Index: A

Pages 469-470

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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Abbeville, France, 412, 428 (2).

letter dated at, 412.

Abbot, Edward, 214.

George, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, letter from, 159.

Morris, 216.

Abdey, Anthony, 216.

Abdy, Roger, 348.

Abell, Edward, of Ticknall, 119.

—, Ralph son of, 119.

Aberston (Abberstone), letters dated at, 311, 315, 324.

Abot, Edward, 217.

Achens. See Hawkins.

Acrisius, D., 452 (2) 453.

Adams, Mr., preacher, 84.

Addonett, Richard, letter from, 441.

Adelantado, the. See Castile.

Admiral, the Lord. See Howard.

Admiralty, the, Court of, 406.

Judge of. See Cæsar, Dr. Julius.

officers of, 411 (2).

serjeant of. See Pope.

Adonell. See O'Donell.

Adventure, Maritime, 392.

Aerssens, C., Greffier of the States General, 326.

Africa, wars of, 71.

Agarde, Mr. Arthur, 125.

Aglionby, Edward, of Carlisle, son of, 1.

Aire, in Artois, 450.

d'Alba, Duc, 450.

Albert, Prince. See Austria, Archduke of.

Albigeois, 163.

Aldenham, co. Herts, 5.

letter dated at, 5.

Aldobrandino, Cardinal (Chamberlain), 320–321.

Signor Gio. Francesco, 321.

Aldridge, —, wheeler of the Ordnance, 399 (2).

William, 217.

Aleppo, 455.

Alexandria, 455.

Algarves, 396.

Alington, H., letter from, 42.

Allegiance, Oath of, 144 (2), 278.

Allemagne. See Germany.

Allen, John, merchant, 255.

Allerton, John, Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 54, 55.

letter from, 53.

Allhage Messa, of Barbary, 177.

Alliesander, Mr., 180.

Allington, Mr., 285.

Allman, Henry, 341.

Alnwick (Annik), 388.

Alterinis, letter dated at, 97.

Amandus Polanus, 210.

book of, 210.

Ambassador, the “Barbery,” 278 (2).

the English, at Constantinople, 455–456.

—, in France. See Nevill.

French, 28, 116, 118 (2), 133–134, 270; and see Boissise.

—, at Constantinople, complaint by, 455–456.

of Germany, 275.

in Poland, 171.

in Russia, 237; and see Lee.

to Scotland, 331 (2).

the Scots', in Paris, 364.

the Spanish, 271.

—, secretary of, 271.

Ambassador's diet,” the, 271.

Ambassadors, 297, 351.

of Holstein, 131.

Russian (“Russe”), 130

Amias, Mr., letter to, 429.

Amiens, 428 (2).

Ampthill, 322.

Amsterdam, 177.

magistrates at, 177 (3).

Amwell, manor of, 26, 80 (2).

Amyce, Israel, letter from, 231.

Mr., 307, 310, 322.

—, bewitched, 310.

Anderson :

Sir Edmund, Lord Chief Justice (Lord Aunderson), 464.

Edward, 91.

Henry, 215.

Richard, 215.

Andover (Andever), 28, 258, 274.

Andrea, Cardinal, of Austria, 172.

Andwerpe. See Antwerp.

Anes, John, letter from, 192.

Anglesey, 6, 428.

Angus (Anguische), Earl of, 60 (3), 72, 386.

country of, 61.

Anhalt, Duke of, 179.

Annik. See Alnwick.

Annunciation, order of the, 23.

Anthonie. See Antony.

Anthony, Edward, 221 (2).

Anton, Ja., letter from, 253.

Antony (Anthonie), co. Cornwall, 432.

Antwerp (Anvers, &c.), 144 (3), 162, 200, 387.

advertisements from, 200–201.

books printed at, 62.

castle of, 200.

key of, 407.

river of, 407.

siege of, 334.

ap Hugh, Owen, 16.

Rhys, 16.

Apparel, laws against excess of, 183.

merchants for, 462.

Appeltree, Mr., a seminary, 448.

Apsam. See Topsham.

Apthorpe (Apethorp), co. Northampton, letters dated at, 314, 317 (2).

Aspulstoneham, 167.

Arabian writing, 351.

Arbeoleys, Juan de, 242.

Arbrachan, letter dated at, 134.

Archangel (Arkangel, &c.), 276.

letters dated at, 180, 190, 227, 276.

Arches, Court of, 5.

Dean of the, 96.

Archinross (Archingross, &c.), L., 364 (3), 375.

Ardee, governor of, 441.

Ardevora, co. Cornwall, 346.

Ardres, 457.

Arens, Cornelis, 425.

Argyle, Earl of, 267, 354, 365, 376, 388.

Aristobolus, “Episcopus Brittanorum”, 166.

Arma, 179.

Armagh, 57, 454.

Armorer, Cuthbert, 47 (2).

Armoury, Master of the, 18.

Army, the, 149, 254–5.

at battle of Nieuport. See Nieuport.

in Flanders. 265.

—, council of, 232.

in Ireland, 136, 149, 235; and see Ireland.

“the landings of,” 91.

in Munster, 91.

selling of companies in, 254–255.

Armynge, Hugh, alderman (afterwards mayor) of Hull, letters from, 125, 323, 362.

Arnold, John, 97, 240 (3).

Arnolde, Sir Nicholas, 316.

Arragon, Admiral (Amirante) of, 51, 193, 197, 198 (2), 200 (2), 206, 213.

Arras, 457.

Arrigo, Sigr., letter to, 392.

Arthur, Captain Patrick, 321 (2), 360.

letters from, 322, 359.

Artois, 450.

Arundell, Thomas, letters from, 11, 283.

Arwenick, letter dated at, 116.

Arze, Juan Ruiz de, letter from, 40.

Ascue, George, 136.

Ashburton (Aysheberton), 257, 410.

Ashbye, Mr. Robert, 466.

Ashfield, —, 51, 60 (2).

Ashley, Sir Anthony, 415.

—, letters from, 282, 415.

—, lands of, 282.

Margaret, 217.

Mr., 90.

Ashone, Walter, 215.

Ashton. See Assheton.

Asia, King of Portugal in, 407.

Askyough, —, 400.

Aspinall, John, 215.

Assheton (Ashton), Ralph, 335, 336.

letter from, 335.

Assize, Judges of, 41.

Aston, —, lands of, 415.

Athens, 369.

Atkins, Dr., physician, 78.

Atkinson, Ant., letter from, 253–254.

Davy, 274 (3).

Atkynson, —, a seminary priest, 30.

Attorney General, the. See Coke.

Aubprun, Georgius Gestavus, 230.

Audeley, George Lord, letters from, 151, 353.

Audiencier, the, 64.

Audley, William, 215.

Audolaheia, 272.

Aulicus, a certain, 356.

d'Aumale, Monsieur, 197.

Austria, Albert, Cardinal Archduke of, 2, 4, 93, 198 (2), 231, 243 (2), 247 (2), 407 (3), 467.

letter from, 194–195.

amorous affections of, 197.

army of, 232, 233, 247.

at battle of Nieuport, 193 (3), 194–195, 197–199, 200–201, 205, 213.

council of, letter to, 194–195.

letters patent of, 167.

negotiates with England, 93, 388.

peace with England and Spain, 456.

secretary of, 93.

wounding of, 197.

Austria, 428.

Austrian, the,” an Englishman captain under, 428.

d'Avalos (Avolo, Avuolis), Don Alfonso, 198, 213.

Avignon, 163 (2), 364 (2).

Avila, cardinal of, 320.

Awdeley, Thomas, of Berechurch, 441.

Awdley, Mr., 12.

Awford, George, of Burport, sailor, examination of, 426.

Ayamonte, Spain, 427.

Ayr(e), merchants at, 255.

Aysheberton. See Ashburton.