Index: D

Pages 592-594

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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Dacre or Dacres :

Lord (1544), his servant; 42.

— his base sister; ib.

— (1548); 57.

— (1557); 146.

— (1559), commission to; 153.

— (1560); 171, 175.

— an undutiful subject; 200.

— George, his co-heirs; 455, 459.

— his lands; 526.

Lady; 432, 440.

Edward; 455, 460.

— his goods and lands; 462.

Leonard; 455, 456, 459, 460, 464, 468, 472, 550, 557.

Thomas or Richard of, horsemen under; 28.

Daintry, a servant; 576.

D'Albisse :

Mons.; 320.

— his galley; 292.

Dalderne, Roger, deposition of; 330.

Dale :

Valentine, letters of; 289.

— examination by; 294.

— document signed by; 538.

Dalheim, overthrow at; 360.

Dalkeith Castle; 34.

Dalton, James, member of parliament, charge against; 341.

Daly, Robert, a priest; 101.

D'Amises, Vidame; 166.

Damsell, Sir William; 313.

Damvilliers, French attack on; 95, 96.

Daneye, Mr.; 435.

Dannell, cousin to Cecil; 339.

Dannett, Mr.; 481.

Dansell, Sir William, of the Court of Wards, &c.; 136.

Dantzig; 44.

letter dated at; 322.

Darcy :

Lord (1550), document signed by; 81.

— (1553); 125.

— (1566); 325.

of Chiche, Lord; 443.

Lord; 444.

with the crooked back; 339.

Sir Arthur, lieutenant of the Tower; 99.

D'Aremberg, M., his soldiers; 114.

Darlington, Sir W. Cecil at; 231.

letter dated at; 248.

Darnall, M., damage done by; 408.

Darnley :

Lord (1565), letter to; 315.

— (1566); 324.

— his murder of Rizzio; 333–336.

— deposition on his murder; 416.

Darnton (Darlington ?), letters dated at; 25, 26, 463.

D'Arras :

his plate; 110.

councillor of Charles V.; 111, 112.

Dasovik, Mons., envoy; 154.

Daudelot, Mons. et Madame; 362.

D'Aumale :

M., defeat of; 409, 411.

— wounded; 418.

— (1571); 520.

Davison, one; 576.

Davisons, the, of Teviotdale; 405.

Davye Shell; 399.

Dawney, Sir John; 16.

Day, —, printer of the Catechism; 99.

Deane, —, farmer of Connock; 115.

Dee, Jenkin, of Bristol, his confession; 68.

Deeping; 122.

bailiff of; 119.

De Foix; 519, 520, 522.

De la Motte; 519, 524.

Delawarr :

Lord (1553); 118.

— (1569); 443.

De L'Orge, Mons.; 316.

Demmedmoleme; 12.

Dengiehall, Essex; 118.

Denham :

one, a goldsmith; 437.

Mr., Secretary to Lord Stourton; 92.

Denmark; 5.

the Palsgrave and; 110.

desire for peace in; 320.

Duke of Lorraine's connexion with; ib.

King of (1543), his ambassadors; 22.

— (1552), letter of; 100.

— (1553), his brother Hans; 114.

— (1563); 284.

— his closing of the Baltic; 316.

— (1569); 406.

Dennis, Denys :

Sir Maurice; 269.

— treasurer of Portsmouth, his death; 280, 281.

— letters of; 278.

— letter to; 276.

Denny :

Antony, deposition by; 14, 15.

Master; 61.

Denton Tower; 456.

Denye, Mr.; 22.

Dependale, Captain; 12.

Depruneaux, Sieur; 362.

Deptford; 52.

letter dated at; 282.

plague at; 281.

dock, great new ship in; 292.

Derby :

Earl of, letter of; 446.

— letters to; 445, 446.

Earl of, concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 433, 443, 508, 526, 527.

— his servants sworn; 509.

— notes on his adherents; 576.

— his house Bidstone; 576.

Derbyshire :

return from justices in; 309.

lead in; 500.

De Retz; 520.

Dering, sermon by; 452.

Derry, garrison at; 343.

De Sevre, French Ambassador; 195.

Desmond :

Earl of (1549), declaration by his footman; 75.

— (1552); 100, 104.

— his country; 413.

— letter of; 415.

— (1569); 458.

Countess of, letter of; 355.

Sir John, his illness; 349.

Thomas of; 355.

Despes, Don Gueran, Spanish ambassador; 574.

Dessey, Mons.; 59.

D'Estampes, M., Governor of Brittany; 277.

De Tramblecourt; 408.

Deuxponts, or Bipont, Duke of; 283, 304, 364, 396, 411. See Bipont.

Devonshire :

rebellion in; 80.

return from justices of; 312.

Diego, Don, Councillor of Charles V.; 111, 117.

Dieppe; 17, 83, 111, 112, 169, 257.

disputed property in; 17.

Governor of; 284.

merchants of; 223.

Digby :

—, at St. Andrew's; 100.

Mr., and Richard Cecil's will; 116.

Dighton, Christopher, of Worcester; 306.

Dijon :

documents dated at; 7, 9.

attack on; 411.

Dillon, Robert, document signed by; 75.

Dimmock :

Sir Edward, his death and character; 347.

Robert, son-in-law to Cecil; 347.

Ro.; 576.

Dingley, letter dated at; 140.

Dinham, Alice, and West Wittingham manor; 118.

Divinity, discourse in; 352.

Dix :

Mr.; 527.

William; ib.

— examination of; 549.

Dobbes, Walter, of Amsterdam; 223.

Docwra. Thomas, prior of St. John, treaty by; 5.

Don, Arche; 399.

Doncaster; 444, 446, 447, 448.

Sir W. Cecil at; 229.

Doria, Andrew; 270.

Dormer, Lady, and the Count de Feria; 196.

Dorpt Narve; 347.

Dorset :

Marquis of (1548), letter to; 55.

— letter of; ib.

— (1549); 63, 65.

— his daughter. See Grey, Lady Jane.

— (1549), examinations of; 71.

— his house in Warwickshire; ib.

— (1551), Henry, letter of; 85.

Lady, Frances, letter of; 55.

Dorye, Andrew, picture of; 131.

D'Osyes, M.; 101.

Douglas :

letter dated at; 23.

Archibald, letter of; 51.

— letters to; 444, 485.

Sir George; 20, 29, 39, 41, 42.

— his letter; 16.

— his servants, &c.; 40.

George, and Rizzio's murder; 333.

—; 336, 523.

Johr, letter of; 516.

— letter to; 51.

— servant to Lord Maxwell; 42.

Robert; 178.

Dover; 3, 38, 39, 288, 289, 542, 559.

letters dated at; 4, 279, 289.

castle; 156.

— furniture in; 290.

— register of; 289.

Roads, letter dated at; 279.

searcher of; 86.

Down Castle; 507.

Downe, Reginald; 559.

Downes, the; 44.

Dowrishe :

Thomas, letters of; 59, 61, 63.

— Sir W. Sharington and; 68.

D'Oysel :

—; 232.

French general in Scotland; 152.

Sieur, letter of; 100.

Draffen or Craignethan; 500.

Draycot, letters dated at; 48, 50.

Draycott, Henry, letter of; 322.

Drayton, letter dated at; 142.

Dresden, house called; 109.

Drew, —; 125.

John, letter to; 108.

Drumlanrig, Lord; 335.

Drumlaveryk, letters from; 40.

Drumquhassel; 499.

Drury :

Mr., in the Tower; 159.

Drew; 438.

Governor of Berwick; 353.

Sir William, letters of; 458, 462.

— letter to; 418.

— document signed by; 538.

Dryver, William, letter of; 282.

Dublin; 75, 76.

letters dated at; 88, 90, 91, 271, 413, 414, 488, 517.

Castle, letter dated at; 439.

Mint at, officers of; 106.

St. Patrick's, Dean of; 75.

Duckett :

Jeffry, envoy to Russia; 348, 357.

Lionel; 443.

Dudley :

Mr.; 112, 113, 116.

Lord (1441), commission to; 2.

— (1571); 510, 512, 515, 518, 540, 542.

Sir Andrew, keeper of Westminster Palace, account of; 127.

— jewels, &c. borrowed by; 131.

— his pretended marriage; ib.

Ch., in Council; 365.

John, Lord Lisle; 475, 476, 573.

— letter of; 44.

Richard, examination before; 460.

Lord Robert, letters of; 252, 295, 296.

— reports about the Queen and him; 252, 253, 255, 257.

— his servant; 258.

— and Hales; 294. See Leicester, Earl of.

Thomas; 344.

Castle; 518.

Dueglis; 500.

Duilagh, the; 78.

Dulverton; 312.

Dumbarton; 216, 500, 507, 526, 538, 539, 553.

castle; 386, 393, 501.

Dun, the laird of; 59.

Dunbar :

French at; 200, 201, 214, 216.

siega of; 215, 234, 235.

prisoners at; 224.

fortifier at; 225.

castle, Mary Queen of Scots at; 335, 358.

Dunbritten; 374.

Dunchurch; 517, 523.

Dundas, William, letter of; 485.

Dundee; 170.

Dune, auditor to Anne of Cleves; 140.

Dunfermline :

Abbot of; 469.

Commendator of; 499.

Dungannon, Earl of (1543), Lord Tyrone's son; 21.

Dungarvan, Baron of (1552); 104.

Dunglass; 199.

attempt to take; 374.

Dunkirk; 177, 331.

Duolanerick, reward to; 24.

Dunmow manor; 12.

Dunstable plain; 88.

Durham; 389, 470.

letter dated at; 18.

the French at; 230.

return from justices of; 311.

gaol at; 399.

the rebels at; 442.

Bishop of (temp. Edw. I.), complaint against; 1.

— Sivrer; 3.

— (1540), deposition by; 14.

— (1544), letters to; 28, 38.

— — letters of; 38, 39.

— late (1553), Tunstall; 124.

Bishop of (1559), commission to; 153.

— (1560), commission to; 168.

— (1564), his letter on the state of his diocese; 311.

Dean of; 103.

Dean and Chapter of; 398.

—, schoolmaster; 165.

D'Urtail; 568.

Durtes; 399.

Duval, —; 364.

Dwina, country of; 347, 348.

Dyer :

Edward, letter of; 472.

Ellen, examination of; 532.

Dymock :

Edward; 80.

Sir Edward; 119.

— letters of; 125, 126.

Dyneley, Arthur; 26.

Dynham, Sir John, commission to; 16.

Dynne, Erasmus; 549.

Dyon, —, of Lincolnshire, complaint against; 80, 81.

Dyrdo, William, receiver of Jersey; 271.

Dyst; 438.

Dyx, Mr.; 516.