders with the Archduke, 115, 124, 196, 199, 204, 230, 231.
-, abandon livery of Spain, 104.
-, in St. Philip, Sluys, 213.
-, sergeant major of, 218.

Myddleton, see Middleton.

Myggryge, see Moggeridge.

Myllayne, see Milan.

Myvott, Harry, 287.