Index: B

Pages 471-475

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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B., F., 39.

Baberham (Baburham), letters dated at, 4, 9, 225.

Babington, Mr., merchant, 462.

Richard, 3.

Mr. Ury, 348.

W., letter from, 20.

Bacon, Anthony, 3.

—, letters from, 318 (2).

—, letter to, 114.

Francis, 164, 256.

—, letters from, 366, 379.

Mr., 120, 149, 178.

Baddam, —, 97 (3).

indicted at Quarter Sessions, 97.

Bagg(e), James, 348.

letter from, 92.

Bagnall, Sir Samuel, 134, 227.

Bagnoll, John, late yeoman of the ordnance, 457.

Baintree, Ireland, high sheriff of, 441.

Bairnis, Henry, examination of, 279.

Baker, Andrew, 167.

Henry, the Queen's ward, 107, 127.

John, 127.

Mrs., a recusant, 127.

Thomas, petition of, 107.

Baldwin (Baldwyn), Father, 432 (2).

Bale, John, 216.

Ballandyne, —, goes to Rome, 363–364.

Balliburley, King's County, castle at, 465 (2).

fair and market at, 465 (2).

Ballowe, Henry, 216.

Ballyshannon, garrison at, 454, 455.

Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London, 466 (3).

letters from, 96, 105, 112, 129, 245, 385, 392.

Baning(e), Andrew, 215; and see Bayninge.

Bankar, —, “a man of war,” 187.

Banner, Gustavus, Lord High Marshal of Sweden, 130.

Steven, High Admiral of Sweden, 130.

Banning. See Bayninge.

Barbarian,” the, 354, 370.

Barbary (Barbaria, Barbery), 258, 407.

ambassador of, 371 (3).

Mully Hamett, King of, 177–178.

Scottish noblemen captives in, 459–460.

Barber, John, 119.

petition of, 119.

Bargan. See Bergen.

Barington, family of, 141.

Barkeley, Barkley. See Berkeley.

Barley, James, 131.

Barlow, Dr., 381.

Barmesdale, Dr., physician, 114.

Barnard's Castle, co. Durham, letter dated at, 408.

Barne, J., J.P. for Middlesex, letter from, 255.

Richard, 217.

Barnes, Mr., English agent in Archangel, 276.

Barnet, co. Hertford, 28, 169.

Barneveldt (Barnevelt, Barnavill, Barnewell), Jan Van Olden, Sieur de Tempel, Advocate of Holland, 58 (2), 179, 229 (2).

Barnstaple, 18, 36.

letter dated at, 50.

mayor of. See Beaple.

Baro Dr., a Frenchman, 241.

Barole (Barrol), Richard, of Bunsille, 97, 108.

—, Bridget daughter of, 97 (2).

Barport. See Burport.

Barrat, Thomas, 216.

William, 216.

—, junr., 216.

Barret, William, 215.

Barrie, Mr., 246.

Barry, Lord, 458 (2).

Bartewe, William, 215.

Bartholus,” 97.

Bartly, Sir Richard, 316.

Barton, George, 17.

Mr., 3.

Barwell, Edmund, D.D., of Cambridge, 54, 55, 209, 210.

letter from, 54

Barwick. See Berwick.

Basadonna (Bassadona), Giovanni, 154.

letter from, 114.

Basing(e), 283.

letters dated at, 42, 44, 49, 367.

Basingstoke (Bassingstoke, &c.), 258, 274, 411.

Bassett, Sir Robert, 384.

Bate, Edward, 216.

John, 216.

Robert, 214.

Bath, Earl of. See Bourchier.

Bath (Bathonia), 192, 459.

letters dated at, 156, 162.

Baughe, Thomas, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Bawtery, —, “a needy justice,” 69.

Baxter, Capt. John, letter from, 35.

Bayning, —, 113.

John, 214.

Bayninge (Banning, &c.), Paul, alderman of London, 118, 214.

—, letter from, 329.

Paul, junior, 214.

Bayon, Isles of, 258, 327.

Bayford, co. Herts, letter dated at, 234.

Bayon(ne), 228, 410, 449.

Beacon, Richard, letter from, 200.

Beaconsall, Gilbert, 17.

Beale, George, 158.

Mr., 217.

Robert, clerk of the Privy Council, 93, 145, 148 (2), 268.

—, letters from, 46, 82, 114.

Bealie (Bealye), Francis, 147 (4).

examination of, 147.

Beaple, Roger, mayor of Barnstaple, letter from, 50.

Beauchamp, Lord, 102, 124, 152 (4).

Beaumont (Bemounte), Henry, Justice of the Peace of Leicestershire, letters from, 89, 148.

Mr., of Cole Orton, 390–391.

—, son of, Viscount, 390–391.

Beauvoir, Monsieur de, death of, 440.

son of. See Chartres, Vidame de.

Beavoire, Nicholas, 215.

Becher, —, 20.

William, letters from, 401, 420.

—, wife and children of, 402.

Beck, Samuel, 9 (2), 13 (4), 17 (2).

Beckencefelde, 306.

Bedford, Countess of, 162, 176.

Earl of, 176.

Bedford, county of. 121.

Bedlem,” 173.

Bedyngton, John, a priest, 341.

Beecher, Mr., 1.

Beedwell, Mr., 330.

Beer for soldiers, 224–225.

Beere, Ireland, high sheriff of, 441.

Beke, Samuel, portreeve at Gravesend, letter from, 242.

Belford, co. Northumberland, 388.

Belgium, 356.

Belk, Towra, Councillor of Sweden, 130.

Bell, Capt., 150.

Bellarmine, 210 (3).

Beller, Monsieur de, 119.

Bellott, Mr., 181.

Thomas, letter from, 441.

Belmor, Mr., 285.

Belsyse, letter dated at, 173.

Beltres (Beltreis, Beltresse), Lord of, 60, 61 (2), 64, 72 (4).

Belvoir, letter dated at, 105.

Bemounte. See Beaumont.

Bendye, William, 431.

Benefield, He., son and heir of, 379.

Beneitt, Mr., “the footeman,” 464.

Benesham, the, letter dated at, 69.

Bennett (Benet), John, LL.D., member of the Council of the North, 280 (2), 281, 303, 325.

Bennytt, Father, a Jesuit, 448.

Benson, —, 191.

Bensted, Thomas, a priest, 341.

Bentham, co. Gloucester, 327.

Bently, letter dated at, 296.

Berchanger, 59.

Berck (on the Rhine), 201.

Berechurch, co. Essex, 441.

Beresford, John, 70.

Berfer, Thomas, 383.

Berge, Earl Frederick de, 206.

Bergen-op-Zoom (Bergen up Son, &c.), 246, 247 (2), 260.

letters dated at, 265, 269.

siege of, 335.

Bergholt, East, co. Suffolk, 10.

Berkeley (Barckley, Barkeley, Barkley), Lady, 176.

Sir Richard, 29, 74, 89, 254 (2).

—, letters from, 78 (2), 81, 95, 110 (2), 116, 124, 127, 128, 132, 141, 143, 156.

Berket, Anthony, 215.

Berks, county of, 50, 123.

feodary and escheator of, 123.

Berlott, la. See La Bourlotte.

Berowe, Symon, 131.

—, Elizabeth wife of, 131.

—, Anne daughter of, 131.

Berry Castle, letter dated at, 79.

Berti, Francis, of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

Berwick (Barwick), 47, 164–5, 172, 254 (4), 407, 445, 456.

letters dated at, 48, 64, 380.

building of church at, 165, 214.

Council of, 165.

Deputy Governor of. See Carey.

garrison of, 47, 165.

Governor of, 113; and see Hunsdon.

Mayor of, 164.

Treasurer of. See Bowes, Sir William.

Beste, Mr., 312.

Betagh, Henry, letter from, 122.

Beton, James, Laird of Westhaugh, 68 (2).

Beuchampe, Lord. See Beauchamp.

Bevercoats, Samuel, member of the Council of the North, 325.

Bevilacqua, Cardinal, 320.

Bevill, Sir William, 196.

Bible, the, 211.

Bilbao in Biscay, 150.

Billinges, —, 57.

Billingslie (Billingesley), William, of St. John's College, Cambridge, 409 (2).

Bindon [co. Dorset ?], 387.

Bing(e) (Byng(e)), Dr., Master of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1, 41.

Mr., 1, 55.

Birde, John, letter from, 221.

Bingham, Sir Richard, 35, 439.

Binghams, Robert, 414.

—, heir of, 414.

Biron, Mareschal de, 270.

—, Monsieur de, brother of, 387.

Biscay, province of, 150, 342.

Bishopthorp, co. York, letters dated at, 86, 344.

Blackwater, the, Ireland, 57, 227.

Blackwell, Francis, 214.

Bladwell, Gyles, a lunatic, 417.

Blage, Captain, note by, of the setting forth of a ship, 405.

Blanco, Juan, letter from, 242.

Blantyre, Prior of, 61, 266.

Blaxton, William, a recusant, 204 (2).

—, lands of, 205.

Blewett, Thomas, 201 (2), 202.

Blisland, co. Cornwall, 346.

Blisse, Nicholas, 341.

Blithe, John, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Blore, Peter, 91.

Blount, —, 108.

Sir Michael, 81.

Capt. Thomas, letter from, 80.

Blundel, —, a grocer, 280.

Blunt,” Mr., letter to, 87.

Bodenham, Captain, 287 (2).

Mr. Roger, 267.

Bohemia, 241.

Bois. See Boys.

Boissise (Boissize), J. de Thumery. Sieur de, French Ambassador, letters from, 23, 115, 387.

Boldero, John, letter from, 65.

Bolognia, Bolonnia, Bolloigne. See Boulogne.

Bolton, Mr., 149 (2).

Bona Speranza, Capa de, 3.

Bond, John, scholar at Seville, 341.

Bonde, George, 216.

Thomas, 216.

William, junr., 216.

Boniface, Monsieur de, 118.

Bonyther, Reskymes, letters from, 422, 426.

Books, of Amandus Polanus, 210.

Baldus, 167.

Barnwellensis ex Libro Coenohiœ, 167.

Baronius, 167.

Beda, 167.

of Bellarmine, 210.

Birch's Memoirs, 385.

Bodin, 167.

Bracton, 167.

Bruce's Sermons, 279.

Corsettus, 167.

Doleman's, 59, 72.

Donatio Constantini, 167.

Dorotheus, 167.

Edwards' Life of Ralegh, 352, 370, 375, 383, 440, 467.

Garsius, 167.

Laws of Edward and Canute, 167.

Liber Niger, 167.

Malmesbury, 167.

Sir Thomas More, 167.

Platina, 167.

Popish, 62, 186, 203–205.

Rodericus Sænctus, 167.

Sœrapha, 167.

Stella, 159.

Tilius, 167.

Vicentius, 167.

Virgillius Cosmographia, 167.

Winwood's Memorials, 153, 158, 160 (2), 172.

Boost, John, 253.

Boothe, Thomas, 214.

Boowrne, —, a lawyer, 349.

Bordeaux, 341.

Borghese, Cardinal, 305.

letter from, 305.

letter to, 355.

Borlotte, La. See La Bourlotte.

Bornstra, (Bromestra, Bromstraw, &c.), Captain J. W., 193.

letters from, 192, 207, 236, 240, 271.

Boscguillebert, Monsieur du, 119.

Bosseville, Raphe, letter from, 401.

Bostooke, Captain, 197.

Colonel, 213.

George, 216.

Capt. Ralfe, letters from, 149, 334, 459, 464.

Robert, 216.

Thomas, 216.

Boston, co. Lincoln, 46, 441.

Bothwell, James Earl of, 61 (2), 72, 267, 440.

letter from, 40.

Botzheim, Johannes David à, 230.

Boucquoy (Bucquoy), Count de, 198, 206.

Boudberche, Capt., 201 (2).

Bouillon, Duke of, 157 (2).

Boulogne (“Bullen,” &c.), 32, 93, 148, 158, 197, 243, 457.

letters dated at, 160 (2), 172, 373.

Commissioners at, 160, 261, 387.

King Henry VIII. at, 395, 397, 398.

Pot d' Estaine at, 38.

Bouls, Sir John. See Bowles.

Bourbonnois, 197.

Bourchier, William, Earl of Bath, 35, 121.

letters from, 63, 88, 384.

kinsmen of, 384 (3).

Bourg-en-Bresse, 320.

Bourly, of Fife,” 206.

Bourne, 46.

Bouthe, H.. letter from, 369.

Bowcher, —, 178.

Bowels, Sir John. See Bowles.

Bower, Robert, letter from, 29.

Bowes, Bridget, letter from, 10.

Henry, of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

Mr. Ralfe, 172.

Talbot, 288 (2).

Sir William, Treasurer of Berwick, 47, 117, 182 (3).

—, letters from, 186, 288, 380.

—, brother of. See Bowes, Talbot.

Bowles (Bouls, Bowels), Sir John, 227, 243, 339 (2).

regiment of, 227.

Bowrne, James, 216.

Dr. Jo., of Wells, letter from, 390.

Bowyer, Mr., Secretary to the Lord Treasurer, 286.

Bowzer, —, a lawyer, 349.

Boyd, John, of Renfrew, 302.

Boyle, Richard, afterwards 1st Earl of Cork, mother-in-law of, 439.

proceedings against, 437–439.

Boyne, the river, 235.

Boys (Bois), William, Fellow (elected Master) of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1, 8 (2), 38, 53, 54 (3), 55, 151 (3), 382.

letters from, 19, 53, 332.

Brabant, 232, 246 (2), 247.

Archduke of. See Burgundy.

troops in, 291.

Brade, Lord of, 60.

Bradenham, East, co. Norfolk, manor of, 106.

Bradley, letter dated at, 289.

Bragg, Mr., 128.

Braine, Edward, minister, 147.

Bramble-hanger, co. Bedford, 121.

Brancepeth Castle, 204.

Brandenburg, Marquis of, 293 (2), 441–442.

—, wife and daughters of, 442.

Brannston, letter dated at, 379.

Branthwaite, Dr., 381.

Bray, the Earl Erick, 130.

Braye, alias White, Anne, 340.

Braynford, letter dated at, 233.

New, letter at, 255.

Brazil (Braseele). ships of, 110.

Breda, 62.

Bredene, Flanders, 187.

Bredgate [Captain], 39.

employed as Vice-Admiral, 40, 337.

Bremerus, messenger from Dantsic, 239 (2).

Brenny (Breynie), the, 218.

Brent, 9.

parsonage of, 17.

Brereton, family of, 141.

Mr., 14, 18.

Brerewood, Ro., mayor of Chester, letter from, 353.

Bresse, Pays de, 23.

Bret, Alexander, letter to, 14.

Bretargh, William, 373.

Bretter, William, 311

Brewer, John, 217.

William, 215.

Brewse, Mistress, 111.

Brewster, William, letter from, 245.

examination of, 202.

Brickhill, 169.

Bridges, Jo., letter from, 399.

Thos., 36,

Bridport, 49.

Brigame, Mr., 375.

Briges, 179.

Briggs, Francis, 9.

Robert, 9.

Brighes, Mrs., a recusant, 144.

Brill (Briell), 399.

Governor of, 246; and see Vere.

Brimmecam, Edmond, 442.

Brinscowes, letter dated at, 30.

Briscoe, Robert, letter from, 115.

Bristol (Bristoe, &c.), 36 (2), 52, 63, 159 (2), 196, 257, 258, 340, 360.

letters dated at, 52, 74, 89, 192, 195–6, 207, 227, 264, 268, 282, 287, 314 (2), 321, 351, 354, 386.

chamberlain of, 350.

forces for Ireland leave, 282, 294, 350–351.

mayor of, 73, 192; and see Hopkins;



mayor and aldermen of, letter from, 73–4.

mayor and sheriffs of, 52.

Newgate in, 52.

the prison at, letter dated at, 73.

shipowners of, 464.

ships for Ireland going from, 343 (3).

Brittany, 25.

Broadstreete, Symon(d), 214, 217.

Brochero, Don Diego de, 272.

Brockman. See Brucqman.

Brokhouse, John, 217.

Brome, letter dated at, 386.

Bromestra, Bromstraw. See Bornstra.

Bromley, F., letter from, 20.

Sir Henry, letter from, 250.

Broncard, Bronckeir. See Brouncker.

Broograve, Jo., letters from, 340, 366.

Brooke, —, 136.

Mr. George, institution for, 86.

Sir Henry, Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Lord Lieutenant of Kent, 76, 176 (2), 230, 235, 247, 273 (2), 333 (2), 375.

—, letters from, 2, 38, 40, 46, 63, 65, 77, 79, 97, 123, 129, 143, 153, 154, 179, 189, 217, 222, 239, 296, 316, 352, 400, 402.

—, letters to, 83, 155, 220, 261, 306, 316.

—, brother of, 143, 153.

—, release to, 142.

Brookman, Burker, 95.

Broome, Andrew, merchant, 95.

Brothersall, Thomas, 217.

Broughton, co. Hants, 360.

Brouncker (Bronckeir, Bruncker, &c.), Sir Henry, 346 (2), 363, 383 (3).

letters from, 107, 291, 340, 378, 420.

letter to, 94.

journey of, into Scotland, 340, 346, 420.

kinsman of. See Hyde, Arthur.

sister of, 107.

Browne, —, solicitor, 162.

George, messenger of the Queen's Chamber, petition of, 423.

John, 185.

Mr., of Frampton. 48, 49.

Richard, 214.

W., sheriff of Northamptonshire, letter from, 85.

Sir William, letters from, 149, 391.

Broxborne, letter dated at, 270.

Broxmouth, the laird of. See Hume, Sir George.

Bruce (Bruse), Dr., 177(2).

Brucqman (Brockman), Borchart, letter from, 314.

petition of, 314.

Bruen, —, “Mr. Sergeant Hele's man,” 406.

Bruges, 186, 194, 200, 355.

Bruncker. See Brouncker

Bruninck, Mons., 58.

Brussels (oppidum Bruxellense, &c.), 6, 157, 200, 273, 456.

States General assembled at, 195 (2).

Bryskett, Lod., letters from, 191, 223, 256, 315, 383, 463.

Bubbe, William, of Bentham, 327 (2).

indictment of, 327.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville.

Buckley, Lawrance, 216.

Sir Richard, 337.

Buckstone (Becckstone), co. Norfolk, 149, 150.

Bucquoy. See Boucquoy.

Budden, John, feodary of Dorset, letter, from, 85.

letter to, 414.

Buggins (Bugans, Buggone), Nicholas, of Totnes, 18, 36, 79, 174 (2).

Building, science of, 287.

Buildings, Surveyor of, 287.

Bull, Stephen, Master Gunner of England, 457.

Bullen.” See Boulogne.

Bullocke, Thomas, 231.

William, brother of, 231.

Bully, Le Baron de, 119.

brothers of, 119.

Bulmer, —, 311.

Mr., 375.

Bulston, letter dated at, 173.

Burg, Savoy, citadel of, 404.

Burganne, Laird of, 66.

Burges, John, letter from, 185.

Burgh, Frances, Lady, letters from, 359, 460.

Lord, 16, 399, 438–439.

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil.

Burgundy, Commissioners of, 145.

the Dukedom of, 126.

and Brabant, Archdukes of, 145–146, 355 (2).

negotiations for peace with England, 145–146.

Burke, Lord, 50 (2), 87.

Mr., 50.

Uleck, 227.

Burkenshaw, Mr., 104 (2).

Burley, —, 60.

Burlings, the, 327.

Burnestrawe, George, 242 (2).

Burnsall (Burnsell), Anthony, mayor of kingston-upon-Hull, letters from, 62, 125, 323.

examinations before, 188.

Burport (Barport), 426 (3).

Burrowes, Captain, 283.

Burrowghes, Lord, 282, 441.

Burwage, Governor of, 150.

Bury St. Edmunds, 248 (2), 346.

letter dated at, 248.

Bush(e), Leonard, jeweller, 357, 385.

Buterworth, Thomas, 215.

Butler, —, Master Gunner, 148 (2).

Edward, son of Viscount Mountgarret, 372.

George, 215.

M. (Dr.), letters from. 132, 449.

Sir Philip, horse of (Hertford), 339.

Thomas. 173.

Dr. W., letter from, 458.

Mr., 151 (2).

Byng, Andrew, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Byngham, Sir, 219.

Byrnes, the (Irishmen), 218.

Bysse, John, of Somerset, 406.

Bystonne, Mr., 288.