Cecil Papers: August 1600, 16-31

Pages 279-301

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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August 1600, 16–31

1600, Aug. 16. Examination of Henry Bairnis, of St. John's town in Scotland, servant to the Lord Warden Sesford, before the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Sabbate, xvj Aug., 1600.
He has served the L. Warden a whole year past. He came from Leith about 11 weeks since, landed at Lynn, stayed there a fortnight with one Kay, a Scot, and came thence to Cambridge, where he lodged 3 or 4 days with one Elwood, by the bridge. Thence he came to London by horse, and was robbed 2 or 3 miles South of Ware, by two footmen, who took from him his horse, bridle and saddle, a case of pistols and a portmanteau.
He had in the portmanteau about 45l. in gold and silver coin; pearls and garnets a great number, to the value of 6 or 7l., some shirts, bands, &c. and two books, the one Bruce's Sermons in Latin printed, the other a written book of prayers in Latin verse.
He brought with him to London two letters from the Lord Sesford, one to Lord Willòughby, which he delivered to his own hands at his first coming to London about 7 weeks since, a copy whereof the Lord Keeper now has, the other to Sir Robert Carey now delivered to the Lord Keeper. He received yesterday from one Potter, an English minister of Limerick, a letter for the Dean of Limerick who is now in Scotland, now handed to the Lord Keeper.
The cause of his coming into England was principally to buy corn, which was scarce in Scotland. He brought the two books to be printed here for sale in Scotland.
At his first coming to London, he came to the house of one Kate Mackys, a Scotswoman in King's Street, Westminster; after with one Paterson, a Scot, a tailor dwelling at the Red Lion in King's Street, and then lay at an Englishman's, a cook, beyond Paterson's, on the other side of the street.
The Lord Sesford entertained him as a secretary and for his learning in the Latin tongue.
His purpose is to return into Scotland as soon as he can get money of any of his countrymen for his charges thither.
Holograph by examinate. 2 pp. (181. 2.)
Antony Leyche.
1600, Aug. 16. Examination of Antony Leyche, a servant of Lord Willoughby, taken before the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, relative to the above.
Signed. 1¼ pp. (139. 125.)
Humfrey Flyntt to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 16. Reports as to arrangements for the delivery of 10 hinds from Lord Rutland's, and as to the training of certain hawks.—Collewesson, 16 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 23.)
John Savile and Chr. Yelverton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 16. Finding one Francis Tayler, now at these last assizes, in prison at the castle of York, committed by the Lord President, we referred the examination of him to Mr. Attorney of the Wards and Mr. Doctor Bennet. Because he has passed under a disguised name, and has heretofore not only escaped out of prison himself, but is, by his own confession already, privy, if not (which we think will fall out) the principal means of Dudley the seminary priest's escape, we have thought it good to send the examination hereinclosed, and to recommend the further dealing with him to your wisdom.—York, 16 August, 1600.
Signed as above. Endowed :—“Baron Savyle, Sergeant Yelverton.” ½ p. (81. 38.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Francis Tayler, committed to York Castle by the name of Richard White, taken before Thomas Hesketh, Attorney of the Court of Wards, and John Benet, Doctor of Law, two of H.M. Council of the North.
He was put out of the service of Mr. Girlington of Hackford because he refused to go to the church. He entered the service of Lady Pawlet, wife of Sir George Pawlet, and mother to Lord Sandys, for three years, during which time he never went to the church, nor his lady for ought that he knew. Being asked whether he heard any mass in his lady's house, he says he never saw mass with her in his life : but whether he heard mass otherwise, or in any other place, he will not answer. Being afterwards in London, he stayed in the house of one Blundel, a grocer in Newgate Market, and was apprehended by a pursuivant, who knew him to be Lady Pawlett's man, who brought him before Mr. Justice Yonge, who committed him to Newgate, where he remained a prisoner about 5 years. While in prison he was married to Elizabeth Scot, chambermaid to Lady Pawlet, by Mr. Parton, an old priest made in Queen Mary's time. Details of the marriage. He heard mass divers times in Newgate, said by Mr. Clyfton, a seminary priest, as he thinks. He was suspected to be privy to Swift's offence in making a counterfeit seal, and was examined and committed to the Marshalsea.
There he knew Mr. Champnes, also Mr. Dudley, but did not know him to be a seminary priest. Dudley, though kept close prisoner, walked every day in the garden, and before he went out of prison had liberty of the prison for two or three days. Dudley offered to take him out of prison, and in the evening, about Eastertime, they went out at the garden door, whereof Dudley had a key : which he thinks was a new key. He knew not who helped Dudley to that key, nor who was privy to their escape. They went to the “Antelope” in Smith field, and there a stranger met Dudley and carried him away : whereat examinate was amazed, and would have returned into the prison, if it might not have been known that he had escaped. Particulars of his going from London to Yorkshire, his meeting with Mr. Jenison, who entertained him as a servant, and of his apprehension at Wetherby. No speech passed between him and Dudley on going to the “Antelope,” except that he complained to Dudley that he wanted horse and money to convey himself away, and Dudley promised to provide for him. Thinks “some of the house” must have been privy to Dudley's escape. He knew none to have access to Dudley but William Gerrard and Jackson, but he can charge neither of them.
Signed by Hesketh and Benet. 2 pp. (81. 37.)
Vin. Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 16. I have spoken with Sir Thomas Leighton, but cannot find that there is any other course holden in Guernsey than ordinary and traditional : no articles prescribed, no instructions delivered to the Governor, but an absolute grant of that island, with all the revenue growing by rents, customs, fines, forfeitures or other profits whatsoever, as by cess of corn and other provision for the Governor's house. His charge is only according to the custom of the Castle, to keep 14 gunners, without any other garrison or number imposed, though by his own retinue and command of the island he be better furnished as occasion requires for defence of the Castle : not being tied to other charge, as it seems, nor to personal attendance, but so as he may be absent, leaving a sufficient deputy. And in times of hostility, or other sudden and unexpected attempt, to be furnished with forces at her Majesty's charge, both of men, munition and victual, as to a place of that importance appertains, and all at her Majesty's charge, as by matter extant appears; besides the fortifications there and furnishing of the Castle with artillery, munition, powder and other habiliments of war at her Majesty's charge, as well in times of peace for that which shall be requisite, as well for competent defence as to perform “accomplements” by expense of powder as occasion may require. Albeit these two sister islands be now by statute annexed to the county of Southampton, yet they were sometimes parcel of the Dukedom of Normandy, and are governed not by the laws English, but after the manner of Normandy and the customs there as an island municipal.
Which being the substance and effect of that I could understand by familiar discourse, occasioned by matter apt for such introduction, without any suspicion of my purpose or question touching the competition, I thought good, being prevented by your sooner departure to the Court than I supposed, in this sort briefly to report.—Westminster, 16 August, 1600. Holograph. 1 p. (81. 39.)
Sir Edward Moore to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 16. Asks for the remission of a sum of money due from him to the Queen for rent : in consideration of a sum due to him for his entertainment as Constable of the fort of Philipstown : and a sum due to his son Garrott Moore for his entertainment for 30 horse, which he erected here by Lord Burrowghes' direction. His brother Nicholas Moore will attend Cecil, with the warrants.—Mellyfounte, 16 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 40.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 16. It is given out in Dorset that Cecil has offered Cranborne to be sold to a great personage in those parts. Reminds Cecil of his promise to give him the refusal of it. He does not hope to gain by the bargain, but to prevent inconveniences which may fall out to him in case any such personage should have it, being situated mean between his house of Giles Wimborn and Damerham, and no man's land but this betwixt.—Damerham, 16 August, 1600.
1 p. (81. 41.)
A. Douglas to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 16. The bearer, Walter Mowbrey, desires greatly to return to Spain : being the more earnest by reason he is informed that Sir Walter Rawley is sick, and Sir John Gilbert also. Mowbrey desires Cecil's letters to Gilbert, “desiring him either to agree with the said party : or they with expedition to repair hither, to receive such decisions as the law will yield,” and to desire W. Rawley to write to the same effect. Mowbrey will carry the letters, if Rawley will help him with the loan of 10l., to be allowed off such sum as shall be decided, either by amicable composition or judicial proceeding.—London, 16 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (81. 42.)
Arthur Hyde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 17. After long expecting a wind, on the 16th inst. the wind came fair at North and by East, at the first coming whereof he shipped his horse and men with provision, and has now to-day left Bristoe. God continue the wind large with them till they be landed in Ireland. He has but 36 horse and men, according to his last certificate.—Bristoe, 17 August, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (81. 43.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 17. I have by this bearer sent a stag, not so fat as I could wish to so honourable a friend, and yet the best that this dry ground in this dry year affords. To make some part of amends I have withal sent three quarters of the fattest buck that I have ever seen; the other quarter, being mangled and spoiled in the killing, I have detained to Satisfy the longing of the lady of this place. I know you want neither red nor fallow deer, yet did I think it might meet you about Basing, where you could not miss of means to bestow it. Howsoever it be, it shall now serve my turn who am most willing to hear if not from you, yet of you. I desire there may no speech be had from whence this venison comes, being unwilling to have Warder named in a progress time. I am all yours and yours only, and (which is against the nature of true love) will for requital satisfy myself with such part of your love as you shall think me worthy of, though not so much as others have who, I am sure, shall not endeavour to deserve better than myself. Here I live still retired, as I was wont : and am and will be in all things as an obedient scholar to so good and so wise a tutor as yourself, which being, I hope you will take it as a part of your care to see that I prove not a non proficiens. I have also by this bearer sent the last of the sarazens, I mean of cheeses : and withal desire you to make sure reckoning that whatsoever is belonging to this place is yours frankly and wholly to dispose of.—Warder [Wardour Castle], 17 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (87. 106.)
Thomas Hesketh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 17. I trust the Bishop of Chester (who was present at the last Assizes holden at Lancaster) has informed you how all things passed concerning the seminary priests which were prisoners there and are now executed. But because it may be that he has not done it, I thought it no less than my duty to make you partake thereof.
It appeared that the true name of one of the priests was Robert Nutter, born in Lancashire. He departed out of England 22 years past, and after that he had been scholar at Reames and at Rome he was made priest by the Bishop of Laon, and then returned into England, before the statute made in the 27th year of her Majesty's reign, and was then apprehended and banished. And after that, having an intention to go out of France into Scotland, he was taken upon the seas in a French ship by Captain Burrowes and brought into England, where he remained in Wisbech and other prisons 11 years. And upon the Monday before Palm Sunday last he escaped out of Wisbech, the gate being left open by the porter. He would not confess where the porter was, nor what became of him. He confessed that he was professed a friar of the order of St. Dominick during the time he was prisoner in Wisbech, where in the presence of divers priests he did take his vow, the which was certified to the Provincial of that Order at Lisbone, and by him allowed. This friar was no scholar, but very ignorant in all professions. At his execution, being required to pray for her Majesty, and to ask her forgiveness, he would not answer. And being required to declare whether he did take her Highness to be our lawful Queen, the Pope's excommunication notwithstanding, he would not answer.
The true name of the other priest was Edward Thwinge, born in the city of York. He had named himself Hylton, and so are his examinations sent to you. He was sometime called Nysaunce. The Bishop and I did examine him. It appeared that he had been a scholar of some understanding, and much esteemed amongst the Papists. And yet he did defend, amongst many other gross opinions, that without offence he might equivocate (as he termed it) before the magistrate, which equivocation is plainly lying, for being blamed because he had affirmed upon his first examinations that he was born in Northumberland, whereas it appeared that he was born in the city of York, he said he did equivocate. He likewise defended that if a private man were excommunicate by the Pope, his lands and goods were confiscated ad fiscum ecclesiae, for being urged that the Pope could not depose any sovereign prince from his kingdom, because he could not for any offence take away the freehold or inheritance of a private person being not his subject, he was driven to hold that he might. He held that the law made for the banishment of Jesuits and seminaries was wicked and unjust, upon which occasion, and because he openly said the same at his arraignment, I did set forth unto all the hearers many just causes for which the law was made, and that that law was more merciful and mild than any of the ancient laws of this nation or any other nation against such like offenders. I cannot certify you every particular because I have not the examinations, but I hope the Bishop has done it.
At the execution of this priest he was demanded by me the like questions as were propounded to the friar. He acknowledged her Majesty to be his lawful Queen, and that he would pray for her : but being urged further whether she ought to be so, the Pope's excommunication notwithstanding, and whether he would affirm so much if the Pope had not allowed certain faculties to him and others for that purpose : to the first he did bid us look to it ourselves, and to the second he would not answer, and thereupon was executed without delay.
You may easily discern, and so did all men, as I think, that were at the execution, what notable traitors these kind of people are, for notwithstanding all their glorious speeches, yet their opinion and their doctrine is that her Highness is but tenant at will of her crown to the Pope. Many that were favourers of Popery, and were present at the arraignment and at the execution (as I hear) did say that they would not have thought the Papists had holden such gross opinions, either against her Majesty or in religion, for the Bishop at the arraignment, touching divers points of religion, did so fully by disputation and argument with the priests discover their weakness, that I hope many hearers that were before staggering are confirmed. I do not doubt but much good will come by this little severity, as well to terrify the priests from these parts, as for satisfaction of the people. For there was never any seminary priest executed in that country before, which toleration has made them overbold. And if the relievers and maintainers were sharply dealt with, there is no doubt but the country would be reformed. The people are naturally zealous in that religion which they profess, for where they are good there are none better, and where they are bad there are none worse.—City of York, 17 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Tho. Heskett, Mr. Allington, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Ferrer, Mr. Belmor.” 2 pp. (87. 107.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 18. I have been earnestly moved by this bearer, my neighbour Mr. Pascall, to recommend his suit to you in behalf of his son-in-law D. Haywood, which I told him the condition of his offence considered, I could not otherwise do than might be to your good liking.—18 August, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (81. 44.)
Sir Arthur Chichester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 18. I came into England about some of my own particular business, which ended, I repaired hither to see her Majesty, and to make known my being here to yourself, more out of duty than of purpose to become a suitor, as may appear by the little profit I have thereby received. It pleased my Lord Deputy to recommend me to your Honours, and you return me unto him upon like terms, uncertain of any kind of advancement. To him my worth and deserts are already known, and from him I might receive any grace that I should honestly propound for : but the increase of my entertainment, it is not for his lordship to do it without allowance here, and my Lord of Southampton's horse, as I hear, are already given. The money which is due unto me, I cannot receive to maintain me in prosecuting that service, my bare allowance of 10s. per diem gives little grace to my place, every colonel has so much, from whom there is not so much expected as from me, that am both colonel and governor in a country where nothing is to be done but by the sword and bounty; and I assure you my own fortunes are not able any longer to support me in those miserable wars, from whence more is expected than all our endeavours can bring to pass, unless her Majesty will be pleased to fortify and lodge us with all necessaries nearer the enemy, where we may ever be doing upon them. This I think is by your Honours someway intended, and to that end, if it please you, I will return to my charge, where I will endeavour my best to make it known that I am worthy of her Majesty's service and favour, whereof if I taste no deeper than in receiving what is due unto me, I will continue to the end of my days, or these accursed rebellions, if I have any means to support me. Otherwise, I humbly beseech you let it not offend you if I seek to withdraw myself, for I have made sufficient trials of the fortunes of that profession, and I fear if necessity or misfortune shall at any time force me to seek relief, I shall be slightly respected, for being as I am, seeking mine own, and having you my honourable friend, I shall depart poorly satisfied, not having so much as will bear my ordinary expense. I beseech you to excuse me if I write truth in plain words, my wants are great, and I am a very ill suitor, an unsavory denial being worse to me than the edge of Tyrone's sword. I seek to none but yourself, for your favour respecting me, together with my Lord Deputy's forcible persuasions, have kept me longer in the vocation of a soldier than I determined. I have left my reckonings in the keeping of Mr. Bowyer, secretary to my Lord Treasurer, who will at all times attend your directions.—London, 18 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (87. 109.)
Sir Gelly Meyricke to Henry Cuffe.
1600, Aug. 19. For your farm, I think he will come to the other 50l., for he is contented to refer it to my Lord. I willed Nycolas to tell him my Lord would be loth to enter into those matters. But as yet I hear nothing, saving he told Mr. Newton that he desired my land, and so we shall be friends. The reason how this kindness comes on him I will when I see you impart unto you more at large. My Lord had a purpose when I came from London to have had some bedding and hangings, which we bought of the Earl of Northumberland, to be sent by sea from Milford to London. I spake to my brother, he being here with me, to provide a bark for that purpose, which he will do, but I willed him not to send it away until he heard again from me. Let my Lord, I pray you, be moved in it, because his Lordship may be altered. Then I hear some of our own family are very malicious against us both, but especially against me. The courses practised are so base that I would hate myself if it were true : but I shall better satisfy it when I come than to trouble you with a tedious letter. I am very sorry that some of them professing religion can be so malicious. We have envy and malice enough besides to have it plotted and practised by those that my Lord useth so near him, as his Lordship doth some of them. One Oldesworth, a kinsman of our Oldesworth, gave it out at Gloucester assizes that my Lord had taken new officers, and that I was in disgrace. I should be sorry to live to be in his Lordship's disfavour. And for the other, what his Lordship's will is, I must obey it, but in heart he shall ever be my master howsoever. This is but as they would have it. I must needs impart this unto you, or else my heart would break. God send my Lord his health and his farther liberty, and then I care not what becometh of me. But this you shall be assured, I will ever be his faithful and honest servant. And so remember my humble duty for God's sake to his Lordship.—19 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 45.)
Sir Arthur Chichester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 19. Thanks Cecil for his favourable acceptance of his late letters. He is presently to depart towards his charge. Prays Cecil to continue his honourable opinion of him. He only craves to taste her Majesty's favour as he deserves it. He has moved also the Lord Treasurer, from whom he has received hopeful promises. Captain Bodenham, having overworn his long trouble, desires to be employed in the Queen's service where Chichester commands. Prays Cecil to favour Bodenham when he finds any place in those parts fit for him. Strongly recommends him.—London, 19 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 46.)
Rice Jones, Mayor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 19. According to Cecil's letter of the 6th inst., he delivered the enclosure to Mr. Wilson, who had the charge of transporting the munition to Cork, who departed the 16th inst. and undertook to deliver it to the Lord President.—Bristol, 19 August, 1600.
Endorsed :—“Letter sent to the Lord President of Munster.” ½ p. (81. 47.)
Walter Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 20. The grigs have been in Charles Chester's head, and made him speak a little more liberally of her Majesty and yourself than this bearer, Richard Chollmelye, thinks to stand with his duty to conceal. It may please you to hear him, and pardon him or punish him at your pleasure.—20 August, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (81. 49.)
Rob. Stickells to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 20. Understands that the Surveyor of her Majesty's buildings intends by Cecil's favour to join his son in his letters patent. “Although the buildings import no such cause whereby to use men of greater judgment than they are that supply the place, yet I hope your Honour will conceive of my well meaning.” He has proffered to do that which never a man has done the like : for all those works that heretofore have been done are imperfect and unjust : and his desire is to be put on his trial, either in the mathematical sciences, or in the rules of architecture, of ship building, or of fortifying, house building, or any such ingenious causes. In these he has offered to do by perfect art that which yet is undone by any. Enlarges upon the present imperfections in these arts, and on their true basis.—From the manor of Richmond, 20 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 50.)
W. Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 20. Perceives from Cecil's letters by Mr. Bystonne that Cecil considers his answer uncertain. Finding that Cecil's desire to have “them” continues, he will be content to satisfy his request, upon such consideration as Cecil and the writer's son by the advice of counsel shall agree upon. Prays for some time therein : as his wife has an estate in it, and is very unwilling to part with it, as his cousin Skinner heard from herself : and also because he has made a former conveyance thereof 20 years since, which must be well considered by counsel.—Conkehill, 20 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (87. 120.)
Queen Elizabeth to King James.
1600, Aug. 21. At the horrible fame of the execrable fact that was spread abroad of your live's danger, when I remember that a King you are, and one of whom since your cradle I have ever had tender care, I could not refrain to send you this gentleman of purpose in post, both to congratulate your happy state as to inform me, both how it was, and how you are in health and state, praying God that with His potent hand hath stretched it out for your defence. And though a King I be, yet hath my funeral been prepared (as I hear) long or I suppose their labour shall be needful, and do hear so much of that daily as I may have a good memorial that I am mortal, and with all so be they too that make such preparation before hand, whereat I smile, supposing that such facts may make them readier for it than I. Think not but how “wilely” soever things be carried, they are so well known that they may do more harm to others than to me. Of this my pen hath run further than at first I meant, when the memory of a prince's end made me call to mind such usage, which too many countries talks of and I cannot stop mine ears from. If you will needs know what I mean, I have been pleased to impart to this, my faithful servant, some part thereof, to whom I will refer me, and will pray God to give you grace to know what best becomes you. Your loving sister and cousin, E. R.
Endorsed :—“Her Majesty's letter to the Scotts King.” 1 p. Cont. copy. (134. 3.)
[Not printed by the Camden Society.]
Sir William Bowes to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 21. As to Cecil's request for the under stewardship of Richmondshire, on behalf of his servant Mr. Metcalfe. He has laid the request before Lord Scrope and his brother Talbot Bowes, and Bowes' answer, with Talbot's assent, is that he could not fitly alter that place at this instant, but in November next Cecil should receive satisfaction therein.—Bradley, 21 August. Holograph.
Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (251. 56.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 22. I received this morning the enclosed from Mr. Winwood, which I send you with speed, that you may see what the King's proceeding is with the Duke of Savoy. Yesterday the French Ambassador came to visit me, and told me that he had letters lately from the Court, which imported nothing but war. Of the time and place of the marriage, he could deliver no certainty. Of his complaints for want of justice we had some conference, which I will acquaint you with when I next wait upon you.—London, 22 August, 1600. ½ p. Holograph. (81. 51.)
King James VI. of Scotland, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 22. In favour of Gawyn Johnston, who served in the Low Countries under the Earl of Leicester by the space of three years at his own charges, having taken three hundred pounds sterling upon his little patrimony, and has since been a suitor to the Queen nine years for reward of his service.—22 Aug., 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (134. 4.)
E. 1070 [Miler Magragh, Archbishop of Cashel] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 22. Although at my last being with you, I had no fresh news, yet I have matters of some importance concerning the safety of that kingdom, the suppressing of present tumults and the preventing of divers malicious practices of the enemy, also some intelligences whereby her Majesty may get a yearly augmentation of revenue. I await your directions.—At the Strand, the 22 of August 1600.
[P.S.] —If my going thither be thought meet, send me some warrant for posthorses which might serve from time to time.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Archbishop of Cashel to my Master.” Plain seal. ½ p. (181. 4.)
Dr. Christopher Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 23. I have understood the following from the gentleman sent from the Chancellor of Poland. Sigismund of Transylvania is pursued to death by the Austrians, thereby supposing to enjoy peaceably that province. The Poles be divided in faction, the wiser desirous to keep Sigismund for a day, yet liked of the country; imputing these present evil events to the craft of adversaries and his youthly unadvisedness. Sum is : The Chancellor desireth a passport patent from her Majesty in public manner for his remaining in England. The said Chancellor is one of the best and most honourable subjects in Christendom, and in his country somewhat more than an absolute subject, able to do much good or evil to her Majesty's subjects in those parts, and therefore not to be slightly regarded either by slow or non-answering his letters. On the other side, a passport by patent in public form from her Majesty cannot be given without including some silent scorn to the Emperor, now by Sigismund's ruin investing Transylvania, who though by reason of his late factious and false grounded mandate against her Majesty's subjects in Germany, hath deserved no good inclination from her, yet may it seem nothing princely to show an affection of revenge in this small matter. Neither seemeth it necessary that her Majesty write any answer, but rather that the Chancellor be in effect satisfied for the safety of Sigismund, which he principally intendeth, by a common letter from such councillors as he hath written unto (the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Chamberlain and yourself), whereby he may be assured by her Majesty's commandment that whomsoever the said Chancellor shall commend by his passport, coming in manner of a private person, shall be suffered to abide quietly in England and return whither him pleaseth, carrying himself here without any public offence. Some other particulars I have understood of this messenger, not uncredible, fitter for speech than letters.—This 23 of August, from my poor lodging at Westminster, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Concerning the Scotsman come from the Chancellor of Poland.” 2 pp. (181. 5.)
Roger Wilbraham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 23. I send herewith the charter, in due form of law, for creation of Mr. FitzGerald to be Earl of Desmond, and the heir apparent to be Baron of Inchequyn, in Munster, as I understand he was before his father's fall. I have caused search to be made of their first creation, which was in the 1 or 2 of King E. 3, and it cannot be found. There is another Baron of Inchequyn, but it is in Connaught. I have presumed to engross this, not knowing what haste it may require, yet in my opinion some course of further contentment must be devised before he depart, or this do pass. One way is to give him the concealments of his father's or any traitors' lands of that conspiracy, but neither he nor Fitsedmond are to know this till it be ready to be sealed; for I fear the rumour of Mr. Fitsgerat's restitution caused the repair of Mr. Fitsedmond. Another way is to give him some principal house that was his father's : whereof the undertaker is so far in arrear as not able to pay that past, or to put in security for that to come, whereby some ground may be to resume it for service especially. I will attend you this next week, either here or at Court, upon any occasion : but yet I have not spent the venison which you sent me.—23 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Wilbraham, one of the Masters of the Requestes.” ½ p. (81. 52.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 23. Relative to Mr. Hambleton's arrival and desire for an interview. Hears that he went by water, and therefore very likely to be at Kynstonne [?Kingston].
Undated. Endorsed :—“23 August, 1600.” 1 p. (81. 53.)
Jo. Meredith, “brother of the paymaster,” to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 23. With an enclosure from Mr. Gilpin. If Cecil will direct Mr. Gilpin's letters to the writer, they shall be conveyed with as little charge as may be.—Middelburgh, 23 August, 1600, stylo veteri.
[P.S.]—His Excellency is here, and goes to-morrow to Zearicksey to view the fortifications thereabouts. My Lords of Northumberland and Southampton are here also. My Lord of Rutland is in Holland, and my Lord Gray is upon service with the horse troops in Brabant, &c.
Holograph. ½ p. (87. 135.)
Francys Dacre to his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Dacre.
1600, Aug. 23. Hears from his daughter that the Lord of Cumberland has been renewing his [Dacre's] suit to the Queen for a pension : to which her Majesty is willing, if he will go to live in Germany, which he will willingly obey. But he desires also liberty to repair to the State of Venice, wishing rather to travel than to sojourn, so it be not in the dominions of her Majesty's unfriends. Being in great debt, he would be glad of the first allowance of his pension before his departure. Begs him to make the Lord of Cumberland acquainted herewith, and desire him to get the matter perfected.—Dumfries, 23 Aug., 1600.
Begins, “Son Anderton” and closes, “Your loving father-in-law,” bat addressed as above.
Holograph. 1 p. (250. 18.)
James Hamilton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 24. Has none of the copies Cecil desires so drawn out that he can think them fit; but will have one made up against to-morrow, and will be ready at the time appointed to attend the Queen.—London, 24 August, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (81. 54.)
John Hele to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 24. As Recorder of Exeter, on behalf of Thomas Wakeman, Ellis Fley and other inhabitants, apprehended by warrant from the Lord Treasurer, Cecil, and Sir John Fortescue, for selling starch without licence. The accused offered to depose that they neither had nor would sell or deal with starch, and to enter into bond to that effect; but this would not satisfy the party who follows the cause. He signifies the above to Cecil, knowing it is disagreeable to him to suffer the innocent to be oppressed.—24 August, 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Sergeant Heale.” 1 p. (81. 55.)
Sir Edward Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 25. Understands from Sir John Standuppe that though Cecil would not speak for him [Wingfield], yet he would not be a hindrance to him for employment. Prays that by Cecil's means he may be restored to the Queen's good' opinion. He has in her service lost all his limbs, wasted his blood, and consumed his estate; and there is no captain of his rank who knows better to do her service. He has been mightily wronged to her Majesty and Cecil by false reports—Mann, 25 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (81. 56.)
Henry Clare to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 25. I made what speed I could with your letters written in my behalf, and landed the 19 of this present, with the 2,000 foot, which since the 25th of July had attended the wind at West Chester. My Lord Deputy was gone into Lease a se'nnight before, where he has slain, as it is here reported, Owneye Mac Rowrye, the chief of the Moors, with some others, but the certainty we cannot have, because there is no fair passage between this and the camp. Touching my own particular, I can advertise nothing until his Lordship's return, which is daily expected. In meantime may it please you to know that upon my Lord of Southampton's departure from hence, his company of horse, being a hundred, were given at his Lordship's request unto him who before was lieutenant to the same. Fifty of these horse were at 18d. “le peece,” the other at 15d. “le peece,” per diem : and forasmuch as I suppose that the charge will be thought over great in England for a private gentleman, I entreat you to get me from her Majesty fifty of those horse at 18d. le peece per diem, and I will then resign any other command, if in meantime any be given unto me. Without special letters, both for that pay and number, I am sure that all will be wrested to the worst for me.—Dublin, 25 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Clare.” 1 p. (81. 59.)
Vin. Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 25. Nicholas and George Meath, agents for Kilmallock, and suitors for Irish debts, repairing to me in your name to examine their demands, I thought it fit, in regard that two auditors were sent into Ireland to understand the state of her Majesty's debts, to have conference with them, and find these agents were with them in Ireland, and exhibited divers of these papers, whereof they took entry : but not of all, by reason they were not then produced. I also find that no certain estate of her Majesty's debts, either to towns or particular persons, can well be made until the account of Sir Henry Wallop be taken. They say most of these demands are payable out of the account of Sir Thomas Norreys, late President of Munster, and of Sir Henry Norreys, who are overpaid, whereby her Majesty should be overcharged with a double payment. Which was also quoted and certified upon a like reference made to me and the said auditors lately employed about the demands of the agents of Cork, as we thought it fit then also to certify. Nevertheless it has pleased you and others of the Council, in these times of troubles, to give some contentation to the towns and their agents, to retain them thereby in their duties, and so if it seem good to you, to whom their demeanours are best known, there may consideration be had of them likewise upon due advertisement of their demands, which upon your direction may be done, and whereto I moved the two auditors. But their commission being determined by their return, and myself not having other direction to show them, than the report of the agents for warrant therein, I cannot otherwise certify to you than I do. The auditors added that at their being in Ireland, divers, as well towns corporate as particular persons, made offers to them to remit a good part of their debt to her Majesty, to be satisfied of the residue, and think that upon commission to be given to such as you and the Council think fit to employ therein, might do very good service to her Majesty in that behalf, whereby such indulgence as should be shown to towns of good desert for their better encouragement might be saved otherwise : but whether these made any such offer I know not : themselves deny it.—Westminster, 25 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 58.)
Thomas Phelipps to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 27. The enclosed coming to my hands, I continue my course to send them to you. That in secret I know to be written bona fide. For the residue, I must have no better than we deserve, being not curious or careful to correspond, but only holding life in the way till there be occasion. He has been charmed to write no untruths, and the ordinary occurrents, for the which if there were at any time occasion or meaning to prevail of the course, a convoy speedy enough might be found and had. I do but attend your pleasure in this as all things else.
I humbly thank you for your letter to Southwell touching the Marquis of Brandenburg. By his answer to Mr. Wade he confesses the matter in substance. If I may presume to crave your direction to Mr. Wade how he shall proceed for satisfaction of the Marquis, to the end it may work that other matter which concerns myself, I shall score it up with your favours to be deserved if I may by any service.—27 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 60.)
E., Lord Sheffield to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
[1600, Aug. 27.] With a present of stags.—Morgrove Castle, 27 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (250. 11.)
Sir John Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 28. I stand tied unto you by your kind remembrance in your letters, and although you write that you envy my quiet, yet I assure you these country visitations and compliments leave small time of repose unto me for my private. I am now upon my return, and mean to be at London on Monday next, and so to attend her Majesty as it shall please her to command, I heartily thank you for your advertisements, which although [they] be not always such as I would they were, yet amongst the rest I am glad of the addition to my Lord of Essex's liberty, whereby I perceive her Majesty's care of her poor servants, and that we shall not be given over for our fidelities. All these parts are most quiet, and stand wholly at her Majesty's devotion, nor do I find any that doth not allow the whole proceedings in my Lord of Essex's cause, although I have sought to feel men of the better sort the best I could. I have been wearied with hunting and hawking, and yet good manners forced me eorum obsequi studiis cum quibus versor. In my private I find it too true that the master eye advances every work. But you have and daily more shall find that men in our condition, and yours especially, are borne to serve their prince and country, and many times to omit themselves and their private.—Yarrington, 28 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 62.)
Sir Dru Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 29. Thanks Cecil for procuring her Majesty's hand for the confirmation of the Hospital. All shall be performed on their part according to her Majesty's expectation. As to the legacy of 300l., Mr. Edward More has had the sum long since, and has promised that it shall be paid immediately upon her Majesty's grant. Thinks that upon notice from Cecil that it has passed, More will not fail to perform accordingly. As to the blank left in the bill for the sum her Majesty should grant, 100Z. a year will be sufficient, if Cecil can procure no more.—Lindsted, 29 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 63.)
Arthur Hyde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 29. Has safely delivered to the Lord President of Munster the 36 horses and men which he received at Bristol by Cecil's direction. Cecil granted him letters to the Lord Deputy for a company, and to the Lord President for his entertainment. Because of the omission of the words, “And this shall be your warrant,” the Lord President forbears giving the entertainment till Cecil's further warrant be sent. Meantime he and his charge live most hardly distressed, attending all services without pay or maintenance. Prays for the necessary warrant.—Corcke, 29 August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (81. 64.)
T., Lord Buckhurst to Lady Skidmor.
1600, Aug. 30. It was exceeding grief to me to perceive from her Majesty that, by some information given, her Highness remained not well satisfied of my son Glemam as touching his being at Rome, but specially for that he had speech and conference with Parsons, as her Majesty was informed : for knowing his faith and loyalty towards her Majesty to be such and so great as neither place nor person can “distain” it, I did always assure myself that howsoever her Majesty might be informed of the fact, yet his heart and thoughts remained as free as doth innocency itself. And yet it cannot but bring both infelicity to him, and grief to me, that he is brought in question in the mind of her Majesty, though yet with this comfort, that so wise, so just, and so gracious a judge as her Majesty is shall censure him therein. I send you therefore here enclosed his own declaration touching the truth of this cause, which I pray you to present to her Majesty, and deliver his woeful heart from that great sorrow wherein he languishes, and ever shall until he is made so happy as among the number of her faithful servants to kiss that royal hand and to see that heavenly face that gives joy and comfort to as many as do behold the same.—30 August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The Lord Treasurer.” 1 p. (81. 65.)
The Enclosure :
Sir Henry Glemham to the Lord Treasurer.
I humbly thank you for your kind letter, and the care you have of me, but in that you counsel me to advertise you of the truth, that her Majesty may be assured without doubting, this favour makes me overjoyed, knowing that innocency needs no other advocate than itself, nor better judge than her Majesty. I will touch no circumstance of my travel, for it was obtained through your furtherance and her Highness' licence, nor that I was at Rome, for many were there in the like case that are not in the like fortune. I am only to answer my personal speaking with Parsons. I did little think that by helping my countrymen over the wall I should break my own neck, and that in giving them learning to escape I myself should be entangled. True it is I was taken for one of them, and so by misprision of their eyes committed to prison, where would to God 1 had yet been, and there with the greatest misery have finished my life, rather than to have the least conceit stirred up in her Majesty of such gross indiscretion or undutifulness as I am taxed withal. True it is that Father Parsons, supposing me and my company to be them whom he sought for, and yet afterwards perceiving himself mistaken, and withal understanding how I was allied to you, protested how sorry he was of the mistaking, vowing to redeem this error by his speedy procuring my liberty, or any other service he could do me. I was within five hours after his coining delivered, though in my conscience I think to have had the same fortune without him, yet in policy I could not but seem to acknowledge as much. Whereas you urge the danger I have incurred for the breach of her Majesty's laws, my comfort is that you write also that my accusation is by a letter sent to her Majesty herself, which may seem to grow from some intelligencer, necessary instruments, I must confess, for mighty states, but upon whose reports all things are not to be concluded, in respect they privilege themselves upon the countenance of princes, and intend their course for their particular benefit only. I appeal in this trial for the least touch of a disloyal thought to her Highness, her laics, or any just accusation, and if nothing can be alleged but malice and surmise, to whom then should I fly but to you to blot out those suggestions against me, and so purchase me her grace again; that as others have in the same case been so happy as to kiss her royal hands, I only be not the man to be accused without proof or colour of probability.—Bently, 27 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600, Sir Henry Glemham.” 1 p. (81. 61.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 30. This last evening he received letters from his government, but no matter worthy the imparting. Sends a present of fruit from the island.—Hakney, 30 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (81. 66.)
Francis Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] Aug. 30. As to the controversy between his uncle and himself, regarding some woods. Hopes the intervention of Mr. Controller, promised by Cecil, may effect reasonable terms; if not, he prays that his uncle may be restrained from cutting down the woods till the cause is heard in Chancery.—Cheayneys, 30 August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600. That his uncle, Sir Edward Norreys, may be restrained,” &c. 1 p. (81. 67.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1600, Aug. 30. These gentlemen of Genova arrived yesterday at Dover : they come out of the Low Country : their presence is to see the country. As I am informed, they are captains and officers of the galleys that are at Sluce. They are stayed at Dover till I receive answer from you. I would not have them stayed, but an eye on them what they do, and what company converse with them. If it be thought fit to stay them, then they are my prisoners, for they are come without passport. Having their names, you may send for Justinian Pallivizin['s] servant, who is best able to satisfy you what they are. I send you a basket of grapes and plums, which I think be the best you have eaten this year. Between 1 and 2 I will come to you, and go with you to the Court.—Black Friars, 30 August, 1600. “Your loving brother-in-law.”
[P.S.]—I pray you send this packet for me to my Lord of Northumberland's.
Holograph. 1 p. (251. 55.)
Grisselld Power to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, August 31. Prays Cecil's help to obtain the payment of 124l., due for entertainment to Mr. Power in Ireland since March, 1598.—Court at Otelands, last of August, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mrs. Power.” 1 p. (81. 68.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 31. As to the sequestration of certain goods.—Last of August, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (81. 69.)
The Earl of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 31. Acknowledges Cecil's favours. It is grievous to him, after this great taste of liberty, that he should spend his time idly : counting any time idle but in studying to do her Majesty and the state service : and that, feeling the infinite mercy of her Highness, he cannot have access to that high Majesty which has so graciously dealt with him. Prays Cecil, now that he has accomplished Cecil's commandment in making him ready, according to that proportion which was afforded him, and his stock grown low, that he would be a means to her Majesty for his present coming to the Court.—Last of August, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (87. 151.)
Edward Prynne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 31. These ambassadors desired me to write to you and in their names to recommend them unto you, praying you that you would crave of her Majesty a day of audience, to the end they might the sooner prepare themselves for their return. Withal they desire your pardon in that they make themselves bold in causing me to write, and not to send their interpreter, the which they have not done because they think it a less trouble to you. I have written a letter to my Lord Chamberlain to this effect, if it please you that this bearer shall deliver it.—London, last of A., 1600.
Signed. Endorsed :—“August. Captain Prynne.” 1 p. (87. 150.)
[Miler Magrath], Archbishop of Cashel, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, Aug. 31. I humbly request your Honour to pardon my boldness and read with patience this discourse. First, I am to remind you that at my coming to Court last November, her Majesty being then at Richmond, having showed to your Honour and the Council, the chief governors for that time in Ireland their letters in my commendation, with their certificates of my losses during these wars, with certain petitions annexed, I hoped assuredly for some relief; yet upon occasion of service known to you. and the Lord Admiral, I was sent to Ireland; towards my expenses in which journey I received the 4th of December, 1599, 100l. by your directions, with further promises of reward. In this journey I continued nine months, and have not been in that; time eight days at my own house; but have continually travelled for the carrying out of the prefixed plot, going hence to Dublin, and thence by shipping to Waterford, Clonmel, Cashel, and the borders of the county of Limerick, parleying with the rebels, sending messengers to and from the rebels, forced to entertain horsemen and footmen, whose charges in city, town, camp, and with the Earl of Ormond upon Tyrone's coming into Munster, must amount to a large sum. This continued until the Lord President's coming into Ireland, with whom I went from Waterford to Cork, and thence to Kilmallock, Cashel, and Clonmel, and back again to Limerick, betwixt which places continually posting, sometimes convoyed by a troop of horse from the Lord President, whose charges I bore save for one night at Cashel, at other times by my friends or my own men, continuing my intelligences with the rebels and daily to the Lord President; of whom some of good trust are at this day employed to spur forward those who have promised to effect the said service, from whom you shall hear good news if the discouragement of the late attempters cause them not to shrink. This service had been compassed ere now had all the conditions promised to Dermot O'Connor rested in my power, as well as my two sons, whom I delivered to the said Dermot, for want whereof James Fitz Thomas escaped. For all my travel, I expected some allowance per diem during the said nine months, my debts in Munster surmounting a great way your Honour's allowance, above the 60l. interest yearly due to the merchants, of whom I borrowed 300l. for my own and my three sons' ransom from the rebels; of which expectation if I fail, yet shall your Honour find few or none of my coat and my sons' quality in Ireland so willing to venture in such services; for when Tyrone came into Munster, I neared his army for the space of six miles with twelve horsemen, always within half a mile of his army, expecting to have parleyed with Maguire about that service, and was twice chased into castles lying upon the way. Consider, too, how inevitable had been my murder by some of my nearest friends if the plot before the effecting thereof had been descried; consider the danger of death whereunto my two sons entered upon their first apprehension (nobody knowing the plot but Dermot O'Connor); consider the continual certainty of death they stood in for the space of a month, during which time they remained prisoners, if Dermot O'Connor might be won to surrender them to James Fitz Thomas, after his escape, either by touch of conscience, entreaty, or, when that failed, by excommunication of priests, by the cursing of his poor people for the loss of their goods, the flying away of his companies and captains. For if any of these things had moved him to surrender them, they were lost.
As to the result produced, consider what confusion the apprehension of James Fitz Thomas, and the blazing abroad of the restoration of James Fitz Gerald to his progenitor's blood and dignities, bred in the hearts of the rebels in Munster, what dissensions arose between the Connaughtmen and the Munstermen, which caused 1,700 Connaughtmen, frighted with fear of draughts and trains to be laid by Munstermen for their undoing, either from themselves or from English, were constrained to repair to Connaught, who during the short time they remained in Munster kept James Fitz Thomas in such awe (a tergo) that the army passed freely passes and strengths where greater armies could not pass unskirmished with. Consider that these Connaughtmen were driven from Munster only by my policy. Consider what power James Fitz Thomas had until then, and whether garrisons were plantible in Kerry, or the way to the castle of the valley or Carrigiphuil passable; whether the said James had not his baronies cessed in the counties of Waterford, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, and Tipperary; and by whose means lost he all this, first his followers' and foreign adherents' good will, and thus all his power to resist, and the obedience he had in the places before named, where he cessed 2,700 men : was not all this lost by the apprehension of James Fitz Thomas and the divulgation of her Majesty's merciful inclination towards the young Desmond's enlargement? Consider what's become of Dermot O'Connor who (only the usurped name of James Fitz Thomas set aside) was of greater force in Munster than the said James; is he not, if alive, no better than a beggar? Is not his wife of the richest in Munster left bare, naked, void of all means for her relieving? If all the premises be services worthy of any credit, let the poor archbishop challenge some interest in the policy invented by himself, and let him that drew those away that could and would resist be partaker at the least of the credit and profit, the rather that his danger was no less than the soldiers' who beareth the brandished sword.
That I have done but my duty, I confess; but that I see some that neither can nor will, and others that can and will not perform their duties largely entertained, and others extending their endeavours beyond their means in her Majesty's service contemned, I affirm what the former get it is their due got (forsooth) by their deserts, but if the latter get anything, be it never so little, it is by begging; and so by the one the Queen is defrauded of her money, and by the discouragement of the other they are disabled and others frightened from such tasks. That I have need of the begging your Honour imputed unto me, if I may challenge nothing to be due, appears by the certificates before mentioned and the short declaration of my estate. First, the Pope's legates and substitutes enjoy all my spiritualities and ecclesiastical jurisdictions; the Rebels took away all my lands and household stuff at one instant. For by taking me and my three sons prisoners treacherously, and carrying us with halters about our necks, my eldest son being ready to be turned off the ladder, four castles belonging to myself and them were constrained to yield with all the goods in them; whereof being possessed, the rebels detained myself and one of my sons prisoners until they received 300l. for ransom. And being thus used and banished and having lost the favour of all my friends by my last travail, and above two hundred of my poor tenants and followers driven for my sake to beg their bread, rather than follow the example of some English and Irish, who run for relief to her Majesty's enemies, I glory to be said to beg from my Prince, for whom I sustained all this; and yet by my continual begging I was never enabled by her Majesty to spend 300l. a year, which may not be thought overmuch to sustain the name of an archbishhop.
My request is that in respect I have to the full performed to my great charges the instructions laid down by the Lord Admiral and yourself with the effect declared, that your promises be performed unto myself and my two sons, the rather that for fear of their being murdered in Ireland, I was constrained to bring them hither. I beseech you to be a mean, whereby they and two more of my sons who continued here in England since my last being here, may, having kissed her Majesty's hands, have their passports to go and serve her in France or the Low Countries under Sir Robert Sidney, whom I hope to use them well, in respect of the favour his father had to me in his lifetime.—Court, this last of August, 1600.
Signed : “Maerus Ar. Cassaleñ. E. 1070.” 2½ pp. (181. 6.)
Wm. Eustace to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600, Aug.] Encloses papers referring to the Earl of Kildare.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, Aug. Captain Eustace.” ½ p. (81. 70.)
Kinborowghe Lee to the Earl of Essex.
[1600, c. Aug.] First craving pardon for this my womanish boldness, whose excuse is the hard dealing of my husband [Sir Thomas Lee] towards me, which forceth me to trouble your Lordship with these discontented lines, hoping that you will be a means to reduce him to better his respect towards me, according to my deserts. It is now near a year since your Lordship brought him out of Ireland, since which time (by reason of his absence) I have endured continual griefs, the original of which, with patience in my love to him, I have sought to keep from the babbling echo of the world; hoping at my coming hither to find him in kindness to me as he was when we parted at Reban. But for five weeks have I tried to convert his strange altered opinion of me, sending him this letter enclosed and many others, which he has returned answerless; neither will he give me leave to speak to him; nor do I know other reason for this than his own humour. Therefore I humbly refer these my wrongs to your most worthy censure, hoping that you will command him to accomplish one of my demands without further reproach to him; for his enemies are many, and too apt to further any action that may touch his disgrace.
Undated. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (179. 162.)
The Enclosure :
Mr. Lee, being forbidden the sight of you, in whom none but myself can justly challenge any interest, I am. with patience content to spend the rest of my youth both wife and widow despite all your vows to me, which I now find frustrate. My husband you know you are without any condition, though I hear you suggest toys to the contrary; and your reason in this ungentlemanlike usage of me, I know not. You send to me to renounce the title of your wife and take on me the name that was mine; it is long since I changed the name of Valentine for Lee, and recall it L cannot, since here in England it is not the fashion. L could spend much time in these wrongs but will come to what needs your speedy answer, for beg I cannot, and starve L will not if I can choose; such is the fortune you have brought me to that my state is almost desperate, which {when it comes to a public hearing) will be no grace to you. Yet now once more, with all submissive love and duty, I desire to recover and enjoy yourself and good will, which L never willingly lost through fault of mine; but if you are not to be recovered by me, then my desire is that you allow me such means as L may be able to keep myself with meat and clothes; which is now forty pounds to bay me some apparel aud linen, for of all the thousand pounds' worth which you report you have bestowed upon me, L have not the value of five pounds left me. Likewise, that you will assure me the small pittance, which you say you are willing yearly to allow me; for words are wind, and oaths have made me dote too long. I hope this request is so small that it may be granted, if it be but in lieu of my fortunes and the time L have spent with you, and will again, when you please. But I fear this will never be, and am now enforced to importune you for your meaning concerning myself; for I hear that the Queen is this next week to go on progress, to whom L mean to appeal for justice if my reasonable request is refused. L know that you have already too many enemies and matter enough to answer to; and I, that have ventured my life to save you from infamy and death, am most unwilling to breed your discontent. Yet are you to direct me so as it be to keep me from begging, starving, or living in infamy, as I hear you would have me do. Let me know your mind with speed, for my wants admit no delay.
Signed. 1½ pp. (179. 163.)