Pages 609-612
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.
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Mabssone, Charles, documents signed by; 77.
M'Conell, James; 104.
McDonell, James, in Carrickfergus; 260.
McGill, commissioner; 370.
McGowan, Patrick, Provost of Whithorn; 500.
McHone, Cahir, messenger; 79.
Mackinson, —; 495, 496.
Macklyn, Rowland; 542.
McNelog, Con; 260.
McPhelome, Brian, in Carrickfergus; 260.
McShyhy, Edmund Oge; 355.
Madder, growth of; 165.
Madrid :
treaty of; 5.
letters dated at; 265, 270, 301, 457.
Mafelt, co. Stafford; 504, 505, 506.
Magdeburg :
siege of; 87, 90.
Bishop and Chapter of; 114.
Maidstone; 54.
Mailvin, —; 215.
Maitland :
William, letters of; 211, 215, 250, 261, 262, 263, 264, 491.
William, commissioner; 267.
See Lethington, Laird of.
Makgill :
James; 349.
— of Rankeillour; 499.
Malaga; 270.
Malines; 498.
Malleraye, Sieur de la; 284.
Mallory :
Mr.; 470.
Sir William; ib.
Malta; 196, 342.
besieged by the Turks; 90.
Man, Isle of; 500, 505, 507, 515, 518, 541, 555.
Man, Mr., ambassador in Spain; 387.
Mangerton; 24, 405.
Mann, Mr.; 471.
Mannering, Robert, letter of; 417.
Manners, Ro; 479.
Mansfeldt, M. de, or Count; 95, 122, 159, 265.
Manthorpe, manor, co., Lincoln; 93.
Manton, Wilts; 12.
Maps, tables, &c., inventory of; 130.
Mar, Earl of; 267, 374, 420, 462, 567.
Marches, the :
Wardens of; 18, 19, 27, 28.
instructions to; 391.
spoliations in; 40.
East, garrisons of; 30, 31.
West, defence of; 30.
East and West, garrisons of; 287.
Mardeley :
John, poem by; 50.
metre by; 133.
Clerk of the Mint, declaration by; 79.
Marenna; 258.
Marignan :
Marquis of, (1552); 96, 113.
Italian soldiers under; 98.
Markeghen, Lord of; 410.
Markenfield, Thomas, rebel; 447, 453, 470, 476, 575.
Market Deeping, rectory of; 144.
Markets, grain, &c., to be brought to; 81.
Markham :
—; 127.
Sir John; 85.
Marlborough, St. Margaret's priory; 12.
Marlyon, the ship; 52.
Marneham, manor, Dorset; 573.
Marriage of priests; 78.
Marseilles; 317.
letters dated at; 293, 320.
English prisoners in; 319.
galleys of; 404.
Marsh :
Mr.; 323.
John, letter to; 450.
— English merchant in Russia; 347.
Marshall of Berwick; 372, 373, 374.
Marshalsea, see Southwark.
Marshalstown; 417.
Martin, Doctor, his foolish prating; 222.
Marts, Free; 314.
Martyges or Martigues; 169, 170, 205, 225.
death of; 242.
Martyn, T., student at Paris; 83, 85.
Martyr, Peter, his book; 88.
Marvyr, James; 456.
Mary :
Princess, afterwards Queen, daughter of Henry VIII., letter to; 37.
— letters of; 42, 73, 74.
— letter to; 56.
— her intended flight; 93, 94.
Queen of England, Charles V. sends councillors to; 123.
Queen of England, her coronation; 125.
Queen of Scots, letters of; 263, 265, 321, 344, 380, 383, 385, 463.
— her letters to Elizabeth; 356, 357, 358, 363.
— letters to; 519, 561, 563.
— her proposed marriage to Edward VI.; 59.
— ratification of treaty by; 91.
— and the Dauphin; 154.
— her claim to England; ib.
— introduction of the Congregation to; 157.
— device for her marriage, 165.
— her pretentions to the English Crown; 197, 201, 204, 232, 233, 235, 237, 240, 246, 262, 263, 323, 339, 435.
— her pretended quarrels with the Scottish nobles; 204.
— her proposed interview with Elizabeth; 266, 267.
— and Philip II.; 301.
— her treatment of Argyll and Murray; 337.
— account of Rizzio's murder and her conduct afterwards; 333–336.
— her interview with Rooksby; 339.
— Dalton's speech concerning; 341.
— Commission by; 364.
— her trial for the murder of her husband; 365, et seq.
— her Commissioners at York; 368.
— her son, his succession; 369, 393, 411.
— her letters to Bothwell; 370.
— her trial; 374.
— journal of Commissioners at Westminster concerning; 375.
— request by her Commissioners; 376.
— the “Casket” letters; 376–380.
— refused an interview with Elizabeth; 381, 382.
— her defence; 382, 383.
— her marriage with Bothwell; ib.
— interception of letters to; 390.
— her proclamation; 392.
— her removal to Tutbury; 395.
— interview with, at Tutbury, 400.
— her mode of living, &c.; ib.
— her establishment; 401.
— the Duke of Norfolk and; 414 et seq. See Norfolk, Duke of.
— her diets; 415.
— instructions for her safe custody; 419, 420, 422.
— proposed hostages for; 420.
— her attachment to Lord Shrewsbury; 423.
— her coffers searched; 426.
— her offers to Elizabeth; 434.
— her claim to the English crown; 434, 435.
— at Coventry; 448.
— her wish to see Elizabeth; 466.
— Commissioners to treat with; 484.
— attempts for her escape; 484, 504, et seq.
— articles, &c., signed by; 485, 486.
— answers by; ib., 487.
— her Commissioners; 494.
— the Bishop of Ross's opinion of; 564.
— negotiations in France concerning; 565–568.
Mary Rose, the ship; 52.
Marynton, letter dated at; 322.
Mason :
Sir John, ambassador to France; 85, 86, 212, 266.
— letters to; 295, 296.
— confession to; 295.
— letters of; 141, 272.
Master; 50.
Mr.; 94, 107, 138.
Clerk of the Parliament; 56.
Mass, the, Act abrogating; 349.
Massey :
Lord (1544); 39.
Elizabeth; 532.
— declaration of; 561.
Maunxell, Sir Rice; 126.
Maurice, Duke; 98, 109, 114.
Mauriques, Don Giovanni, Viceroy of Naples; 147.
Maury, M. de; 403.
Maxfeld, one; 576.
Maximilian, general in Almain; 110.
Emperor, jewel pawned by; 7, 9.
— his sons in Spain; 286.
— letter of; ib.
— his brother Ferdinand; 305.
— his daughter; 305.
— his sister Queen of Poland; ib.
— his accession; 303, 304.
— his allowance to the Turks; 317.
— letter to; 321.
Maxsey, accounts of; 137.
Maxwell :
Lord (1542); 16.
— a prisoner; 21, 25, 26, 27.
— (1544); 33, 40, 41, 42.
— his chaplain; 25.
— and Lord Lennox; 30.
— his false dealing; 34.
— hostage; 420.
Master of; 171, 180, 186, 200.
Sir John, of Terricles; 187.
Robert; 28, 33, 34, 35, 42, 500.
— his servant; 42.
Maye :
Dr., suggested “bishop” of York; 229.
Richard, mayor of Rochester; 13.
Mayence, elector of; 429.
Maynooth; 78.
Maysbury manor; 12.
Meath, bishop of (1545) certificate by; 46.
Mechlin; 495.
letter dated at; 508.
Mecklenburg, Dukes of; 114.
Meclyn, Rowland; 542.
Medeley, brother of Lord Dorset; 85.
Medici family; 140.
Medina Sidonia, Duke and Duchess of, letters of; 134.
Melchior, —; 495, 496.
Melcombe Regis; 302.
Melville :
Mr., or Robert; 250.
— letter of; 252.
— servant to Queen Mary; 337.
— envoy; 434.
Secretary; 157.
Walter; 252.
Melvin, Robert; 356.
Melvyn, James; 338.
Mendosa :
Don Bernardin de; 270.
— Juan de; ib.
— Francisco de; ib.
Mendoza :
Don John, letter of; 414.
Marquis of, in Granada; 456.
Menteith, Earl of; 420.
Mentz, bishopric of; 110.
Merchants :
proposed limitation of their purchases of lands; 162.
their apprentices; ib.
Adventurers, petitions of; 132, 314, 337.
— their marrying in the Low Countries; 289.
— and the Antwerp magistrates; 296.
Strangers of London, their complaints against the Customs' officers; 148.
— proposed statutes concerning; 163.
Mershe, John, letters of; 288, 301.
Meryng, Sir William, letter of; 407.
Metz :
siege, &c. of; 110, 111, 113, 114, 117, 159.
German designs on; 197.
French garrisons at; 317.
Protestant church razed at; 403.
Mewtas, Sir Peter; 262, 263, 268.
Mewtys, Sir Peter, his harquebuseers; 43.
Middleburg, the staple in; 164.
Middlemore :
—; 146, 357.
Henry; 403.
Middlesex, return from justices of; 310.
Middleton :
embroiderer; 415.
John; 464.
— letter of; 196.
Thomas, letter to; 296.
Midhurst, letters dated at; 269, 276.
Milan; 113.
Captain of; 87.
deputies of; 114.
archbishopric of, revenues of; 148.
Milburne family, of Gillesland; 455.
Mildenhall, Wilts; 12.
Mildmay :
Thomas; 266.
Sir Walter; 91, 266, 381, 443, 456, 499.
— letters of; 70, 74, 257.
— letter to; 570.
— commission to; 127.
Sir Walter, examinations before; 430, 533.
— Commissioner; 484, 485, 487.
Minden, diocese of; 122.
Mines, Royal, memorial touching; 467.
Mingtene, letter dated at; 493.
Minion, the ship; 257, 279, 281.
Mint, the :
chantry plate sent to; 73.
devices for new coinage; 151.
at Bristol; 61, 64, 66.
— report concerning; 58.
Mody, William; 559.
Molin del Rey, treaty dated at; 22.
Molyneux, young; 576.
Monaco; 90.
Monkton, Wilts; 12.
Monluc, Sieur de; 362.
Monmouthshire, justices of; 312.
Monpipeau; 520.
Mons, in Hainault; 483.
Monson, Mr.; 341.
Monstreuil; 111, 149.
letter dated at; 118.
Montagna :
— and Cornelius; 326, 327, 328.
the Spaniard; 336.
Montague :
Viscount or Lord (1559), his conversation with the Emperor's Ambassador; 161.
— (1560), letters of; 179, 205, 236.
— (1560), Ambassador in Spain; 232.
— (1569–71); 443, 500, 503, 526, 527, 528, 540, 541, 542, 557, 560, 562.
Montaignac; 186.
Mont 'Alcino castle, siege of; 121.
Montbeliard; 403.
Montceaulx; 567.
Monteagle, Lord, letter to; 445.
Monteith, Earl of (1560), his son; 178.
Monteiya, Captain, at Calais; 134.
Montfort, Count of; 408.
Montgomery, Count; 403, 410.
Monticelli; 113.
Montjoy, Lord; 443.
Montluc, M., Bishop of Valence; 196.
Montmclian; 113.
Montmorency; 411.
M. de; 468.
Montoya, Captain; 45.
Moorish pirates, expeditions against; 270.
Moors, the, outbreak in Granada of; 456.
Mora, Captain de, at Calais; 45.
Mordaunt :
Lord; 576.
Lady; ib.
Morden manor, Dorset; 256.
More :
Francis; 502.
M'Carthy; 104.
MacCarty; 413.
the, treaty at; 9.
Moreton :
Dr.; 570.
Corbett, letter dated at; 521.
— examination taken at; 559.
Morgan :
—; 554, 555.
Richard, letter of; 51.
Sir Richard, Chief Justice; 126.
Morice :
James, letter of; 122.
— his son Philip; ib.
Morlaix, merchant of; 258.
Morley :
Lord; 440, 576.
— letters of; 474, 483, 486.
Lady, letter to; 486.
Richard; 137.
Morpeth :
letter dated at; 18.
Ward; 31.
Morris :
—; 561.
Mr.; 355.
Sir Christopher, Master of Ordnance; 14, 35.
— letter of; 32.
Thomas; 559.
Mortlake; 404.
Park; 72.
Morton :
Earl of (1560); 181, 252, 254.
— letter of; 225.
— and Rizzio's murder; 333, 335.
— and Mary Queen of Scots; 358.
— his house besieged; 392.
— (1570–71); 462, 467, 518, 523, 567.
— answer of; 492.
Mortymers manor; 467.
Morysine :
Sir Richard, letters of; 109, 112, 113, 116.
— recalled from his embassy; 120.
Moryson :
Mr.; 109.
his death; 140.
Mote, Lord de la, of Pordilian; 2.
Motteram, John, a priest; 510.
Moundesmere; 12.
Mountaud, lord of; 2.
Mourton-cum-Ringland; 467.
Mowse :
William, Commissioner; 298.
Mr.; 542.
Muckeridge : 399.
Mudfish, drying of; 357.
Munden, co. Hertford, Great and Little, manors of; 494.
Mundt :
Christopher, agent in Germany, letters of; 283, 285, 299, 302, 304, 305, 313, 316, 318, 320, 353, 395, 402, 408, 422, 429, 464.
— letters to; 301, 319.
Munster :
rebels in; 415.
scheme for peopling of; 458.
Bishop of, lands appertaining to; 320.
bishopric of; 122.
Murray :
Earl of, or Regent (1542); 19.
— (1566), after Rizzio's murder; 333–336.
— and Mary Queen of Scots; 337, 358.
— letters of; 353, 356, 393, 394, 407.
— letters to; 403, 414, 459.
— Mary's charges against; 365, 367, 368.
— and the succession to the Scottish crown; 369.
— protestation, &c. of; 375, 376.
— intercepted letter of Mary, sent to; 380.
— his charges against Mary; 381, 383.
— his league with Lord Hertford; 386, 393.
— his usurpation of the Queen's authority; 386, 388.
— to be declared legitimate; 386.
— safe conduct to; 391.
— opposition of Huntly to; 391.
— his return to Scotland; 397.
— at Stirling; 398.
— his succession to the Crown; 393.
— his expedition into Liddesdale; 403, 405.
— his proposed government of Scotland; 412.
— his labours for Mary's marriage with Norfolk; 418, 419, 420, 421, 461.
— at Kelso; 419.
— instructions, &c., to; 420.
— and the northern rebels; 462.
— design to murder; 562.
Muscovy :
commercial treaty with; 146.
navigation to; 165.
court of; 348.
Musgrave :
Cuthbert; 511.
Humphrey; 456.
John; 20.
— letter of; 396.
Sir William, horsemen under; 28.
Mussels, dredging, &c. of; 13.
Mustagan, loss of ships at; 270.
Mustyan, Clement of Berwick; 18.
Myddleton, Mr.; 516.
John, letter of; 158.
Mynter, Lawrence, charges against; 297, 298.