Index: L

Pages 605-609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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Labourers and servants, statutes concerning; 162.

La Bross; 205.

Lacy :

Henry, letter of; 106.

Robert, burgess for Stamford; 106.

Laghlyn, house of; 401.

Lalasens, Christopher; 502.

Lalayne, M. de; 117.

La Marque, taking of; 168, 171.

Lambe, Mr.; 106.

Lambeth :

documents dated at; 11, 312.

Marsh; 533, 557, 558, 560, 562.

Lambres, M. de; 404.

La Mothe, M. de; 566.

Lamplugh; 450.

Lancashire :

loan in; 472.

justices of; 312.

seditious state of; 575.

Landores, lately called Leslie; 334.

Lands, purchase of, limitation of; 162.

Langall drole bridge; 119.

Langhole castle; 35.

Langley :

Alderman; 558.

co., Southampton; 12.

Lango, James; 2.

Langton :

Laird of, letter to; 385.

manor, Dorset; 256.

Lansack; 404.

Lapworth, one; 499.

La Rochelle; 362, 371.

Lascelles, Lassels :

—; 338, 533, 538.

his support of the Queen of Scots; ib.

Father; 339.

Bryan, examinations of; 547, 548, 551, 552, 578.

Christopher; 502.

Hersey; 575, 578.

— examination of; 548.

Sir Roger; 35.

Lass, Garcia, envoy from Spain; 206.

Lat, Jehan, Treasurer of the French Marine; 212.

Lathom; 505, 506, 514, 515, 518, 560.

letter dated at; 446.

chapel; 509.

Latimer, Lord (1560); 256.

Latymers manor; 467.

La Vale; 354.

La Veririe, letters dated at; 315, 316.

Law, the, study of, to be confined to gentlemen; 163.

La Warr, Lord; 436.

Lawder :

Alex.; 34.

James; 463.

Laxton, Eichard, letter of; 457.

Laybourne, Sir Robert; 576.

Laycock, Sir W. Sharington's house at; 58.

Layman, one; 490.

Layton :

—; 447.

Captain; 320.

Leather and shoes, proposed limitation of prices; 164.

Leaver, a priest; 491.

Leche :

John, of Totnes; 257.

a servant; 78.

Lecost, Capt., at Calais; 134.

Lee :

Dr.; 468.

John, letter of; 466.

Sir Richard, his possessions; 48.

or Leeke, Mr. or Sir Richard, at Berwick; 172, 181, 184, 211.

— sent to Leith; 215, 220, 222, 224, 297.

Thomas; 133.

Leeke :

Sir Francis, his appointment; 168.

—; 200, 208.

— his footmen at Leith; 227.

— Captain of Berwick; 248.

— his good service; 250.

Leicester; 446

letters dated at; 253, 417.

levies assembled at; 444.

shire, intended insurrection in; 92.

— Lord Rutland's lands in; 292.

— return from justices of; 307.

Earl of (1563), letters of; 287, 452, 482.

— letters to; 421, 483, 486, 568.

— (1564), and the house of Austria; 291.

— (1565); 319.

— his liking for the Archduke Charles; 322.

— his order of France, &c.; 324, 325.

— and Elizabeth; 337.

— (1567), and Lord Sussex; 344.

— his wife's death; 350.

— (1567), speeches against; 350.

— Appleyard's connexion with; 350, 351.

— (1568), in Council; 365.

— (1568); 381, 401, 426, 430, 434, 443.

— John Handford and; 453.

— his influence with Elizabeth; 474.

Leighes, Great, manor; 12.

Leipsic; 410.

Leith; 288, 391, 507, 526.

letter dated at; 155.

landing at; 34.

taking of, 38.

fortifying of; 155.

French forces at; 168, 170, 171, 174, 175, 177, 195, 200, 202, 207.

skirmishes before; 202.

camp before, letters dated at; 211, 215, 224, 225, 226, 247.

skirmish at; 211, 217.

siege of; 212–234, passim.

fire in; 217.

war munitions at; 219.

things to be inquired into at; 220.

plan of; 222.

skirmish near; 225.

number of soldiers in; 227.

short supplies in; 227, 228, 231.

Vaughan's fort; 225, 227.

suspension of arms at; 234.

supplies at; 235.

paper thrown into; 242.

demolition of, treaty for; 245.

— plan for; 246.

dismantling of; 248, 249.

appearance of the French soldiers in; 248.

Castle, letters dated at; 497.

examination at; 499.

Le Merle, M.; 371.

Lennox :

— Earl of (1542); 17.

— (1544), expedition against; 29.

— and the Queen of Scots; 30.

— letter to; 32.

— hostage for; 41.

— instructions for his reception; ib.

— at Chester; 43.

— (1559), letter of; 156.

— his pedigree; 157.

— (1560), his servant Nesbitt; 169.

— claims made by; ib.

— (1565), letters to; 315.

— his estates, &c. restored; ib.

— his servant; 325.

— (1566); 336.

— his illness; 370.

— (1568), and the Hamiltons; 374.

— Mathew, petition of; 463.

— his wife Margaret; ib.

— and Queen Mary; 435, 477, 484.

Lady; 363, 471.

— letter to; 324.

Lady Margaret, her illegitimacy; 265.

Lenthall, Philip; 125, 126.

Lenton monastery, Notts; 85.

Leonard, Mr., a lawyer; 107.

Lerouge, Antoine, of Dieppe; 223.

Lesept, Capt. William; 251.

Leslie :

parson of Oune; 334.

William; 565.

Lesse country; 104.

L'Estrange, Sir Nicholas. See Strange.

L'Estrille, Augier de, prisoner, his case; 297, 298, 330.

Lethington or Liddington, Laird of, secretary and envoy of Mary Queen of Scots; 157, 171, 186, 187, 208, 215–218, 224–226, 237, 239, 241, 252, 254, 262, 265, 266, 267, 321, 334, 335, 370, 419, 420, 430, 432, 434, 461, 467. See Maitland, William.

Levant, the; 341.

Levenstone, Lord of, with Queen Mary; 401.

Lever, Thomas, letter of; 251.

Levies, military; 4.

Levinston the Scot; 213.

Leviston, Lord; 567.

Lewes, David :

Commissioner; 298.

document signed by; 538.

Lexlipp; 413.

Ley, Thomas; 559.

Libertines, sect of; 253.

Licences, statutes concerning; 164.

Lichfield; 349.

letter dated at; ib.

school in; 499.

Thomas, his commission; 576.

Liddesdale; 24, 40, 420.

the Regent Murray in; 403, 405.

men of; 460.

Liege, letters dated at; 104, 105.

Lienze :

B. Ferrario at; 97.

Duke of Alva at; 98.

Ligni Barony; 320.

Ligons or Lyggens, &c., —, a plotter; 209, 437, 438, 458, 524, 525, 526, 533, 536, 537, 541, 577.

Limeport; 513, 515.

Lincoln :

the Barons' letter from; 56.

Archdeacon of; 80.

Chancellor of; ib.

archdeaconry of; 268.

shire, manors in, assigned to Lord Clinton; 93.

— justices recommended for; 97.

— maintenance of rivers and drains in; 119, 124.

— commissioners of fens in; ib.

— Lord Rutland's lands in; 292.

Bishop of (1552); 95.

— (1564), his letter on the state of his diocese; 307.

Earl of (1557), lords and gentlemen attending him to France; 146.

Lindsay :

Lord, and Rizzio's murder; 333.

of Byrris, Lord; 420.

Lindsey :

co. Lincoln; 119.

one, letters from; 40.

Linwood, William, Keeper of the Privy Seal; 2.

Lisle :

Lord (1540), Arthur, letter of; 12.

— (1542), Warden of the Marches; 19, 20.

— (1554), John Dudley, letters of; 23, 37, 44.

— Lord Admiral (1544), letters to; 37, 38.

— (1545), letter of; 45.

Lister, Mr.; 410.

Lithgow; 335.

Liverpool; 37, 500, 501, 545, 553.

Livingstone :

Lord (1568), William; 364, 479.

Thomas; 479.

Llandaff :

Bishop of; (1544), letter of; 26.

— letter to; 27.

— (1544), letters of; 38, 39.

Loan money; 492, 501.

Loches, M. de; 118.

Lochleven; 356, 384, 411, 412.

Lochmaben Castle; 34, 35.

Lock, John, his crayer; 76.

Lockhart, Robert, information on Scottish affairs by; 59.

Lockwood, Nicholas, letter of; 396.

Loco Novo, Senor Jon de; 159.

Loder :

Mr.; 568.

Sir John; 25.

Lodge, Alderman; 261.

Lodrone; 98.

Loire, the; 362, 403.

Lokeryche, Wilts; 12.

London :

Aldersgate Street; 529, 562.

Aldgate; 546.

Arches Court; 298.

Arundel House; 540, 541, 546.

Bishopsgate; 546.

Blackfriars; 318, 542.

— letter dated at; 137.

Bread Street; 437.

Cannon Row; 539, 546.

Chancery Lane; 508.

Charterhouse; 476, 517, 533, 544, 552, 571.

Cheapside; 437, 558.

Durham Place; 61, 73, 153.

Ely Place, letter dated at; 51.

the Fleet, letters dated at; 346, 454.

Fleet Street; 83, 542, 576.

Foster Lane; 565.

Gray's Inn; 140, 499, 544, 546.

— letter dated at; 292.

— Fields; 468.

Guildhall; 154.

Howard House, letters dated at; 422, 438, 456, 479, 511, 512, 516.

— evidence house at; 549.

Howard Place, letter dated at; 520.

Hyde Park, banqueting house in; 92.

Ivy Lane, letters dated at; 381, 389.

Lincoln's Inn; 338, 558.

Marylebone Park, banqueting house in; 92, 93.

St. Bartholomew's; 576.

St. James's, letters dated at; 42, 43, 54, 125, 357.

St. Katherine's, letters dated at; 520, 524, 528.

— master of; 562.

St. Mary Axe; 559.

St. Paul's; 518, 523.

— deanery of; 11.

— Churchyard; 138, 144.

the Savoy; 520.

— hospital, surrender of; 123.

Smithfield Bars; 576.

Somerset House; 138.

Somerset Place; 327, 328, 331, 332.

Suffolk House; 79.

Suffolk Place; 124.

Temple, plague in; 55.

Thames Street, Blue Anchor in; 91.

— the Stylyard; 326.

Tothill Street; 92.

the Tower; 159, 169.

— documents dated at; 12, 62, 63, 99, 415, 452, 453, 459, 463, 464, 475, 499, 521, 522, 523, 532, 534, 564, 568, 569, 571, 572.

— records in; 16.

— ordnance in; 92.

the Tower, stuff delivered into; 128.

— gunpowder in; 261.

— house of New Mint in; ib.

— Duke of Norfolk in; 433, 436, 443, 463, 464, 476, 521, 522, 533, 561.

— Lieutenant of; 443, 496.

— householders, &c. in; 534.

Tower Hill; 458, 532, 544, 546.

— Street; 490, 491.

churches, linen taken from; 103.

return from justices of; 310.

plague in; 469, 476, 499.

Lord Mayor of (1561); 261.

— (1569); 443.

Bishop of, Bonner, his servant; 83–85.

— (1560); 208.

— (1562), letter of; 269.

— (1564), letter of; 299.

— (1571); 519.

Long :

Sir Henry, letters of; 48, 50.

— letter to; 50.

Longe, Henry; 577.

Longine, treasurer; 102.

Lorraine :

Cardinal of; 198, 286, 317, 361, 364, 404, 411, 495, 567.

Duke of; 408.

— his connexion with Denmark; 320.

— and Milan, Duke and Duchess Dowager of; 152.

Duchess of; 110, 113, 317.

Lothebery, letter dated at; 259.

Lothian, East; 385.

Loughborough, Lord (1564), alleged grant to; 296.

Loughleven; 382.

Louis, the Elector Palatine, his death; 22.

Louth, Lincolnshire; 80, 93.

Louvain; 196, 466, 490, 495, 498.

letter dated at; 322.

scholars of; 311.

doctors of; 498.

Lovell, Mr., at Berwick; 373, 398.

Lowestoft Road; 173.

Lowther :

—; 525.

Mr.; 396.

Gerard; 458, 468, 526, 571.

Richard; 530, 541.

— examination of; 526.

— confession of; 559.

Lubeck; 5, 102.

letter dated at; 267.

Lubeckers, the; 320.

Lucca, Seignory of, letter to; 94.

Lucy, Laird of; 374.

Ludlow; 516.

Lumley :

Lord, letter of; 440.

— letter to; 423.

— concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 456, 524, 526, 527, 528, 540, 543, 546, 547, 549.

— interrogatories for; 426, 428, 438.

Lord, answers of; 431, 540, 543.

— examinations of; 432, 458, 532, 557, 578.

— his castle in Yorkshire; 535, 540, 547.

Lutgelstein, letter dated at; 353.

Luther, Martin; 84.

Lutherans :

in France, Philip II.'s denunciation of; 160.

persecution of; 387.

Luxembourg; 87, 113, 317.

Lyddington, Thickesover near; 402.

Lyell, Mr.; 97.

Lyghes, Sir Piers; 518.

Lylborne, George, murder of; 373.

Lyle, his wife, 83.

Lynne, John, letter of; 37.

Lyons; 47, 74, 411, 417.

Lythcoo, letter dated at; 462.