Cecil Papers: 1549

Pages 58-80

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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252. T. Chamberlain, J. Berwyk, and T. Fisher to the Lord Protector.
1548/9, Jan. 6. Reporting that according to his Grace's commandment they have hastened to Bristol, calling on the way at Sir Wm. Sharington's house at Laycock, where, under Lady Sharington's supervision, they collected all the writings, money, plate, and jewels they could find, and sealed them up in chests, leaving four servants in charge thereof, and have now begun to view the Mint there, and also to examine the officers, from whom they learnt that one Mr. Paget, a Teller in the Mint, arrived at Bristol from London on Wednesday last, and took all Sir Wm. Sharington's writings away with him, calling also at Laycock on his way back to London. Suggest that it would not be amiss to call the said Mr. Paget and examine him, for he knoweth much. Have thought it good to continue the work at the Mint so as to avoid suspicion, and also so as to have the “Moneyers” ready when called upon.—From the King's Majesty's Castle of Bristol, the 6th of January 1548.
2 pp.
Copy of preceding.
253. Sir R. Fane to Sir J. Thynne.
1548/9, Jan. 10. Thanks him for his friendly letters and his kindness in the matter of the Earl of Huntley's escape. Will be glad to learn, as soon as he may, how his Grace takes the matter, and whether he is inclined to grant him his whole recompense as if the Earl had never escaped, or part only, or none. Thinks it were a wrong if, because the Earl was stayed for the King's advantage, he should lose any part of his ransom which he might have been paid more than a year ago. Is resolved rather to lay his bones in these parts than to return to Kent to be “defaced” by foregoing his house and other things which he had already received in part recompense.
As for the Earl, he behaveth himself in Scotland, so far as he can learn, so strangely, that no man knoweth where to have him nor which way he will incline.
If he receives any certain intelligence will advertise his Grace thereof. The Queen and Monsieur Dessey have earnestly laboured the Governor to burn and “harrie” (as they call it) all our assured Scots, but he by no means could be persuaded thereunto, neither would the Earl Huntley consent to the same. Thus far he hears even from the Earl's enemies, but refers the judgment of his meaning to wiser heads.—Berwick, 10 Jan. 1548.
3 pp.
Modern copy of preceding.
254. Scottish Affairs.
1548/9, Jan. 10. Information concerning Scottish affairs presented to the Lord Protector by Robert Lockhart, Scotsman, 1548. Dated, London, 10 January 1548.
Advocates marriage contract between the King of England and the Queen of Scotland. Advises the sending of an English army into Scotland before the arrival of the French army, so that the Queen may be got into the King's keeping. Recommends the Laird of Dun, the Laird of Fyvie, the Laird of Pittarow, and the Provost of Aberdeen to be dealt with for aid in the matter. Relations of the above-named to other Scotchmen. On the other hand, the Governor of Scotland, the priests, the Earl of Huntley, and the Earl of Argyll are against the proposition. Recommends that the Earl of Huntley should not be suffered to go home.
Speaks of his good reception at first by the Lord Protector, who gave him a book of Dr. Smith's recanting, and sent him to confer with gentlemen at St. Andrew's, and in the north, of this matter. Reported the result to the Lord Protector, and does not know what hindered his Grace from proceeding further with it.
29 pp.
255. Thos. Dowrishe to Sir Wm. Sharington.
[1548/9, Jan. 15?]. Has received from Clowde his letter of the 5th instant., and also an ingot of silver weighing 40 lbs. 11 oz., better 16 dwt., with two bags of light money containing 200l.; has further received from Mr. Comptroller his letter of the 9th inst., all things mentioned in which shall be accomplished with celerity and with all possible diligence. He shall receive towards it at once 3,000l., that is to say, 1,000l. from Clowde and 2,000l. from Corry. In addition, he shall receive from the said Corry “in fayre testornes” 36l., and “in fayre grotes” 36l.
Prays him if he has any store of silver in his hands to send it as shortly as possible, for by the time his request is complied with there will be small store left to keep the men working; and besides, thinks it best that he should be sending it down so that it may be thought that the money now required at his hands is made of the same, otherwise it may happen to be suspected that more money hath been made than doth appear by the indentures and books of account.
Remembering the communication had between them, everything on his part is ended accordingly. The indentures and all other books of account are perfect, and truly cast and examined, so as to be ready when called upon.
Wishes him to get possession of an abstract remaining in the hands of Mr. Knight's brother for a certain reason. Is much troubled because in his letter of the 5th inst. Sharington accuses him of having disclosed a letter sent to him by Sharington “to warn his hostess.” Protests that no one had sight of it but only she for whom it was intended.
Subscribed :—“Yours in all that I may. T.D.”
P.S.—Begs him to be so good to his poor chaplain, “Sir Browne,” as to speak a good word for him to help him to a vacant room in the College of Windsor.
3 pp.
Copy of preceding.
256. Sir R. Fane to Sir J. Thynne.
1548/9, Jan. 17. Has this morning received a letter from his wife in which she states that she lately took the opportunity of a conversation with the Duchess of Somerset on the subject of the Earl of Huntley's escape, to desire her Grace's furtherance of her husband's excuse therein. Whereupon her Grace answered that she had little cause to be his friend, for that he had made such communications to the Duke concerning secrets which he supposed to have been disclosed by her to Lady Fitzwilliams and others, “that she had never so much displeasure of her husband syns she was first Sir Edward Seymour's wife.”
States that he never gave any such information, and only said (what he knew to be true) “that Lady Fitzwilliams was an instrument to discover any of his Grace's secrets that she might by any means get knowledge of,” so that he rather deserved thanks than displeasure at her Grace's hands. Yet this, he perceives, has been the only thing that has hindered him so long, both in obtaining his recompense for the Earl of Huntley and in all his other suits. There is no news of any importance in these parts, only this he may be bold to say (which he cannot write to his Grace without suspicion of malice) “that for wante of justice, robries being committed without restitution, murder without punishement, open lecherie without shame, the country is in such murmure and disobedience that it is exceeding nedeful to be reformed.”—Berwick, 17 Jan. 1548.
Modern copy of preceding.
257. The further Confession of W. Wightman, servant to the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9], Jan. 20. Stating the times at which the Lord Admiral had secret conferences with Parrye, and giving the substance of a conversation between Wightman and Mr. Nicholas Throckmorton on the occasion of the decease of the Lord Admiral's wife [the late Queen], in which Throckmorton said that if the Lord Admiral were either wise or politic he would now become a new manner of man both in heart and service, for the world began to talk very unfavourably of him both for his slothfulness to serve and his greediness to get, and that it might happen now that the Queen was gone that he would be desirous of a match with one of the King's sisters, entreating Wightman, if he heard anything sounding that way, as he loved his Master to do all he could to stop that intent. Wightman further states that he did his best to dissuade the Lord Admiral from his extreme measures against Mr. Bridge and others, in matters which touched only his own private gain, but without effect.
[Written and signed by Wightman.]
3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 68–69. In extenso.]
258. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt to the Lord Protector.
[1548/9], Jan. 22. Grief of the Princess Elizabeth on hearing of the imprisonment of Mrs. Ashley and her cofferer. Is sent for by her, and learns certain matters the Princess had forgotten to mention to the Lord Great Master and Master Denny. But she will not confess any practice by Mrs. Ashley or the cofferer concerning the Lord Admiral. Conduct of the cofferer on sudden news of the arrival of the gate of the Lord Great Master and Master Denny.—Hatfield, 22 January.
3 pp. [Haynes, pp. 70, 71. In extenso.]
259. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt to the Lord Protector.
[1548/9], Jan. 23. Since writing his last letter on the 22nd January, has deliberated many matters with his Lady's Grace [the Princess Elizabeth], and she hath confessed that at the return of her cofferer from the Lord Admiral he said that Durham Place was to be a Mint, and that the Lord Admiral offered her his own house for the time being to see the King; and he further asked whether, if the Council would consent that the Lord Admiral should have her, she would be content therewith, to which she answered that she would not tell him her mind therein, and demanded who bade him ask that question. He replied, nobody, but that he thought he perceived by the Lord Admiral's enquiries that he was given that way.
Assures his Grace that the Princess hath a very good wit, and that nothing is gotten of her but by great policy.—From Hatfield, the 23rd of January.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 71. In extenso.]
260. Thomas Dowrishe (Deputy of the Mint at Bristol) to Sir Wm. Sharington.
[1548/9], Jan. 24. According to his promise, has sent an abstract and certificate of what silver has been molten, wrought, and brought into ready money, from the beginning of this Mint until the last day of the present month of January. Has caused the same to be made up to the end of the month for reasons he cannot write here, yet Sharington's profit shall be the more as he will understand. By the same abstract he will perceive what money is due unto the King, all things allowed and deducted. Sends also an Indenture between himself and Sharington for the signature of the latter. Has also sent two copies of the Rules and Ordinances to be observed in the Mint for Sharington's approval, one of which is to be signed and returned to him. Has communed with his bedfellow concerning the matter Sharington wot3 of, and doubts not that everything shall be according to his expectation and pleasure.—Dated the 24th of January.
3 pp.
Copy of preceding.
261. Two Drafts of the Declaration by the Lord Admiral.
1548/9, Jan. 25. Both of these Drafts have, with the exception of the Interrogatories, been carefully obliterated or cancelled.
3 pp.
262. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt to the Lord Protector.
[1548/9], Jan. 25. Has shewed his letter to the Princess Elizabeth, with a great protestation that he would not for 1,000l. let it be known, but cannot frame her to all points as he would wish. Would wish Lady Brown to return to Hatfield again, for, from his experience of her, he thinks no one can more wisely counsel the Princess and cause her to confess the truth.—From Hatfield, the 25th of January.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 88. In extenso.]
263. The Lord Admiral's Minute of his Examination.
1548/9, Jan. 25. Hath conferred concerning the ordering of the King's person with no creature living save the Earl of Rutland, to whom he said that the King would be a man three years before any child living, and would, he thought, within two or three years desire more liberty and the honour of his own things; and that if his Highness wished him to make such a motion to the Lord his brother and to the Council he would do it. Protests that he meant no more harm to his brother than to his own soul. (Signed) T. S.
Addressed :—“To my very good Lordes, my Lord Grett Master, my Lord Prevy Selle, my Lord of Shrewsbery, my Lord of Southampton, and Mr. Controller, and Mr. Smeth, Secretary.”
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 87. In extenso.]
264. The Examination of Sir Wm. Sharington.
1548/9, Jan. 25. Being asked what he knows of the Lord Admiral's determination touching the governance and order of the King or of the Realm, or touching the marriage of the Lord Admiral, or the business to be made against the Lord Protector or the Council, he answereth that he never heard anything concerning or appertaining to any of these matters.—In Turre.
Signed. 1 p.
Copy of preceding.
265. The Examination of Harington concerning the Lord Admiral.
1548/9, Jan. 25. Stating that he hath heard the Lord Admiral declare openly that during the minority of a King, when there hath been two brothers, it hath never been seen that one brother should have all rule and the other none, but that if one were Protector the other should be Governor, but if it were offered to him he would take neither the one nor the other. That the Lord Admiral never stated to him that such and such were his assured friends. That he never moved any man to take the Lord Admiral's part, but that he brought about a friendship between the Lord Admiral and the Marquis Dorset when the former was still Sir Thomas Seymour.
That he hath made no promises to any man to allure him to his master's friendship. Concerning the Lady Jane, the Lord Marquis' daughter, he states that he had heard the Lord Admiral cast forth hints that she would be a suitable wife for the King, and had therefore by like hints endeavoured to persuade the Marquis Dorset to let her come to the Lord Admiral's house. He states further that he said to Wightman, the day after the Lord Admiral's committal, that he would the Lord Admiral had followed his first determination, which was that Mr. Comptroller should be sent for him and should be kept as a pledge for his safe return.—In Turre.
[The original examination, written by Sir T. Smith and signed by Harrington.]
6 pp. [Haynes, p. 82. In extenso.]
266. Thos. Dowrishe to Sir Wm. Sharington.
[1548/9], Jan. 27. On the 26th inst. did receive by Clowde from his cousin Heton, 12 ingots of silver, the weight whereof, and how they rise by the assay, he will signify in his next letter.
The abstract of the account furnished by him to Sharington is incorrect, a remanet of 660 lbs. having been omitted. Further advises him that all his affairs with the company are in a forward state.—Dated the 27th January.
Copy of preceding.
1 p.
267. A Minute by the Lord Admiral of his Letter to the Lord Protector.
1548/9, Jan. 27. Since the finishing of his letter to the Lord Great Master has remembered saying on one occasion to the King, that he trusted within three or four years his Highness should be the ruler of his own things, and should by that time help his men himself to such things as fell in his gift. Craves pardon for the oversight.—From the Tower, the 27th of January 1548.
Signed :—T. S.
[This and the preceding Minute are endorsed : “30th Jany. The L. Admyralles Copies.”]
pp. [Haynes, p. 87. In extenso.]
268. A copy of the Instructions to Mons. d'Avoys, the envoy sent to England by the French King on the occasion of the troubles caused by the Lord Admiral. [Communicated to Sir Thomas Gresham by the Regent of the Low Countries. See No. 401 below.]
1548/9, Jan. 27. He is to repair to M. de Selve, the King's ambassador in England, and to say to him that the King has received his letter of the 19th Jan. informing him of the arrest of the Lord Admiral and other great Lords and of the occasion thereof, and that his Majesty is of opinion that these things happen very opportunely for the advancement of his affairs in Scotland, and would be very glad to find the means if possible of embroiling England in a civil war.
Wherefore M. d'Avoys is to communicate fully with M. de Selve as to the, nature and extent of the conspiracy, and to endeavour to ascertain if any members of the faction remain undiscovered who might be made use of for that purpose.
He is also to take pains to ascertain the strength in men and ships of the aid to be sent to Scotland, and to enquire respecting the truth of an alleged capture by the English of 60 Flemish vessels bound with herrings to Rouen to the Fair of la Chandelleur, on account of which the Emperor has caused the arrest of all the English in the Low Countries, which is very different to the reports published by the English of the cordial understanding existing between them and the Emperor.
Dated from St. Germain-en-Laye, the 27th of January 1548.
Signed :—“Henry,” and countersigned : “De l'Aubespine.”
French. 3½ pp. [Haynes, p. 135. In extenso.]
269. The Lady Elizabeth to the Lord Protector.
1548/9, Jan. 28. Thanks him for his gentleness and goodwill. What she said to Tyrwhitt about the Lord Admiral. Her talk to Catherine Ashley about him. Protests against the slanders respecting herself and the Lord Admiral.—Hatfield, 28 Jan.
Modern copy. 2 pp. [Haynes, pp. 89, 90. In extenso.]
270. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt to the Lord Protector.
[1548/9], Jan. 28. Has received his letter of the 26th instant, and according to its purport has used all means and policy to cause the Princess to confess more than she hath already done, but she denieth plainly that she knoweth any more than what she hath willingly written to his Grace with her own hand. He believes there has been some secret promise between her and Mistress Ashley and the Cofferer never to confess to death.
The Princess's Controller, Master Beverley, and he, have examined the Cofferer's books, which they find very indiscreetly made, and her charges more than she can continue withal.—From Hatfield the 28th of January.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 88. In extenso.]
271. The Confession of Sir Wm. Sharington, the Master of the Mint at Bristol.
1548/9, Jan. 29. Stating that, thinking himself to be undone by the frequent melting of the badly made money, he had withheld certain sums from his books in every month, and had burnt the originals from which the indentures were made up, wherein he confesses his “great decept and lewdeness.” Touching the Lord Admiral, has heard him say that the King's daughters should be married within the Realm, and that he thought it was not the late King's will that one man should have both the government of the King and of the Realm. Has also known him to be very desirous of stewardships, and to entertain gentlemen, and has heard him say that he would never consent that the King should be kept as a ward till the age of 18. Has also heard him say that he misliked it in the Lord Protector that he took away the Queen's jewels, and that he [the Lord Admiral], had given the King money two or three times.
[The original confession in his own hand.]
Endorsed :—“29 Jany, Sharington's, Confession.”
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 90. In extenso.]
272. Interrogatories for Sir William Sharington.
[1548/9], Jan. 30. A Minute [by Sir Thos. Smith] of Interrogatories to be administered to Sir Wm. Sharington, requiring from him a more explicit declaration respecting the coining of testerns after the prohibition, and of the occasions on which the Lord Admiral made the statements referred to in his [Sharington's] confession.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 91. In extenso.]
273. Answers of Sir W. Sharrington.
[1548/9, Jan.] The Answers of Sir Wm. Sharington to the foregoing Interrogatories.
[In Sharington's own hand.]
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 92. In extenso.]
274. Harrington's Examination.
[1548/9, Jan.] Minutes [by Sir Wm. Petre] of the chief points in the examination of Harrington concerning the Lord Admiral.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 84. In extenso.]
275. A Minute (by Mr. Secretary Paget) of the Interrogatories to be administered to the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9, Jan.]. As to whether he had conferred with any person or persons, or with the King himself, touching an alteration in the government of the King's person, and of the Council, and in what manner; whether he had given any sums of money to the King or to any one about him; what communications had taken place between him and any man touching the marriage of the King's sisters, or of the King himself, and to what effect; and what statements he had made respecting his accusation, &c.
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 86. In extenso.]
276. A Minute (by Sir Wm. Petre) of the Interrogatories to be administered to the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9, Jan.]. Concerning his alleged endeavours to bring about a marriage between the King and the daughter of the Marquis of Dorset, and certain statements said to have been made by him evincing dissatisfaction with the proceedings of the Protector and Council; and also as to his advising other noblemen to strengthen themselves in the country by the number of their retainers, &c.
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 85. In extenso.]
277. The Confession of King Edward the Sixth concerning the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9, Jan.]. Stating that on one occasion the Lord Admiral said to him that he must now take upon himself to rule, for he was able enough as well as other Kings; and that his uncle was old, and he [the Lord Admiral] trusted would not live long. To which the King answered that “it were better that he should die.”
The Lord Admiral also said that he was but a very beggarly King now and had nothing for play or to give to his servants. And the Lord Admiral gave money for him to Fowler and to Cheke, and divers others.
[The original confession, signed by the King.]
1 p. [Haynes, p. 74. In extenso.]
278. The Confession of the Earl of Rutland concerning the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9, Jan.], Giving the details of a conversation between him and the Lord Admiral, in which the latter talked of the number of his friends in the country, and amongst other things asked what he should think, if he [the Lord Admiral] should in a year or two say to the Council “that the King was now of some discretion and that he would that he should have the honour and rule of his own doings,” adding, that he did not desire his brother's hurt, but that he would wish him to rule as a chief councillor.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 81. In extenso.]
279. Examination of Sir W. Sharington.
[1548/9, Jan.]. The interrogatories administered to Sir Wm. Sharington, the Master of the Mint at Bristol, concerning the coining of money there, with the answers thereto in Sharington's own hand.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 65. In extenso.]
280. Interrogatories to be administered to Roger Wigmore.
[1548/9, Jan.]. Concerning the management of His Majesty's Mint at Bristol. [The answers are not given.]
2 pp.
Copy of preceding.
281. The further Confession of J. Harrington concerning the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9, Feb. 2]. Has remembered that, when the Queen was living at Chelsea, Mistress Ashley called him aside and told him that the Queen and the Lord Admiral came sometimes to the Lady Elizabeth's chamber, which was well taken of everybody; but that the Lord Admiral came sometimes without the Queen, which some misliked.
Signed : Jo. Harrington.
Endorsed : “2 Feb. 1548, Harryngton.”
1 p. [Haynes, p. 93. In extenso.]
282. J. Harrington to the Lords of the Council.
[1548/9, Feb. 3]. Giving the substance of a conversation between himself and Mr. Rouse [the Comptroller of the Lord Admiral's household] on the occasion of his [Harrington] being sent by the Lord Admiral to accompany the Lady Jane to the house of the Marquis of Dorset.
Endorsed :—“3 Feb. 1548, Harryngton.”
1 p. [Haynes, p. 93. In extenso.]
283. The Examination of Sir Wm. Sharington.
[1548/9, Feb. 4]. The examinate says that about Christmas week last he had been at Canterbury, and suspecting that some trouble might come to him, he went to the Lord Admiral and told him that he had taken more of the King's money than he ought to do, and that he could not justify his doing thereof if it was known. However he told him that he had so ordered it that he thought no man might accuse him. He states also that he had received sums from the Lord Admiral amounting to 2,300l. sterling, and that he had laid out for the Lord Admiral in building, &c. 5,100l.; so that the Lord Admiral owed him at that time 2,800l. He nevertheless requested the Lord Admiral that he [Sharington] might give him a bill confessing debt to the amount of 2,000l.; so that, if any trouble should ensue to examinate, it might appear that he was in the debt of the Lord Admiral, to which the Lord Admiral agreed and also promised to aid him in any trouble that might befall him.
As to who made the books or indentures that were falsified and by whose counsel or device it was done, he says that the paper book was written by James Paget or John Beldon, and the monthly indentures either by John Beldon or George Knight, the Clerk of the Mint. But that to the putting in or putting out no man was privy but himself, for he caused them to write as he bade them. That Duns would not receive the whole account which examinate brought on paper, but caused his [Duns'] man to write it on parchment, which examinate set his hand to, and sent it down by Paget to be subscribed by the other vouchees at Bristol. Howbeit he thinks that neither Duns nor his man were privy to any fraud in that or any other account of his.
Signed :—W. Sharington.
Endorsed :—“4 February, Sir W. Sharington.”
Copy of preceding.
284. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt to the Lord Protector.
1548/9, Feb. 5. Has got, with good advice, a letter from the Lady Elizabeth to his Grace, and also she hath promised to put down in writing all things she can call to her remembrance.
She was much abashed at the reading of Mistress Ashley's letter, and half breathless “or” she could read it to an end. Will travail all he can to frame her for her own surety, and to utter the truth.—From Hatfield, the 5th of February.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 94. In extenso.]
285. Sir Robt. Tyrwhitt to the Lord Protector.
1548/9, Feb. 7. Has sent by the bearer the Lady Elizabeth's confession, which is not so full as he would wish. She will in no way confess that either Mistress Ashley or Parry willed her to any practice with the Lord Admiral either by message or writing. They all sing one song, which he thinks they would not do unless they had set the note before.—From Hatfield, the 7th of February.
Endorsed :—“7 February 1548. Mr. Turwhit to my L. P.”
1 p. [Haynes, p. 102. In extenso.]
286. The Confession of Jenkin Dee.
1548/9, Feb. 8. Jenkin Dee, shoemaker of Bristol, examined touching certain words addressed to him by the wife of one Baron, sometime an officer in this [Bristol] Mint, answereth that she said in Welsh, which deponent understands, that her husband was he that brought all them of the Mint first to knowledge whereof they were ignorant, and now that they had learned of him was thrust out of office, but that she trusted he would be reinstated by the King, and would prove as good a man as any of them.
½ p.
Copy of preceding.
287. The Examination of Sir Wm. Sharington touching the Lord Admiral.
1548/9, Feb. 11. Stating that the Lord Admiral on one occasion pressed him to say what money he could make him if need were, and did oftentimes advise him to get as much money as he could into his hands. That at divers times the Lord Admiral boasted to him of his power and of the number of his friends; and on another occasion calculated the cost of keeping 10,000 men a month, which he made about 10,000l. sterling, and did then ask this examinate if he could make so much, saying it were good to have money in readiness.
[In the hand of Sir Thos. Smith, and signed by Sharington.]
5 pp. [Haynes, p. 104. In extenso.]
288. Confession of Sir William Sharington, Vice-Treasurer of the Bristol Mint.
1548/9, Feb. 11. That about a fortnight before Christmas he delivered his “specialties” to Sir William Woodhouse, to keep for him. When last at Bristol he commanded Dowrishe to keep money out of the way. Paget knew altogether of his doings, and Paget and Dowrishe were privy to the striking out of the books; they had each 40l. a year, and meat and drink for themselves and wives. He owed Paget 500l. and 1,000 marks [and Sir John Gats, Sir Miles Partrich, Lady Suffolk, Mr. Herbert, and Mr. Hoby owed him together 5,300l. (crossed out)].
Signed :—W. Sharington.
Endorsed :—Feb. 11, W. Sharington.
At the end of the paper a note in the same hand runs :—“He knoweth that the Lord Admiral doth not love my L[ord] P[rotector] because of my Lady of Somerset, whom he did know did not love him and therefore my L[ord] P[rotector] loved him the worse.”
289. William Wever.
1548/9, Feb. 13. The examination of William Wever concerning the coining of testoons after the same was prohibited, and other dealings in connexion with the Mint at Bristol.
Signed :—“By me Wyllyam Wever.”
1 p.
Copy of preceding.
290. The Confession of Sir Wm. Sharington.
1548/9, Feb. 15. Doth further remember that the Lord Admiral did say that he could bring of those within his rule (if he should be commanded to serve) ten thousand men. That when he was made Lord Admiral he declared himself as glad of that office as of any office in the Realm, for that now he should have the rule of ships and men. States further that he heard the Lord Admiral say that the Lady Jane was a fit marriage for the King, and that he had rather the King should marry her than the Lord Protector's daughter.
pp. [Haynes, p. 105. In extenso.]
291. The Examination of Christopher Eyre, the Lord Admiral's Keeper.
1548/9, Feb. 16. Concerning the demeanour of the Lord Admiral after his arrest, and the statements made by him to the examinate of his loyalty to the King and his succession, &c.
[In the hand of Sir T. Smith and signed by Christopher Eyre.]
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 106. In extenso.]
292. Minute (by Sir Wm. Paget) of a Letter from the Lords of the Council to the Princess Elizabeth.
1548/9, Feb. 17. As they are informed that the Lady Tyrwhitt, who by their desire had superseded Katherine Ashley in the charge of her Grace's person, hath not showed herself so attendant to her office as they looked for, they have thought it good to speak to her somewhat roundly in that behalf, and doubt not that henceforth she will endeavour in all things to act for the weal and honour of her Grace.—From the Court, the 17th day of February 1548.
1 p. [Haynes, p. 107. In extenso,]
Copy of preceding.
293. A Minute (by Sir T. Smith) of the Examination of the Lord Admiral.
1548/9, Feb. 18. In which the Lord Admiral states in what manner he learnt the determination of the Council respecting his committal, and what conferences he hath had, and with whom, concerning the receiving of the King into his custody.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 107. In extenso.]
294. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt to the Lord Protector.
[1548/9], Feb. 19. On his wife's declaring to the Lady Elizabeth that she had received a rebuke from the Council for not taking upon herself the office to see her Grace well governed in lieu of Mistress Ashley, she replied “that she had not so demeaned herself that the Court need put any more mistresses upon her,” and she wept all that night and lowered all the next day. He perceives that she is very loth to have a governor and that she fully hopes to recover her old mistress again, the love she beareth to whom is to be wondered at. If he should say his “fantasy,” thinks it were more meet that she should have two governors than one. She cannot bear to hear the Lord Admiral discommended, but is always ready to make answer thereto.—From Hatfield, the 19th of February.
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 108. In extenso.]
Copy of preceding.
295. Sir Wm. Sharington to the Earls of Shrewsbury and Southampton.
[1548/9], Feb. 20. Begs them to have in remembrance his humble suit to his Lord's Grace for his life, even 1o abide in perpetual prison, for he coveteth nothing else on earth, as God is his judge.
Addressed :—“To the right honourable and very good Lords, the Earl of Shrewsbury, the Earl of Southampton, and to Mr. Secretary, or to any of them.”
Endorsed :—“Sharington, 20 February.”
¼ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
296. Sir Walter Mildmay, Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations, and others, to Sir Ralph Bulmer, Knight, and others.
1548/9, Feb. 22. Requiring them to make payment of a certain sum of 100l., in which they appear to be indebted to his Majesty, or else, by themselves or their sufficient deputy, to appear and make reasonable answer why they ought not so to do.—London, 22 Feb., 1548.
1 p.
297. Sir William Sharington to the Lord Protector.
[1548/9], [Feb.]. His profits by the shear during the past three years were above 4,000l. How much more he does not know, as he kept no account, and no man knew but himself. He answered the King 12d. for the say and shear, and took profit of the rest himself. Begs mercy of his Grace, who is “accounted to seek no blood.”
½ p. [Haynes, p. 67. In extenso.]
298. The Declaration of the Marquis of Northampton as to his conferences with the Lord Admiral during the past twelvemonth.
[1548/9, Feb.]. Stating that the Lord Admiral about a year past advised him to go and set up house in the North Country, where being well beloved of his friends and tenants, he should be stronger and more able to serve the King's Majesty. Also that when the Lord Admiral came to court after the Queen's death he showed deponent sundry suits he had to the Lord Protector, touching the Queen's jewels and other things, and gave him presents of some value, showing him much friendship and kindness. That the Lord Admiral told him [deponent] that there would be much ado about the Lady Jane, the Marquis of Dorset's daughter, for the Lord Protector and Lady Somerset would do what they could to obtain her for the Earl of Hertford, but would not prevail, for the Lord Marquis had given her wholly to him [the Lord Admiral], upon certain covenants that were between them. That, at another time, the Lord Admiral told deponent that he was credibly informed that the Lord Protector had said he would clap him in the Tower if he went to the Lady Elizabeth; whereupon he said that there was no woman living that he went about to marry, but that he would take an opportunity of speaking plainly to the Lord Protector in the matter.
pp. [Haynes, p. 79. In extenso.]
299. The Marquis of Northampton.
[1548/9, Feb.]. A “Bill of Remembrance” by the Marquis of Northampton of sundry conferences he had with the Lord Admiral.
[The chief points in this bill of remembrance are embodied in the foregoing declaration.]
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 80. In extenso.]
300. The Examinations of the Marquis of Dorset concerning the Lord Admiral.
1548/9 [Feb.]. [No. 1.] He states that the Lord Admiral declared unto him that the King had divers times made his moan unto him, saying that his uncle of Somerset kept him very straight, so that he could not have money at his will, but that the Lord Admiral both sent him money and gave him money.
[No. 2.] He states that the Lord Admiral, in the presence of Lord Clynton, said that if he were thus used, “by God's precious soul he would make the blackest Parliament that ever was in England;” and speaking of the Act lately passed whereby he thought that men might say that the Queen was not the late King's lawful wife, he said that “whosoever should go about to speak evil of the Queen, he would take his fist from their ears from the first to the lowest.”
[No. 3.] Stating that a little before his apprehension, the Lord Admiral, talking of a subsidy granted to the King of 2d. yearly for every sheep, declared that he would never give in to it.
[No. 4.] Stating that he was fully determined that his daughter, the Lady Jane, should go no more to the Lord Admiral's house; but the Lord Admiral came to him and was so earnest in persuasion, saying amongst other things that he [the Lord Admiral] would marry her to the King's Majesty, that he could not resist him. Sir Wm. Sharington also used the same persuasions with the Lady Marchioness.
After he had sent his daughter to the Lord Admiral, the latter immediately sent him 500l., parcel of 2,000l. which he promised to lend him, and would have asked no bond for it. Staling further that the Lord Admiral, in his communications with him, said that he loved not the Lord Protector and that he would have the King to have the honour of his own things.
Signed : Henry Dorsett.
[No. 5.] Stating that the Lord Admiral advised him not to trust much to the gentlemen, but to make himself strong with the Franklins; and to keep his house in Warwickshire, which was a country full of men, offering to assist him in the repairing of it. That the Lord Admiral said he would not meddle with the doings of the Lord Protector and of the Council till the King was a year older, when he would see that he should rule his own, and that he, the Marquis, promised to stick by him therein.
[In the hand of Sir Wm. Petre. Numbered 1 to 5.]
5 pp. [Haynes, pp. 75–77. In extenso.]
301. Minutes of the Declarations by Sir Wm. Sharington, concerning the Lord Admiral, &c.
[1548/9], Feb. [These are embodied in the several Confessions of Sharington, dated respectively the 29th Jan. and the 4th, 11th, and 15th of February, and elsewhere described.]
302. The Confession of Sir Robert Tyrwhitt concerning the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9, Feb.]. Repeating certain remarks made by the Lord Admiral to his wife [Lady Tyrwhitt], one night after supper at his house at Mortlake Park, concerning the surety that would be gained for the Crown of England by the marriage of the King's sisters.”
2 pp. [Haynes, p. 104. In extenso.]
303. A supplementary Statement by Sir W. Sharington touching the Lord Admiral.
[1548/9, Feb.]. At the time the Lord Protector took his journey into Scotland, the Lord Admiral said to Sharington that he misliked that his Grace did not appoint him to have the government of the King before “so dronken a foule as Master Page was.” At another time when Sharington asked him why he did not put himself forward to serve, he replied that it was good abiding at home to make merry with one's friends in the country.—Undated.
¼ p.
Copy of preceding.
304. The Confession of Katherine Ashley.
[1548/9, Feb.]. Stating what familiarities she has known to take place between the Lord Admiral and the Lady Elizabeth; that at Chelsea after he was married to the Queen he would come many mornings into Lady Elizabeth's chamber, before she was ready and sometimes before she had risen, and if she were up he would ask her how she did and strike her familiarly on the back or on the buttocks, or if she were in bed he would put open the curtains and make as though he would come at her, and one morning he strove to have kissed her in bed. That one morning at Hanworth the Queen came with him, and she and the Lord Admiral tickled the Lady Elizabeth in the bed.
Stating further what communications she has had with any person touching the marriage of the Lady Elizabeth and the Lord Admiral, and when she last talked with the Lord Admiral and what letters she has written to him since the death of the Queen.
[The original confession in the hand of Sir Thos. Smith, each page being signed by Kath. Ashley.]
8 pp. [Haynes, p. 99. In extenso.]
Copy of preceding.
305. The Confession of the Princess Elizabeth.
[1548/9, Feb.]. Detailing the several statements made to her by Katherine Ashley, and by her cofferer, Thomas Parry, as to the Lord Admiral's desire to marry her.
[The original Confession, partly in the hand of the Princess Elizabeth and partly in that of Sir Robt. Tyrwhit, and signed by the Princess.]
pp. [Haynes, p. 102. In extenso.]
Copy of preceding.
306. The Confession of Thomas Parry, the Cofferer of the Princess Elizabeth.
[1548/9. Feb.]. Stating what conversations he has had with the Lady Elizabeth concerning her marriage with the Lord Admiral; and also detailing a conversation between himself and Katherine Ashley on the same subject, in which the latter stated, amongst other things, that the Lord Admiral loved the Lady Elizabeth but too well, and had done so for a good while; and that the Queen was Jealous of him and the Lady Elizabeth, and on one occasion, coming upon them suddenly, found him holding the Lady Elizabeth in his arms, upon which she fell out with them both, and this was the cause why the Queen and the Lady Elizabeth parted.
With reference to his communications with the Lord Admiral, he states that the latter questioned him closely as to the quantity and tenure of the Lady Elizabeth's lands, and as to whether she had got out her letters patent, and offered to procure for her a certain piece of land in Gloucestershire as part of the lands which she wished to have in exchange, saying that he wished she had her lands westward or in Wales.
He also said he was sorry that the Lady Elizabeth could not have the house in Durham Place which was to be made into a Mint, but offered his own house to her Grace, stuff and all, with much kindness. On his last communication with the Lord Admiral, at the Court, the latter asked him when her Grace was coming, and hearing that the Lord Protector had not resolved upon the day, he said with some show of heat, that it would be after he had gone to Boulogne, and allusion being made to his marriage with her, he said that his brother would never agree to it, and muttered that he was kept back or under, or some such words.
[The original Confession written and signed by himself.]
11 pp. [Haynes, p. 95. In extenso.]
Copy of preceding.
307. An Account of the Plate delivered out of the King's Jewel House to the Mint, by virtue of a Warrant dated the 3rd of March, 3 Edw. VI.
1548/9, March 3. The first item is entitled : “Clere plate delivered of the Colleges and Chauntreys, waste deducted” and consists of gold plate to the amount of 32½ ounces, and gilt, parcel-gilt, and white plate to the amount of 16,608 ounces.
1 p.
308. The Princess Mary to the Emperor Charles V.
1549, March. Has received the letters which it has pleased his Majesty to address to her by his Ambassador, and was much grieved to hear of his illness, yet could not but feel much gratified at the expression of his Majesty's entire affection for her.—Dated the — day of March 1549.
Minute. French. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 111. In extenso.]
309. Sir John Thynne and Sir Robert Keylwey to Lord Riche.
1549, April 8. The bearer is presently about to repair to his Lordship with a complaint against one Reed. This chiefly concerns his Grace [of Somerset ?], whose buildings are likely to stay unless his Lordship do end the matter. His Grace has therefore commanded them earnestly to desire his Lordship to take some pains to bring the matter to an end although Reed shall seem to make a great matter of it, if it were to be purchased it were not worth 20l., yet his Grace can in no wise finish his house unless he has it.
1 p.
310. Sir Walter Mildmay and Robert Keylwey to Sir John Thynne.
1549, April 11. Whereas by his Majesty's commission to them directed they lately sold the College Church of Penryn, in the county of Cornwall, together with the lead steeple and bells of the same, and all the prebendary houses thereto belonging, proceedings are now being taken by certain gentlemen of that county, to have the sale cancelled, and the church (which has already been in great part dismantled) converted into a parish church. Pray that he will move his Grace to grant to the purchasers the quiet enjoyment of their purchase.—London, 11 April, 1549.
2 pp.
311. Francis Yaxlee to Sir Wm. Cecil.
1549, June 7. Giving extracts from the following letters :—
(1.) From the Council of Boulogne the last day of May. Particulars of a night attack on the English vessels lying in the Mole at Boulogne, which was repulsed with considerable loss.
(2.) From the E. of Rutland and Sir Thos. Holcroft, dated the 1st of June, giving an account of the devastations by the army in Scotland at Jedworth and elsewhere.
(3.) From Lord Cobham, dated the 2nd of June, reporting that certain Albanoies just arrived had seen a great company of lanceknights, well armed and weaponed, marching towards Lyons, where the French King's Ambassador was lying to receive as many as should come, hoping to raise the number of 25,000 men, to await there his master's orders.
(4.) From Sir Philip Hoby, dated the 29th of May, stating that the Bishop of Rome had lately sent to the Prince of Spain a sword and cap of maintenance, and that it was reported that the Sherief having lately usurped the kingdom of Fez and other States of Barbary, is not a little feared in Spain.—From Greenwich, the 7th of June 1549.
3 pp. [Haynes, p. 109. In extenso.]
312. Treaty between France and Switzerland.
1549, June 7. Articles (26 in number) of a treaty between Henry II., King of France, and the Swiss Republic, for the protection of their possessions on both sides of the Alps.—Soleurre (Soloturn), 7 June 1549.
Copy. Latin. 4¾ pp.
313. The Princess Mary to the Emperor Charles V.
1549, June. As the King, her brother, is now sending Master William Paget on an embassy to His Majesty, she has taken the opportunity of sending by him in three words her most affectionate, most cordial, and most humble salutations.
Feels it her duty, at the same time, strongly to recommend Master Paget as one most willing to do His Majesty honour and service.—Written the — day of June 1549.
Minute. French. 1 p. [Haynes, p. 110. In extenso.]
314. Edward Basnett, Dean of St. Patrick's.
1549, July 20. A memorandum, signed by Edward Basnett, the Dean of St. Patrick's, of seditious speeches by two kerne belonging to O'Connor and O'More coming from England with letters to the Lord Deputy.
Endorsed :—An assertion of the Dean of St. Patrick's, the 20th of July 1549.
315. The Declaration of Daniel Nesyell, Footman to the Earl of Desmond.
1549, Aug. 29. That the deponent was sent by the E. of Desmond to Dublin with letters to the Lord Deputy, the Lord Chancellor, and Sir Francis Brian, the Lord Marshal, in July last, and received the answers of the Lord Deputy and the Lord Chancellor, but the Lord Marshal delayed his answer till he and his Lady returned to their own country. That afterwards at Kenlis in Kilkenny, deponent talked apart with the Countess of Ormond, the Lord Marshal's wife, and told her that many about the E. of Desmond, “being simple and lewd men,” would not have him come to the Lord Deputy's presence; to which she [Lady Ormond] replied, that if she were of his counsel he should not come at all to the Lord Deputy, which the deponent was to tell the E. of Desmond from her.
He told these things to the Countess of Desmond, who bade him by no means to tell it to the Earl.
[The Declaration is signed by William Seyntloo, Gerald Aylmer, and Robert Dillon, before whom it was taken.]
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding. 1½ pp.
316. Dissolution of the Monasteries.
1549, Sept. 17. Court of the Augmentations and Revenues of the Kings Majesty's Crown. Book of incumbents and stipendiary priests of any late college, chantry, or service dissolved, having pensions. Total pensions, 11,147l. 14s. 1d.—Ao 3 Edw. VI.
128 pp.
317. The Lord Protector to Lord Clynton, the King's Deputy at Boulogne.
[1549], Sept. 30. With reference to the negotiations with Chastillon, sees no peril or danger in communicating with him, either personally or by writing, as long as his Lordship observes his Articles of Instruction.—From Odiham in Hampshire, the last of September.
Signed : E. Somerset.
1 p.
318. William Cantwell to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
1549, Oct. 4. Since his departure from his Lordship he has taken divers persons, for which he receives much malice from the Lord Marshal and his wife. Trusts he shall do the King and his Lordship such service as shall be acceptable. At Kilkenny there is a common saying among the people, and especially among the servants of the Lord Marshal, that the Lord Deputy should shortly repair into England; with many other false sayings. The Lord Protector's servant is riding with the Lord Marshal to Waterford, and will be at Dublin next Thursday, as he told the writer. Will declare the premises and other matters more amply when he meets his Lordship.—Kilkenny, 4 Oct., 1549.
[Postscript.] Certifies his Lordship that the Baron of Upper Ossory's servant is “greatest in talk or communication” with the Lord Marshal; in times past and of late they were “most enemies,” now they are “most friends.”
1 p.
Modern copy of preceding.
319. William Cantwell to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
1549, Oct. 7. Reports certain rumours of the Lord Deputy's going to England. Declares further that a certain person told him secretly that Desmond, the Baron of Upper Ossory, and other Irishmen were sworn, as soon as his Lordship and the Lord Marshal should go to England, to gather together and drive the King's friends out of the realm. This is he thinks unknown to the Lord Marshal, but known to the lady his wife, who has appointed to meet the Baron of Upper Ossory within these 10 days, for what cause he knows not; but he perceives that they are now great friends who were before this open enemies. Has great ill-will from the Lady Ormond for doing his duty. The men of this town that went “to yorne upon O'Carrol” have returned, and could not prevail against him, saying that O'Brien's son Cahir O'Connor and O'Kelly are with O'Carrol, wherefore they durst not enter the castle, but returned with the loss of some of their men. Is informed that the Irish are all in readiness and watch their time; but will not stir till his Lordship's departure.—Kilkenny, 7th October, 1549.
2 pp.
320. The Earl of Warwick to Lord Clynton, the Deputy at Boulogne.
1549, Oct. 15. Forasmuch as my Lord Thomas Grey is upon the point of returning to Boulogne, forbears to write, for by him the Deputy will understand that they intend to do all that in them lies though they spend their lives. The man that ruled all by wilfulness is restrained, and now things are like to pass otherwise than of long time they have done, more for the King's honour and the wealth and surety of his realm and subjects.—Hampton Court, 15th Oct. 1549.
Holograph. 1 p.
321. Isle of Jersey.
1549, Dec. 19. Inventory of Ordnance, &c. at Jersey, delivered by Henry Cornish to Sir Hugh Paulet.
11 pp.
322. The Duke of Somerset.
1549, Dec. “The copy of the Duke of Somerset's letter, sent in September in John Lock's crayer, as well the cipher as other contents.”
“Cornish, I have received your several letters, whereby 1 perceive your want of men and weakness, by reason of the great sickness that reigneth, as well in the Castle as in the country. And where your desire is, thereupon, to have a crew of men, if they possibly might be conveyed with speed, if not Michaelmas passed you should be out of danger by reason of rage of the seas; Cornish, I would you aid as I do wish your but for it is not possible to provide you 'to fore' Michaelmas, by which time the danger, as you write, is passed, I do defer the same until the spring of the year, praying you in the mean season to supply the want with vigilance, and to foresee your charge.
“The Cipher.”
“Where you have advertised me of a[n] isle with sundry little isles pertaining thereto, having a goodly haven for all weathers, where the great ships of St. Malo's, Granville, and coast of Brittany, remain, and a great fishing place, I will that, with all diligence, you send a perfect and discreet man privily there, to set out a 'platt' of the whole, and to sound the depth of the haven, and note all the rocks and dangers, with the entries, how many acres of ground, and how much cattle it is able to sustain, and also, if you can possibly, to get a 'plat' of Sark, wherein you shall do the King's Majesty acceptable service.
“For that perchance you know not how to use your neighbours the Frenchmen, you shall understand the French king hath been 'tofore' Boulogne with a[n] army, and hath taken the Almain camp, through a traitor that was captain there, and after that hath taken Hambylten [Ambleteuse] and the castle.
“I am very sorry for your loss of your ship, as yourself, and will provide you another to help you to recover your loss and to grieve your neighbours.
“For the state of the realm you may be bold to declare openly that the realm, was never in more quiet, thanked be God; what (sic) in the north my Lord of Warwick, and in the west the Lord Privy Seal, who used themselves so nobly, and with such discretion, that all the rebels are appeased, and their captains and ringleaders taken, with small loss of the King's party, God be thanked, which captains' party hath suffered, and the rest like to have according their demerit; that the Frenchmen have us not at such advantage as they thought to have had us. Fare you well.”
Note appended :—“To our remembrance this before-written is the copy and effect of a letter sent by the Duke of Somerset to Mr. Cornish, his Lieutenant; in Coke's bark of Southampton, in December 1549.”
Signed “Helyer de Carteret, Charles Mabssone, D. Soulemont.”
“Sir John Thynne's letter.”
“Master Cornish, I commend me unto you; counselling you in all your affairs to send from time to time one of your men to follow the same, for I assure you I am so 'empeshyd' with so weighty matters that by reason thereof you have not so brief (sic) despatch as my heart doth wish you; wherefore it shall be best for you to use my counsel. Wishing you your health, &c.”—No date.
“The letter sent by the Flight.”
“Cornish, I have sent you by Courtney the Flight, according your desire, willing you to suffer the same Courtney to deal in her, until such time that I send him another pinnace of mine, to serve about the isles, and to have conveyance of letters from you and Alderney, as occasion shall serve; which pinnace will be with you shortly. Fare you well.”—Undated.
Signed : “Charles Mabssone.”
2 pp.
323. Brian Jonys, Constable of Carlow, to the Lord Deputy.
1549. After my departure from your Honour at Maynooth, my Lady Marshal, being at John de la Hyde's house, called me passing by, where, amongst other talk, she declared that her access at that instant to your Honour was to complain of injuries done unto her and hers by Colcloght; adding that, as the King's stud had eaten the grass off the Dullagh, so they were like to devour the lands. “Whiles I was widow,” quoth she, “and had not married an Englishman, I defended and kept my own, or at the least, no man went about to defeat me of my right. Well is the woman unmarried; I am bade to hold my peace, and that my husband shall have answer made unto him.” She had a great many artichokes before her, which I suppose were of your Honour's garden. Both lay sleeping on a pallet thereby, where she full familiarly threw all the artichokes at him one after the other. Then she addressed herself to the saddle : I attended. Then suddenly, “O Mr. Jonys,” quoth she, “I know not what to say or do, except I should fight for it.” “Madam,” said I, “you have too piteous a face to be a. bloody warrior;” with that she smiled; “into such an enemy's hand (if needs I fall) God send me,” quoth I. “What say you?” said she. I answered, “Marry, Madam, you can little skill in fighting.” “Though I cannot,” said she, “I have a thousand and more that can; but God forbid that should come to that point, as I will never attempt it, but give over all, and go among my friends, and live upon my own. Now my heart is eased, Mr. Jonys,” said she, “that I have disclosed my heart to my friend.” With that she departed. My Lord and my Lady, in their return from Dublin, lay two nights with Pepparde. Giles Hovingden happened to be there with them, who told me that she said, “I cannot blame Mr. Colcloght, neither Watkin Aphowell, for any wrong they do me, for they do as they be commanded. If it were not given them in charge, they durst not to attempt it. And more lief were it for me to be Watkin Aphowell's wife than my Lord Marshal's, for she . . . . . the name and saying, she is only sewed unto. My Lady of Ormond is not spoken of. But I force not, I will go live upon my own inheritance under my Lord of Desmond, and I know he will defend me.” All this while my Lord Marshal spoke nothing, but that which sounded to your Lordship's honour, and gave his wife sweet words. My Lord's men, part were with me that season, who declared that your fellow . . . . . was in ward. They much praised his learning, and said he would strongly reason by Scripture, touching the Sacrament, which part him pleased. His opinion about the marriage of priests, &c.
Endorsed : “1549. The Constable of Caterlog's [Carlow's] words of such things as my Lady of Ormond spake unto him.”
Addressed : “To my Lord Deputies moste honorabell Lordshippe.”
2 pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
324. Archbishopric of Cologne.
[1549.] Acts of the Council of the Diocese of Cologne, under Adolphus, Archbishop of Cologne.—Undated.
6 pp.
325. Articles of Impeachment against Leche, a servant of the Lord Marshal of Ireland.
1549. That he said that it was more lawful for a man to forsake his Christendom than for a priest to marry a wife, and that he would never go into the churches and temples after mass ceased to be said therein, nor go to church to hear a sermon. That he refused to believe the authorised translation of the New Testament as to St. Paul having been a tentmaker, and that he demanded why men should now be obliged to pay tithes when they no longer had masses and other such services; And that, sitting at table with divers others, he exhorted them to do and believe as their forefathers had done, and not to give in to the new fashions.
Endorsed : “Articles to be objected to Leche, my Lord Marshal's servant, 1549.”
326. Ireland.
1549. Memoranda of certain seditious utterances by two messengers from O'Connor and O'More named Cahir McHone and Conor O'Dowlyn, with an Agreement by the Council of Ireland for their imprisonment during the Lord Deputy's pleasure, signed by the Council.
The confession of Cahir McHone is appended.
Endorsed : “ The Agreement of the Council for the imprisoning of Caire McHone and Conor O'Dowlin in Angus O'Conor's matter, 1549.”
2 pp.
Modern copy of the preceding.
327. John Mardeley.
1549. A declaration of the power of God's Word concerning the Holy Supper of the Lord, confuting all liars and false teachers which maintain their masking Mass invented against the Word of God, and the King's Majesty's most holy proceedings. Compiled by John Mardeley, clerk of the King's Mint, called Suffolk House. A.D. 1548. Dedicated to the Duke of Somerset, Protector.
57 pp.
[At the end :—] A complaint against the stiff-necked, by the same author.
Begins, “Alas I Lament the Dull abused brayne.”
Ends, “To preserve this truth drowned so pytuously.”
328. The Borders.
1549. Expenses upon the borders of Scotland, 34 Henry VIII. to 3 Edward VI.
329. Tax on Cloth.
[1549.] A warrant, signed by King Edward and the Lord Protector, for the remission of an impost of 8d. in the pound on every piece of cloth.
1 p.
330. Stafford Family.
[1549 ?]. Document endorsed, “Titlings of offices taken out of the Checker,” relating chiefly to the Stafford family.
Latin. 9 pp.
331. “Mr. Webbe's Book.”
[1549 ?]. “Notes taken out of the Receipt among the Assizes.” 3 Edw. VI. Staffordshire [1½ pp.], with one page of notes “out of Mr. Webbe's book.”
[1549 ?]. Further memoranda from Mr. Webbe's book [?] of a nature similar to the following.
Latin. 7½ pp.
[1549 ?]. Names of persons in different counties at whose deaths inquisitions were taken, from the reign of Henry III. to Henry VIII.
Headed : “This book was taken out of Mr. Webbe's book, the copy whereof Mr. Stokesley of the Chancery hath.”
Latin. 25 pp.
332. Topographical.
[1549 ?]. Alphabetical list of castles and manors.
Latin. 20 pp.
[1549 ?]. Alphabetical list of cities and towns.
28½ pp.
333. Sermon.
[1549.] Sermon on the parables, Luke, ch. xviii. [? By Bishop Bonner.]
Noted :—“My Lord” the preacher read a bill of the news of the suppression of the rebellion in Devonshire, Cornwall, and Norfolk, which the King and Council had sent him the day before, desiring him to read it publicly. [Cf. State Papers, Domestic, Edw. VI., 1549, Aug.]
25½ pp.