Index: C

Pages 587-592

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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Caborne, Mary, examination of; 532.

Cadiz, ships lost at; 270.

Cadnaye manor; 93.

Cæsare Caraffe, Signor; 110.

Caister, lands at; 254.

Caithness :

Bishop of (1544), in hostage; 41.

— (1559); 156, 169.

— (1565), letter to; 315.

Calais; 2, 38, 43, 45, 82, 97, 100, 118, 160, 176, 257, 270, 297, 314, 332, 354, 406, 499.

letters dated at; 12, 107, 138, 139, 140, 142.

castle of; 2.

garrison at; 3.

treaty concerning; 15.

wool transported to; 29.

surveyor of; 37.

desertions of soldiers from; 45.

victuals for; 46, 48.

men transported to; 48.

fortifications at, charges for; 99.

order and state of; 134.

Council of; 141, 142.

pay of officers, &c. at; 145.

taking of; 146.

restitution of; 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 237, 240.

the staple in; 164.

Caldwell, —; 437, 557.

Calveley, Richard; 503.

Calvin, Queen Elizabeth and; 302.

Camarino, Duke of; 111.

Cambray, treaty of; 6, 152, 153, 237, 246.

Cambridge; 200.

Christ's College; 95.

King's College; 576.

Campen, treaty dated at; 47, 49.

Cancellar, James, petition of; 256.

Candecoste, Nicolas de, of Dieppe; 223.

Candish :

Richard; 427.

Sir William, treasurer of the Chamber, his debt; 256.

Cannaby; 253.

Canterbury; 67, 86, 90, 98.

letters dated at; 43, 81, 82.

prebendaries of; 90.

Archbishop of (1536), appointment by; 11.

— (1540), deposition by; 14.

— (1551); 94.

— (1560); 208.

— (1562), letter of; 268.

— (1564), letters of; 311, 312.

— (1571), letter to; 519.

Cantire; 260.

Cantrell, William, answers of, &c.; 433, 440, 461, 549.

Cantwell, William, letters of; 75, 76.

Capel, captain of foot; 226.

Caracciolo, Signor Ascanio; 148.

Carbrok manor; 467.

Cardinals, heretic, bull against; 182.

Cardynall, William, suspension of; 314.

Carew :

Captain, payment to; 281.

— in Edinburgh; 333.

Lady, mass in her house; 269.

Mr.; 248.

Sir George, his ship; 52.

Henry, instructions for; 420.

Peter, his ship; 52.

Sir Peter; 401.

— letter of; 248.

— his inquiry into matters at Leith; 220, 222.

— his declaration; 226, 227.

Thomas, letter of; 277.

Carey :

G.; 398.

George; 462.

Nicholas, of Guernsey; 320.

Carinthia; 319.

Carisbrook priory; 516.

Carlaverock castle; 35.

Carlisle; 171, 396, 460, 526.

letter dated at; 357.

castle; 460.

— letter dated at; 42.

parliament at; 1.

commissioners at; 32, 120.

articles concluded at; 384.

Bishop of, Siver; 3.

— (1564), his letter on the state of his diocese; 310.

— letter of; 459.

— examinations before; 460, 526.

Carlow, constable of, and Lady Ormond; 78.

Carlton, Thomas, of Gillesland; 455, 456.

Carmichael, Laird of; 389.

Carne, Sir Edward, letter of; 182.

Carns, Mr.; 511.

Carous, Justice; 557.

Carr :

family, of Tyvidale; 174.

Andrew; 459.

— of Fawsinside, at Rizzio's murder; 334, 335.

Dan, a messenger; 420.

John; 18.

— of Bristol; 312.

— of Warke; 20.

— Captain of Wark Castle; 35.

Robert; 444, 446, 447.

Carrell :

Mr.; 55, 482.

— his daughter; 576.

Carrickfergus Castle, proposed attack on; 260.

Carrickylyne Castle, capture of; 413.

Carshalton, Throckmorton's farm at; 364.

Carteret, Helyer de, document signed by; 77.

Carthagena; 270.

Carvell, Captain; 390.

Casalton, letter dated at; 465.

Casimir, Duke; 403, 404, 406, 409, 410, 464.

Casket Letters, the; 376.

Caspio, Monte; 340.

Cassel :

Provost of; 8.

— commission to; ib.

Cassilis :

Earl of (1552), general; 102.

— (1542); 16.

— (1544), letter to; 32.

— (1569); 407, 420.

— John, letter of; 444.

Castel Vetere, Marquis di, beheaded; 110.

Castiglione, G., letter of; 356.

Castilla :

Don Pedro de; 135.

Don Pero Laso de; ib.

Castle Cornet, letters dated at; 295, 299.

Castles and parks, royal, survey of; 132.

Cathaia, voyages in discovery of; 340.

Cavaignes :

Arnaud de; 371, 388.

— agreement by; 371.

— Condé's instructions to; 365.

Cavalcanti, Sir Guido, instructions to; 150, 167, 523.

Cavan, letter dated at; 260.

Caverden, Sir Thomas, letter of; 92.

Cawood; 435.

letter dated at; 413.

Cayly, a bookbinder; 83.

Caynton, letter dated at; 273.

Caywood, John, a printer; 83, 85.

Cecil :

Lady, letters to; 215, 250, 252, 439.

Philip, testament of; 3.

Thomas; 142.

Secretary or Sir William, letters to; 80, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, et passim.

— proposed Keeper of the Great Seal; 94.

— his father's will; 116.

— liveries given to his servants; 127.

— his household at Wimbledon and Burleigh; 142.

— at Royston; 228.

— at Burleigh; ib.

— his journey to Newcastle; 228–231.

— at Berwick; 233.

— at Edinburgh; 234 et seq.

— his negotiation of the treaty at Edinburgh; 234–250 passim.

— his great deserts and small rewards; 251.

— marriage of his daughter; 404, 415.

Cecilia :

Princess, of Sweden, bond by; 325.

— letters of; 325, 329, 330.

— letters to; 318, 330, 332.

— her meetings with Cornelius; 326, 327.

her debts; 330–332, 337.

Cessford, Lord or Laird of; 181, 374, 389, 405, 467.

Chaloner :

Sir Thomae, letters of; 118, 121, 156, 176, 265, 270, 300.

— letters to; 263, 266, 292, 299.

— at Poissy; 118.

— his household; 122.

Chalveden; 527.

Chamber, Dr., deposition by; 14, 15.

Chamberlain :

Mr.; 96, 102.

— ambassador to Muscovy; 146.

Sir Francis, letters of; 295, 299.

Francis, captain of Guernsey; 271.

George; 562.

Sir Ralph; 438.

Ralph; 283.

T., report of; 58.

Sir Thomas; 95.

— letters of; 105, 109, 113, 117, 179, 205, 236.

— letter to; 102.

— ambassador in Spain; 232.

Champernowne, Sir Arthur; 146.

Champneys, Thomas, letter of; 340.

Chandelleur, la; 64.

Chandos, Lord; 443.

Channel Islands :

fortifications at; 99.

preparations for defence of; 579.

Chantries and Colleges; 53, 73, 75.

Chantry lands, sales of; 99.

Chaperon, Guillaume; 195, 216, 224.

Chapper, Mons., slain; 211.

Chapron, Captain; 226.

Charing, document dated at; 38.

Charles V.; 86, 87, 88, 90, 96, 98, 102, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 121.

letter of; 5.

letters to; 73, 74.

treaty with; 5.

commission by; 8.

his bad health; 113, 114, 117, 123.

his treaty with Henry VIII.; 22.

his treaty with Francis I.; 44.

ratification of treaty by; 49.

and the Council of Trent; 54, 58.

his ambassador; 101.

Charles, Mr.; 144.

Charltone, John, the outlaw; 25.

Chartres :

Vidame de; 149, 270.

— his son Casimir; 304.

Chateau Cambresis, treaty of; 152.

Châtellerault :

Duke of; 168, 202, 207.

— letter of; 195.

— letter to; 198.

— James, treaty with; 187, 188, 192, 194.

— (1561); 259.

— his right to the Scottish crown; 366, 369.

— (1568); 395, 396.

— his absence from Scotland; 394.

Chatillon :

Admiral, at Calais; 177.

Cardinal, ambassador; 75, 113; 364, 388, 403, 404.

Cardinal of, letter of; 371.

— agreement for; ib.

Mdlle. de; 362, 512, 513, 515, 518, 530, 531, 548.

Chatsworth; 505, 509, 510, 578.

Edwynstall, near; 505.

articles, &c., signed at; 485, 486.

Chatterton, Dr., of Queen's College; 492, 493.

Chaucombe, John, his lands; 1.

Cheke :

—; 66.

Mr.; 88.

— — his books; 146.

Chelsea; 66, 118, 142, 473.

letters dated at; 58, 103.

Cheneys, proposed visit of Elizabeth to; 476.

Cherton, letter dated at; 298.

Cheshire, seditious state of; 575.

Cheshunt; 2.

parsonage; 274.

Chessam, John; 530.

Chessmen and tablemen; 131.

Chester; 43, 343.

justices of; 312.

letters dated at; 37, 401, 402.

Sir Robert suit of; 118.

William, English merchant in Russia; 347.

Chetwyn, letters dated at; 273.

Cheviot; 390.

Cheviots, the; 571.

Chichester :

Bishop of (1536), and the Deanery of St. Paul's; 11.

— (1551); 83, 84.

— (1552), letter of; 95.

— (1562), letter of; 268.

— (1563), letter of; 276.

— (1564), his letter on the state of his diocese; 306.

Chidiock, Lord; 392.

Chioza, council at; 98.

Chipcase; 405.

letters dated at; 24, 25, 31.

Chiusi; 113.

Cholmley :

—; 338.

Sir Hugh; 401.

Roger, letter of; 51.

Christian of Denmark, his daughter; 320.

Christmas, —; 350, 352.

Christopher, Duke; 403.

Church :

a, sale of; 74.

plate, &c., sales of; 99.

Churchyard, —; 576.

Cipher; 213.

Citolini, Alexander, letter of; 336.

Claix, Jacques, of Antwerp, instructions to; 387.

Clandeboye; 260.

Clanricarde, Earl of (1552); 104.

Clapham, one; 576.

Clarences, Mrs.; 142.

Clarencius, Mrs., stuff delivered to; 130.

Clarentius, herald; 482, 483.

Clement VII.; 5.

letter to; ib.

Clenell; 399.

Clentin, H., signature of; 100.

Clere :

Mr.; 438.

Edward, examination of; 439.

Sir Thomas; 11.

— vice-admiral; ib.

Cleves :

Duke of; 304, 360.

— letter to; 13.

Anne of, her jointure; 12.

— letters of; 13.

— depositions concerning her marriage; 14, 15.

— grant to; 15.

— and Mr. Garden; 140.

Clifford, Lady, Dudley's pretended marriage to; 131.

Clifton, Sir Gervase, letter to; 444.

Clinton :

Lord (1549); 71.

— deputy at Boulogne, letters to; 75, 76.

— Edward, High Admiral, letters of; 91, 127.

— in Brussels; 149.

— letters of and to; 146, 147, 279, 281, 325, 346, 350, 381, 443, 444, 446, 448, 489, 490.

— instructions to; 448.

and Saye, Lord (1551), exchange of lands by; 93.

Lady; 51, 345.

Sir E., examination before; 535.

Sir H.; 488.

Clipstone manor, Notts; 93.

Clocks, inventory of; 129.

Clonne, lordship of; 527.

Close, Michael, of Totnes; 257.

Cloth :

tax on; 79.

and kerseys, manufacture of, in the Netherlands, scheme for; 343.

Clough, Richard; 299.

Clowde, —; 59, 60, 63.

Clun, survey of; 511, 516.

Clynnock, Maurice, letter of; 344.

Cobham :

letter dated at; 418.

Hall, letter dated at; 145.

church; 147.

family, genealogy, of; 150.

Lord (1540), George, deposition by; 14, 15.

— (1519), letter of; 74.

— (1551), in Ireland; 88. 89.

— (1557), George, letters of; 144, 145.

— (1563), letters to; 284, 287.

— (1566), letters to; 324, 338, 339.

— (1567), letters to; 345, 348.

— (1568), letters to; 354, 355, 357.

—, concerned in plot for Mary Queen of Scots; 443, 532, 540, 542, 543, 547, 550, 577.

Lord and Lady : 336.

— H., letter of; 418.

Mr.; 351, 475, 476.

Lady Anne, will of; 147.

Edmund; 147.

Edward; 147.

George; 147, 336.

Harry; 325, 336.

Henry; 147, 266, 349, 353.

—, letter of; 296.

John; 147.

John de, of Gaveland; 1.

Katherine; 147.

Thomas; 147, 532, 550, 559.

—, letter of; 533.

— pardoned; 325.

— answer of; 542.

Coche, R., direction by; 11.

Cockayne, Henry, bookseller; 542.

Cockburn, Sir James, commissioner; 364.

Cocks, Dr., a prisoner; 125.

Codfish, inferior; 357.

Coinage :

abatement of, proclamations touching; 86, 88.

improved, devices for; 151.

Coke :

his bark; 77.

Sir Anthony [or Richard], burgess for Stamford; 106.

Colcloght, —, Lady Ormond's complaint against; 78.

Coldingham, Lady; 376.

Coldstream; 419.

Cole, Dr., warden of New College; 81.

Coleshill; 400, 456.

Coligny, Admiral de, agreement for; 371.

Colleges and chantries; 53, 73, 75.

Colly Weston; 137.

stewardship of; 115.

Cologne :

letters dated at; 396, 464.

Archbishop of, Adolphus; 78.

bishopric of; 110.

elector of; 408.

Colonna, Cardinal; 408.

Colsill, Queen's pensioner; 436.

Colwellhill; 399.

Comar; 82.

Comberford; 503, 504.

Compiegne, letter dated at; 105.

Compton, Thomas, lieutenant of Guernsey; 271.

Condé :

Prince of; 266, 317, 342, 366, 371, 388, 403. 404, 406, 407, 408, 409.

— declaration about his departure from Noyers; 361–363.

— his instructions to Cavaignes; 364.

— his death; 410.

Connock manor, Wilts, survey of; 115.

Constable :

R.; 577.

Sir Ralph, letter of; 23.

Constance; 98.

Constantinople; 2, 106.

Conway or Conaway, Sir John; 466, 476.

Coodall, Sir William; 266.

Cooke :

cousin to Dr. Wotton; 86.

—, attachment of; 298.

Sir Anthony; 94.

— letters of; 138, 140, 141, 146.

— his son Bacon; 141.

Richard; 140, 141.

Coote, Richard; 440.

Cope, Sir Anthony; 51, 91.

Copenhagen, letter dated at; 100.

Copinger :

servant to Sir John Thynne; 46.

Walter : 258.

Copper mines; 467.

Copthall, letters dated at; 479, 482.

Corbet :

Sir Andrew; 443.

— letter of; 521.

— letters to; 272, 273.

Corby manor; 93.

Cordell, Sir W., Master of the Rolls, letter of; 341.

Cork, letter dated at; 413.

Cormallon, M. de, his death; 403.

Cormasters, M. de, at Crottoy; 112.

Corn, transport of, warrant for; 323.

Cornelius. See Alneto, Cornelius de.

Cornish :

Henry; 76.

— Somerset's letter to; 76, 77.

Cornwall :

rebellion in; 80.

return from justices of; 312.

Captain, payment to; 281.

Cornwalleys or Cornwallis :

Sir Thomas; 138, 439, 440.

— letters of; 139, 140.

— examination of; 438.

Corry, —; 60.

Corsica; 98.

Corte, document dated at; 402.

Cortona, Bishop of; 136.

Coryatt, George, letter of; 324.

Cossé, Marshal de : 567.

Cotton :

George; 253.

Sir Thomas, in command of ships; 279, 282, 293.

— letters of; 279, 281, 489.

— French ships taken by; 282.

Coucy, Jacques de, surrender of Boulogne by; 44.

Couldeshort Castle, Hants; 258.

Couldingam Tower; 22.

Couldwell, James, deposition by; 532.

Council :

Privy, letters of; 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, et seq., passim.

General, treatise on; 10.

Counsell :

Hugh, letter to; 276.

— at Portsmouth; 280.

— letter of; 281.

Coarquhor, Cormock, banished from Ireland; 100.

Courrieres, M. de; 96.

Courtney, — : 77.

Courtville, secretary; 495, 498, 534, 555.

Coventry; 499, 536.

letters dated at; 252, 448, 450, 451, 477.

Mary Queen of Scots at; 448, 451, 455.

Charter House at; 451.

school in; 499.

and Lichfield, Bishop of (1564), his letter on the state of his diocese; 309.

Coverdale, Bishop; 103.

Cow, Gavin; 456.

Cowdray, Sussex; 503, 504.

Cowley, Mr., servant to Duke of Somerset; 91.

Cownsayle, Hugh; 275.

Cowper, one; 525.

Cox, Mr.; 107.

Crabbe, —; 298.

Crache, Robert, peti-capitayne; 43.

Craffort, —; 520.

Cragnathen; 507.

Cratgmillar; 370

Laird of; 250.

Craignethan or Draffen; 500.

Cranmer, supposed treatise by; 10.

Craven; 490.

Crawford, Earl of; 420.

Crawfurdland, Laird of, letter to; 395.

Cripps, —; 354.

Croft or Crofts :

Sir James, Lord Deputv of Ireland, letters to; 103, 104, 106.

— commission to; 153.

— his services in the North; 168, 170, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 181, 182, 183, 188, 189, 203, 207, 208, 210, 215, 220, 228.

— his “pilling and pollinge;” 229, 233.

— Norfolk's charges against; 229, 241.

— his trouble; 251.

Crofton, Mrs. Blaunche, letter of; 91.

Cromwell :

Lord (1540). letter of; 12.

— (1560); 254.

Crottoy; 111, 112.

Croxton; 292.

Crull manor; 93.

Crvy, Jehan de, document signed by; 106.

Cuerton, Mr., letter to; 301.

Culmere; 12.

Culverwelles, Nicholas, letter of; 388.

Cumberland :

return from justices of; 310.

Earl of (1542) proposed Warden of the Marches; 18, 19.

— (1544); 30, 34.

— (1569); 446, 476, 502, 557.

— letter to; 441.

Countess of; 490.

Cumcatch, co. Cumberland; 456.

Cunningham, John, of Drumquhassel; 490.

Cunyngham, James; 178.

Cusack, Sir Thomas, Master of the Rolls, certificate by; 46.

Customs :

controllers, &c. of, complaints against; 148.

suggestions for improvement; ib.

Cuthbert :

John; 458, 530, 540, 543.

— description of; 532.