Cecil Papers: September 1600, 1-15

Pages 302-315

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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September 1600, 1–15

King James VI. of Scotland to “Sir Harry Dokray,” Governor of Lough Foyle in Ireland.
1600, Sept. 1. In favour of John Boyd, burgess of Renfrew, and John Gray, burgess of Glasgow, travelling in their trade of merchandise in the English pale in Ireland, who have there been troubled and arrested.—Glasgow, 1 Sept., 1600.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (134. 5.)
Julius Cæsar to the Earl of Nottingham.
1600, Sept. 2. The judgement of the cause between Sir Thomas Sherley and the Dutch has been so much delayed, that it must on Monday next receive an end. And therefore I would know your Lordship's pleasure touching Cowper, whose satisfaction being first had out of the goods to be adjudged good prize, the residue will not be worth their travail who labour for the same. The sugars run out upon the. ground, where they lie; and the spoil made of the merchants' goods, which are not prize, is so great that, if good order be not taken, the good prize will not satisfy half the same; so that I am the more desirous to end the cause lest the little which is left to the merchant should by further delay come to nothing.
Meantime, I pray your Lordship to remember my suit (or rather your suit for me) to the Queen, that in the end I may find some fruit of my nineteen years' service.—Doctors Commons, 2 Sept., 1600.
Endorsed :—“The Judge of Thadmiralty to my Lord Admiral.” Holograph. 1 p. (181. 8.)
Enclosed :
Copy of an act in the case of Sir Thomas Sherley against Henry Crongier, Serke, Decons, Kene, in which the final hearing on the petition of Serke and Kene is fixed for Monday next.—Monday, 1 Sept., 1600.
Latin. 1 p. (181. 9.)
Sir T. Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 5. Impute my presumption to my urgent cause, which for justice' sake I cannot swallow. There has been some dryness in the Lord Ewre (whose tenants are my next neighbours) almost ever since I was employed as a commissioner in these parts; which, if it has been for my partiality, or injustice, I desire on proof thereof to be punished; if it be for want of partiality (as I shall rather prove) I hope my wrongs will appear in time which I have sustained. On 26 August last, his son and brother came to my house at Hackness, whose visit I have related in the enclosed complaint to the Council, which I beseech you to read and to have delivered to the Council. I assure you it is not otherwise for me to remain in these parts, nor for any other but their own followers, that will fashion justice to their greatness. If the matter may come to judicial hearing, I shall prove all my complaint, and shall lay open the partial customs of these frozen parts. I crave your pardon for appealing from the Council here, which I did in respect of my Lord President's absence, to whom I have sent a copy of the misdemeanour; and in respect that our Vice-President (the Lord Ewre) is father, brother, and cousin to the offenders, and who has showed natural affection already in the cause.—My house at Lynton, 5 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 74.)
The Same to the Privy Council.
1600, Sept. 5. I beg leave to inform you of a great misdemeanour offered me in mine own house at Hacknes by Mr. William Ewre, son of the L. Ewre, Sir William, his brother, and others, whose names and facts are expressed in this enclosed. My suit is that the parties be bound before the Council at York to appear before your Lordships to answer my complaint, for it is not for me to serve any process upon them in these parts, in respect of my L. Ewre's greatness, who is our Vice-President, and hath summoned me to appear at York, to exhibit my complaint, though he is father, brother and cousin to the offenders. If you shall please to send commission to the Bishop of Lymryke, Mr. Heskett, and Dr. Bennett to examine my witnesses, your Lordships shall find somewhat more than I can deliver at this instant. I shall easily derive this outrage against me conceived from envy and malice for want of partiality in me in the executing of my place and calling.—From my house at Lynton in the East Riding of Yorkshire, 5 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (88. 19.)
The Enclosure :
The manner of the riotous assault on Sir Thomas Posthumus Hoby, knight, at his house at Hackness in the N. Riding of Yorkshire by William Ewre, Sir William Ewre, Richard Cholmley, William Dawny, William Hylliarde the younger, Stephen Hutchenson and — Smyth, yeoman falkner to the L. Ewre.
i. On Tuesday the 26th Aug. Sir Thomas Hoby was standing in his hall at Hackness, when there came in Sir W. Ewre's footboy and said that his master and sundry other gentlemen would come that night. Sir Thomas answered that he was sorry, his wife was ill and he not so well provided for them as he wished, and desiring the footboy to tell his master as much, he answered that his master was hunting in the forest of Pyckering Lyth, so as he knew not where to find him. About two hours after, the above-named, Mr. Dawny excepted, came to Hackness with sundry other servants and boys, and Sir Thomas hearing they were come into his dining-room went to them and told them they were welcome. Presently after this Sir William Ewre's footboy took forth cards and laid them on the table, wherewith some of the gentlemen were exercised until supper. In the beginning of supper, Mr. Ewre pretending he had come to hunt, Sir Thomas sent for his servant that had charge of his deer, who dwelt three miles from him, to come the next morning, and so continued with them all the time at supper, which was spent by the gentlemen partly in discoursing of horses and dogs, sports whereunto Sir Thomas never applied himself, partly with lascivious talk where every sentence 7vas begun or ended with a great oath, and partly in inordinate drinking unto healths, abuses never practised by Sir Thomas. In supper time came in a footboy whom they had sent for Mr. Dawny, and brought word he would come in the morning. After supper Sir Thomas willed to have their chambers made ready, and came himself to bring them to their lodgings, but they being at dice told him they would play awhile, so he did leave them and went down and set his household to prayers as they were accustomed. When Sir Thomas and his family had begun to sing a psalm, the company above made an extraordinary noise with their feet, and some of them stood upon the stairs at a window opening into the hall, and laughed all the time of prayers. The next morning they went to breakfast in the dining-room, and Sir Thomas hearing them call for more wine, sent for the key of the cellar and told them they should come by no more wine from him. Presently Sir Thomas sent to Mr. Ewre to know how he would bestow that day, and told him if he would leave disquieting him with carding, dicing and excessive drinking, and fall to other sports, they should be very welcome. After this message Mr. Ewre sent to Sir Thomas's wife that he would see her and begone, whereunto she answered she was in bed and when she was ready she would send him word. At his earning she prayed him to depart the house in quietness, and going to the rest of the company, he called a servant of Sir Thomas, and said “Tell thy master he hath sent me scurvy messages, and the next time I meet him I will tell him so, if he be upon the bench, and will pull him by the beard.” Coming to the uttermost court, Mr. Ewre said he would go to the top of the hill and fling down mill-stones and would play young Devereux, at the same time throwing stones at the windows and breaking four quarrels of glass.
ii. A list of reasons to prove that this was done to disgrace Sir Thomas Hoby, and force him to a quarrel to save his reputation.
Unsigned. 3 pp. (88. 17.)
Edw. Suliarde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 5. With a present of partridges, such as the goodness of his hawks will yet afford.—Flemings, 5 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 81.)
French and Rhenish Wine.
1600, Sept. 5. Account of French and Rhenish wine arrived in London from Mchs. 1699 to 26th of August following. As also into all the outports in one half-year ending Easter, 1600. And into 11 of the said outports in one quarter ending at Midsummer following.—5 September, 1600.
Endorsed :—“Accounts. Smythe.” Notes thereon by Sir Robert Cecil. 1 p. (81. 59.)
Cardinal Borghese to Robert Charnock, Priest.
1600, Sept. 5/15. On the subject of his going to England contrary to express prohibition, and his determination to appeal against the sentence passed upon him by the Cardinal and Cardinal Cajetan.—Rome, 15 September, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil :—“The Cardinal's answer to Charnock.” Latin. 1½ pp. (81. 71.)
[See S.P. Dom., Eliz. CCLXXV. 115 iv.]
T., Lord Buckhurst to the Lady Skidmour.
1600, Sept. 6. If you knew what a heavy heart my son Glemam has until he may have some good hope and assurance from you of the release of her Majesty's displeasure conceived against him, touching his being at Rome, I know you would, and so I doubt not but you do, observe all times and good occasions wherein to move the same unto her Majesty for him. And, good Madam, both for his comfort and mine, write unto me or to him how the matter stands, and what you have done therein, for to continue this is a very torment of mind unto him. I pray you let this messenger, if it be possible, have some few lines of comfort from you.—London, 6 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 72.)
H., Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 6. The day of my payments to you and others approaches, and by forfeitures the means I have to satisfy them are by my restraint here taken away. My treacherous son-in-law has so abused me in the trust I committed to him, that I cannot make sale of my house in Chelsey till by law he be enforced to clear the estate he has. Further my suit to the Lords to suffer some consideration to be had of my extremities, that they may be mitigated upon hearing my allegations, so that I may obey their order without my utter undoing.—6 Sept., 1600.
[P.S.]—My Lord of Derby has been very earnest with me for my house in Chanon Row adjoining to his. He says it is for the Countess his wife. If it please you to have it alone or both, and to discharge so much of my debt to yourself or to my adversary, you shall have it better cheap than any man; for if all I have will discharge my debts, I will keep nothing which I may (without too great inconvenience) depart with.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 83.)
W. Davison to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Sept. 7. Thanks Essex for his kind letter and message sent by Mr. Temple, and confirmed by Mr. Foulkes : also for his offer to engage his credit on his behalf, and his compassion, “wherein your own late afflictions have taught you feelingly to say, with the poet, Non ignara mali, &c.” Will not refuse to make use of Essex's credit, so far as it may do him stead, without Essex's hurt, till he receives some better success to his own business in Court, “wherein I would hope to receive a speedy end if your Lordship had once recovered your deserved favour, seeing it pleases you to assure me that you would not fall into the fault of Pharaoh's butler.”—7 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 73.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham.
1600, Sept. 7. Here arrived yesternight from Dieppe three gentlemen of Scotland, Alexander Leviston, James Johnson, and Robert Lynsey. I have required them, at their coming to London, to repair to you, though I see no cause to suspect that any of these are the parties concerning whom you have formerly written, whom it will be hard to discover unless you cause their descriptions to be signified.—Dover Castle, 7 Sept., 1600.
[P.S.] —It is very usual for merchants and gentlemen which travel to change their names.
Endorsed :—“Lieutenant of Dover.” ½ p. (251. 77.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Sept. 7. Describes the desperate condition in which he found his cousin, Captain Lee, in London. If he had not brought him away, he would surely have taken up his long home in the Savoy, a place for his wealth fittest for him. The Captain came with him to the Court, where, perceiving her Majesty's disliking countenance, he fell into so great extremity that by Beckencefelde, where that night the writer lodged, Mr. Tredway, “one towards the law,” the latter's wife, the writer, and Mr. Pryce, all looked for his last farewell. After rest, he brought him to Woodstock, where putting him in mind of his innocency and former deservings, though wrongly expounded, with her Majesty's disposition full of mercy and sweetness, he somewhat better settled him. Since then he has drawn him to Sudeley to take the air, where the noble lady pitied and much comforted the poor gentleman. Urges that her Majesty should be liberal to the Captain, who has a most dutiful mind to make amends for his errors. There was no villainous meaning in him to her Majesty or his country : except he would prefer Ireland, with all the beggars therein, before his natural country. Offers himself in bond for the Captain's good behaviour. The furious zeal of the Captain's father for Queen Mary's cause, the writer remembers much distempered him with her Majesty.—Woodstock Lodge, 7 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sept., 1600.” 2 pp. (251. 78.)
Sir Henry Lee to the Earl of Essex, Lord Marshal of England, &c.
[1600,] Sept. 8. By hearsay I understand of your remove from London, of your coming into Oxfordshire, and being either at Grayce or Newellme. To know the truth I have entreated the bearer to see you, and be an eyewitness of your well doing, with what it will please you farther to command me. Exercise is as necessary for your health as change of air. If you will have either hounds or hawks (though I know Mr. Controller be better furnished) I will gladly wait on you With such as I have or can procure.—Woodstock Lodge, 8 September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (81. 74.)
Jo. Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 8. Difficulties of providing carts for the red deer. There can be but one hind carried in a cart for fear of bruising, for of those that came from Lord Willoughby's two in a cart, all died. Serious illness of Mr. Amyce.—Your Honour's house at Theobalds, 8 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 76.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 8. The notice you send me of how her Majesty conceives of my disposition to go into France gives me a full assurance of the care you have of me and my poor estate, which such a journey as you speak of would utterly ruin. There is none more willing to serve her Majesty than I am; and I must confess that such an employment is a greater honour than I can deserve. How unfit I am for such a service, I dare appeal to you and all that know me, being unready in the language, unacquainted with the “entregent” of courtiers and ceremonies that belong to princes, and above all, if I should play the King now (my estate standing as it does), I fear I should be constrained ever hereafter to play the beggar. This much I entreat you and my friends to allege for me.
The affection I had to go into France proceeded out of this ground. It pleased her Majesty, at my coming away, to tell me the desire she had I should both see and know the wars, and for that purpose I came hither, where I found nothing would be done. Hearing of the war of Savoy, I thought I could do no better than see so gallant an army and so brave a lieutenant as Lesdiguieres, whom I had known heretofore. Now that I hear that war is like to end, my ambition for this winter shall also end, but only to love and serve you with as much affection as any friend you have.—The Hague, 8 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (181. 10.)
Edw. Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Sept 8. In favour of a kinsman of Sir Walter Rawleigh's who, after a long imprisonment, is dangerously sick, and will hardly escape without present enlargement. His friends offered bonds of 1000l. for his good behaviour. His restraint gives less hope for his conversion, as he has none to converse with but desperate papists. If a groom of her Majesty's great chamber had moved it, it would not have been denied : therefore he [Gorges] can have little comfort in his expectations, when he is so easily “chocked” in his first demand. If Cecil will show the man favour, Rawleigh has no doubt, upon his enlargement, to alter him from these fond conceits and bring him to Church.—London, 8 September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (251. 37.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Lady Marquis of Winchester, Dowager.
1600, Sept. 8. Although I write to you now by her Majesty's express command, and therefore have not had opportunity to understand many particulars, yet I have well observed this for one, that her Majesty is very careful to receive satisfaction from you in that which I am commanded to recommend to you. She has been informed, and that upon no ill ground, that you are entering into consideration in what sort to settle your estate, and therein to use not only the advice of those who are near and inward with you, but of some other of no great inwardness with you. In this matter her Majesty knows very well that you will proceed with due consideration, as well of future circumstances as of the present; and will so well bethink you of the courses of the world as not to be led, by strangers especially, to any such indirect course as might weaken the ability of him and his who must keep up the honour of your house and posterity. Wherein her Majesty willed me to use these words, that seeing nature and birth have given him a title and honour, it would exceedingly blemish her own time of government to suffer a house to be overthrown. By that word her Majesty says you can guess her meaning. Whereunto she also adds that she expects that none of your men be acquainted with this letter, because servants and underlings always make their harvest when great persons fall to making of conveyances. Therefore her Majesty in this case only desires to be secure that you will no way be carried to do anything disgraceful or injurious, either to yourself or those that shall succeed you, for whom her Majesty says there be very many reasons why she should take extraordinary care, not only in regard of her own honour, to whom it is a dishonour to have great subjects left bare, but in regard to the gracious favour she bears to that house whereof the mother of those young plants that are your heirs is descended : in memory whereof she is pleased to send you this token from herself, with this addition, that howsoever things are current here, that you have some purpose to give away some great portians of your lands from your son and his, that she has too good an opinion of you to believe it, neither will, till she shall hear it from yourself : not doubting also but in a case of such importance as the translation or disposition of your estate, to which there are lineally living so many heirs males of your body, you will not make my Lord President of York a stranger to your actions, who is grandfather to your children, and has not only a great care to preserve all honour to the house, but has expressed even to her Majesty herself upon all occasions an extraordinary kindness towards you.—The Court at Oatlands, where I will stay until I may have some answer back fit for her Majesty's view, 8 September, 1600.
Draft with corrections and additions by Cecil. 2 pp. (251. 67.)
Draft of a similar letter, with corrections by Cecil. 1½ pp. (251. 80.)
Edward More to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 8. According to your appointment at Odiham, I send this bearer for your letter to me, signifying her Majesty's pleasure that the 300l. given her as a legacy by the late La. Dacres' will shall be paid to Mr. Henry Seckford, keeper of the privy purse, who upon receipt thereof shall give an acquittance. My man, on his despatch with you, goes to London to see the money paid.—Odiham, 8 September, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Moore.” ½ p. (251. 91.)
Thomas Lee to the Earl of Essex.
[1600,] Sept. 9. Your Lordship's liberty of the country has comforted me greatly and more than anything else since I came into the country, where I have lain extreme sick; and I hope ere it be long her Majesty will draw you unto her as you have been; and for my own part, till it be otherwise with your Lordship, I mean not to trouble her Majesty or the Court. It is too long to tell how unconscionably and dishonourably I am dealt with. Had my health served me, and it stood with your good liking, I had rather been a messenger than written. I have a suit to you to take my son for your servant, who now lives in London with other of my children, to my great charge. My necessity compels me to this request; when my fortunes mend, he shall be no charge to your Lordship.—Woodstock, 9 September.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 12.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Chancellor of Poland.
1600, Sept. 9. Covering letter accompanying the licence granted by the Queen to Sigismund, Prince of Transylvania, to come into England.—Court at Oatlands, 9 Sept., 1600.
Draft in Cecil's hand. Latin. Endorsed :—“To the Chancellor of Poland from my Master.” ½ p. (181. 13.)
The licence referred to, addressed to “Domino Joanni Zamoitio,” Chancellor of Poland.—Oatlands, 8 Sept., 1600.
Contemporary copy. Latin. 1 p. (81. 75.)
Jo. Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 9. I have with very much ado provided as many carts as you required. It were good you hastened the sending for them, as I promised they should go presently away, to return the sooner for their seed time. Mr. Amyce is a little amended, and some hope of him. Upon the examination of a notable witch, which he had committed to the gaol at Hertford, for a revenge did inflict her witchery upon him in such a manner that he was almost consumed to the bone. His doctors could not tell what to make of it, the manner of it was so strange unto them. In the end he said that he thought he was bewitched by that lewd woman that before he had committed. When I heard of it, I sent presently to a woman that dwelt 12 miles from Waltham, which I had heard of for her skill in those matters. She sent away presently to him with some things that he should take that night before he went to bed. He presently on the receipt found an alteration in himself, and that day at dinner he did eat more meat than he had done all the time of his sickness. He took the commendation you sent him very kindly and comfortably.—Your Honour's house at Theobaldes, 9 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 75.)
Sir John Talbott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 9. As I was about a week since to depart London, I received a letter from Ireland, importing that I am threatened to be sued upon an old bond which concerns the Countess of Kildare and myself. Having acquainted her therewith, she promised to procure the Council's letters to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, to the effect of the enclosed copy. I send it you, as Lady Kildare will not as yet trouble her father, he being so much grieved for the death of his brother; and crave that such a letter may be written in my behalf.—9 Sept., 1600.
Signed. (251. 87.)
The Enclosure :
The Council to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland.
With respect to the above bond, the details of which are given, and requiring that Talbott be not called to answer the suit, except by ordinary course of law : in regard that her Majesty's good subjects should not be called in these dangerous and troublesome times from her service, or from defence of their lands and goods against the rebels.
Draft. 1 p. (251. 86.)
Sir Richard Knightley to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Sept. 10. The news of your Lordship's liberty did so much gladden my heart, that I could not but take my journey towards London to see you; but meeting Mr. Fowlks, your servant, at Dunstable, I understood your departure from London to Newelme, and your resolution there. Wherefore not willing to trouble your patience, I have sent this letter only. Praying for the increase of her Majesty's favours.—From London, this 10th of September, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (181. 14.)
Th. Moffett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 10. Of his services beyond the seas. He sued the Queen for recompense, who referred him to the Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescue. Though they have certified his suit to be reasonable, yet he remains in great poverty. He complained of his miserable state to one who advised him to be a suitor to Cecil for the removing of certain seminaries from Wisbech to the Clinke : which suit was not pleasing to him (the writer), as well because some of their religion made him lie eleven months prisoner in Spain, as because they may well be thought enemies to the Queen. Notwithstanding, he thought he might benefit himself by them and also do the Queen service. If Cecil thinks he may do any service by them, he will do his best; if not, he prays for a warrant to remove a couple of them, so that he may prevent his starving state.—10 September, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 71.)
Riots in Lancashire.
1600, Sept. 11. Details of the killing of cattle of William Bretter and John Wrightington, Esq., J.P. Riot at Garstang about the vicar's house there, wherein Mr. Foster, the Queen's preacher, was lodged. Robert Parker, Undersheriff, laid in wait for at Old Wenington, 3 miles from Horneby, upon intent to murder him.—May 22 to Sept. 11, 1600.
1 p. (79. 79.)
Annes, Dowager Lady Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 11. Has received Cecil's letters by Mr. Moore, signifying the Queen's desire to be satisfied concerning the settling of her estate. She will comply with as much conveniency as such a matter requires. Doubts not that Cecil will so measure her actions as shall seem worthy of herself, until he receives just exception to the contrary.—Aberston, 11 Sept., 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (251. 65.)
Thomas Crompton to Edward Reynolds.
1600, Sept. 12. I have spoken with my Lord Treasurer and Mr. Chancellor and they have promised to do as much as in them lieth to effect his Lordship's desire. The Lord Treasurer told me that one Bulmer and others had made motion to him to take a lease of the sweet wines at an improved rent, but his answer to them was that he did not know but my Lord of Essex should hold it still, and indeed that he was persuaded her Majesty would not take it from him. He said her speech ever was that “she meant not to ruin his Lordship,” and to take this from him were to overthrow his estate, and so, he said, he would tell her. I told him that it was as much in credit as in profit, for his Lordship was indebted so far unto merchants that deal with sweet wines, that if that were taken from him, they would be hasty for their money, and that my Lord of Essex had said that if her Majesty had taken his life from him, he should have been better contented than to take this lease. In the end he willed me to assure the Earl he would do his uttermost to pleasure him, adding that he would forbear to appoint any officers to deal therein till after Hallowtide, unless pressed, and then he would move her Majesty that those that did collect it for my Lord might continue the same. Sir John Fortescue said there should be nothing wanting that he could do to persuade her Majesty. I was also with Mr. Sakvile, who makes show to be glad that he is used any way to do my Lord pleasure. I did in full to him impart how much it importeth my Lord and did in as cleanly terms as I could assure thankfulness. Now there must be no slacking to have her Majesty dealt with, for, if my Lord's term be out, one “K.” or another will offer dealing therein and inform her Majesty of the value, and make offers to my Lord's prejudice. I shall not be in place, for that my abode is in the country; therefore I pray you to speak with his Lordship's friends and instruments as often as you may. I will have ready a new grant at Mr. Beste's if occasion serve. It were not amiss that my Lord did write, or you did go, to Mr. Carmarthen to desire his friendship, for he is like to be used to inform the value.—London, this 12th of Sept., 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (181. 15.)
Thomas Crompton to Edward Reynolds.
1600, Sept. 12. Since writing my letters, there came a messenger from Mr. Evelyn to demand the payment of 360l. which my Lord oweth, with threats that if it were not paid before the term, he would put the bond in suit. I told the messenger to tell Mr. Evelyn that when we came to reckoning he would be indebted to my Lord.
I pray you acquaint my Lord herewith, and learn his pleasure whether I shall not use means to force them to pay that they promised out of the benefit of their grant for making saltpetre and gunpowder.—This 12th of Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (181. 16.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Lord High Admiral, the Lord Chamberlain, and Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 12. Give me leave to excuse myself of an imputation which the Earl of Lincoln, as I understand, most wrongfully would tax me withal, thereby to qualify his own faults. He pretends that I advised him in the course which he took of clearing himself to the Council Board concerning Askewe's cause, and was partaker with him in setting down his allegations. I will make manifest proof by witnesses that he slanders me. I was never acquainted with those proceedings, but only by his own report. In the beginning of his doubt to be arrested by a serjeant at arms, he consulted with his daughter and me, and I advised him to address himself to the Council, with submission to seek favour, and not to hide himself away, as he told us he would do : whereat he grew in extreme rage against me, and said to his daughter that I counselled him to cut his own throat : but he knew a better way, which was to conceal himself till Michaelmas, and then he hoped that a Parliameut would come to free him in despite of all his enemies. Thereupon he hid himself for a time. Afterwards, when he saw no remedy, he importuned me to be his messenger to the Council table, whereat, because I made some scruple, he fell out with me, threatening never to regard such a son-in-law; and withal urged my wife to entreat me thereunto; which both for her sake, and to avoid his malice, I undertook. But first, before two of his servants, I desired to know the truth of his allegations, which he sware to be most clear, and all of record, causing his solicitor to show the copies to me; whereupon I advised him not to begin his petition so peremptorily, but to use a reverent style; whereupon he made his men write his petition anew, the which I have and still keep safe, but caused another to be fair written, which I gave to the Council. This is the truth of my dealing in the matter, wherein I appeal to your honourable censures, seeing he so ungratefully perverts my honest care towards him.—12 Sept., 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (251. 73.)
Edward More to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 12. I have delivered your letter to the Lady Marquis Dowager [of Winchester], and knowing her own humours to differ far from those that are directed by such as possess her, had private conference with her, and found her carried with all honourable respects towards her son, and very careful to yield her Majesty satisfaction. But her governors pressed into the place, and taking knowledge of your letter, persuaded a deferring of answer, inveighing against this course taken to wrong her Ladyship with her Majesty, and seeking to move a hard conceit in her both against the procurers of the letter, and those that should receive benefit by it. They altered her resolution, and persuaded her to send only this short letter enclosed to you [see above], and to write a full answer to her Majesty, to be delivered by my Lord Admiral. I believe that unless this course now begun be maintained to the conquering of all adverse practices, it will work more loss than gain to the Lord Marquis' house. My Lord Admiral, being her brother, has reason to seek part of her land, and has strong friends about her, so if you wish success to this cause, it will be most necessary that he be first won : which may be by this means. I doubt not my young Lord and Lady Marquis will be persuaded to further his lordship to some reasonable portion of the land, if he will join in procuring the rest to be assured to them : and so the estate may be settled to. their satisfaction, and the preventing of others who are likely to carry the prize from them all.—Odiham, 12 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 82.)
Borchart Brucqman to Symon Willes, Secretary to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 13. Begs him to present his petition to Cecil. If he does not find comfort, he will be undone for ever. It cost him above 3l. to withhold the execution till next Wednesday. During his imprisonment he has disbursed over 30l., besides the great discredit received.—Compter in Wood Street, 13 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 64.)
The Enclosure :
B. Brockman to Sir Robert Cecil. Of his imprisonment. The party at Bristol will not come to any reasonable composition. Prays either for licence to go to Bristol, or that warrant be given to the party to appear in London, and so end the controversy.—Undated.
1 p. (251. 64a.)
George, Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600?] Sept. 14. If he is called away during his boy's minority, his boy is to be disposed of by Cecil, with the Queen's consent. He has agreed with the Countess of Derby to match him with her daughter, and begs Cecil to further the matter.—14 September.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 58a.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Sept. 14. Acknowledges Cecil's favours, and sends a small present of venison, the fruit of his poor park.—Apthorpe, 14 Sept., 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 66.)
Ed. Screven, Richard Leighton, and W. Leighton to the Earl of Essex.
1600, Sept. 15. Thanking him for his favour shown to their family on the death of Thomas Leighton. The gentlewoman to whom the wardship was granted is willing to apply the benefit of the wardship to the use of the children and the payment of her husband's debts. She is also willing to use her own fortune for her son's advancement. The office has been found, and a fine is to be fixed for the body and lands, wherein the continuance of your Honour's means may much help.—Watlesburgh, 15 Sept., 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (181. 17.)
Annes, Dowager Lady Winchester to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Sept. 15. In her late letters she promised to satisfy the Queen's desires concerning the disposition of her estate : which she herewith encloses, with a copy of her letter to the Queen. She does not doubt that Cecil will censure her actions as she truly means them, to the support of her house in succession.—Abberstone, 15 Sept., 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (251. 58.) [See S.P. Dom., Eliz. cclxv. 65.]